Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania, USGenWeb

1870 Scranton City Directory



OAKES Daniel B.) & CO., Elisha Phinney,) Props. Scranton Steam Flour Mills, Penn ave., opp.

                D. Mfg. Co’s Works, h. Wyoming ave., bet. Vine and Mulberry.

Oakes Peter, laborer, h. Petersburgh.

Oakford Frances C. Mrs., h. 318 Jefferson ave.

Oakford Layton S., clerk, 430 Lacka. ave., b. 318 Madison ave.

Oakley Charles, miner, D. Mine, h. H. P.

Oakley George, jr., roller, rolling Mill, h. N. Front.

Oatley Henry, h. Oak, n. Orchard, P.

Oatley Willie, b. Oak, n. Orchard, P.

Ober Joseph, stoves, 321 Penn ave., h. do.

Oberdorfer John, mason, h. n. end. Main, H. P.

Obley Lawrence, laborer, h. Petersburgh.

OBoyle Anthony, b. Soldiers’ Hill, H. P.

OBoyle Anthhony, h. River, n. Pittston ave.

OBoyle Anthony, laborer, N. Mine, h. Shanty Hill.

OBoyle Anthony laborer, N. Mine, h. Shanty Hill.

OBoyle Anthony, laborer, O. Mine, h. Orchard, H . P.

OBoyle Bridget Mrs., h. 3d, n. 5th ave., Bellevue.

O’Boyle Frank, tinsmith, 126 Penn ave., b. Main, P.

O’Boyle James, moulder, D. L.& W., h. at Peters’h.

O’Boyle James, V. S. Shaft, P., h. Wintons Hill.

O’Boyle Manes, miner, V., S. Mine, h. P.

O’Boyle James, miner, N. Mine, h. Shanty Hill.

O’Boyle James, h. River, n. Pittston ave.

O’Boyle James, h. River, n. Pittston ave.

O’Boyle John, laborer, Dodge Mine, h. Belelvue.

O’Boyle John, Rolling Mill, h. Alley, n. Orchard.

O’Boyle John, h. River, n. Pittston ave., S. Hill.

O’Boyle John, L. C. Mine, h. Bloom’s Patch, P.

O’Boyle John, miner, N. Mine, h. Shanty Hill.

O’Boyle John, peddler, h. Soldiers Hill, H. P.

O’Boyle John  J., b. Com’l alley, n. Franklin ave.

O’Boyle Marcus, miner, N. Mine, h. Minooka.

O’Boyle Michael, grocer and undertaker, Wash. ave., n. River, h. do., S. F.

O’Boyle Michael, laborer, h. Soldiers Hill, H. P.

O’Boyle Patrick, blacksmith’s helper, Cliff Works.

O’Boyle Patrick, Jr., Dodge Mine, h. Bellevue, H. P.

O’Boyle Patrick, laborer, Dodge Mine, h. Bellevue.

O’Boyle Patrick, laborer, D. Mine, h. Diamond Flats.

O’Boyle Patrick , miner, N. Mine, h. Shanty Hill.

O’Boyle Thomas, h.l 5th ave., c. Coldiers Hill, H. P.

O’Boyle Thomas, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Hemlock.

O’Brien Daniel, h. at Minooka.

O’Brien Dennis, b. Scranton ave., n. Chestnut, H. P.

O’Brien James, heater, Rolling Mill, h. Petersburgh.

O’Brien John, D. L. & W. car shop, h. Wash. ave.

O’Brien John, laborer, Dodge Mine, bds. Bellevue.

O’Brien John, laborer, h. r. 414 Wah. Ave.,, S. F.

O’Brien Martin, repairer, Car Shop, h. Meridian, n. O. Dump, H. P.

O’Brien Mary mrs., confectionary, Lacka. ave., n. Wyoing, h. do., H. P.

O’Brien Michael, M. P. Mine, h. Lacka. ave., H. P.

O’Brien Michael, 2d ass’t pastor, St. Vincent Church, h. Wyoming, h. do. H. P.

O’Brien R., boilermaker, Dickson Mfg. Co., h. Franklin ave.

O’Brien Richard, h. Mifflin ave., cor. alley.

O’Brien Terrence, miner, No. 5, h. Moosic.

O’Brien Thomas, shoemaker, n. H. P. Mine, h. do., H. P.

Och Charels, saloon, 305 Penn ave., h. do.

O’Connor Edward, D. L & W., Fellows, H. P.

O’Connor James, D. L. & W., h. R. R. street, H. P.

O’Connor James, h. Jackson, n. Wyoming, H. P.

O’Connor John, ticket agent, D. L. & W. R. R., passenger station, Lacka. Valley Hotel.

O’Connor Margaret Mrs., h. Hampton, n. Bellevue Crossing, H. P.

O’Connor Patrick, porter, D. L. & W., pass’ger station.

O’Connor Thomas, h. r. R. R. ave., n. R. R., H. P.

O’Donnell Anthony, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. River.

O’Donnell Anthony, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.

O’Donnell Anthony P., Brick, cor. Oak, h. do., P.

O’Donnell Dominick, miner, N. Mine, h. Minooka.

O’Donnell Hugh, helper, Machinie Shop, D. L. & W.

O’Donnell James, h. off Brook, r. Dickson Mfg. Co.

O’Donnell James, hleper, b. Soldiers’ Hill, H. P.

O’Donnell James, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.

O’Donnell John, grocer, opp. P. B. Mine, h. do., S. B.

O’Donnell John, miner, N. Mine, h. Minooka.

O’Donnell John, saloon, Pine, cor. Brick, h. do., P.

O’Donnell James, rolling Mill, h. Stone.

O’Donnell Mary Mrs., h. Horse Car, n. Wyoming, H. P.

O’Donnell Michael, fireman, D. L. & W.

O’Donnell Michael, b. 6th ave., be. 9th, H. P.

O’Donnell Patrick, O. Mine, h. R. R. ave., H. P.

O’Donnell Patrick, V. S. Shaft, P., h. Winton’s Hill, P.

O’Donnell Peter, miner, V. S. Mine, h. P.

O’Donell Wm., boot and shoe maker, Franklin, n. Chestnut, H. P., h. Chestnut, n. Troy, H. P.

Oertel Rinehart, repairer, D. L. & W., h. Slocum Flats.

Offut Mggie, tailoress, 127 Penn ave., bds. do.

Ofner Amalia Mrs., bds. 107 Wyoming ave.

O’Grady Daniel, O. Mine, h. Jackson, H. P.

O’Grady John, blacksmith, Spruce, cor. Wyoming ave., will mov, bis to alley, r. Penn ave.,

                Bap. Ch., h. Middle.

O’Hara Anthony, laborer, O. Mine, h. Cork town, H. P.

O’Hara Anthony, miner, V. S. Mine, h. P.

O’Hara Bridget, bds. fifth ave., n. Secone, Dodgetown.

O’Hara Bryan, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Moosic.

O’Hara John, carpenter,  h. off of Market, n. D. & H. Co., R.

O’Hara John, fireman, h. Main, n. Capouse Bridge, P.

O’Hara John, grocer, Scranton ave., n. Chestnut, h. do., H. P.

O’Hara John, Prov. Foundry, h. Main, n. do. P.

O’Hara Patrick, laborer, h. Penn ave., n. New, P. B.

O’Hara Michael, laborer, Cliff Works.

O’Hara Michael, laborer, Round House, D. L. & W.

O’Hara Michael C., laborer, D. Mine, H. P.

O’Hara Michael J., heater, Rolling Mill, h. Moosic.

O’Hara Thomas, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Hemlock.

O’Hara William, Bishop of Scranton, h. Wyoming ave., n. Linden.

O’Hara Patrick, mason, h. 3d, Bellevue, H. P.

O’Horo Patrick H., laborer, h. 210 Lacka. ave.

O’Kane Cornelius, laborer, P. b. Mine, h. P. B.

O’Kane John, tailor, basement, 330 Lacka. ave.

O’Kell George, heater, Rolling Mill, h. N. Front, n. Dodge.

O’Kell J. R., machinist, D. Mfg. Co., b. N. Front, n. Dodge.

Oldham John S., boiler-maker, h. 411 Franklin ave.

Oldsome John, D. Mfg. Co., h. Franklin ave.

Ohlson John, laborer, b. n. H. P. Mine, H. P.

Oliver James, miner, D. L. & W., h. Patagonia, H. P.

Oliver Henry, laborer, h. Park Hill, H. P.

Oliver Horace G., moulder, Prov. Foundry, h. r. Hand, Coston & Co’s manufactory, P.

Oliver Peter, laborer, D. L. & W., h. 6th ave., H. P.

Olle Richard, tinsmith, D. L. & W., machine shop.

Olmstead Richard W., clerk, h. 205 Wyoming ave.

O’Malia Edward, h. Carbon, n. Mineral, S. B.

O’Malia James, D. Mfg. Co.,, h. Jackson, H. P.

O’Malia James, Machine Shop, D. L. & W.

O’Malia Owen, D. L. & W. car shop, h. Belelvue.

O’Malia Patrick, laborer, Cliff Wokrs.

O’Malia Patrick, L. C. Mine, h. Bloom’s Patch, P.

O’Malia Thomas, laborer, D. Mine, h. Diamond Flats.

O’Malley Catherine Mrs., h. Wash. ave., n. River, S. F.

O’Malley Charles, blacksmith, h. Washington ave., n. River, S. F.

O’Malley Edward, grocer, 5th ave., c. 2d dodgetown, h. do.

O’Malley John, salesman, 514 Lacka ave., b. do.

O’Malley Peter G., packer, 416 Lacka. ave., h. opp. Scranton Stove Works, H. P.

O’Malley Michael J., salesman, 416 Lacka. ave., , h. opp. Scranton Stove Works, H. P.

O’Malley Thomas, Adams Ex. Co., b. 7th Ward.

O’Malley Thomas, D. L. & W. car shop, h. River,

O’Mally Terence, laborer, B. Mine, h. 9th Ward.

O’Meara Michael, grocer, Franklin, next to Cath. Ch., h. do., H. P.

O’Neil Isabella Mrs., saloon, Wash. ave., n. River, S. F.

O’Neil John, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.

O’Neil Patrick, Foundry, D. L. & W., h. Scranton Flats.

O’Neil Patrick, laborer, b. 419 Penn ave.

Oourswald Henry, h. foot Meridian, n. 6th ave., h. P.

Ousterout Charles, teamster, b. 6th ave., n. Main, H. P.

Opper Conrad, D. L. & W., car shop, h. Cedar, n. Willow.

Oram Fernando W., farmer, b. n. D. Mine, H. P.

Oram Mary J. Mrs., milliner, &c., Main, h. Jackson, cor. Madison ave., H. P.

Oram  Sidney G., farmer, h. Main, n. D. Mine, H. P.

Oram W., moulder, h. Madison ave., c. Jackson, H. P.

Orchard Frank, printer, b. 216 Adams ave.

Orchard Luther, jeweler, b. 216  Adams ave.

Orchard John P., 511 Lacka. ave., h. 216 Adams ave.

Orchard Luther, watchmaker, b. 216 Adams ave.

Ormsbee John, Machine Shop, D. L. & W.

Orne Aaron, laborer, h. Soldiers’ Hill, H. P.

Ornels John, miner, No. 5, h. Hickory.

O’Rourk John, laborer, P. B. Mine, h. S. B.

O’Rourk Peter, Machinist Shop, d. L. & W.

Orr Brothers, Matthew & Luke), dry goods, retail, 306 Lacka. ave.

Orr David, clerk, b. 208 Lacka. ave.

Orr John, repairer, D. L. & W., h. Diamond Flats.

Orr John, tailor, h. New, n. the R. R., P. B.

Orr Josph, clerk, b. 206 Lacka ave.,

Orr Luke Orr Brothers) 306 Lacka. ave., b. Wyoming House.

Orr Martin, saloon, Scranton, n. Park Place, h. do.

Orr Matthew, Orr Bros.,) 306 Lacka. ave., h. Spruce.

Orr Patrick W., carpenter, Soldiers’ Hill, H. P.

Orr T. W., carpenter, Cliff Works.

Orzall C., wax figure mfy., alley, r. Penn ave., n. D. Mfg. Co., h. do.

Osborne Emanuel, roller, Rolling Mill, h. s. Front.

Osborne J. J., carpenter, D. Mfg. Co.

Osborne Thomas, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Prospect.

O’Shannon Julius, engineer, Blast Furnace, h. Moosic.

Osland G. W., machinist, D. L. .& W.

Osland Richard, laborer, No. 5, h. South Front.

Osland Richard Jr., machinist, h. Wyoming, n. Lacka. ave., H. P.

Osner George, bar-tender, Kiefer’s House, b. do.

Osterhout James W., clerk, b. Market, cor. Brick, P.

Osterhout Milo D., S. Osterhout & Bro.,) Market, n. Main, P., h. Market, P.

Osterhout Silas & Bro., (Milo D.,) dry goods and groceries, Market, n. Main, P., h. do.

O’Thomas William, laborer, L. C. Mine, h. Market, P.

Otinger Frederick, shoemaker, h. 222 Lacka. ave.

Ott George, laborer, D. L. & W., h. Pittston ave.

Otzel William, carpenter, h. Petersburgh.

Owen F., teamster, h. Prospect, n. Jackson, H. P.

Owen Ira G., photographer, 224 Lacka. ave., b. Forest House.

Owen James L., teamster, h. farther end of & n. Washburn, H. P.

Owen John R., carpenter, h. North end H. P. ave., H. P.

Owen Minerva J. Miss, 224 Lacka. ave., b. Forest House.

Owens Noah A., agent, h. Jackson, n. Main, H. P.

Owens Charels, miner, V. S. Mine, h. P.

Owens Daniel, laborer, h. Jackson, cor. Fillmore, H. P.

Owens David, laborer, O. Mine, h. Patagonia, H. P.

Owens David M., h. Main, n. Scratnon ave., H. P.

Owens F. J., tel. Operator, D. L. & W., pass. Station.

Owens George, miner, V. S. Mine, h. P.

Owens John, confectionery & toys, L. & S. R. R. Depot, h. Franklin ave.

Owens John, miner, V. S. Mine, h. P.

Owens John, miner, L. C. Mine, h. Brick, P.

Owens John M., miner, L. C. Mine, h. Brick, P.

Owens Jlewis, miner, D. L. & W., H. P. Mine, h. H. P.

Owens Madison B., saloon, Com’l alley, h. do.

Owens Mary Miss, clerk, 322 Lacka. ave., b. Main, H. P.

Owens Owen, miner, V. S. Mine, h. P.

Owens Roger, laborer, D. L. & W. mach. shop.

Owens Thomas, carpenter, b. r. 22 Lacka. ave.

Owens William, shoemaker, Market, cor. Brick, h. P.

Owens William, fireman, D. L. & W.

Owens William, horse-shoe-nail maker, Main, n. Wash., h. do.

Owens William, Cont. Mine, h. Boon Hill, n. H. P.

Owens William, miner, L. C. Mine, h. P.

Surname Directory
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I,J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P,Q] [R] [S] [T,U] [V] [W] [Y,Z] 

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