Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania, USGenWeb

1870 Scranton City Directory



BABB HENRY, repaire, D. LO. & W. R. R. car shop, h. Scranton Flats

Babcock Gurdon, carpenter, h. Sixth, n. Lackawanna ave., Hyde Park.

Bachlagal Catherine Mrs., h. Cedar, n. Willow.

Bachman Herman, mason, h. Adams ave., n. Monroe ave., Hyde Park.

Bachman John, carpenter, b. 206 Lackawan na ave.,

Back Frederick J. bootmaker, Penn ave., cor. Commercial alley, h. 423 Adams ave.,

Back James, bootmaker, h. 423 Adams ave.,

Back John S. painter, b. 423 Adams ave.

Backus Jacobb, moulder, b. Keystone House, Hyde Park.

Backus Peter, boilermaker, machine, D. L. & W. R. R. Co.

Backus Peter, moulder, b. Washington, n. Main, Hyde Park.

Bacon James, engineer, D. L. & W. R. R.

Bacon Lewis W., ale dealer, h. Sixth, n. Lackawanna ave., Hyde Park.

Baenart John, b. off of Washington ave., n. the brick yard.

Baggart Thomas, machinist, h. r. Meridian, on the R. R., Hyde Park.

Baggoc Thoms, laborer, D. L & W. R. R. machine shop.

Bagley Frank, foreman, b. Jackson, cor. Prospectg, Hyde Park.

Bagley H. C. carpenter, D. L & W. R. R. car shop, h. Tenth, Hyde Park.

Bagley Horaqce, carpenter, h. Chestnut, n. Franklin, Hyde Park.

Bagley Patrick, laborer, Bellevue Mine, h. Fourth, Hyde Park.

Bailey Christian, carpenter, h. Chestnut, n. Franklin, Hyde Park.

Bailey Emanuel, blacksmith’s helper, Cliff Works.

Bailey John, miller, b. Lackawanna ave., n. the Bridge, Hyde Park.

Bailey Thomas, laborer, National Mine, h. Minooka.

Bailey William, laborer, National Mine, h. Minooka.

Bailies Andrew, b. Jackson, cor. Chestnur, Hyde Park.

Bailies, William, mason, b. Jackson, cor. Chestnut, Hyde Park.

Bain David E. Tinsmith, h. 325 Penn ave.,

Bainbridge Samuel G., clerk, D. & H. C. Co., Franklin ave., ft. Vine.

Bains John, laborer, h. Fifth ave., cor. R. R. ave., Soldiers’ Hill, Hyde Park.

Bainter Silas A., produce commission merchant, 334 Lackawanna ave., bds. 309 Penn ave.,

Baird David, moulder, b. r. 113 Adams ave.

Baird James, machinist, D. L. & W. R. R. Co’s shop.

Baird James, machinish, h. r. 113 Adams ave.

Baird James W., saloon, Commercial alley, h. do.

Baird Joseph, machinist, D. L. & W. R. R. Co’s shop, h. Mulberry, n. Adams ave.

Baker Charles, laborer, h. Hyde Park ave., n. North, Hyde Park.

Baker Charles, helper, Diamond Mine, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., h. H. P.

Baker John, helper, Machine Shop, D. L & W. R. R. Co.

Baker William, mason, b. r. 22 Lackawanna ave.

Baker William, wines and liquors, wholesale, Main n. Franklin Hyde Park, h. Prospect, n. North

                Hyde Park.

Baldin E. F,, laborer, D. & H. C. Co. R. R., h. Sixth, P.

Baldwin Albert J., carpenter, h. Seventh, n. Lackawanna ave., H. P.

Baldwin Edward, boiler maker, Machine Shop, D. L. & W. R. R. Co.,

Baldwin Edward, swithcman, D. & H. C. Co’s. R. R., b. Sixth, n. Green Ridge depot, G. R.

Baldwin Henry, h. R. R. ave., N. Sixgth ave., H. P.

Ball George, puddler, Rolling Mill, L. I. & C. Co., h. Moosic.

Ballis Jacob, blacksmith, D. L. & W. R. R. car shop, h. Alder Eleventh Ward.

Bambach Jacob, laborer, h. William, cor. John, Petersburgh.

Bambach Jacob Jr., laborer, bds. William cor. John, Pettersburgh.

Bamford Thomas, miner, Legitt’s Creek Mine, D. & H. C. Co., h. Brick, P.

Bandenbush Jesse, repairer, D. L & W. R. R. car shop, h. alley bet. Washington ave. and Wyoming ave.

Bandenbush William J., repairer, D. L. & W. R. R. car shop, h. alley bet. Washingtos ave., and Wyoming


Bandley Joseph, carpenter, Cliff Works.

Baner America Co., proprietors Baner America, 416 Lackawanna ave.,

Bank John, butcher, h. William n. John, Petersburgh.

Banning Charles, fireman, h. Scranton ave., n. L. & B. R. R., H. P.

Bannon James, laborer, h. Phelps, n. R. R., Pine Brook.

Bannon Margaret Mrs., h. Phelps, n. D. H. C. Co’s R. R., Pine Brook.

Barber Geo. F., carpenter, h. Jackson, n. Prospect, Hyde Park.

Barber Lucius S. carpenter, h. Franklin, n. Chestnut, Hyde Park.

Bareiss John, laborer, h. Cedar n. Hickory.

Barents Gabriel, agent, 220 Lackawanna ave., h. 315 do.

Barents Simon (Freeman, Barents & Co.,) 220 Lackawanna ave., h. at N. Y.

Bargee George, laborer, Oxford Mine, h. Main, H. P.

Baring Thomas, fireman, D. L. & W. R. R.

Barker L. S., carpenter, D. L & W. R. R. car shop, h. Franklin, H. P.

Barker Samuel G. scale manufacturer, 6 Cliff, h. 320 Madison ave., bet Linden & Mulberry.

Barlow John, track overseer, h. 204 Mulberry.

Barlow Patrick, laborer, h. Wyoming. N. Jackson. Hyde Park.

Barlow William, machinist, D. L. & W. R. R., bds. 516 Lackawanna ave.

Barow W. K. machinist, D. L. & W. R. R. Co’s shop.

Barnard Thomas, miner, Park Mines, Hyde Park.

Barnard William, shoemaker, Alder. N. Cedar, h. do., Eleventh Ward.

Barnes Elijah R. lumber, h. 114 Adams ave.

Barnes Frank, bds. 304 Franklin ave., n. Linden.

Barnes George, engineer, bds. 405 Franklin ave., n. Mulberry.

Barnes Geo. S., teamster, h. Hyde Park ave., n. Jackson, Hyde Park.

Barnes James, conductor, D. L. & W. R. R., b. off of Lackawanna ave. on L & B. R. R. swith, H. P.

Barnes Julia F. Mrs., h. 304 Franklin ave., n. Linden.

Barnes Margaret A. Mrs., h. Jackson cor. Hyde Park ave., Hyde Park.

Barnes Nathaniel D. stone yard and lumber, Jackson, n. the Cemetery, h. do., Hyde Park.

Barnes Thomas, carpenter, bds. 405 Franklin ave., n. Mulberry.

Barnes Thomas, clerk, b. 114 Adams ave.

Barnes tregto, carpenter, b. Hyde Park ave., cor. Jackson, Hyde Park.

Barney Eda Mrs., h. Market, beyond D. & H. C. Co’s. R. R., P.

Barney Frank, b. Market, beyond D. & H. C. Co’s R. R., P.

Barney William, conductor, Hyde Park st. car., b. Jackson. N. Main, Hyde Park.

Barney Wm H. conductor Hyde Park street car, b. Market. Beyond D. & H. C. Co’s R. R., P.

Barnum R. S.,civil engineer, b. 206 Lackawanna ave.,

Barrawman Willia, engineer, Diamond Mine, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., h. H. P.

Barr Alexander, machinist, D. L. & W. R. R., car shop, h. Hyde Park ave., H. P.

Barrens Nicholas, laborer, Legitt’s Creek Mine, D. & H. C. Co., h. at the Notch, P.

Barrett Anthony, helper, L. I & C. Co’s blast furnace, h. Birch.

Barrett Anthony, miner, National Mine, S. & W.  V. C. Co., h. Minooka.

Barrett Bridget, widow, h. off Brook, n. Carbon.

Barrett Charles, laborer, Legitt’s Creek Mine, D. & H. C. Co., h. P.

Barrett John, filler, L. I. & C. Co’s blast furnace, h. Birch.

Barrett John, laborer, National Mine, S. & W. V. C. Co., h. Minooka.

Barrett John, miner, Diamond Mine, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., h. Sand Bank.

Barrett John, Painter, h. 24 Lackawanna ave.,

Barrett John R., clerk, Moyles, Murray & Co., b. Washington , n. Main, H. P., Sixth Ward.

Barrett Michael, laborer, Legitt’s Creek Mine, D. & H. C. Co., h. n. Legitt’s Creek Mine, P.

Barrett Michael, laborer, L. I & C. Co’s Blast furnace, h. –rospect.

Barrett Nancy Mrs., h. Hemlock, Shanty Hill.

Barrett Owen, h. Carbon, n. Pine Brook Mine, Sandy Bank.

Barrett Patrick, laborer, Bellevue Mine, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., h. S. Hampton, Park Hill, H. P.

Barrett Patrick B., puddler, L. I. & C. Co’s new rolling mill. H. river.

Barrett Peter, laborer, D. L. & W. R. R. machine shop.

Barrett William, laborer, Legitt’s Creek Mine, D. & H> C. Co., h. Bloom’s Patch

Barrey David, shoemaker, h. Pittston ave., n. River, Shanty Hill.

Barron John, carpenter, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., h. Washburn, Hyde Park.

Barrow Sampson, laborer, Cayuga Shaft, P., h. at Providence.

Barrow Thomas, miner, D. L. & W. R. R., h. Patagonia, Hyde Park.

Barrowman, Alexander, carpenter Main, n. Washington, h. do., Hyde Park.

Barrowman Mary Mrs., h. Main, n. Washington, Hyde Park.

Barrowman Thomas, photographer, b. Main, n. Washington, Hyde Park.

Barrowman William, engineer, h. Main, n. Washington, Hyde Park.

Bartholomew Benjamin, blacksmith, h. Willow, n. Cedar.

Bartholomew Daniel, harness-maker, h. Fourth ave., Dodgetown, Hyde Park.

Bartholomew Daniel, salesman, 410 Lackawanna ave., h. Madison ave.

Bartholomew Elizabeth Mres., h. Alley, r. P. O.

Bartholomew Orin, fireman, D. L. & W. R. R.

Bartholomew William, fireman, D. L. & W. R. R., b. Alley, r. P. O.

Barthoney Angell, bootmaker, 117 Franklin ave.,

Bartlett J. A., puddler, Rolling Mill, L. I. & C. Co., h. Prospect.

Barton John, sewing machine agent, h. Wyoming, n. Lackawanna ave., Hyde Park.

Bartow John, engineer, D. L. & W. R. R. h. Wyoming, n. Troy, Hyde Park.

Bartree A. C., engineer, D. L. & W. R. R.

Baskerville Joseph , engineer, Plaining Mill, r. Clliff Works, h. Cliff, n. do.

Bass Brooks, policeman, h. Prospect, n. Jackson, Hyde Park.

Bassett Hiram H. teacher, Gardner’s Business College, 502 & 504 Lackawanna ave., b. Sixth,

                n. Lackawanna ave., Foruth Ward, Hyde Park.

Batchelor Joseph C., clerk, D. & H. C. Co., Franklin ave., ft. Vine, b. Washington ave., cor. Spruce.

Bates Franklin P., feather renovating, 309 Spruce sr., b. do.

Bates O. N., engineer, D. L. & W. R. R., h. Main, cor. Brown Alley, Hyde Park.

Batt George, miner, Diamond Mine, h. Hyde Park.

Battin Henry, Connell & Battin), 118 Penn ave., h. 118 Washington ave.

Battin, William, miner, Legitt’s Creek Mine, h. Main, cor. Market, P.

Bauer Frank, painter, b. 131 Penn ave.

Bauer Josiah), and Miller Edwin F.), painters 307 Spruce, h. 131 Penn.

Baumann John J., laborer, h. in Alley, r. 412 Mulberry.

Baumgardtner Joseph, meat market, Cedar, n. the Bridge, h. do.

Beach Frederick, sashmaker, b. Market, nearly opp. D. & H. C. Co’s. office.

Beach William, carpenter, H. P. Mines, h. R. R. Ave., n. Scranton Ave., H. P.

Beach William N., laborer, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., Hyde Park Mines, Hyde Park.

Beadle Frank, carpenter, b. r. 22 Lackawanna Ave.

Beagle Francis M., carpenter, D. L & W. R. R. car shop, Lackawanna ave.

Beal John, fireman, L. L. & W. R. R.

Beamer Hawes, carriage painter, b. Church, n. Main. P.

Bean Bernhard, foreman boot & shoe maker, h. 518 Lackawanna Ave.

Bear Albert, laborere, h. Ash., n. the Fairview House at Petersburgh

Beattie Patrick, laborer, h. Carbon, opp., Sand Bank Mine, Sandy Bank.

Beaumont William C., painter, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., car shop, h. R. R. Ave., H. P.

Beaver Adam, laborer, h. William, cor. John, Petersburgh.

Beaver James, brakeman, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., bds. Hampton, n. Main, Hyde Park.

Beaver Michael, watchman, D. L. W & R. R. Co., Hyde Park Mines, Hyde Park.

Beaver Henry, carpenter, h. Pittston Ave., N. Alder.

Beavers Jacob. Brakeman, h. D. L. & W. R. R.  Co., bds. Hampton, n. Main Hyde Park.

Beavers Joseph, brickmaker, h. Chestnut, n. Washington, Hyde Park.

Beavers Michael, birckmaker, h. Hampton, n. Main, Hyde Park.

Bechold John, h. 205 Lackawanna Ave.

Bechtloff Andrew, laborer, h. Cedar, n. Willow

Bechtloff John, keeper, h. Cedar, n. Willow.

Bechhtold John, clerk, h. 305 Lackawanna Ave.,

Beck Anthony, laborer, h. Phelps, n. Penn Ave., Pine Brook.

Beck Charles W., clerk, 213 Penn Ave., h. 109 Wyoming Ave.,

Beck David, grocer, 213 Penn Ave., h. do.

Beck Horace C. carpenter, h. rear Vine bet. Penn ave. and Wyoming ave.

Becker Catherine Mrs., h. Alder, n Pittsburgh ave., Eleventh Ward.

Becker Frederick, furniture dealer and undertaker, Scranton ave., n. Main, Hyde Park, h. rear Brick School House, Hyde Park.

Becker John, cabinet maker, h. Twelfth, n. Washburn, Hyde Park.

Becker Joseph, furntiure dealer and undertaker, Main n. Washington, Hyde Park, h. Lackawanna ave., Cor. Main, Hyde Park.

Becker Nelson, butcher, h. Jackson, cor. Madison ave., Hyde Park.

Beckett Charles, machinist, h. R. R. ave., n. 5th ave.

Beckhart Andrew, helper, D. L. & W. R. R. car shop, h. Washington ave.

Becking France, bartender, Scranton House, b. do.

Becktloft Andrew, helper, D. L. & W. R. R. car shop, h. River, Tenth Ward.

Beckloft John, helper, D. L. & W. R. R. car shop, h. Cedar, Eleventh Ward.

Beddoe Thomas, Blacksmith, h. n. H. P. Mines, H. P.

Beddoe Thomas, miner, Diamond Mine, h. H. P.

Beddoe William, laborer, Diamond Mine, h. H. P.

Beels Thomas M., clerk, 114 Penn ave., bds. 308 Lackawanna ave.,

Beemer Lizzie Miss, saleslady, Grover & Baker, Sewing Mach. Depot, 319 Lackawanna ave., b. 312 do.

Beemer Warren A., carpenter, h. in alley rear 306 Linden.

Beers Charles Miller, Coleman & Beers) head market, n. the Notch and main. P., h. Market, n. Brick, P.

Beers Theodore, labore, b. Market, n. Brick, P.

Beff John, laborer, Cliff Works, h. Cedar, cor. Willow.

Behtle Henry, carpenter, h. Pittston ave., n. Willow, Eleventh Ward.

Beif Joseph W., carpenter, D. L. & W. R. R. car shop, h. S. Hampton, Park Hill, H. P.

Beihl John, Fireman, D. L. & W. R. R.,b. New, n. Penn. Ave., Pine Brook.

Beilham George, helper, L. I & C. Co’s blast furnace, h. Pittston ave.

Beiner John, helper, D. L. R & W. R. R. car shop, h. Pine Brook.

Belin Henry, jr., general agent for Du Pont’s gunpowder, 332 Lackawanna ave., h. Wyoming ave., cor. Mulberry.

Bell James, blacksmith, Von Storch Mine, h. Market, n. Brick, P.

Bell John, machinist, D. & H. C. Co’s R. R., b. Green Ridge ave., n. Green Ridge depot, G. R.

Bell John E. master machinist, h. Market, beyond D. H. C. Co’s R. R. P.

Bell William Sen., Blacksmith, h. Market,n. Brick, P.

Bell William, jr. blacksmith, b. Market, n. Brick P.

Bells M. D., fireman, D. L. & W. R. R.

Bemer Thomas, fireman, D. L. & W. R. R.

Benade P. H., machinist, D. L. & W. R. R. Co’s shop.

Bendenbach William, laborer, L. I. & C. Co.’s rolling mill, h. Washington av.

Benedict Brothers, Eugene A., and George W..) book and job printers and proprietors Scranton City Journal, 303 Lackawanna ave.

Benedict Eugene A., Benedict Brothers) 303 Lackawanna ave., h. Main, n. Von Storch Mine, P.

Benedict George W. Benedict Brothers) 303 Lackawanna ave., h. 310 Wyoming ave.

Benesole Geo. W., painter, Main, n. Franklin, Hyde Park, b. Heerman’s House, Hyde Park.

Benger William, miner, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., h. Patagonia, Hyde Park.

Benjamin, Fred. tinsmith, 514 Lackawanna ave., bds. Mulberry bet. Penn and Wyoming aves.

Banjamin Louis, carpenter, h. off of Market, beyond D. & H. C. Co’s R. R.

Benjamin Nathaniel W., Saw Mill, H. Prospect Winton’s hill, P.

Bennett Daniel W., teamster, Penn ave., opp. Dickson’s Manufac. Co;s Works, h. Mulberry, n. Miflin ave.

Bennett E. S. teamster, Penn ave., opp. Dickson’s Manufac. Co’s Works, h. Franklin ave.

Bennett Freeman, clerk, 208 Lackawaan ave., h. Troy, H. P.

Bennett George, blacksmith, Machine Shop, D. L. & W. R. R. Co.

Bennett George E., carpenter, b. Phelps, beyond D. &H. C. Co’s R. R., Pine Brook.

Bennett Harry, teamster, h. Cedar, n. the Bridge.

Bennett James, teamster, h. 412 Franklin ave., n. Mulberry.

Bennett John, carpenter, h. off of Market, beyond D. & H. C. Co’sl R. R., P.

Bennett Stephen, gauger, h. Linden, bet. Jefferson ae., and madison ave.,

Bennett Thomas, miner, D. L & W. R. R. Co., Central Mine, Hyde Park.

Bennett William P., spice grinder, 517 Lackawanna ave., bds. 427 do.

Benore John, carpenter, h. Fourth ave., Soldier’s Hill, H. P.

Benscoter Arthur E. carpenter, b. Market, n. Main, P.

Bensley Rudolph, porter, L. I. & C. Co’s Store, bds. S. Front.

Benton M. L. fireman, D. L. & W. R. R.

Beomish Frank, roller, L. I. & C. Co’s new rolling mill, h. River.

Bergan Daniel, liquor dealer, h. 203 Penn ave.

Berger Joseph, carpenter, h. R. R. ave., Bellevue, H. P.

Berger Michael, carpenter, D. L. & W. R. R. car shop, h. Slocums Flats.

Berghunser Peter, repairer, D. L. & W. R. R. car shop, h. Pittston ave., Eleventh Ward.

Berkley Simon, stone cutter, h. First, n. the Bridge, H. P.

Bernard William, h. McCann’s Patch, Hyde Park.

Berry Anthony, mason, h. Soldier’s Hill, H. P.

Berry Henry, mason, b. Luzerne House.

Berry John, laborer, Legitt’s Creek Mine, h. Bloom’s Patch, P.

Berry John, laborer, Diamond Mine, H. H. P.

Berry John, blacksmith, D.L. & W. R. R. Co., h. Coursen Patch, Hyde Park.

Berry John J. laborer, h. River, n. Von Storch Slope on the Flats, P.

Berry Michael, blacksmith, Oxford Mine, h. Main, Hyde park.

Berry Patrick, laborer, Oxford Mine, h. Main, H. P.

Berry Patrick, laborer, h. off of Troy McCann’s Patch, Hyde Park.

Berryman Hannibal, miner, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., b. Main, Hyde Park.

Berryman James, carpenter, h. Hyde Park ave., cor. Orchard, Hyde Park.

Berryman John, carpenter, h. Washburn, n. Twelfth, Hyde Park.

Bertle Michael, bds. Remington ave., n. the R. R. Slocum Flats.

Bertley David P., inside foreman, Van Storch Mine, h. P.

Besecker George, painter, b. r. 12 Lackawanna ave.

Besecker Miles H. engineer, D. & H. C. Co’s R. R., h. Green Ridge ave., n. G. R. depot, G. R.

Bessac Henry W., dentist, 302 Lackawanna ave., b. 115 Adams ave.

Bessac Louis B., carpenter, h. Phelps, beyond D. & H. C. Co’s R. R., Pine Brook

Best Henry, repairer, D. L. & W. R. R. car shop, h. Franklin ave.

Best William T. tinsmith, 118 Penn ave., h. 309 Franklinave.

Beston John, boilermaker, Machine Shop, D. L. & W. R. R. Co.

Beston Patrick, laborer, D. L. & W. R. R. machine shop.

Betger John, laborer, Hyde Park Mines, Hyde Park.

Bevan Edward, laborer, National Mine, h. Scranton Flats.

Bevan Llewellyn, laborer, Pine Brook Mine, h. Washington, Hyde Park.

Bevan Thomas D., Superintendent, Mount Pleasant Mine, h. Main, Hyde Park.

Bevean Thomas,l foreman, h. Main, cor. North, Hyde Park.

Beven John, Davis & Beven.) Lackawanna ave., cor. Penn ave.

Bevins John, moulder, Foundre, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., h. Hyde Park ave., Hyde Park.

Beyer Gustave, clerk, 516 Lackawanna ave., h. do.

Bice Samuel S., commission agent for the sale of teas, coffees, spices, etc., Jackson, Boon Hill, h. do.,

                Hyde Park, P. O. Box 577, Hyde Park Post-office, H. P.

Biddle, John, hide dealer, rear Church’s Hotel, h. do., P.

Biddleman Charles, machinist, Cliff Works.

Biddleman George L., axe maker, h. Main, beyond Providence Foundry.

Biddleman Joseph, fireman, D. & H. C. Co’s R. R., H. P.

Biddleman Joseph, fireman, h. off of River, n. Von Storch Slope, on the Flats, P.

Biddleman Thomas, carpenter, h. Capouse Village, P.

Biddleman William polisher, b. Capouse road, beyond Capouse Village, P.

Bidenbaugh Jacob, carpenter, D. L. &  W. R. R. Co’s car shop, h. Scranton Flats.

Bidlingermayer Joseph Mrs., grocer, Alder, n. Cedar, h. do.

Bielham George, h. Birch, n. Pittston ave.

Biel Christian, helper, Machine Shop, D., L & W. R. R. Co.

Beil Frederick, laborer, Belleview Mine, h. Eynon, Fifth Ward.

Bieler Henry, repairer, D. L. & W. R. R. Co’s car shop, h. Cedar, Eleventh Ward.

Bielerfelt Joham, laborer, h. n. John, Petersburgh.

Bierwirth Henry, clerk, Lipschitz & Rosenthal, h. Pittston ave.

Biglin John, miner, Grant’s Slope, h. Sand Bank.

Binan William, miner, Oxford Mine, h. Washburn, Hyde Park.

Bingham Leander D. bootmaker, 203 Lackawanna ave., h. opp. 224 Franklin ave.

Bingham W. T., engineer, D. L. & W. R. R.

Birch Alfred, laborer, National Mine, h. Minooka.

Birch Mary Miss, tailoress, h. Mifflin ave., n. Mulberry.

Birch William Mrs., h. William n. Orchard, P.

Birdsall George H., Lathrop & Birdsall,) 332 Lackawanna ave., bds 8 Wyoming terrace, Wyoming ave.,

                Cor. Vine.

Birtley Valentine, miner, Von Storch Mine, h. Main, n. Church, P.

Birtley William, foreman, Von Storch Shaft, P., b. Main, n. Church P.

Bisbing Ingham W., cigar maker, at 302 Lackawanna ave., b. Hyde Park.

Bishop David, h. Park pl.

Bishop Henry, blacksmith h. Park pl.

Bishop H. R. Blacksmith, Machine Shop, D. L &  W. R. R. Co.

Bissel John, miner, Dodge Mine, h. Park hill, H. P.

Bittenbender Abraham, hardware, 116 Franklin ave., h. alley n. Luzerne House.

Bittenbender Annie Mrs.., h. Gibson , n. Penn ave., Pine Brook.

Bettender Israel, carpenter, h. Gib son, n. Penn ave., Pine Brook.

Bittleman Charles, machinistt, bds. Twelfth, n. Public School, Hyde Park.

Black Robert T., Treasuree and Superintendent Lackawanna and Susquehanna Coal and Iron Co.,

                423 Lackawanna ave., h. 323 Madison ave.,

Black Thomas, laborer, Diamond Mine.

Blackledge John, miller, Railroad ave., opp. Fourth ave., Soldier’s hill, H. P.

Blackwood John, machinist, Cliff Works, h. alley  r. Mifflin ave., n. Carbondale Depot.

Blair Austin B. Coursen & Blair,) 421 Laqckawanna ave., h. Vine bet Washington and Wyoming aves.

Blair J. Sheldon, Johnson, Blair & Co,,) 319 Lackawanna ave., b. Mulberry cor Washington ave.

Blair Hiram G. printer, Scranton City Journal Office, h. Lackawanna ave. opp. Scranton Stove

                Manufacturing Co., Hyde Park.

Blair James, President Scranton Savings’ Bank, 120 Wyoming ave., h. Mulberry, cor. Washington ave.

Blair L. G., carpenter, h. Franklin, cor. Chestnut, Hyde Park.

Blair M. Lewis, postmaster, Hyde Park, h. Main, n. Washburn, Hyde Park.

Blair Melton L. Mrs., h. 408 Washington ave.

Blair Samuel, watchmaker and jeweler, Main opp. Market, h. Market, n. Brick P.

Blake Eliza Mrs., h. 322 Wyoming ave.

Blake George) & Co., James Blake) Booksellers and stationers, and dealers in fancy goods and

                sewing machines, 322 Lackawannaave., h. 322 Wyoming ave.

Blake James (Blake & Co.,) 322 Lackawanna ave., h. 322 Wyoming ave.

Blake Robert, h. Ninth, n. Green Ridge ave., G. R.

Blane Edward, carpenter, D. L. & W. R. R. machine shop.

Blater John, blacksmith, h. Cedar, n. Alder.

Blatner Isadore, clerk, 304 Lackawanna, b. 302 Franklin ave.

Blatt John, roller, L. I. & C. Co’s rolling mill, h. Pearl.

Blatter, Henry, cigar, 507 Lackawanna ave., bds.

Blatter John, laborer, Cliff Works.

Blauler, Simon, carpenter, h. Main, cor. Wsahington, Hyde Park.

Blaydon William, shoemaker, b. opp. 408 Spruce.

Blewitt Edward, weighmaster, Oxford Mine, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., h. Sand Bank.

Blewitt Patrick, civil engineer, D. & H. C. Co's R. R. h. r. Sixth, n. Green Ridge Depot, G. R.

Blickens Michael, engineer, D. L. & W. R. R., h. 24 Lackawanna ave.

Blickon Lewis fireman, D. L. & W. R. R.

Bligh Borthers, Gilbert & Samuel) grocers, Main, nearly opp. Scranton, ave., Hyde Park.

Bligh Gilbert Bligh Borthers) Main, nearly opp. Scranton ave., Hyde Park, h. Hyde Park ave.,

                n. Jackson, Hyde Park.

Bligh Samuel Bligh Brothers) Main, nearly opposite Scranton ave., Hyde Park, h. Hyde Park ave.

                n. Jackson, Hyde Park.

Bloch David, boot maker, 421 Penn ave., h. do.

Blockbager Charles, laborer, h. Cedar, n. Alder.

Blockwood R., laborer, Dickson Manufacturing Co.

Bloom Jacob, weighmaster and telegraph operator, Cayuga Shaft, P., b. Main, n. Markeet P.

Bloom Jacob R. Watchman, Cayuga Mine, h. Carbondale Road, P.

Bloom Jacob R., carpenter, . r. Market, n. Main P.

Bloom John, engineer, D. L. & W. R. R.

Bloom John H., laborer, L. I. & C. Co’s rolling mill, h. Orchard.

Bloombaugh M. J., engineer, D. L. & W. R. R.

Bloom Peter, Book Keeper, 412 Lackawanna ave., h. alley r. 412 Mulberry

Bloombaugh William J., engineer, D. L. & W. R. R., bds. St. Charles Hotel.

Blume William & Co., James Croasdale) carriage manufacturers, Church, n. Main, h. do., P.

Blumer John D., shoemaker, h. n. Hickory, Shanty Hill.

Bockman John laborer, D. L & W. R. R. Co., h. Hampton Patch, Hyde Park.

Bockman William, miner, Hyde Park Mines, Hyde Park.

Bockner Elizabeth Mrs., h. off of River, n. Von Storch Slpe on the Flats, P.

Bodemann Frederick, physician, 207 Linden bet. Penn ave., and Frankin ave., bds. do.

Boedry Frederick, engineer, D. L & W. R. R.

Boedry Ulysses, fireman, D. L. & W. R. R.

Boesche William, miner, h. off of Washington ave., n. the Brick Yard.

Bogardus Hattie Miss, dressmaker, 109 Lackawanna ave., h. do.

Bogart Garrett, train dispatcher, D. L. & W. R. R. Passenger Stateion, h. Franklin ave.

Bogart Marshall, carpenter, b. Main, n. Church, P.

Bogart William H., carpenter, Cayuga Mine, h River, n. Market on the Flats, n. Von Storch Slope.

Boies Henry M., President Moosic Powder Co., 425 Lackawanna ave., h. 320 Jefferson ave., bet Linden

                and Mulberry

Bolan Ellen Mrs., h. r. Dickson Manufacturing Co., Works.

Bolan William R., groceries, liquors, etc., Cedar, Minooka.

Boland Patrick, carpenter, bds. Fourth ave., opp.Third, Dodgetown, H. P.

Boldry, Frederick, engineer, h. 211 Linden bet. Franklin and Penn aves.

Bolen Dennis, miner, h.

Bolen William, wholesale liquor, h. do.

Boles Michael C. machinist, Cliff Works, b. Rail Road ave., n. Scranton ave., H. P.

Boller John, stone cutter, h. Cedar, n. Alder.

Bolles A. H., pattern maker, D. L. & W. R. R. machine shop.

Bolles Anson H., physician, 119 Frankllin, h. do.
Bond Aaron C., conductor, b. on the alley, r. P. O.

Bond Martin, laborer, Green Ridge Mine, h. Pine Brook.

Bond Peter, boilermaker, Dickson Manufacturing Co., h. 420 Franklin ave.

Bone Frank, upholsterer, b. Wyoming ave., cor. Llinden.

Bonenstengel Joseph, bootmaker, 215 Penn ave., h. Pittston ave.

Bonham John, baker, bds. 426 Lackawanna ave.,

Bonn Henry, watchmaker and jeweler, Cedar, n. the Bridge, h. do.

Bonn Nicholas, laborer, L. I & C.Co’s rolling mill, h. Prospect.

Bonner Ichabod L., clerk, F. S. Pauli, B. St. Charles Hotel.

Bonney Martin, moulder, Foundry, D. L & W. R. R. Co., h. Hyde Park.

Bonney Seth A., repairer, D. L & W. R. R. car shop, h. Troy, n. Chestnut, Hyde Park.

Boon John, bricklayer, b. 109 Lackawanna ave.,

Boor Ellen Mrs., h. S. Hampton Park Hill, H. P.

Booth Alonzo G., carpenter, h. n. River, Von Storch Slope on the Flats.

Booth William, machinist, h. Hyde Park ave., n. Twelfth, Hyde Park.

Bohren Augustus, miner, h. Penn ave., cor. New.

Bornnensengel Joseph, shoemaker, h. Pittston ave., n. River, Shanty Hill.

Borpree Amasa H., engineer, D. L. & W. R. R., b. off of Lackawanna ave., on the L & B. R. R.

                Switch, H. P.

Bortree Wells., engineer, D. L. & W. R. R., b. off of Lackawanna ave., on the L & B. R. R.

                Switch, H. P.

Bortree Willis, engineer, D. L. & W. R. R.

Bossaid Jeremiah, fireman, D. L. & W. R. R.

Bossard Dow, fireman, D. L. & W. R. R., bds. 309 Penn ave.

Bosse Charles, saloon, Commercial alldy, h. do.

Boston John, bookkeeper, b. Main, n. Scranton ave., Hyde Park.

Boston Morgan, miner, Diamond Mine, h. Hyde Park.

Boston Thomas, clerk, 4th Ward Hotel, b. do., H. P.

Botsford Daniel, carpenter, D. L. & W. R. R. car shop, h. 409 Mulberry, bet. Wyomng and Washington avenues.

Boudenbeck Elizabeth Mrs., bds. Washington ave., n. Remington ave., Slocum Flats.

Boumaster Alliveis, miner, h. Ash, n. John, Petersburgh.

Bound Isaac, engineer, D. L & W. R. R., b. Luzerne House.

Bound Joel, engineer, D. L. & W. R. R., b. Luzerne House.

Bouton Bennet A., physician, 205 Penn ave., h. do.

Bouton John, carpenter, b. 320 Adams ave.

Bove James M. baggage master, D. L. & W. R. R. passenger station, b. 207 Mulberry, n. Penn ave.

Bovey William, h. First, n. the River, Hyde Park.

Bowen Emma Miss, b. Madison ave., n. Jackson, Hyde Park.

Bowen Frank A., upholsterer, b. Phelps, beyond D. & H. C. Co’s R. R. Pine Brook.

Bowen Morgan, miner, L. I & C. Co. Pine Brook Mine, h. Chestnut , Hyde Park.

Bowen Morgan, overseer, h. Chestnut, cor. Washington, Hyde Park.

Bowen Thomas, miner, Diamond Mine, h. H. P.

Bowen Walter, miner, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., h. Boon Hill, Jackson, Hyde Park.

Bowers Andrew, blscksmith, Machine Shop, D. L. & W. R. R. Co.

Bowman Henry, laborer, L I. & C. Co’s, rolling mill, h. at Petersburgh.

Bowman Jacob, outside foreman, Cayauga Mine, bds. Main, n. Market, P.

Bowman J. J., watchman, Dickson Mfg. Co’s Works.

Bowman John, laborer, Green Ridge Mine, h. Ash, near John Petersburgh.

Bowman Joseph, carpenter, Bellevue Mine, h. Twelfth Ward.

Bowman Peter, machinist, D. L. & W. R. R. Co’s shop.

Bowmaster Joseph, car repairer, D. L. & W. R. R. car depot, h. off Ash, n. the Dunmore line, at


Bowmaster L., blacksmith, Dickson Mfg. Co., h. Washington ave.

Boyce Lyman, moulder, Prov. Foundry, h. Main, n. do., P.

Boyd George B., physician, Wyoming House, bds. do.

Boyer, George, laborer, Green Ridge Mine, h. at Petersburgh.

Boying Thomas, fireman, D. L. & W. R. R.

Boyle John D. general dealer, Dunmore, h. do.

Boytott Benjamin, moulder, Foundrey, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., bds. Mansion House, Franklin ave.

Brabsen John, laborer, Dodge Mine, h. Dodge Town, Hyde Park.

Brace, James, miner, Von Storch Mine, h. n. Von Storch Mine. P.

Bracewell William, carpenter, D. L & W. R. R. car shop, h. Bellevue, H. P.

Brack Charles B., shoemaker, Main, n. Sixth, h. do., H. P.

Bradford John F., engineer, h. 318 Franklin ave.

Bradford Orin, engineer, h. Chestnut, n. Troy, H. P.

Bradley Humphrey, restaurant, 211 Penn ave., h. in Alley, r. do.

Bradley Michael, laborer, Round-house, D. L. & W. R.

Bradley William, laborer, L. I. & C. Co’s rolling mill, h. Hemlock.

Bradshaw James, driver, 316 Lackawanna ave., b. City Hotel.

Brady Edward, laborer, National Mine, h. n. Pawnee Breaker, Eleventh Ward.

Brady Frank, watchman, Rolling Mill, L. Il & C. Co., h. Orchard.

Brady Thomas, brakeman, b. Keystone House, H. P.

Braider Richard, painter, bds. 115 Wyoming ave.

Brain William, weighmaster, Dodge Coal Mine, h.. opp. Scratnon Stove Works, H. P.

Brainard Charles H., h. 606 Spruce.

Brainard D. B., Supt. Rolling Mill, L. I. & C., h. Mattis.

Brainard Joseph, h. 220 Penn ave.

Brainard Matthew, h. Alley, r. 221 Franklin ave.

Brainard Samuel, brass moulder, h. 110 Franklin ave.

Brainard Saul, moulder, Dickson Mfg. Co.

Brainard William C., Prop. St. Charles Hotel, 128 Penn ave., h. do.

Brair Luther G. repairer, D. L. & W. R. R. car shiop, h. opp. Baptist Church, H. P.

Brandly Benedict, laborer, h. Pittston ave., n. Willow.

Brandt Fredl, Sup’t Billiard Hall, Wyoming House, bds. do.

Brandt Michael, wheelwright, h. 119 Penn ave.

Branell Cary, puddler, Rolling Mill, L. I & C. Co., h. Vale, Shanty Hill.

Brannon Arthur, helper, Rolling Mill, L. I. & C. Co., H. Vale

Brannon John, laborer, Dodge Mine, h. Bellevue, Hyde Park.

Brannon Mark, laborer, h. New, n. the head, Pine Brook.

Brannon Michael, machinist, D. L. & W. R. R. car shop, h. Orchard, Shanty Hill.

Brasey William, laborer, Oxford Mine, h. R. R. ave., Hyde Park.

Brauer August, physician, Cedar, n. Alder, h. do.

Braun Moritz, accordion maker, Cedar, n. Alder, h. do.

Brazelle Andrew, puddler, Rolling Mill, L. I. & C. Co. h. Moosic.

Brazelle John, fireman, D. L. & W. R. R. car shop, h. Prospect, Twelfth Ward.

Breck Charels Du Pont, attorney and counsellor-at-law, 404 Lackawanna ave., Green Ridge.

Breck George W. Clerk L. I. & C. Co’s Store, bds. Lackawanna ave., corner Henry..

Breck William Mrs. H. Washington ave., bet Linden and Mulberry.

Breen John, miner, Stafford Mine. h. at Stumpfield, Twelfth Ward.

Bregenzer George, carpenter, bds. Wenzel House at Petersburg.

Brehaut James, bootmaker, b. r. Main, n. Franklin, Hyde Park.

Breig Antoni, blacksmith, bds. Adams ave.

Breig Jacob, mason, bds. r. Penn ave., bet. Vine and the Railroad.

Bremen Thomas, laborer, Von Stroch Mine, h. P.

Brendt Michael, wheelwright, Linden, cor. Franklin ave.

Brennan Nicholas, laborer, h. Phelps, n. D. & H. C. Co’s R. R., Pine Brook.

Brennemen Daniel, laborer, L. I & C. Co’s rolling mill, h. Washington ave.

Brerznenser George, carpenter, D. L. & W. R. R. car shop, h. at Petersburg.

Breslin Andrew, h. r. Main, cor. Troy, Hyde Park.

Brett William D., boots and shoes retail, 314 Lackawanna ave., b. Wyoming House.

Brevan John, miner, Von Storch Mine, h. P.

Brian Philip, laborer. Diamond Mine, h. H. P.

Brick John, helper, L. I. & C. Co’s new rolling mill, h. Cedar.

Brien Michael, laborer, Dickson Mfg. Co.

Brier, John, teamster, h. River, n. Prospect, Shanty Hill.

Briganza Joseph, fireman, Pine Brook Mine, h. Gibson.

Briggs Charles, milkman, h. Back Road, Providence.

Briggs Ransom, butcher, h. Main, cor. Hampton, Hyde Park.

Bright F. H., bookkeeper, b. Luzerne House.

Brill Henry, laborer, L. I. & C. Co’s blast furnace, h. Cedar.

Brill John, bootmaker, Hyde Park ave., n. Washington, h. do., Hyde Park.

Brinckerhoff Cornelius C., architect & civil engineer, 302 Lackawanna ave., b. 404 Madison ave.,

Brinton Matthew, fireman, b. Chestnut n. Troy, H. P.

Brisley Joseph, carpenter, h. r. Main, cor. Troy, H. P.

Bristol Cornellia A. Mrs., h. Graded School, n. Orchard, P.

Bristol George F., clerk, h. Chestnut, n. Franklin, H. P.

Bristol Lester, cradle maker, h. Main, n. Capouse Bridge, P.

Britley Joseph V., miner, Von Storch Mine, h. P.

Broadbent Charles L., draughtsman, Dickson Manfg. Co., bds. Washington ave., cor Mulberry.

Broadbent Sidney, supt. of the shops, Dickson Manfg. Co., h. Washington ave., cor Mulberry.

Broadbent W. E. machinish, Dickson Manfg. Co.

Broadbent Wright,f machinist, h. Front, r. Wyomng, n. Lackawanna ave., Hyde Park.

Brock George S., bookkeeper, h. Linden bet Jefferson and Madison avenues.

Brock William (Gordon, Brock & Co)., Lackawanna ave. at the Bridge, Hyde Park, h. 24

                Lackawanna ave.

Brodk William, tinsmith, b. 315 Penn ave.

Brodhag Albert, cabinet maker, h. Troy, n. Chestnut, Hyde Park.

Brodrick Daniel, laborer, Von Stroch Mine, h. P.

Brogan Bartholomew, laborer, L. I. & C. Co’s new rolling mill, h. Prospect.

Brogan Patrick, h. Fifth ave., n. Second, Dodgetown, Hyde Park.

Bronson William F. local night editor Republican, 322 Lackawanna ave., b. 216 do.

Brooks Charles P., Ladd & Brooks), 425 Lackawanna ave., h. 305 Spruce.

Brooks Gustave, h. Alley, rear P. O.

Brooks Isadore, clerk, b. Commercial Alley, cor Penn ave.

Bross Peter V., carpenter, Hyde Park ave. n. Washburn, h. do., Hyde Park.

Brost Geroge A., laborer, Green Ridge Mine, h. Petersburgh.

Brown -----, tailor, h. Commercial Alley, r. P. O.

Brown A. H., time-keeper, D. L. & W. R. R. machine shop, h. Wyoming, Hyde Park.

Brown Abraham B.,  (Harris & Brown), 216 Lackawanna ave., b. Penn ave., cor. Coml. Alley.

Brown Adam, b. Wyoming ave., cor Lackawanna ave.

Brown Alfred, machinist, b. Wyoming, n. Lackawanna ave., Hyde Park.

Brown Alfred H., time-keeper, h. Wyoming, n. Lackawanna ave., Hyde Park.

Brown Augustus, blacksmith, River, n. Wyoming ave., Scranton Flats, h. do.

Brown Calvin, painter, b. 206 Lackawanna ave.

Brown Charles, Teamster, b. 412 Spruce St.

Brown Charles, carpenter, b. 206 Lackawanna ave.

Brown Charles J., hospital steward, bds. 424 Lackawanna ave.,

Brown Chester R. h. Commercial alley, n. Wyoming avenue.

Brown David, machinist, b. 314 Franklin ave.

Brown Dennison D., bookkeeper, 100 & 108 Penn ave., h. 213 Franklin ave.

Brown Edward, cler, h. Commercial alley.

Brown Francis, carpenter, b. 206 Lackawanna ave.

Brown Frederick, laborer, h. Pittston ave., Shanty Hill.

Brown Frederick, machinist, Cliff Works.

Brown George, carpenter, h. off Ash, n. the Dunmore line at Petersburgh.

Brown George, laborer, D. L & W. R, R, car shop, h. at Petersburgh.

Brown Henry, laborer, h. Commercial alley.

Brown Henry W., h. 306 Lakawanna ave.

Brown Howard, machinist, b. Wyoming, n. Lackawan na ave., Hyde Park.

Brown Jacob, fireman, D. L. & W. R. R.

Brown James, laborer, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., bds. S. Hampton, Coursen Patch, Hyde Park.

Brown James, laborer, Foundry, Dickson Manufacturing Company.

Brown James, machinist, h. off of Lackawanna ave., on tehh L & B. R. R. switch, H. P.

Brown John, pattern maker, Cliff Works.

Brown John, engineer, D. L. & W. R. R.

Brown John, repairer, Car Department D. L. & W. R. R. Co., h. alley bet. Main and Hickory.

Brown John, teamster, b. 34 Lackawanna ave.

Brown John, weighmaster, Hill & Fellows, b. Seventh, n. Lackawanna ave., H. P.

Brown John, carpenter, h. Tenth, n. Washburn, Hyde Park.

Brown John, machinist, h. Woming, n. Lackawanna ave., Hyde Park.

Brown John K., car repairer, h. Brown al., n. Main, H. P.

Brown J. Osland, Machine Shop, D. L. & W. R. R. Co.

Brown John L., Lindley & Brown) 106 & 108 Penn ave., h. 213 Franklin ave.

Brown Levi, fancy goods and millinery, 107 Lackawanna ave., h. do.

Brown Maria E. Miss, saleslady, 320 Lackawanna avenue, bds. Wyoming, (with Alfred H. Brown), Hyde


Brown Nirum H. & Co., (Ira Tripp & David Langstaff) grocers retail, 137 Penn ave., b. do.

Brown Patrick, puddler, Rolling Mill, L. I. & C. Co., h. Stone.

Brown Patrick, saloon, Penn ave., n. Gibson, h. do. Pine Brook.

Brown Patrick, engineer, Green Ridge Mine, h. Pine Brook.

Brown Peter, yardman, 328 Lackawanna ave., bds. do.

Brown Reuben, engineer, D. L. & W. R. R.

Brown Sylvanus, carpenter, h. Brown alley, r. Main, n. Chestnut and Lackawanna ave., Hyde Park.

Brown T. F. puddler, L. I & C. Co’s, new rolling mill, h. Maple.

Brown Theodore, pattern maker, b. 105 Franklin ave.

Brown Thomas, laborer, Cliff Works.

Brown Thomas, laborer, L. I. & C. Co’s rolling mill, h. Prospect.

Brown Thomas, laborer, h. Stone, n. head of Hickory, Twelfth Ward.

Brown William, boiler-maker, Machine Shop D. L. & W. R. R. Co’s.

Brown William, marble cutter, b. Sixth, n. Lackawanna ave., H. P.

Brown William L., miner, Hyde Park Mines, H. P.

Brownell, Celestia Miss, h. 317 Penn ave.

Browning Archibald, h. Wyoming ave., cor Mulberry.

Browning Isabella Mrs., millinery and fancy goods, 222 Lackawanna ave., h. Mulberry, cor. Wyoming ave.

Brundage Daniel W., carpenter, h. r. Phelps, n. Penn ave., Pine Brook.

Brundage G. polliceman, b. 418 Washington ave., Scranton Flats.

Brundage -----, policeman, b 222 Franklin ave.

Brutzman Charles, mason, h. 329 Franklin ave., n. Mulberry.

Brutzman Elizabeth Mrs., bds, 321 Franklin ave., n. Mulberry.

Brutzman Franklin, bricklayer, h. 321 Franklin ave., n. Mulberry.

Bryan Daniel J. engineer, D. L. & W. R. R. h. opp. Scranton Stove Works.

Bryan Edward, student, b. 28 Lackawanna ave.

Bryant Daniel, engineer, D. L. & W. R. R.

Bryant, Jacob, Kiersted & Bryant), 311 Jeff. Ave., h. 409 Jeff. Ave.

Bryden Andrew, clerk, h. 411 Franklin ave., n. Vine.

Bryden Andrew C.) & Co., James C. Bryden) grocers, 423 Lackawanna ave., h. at Tammaroi, Ill.Bryden Bryden Edward A., civil engineer’s assistant, h. Briston House, P.

Bryden James C. Bryden & Co.), 423 Lackawanna ave., h 331 Jefferson ave., bet. Linden and Mulberry.

Bryden Thomas B., civil engineer, D. & H. C. Co., b. Bristol House.

Buchanan James, foreman, Machine Shop, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., bds. St. Charles Hotel.

Buck Edward L., bookkeeper, Republican office, 322 Lackawanna ave., bds. Wyoming House.

Buckingham James, carriage trimmer, h. off of River on the Flats, n. Van Storch Slope, P.

Buckley John, carpenter, b. 506 Washington ave., Scratnon Flats.

Bucknam Albert, Secretary Lackawanna & Susquehanna Coal and Iron Co., 423 Lackawanna ave.,

                bds. Wyoming House.

Buders George, laborer, Diamond Mine, h. H. P.

Bunker William M., bookkeeper, Foundry D. L. & W. R. R. Co., h. 606 Spruce, n. Adams ave.

Bunnell L. F., clerk, bds. St. Charles Hotel.

Bunnell Lewis M., Vickery Bunnell & Co,) 190 Lackawanna ave., h. Hampton, cor. Main, Hyde Park.

Bunstine Michael, blacksmith, h. Main, beyond Providence Foundry, P.

Bunting William A., clerk, 430 and 432 Lackawanna ave., bds. Wyoming House.

Bunze Frederick, laborer, h. Slocum’s alley, Slocum’s Hill, Eleventh Ward.

Burch Nathan B., publisher, h. Eighth, cor Green Ridge ave., G. R.

Burchard Andon D., bookkeeper, Main, cor. Sixth ave., Hyde Park.

Burchell John, machinist, h. rear 113 Adams ave.

Burcher John, carpenter, h. rear Main, cor. Troy, Hyde Park.

Burdick Albert C., lime dealer, h. Mulberry, n. Mifflin ave.

Burger Frederick, car maker, bds. Cedar, n. Hickory.

Burger Hannah Mrs. Saloon, Cedar, n. Hickory, h. do.

Burger Theodore, saloon 330 Lackawanna, h. do.

Burgess John C., Vice-President Merchants’ and Mechanics’ Bank, 420 Lackaawanna ave., bds. Wyoming


Burgess Luther E., hammersman, h. Capouse Village, P.

Burke Charles, bricklayer, b. 211 ½ Franklin ave.

Burke Daniel, laborer, D. L  & W. R. R. Co’s car shope, h. Washington ave.

Burke James, engineer, Trip’s slope, h. Main, n. Chruche’s Hotel, P.

Burke Margin, puddler, Rolling Mill, L. I. & C. Co., h. Crown.

Burke Mary Mrs., h. mineral, Sandy Bank, n. the dump.

Burke Michael, miner, Legitt’s Creek Mine, h. Bloom’s Patch, P.

Burke Michael, puddler, Rolling Mill, L. I. & C.Co., h. Crown.

Burke Owen, laborer, Pine Brook Mine, h. Sandy Bank.

Burke Patrick, blacksmith, Dickson’s Manufacturing Co., h. Railroad ave.

Burke Patrick, blacksmith, D. L. & W. R. R. Co’s car shop, h. Sixth ave., Fifth Ward, H. P.

Burke Richard, laborer, Diamond Mine, h. Pine Brook.

Burke Thomas, laborer, Green Ridge Mine, h. Pine Brook.

Burke Thomas, laborer, h. Penn ave., n. New, Pine Brook.

Burke Thomas, laborer, Pine Brook Mine, h. Sandy Bank.

Burke Tobias, machinist, D. L. & W. R. R. co’s car shop, h. Washington ave.

Burke William, laborer, Green Ridge Mine, h. Pine Brook.

Burke William, miner, Green Ridge Mine, h. at the Railroad, G. R.

Burke William, miner, Legitt’s Creek Mine, h. Bloom’s Patch, P.

Burkel George, carpenter, Cliff Works.

Burkhardt John W., plasterer, h. Ninth, Hyde Park.

Burkhouse Henry, laborer, L. I & C. Co’s rolling mill, h. Pittston ave.

Burkhouse Jacob, carpenter, h. Remington ave., Slocum Flats.

Burkhouse John, bds. Remington ave., n. he Railroad, Slocum Flats.

Burleigh Jacob, turner, h. Market, n. the Bridge, P.

Burlingame Giles, engineer, Oxford Mine, Madison ave., Hyde Park.

Burlingame Philip, fireman, Oxford Mine, bds. Madison ave., Hyde Park.

Burlingame William, engineer, Oxford Mine, h. Madison ave., Hyde Park.

Burnett George, blacksmith’s helper, Cliff Works.

Burnett William, blacksmith, Dicksom Manufacturing Co., h. McCann’s Patch.

Burnham Edmund B., proprietor Lakcawanna Valley House, bds. do.

Burnham Frederick E., bookkeeper, Lackawanna Valley House, bds. do.

Burnham Hezekiah Re., h. Main, n. Market, P.

Burnham Judson W., architect, bds. Lackawanna Valley House.

Burnish Henry, bricklayer, h. Dodge, n. N. Front.

Burnish John, bricklayer, bds Dodge, n. N. Front.

Burnish Sarah E. Miss, saleslady, L. I. & C. Co’s store, bds. Dodge, n. N. Front.

Burns Archibald W., physician, 308 Lackawanna ave., h. do.

Burns Hugh, clerk, 210 Lackawanna ave., bds. 312 Wyoming ave.

Burns Ira D., carpenter, D. LO. & W. R. R. Co., h. Front, r. Wyoming, n. Lackawanna ave., H. P.

Burns Ira H., lawyer, 302 Lackawanna ave., h. Park place, P.

Burns James, clerk, Dickson Manufacturing Co., Penn ave., cor. Vine, h. Vine, n. cor. Penn ave.

Burns James, miner, Legitt’s Creek Mine, h. Bloom’s Patch, P.

Burns Jesse, bds. Sixth ave., cor. Main, H. P.

Burns John, laborer, Legitt’s Creek Mine, h. Bloom’s Patch, P.

Burns Luke, moulder, Foundry, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., h. Dale, Shanty Hill.

Burns Paddy, laborer, Diamond Mine, h. N. Round House, D. L. & W. R. R. Co.

Burns Patrick, laborer, L. I. & C. Co’s Blast Furnace, h. n. do., Cinder Bank.

Burns Patrick, laborer, h. R. R. ave., Soldiers’ Hill, H. P.

Burns Thomas, miner, Legitt’s Creek Mine, h. Oak, P.

Burns William, miner, Legitt’s Creek Mine, Bloom’s Patch, P.

Burrows George L., roof-painter, h. 426 Lackawanna ave.

Burschel Henry, carpenter, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., h. Main, Hyde Park

Burschel Henry C., proprietor Wyoming Saloon, 105 Wyoming ave., h. do.

Burt Wm. M., bds 106 Adams ave.

Burt William N., wholesale produce dealer, 108 Franklin ave., bds.Lackawanna ave.

Burtis J. L., printer, bds. Luzerne House.

Burton Edward D., track layer, bds. Hyde Park Hotel.

Burton Paul, coal inspector, bds. Market, n. Main, P.

Bruusimer Barbara Mrs., h. William. N. John, Petersburgh.

Bursch Daniel, miner, Pine Brook Mine, h. Hyde Park ave., H. P.

Bush Christian, laborer, Pine Brook Mine, h. at Petersburgh.

Bush George W. , fireman, h. on the alley, r. P. O.

Bush Harry, clerk, bds. 220 Lackawanna ave.,

Bush Rob’t B., book-keeper, A. S. Washburn, h. Park Place, P.

Busha William, miner, Pine Brook Mine, h. bet. Washington & Wyoming aves.

Bushnell George W., leather & findings, 109 Penn ave., h. opp. 222 Franklin ave.

Buss George, tailor, h. r. 10 Lackawanna ave.

Butler Emma, milliner, at 222 Lackawanna ave., bds. at Dunmore.

Butler Thomas, hleper, L. I. & C. Co’s rolling mill, h. Prospect.

Butler William, bricklayer, bds. Prospect, n. Washburn, Hyde Park.

Butley James, stonecutter, h. R. R. ave., Solciers Hill, H. P.

Butterfield Christopher, carpenter, Cliff Works.

Butterman, John, grocer, John, n. the Evangelical Lutheran Church, h. do., Petersburgh.

Butthermann Nicholas, laborer, h. John, n. William, Petersburgh.

Butthermann Peter, h. John, n. William, Petersburgh.

Buyar Jacob, books & stationery, 205 ½ Penn ave., h. in alley r. Penn ave., bet. Linden  & Mulberry.

Buzzell David, clerk, bds. Main, opp. Providence Foundry, P.

Buzzell Thomas D., clerk, bds. Main, n. Market, P.

Byers William, blacksmith, Machine Shop, D. L. & W. R. R. Co.

Byrne Hanora Mrs., h. R. R. ave., n. Scranton ave., H. P.

Byrne John, peddler, h. R. R. ave., n. Scranton ave., H. P.

Byron John helper, L. I & C. Co’s rolling mill, h. Vale.

Byron Patrick, fireman, Diamond Mine, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., Diamond Flats.

Surname Directory
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