a General Directory of the Citizens;
A Record of the City Government, Institutions
Societies and Corporations
And a
Published by
23 Liberty St, New York and Providence, R.I.
BLAKE & Co., 322 Lackawanna Ave.
Price $3.00
DISCLAIMER: I typed it as is. There are, I feel, a lot of mistakes, but to protect the integrity of the original, I made no corrections. While there may be mistakes (I am sure there are), what may appear to be a mistake is the way it appeared. I did not type or reference the ads. There were many, but the names are all in the text. Thomas Price
After many weeks of constant and wary labor, in sunshine an in stormy weather, this volume is presented for your criticism, inspection, and approval.Coming among you as perfect strangers, we introduce ourselves to you through this medium, and hope the impression made will be favorable, and the acquaintance mutually agreeable and profitable.To publish a directory of our city successfully, requires an amount of perseverance and “stick-to-ativeness” that we flatter ourselves our corps possess.We were told, previous to our commencement, that a directory would not pay, owing to the unconsolidated condition of the city, reaching as it does for miles on either hand; that one was wanted by the citizens, but the experience of other publishers was unfavorable to a successful issue of such a work.
As we have a mania for doing things which have never been done, and to attempt things which others have tried unsuccessfully to do, we made no exception to our rule and have successfully demonstrated that a Directory of Scranton can be published. We feel proud to say so: to know that “our corps” has done it.
In the work will be found contractions and abbreviations that were necessary to make, in order that the most information possible could be crowded into the smallest space, and that too in a manner perfectly intelligible to the public.To illustrate this, S. F. stands for Scranton Flats; S. H. for Shanty Hill, B. for Bellevue., etc, etc.
To make a Directory, which will include everybody, is just as easy to make one that will please everybody; probably the second would be as successful as the first.
A Directory is one of those beneficent institutions which everybody abuses and most people seem to regard as a spontaneous production, which naturally comes around with the season, like green peas and strawberries, People do not drop into baker shops and say “Please give me a loaf of bread, nor into the grocers and ask for a pound of butter, and walk out without offering to pay, as they do when they rush into anybody’s office or store, and say, “I’ll look at your Directory.”
Our pages are illustrated with the cards of the wide awake business men of your city, who invite you to trade with them—an evidence of their enterprise which should be recognized and respected.Our thanks are due to the Editors of the Republican, Democrat,Journal, and Wochenblatt, for valuable notices of encouragement and endorsement; to the officers of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R. Co.; Lackawanna Coal & Iron Co.; Delaware, Hudson & Canal c.; and Dickson Manufacturing Co., for repeated and continued favors, without which it would have been impossible to make as correct a Directory as we have, and to the citizens generally for the attention and politeness shown “the corps.”
Having toiled earnestly and faithfully, conscious of having done our duty, hoping that the Directory will be received favorable, and its usefulness felt generally, we confidently launch this volume on the sea of public favor.A new Directory will be published in 1872.
Very respectfully,
Adams ave., from 523 Lacka. ave., northeasterly to Marion ave., Dunmore
Adams ave., (H. P.) from Prospect, bet. Washington and Jackson, northwesterly to City limits.
Alder, form the River, southeasterly across Crown, to the City limits.
Anthom, form the L. & S. R. R., southwesterly across Roaring Brook, to the D. L. & W. R. R.
Ash, from Monsey ave., n. Poplar, southeasterly to City limits.
Bank, from Jefferson ave., to Madison ave., r. of Ridge Row.
Beach, from the River, Slocum’s Flats, southeasterly across Crown, to City limits.
Birch, from Water, n. the River, southeasterly across Crown, to City limits.
Brick, (sometimes called Hickory,) from High, northerly across Oak, to William,
Brook, from River, n. Stafford Meadow Brook, southeasterly across Crown, to City limits.
Brown alley, from Main, bet. Troy and Lacka. ave., to Chestnut, H. P.
Carbon, (H. P.) from Lacka. ave., below Seventh, southeasterly to Hill and Fellows Breaker.
Cedar, (sometimes called Ward,) from foot of Adams ave., southwesterly to Minooka, to City limits.
Central alley, (H. P.,) from Main, n. S. Hampton, southeasterly to Meridian.
Cherry, from the River, southeasterly across Crown, to City limits.
Chestnut, (H. P.,) from Scranton ave., bel. Tenth, northeasterly to Elm.
Church, (Prov.) from Market, southwesterly across Oak.
Clay ave., from Linden, ab. Quincy ave., northeasterly to Maple.
Cliff, from 2 Lacka. ave., southwesterly to the L. & S. R. R.
Cliff, nor New, from Penn ave., n. Gibson, across Wash. ave.
Commercial alley, from Oak, southerly across Mifflin ave., Penn ave., to Wyoming ave.
Cross, (Petersburgh,) from Dunmore line, southwesterly across Ash.
Crown, from the Roaring Brook, n. No. 5 Slope, southwesterly to City limits.
Decker’s alley, (sometimes called Swetlands,) from Wash. northerly across North, to the fields, H. P.
Dodge, from N. Front, westerly across D. L. & W.
Eighth, (H. P.,) from Meridian, bel. Ninth, southwesterly to Fellows.
Eighth, (G. R.,) from Marion, at the Dunmore line, northeasterly across Green Ridge ave.
Eleventh, (G. R.,) from Marion, at the Dunmore line, northeasterly across Green Ridge ave.
Elm, from River, Slocum’s Flats, southeasterly across Crown, to City limits.
Elm, (H. P.,) from Scranton ave., bet. Chestnut, northeasterly to old Borough line.
Eynon, from the L. & B. r. R., n. the Bellevue line, west crossing Main, to the Central Mine.
Fellows, (H. P.) from Main, n. Sixth ave., southeasterly to Third, Dodgetown.
Fifth, (H. P.,) from Railroad Street Junction, Sixth ave. to Fourth ave.
Fifth (G. R.,) from Marion, at the Dunmore Line, northeasterly across Green Ridge ave.
Fifth ave., (H. P.,) from Main, n. the Welsh Church, southeasterly across L. & B. R. R., to Lacka. ave.
Fig, from Remington ave., n. Cherry, southeasterly across crown, to City limits.
Filmore, ave., (H. P.,) from Washburn, northeasterly to Washington.
First, (H. P.,) from the Bridge foot of Fifth ave., to the River.
First, (G. R.) from the River, northeasterly across Green ridge ave.
Front, from Lacka. ave., to Jackson, H. P.
Fourth, (H. P.,) from Fellows, n’heast’ly to Fourth ave.
Fourth, (G. R.,) from Marion, at the Dunmore Line, northeasterly across Green Ridge ave.
Fourth ave., (H. P.,) from Meridian, n. L. & B. R. R., southeasterly to Lackawanna River.
Franklin ave., from 193 Lackawanna ave., northwesterly to vine.
Gibson, from Penn ave., G. R., southeasterly across Prescott ave., to City limits.
Graded School, from Orchard, easterly, P.
Green’s Alley, from Penn ave., westerly, P. B.
Green Ridge ave., runs east and west from Main, Providence to Dunmore Village.
Hampton, from near Central Mine, H. P., south.
Hemlock, from Pittston ave., southeasterly across Crown, to City limits.
Hickory, from Wyoming ave., easterly S. F.
Hickory, (Prov.,) from n. the V. Storch Shaft, notheasterly across High, to City limits.
Hickory, from L. & S. R. R., southeasterly to City limits.
Hickory, from Roaring Brook, n. Alder, southeasterly across Crown, to City limits.
High, (Prov.,) from Summit northwesterly, to City limits.
Horse Car st., from Wyoming to Jackson, H. P.
Hyde Park ave., (H. P.,) first bel Sweetland, running southwesterly across Washburn.
Irving ave., from Linden av. Jackson ave., notheasterly across Ash, to the Dunmore line.
Jackson (H. P.,) from Wyoming junc. Scranton ave., northwesterly to City limits.
Jackson ave., from Linden ab. Webster ave., northeasterly across Ash, to the Dunmore line.
Jefferson ave., (H. P.,) from Washington, bel. Filmore ave., southwesterly across Washburn.
Jefferson ave., Ridge Row, at L. I & C. Co’s store, northeasterly to Marion ave., Dunmore.
Lackawanna ave., from Ridge Row, n. Jefferson ave., northwesterly across city, to Main, n.
Washburn, H. P.
Lincoln ave., (H. P.,) from Washburn, northeasterly to Washington.
Linden, from Mifflin, southeasterly across Monroe ave. to City limits.
Luces Alley, from Hyde Park ave., east to Main, H. P.
Madison ave., (H. P.,) from Washington, southwesterly across Washburn.
Madison ave., from Linden, cor. Bank. Northeast to across Maple.
Main, (H. P.,) from beyond Luzerne Road, northeasterly to old Borough line.
Main, (Prov.,) from Main st., Hyde Park, northeasterly to the Carbondale road.
Maple, from River, Slocum’s Flats, southeasterly across Crown, to City limits.
Market, (Prov.,) from the River, northwesterly crossing Main, to City limits.
McCann’s Patch, bounded by Troy and Main, H. P.
Meridian, (H. P.,) from Bellevue line, n. L. & B. R. R., northerly to Ninth.
Mifflin ave., from 101 Lackawanna ave., northwesterly, to Vine.
Mineral, from Carbon, n. Pine Brook, northeasterly to the Dump.
Monroe ave., from Ridge Row, beyond Madison ave., northeasterly across Maple.
Monreo ave., (H. P.,) from the Welsh Cemetery northeasterly to Washington.
Moosic, from S. Front, southeasterly across Crown, to City limits.
Mulberry, from Mifflin ave., southeasterly across Crown, to City limits.
New, from Penn ave., easterly, Pine Brook.
Ninth, (H. P.,) from Scranton ave., junct. Meridian, southwesterly to Bellevue line.
Ninth (G. R.,) from Marion, at the Dunmore line, northeasterly across Green Ridge ave.,
North, from Main, west across Hyde Park ave., and to Hyde Park.
N. Front, from Ridge Row, southerly to Dodge.
Oak, from Pres. Church, westerly to Bloom’s Patch, P.
Olive, from Penn ave., opp. Carbon, southeasterly across Prescott ave. to City limits.
Orchard, (Prov.,) between Hickory and Summit, crossing Market below Hickory.
Orchard, from Pittston ave., n. Hemlock, southeasterly to City limits.
Palm, from Remington ave., n. Fig., southeasterly across Pittston ave., to Ctiy limits.
Parker, from Main, easterly, P.
Pearl, from the D. L. & W. R. R., opp. L. I. & C. Co’s Rolling Mil, westerly to the Petersburgh
Penn ave., from 301 Lackawanna ave., northeasterly to Capouse ave. junction Prov. Road.
Phelps, from Penn ave., across D. L. & W R. R. and Washington ave.
Pine, from Orchard, westerly to Brick, P.
Pittston ave., from foot of S. Front, southwesterly across Fig to Palm.
Prescott ave., from Linden, above Irving ave., northeasterly across Ash to the Dunmore line.
Prospect , (H. P.,) from Washington ave., n. junc. Sweetland, southwesterly to Washburn.
Prospect, from the Roaring Brook, n. the Rolling Mill, southwesterly to City limits.
Prospect, from Oak, southerly, P.
Quincy ave., from Linden, ab. Monroe ave., northeasterly to Maple.
Railroad, (H. P.,)from Bellevue line, bel. L. & B. R. R., northerly to 7th, East of L. & B. R. R.
Rebecca ave., (H. P.,) from Washington, bel. Jefferson ave., southwesterly across Washburn.
Remington ave., from Willow, n. the River, southwesterly to the City limits.
Ridge St., (Petersburgh,) from Dunmore line, bel. Prescott ave., southwesterly across Ash.
Ridge row, from Lackawanna ave., cor. Jefferson ave., southeasterly across Monroe ave.
River, from Cedar, southeasterly across Crown, to City limits.
River, from Market at the Bridge, southerly, P.
Scranton ave.,(H. P.,) from Main, n. Jackson, easterly across 7th to the River.
Second, (H. P.,) from 5th ave., to the River.
Second (G. R.) from Marion, at the Dunmore line, northeasterly across Green Ridge ave.
Seventh (G. R.) from Marion, at Dunmore line, across Green Ridge ave., northeasterly.
Seventh, (H. P.,) from Sweetland ave., across Lackawanna ave., to Fellows.
Silex, from Mineral, r. Pine Brook Mine, northwesterly to L. & S. R. R.
Sixth, (G. R.), from Marion, at the Dunmore line, northeasterly across Green Ridge ave.
Sixth (H. P.), from Sixth ave., bel. Seventh, to the Bellevue line.
Sixth ave., (H. P.), from Luzerne road, southwesterly across Main to Third, Dodgetown.
Slocum’s Alley, Slocum’s Hill, 11th Ward.
S. Eynon, (H. P.), from Main, n. Bellevue line, southeasterly to Meridian.
South Front, from foot of Pittston ave., southeasterly parallel with Roaring Brook.
S. Hampton, (H. P.), from Main, n. Fellows, southeasterly to Meridian.
Spruce, from Mifflin ave., southeasterly to Jefferson ave., junction Bank.
Stone, from the Roaring Brook, opp. Rolling Mill, southwesterly to City limits.
Summit, (Prov.) from foot of High, northwesterly to Oak.
Sweetland (H. P.,) from Washington, n. junc. Prospect, northeasterly across Sweetland ave.
Sweetland ave., (H. P.), from Main, southeasterly, n. Hill and Fellow’s breaker.
Tenth, (G. R.), from Marion, at the Dunmore line, northeasterly across Green Ridge ave.
Tenth (H. P.), from Scranton ave., below Main, southwesterly to Fellows.
Third (H. P.), from Bellevue line, northeasterly to Fifth ave.
Third (G. R.,) from Marion, at the Dunmore line, northeasterly across Green Ridge ave.
Troy, from Main, east across Chestnut to the R. R., Hyde Park.
Vale, from the Roaring Brook, n. No. 5 Slope, southwesterly to City limits.
Vine, from Mifflin ave., junction Franklin ave., southeasterly across Monroe ave., to City limits.
Washburn (H. P.), from Main, n. the Welsh M. E. Church, northwesterly beyond Welsh Cemetery.
Washington (H. P.), from Chestnut, n. Lackawanna ave., northwesterly to City limits.
Washington ave., from Elm, below Water, northeasterly across Lackawanna ave., at 501 to Marion ave.,
Webster ave., from Linden, ab. Clay ave., to Poplar.
William (Prov.), from Hickory, n. Market, southeasterly to Orchard.
Willow, from the River across Roaring Brook, southeasterly to City limits.
Wyoming, (H. P.,) from Scranton ave., bel. Ninth, northeasterly to old Borough line.
Wyoming ave., from 329 Lacka., northeasterly to Marion ave., junction 11th Dunmore.
Co-operative Hall, Main, bet. Jackson and Franklin, H. P.
Court House Building, 517 & 519, Lacka. ave.
Exchange Block, 421 to 427 Lackawanna ave.
Fellow’s Block, Main, cor., Jackson, H. P.
Fellow’s Hall, Main, cor. Scranton ave., H. P.
Germania Hall, 205 Lacka. ave.
Lafayette Hall, 380 Lacka. ave.
Masonic Hall, 332 Lacka. ave.
Opera House, Lacka. ave., n. Wash. ave.
PANOOKA HALL, Mulley & Fitch, Proprs., Main, cor. Market, P.
Phoenix Hall, Main, opp. Scranton ave., H. P.
Post Office, 111 Penn ave., cor Commercial
H. P., Scranton, cor. Main.
Prov., Main, opp. Market.
Termperance Hall, 410 Lacka. ave.
Washington Hall, Lacka. ave., cor. Penn ave.
Ab., above; Adv., advertisement; Agt., agent; Al., alley; Asst., assistant; Ave., avenue; B or bds., boards;
Bel., below; Bet., between; C. or cor., corner; Com., commission; Co., company; Ct., court; Dept., department; D. & H. C. Co., Deleware & Hudson Canal Company; D. L. & W. R. R. Co.., Dellaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad; Do., ditto; E., east; ex., express; Ft., foot; G. R., Green Ridge; H. P., Hyde Park; H., house; Ins., insurance; La., lane; L. & B. R., Lackawanna & Bloomsburg Railroad; L. & S. R. R., Lehigh & Susquehannah Railroad; M., Minooka; Mer., merchant; Mfg., manufacturing; N., near; N., north; Opp., opposite; Pa., Philadlephia; Pres., president; Prop., proprietor; P. or Prov., Providence; R., rear; R. R., Railroad;SW., South; St., street; Supt., superintendent; Sq., square; Treas., treasurer; W., West
B. Mine, Bellevue Mine; C. Mine, Cayuga Mine; Cont. Mine, Continental Mine; D. mfg. Co., Dickson Manufacturing Company; D. Mine, Diamond Mine; G. R. Mine, Green Ridge Mine; H. Mine, Hamp;ton Mine; H. P. Mine, Hyde Park Mine; L. C. MineLeggitt’s Creek Mine; Lack’a ave., Lackawanna Avenue.; Mt. P. Mine, Mount Pleasant Mine; N. Mine, National Mine; O. Mine, Oxford Mine; P. B. Mine, Pine Brook Mine; P. B., Pine Brook; S. B., Sand Bank; Wash ave., Washington Avenur
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