GABE LAWRENCE, tailor, cleaning & repairing, 199 Lacka. ave., h. do.
Gable Jacob, shoemaker, h. Prospect, n. Jackson, H. P.
Gabriel Evan, laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Gaff John, laborer, Rolling Mill, b. N. Front, n. Dodge.
Gaffney Andrew, laborer, B. Mine, h. River, H. P.
Gaffnehy Barnard, laborer, L. C. Mine, h. at the Notch, P.
Gaffney Bartlett, laborer, Rolling Mill, b. Hemlock.
Gaffney Bartlett, M. P. Mine, h. Boon Hill, H. P.
Gaffney Bridget Mrs., h. Lacka ave., cor. Chestnut, H. P.
Gaffney Hugh, laborer, b. Troy, n. Chestnut, H. P.
Gaffney John, helper, C. Mine, h. n. Clarke’s Works, P.
Gaffney Margaret Mrs., h. Diamond Flats.
Gaffney Patrick, laborer, Mt. P. Mine, b. McCann’s Patch, H. P.
Gagelhollf Gerhardt, clothing, h. 401 Penn ave.
Gaherty Patrick, h. R. R. ave., Soldiers’ Hill, H. P.
Gahigan Patrick, h. McCann’s Patch, H. P.
Gahigan Philip, laborer, B. Mine, h. Bellevue.
Gainer Anthony, Rolling Mill, h. Pittston ave.
Gainor William, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Stone.
Galatt Philip, miner, No. 5, h. Hickory.
Gallagher Anthony, laborer, P. B. Mine, h. S. B.
Gallagher Charles, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. 5 Pearl.
Gallagher Francis, laborer, D. Mine, h. Lacka. ave., n. the Bridge, H. P.
Gallagher James, laborer, b. S. Hampton, H. P.
Gallagher James H., clerk, Carbon, cor. Brook.
Gallagher James J., laborer, H. Mine, b. 6th ave., H. P.
Gallagher John D. Mine, h. Hampton Patch, H. P.
Gallagher John, laborer, H. Mine, h. Sixth ave., H. P.
Gallagher John, laborer, h. Sixth ave., H. P.
Gallagher John, laborer, Mt. Pl. Mine, h. McCann’s Patch, H. P.
Gallagher John, mason, Blast Furnace, h. Railroad ave., H. P.
Gallagher Michael, alderman, Diamond Flats, h. do.
Gallagher Micahel, laborer, B. Mine, h. Twelfth, H. P.
Gallagher Micahel, laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Gallagher Michael, laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Gallagher Michael, O. Mine, h. r. R. St., H. P.
Gallagher Michael, miner, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Gallagherminer, bds. Lacka. ave., n. the Bridge, H. P.
Gallagher Owen, brakeman, b. 206 Lacka. ave.
Gallagher Patrick, porter, 412 Lacka. ave., h. Dodgetown.
Gallagher Patrick, laborer, h. R. R. ave., Soldiers Hill, H. P.
Gallagher Patrick, laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Gallagher Patrick, ticket boss, D. Mine, h. D. Flats.
Gallagher Patrick, laborer, D. Mine.
Gallagher Patick, miner, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Gallagher Patrick, miner, B. Mine, h. Park Hill, H. P.
Gallagher Patrick, miner, B. Mine, h. S. Hampton.
Gallagher Patrick, roller, New Rolling Mill, h. S. Front.
Gallagher P. G. laborer, C. Mine, St. Mary, H. P.
Gallagher Peter, laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Gallagher Peter, miner, h. Hampton Patch, H. P.
Gallagher Richard, laborer, h. R. R. ave., n. Scranton ave., H. P.
Gallagher Timothy, h. r. 307 Linden.
Galland Eugene, clerk, bds. 231 Penn ave.
Galland Jacob, dry goods, 317 Lacka. ave., and 231 Penn ave., and 264 Centre, Pottsville, h. 231 Penn ave.
Galligan John, laborer, G. R. Mine, h. S. B.
Galloway James, D. L. & W. R. R. machine shop.
Galloway James G., tinsmith, h. r. P.O.
Galvin Michael, h. Capouse Village, P.
Games David, miner, L. C. Mine, h. H. P.
Gammon James, Mt. P. Mine, h. Park Hill, H. P.
Gammon William, miner, Mt. P. Mine, h. H. P.
Gangelhoff Gerhard) & Schneider (Joseph), mer. tailors, 207 Lacka. ave., h. Penn ave., cor. Mulberry.
Ganghar Richard, h. n. 6th ave., Belelvue.
Ganigan Stephen, fireman, D. L. & W. R. R.
Gannon Edward, miner, Dodge Mine, h. Bellevue.
Gannon Elizabeth, Mrs., h. Stone, Shanty Hill.
Gannon James, miner, B. Mine, h. Belelvue.
Gannon James, miner, Dodge Mine, h. Bellevue.
Gannon John, laborer, Green Wood Mine, h. at M.
Gannon John, saloon, at Minooka, h. do.
Gannon John, tracklayer, h.M.
Gannon Michael, h. Fifth, n. Fifth ave., Bellevue.
Gannon Thomas, miner, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Gannett James, miner, Central Mine, H. P.
Gans Nicholas, moulder, D. L. & W. R. R., h. Cedar.
Garber Philip, hairdresser, John Wahl, b. Linden.
Gardiner Lines, lightning rods, h. First, n. the Bridge, H. P.
Gardiner Abbott R., Garlock & Gardner) 326 Lacka. ave., bds. 328 do.
Gardner James, puddler, New Rolling Mill.
Gardner James K., coal dealer, h. Willow, n. Cedar.
Gardner John N., pr’pl. Gardner’s Business College, 502 & 504 Lacka. ave., h. r. Sixth, n.
Lacka. ave., Fourth Ward.
Gardner Newland M., plumber, b. Main, n. Market, P.
Gardner Washington, farmer, h. Main n. D. L. & W. R. R., P.
Garhockty mary Mrs., h. at Bellevue, n. B. Mine, H. P.
Garland Edward P., ins. agt., Main, n. Prov. Foundry, h. do., P.
Garland Frank, labore, D. M ine, h. P.
Garlits Philip, laborer, h. Petersburgh.
Garlits William, helper, bds. Petersburgh.
Garlock William H.) & Gardner, (Abbott R.) wholesale shirt manuf’s and dealers in hats, caps and gents
Furnishing goods, 326 Lacka. ave., bds. 328 do.
Garney James W.) Trip George B.) & Co., (William H. H. Tripp,) tobacconists & cigar mfg’s.,
302 Lacka ave., h. Adams ave., cor. Vine.
Garrigan Stephen, fireman, h. 24 Lacka. ave.
Garrison John M., carpenter, h. Chestnut n. Franklin, H. P.
Garrity Bryan, laborer, Car Shop, h. Stone.
Garrity Bryon, miner, n. Mine, h. at. M.
Garrity Catherine Mrs., h. Wyoming, n. Jackson, H. P.
Garrity Edward, laborer, h. Wyoming, n. Jackson, H. P.
Garrity John, miner, B. Mine, D. L. & W. h. Bellevue.
Garrigy Michael, labore, B. Mine, h. Bellevue, H. P.
Garrity Michael, laborer, L. C. Mine, h. n. V. S. Mine.
Garrity Thomas, laborer, H. P. Mine, H. P.
Garry Michael, heater, Rolling Mill, h. Stone.
Garvey Michael, laborer, D. L. & R. R. bds. Rail Road, H. P.
Garvin Antone, laborer, h. Henlock, Shanty Hill.
Garvin Austin, laborer, C. Mine, h. Bloon’s Patch, P
Garvin Patrick, laborer, C. Mine, h. Bloom’s P’tch, P.
Garwood James S., Sup’t., h. 210 Lackawanna ave.
Garwood James S., tel. repairer, h. Wyoming, n. Lackawanna ave., H. P.
Garwood John, tel. operator, bds. 312 Linden.
Garwood Susan, Mrs., milliner, 210 Lacka. ave., h. do.
Gates William, carpenter, h. off of Market, beyond D. & H. C. Co’s r. R., P.
Gaughan John, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Beach.
Gaughan John, laborer, D. Mfg. Co.
Gaughan John, puddler, New Rolling Mill, h. Orchard.
Gurghan Maggie, milliner, 222 Lacka. ave., bds. Hyde Park.
Gaughan Martin, h. Wyoming, n. Jackson, H. P.
Gaughan Michael, D. Mine.
Gaughan Patrick, laborer, D. Mfg. Co.
Gaughan Richard, laborer, B. Mine, h. 12th Ward.
Gaul Catharine Mrs., h 10th, H. P.
Gaven Michael, mine, C. Shaft, h. Bloom’s Patch, P.
Gavigan James, liquors, 420 Franklin ave., h. do.
Gavigan James W., D. Mfg. Co., h. 5th ave., H. P.
Gavigan Patrick, balcksmith, D Mfg. Co., h. Linden.
Gavigan Thomas, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. 3 dodge.
Gavin Patrick, blacksmith, b. 308 Linden.
Gavin stephen, Car Shop, h. stone.
Gavins Edward, laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Gavynne Edwaqrd, miner, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Gayheart Anthony, miner, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Gaynor Dennis, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Pittston ave.
Gaynor Patrick, dispatcher, h. Luches alley, H. P.
Gaynor Ptrick, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Hemlock.
Gaynor Patrick, saloon, Hemlock, n. Stone, h. do.
Gearhart D. H., laborer, L. C. Mine, h. Main, P.
Gearhart Wesley H., Campbell & Gearhart,) 46 Lacka. ave., h. head of Wyoming ave.
Gearins Jacob, heater, Rolling Mill, h. beyond Pearl, n. the Petersburgh Road.
Gearins Peter, labore, Rolling Mill, h. beyond Pearl, n. the Petersburgh Road.
Geas John,, segar maker, b. St. Charles Hotel.
Geas William, segar maker, b. St. Charles Hotel.
Gebig Philip, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Vale.
Geddes William E., pattern-maker, h. Main, n. Church, P.
Gehling John, hairdresser, Market, n. Main, P., h. William, n. Orchard, P.
Gehling Leonard, hairdresser, b. Wolliam, n. Orchard.
Gehn Conrad, laborer, Rolling Mill, bds. Wash. ave.
Gehn Isaac,’t., Pittston ave., n. River, h. do.
Gehn Konrad, machinist, D. L. & W. R. R. car shop.
Gehrer, Louis, boot-maker, Scranton ave., n. Tenth, h. do., H. P.
Geitz Henry, laborer, B. Mine, h. Jackson, cor. H. P. ave., H. P.
Geitz Margaret Mrs., h. Jackson, cor. H. P. ave., Hyde Park.
Gell John, laborer, L. C. Mine, h. Main, P.
Gemback Sebastin, Ddoge Mine, h. park Hill, H. P.
Genter John, machininst, D. mfg. Co., h. 228 Adams ave.
George Edwin, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.
George John, laborer, O. Mine, h. Park Hill, H. P.
Gerlic William, helper, G. R. Mine, bds. at Ptersbgh.
Germyn Evan, miner, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Gerrard John B., conductor, D. L. & W. R. R., h. Mifflin ave., n. Mulberry.
Gerside William, miner, P. B. Mine, h. P. B.
Gesford Charles, C. Mine, h. Hampton Patch, H. P.
Gesford Roger, miner, h. Coursen Patch, H. P.
Gesford William, miner, h. Coursen Patch, H. P.
Gesler John, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Gesler Martin, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. Dunmore.
Gesher Jacob, painter, Market, n. Orchard, h. do., P.
Gesner Jacob Jr., finisher, h. Orchard, n. Market, P.
Getts Perry, driver, Co’s store, h. Main, n. city limits, H. P.
Getz Frederick, laborere, Blast Furnace, h. River.
Getz Levi, farmer, h. Road to Petersburgh.
Gibbons John, miner, Mt. P. Mine, h. Washington, H. P.
Gibbons Patrick, laborer, Mt. P. Mine, h. McCann’s Patch, H. P.
Gibbons Patrick, saloon, Cedar, n. Maple.
Gibbons Thomas, laborer, D. Mfg. Co.
Gibbons Thomas, laborer, Mt. P. Mine, h. Washington, H. P.
Gibbons Thomas, sawyer, h. al., n. River, Shanty Hill.
Gibbs Alfred, carpenter, Car Shop, h. r. Cliff Works.
Gibbs Edward, laborer, D. L. & W. machine shop.
Gibbs John W., physician, Main n. Washburn, h. do. H. P.
Gibbs John W.., physician, Main, n. Market, h. do., P.
Gibbs Patrick, new rolling Mill, h. Hemlock.
Gibbs Wm. W., physician, Main, n. Market, h. do.
Gibson John, grocer, Prospect, n. Orchard, h. do.
Gidwell Henry, engineer, Rolling Mill, h. Pittston ave.,
Giff John, Blast Furnace.
Gilbert E. M., brakeman, D. & H. C. Co., h. G. R.
Gilboy Michael, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Orchard.
Gilboy Peter, miner, D. Mine, h. H, P.
Gilboy Thomas, puddler, at new rolling Mill, h. Orchard.
Gilbride James, miner, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Gilchrist Peter, baggage master, h. Wyoming, n. Lacka. ave., H. P.
Chigallon Charles, miner, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Gilgallon John, carpenter, Cliff Works.
Gilgallon Patrick H., clerk, 131 Penn ave., b. do.
Gilgallon Thomas, h. Chestnut, n. Washington, H. P.
Gilgallon Thomas, miner, B. Mine, h. Bellevue.
Gilgallon Thoms, moulder, Dickson Mfg. Co’s Foundry, b. 315 Penn ave.
Gilholl James, tinsmith, 514 Lacka. ave., b.
Gilhool Timothy, carriage manuf., 33 lacka. ave., b. foot Troy, H. P.
Gill Henry, Mt. P. Mine, h. McCann’s Patch, H. P.
Gill John, machinist, Cliff Works.
Gilland patrick, laborer, Diamond Mine.
Gillaran Patrick, laborer, h. r. High Schoo.
Gilleren Michael, brick maker, h. New, at the R. R., Pine Brook.
Gilleren Michael, laborer, h. New., n. Penn ave., P. B.
Gilles Roger, miner, H. P. Mine, h. H. P.
Gillespie Anthony, filler, Blast Furnace, h. Orchard.
Gillespie Anthony, helpre, C. Shop, h. Washington ave.
Gillespie Brothers, John B. & James W.,) grocers, Main, opp. Bristol House, P.
Gillespie Dominick, L. C. Mine, Bloom’s Patch, P.
Gillespie, James W., Gillespie Bro’s.) Main, opp. Bristol House, P., h. Main, n. Church, P.
Gillespie John, laborer, Co’s Foundry, Shanty Hill.
Gillespie John B., Gillespie Bro’s.), Main, opp. Bristol House, P., b. Oak, opp. Prospect, P.
Gillespie Joseph, h. Oak, opp, Prospect, P.
Gillespie Thomas, filler, Blast Furnace, h. Orchard.
Gillespie -----, machinist, h. Main, n. church, P.
Gillgom Dennis, roller, Rolling Mill, h. Stone.
Gilligan D., laborer, D. Mine, h. Sand Bank.
Gilligan, James, fireman, h. Laca.ave.
Gilligan Owen, laborer, D. L. & W. , h. Washington, n. Main, H. P.
Gilliland Robert, shoemaker, h. Market, n. Bloom’s Patch, P.
Gilmartin D. K., puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Hemlock.
Gilmartin John, puddler, New Rolling Mill, h. River.
Gilmartin John, Car Depot, D. L. & W., h. River.
Gilmartin Owen, laborer, h. Carbon, n. the R. R.
Gilmartin Owen, laborer, G. R. Mine, h. P. B.
Gilmore Augustus G. & Co., Wm. Connell & Isaac F. Megargel,) wholesale grocers, 206 Lacka. ave.,
and Gilmore & Co., (Wm. Connell & Alexander Connell,) country store at Minooka, h. Vine,
c. Jeff. ave.
Gilmore Hugh, repairer, Car Shop, h. 4th ave., Dodgetown.
Gilmore Thomas, helper, Blast Furnace, h. River.
Gilroy John, laobere, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Gilroy John, h. Railroad ave., n. 5th ave., H. P.
Gilroy John, miner, B. Mine, h. Bellevue Flats.
Gilroy Michael, laborer, Dickson Mfg. Co’s Yark.
Gilroy Thomas, teamster, D. Mine, h. Diamond Flats.
Ginader Frederick, hairdresser, Main, n. Jackson, h. do., H. P.
Girpster Sebastian, laborer, h. 325 Lacka. ave.
Gisner Albert, painter, h. River, n. V. S. Slope, P.
Gisner George, painter, h. River, n. V. S. Slope, P.
Gosmer Jacob. painter, 509 Lacka. ave., h. Main, P.
Gisner William W., h. Market, beyond D. & H. C. R. R., P.
Giveney George, plumber, bds. 201 Wyoming ave.
Givlin Michael, wholsale liquor dealer, 131 Penn ave., h. do.
Glaab Michael, saloon, Railroad ave., n. Scranton ave., h. do., H. P.
Glacy Patrick, driver, h. Railroad ave., Bellevue.
Glancy Michael, miner, D. L. & W. , h. Hampton Patch, H. P.
Glancy Michael, miner, D. L. h Hampton Patch, H. P.
Glarvin Mary Mrs., h. R. R. ave., Bellevue.
Gleason Benjamin G., Moore & Gleason), G. R., n. P. B. h. 408 Madison ave.
Gleason Thomas, D. L. & W., h. Boon Hill, Hyde Park.
Gleason Thomas, D. L. & W., h. Boon Hill, H. P.
Gleason Timothy, miner, h. S. Hampton, H. P.
Glenn Thomas D., moulder, Prov. Foundry, h. River, on the Flats, P.
Glogherty James, laborer, B. Mine, h. Front Bellevue.
Goble Albert, engineer, D. L. & W., h. 30 Lacka. ave.
Goble Martin, laborer, Round House, D. L. & W.
Godfrey Amzi, gen’l bookkeeper, Second national Bank, b. Vine, bet. Wash. & Adams ave.
Godfrey Jospeh, h. Vine, bet. Wash, & Adams ave.
Godner Francis, mason h. Alder, n. Cedar.
Godshall Alfred, h. Chestnut, n. Franklin, H. P.
Godshall Reuben, contractor, h. Mulberry, bet. Penn & Wyoming aves.
Godwin James, laborer, D. L. & W. machine shop.
Godwin John, grocer, 409 Wash. ave., h. do. S. F.
Godwin John, mason, h. Stone, Shanty Hill.
Godwin Patrick, repairer, Car Shop, h. Wash. ave.
Goehrs William, carpenter, h. 324 Penn ave.
Goff Frank E. Mrs., h. n. Main, Prov. Foundry, P.
Goff James W., h. Main, n. Prov. Foundry, P.
Goher John, laborer, Blast Furnace, h. Hemlock.
Golden Andrew, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Stone.
Golden John, miner, dodge Mine, Bellevue.
Golden John, laborer, h. at the Notch, P.
Golden Joseph, scythe maker, h. Capouse road, beyond Capouse village, P.
Golden Martin, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Orchard.
Golden Martin, L. C. Mine, h. Bloom’s Patch, P.
Golden Martin, laborer, D. Mine, h. P.
Golden Patrick, laborer, B. Mine, h. Cross H. P.
Goldsmith Bros. Myers & Morris), boots and shoes, 304 lacka.
Goldsmith Meyer, Goldsmith Bros.), 304 Lacka ave., h. 301 Franklin ave.
Goldsmith Solomon Davis & Goldsmith,) 215 Penn ave., h. r. Penn ave., bet. Linden & Mulberry.
Gollagher Anthony, laborer, L. C. Mine Co., h. at the Notch, P.
Gollagher John, laborer, L. C. Mine, h. Notch, P.
Gollagher Patrick, laborer, bds. n. H. P. Mine, H. P.
Gollager Patrick, ticket boss, V. G. Shaft, P., h. Brick, Winton’s Hill.
Gollagher Ptrick, miner, B. Mine, h. Jackson, H. P.
Gollagher Peter, laborer, h. Scranton ave., n. Chestnut, H. P.
Gollagher Timothy, laborer, Mt. P. Mine, h. Park Hill, H. P.
Goodman Nathan G., dry goods, 221 Lacka. ave. h. opp. 210 Franklin ave.
Goodrich Clark, h. Madison ave., n. Jackson, Hyde Park.
Goodrich George, clerk, bds. Main, n. Market, P.
Goodwin Preston C., pattern-maker, Cliff Wokrs, h. Vine, bet. Wash. and Wyoming ave.s
Gordon Catharine Mrs., gorcer, Carbon, cor. Brook, h. do., S. B.
Gordon Edward, laborer, V.S. Mine, h. P.
Gordon James, mason, Blast Furnace, h. S. B.
Gordon John, laborer, D. Mine.
Gordon Martin, helper, Cliff Works.
Gordon Michael, Carbon, cor. Brook, bds. do., S. B.
Gordon Michael, moulder, Foundry, D. L. & W., h. river, cor, Pittston ave.
Gordon Sylvester, bds. Franklin, n. Main, H. P.
GordonThomas, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Gordon Thomas, miner, D. Mine, h. S. B.
Gordon, Wm. H.,) Brock, (Wm.) & Co., (James Deacon) blacksmith, carriage, and screen manfs.,
Lacka. ave., at the Bridge, H. P. h. Madison ave., n. Jackson, H. P.
Gordon-----, heater, rolling Mill, h. River.
Gore Thomas, miner, O. Mine, h. Patagonia, H. P.
Gore William, miner, O. Mine, h. Patagonia, H. P.
Gorman Joseph, h. Prospect, n. Jackson, H. P.
Gorman Walter,dry goods and groceries, 127 Penn ave., h. 129 do.
Gorsline Nancy M. Mrs., h. Main, cor. Wash., H. P.
Goss Almena W. Mrs., h. 220 Lacka. ave.
Goss Theodore M., segar maker, at 302 Lacka ave., b. 220 do.
Gosshaart Isaac, roller, Rolling Mill, h. Madison ave.
Gottherd Edmund, labore, Rollin Mill, b. Pittston ave.
Gould Alfred R., carriage painter, b. H. P. Hotel
Gould Anthony, carriage painter, b. Eagle Hotel.
Grady Ann E. Mill, dressmaker, Mineral, r. P. B. Mine, h. do. S. B.
Grady Bridget Mrs., grocer, 115 Penn ave., h. r. do.
Grady Daniel, h. Jackson, n. Chestnut, H. P.
Grady Frank, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Hemlock.
Grady G. D. helper, Machine Shop, D. L. & W.
Grady George, h. Jackson, n. Chestnut, H. P.
Grady George, labore, O. Mine., h. River, H. .
Grady James, miner, L. C. Mine, h. Market, P.
Grady John, Sen., b. Mineral, r. P. B. Mine.
Grady John, blacksmith, h. Mineral, r. P. B. Mine.
Grady John traveling agent, h. in alley, r. Penn ave., bet. Spruce and Linden.
Grady Martin, saloon, r. R. ave., n. 5th ave., h. do. H. P.
Grady Michael, clerk, 115 Penn ave., h. rear P. O.
Grady Ptrick, mason, h. Jackson, Barnersville, H. P.
Grady Thomas, labore, No. 5, h. Beaver.
Graferer John, cabinet maker, h. Alder, n. Pittston ave.
Graham John, miner, B. Mine, h. Bellevue, H. P.
Graham Orson, carpenter, h. Market, n. Back road, beyond d. & H. C. Co’s r. R., P.
Graham Patrick, laborer, h. Meridan, n. 6th ave., H. P.
Graham Patrick, h. Wyoming, n. Lacka. ave., H. P.
Graham Thomas, laborer, O. Mine, h. R. R. st., H. P.
Grambs George, cigar maker, tobacconist and saloon, 507 Lacka ave., h. do.
Grampp Andrew, tailor, h. Willow, n. Cedar.
Grant Hezekiah K., S. Grant & Co.,) Wyoming ave., cor. Gibson, P. B. , bds. Wyoming House.
Grant James C., livery stable, Spruce, bet. Wyoming & Wash. ave., h. Wyoming ave., cor. Mulberry.
Granger Joseph, saloon, R. R. ave., h. do., Bellevue.
Grant Sanford, & Co., R. Hartwell Atkinson & Hezekiah K. Grant,) Props. Colliery, Wyoming ave.,
cor. Gibson, P. B., h. Wyoming ave., cor. Mulberry.
Grant Thomas, laborer, D. Mine, h. Diamond Flats.
Graory George, laborer, h. Petersburgh.
Grattan James, clerk, 313 Lacka. ave., b. H. P.
Grattan Michael, machinist, D. Mfg. Co., bds., Penn ave., below Vine.
Grattan William, machinist, overseer, D. L. & W., bds Mulberry, bet. Penn ave., & Wyoming ave.
Grawze Geroge, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Cedar.
Gray Michael, laborer, L. Central Mine, h. P.
Greaber George, saloon, Main, n. Jackson, h. do. H. P.
Greaver Charles, tinsmith, 126 Penn ave., h. Seventh, n. Lackaa ave., H. P.
Greeley John, laborer, Central Mine. H. P.
Greeley Patrick, laborer, h. Soldiers Hill, H. P.
Greeling Henry H., segar maker, at 302 Lacka. ave., b. Adams ave., cor. Vine.
Greene Annie Miss, h. r. Penn ave., n. D. Mfg. Co.
Greene Douglass N., book-keeper, D. & H. C. Co., h. Mulberry, bet. Adams ave. & Wash. ave.
Green Howell, machinist, h. alley, r. Penn ave., bet. Spruce & Linden.
Green John, moulder, Prov. Fdry., h. Main, n. do., P.
Green John, puddler, New Rolling Mill.
Green John, saloon, Main, n. City Line, h. do., P.
Green John D., bookkeeper, H. O. Silkman, b. William, n. Orchard, P.
Green M, wholesale liquor dealer, 428 Lacka. ave., h. do.
Green Merritt J. Mrs., h. Penn ave., opp. Phelps, P. B.
Green Samuel, carpenter, bds. Mulberry bet. Penn ave. and Wyoming ave.
Green S., saloon, Main, n. Scranton ave., h. do. H. P.
Green Thomas, moulder, b. opp. Scranton Stove, Works, H. P.
Greener Frank, shoe and bootmaker, 417 Penn ave., h. r. Penn ave., n. D. Mfg. Co.
Greenwalt Simon, sashmaker, b. Main, n. Market, P.
Greenwood Isaac B., carpenter, h. 413 Washington ave., Scranton Flats.
Greenwook Thomas, blacksmith, D. Mfg. Co., h. r. 419 Franklin ave., Vine.
Greer Patrick, shoemaker, Main, cor. Market, P. B.
Gregg Charles, hackdriver, b. Wyoming ave., cor. Spruce.
Gregory James, boot and shoemaker, 406 Lacka. ave., bds. Lacka. ave.
Gregory John W.), fruit dealer, 102 Penn ave., and Gregory & Snover (Thaniel C.), tobacconists,
301 Lacka. ave., b. Lacka. Valley House.
Gregory Nathan C., clerk, Penn ave., cor. Lacka ave., h. on the alley, bet. Spruce, Llinden, Penn ave.
and Franklin ave.
Greiner John, helper, New Rolling Mill, h. n. do.
Grensline James, fireman, D. L & W.
Gress Samuel, blacksmith, h. Jackson, c. Madison ave., H. P.
Greveiaerts Francis, tailor, 203 Mulberry, n. Franklin ave., h. do.
Grey Geo. H., piano tuner, 116 Penn ave., b. Lacka. Valley House.
Grier Jacob, miner, Mt. P. Mine, h. Deckers al., H. P.
Grieser Joseph) & Co., John Klein), furniture dealers, 506 Lacka ave., h. Alder, n. Cedar.
Griffin Aaron, wood agent, D. L. Y W., h. 218 Frankllin ave.
Griffing Anthony, laborer, D. Mine.
Griffin Gurier, overseer, h. Jefferson ave., c. Jackson H. P.
Griffin Charles, carpenter, C. Mine, h. Bloom’s Patch, P..
Griffin Daniel, carpenter, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Griffin Durlin, laborer, h. Bridk, n. Market, P.
Griffin Edward, farmer, h. Main, n. the city line, P.
Griffin Elisha, master of bridges, D. L. & W., h. n. Park Place, P.
Griffin Elizabeth Mrs., h. n. Park Place, P.
Griffin Geo., Supt. L. C. Mine, h . Market, n. Orchard, P.
Griffin Geo., keeper toll gate, & (Robinson & Griffin), h. at the Notch, P.
Griffin Henry, farmer, h. Back Road, n. Cont. Shaft, H. P.
Griffin James C., h. n. Park Place, P.
Griffin John, laborer, N. Mine, h. Minooka.
Griffin John, teamster, h . Back Road, cor. Market, G. R.
Griffin Leander L. grocer and carriage manufacturere. Lacka. ave., at the Bridge, h. do., H. P.
Griffin Levi, carpenter, Market, n. Brick, h. do., P.
Griffin Melinda Mrs., h. Main, n. Park place, P.
Griffin Michael, laborer, Car Shop, h. Wash. ave.
Griffin Michael, laborer, h. 7th, n. Lcka. Ave., H. P.
Griffin Ritner, carpenter, Main, n. Church’s Hotel, h. do. P.
Griffin Silas, carpenter, C. Mine, h. at the Notch, P.
Griffin Thomas, farmer, h. Capouse Village, P.
Griffin Thomas, h. Main, n. Park Place, P.
Griffin Webb, carpenter, h. Main, beyond Prov. Foundry, P.
Griffith Benjamin, miner, H. P. Mine, H. P.
Griffith David B., miner, V. S. Mine, bds. Market, n. Orchard, P.
Griffith John, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Griffith John, miner, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Griffith John D., laborer, H. P. Mine, h. Washburn, H. P.
Griffith John r., miner, N. Mine, h. mInooka.
Griffith Michael, laborer, D. L. & W. R. R. machine shop.
Griffith Reese W., miner, O. Mine. h. Jackson, H. P.
Griffith Richard, miner, N. Mine, h. Minooka.
Griffith Thomas, boilermaker, h. 214 Lacka. ave.
Griffith Thomas, laborer, V. S., h. P.
Griffith Thomas, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. dodge, opp. D. L & W. R. R.
Griffiths David B., coal inspectory, D. & H. C. Co., h. n. V. S. Slope, on th Flats, P.
Griffiths Evan, laborer, O. Mine, h. Patagonia, H. P.
Griffiths Henry, laborer, H. Mine, h. Boon Hill, H. P.
Griffiths Isaac, miner, D. L. & W. R R. Co., h. Patagonia, H. P.
Griffiths Isaac, miner, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., h. Patagoinia, H. P.
Griffiths James, miner, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Griffiths John, miner, No. 5, h. H. P.
Griffiths John, miner, D. L & W. R. R., h. Main, n. Patagonia, H. P.
Griffiths John, laborer, C. Mine, bds. Boon Hill, H. P.
Griffiths Jonathan, miner, D. Mine, h. Patagonia, H. P.
Griffiths Lewis, miner, Dodge Mine, h. Patagonia, H. P.
Griffiths Seth, miner, D. Mine, h. Providence.
Griffiths Thomas, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Dodge, n. N. Front.
Griffiths Thomas, mason, h. Wyoming, n. Lacka. ave., H. P.
Griffiths Thomas, miner, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Griffiths Thomas, laborer, L. C. Creek Mine, h. Oak, P.
Griffiths Thomas H., helper, Machine Shop D. L. & W.
Griffiths Thomas W., boiler tender, rollling Mill,, n. N. Front.
Griffiths William R., miner, P. B. Mine, h. H. P.
Grill Christian, helper, Car Shop, h. Pittston ave.
Grime John, machinist, Car Shop, b. 516 Lacka. ave.
Grimes Bartlett, helper, Rolling Mill, b. Wash. ave.
Grimes Roger, miner, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Grimes Dennis, miner, D. Mine, h. Diamond Flats.
Grimes Jacob, heater, Rolling Mill, h. Vine.
Grimes Roger, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Hickory.
Grimes Thomas, laborer, B. Mine, h. R. R. ave., n. 5th ave., H. P.
Griner Andrew, b. H. P. ave., n.Washburn, H. P.
Grize Valentine, laborer, G. R. Mine, h. P. B.
Grodcki Maxamillan, cigar maker, 5th ave., n. 2d, h. do., Dodgetown, H. P.
Grogan Owen, miner, D. Mine, Diamond Flats.
Grogan Thaoms, D. Mine, h. Diamond Flats.
Gromway David, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Gromway Thomas, miner, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Grose William, h. Wyoming, n. Lacka. ave., H. P.
Grosvenor, Charles, h. in alley, r. 218 Penn ave.
Grous Christian, laborer, P. B. Mine, h. Gibson.
Grover Thomas, laborer, B. Mine, h. Eynon, H. P.
Grow George, carpenter, h. Wash. ave., n.Remington ave.
Gruhn Christopher, painter, D. L & W. Car Shop, h. Willow, n. Cedar.
Grush James, laborer, h. h. r. ave., n. Scranton, H. P.
Gruslin Edward, railroader, b. Jackson, n. the Cemetery, H. P.
Guberg Philip, rougher, Rolling Mill, h. Vale.
Guerland John, laborer, H. P. Min, H. P.
Guinn William,tinsmith, 126 Penn ave., b. Lacka. ave.
Gulick Furman P., physician, Main, n. Jackson, b. Hermans House, H. P.
Gundlosch Peter, miner, D. Mine, d. L. & W., h. P. B.
Gunester, Edward, saloon, 323 Penn ave., h. do.
Gunster Frederick W., (Ward & Gunster), 499 Lacka. ave., h. 305 Penna ve.
Gunster Henry, carpenter, h. 300 Adams ave.
Gunster John, student, b. 305 Penn ave.
Gunster Joseph H.. Director Merchants & Mechanics’ Bank, 420 Lacka ave., h. 400 Jefferson ave.
Gunster, Peter), Hull, John L.), & Parker, (Edwin R.), furniture, 213 & 215 Lacka. ave., h. Jefferson
ave., Fair Haven.
Gunster P. Francis, student, 205 Penn ave., b. 305 do.
Guntlar John, laborer, h. Cedar, n. Willow.
Gurl James, moulder, Dickson Mfg. Co.
Gurl John, h. r. R. ave., n. 6th ave., Bellevue.
Gurl Martin, laborer, Dickson Mfg. Co
Gurl Martin, laborer, Cliff Works.
Gurl Patrick, machinist, Clliff Works
Gurrell James, moulder, h. Penn ave., n. Gibson, P. B.
Gurrell Martin, machinist, h. Wyoming, n. Lacka. ave., H. P.
Gurry Patrick, laborer, D. Mine, h. Diamond Flats.
Guthridge C. H. clerk, b. St. Charles Hote.
Guthridge Jacob M., clerk, b. St. Charles Hotel.
Guyer Philip, teamster, h. r. Penn ave., bet. Spruce & Linden.
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