Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania, USGenWeb

1870 Scranton City Directory



FABER FREDERICK, miner, h. Petersburgh.

Faber Frederick, laborer, h. Petersburgh.

Faber George, miner, h. Petersburgh.

Faber Jacob, moulder, h. 405 Penn ave.

Fadden James, laborer, D. mine, h. 3d. Ward.

Fadden John, laborere, Dodge Mine, h. Park Hill, H. P.

Fadden John, laborer, D. Mine, h. 3d Ward.

Fadden Timothy, fireman, D. Mine, h. 3d Ward.

Faeth John, meat market, 117 Penn ave., h. P.

Faeth Martin, clerk, 117 Penn ave.

Fahey Thomas, miner, h. Sixth ave., H. P.

Fahrig Frank E., machinist, h. 6th, H. P.

Fahring Herman, machinist, Cliff Works.

Fahrig Herman, machinist, h. Meridian, n. foot Oxford dump, H. P.

Fahrig William, h. 6th, n. Lacka. ave., H. P.

Fahringer William, pattern maker, D. L. & W. R. R. Co’s machine shop.

Fahreinger William Mrs., boarding, h. 105 Franklin ave.

Faile Patrick, laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.

Fairchilds Herman L., clerk, Freight Office, D. L. & W. R. R., b. Washburn, n. Main, H. P.

Fairstein Charles, h. Wyoming, n. Troy, H. P.

Fairstein Josephine Mrs., h. Wyoming, n. Troy, Hyde Park.

Falinger Wm., laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.

Falbenburg Ann Mrs., dry goods, Chestnut, n. Troy, h. do., H. P.

Faller Henry, repairer, Car Shop, h. Stone.

Fallon Mathew, miner, B. Mine, h. Penn ave.

Fanning George, miner, h. Petersburgh.

Fanning James, laborer, Foundry, D. L. & W. R. R., h. S. Hampton, H. P.

Fanning James, gardener, h. 313 Franklin ave.

Fauton John, laborer, Blast Furnace, h. S. Front.

Farber Charles, laborer, b. Petersburgh.

Farber Fred., miner, No. 5., h. at Peteresburgh.

Farber George, laborer, G. R. Mine, h. at Petersburgh.

Farber Joseph, grocer, h. Petersburgh.

Farber Lewis, teamster, h. Petersburgh.

Farenholt John Theo. hairdresser, 423 Penn ave., b. U. S. Hotel.

Farene Michael, helper, Blast Furnace, h. river.

Farnham Carleton D., carpenter, h. River, n. Market, P.

Farnham Clarence, clerk, 28 Lacka. ave., h. Spruce, cor. Mifflin ave.

Farnham James, machinist, b. 426 Lack. Ave.

Farnum Alpheus B., receiving clerk, D. L. & W. R. R., h. Cedar, Slocums Hill.

Farr Edward, Prop. 4th Ward Hotel, Main, n. Lacka. ave., h. do., H. P.

Farrell Anthony, watchman, h. Brook, S. B. from the end.

Farrell Anthony, laborer, h. off  Mineral S.B.

Farrell James, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.

Farrell James, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.

Farell Julia A. Miss, dressmaker, 406 Lacka ave., h. do.

Farrell Martin, laborer, bds. Brook. third from the end., S. B.

Farrell Michael, teamster, bds. Brook. third from the end. S. B.

Farrell Michael, miner, V. S. Mine, h. 8th Ward.

Farrell Michael W., miner, h. Penn ave., opp. P. Br. Alley, P. Br.

Farry Owen, blacksmith, h. Main, n. V. S. Mine, P.

Fasold Charles, machinist, D. Mfg. Co.

Fasold George, balcksmith, D. Mfg. Co., h. Cedar.

Fasold Joh, machinist, h. Penn ave., n. New, P. B.

Fanrot, John, bookkeeper, h. Scranton ave., n. Main. H. P.

Faust Joh, machinist, D. Mfg. Co.

Faust Michael, h. Linden, n. Franklin ave.

Faust Michael, machinist, D. Mfg. Co.

Faust Nicholas, laborer, h. Cedar, n. Hickory.

Faust Philip, machinist, Rolling Mill, h. Prospect.

Faver Caroline Mrs. B. Petersburgh.

Fayden Michael, engineer, Cont. Mine, h. n. Trips Crossing on the D. L. Y W. R. R., H. P.

Feath John, butcher, h. r. 307 Linden.

Feeks, Mary a. Mrs., b. Mifflin ave., ne Mulberry.

Feelas William, laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.

Feelman Charles, shoemaker, h. Willow, n. Pittston ave.

Feeny John, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Stone.

Feeny John, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Vale.

Feeny John, laborer, O. Mine, h. Cork town, H. P.

Feeny Martin, miner, B. Mine, h. Bellevue.

Feeny Patrick, laborer, P. B. Mine, h. S. B.

Feeny Patrick, laborer, B. Mine, h. Bellevue.

Feihler Christian, miner, D. Mine, h. H. P.

Feihler Peter, miner, D. Mine, h. Diamond  Flats.

Feise Martin, laborer, O. Mine, h. Dodgetown.

Felger Peter, in lumber yard b. Ceystone House

Fellows Benjamin, b. Main, n. Hampton, H. P.

Fellows Isabell Miss, teacher, Graded School. No. 1, bds. Main, n. Washburn, H. P.

Fellows John, h. Fifth ave., n. Main, H. P.

Fellows John, H., Menzel & Fellows,) 106 Penn ave., bds. 5th ave., n. Main, H. P.

Fellows Joseph T.) & Mason, Frederick W.,) dry goods and groceries, Main, cor. 6th ave., H. P., Hill  &

                 Fellows,) coal dealers, etc., Lacka. ave., at the Bridge, H. :P., h. Main, n. 6th ave., H. P:

Fellows Joseph, bookkeeper, h . Main, n. Washburn, H. P.

Fellows Sylvanus, farmer, h. Main, n. Hampton, H. P.

Fels Charles H., cigar maker at 302 Lacka. ave., bds. Adams ave., cor. Vine.

Felts George W., Planing Mill, h. Slocum’s alley, Slocum’s Hill.

Felts Geroge W., carpenter, Car Shop, h. n. the Graded School. 11th Ward.

Felts Julia Mrs., h. opp. 408 Spruce.

Felton Nicholas, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Cedar.

Fenity John, laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.

Fenlenser Frederick, janitor, Penn ave., Baptish Church, h. 110 Franklin.

Fenner Alvah F., clerk, 32 Lacka. ave., bds. St. Charles Hotel.

Fenner James, conductor, bds. 105 Franklin ave.

Fenton Bartlett, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Pittston ave.,

Fenton Michael, filler, Blast Furnace, h. S. Front.

Fenton Morris, laborer, Blast Furnace, h. Pittston ave.,

Ferber Jacob, moulder, Foundry, D. Mfg. Co.

Ferdencamper Albert, mason, b. R. Vine, bet. Wyoming ave., and Penn ave.

Ferguson Henry, laborer, P. B. Mine, h. P. B.

Ferguson John, Machinist Shop, D. L. & W. R. R. Co.

Ferguson John, miner, P. B. Mine, h. Penn ave.

Ferguson John, printer, h. 217 Lacka. ave.

Ferguson John, h. Com’l alley, c. Mifflin ave.

Ferguson Mary A. Mrs., h. 32 Lacka. ave.

Ferguson Patrick, laborer, P. B. Mine, h. P. B.

Ferguson Patrick, miner, P. B., h. P. B.

Ferkus Christian, blacksmith, Car Shop, h. Prospect, 4th Ward.

Fern Catherine Mrs., h. Penn ave., cor. New.

Fern Engler, carpenter, b. Penn ave., c. New, P. B.

Fern Henry, carpenter, Car Shop, h. at Petersburgh.

Fern John, teamster, Blast Furnace, h. River.

Fern John, blacksmith, Dodge Mine, Park Hill, H. P.

Fern Julius, jeweler, h. Scranton ave., n. Chestnut, H. P.

Ferrell Patrick, repairer, Car Shop, h. 2d, Dodgetown.

Ferris John, stonecutter, h. 2nd, second h. from the River, Dodgetown.

Ferris William, machinist, d\D. L & W. R. R.,

Fesold Eva Mrs., h. Cedar, n. Alder.

Fetzer Frederick, blacksmith, P. B. Mine, h. Hickory, Shanty Hill.

Fetzgar George M., helper, Car Shop, h. Hickory.

Fethewey Richard, blacksmith, Cliff Works.

Fiarstine Charles, fireman, D. L. & W. R. R.

Fich Peter, laborer, h. Alder, cor. Pittston ave.

Fields Benjamin, plumber, h. r. 306  Linden.

Fifsher John, bds. laborers, bds. Washington, n. Remington, Slocum Flats.

Filan Mary Mrs., h. Wyoming, n. Jackson, H. P.

Filan Nicholas, grocer, Scranton ave., n. Wyoming h. do., H. P.

Filan Winnie Miss, teacher, Primary Dep’t 4th Ward School, North, H. P., h. Jackson, H. P.

Filer Elijah, miner, V. S. Mine, h. P.

Filger Chirsitian, provision dealer, 313 Penn ave., h. do.

Filley A. S., marble cutter, b. Luzerne House.

Filley Barthol, marble cutter, b. Luzerne House.

Fillmen Charles, boot maker, 429 Lacka. ave., h. Willow.

Fillmore, Benj. F. contractor, h. Providence ave., G. R.

Fitz Godfrey, soap boilder, h. Water, cor. Peach, Slocum Flats.

Finch Almira W. Mrs., h. 207 Mulberry.

Finch Asahel P.) & Co. Irving A. Finch) machinists and machinery mfrs. On D. L. & W. R. R.,

                n. Lacka. ave., H. P., h. Main, n. Washburn, H. P.

Finch Charles H., harness maker, 410 Lacka. ave., h. at Dodgetown.

Finch Darius, carpenter, h. Lacka. ave., at the Bridge, H. P.

Finch Erb, machinist, h. H. P. ave., H. P.

Finch Falger G., carpenter, Planing Mill, r. Cliff Works, h. n. the Baptist Church, H. P.

Finch Irving A. (Finch & Co.) on D. L. & W. R. R., n. Lacka. ave., H. P.,, h. H. P. ave., H. P.

Finch John, foreman, sash and blind Shop, r. Clilff Works, h. Franklin, cor. Chestnut, H. P.

Finishey James, laborer, B. Mine, h. Second, Dodgetown.

Fink Simon, miner, h. Hampton Patch, H. P.

Fink William, watchman, h. Petersburgh.

Finlin Hugh, laborer, h. Lacka. ave., n. Chestnut, H. P.

Finley Pierce B., Thomas Moore & Co.,), 111 Lacka. ave., h. 3 Spruce.

Finelyson John, blacksmith, D. L. & W. R. R. car shop, h. r. Phelps, n. Penn ave., P. B.

Finn Erastus S., dispatcher, D. L. & W.  & L & B. R. R., h. Wyoming, n. Troy, H. P.

Finn Ezra, carpenter, h. 310 Franklin ave., n. Linden.

Finn John, h. Linden, bet. Penn and Wyoming aves.

Finn John,  moulder, D. L & W. R. R. Co’s Foundry, b. 218 Lacka. ave.

Finn Marion W., carpenter, bds. 310 Franklin ave.

Finn Patrick, miner, O. Mine, h. Scranton ave., Hyde Park.

Finnerty Bartley, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.

Finnerty John, miner, h. R. R. ave., H. P.

Finnerty John, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Pearl.

Finnerty Michael, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.

Finnerty Michael, miner, h. R. R. ave., n. Scranton ave., H. P.

Finnerty Michael, laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.

Finnigan James, boilermaker, b. 410 Washington ave., Scranton Flats.

Finnigan James F., puddler, Rolling Mill, b. Vale.

Finnigan John, laborer, L.C. Mine, h. High Works., P.

Finnigan, John, labore, Rolling Mill, h. Vale.

Finnin John, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.

Finton John, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. S. Front.

Fisch Anthony, bootmaker, 429 Lacka. ave., bds. Pittston ave., cor. Alder.

Fischer Charles) & Assion Henry), grocers, 519 Lacka. ave., and saloon under do., h. river, n.

                Scranton Flats.

Fischer Ernts. F., hairdresser, under 515 Lacka. ave., h. Adams ave., n. Linden.

Fischer Fredk. Car maker, h. Cedar, n. the Bridge.

Fish John B., plumber, Main, n. Church, P., h. Church, opp. Presbyterian Church, P.

Fishback John, laborer, h. R. 204  Penn ave.

Fisher Andrew G. P. A. & A. G. Fischer), H. P. ave., n. Jackson, h. do.

Fisher Charels H., physician, 320 Lacka. ave., b. do.

Fisher Frederick, carpenter, Car Shop, h. Cedar.

Fisher George), Sutphin John H.) & Co. (Watson H. Linburg), jobbers & commission dealers in dry

                goods, 412 Lacka ave., h. Vine, cor. Jeff. Ave.

Fisher Geroge L., dentist, 320 Lacka. ave., h. do.

Fisher Jacob, miner, h. Hampton Patch, H. P.

Fisher James B., Rev., Pastor Pres. Church, Providnece, h. Market, n. Brick, P.

Fisher John, laborer, D. Mine, h. Bellevue.

Fisher John J., clerk, 116 Penn ave., b. H. P., ave., n. Jackson, H. P.

Fisher Peter A., & Andrew G.) lightning rod dealers, H. P. ave., n. Jackson, h. do., H. P.

Fisher Phebe A. Mrs., h. H. P. ave., n. Jackson, H. P.

Fisher Thomas J. & Co., (John H. Sutphin & Henry, C. Albright), gorcers wholesale & flour, 30 Lacka.

                ave., h. 4 Wyoming terrace, Wyoming ave., n. Vine.

Fisk Carrie Miss, b. 317 Penn ave.

Fisk Nicholas, miner, No. 5, h. Prospect.

Fitch Peter, bootmaker, 501 Lacka ave., b. Wash. ave., cor. River.

Fitch Nathaniel, tax collector & constablee, h. off of Market, beyond D. & H. C. Co’s r. R., P.

Fitzgerald E. T., engineer, D. L. & W. R. R.

Fitzgerald Richard Prop. City Hotel, & passenger & exchange office, 107 Penn ave., h. do.

Fitzgerald Thomas L., engineer, D.L & W. R. R., machine shop.

Fitzgerald James, laborer, D. L & W. R. R., machine shop.

Fitzgibbon John, puddler, New Rolling Mill, h. Orch.

Fitzpatrick John, h. on the alley, r. P. O.

Fitzpatrick John T.), & Drew (Sam’l M.) livery stable, Commercial al., h. al. r. Luzerne House.

Fitzpatrick Thomas, carpenter, h. R. R. ave., n. Scranton ave., H. P.

Fitzsimmons Patrick, Rolling Mill, h. Orchard.

Fitzsimmons Thomas, helper, Rolling Mill, h. Stone.

Flaherty Edward, butcher, b. “Millers.”

Flaherty Francis, engineer, h. Pittston ave., S. H.

Flaherty Martin, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. S. Front.

Flaherty Michael, grocer, 411 Penn ave., h. do.

Flaherty Patrick, laboerer, D. Mine.

Flaherty William, h. 411 Penn ave.

Flanley Brian, miner, D. Mine, h. H. P.

Flannay Dominick, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Orchard.

Flannery Anthony, miner, P. B. Mine, h. dodgetwon.

Flannery John, repairere, Car Shop, h. Stone.

Flanningan Bartholomew W., machinist, Cliff Works, b. R. R. ave., H. P.

Flannigan Edward, boilermaker, Machine Shop, D. L. & W. R. R. Co.

Flanningan John, laborer, C. Mine, h. Vinegar Hill, P.

Flanningan John, laborer, Blast Furnace.’

Flanningam Mary, dressmaker, 224 Lacka. ave., g. co.

Flanningan Michael, laborer, C. Mine., h. Vinegar Hill, P.

Flanningan Patrick, saloon, mMin, n. Jackson, h. do.

Flanningan Thomas, painter, h. 224 Lcka. Ave.

Flemming Edward, L. C. Mine, h. at the Notch, P.

Flemming Thomas, laborer, L. C. Mine, h.Main, P.

Flemmery Edward r., saloon, R. R. ave., n. Scranton ave., h. do., H. P.

Flesh Frank, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Prospect.

Fletcher Amanda Mrs., teacher, Private School, off Eynon, n. Main, Park Hill, H. P.

Fletcher Charles, laborer, P. B. Mine, h. Penn Ave.

Fletcher Edward, physician, Market, n. Brick, h. do., P.

Fletcher Franklin B., Rev. Pastro Meth Prot. Church, off Eynon, n. Main, Park Hill, h. do., H. P.

Flil Carl, patternmaker, Cliff Works.

Flock John, repairer, car shop, h. Washington ave.

Flower Abraham, carpenter, h. Scranton ave., n. L. & B. R. R., H. P.

Flood John, filler, Blast Furnace, h . Orchard.

Flory Jacob, cigarmaker, h. 513 Wyoming ave.

Flory John, carpenter, h. Front, r. Wyoming ave., n. Lacka. ave.

Flory Lorenzo G., clerk, h. 515 Wyoming ave.

Flory W. H., machinist, D. L & W. R. R. co’s shop.

Flurrey Michael, h. further end of Washburn, H. P.

Flynn Anthony, New rolling Mill, h. Prospecgt.

Flynn Charles, mason, Blast Furnace, h. First, Dodgetown, H. P.

Flynn Enos, grocer, Market, n. Orchard, h. do., P.

Flahert Martin, Machine Shop, D. L & W. R. R.

Flynn Edmund, mason, Blast Furnace, h. River, Dodge.

Flynn Edward, cigar maker, h. 1st, n. the Bridge, H. P.

Flynn Edward, segar maker, at 114 Penn ave., h.

Flynn Henry, engineer, h. Troy, c. Chestnut, H. P.

Flynn Henry C., engineer, L. & B R. R., h. 109 Lacka. ave.

Flynn James, butcher, h. Petersburgh.

Flynn James, carpenter, b. Market, n. Orchard, P.

Flynn James, tinsmith, 511 Lacka. ave.

Flynn James B., carpenter, h. Orchard, c.H. P. ave., H. P.

Flynn Jane Mrs., h. Market, n. Orchard, P.

Flynn John, laborer, Blast Furnace, h. Prospect.

Flynn Margaret Mrs., h. River, n. V. S. Slope, P.

Flynn Michael, h. 1st, n. Bridge, H. P.

Flynn Michael, laborer, C. Mine, h. Abington Trunpike, P.

Flynn Michael, laborer, H. P. Mine, h. Walnut, H. P.

Flynn Michael, h. Lacka. ave., n. Chestnut, Hyde Park.

Flynn Owen, butcher, b. Petersburgh.

Flynn Owen, miner, h. Hampton Patch, H. P.

Flynn Patrick, D. Mfg. Co. h. 1st, Dodgetown.

Flynn Patrick, miner, V. S. Mine, h. P.

Flynn Peter, miner, Central Mine, H. P.

Flynn Thomas, laborer, L. C. Mine, h. Bloom’s Patch, P.

Flynn Thomas, laborer, h. n. the dump, Sandy Bank.

Flynn Thomas puddler, New Mill, h. n. do.

Foar Peter, laborer, D. Mg. Co’s Yard.

Foine Joseph, A., tinsmith, 514 Lacka. ave., bds. do.

Foley Andrew, puddler, rolling Mill, h. Vale.

Foley James, laborer, D. Mine, h. Diamond Flats.

Foley John, painter, b. Lacka. ave.,n. the Bridge, H. P.

Folger George) & Moores, Seth F.) liquors wholesale, 209 Lacka. ave., h. head of Wyoming ave.

Folley Thomas, Cooper & Foley) 304 Lacka. ave., h. 309 Penn ave.

Fonen John, labore, Blast Furnace, h. Orchard.

Foote Alonzo L.) & Heller Alfred), Livery Stable, Wyoming ave., n. Spruce, h. 312 Spruce.

Foote Irving, printer, Times Office, h. 304 Lacka. ave.

Ford Daniel, h. on the Flats, n. V. S. Slope, P.

Ford Everett G., turner, h. V. S. Slope, P.

Ford John, Mt. P. Mine, h. McCann’s Patch, H. P.

Ford Thomas, laborer, Mt. P. Mine, h. McCann’s Patch, H. P.

Ford William, hostler, b. Heerman’s House, H. P.

Fordham George, axe grinder, h. Main, n. City Line, P.

Fordham James A., painter, Main, n. Market, n. do., P.

Fordham Jeremiah L, dentist, 120 Wyoming ave., h. 9th, n. G. R. ave., G. R.

Fordham John r., confedctinery, Market, n. Main, h. do., P.

Forkin James, laborer, B. Mine, h. R. R. ave., 6th Ward.

Forr Frank, pattern maker, h. r.Penn ave., n. d. Mfg. Co.

Forrester Brothers Edward A. & Charles) & Co., grocers, wholesale, 32 Lacka. ave.

Forrester Charles Forrester Bros. & Co.), 32 Lacka ave., h. opp. 326 Franklin ave.

Forrester Edward A., Forrester Bros. & Co.), 32 Lacka. ave., h. Mulberry, n. Mifflin ave.

Foster August, D. Mine, h. Diamond Flats.

Foster Dwight M., salesman, 412 Lacka. ave., b. Park Place.

Foster Frank, engineer, O. Mine, h. Washburn, H. P.

Foster George, hleper, Car Shop.

Foster George Mrs., h. 414 Jeff. ave.

Foster George B., bookkeeper, 511 Lacka. ave., b. 414 Jeff. ave.

Foster Ira H., track master, D. L. & W. R. R., h. 311 Franklin ave.

Foster Lewis, grocer, Park Hill, h. do., H. P.

Foster Nicholas, miner, O. Mine, h. Park Hill, H. P.

Foster Peter S., h. Park Place.

Fousel Louis, b. Cedar, n. Slocums Hill.

Foust Nicholas, carpenter, Car Shop, h. Cedar.

Fowler James, W., Chief Cler, Superintendent’s Office, D. L & W. R. R. passenger station, h.

                Linden, bet. Madison and Monroe ave.s

Fowler Thoams, miller, h. r. 45 Lacka. ave.

Fowler Willis, engineer, D. L. & W. R. R., h. opp. Scranton Stove Works, H. P.

Fox, Dallas, teamster, b. in alley opp. 413 Penn ave.

Fox  James, mason, h. Wyoming ave., n. Lacka. ave., H. P.

Fox John, miner, h. Prospect, H. P.

Fox John, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Hemlock.

Fox Joseph, labore, h. Birch, n. Cedar.

Fox Joseph, puddler, New Rolling Mill, h. Birch.

Fox Patrick, miner, L. C. Mine, h. Bloom’s Patch, P.

Fox Peter, reparier, Car Shop, h. Park Hill, H. P.

Fox Thomas, miner, L. C. Mine, h. Bloom’s Patch, P.

Foy Bridget Mrs., h. Brick, n.Willow, P.

Foy James, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.

Foy John, laborer, G. R. Mine, h. P. B.

Foy John, saloon, Bloom’s Patch, h. do., P.

Foy Patrick, laborer, D. L. & W. R. R., machine shop, h. Fourth, n. Fifth ave., Bellevue.

Foy Peter, laborer, B. Mi ne, h. R. R. ave., H. P.

Foy Thomas, liquor dealer, h. 203 Penn ave.

Frable Washington, laborer, h.Cedar, at the Bridge.

Frain Thomas, laobrer, b. Fellows, n. H. P. Mine, H. P.

France Peter, h. r. Cedar, n. Hickory.

Frances Thomas, laborer, P. B. Mine, h. Wash., H. P.

Francis James, laborer, D. Mine, h. P.

Francis James, stable boss, D. Mine, b. Main, n. Hotel Church’s, P.

Francis John Mrs., h. Main, n. Church’s Hotel, P.

Francis John J.,. laborer, N. Mine, h. Minooka.

Francis Thomas, laborere, N. Mine, h. Belv., H. P.

Francis Wm., miner, No. 5, bds. 4 Pearl.

Francis Wm., miner, No. 5, h. Stone.

Franck Henry, h. Willow, n. Cedar.

Franey Michael, stone mason, h. Brick, n. Market, P.

Frank John, mining boss, Fellows Mine, H. P., h. Prospect, H. P.

Frank Michael, fireman, D. L. & W. R. R.

Frank Michael, engineer, bds. Luzerne House.

Frank Peter, mason, h. Petersburgh.

Frankfield Davis W., salesman, 400 and 402 Lacka. ave., bds. Spruce, cor. Wash. ave.

Frankenstein Julius, clerk, 112 Franklin ave., bds. 321 Lacka. ave.

Frantz Henry, labore, Rolling Mill, h. Prosptect.

Frantz Jacob J., clerk, F. S. Pauli, h. 119 1-2 Franklin ave.

Frantz Joseph, carpenter, D. Mfg. Co.

Frantz Milton, carpenter, h. 119 Franklin ave.

Frantz Nicholas, repairer, Car Shop, h. at Petersburgh.

Frantz Peter, roller, Rolling Mill, h. Prospect.

Frantz William, car runner, h. No. 6, Petersburgh.

Frantz Willim, carpenter, D. L. & W. R. R. Co’s machine shop.

Frsier Charles W., Superintendent, Planing Mill, h. Hampton, above Bellevue Crossing, H. P.

Frazee Thomas, carpenter, bds. n. Frankin ave.

Frazier Charles W., Superintendent, H. P. Planing Mill, r. Cliff Works, Eynon, Park Hill.

Frazier Rosetta Mrs., dressmaker, Hampton, above Bellevue Crossing h. do., H. P.

Frazoer Thomas, carpenter, bds. Commercial alley, r. Post Office.

Frear Edrick, proprietor Providence Flour and Grist Mills, Market, at the Bridge, P., h. at Factoryville.

Frear Robert H., clerk, b. 206 Lacka. ave.

Fredrici Daniel, carpenter, b. Prov. Road, n. G. R., D.

Frederici Freeman, teamster, h. Prov. road, n. G. R., D.

Frederici William, teamster, b. Prov. Road, n. G. R., D.

Frederick John, foreman, b. 110 Franklin ave.

Frederick John, foreman, b. 110 Franklin ave.

Freehorn Henry, Machine Shhop, D. L. & W. R. R. Co.

Freehorn Phili, L. I & C. Co., Machine Shop.

Freeman Jacob Freeman, Barents & Co.) 220 Lacka. ave., h. at Honesdale.

Freeman Oscar, foreman, Cliff Works, h. 424  Franklin ave.

Freeman Simon) Barents Simon) & Co., (Jacob Freeman), clothing, 220 Lacka. ave., h. at N. Y.

Freeman Thomas, B. Mine, h. R. R. ave., H. P.

Fremman William, brakeman, D. L. & W. R. R., bds. Seventh, n. Lacka. ave., H. P.

Freeman William H., land agt. D. L. & W. R. R.

Freeman -----, carpenter, b. Market, beyond D. & H. C. Co’s r. R.

Freese Jacob, mason, Blast Furnace, h. Stone.

Freese John, laborer, h. Petersburgh.

Fresh Albert, carpenter, B. Mine, h. H. P.

Freshell George, drug clerk, 127 Penn ave., b. 309 do.

Freshel Mary V., fancy goods, 309 Penn ave., h. do.

Frey Frederick, laborer, h. Petersburgh.

Freymuller Alfred, ins. agt., b.. 28 Lacka. ave.

Freymuller Everett A., millinery goods, 135 Penn ave., h. do.

Friant Joseph S., repairer, Car Shop.

Frichtell Frederick, blast furnace, h. Pittston ave.

Frickdell John, keeper, Blast Furnace, h. Willow, n. Cedar.

Friedman Soloman, clothing, 201 Lacka. ave., h. next to 211 Franklin ave.

Fries Chas., laborer, h. Cedar, n. Willow.

Fries Jacob, mason, h. Shanty Hill.

Friese Fredk, mason, h. r. Willow, n. Pittston ave.

Frink John, repairere, Car Shop, h. S. Hampton, H. P.

Frink Orin, President Commonwealth Co-operative Co. h. Jackson, cor. H. P. ave., H. P.

Frink William, freight agt. D. L. & W. rR R., L & B. R. R., and Empire Line, h. Washburn, n. Main, H. P.

Frint David, heater, Rolling Mill, h. N. Front, n. Dodge.

Frint Joseph S., carpenter, b. N. Front, n. Dodge.

Fritch Frederick, repairer, Car Shop, h. Cedar.

Fritch John, teamster, h. Willow, n. Pittston ave.

Fritsch Charles, laborer, Blast Furnace, h. Cedar.

Fritsch Jacob, carpenter, h. Phelps, n. rhe R. R., P. B.

Fritsch Jacob G., laborer, h.  Phelps, P. B.

Fritsch William, laborer, Blast Furnace, h. Cedar.

Fritz Ellen J. Mrs., dressmaker, 213 Linden, cor. Penn ave., Second, above Vine.

Fritz George W., harness, saddlery, trunks, valises and travelling bags, 410 Lacka. ave., h. Madison ave.,

                Second, above Vine.

Fritz Jacob, Rolling Mill, h. Scranton Flats.

Fritz Lawrence, miner, B. Mine, h. Dodgetown.

Froebell Washington, carpenter, Cliff Works.

Frost Frank, engineer, b. opp. Stove Works, H. P.

Frost Joseph, cutter, h. 409 Lcka. Ave.

Froster Clemesn repairer, Car Shop, h. Cedar.

Frothingham Arthur, cler, 400 and 402 Lacka. ave., bds. Monroe ave., bet. Linden and Mulberry.

Frothingham Augustus, Ins. Agent, 400 and 402 Lacka. ave., h. Monroe ave., bet Linden and Mulberry.

Frothingham Gideon, h. Linden, cor. Monroe ave.

Frownfelker Morris, brakeman, b. on the alley, r. P. O.

Froy John, New Rolling Mill, h. Pittston ave.

Fruehan Conrad, carpenter, b. Cedar, cor. Willow.

Fruehan George, Srn., laborer, h. Cedar, cor. Willow.

Fruehan George, Jr., grocer Cedar, cor. Willow, h. do.

Fruehan Henry, boilermaker, h. Cedar, c. Willow.

Frutchey Matthew G., carpenter, h. 321 ranklin ave.

Fry Louis, carpenter, b. 314 Franklin ave.

Fry William B., clerk, 322 Lacka. ave., bds. 409 Mulberry.

Fucks Daniel, filler Blast Furnace, h. Orchard.

Fuess Frederick, carpenter, Rolling Mill, h. Hemlock.

Fuhrman Jacob S., tinsmith, h. 118 Penn ave., h. 433 Lacka. ave.

Fuhrman Jacob S. Mrs., fancy goods and notions, 433 Lacka. ave., h. do.

Furman Samuel J., printer, Republican Office, 332 Lacka. ave., bds. 433 do.

Furkerson william H., carpenter, h. Washington, n. H. P. ave., H. P.

Fuller Albert F., machinist, h. Wyoming, n. Lacka. ave., H. P.

Fuller Charles & Son, John D.) insurance agenst, 303 Lacka. ave., h. 210 Penn ave., n. Spruce.

Fuller Charles R., clerk, 303 Lackawanna ave., b. 208 Penn ave.

Fuller Daniel P., h. Main, n. Prov. Foundry, P.

Fuller Edward C., L. S. & E. C. Fuller,) 303 Lacka ave., h. 208 Penn ave.

Fuller Edward L, clerk, 118 Penn ave., bds. 208 do.

Fuller Francis, farmer, h. Main, Park Place, P.

Fuller Frederick, Ramck & Fuller,) 402 Lacka. ave., h. bet. Washington ave., & Wyoming ave.

Fuller Geroge, G. A. & S. F. Fuller & Co.,) 400 & 402 Lacka. ave.,, h. Washington bet. Linden &


Fuller George A., & Isaac F. & Co., (George Fuller) wholesale grocers & provision dealers, 400 and

                402 Lacka. ave., h. 523 Lacka. cor. Adams ave.

Fuller Harland D., private school, Luces alley n. Maine, h. do.,  H. P.

Fuller Horace M., carpenter, hn. Market n. the Bridge, P.

Fuller Isaac F., G. A. & I. F. Fuller, & Co.), 400 and 402 Lacka. ave., h. Wash. ave., bet Linden

                and Mulberry.

Fuller Jeremiah, engineer, D. L. & W. R. R.

Fuller John D., C. Fuller & Son), 303 Lacka. ave., h. Mifflin ave., bet. Linden & Spruce.

Fuller Laton S., & (Edward C.), druggists and books & stationery, 303 Lacka. ave., h. 210 Penn ave.

Fuller Mary E. Mrs., h. on the R. R., n. Gibson, P. B.

Fuller Wm. H., cashier, Merchants & Mechanics Bank, 420 Lacka. ave., h. Mulberry, cor. Monroe ave.

Fullmer Henry, carpenter, Central Mine, H. P.

Fulton John, Machine Shop, D. L & W. R. R. Co.

Fulton Maureic, carpenter, b. Madison ave., c. Vine.

Funkey Richard, clerk, h. 323 Penn ave.

Furber Augustus, teamster, h. 506 Wyoming ave.

Furlong James, stone cutter, b. 220 Lacka. ave.

Furey John, miner, G. R. Mine, h. P. B.

Surname Directory
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I,J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P,Q] [R] [S] [T,U] [V] [W] [Y,Z] 

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