KABATT CHRISTOPHER, laborer, Rolling Mill, h.Cedar.
Kaeppel Christopher, dyeing, & cleaning, 205 Lacka. ave., h. 207 do.
Kafferty Catherine Miss, h. Prospect, n. River.
Kahler Peter J., 412 Lacka. ave., b. Scranton House.
Kallerman C. K., fireman, D. L. & W.
Kalor Edward, overseer, D. L & W., b. Wyoming ave., cor., Lacka. ave.
Kalpin Michael, New Rolling Mill, h. Bellevue.
Kalpin Thomas, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Stone.
Kane Anthony, h. alley, r. 5th, Soldiers’ Mill, H. P.
Kane Anthony, laborer, Round House, D. L. & W.
Kane John, laborer, Rolling Mill, b. Prospect.
Kane Michael, miner, N. Mine, h. Minooka.
Kane Owen, laborer, Round-house, D. L. & W.
Kane Patrick, laborer, Dodge Mine, h. Park Hill, H. P.
Kane Patrick, laborer, Round-house, D. L. & W.
Kane Thomas, miner, B. Mine, h. Bellevue, H. P.
Kane Thomas, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Kane Thomas, laborer, Car Shop, h. 3d, Bellevue.
Kanlizt Christian, machinist, Cliff Works.
Kann Daniel, teamster, B. Mine, h. Park Hill, H. P.
Kapp Jacob F., furniture, dealer, 509 Lacka. ave., h. r. Penn ave., bet. Vine & the R. R.
Kapp Michael, teamster, h. Madison ave., n. Vine.
Kardner Jacob, cabiner maker, b. U. S. Hote.
Karl Patrick, laborer, H. P. Mine, h. Slate Hill, H. P.
Karn John, miner, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Karney Dominick, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Karney John E., laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Karr Edward, teamster, H. P. Mine., H. P.
Kas Michael, watchman, h. Gibson, n. Penn ave., P. B.
Kaugher Henry, h. H. P. ave., cor. Jackson , H. P.
Kaulitz Christian, h. Birch, n. Pittston ave.
Kavanaugh James, helper, Rolling Mill, h. River.
Kavanaugh Thomas, laborer, D. L. & W. mach. shop.
Kays Albert C., harnessmaker, Main, n. Market, P., h. Market, n. Brick, P.
Kays James H. harnessmaker, h. Main, n. Market, P.
Keach Geroge, fireman, D. L. & W., P.
Keach J. E.,engineer, D. L. & W.
Kean Edward, Car Shop, h. Wash. ave., 8th Ward.
Kear Lizzie mrs., Dressmaker, r. Wash. ave., n. River, h. do.
Kearney James, clerk, 210 Lacka ave., b. 312 Wyhoming ave.,
Kearney John, miner, Mt. P. Mine, h. n. Finch’s Foundry, H. P.
Kearney John, laborer, Rolling Mill, bds. Stone.
Kearney Margaret Mrs., h. Scratnon ave., n. 10th, H. P.
Kearney Michael, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Hemlock.
Kearney Michael M., wholesale grocer, wines, liquors, &c., 210 Lacka. ave., h. 312 Wyoming ave.
Kearney Patrick, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Alley, n. River and Orchard.
Kearney Patrick, saloon, Chestnut, h. do. H. P.
Kearney Patrick B., heater, Rolling Mill, h. S. Front.
Kearney Patrick C., Rolling Mill, h. Pittston ave.
Kearney Patrick, fireman, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Kearney Thomas, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Orchard.
Kearns Francis, laborer, D. L & W.
Kearns Lwrence, h. Wash. ave., n. the Brick Yard.
Keck William, fireman, b. opp. Stove Works, Hyde Park.
Kee Oliver, hostler, Forest House, b. do.
Keegan J. C., Machine Shop, D. L. & W.
Keegan James, conductor, D. L. & W., b. Railraod ave., n. Scranton ave., H. P.
Keegan Martin, blacksmith,Car Shop, h. Wash. ave.
Keegan Michael, brakeman, b. Railroad ave., n. Scranton, H. P.
Keegan Patrick, laborer, h. Cliff, n. the Railroad.
Keegan Patrick, porter, D. L. & W., passenger station.
Keegan Peter, laborer, H. P. Mine, h. P.
Keegan Peter, laborer, H. P. Mine, H. P.
Keeley John, mason, h. Main, n. Washburn, H. P.
Keeley Mathew, blacksmith,, h.Mulberry, n. Mifflin ave.,
Keeley Michael, laborer, D. Mine, h. P. B.
Keenan John, grocer, Prospect, cor. Orchard, h. do.
Keenyan Patrick, laborer, Round House, D. L & W.
Keeyler Frederick, teamster, h. Cedar, n. Willow.
Keifer Charles, teamster, h. Cedar, Slocum’s Hill.
Keiper Daniel, carpenter, h. Birch, n. Cedar.
Keiper, Jacob, carpenter, h. Cedar, n. Slocum’s Hill
Keiper Michael, h. head Prospect, n. Willow.
Keiper William, carpenter, h.Birch, n. Cedar.
Keiser Charles C., book-keeper, 329 Lacka. ave., bds. Wyoming ave., cor. Lacka. ave.
Keiser, Fredkl, blacksmith, Machine Shop, D. L & W.
Keiser Geroge C. C., liquor dealer, (B. Simon & Co.,) h. Wyoming, cor. Lacka. ave.
Keiser William C., Hill & Keiser,) 414 Lcka. Ave., b. Wash. ave.
Keisling John, sash maker, h. Mian, n. Church’s Hotel, P.
Keitrick Patrick, laborer, N. Mine, h. Minooka.
Keitz Gustave, clerk, 418 Lacka. ave., b. do.
Keeley Frank, laborer, h. 2d, Dodgetown, H. P.
Kelley Allen, harnessmaker, 105 Franklin ave., b. Mifflin ave.
Keller Charles Fred’k, bookbinder, Republican office, h. Cedar.
Keller Fredk., -----, h. Cedar, n. the Bridge.
Keller George, locksmith and cutler, 129 Penn ave., b. 127 do.
Keller Jacob, mason, h. Cedar, n. Willow.
Keller John, conductor, b. 109 Lacka. ave.
Keller John P., clerk, 129 Penn ave., b. 127 do.
Keller Joseph M., conductor, D. L & W., h. r. 319 Wyoming ave.
Keller Lewis L. Johnson & Keller), Spruce, n. Mifflin, h. in alley, bet. Spruce and Linden.
Keller, Lewis W.,) & Co., Sydenham W. Keller, harness makers, 105 Franklin ave., h.Mifflin ave.,n .
Keller Luther, harnessmakerr, at 105 Franklin ave., b. Mifflin ave., n. Spruce.
Keller Matthew, blacksmith, D. Mfg. Co., h. Mulberry, Eighth Ward.
Keller Sarah Mrs., h. 109 Lacka. ave.
Keller Sydenham W., Keller & Co.,) 105 Franklin ave., h. Mifflin ave., n. Spruce.
Keller Theodore, carriage maker, h. Church, n. Main, P.
Keller William, conductor, h. 109 Lacka. ave.
Kellerman Charles, labore, Blast Furnace, h. Alley, r. Cedar.
Kellerman Frederick, laborer, Blast Furnace, h. Prospect.
Kellerman Frederick, tailor, h. Alder, n. Cedar, 11th Ward.
Kellerman Jacob, Blast Furnace, h. Bellevue, H. P.
Kellerman John, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Cedar.
Kellet John, laborer, D. L. & W., bds. Hampton Patch, H. P.
Kellet John, laborer, D. L. & W., bds. Fellows, H. P.
Kelleway Isaac, miner, bds. 426 Lacka. ave.
Kelley -----, laborer, b. Jackson, n. Wyoming H. P.
Kelley Albert, printer, Republican, b. Lacka. ave., n. the Bridge, H. P.
Kelley Anthony, D. Mine, h. Mineral, r. P. B. Mine.
Kelley Celia Mrs., h. Sixth ave., n. R. R. ave., Bellevue.
Kelley Charles, mason, Blast Furnace, h. Walnut.
Kelley Daniel, fireman, D. L. & W. R. R.
Kelley Edward, laborer, Balst Furnace, h. Prospect.
Kelley Edward, laborer, B. Mine, h. 5th ave., H. P.
Kelley Horace J., h. r. St. Charles Hotel.
Kelley James, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Kelley John, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Hemlock.
Kelley John, h. r. Washington ave., Scranton Flats.
Kelley John, laborer, h. Scranton Flats.
Kelley Martin, laborer, O. Mine, h. Boon Hill, H. P.
Kelley Mary Mrs., h. Mineral, n. the dump. S. B.
Kelley Michael, laborer, D. Mine, h. S. B.
Kelley Michael, laborer, b. Com’l alley, n. Mifflin ave.
Kelley Michael, D. Mine, h. Mineral, r. P. B. Mine.
Kelley Michael, laborer, B. Mine, h. 5th ave., Bellevue.
Kelley Michael, laborer, D. Mine.
Kelley Michael, laborer, D. Mine, h. Diamond Flats.
Kelley Michael, laborer, L. C. Mine, High Works, P.
Kelley Patrick, mason, h. Jackson , n. the Horse Car Track, H. P.
Kelley Patrick, h. R. R. ave., n. 5th, Bellevue, H. P.
Kelley Peter, clerk, b. Com’l alley, n. Mifflin ave.
Kelley Peter, repairer, Car Shop, h. River.
Kelley Thomas, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Hickory.
Kelley Thos., laborer, L. C., Mine, h. at the Notch, P.
Kelley Thomas, laborer, N. Mine, h. Minooka.
Kelley Thomas, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Hemlock.
Kellow David, repairer, Car Shop, h. Mulberry.
Kellow Geroge F., repairer, Car Shop, h. Mulberry.
Kellow William, foreman, D. L. & W. h. 206 Mulberry.
Kellow William, carpenter, Car Shop, h. alley, r. Franklin ave.,
Kellum S. W. telegraph operator, D. L. & W. passenger station.
Kelly Anthony,miner, P. B. Mine, h. S. B.
Kelly Daniel, puddler, New Rolling Mill, h. Orchard.
Kelly Dennis, repairer, Car Shop, h. Pittston ave.
Kelly James, miner, P. B. Mine, h. P. B.
Kelly James, laborer, D. Mine, h. Diamond Flats.
Kelly John, helper, machine Shop, D. L. & W.
Kelly John, first laborer, Car Shop, h. River.
Kelly John, laborer, opp. Head 9th, H. P.
Kelly John, saloon, Scranton ave., n. R. R., h. do., H. P.
Kelly John M., Machine Shop, D. L & W.
Kelly Martin, laborer, G. R., h. P. B.
Kelly Michael, fireman, D. L. & W.
Kelly Michael, carpenter, b. 419 Penn ave.
Kelly Michael, D. Mine, h. P.
Kelly Patrick, heater, Rolling Mill, h. Hemlock.
Kelly Patrick, laborer, P. B. Mine, h. S. B.
Kelly Patrick, laborer, D. Mine, h. Diamond Flats.
Kelly Richard, moulder, Foundry, D. L. & W. , h. P. B.
Kelly Thomas, laborer, P. B. Mine, h. S. B.
Kelly William, moulder, Foundry, D. L. & W.
Kelly William, laborer, L. C. Mine, h. Main, P.
Kelly William, laborer, D. L. & W. machine shop.
Kelscher Daniel, miner, P. B. Mine, h. P. B.
Kemmerer Charles P., miller, Providence Mills, h. Main, n. Market, P.
Kemmerer David) & Schreifer, Christopher,) com. merchants, 121 Penna ve., h. Adams ave., cor. Spruce.
Kemmer John M., clerk, 116 Franklin ave., h. Pauli’s Building, Lacka. ave.
Kemmerer Lorenzo F., way bill, clerk, D. L. & W. pass. Station, h. Adams ave., cor. Spruce.
Kemmerling Gustav, laborer, h. Main, n. City Lline, P.
Kenban William r., laborer, h. Jefferson ave., n. Washburn, H. P.
Kendle Samuel, painter, bds. 115 Wyoming ave.
Kenna William, blacksmith, Rolling Mill, h. Stone.
Kennahan Michael, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Kennedy Andrew, moulder, Foundry, D. Mfg. Co.
Kennedy Andrew, boildermaker, D. Mfg. Co.
Kennedy Anthony, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Hemlock.
Kennedy Arthur, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Hemlock.
Kennedy Bernard, laborer, D. Mine, h. Diamond Flats.
Kennedy Catharine Mrs., h. Prividence road, n. G. r.
Kennedy Henry, laborer, h. n. River, n. V. S. Mine, P.
Kennedy Henry, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Kennedy Hugh, boilermaker, D. Mfg. Co., h. New, n. the head, P. B.
Kennedy James S., h. Market, c. Back Road R. R., P.
Kennedy John Mrs., h. n. Market, beyond d. & W. C. Co’s R. R., P.
Kennedy John, butcher, h. Providence ave., G. R.
Kennedy Martin, brakeman, D. & H. C. Co., h. G. r.
Kennedy Michael, helper, Rolling Mill, h. Hemlock.
Kennedy Michael, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Kennedy Michael, overseer, D. & H. C. Co., h. n. Market, beyond D. & H. C. Co’s R. R., P.
Kennedy Michael, laborer, h. n. River, n. V. S. Slope, P.
Kennedy Patrick, laborer, P. B. Mine, h. Prospect.
Kennedy Patrick, filler, Blast Furnace, h. Prospect.
Kennedy Patrick, laborer, h. Prospect, n. Hickory.
Kennedy Richard, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Hickory.
Kennedy Thomas, heater, Rolling Mill, h. Orchard.
Kennedy Thomas, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Remlock.
Kennedy Thomas B. heater, Rolling Mill, h. alley n. Pittston ave.
Kennedy Wm. B., bookkeeper, Pulaski Carter, b. Capouse Village.
Kenney Andrew, salesman, b. St. Charles Hotel.
Kenney John, laborer, H. P. Mine, H. P.
Kenney John, laborer, D. Mine.
Kenney John, h. R. R. ave., n. Scranton ave., H. P.
Kenney Martin, laborere, b. Penn ave., n. Gibson, P. B.
Kenney Michael, laborer, C. Mine, b. Rockwells Hill, P.
Kenney Patrick J., laborer, D. L & W. , H. P. Mine, H. P.
Kenney Wm., laborer, b. Penn ave., n. Gibson, P. B.
Kent Andrew, carpenter, b. Monroe ave., bet. Mulberry and Vine.
Kent Franklin M., carpenter, h. Monroe ave., bet. Mulberry and Vine.
Kent John, machinist, h. River, cor. Wash. ave., Scranton Flats.
Kenvin John, clerk co-operative store, Main, n. Jackson, H. P., h. Chestnut, n. Jackson, H. P.
Kenwortrhy Rudolph, tinsmith, h. Madison ave., bet. Llinden and Mulberry.
Kerby Patrick, laborer, Corey & Co., h. Minooka.
Kerchnur Rudolph, New Rolling Mill, h. Pear.
Kerchoff George, carpenter, Car Shop, h. n. Presbt. Chruch.
Kerlin Jacob, machinist, D. L. & W., h. 109 Penn ave.
Kern Michael, teamster, G. R. Mine, h. P. B.
Kern Patrick, miner, Mt. P. Mine, h. Chestnut, H. P.
Kerner John, D. L. & W., h. Hampton Patch, H. P.
Kersn Larry, miner, P. B. Mine, h. Adams ave.
Kerrigan John, laborer, Foundry, D. Mfg. Co.
Kerrigan Patrick laborer, Round House, D. L. & W.
Kerring Frank, brakeman, b. 32 Lacka. ave.
Kesseling Louis, laborer, Blast Furnace, h. Hickory.
Kessler George, candy maker, b. 109 Penn ave.
Kelty Arthur, laborer, D. Mine, h. S. B.
Kettler Lewis, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Wash. ave.
Kevlin John, miner, L. C. Mine, h. at the North, P.
Key George, col’d.,) laborer for Ira Tripp, b. Main beyond D. L. & W., P.
Keyser Geroge, B. Simon & Co.,) 520 Lacka. ave., h. Lacka. ave., cor. Wyoming ave.
Kcik Henry, miner, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Kiefer Frank, Prop. Kiefer’s Hotel, Penn ave., cor. Mulberry, h. do.
Kiefer Nicholas, printer, Times Office, bds. 320 River.
Kiersted James O.) & Bryant, Jacob,) masons, 311 Jeff. ave., h. Quincy ave., above head of Linden.
Kiesel William F., bookkeeper Lacka. ave., cor. Jeff. ave., h. Birch, n. Pittston ave.
Kiffcallin Martin, Rolling Mill, h. Pittston ave.
Killen William, laborer, B. Mine, h. river, H. P.
Kileay Dominck, labore, D. L & W., h. 3d, Bellevue.
Keliff Anthony, helper, rRlling Mill, h. mOosci.
Killavary Michael, laborer, N. Mine, h. M.
Kiley Mary Mrs., h. 4th, n. R. R. ave., Soldier’s Hill, H. P.
Kilgore John, machinist, bds. Penn ave., below Vine.
Kilgour John, machinist, D. Mfg. Co., b. Penn ave., at the Bridge.
Killcullan Thos., helper, Rolling Mill, h. Pittston ave.
Killcullin Martin, helper, Blast Furnace, h. Birch.
Killfoy John, miner, D. L. & W., H. P. Mine, H. P.
Killgallan Thomas, laborer, h. Lacka. ave., cor. Chestnut, H. P.
Killganon Thomas, blacksmith, B. Mine, h. 4th Ward, H. P.
Killroy Edward, miner, H. P. Mine. H. P.
Killroy Michael, laborer, h. Alley, off Brook n. Carbon.
Kilmer John, cabinet maker, b. Main, cor. Washington, H. P.
Kilmer Theodore, clerk, store, bds. Lacka. ave., cor. Henry.
Kemby George, clerk, 111 Wyoming ave., cor. Com’l alley, bds. do.
Kimball Oscar, baker, bds. 109 Penn ave.
Kime Seth, h. Main, n. Lacka ave., H. P.
Kime William, blacksmith, h. Eynon, H. P.
King isaac T., lumber, coal, fuel &c., h. r. 412 Mulberry.
King John, brakeman, b. New, n. Penn ave., P. B.
King John G., carver, b. 115 Adams ave.
King Martin, laborer, h. McCanns Patch, H. P.
King Thomas, carpenter, h. Jeff. av., cor Jackson, Hyde Park.
King William, laborer, Car Shop, h. Prospect, Shanty Hill.
King William E., operator, D. River Tel Co., 301 Lacka ave., bds. 312 Linden.
Kingsbury Burton, Geo. Sanderson & Co.,) 404 Lacka. ave., h. at Towanda.
Kingsbury Edward P., ass’t treas. L. I. & C. Co., h. 110 Adams ave.
Kingsbury George S. cashier, Lacka. Valley Bank, 404 Lcka. Ave., bds. Lacka Valley House.
Kingsbury M. Lizzie Miss., saleslady, 416 lacka. ave., bds. Adams ave.
Kiner Henry, repairer, Car Shop, h. Petersburgh.
Kingsley Philip, carpenter, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Kingsley S. Dwight, carpenter, h. Madison ave., n. Jackson, H. P.
Kinney James, miner, L. C. Mine, h. at the Notch, P.
Kinney Tary, miner, P. B. Mine, h. bet. Wash. ave. and Wyoming ave.
Kinney Wililam, laborer, Nat.Mine, h. M.
Kinnly John, laborer, h. Prospect, n, Hickory,
Kinstee Martin, pattern maker, D. L. & W., machine shop.
Kinstle Martin, pattern maker, b. Kinstle House, H. P.
KinstlePhilip, propr.Kinstle House, Jackson, n. Chestnut, h. do., H. P.
Kintz, Steward, wire screen mfg., r. Scranton Stove and Mfg. Co., H. P., h. 208 Mulberry
Kirby Redmond, labore, N. Mine, h. M.
Kirchner Casper, lager saloon, Wash. ave., n. Remington ave., h. do., Slocum Flats.
Kirk Theresa Miss, millinery and fancy goods, 311 Penn ave. h. do.
Kirling Gustavus A., carpenter, h. 308 Franklin ave.
Kirkpatrick Charles W., & Co., H. S. Searle) tea, coffee and spices, 517 Lacka. ave., h. v=Vine, cor.
Adams ave.
Kirkwood Joseph, laborer, L. C. Mine, h. Main, P.
Kirkwood Richard, engineer, D. L. & W.
Kirkwood Thomas, fireman, D. L. & W.
Kirste Philip, repairer, Car Shop, h. Wash. ave.
Krssenlawn Christopher, repairer, Car Shop, at Petersburgh.
Kissgan A., puddler, Rollign Mill, h. River.
Kistler Louis, machinist shop, D. L .& W.
Kitie Frederick, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Kitrick Lackey, laborer, h. Prospect, n. Birch, H. P.
Kittrrick Kikey laborer, Cliff Works.
Kittrick Ptrick, laborer, Cliff Works.
Kitrick Thomas, machinist, Car Shop, h. Fourth ave., Dodgetown
Kleckler John, tinsmith, b. alley n. Luzerne House.
Klein Henry, machinist, Rolling Mill, h. Prospect.
Klein John, (Grieser & Co.,)506 Lacka. ave., h. Elder.
Kleinschrodt Geroge, machinist, h. 509 Washington ave., Scranton Flats.
Klin John, cabinetmaker, h. Alder, n. Pittston ave.
Kline (Charles,) Emberry, (Amons,) butchers, 415 Penna ve., h. do.
Kline Francis, laborer, Car Shop, h. cedar.
Kline Henry, blacksmith, Blast Furnace, h. Pittston ave.
Kline Henry, machinist, Rolling Mill, h. Pittston ave.
Kline Michael, laborer, Car Shop, h. Wash. ave.
Kline Nicholas, laborer, D. L & W. R. R., car shop, h. Alder.
Kline Philip, patternmaker, D. L. & W. mach. shop.
Klingenstein, Sigmund & Henry), & Schubach (Henry), clothing, 109 Lacka. ave.
Klingenstein Henry, Klingenstein & Schubach), 109 Lacka. ave., h. at N. Y.
Kloss Edward, vinegar mfg. H. Hickory, n. Cedar.
Klotz Alfred, painter, b. Luzerne House.
Klotz Lewelyn painter, bl Luzerne House.
Klotz Robert, painter, b. Luzerne House.
Klumpp Ustace, h. Alder, n. Cedar.
Knapp Charles, laborer, h. Market, beyond D. & L. C. Co’s R. R., P.
Knapp Charles, carpenter, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Knapp Henry A., clerk, wyoming House, b. do.
Knapp Peter, filler, Blast Furnace, h. Pittston ave.
Knapp John, laborer, D. Mine, h. Diamond Flats.
Knapp Ziba B., supply agt., D. & L. C. Co., h. Market, n. the D. & L. C. Co’s Depot P.
Knapp -----, farmer, h. Back road, beyond Capouse Village, P.
Kneibler, Charles, laborer, h. Cedar, n. Alder.
Kneiram John, blacksmith, G. R. Mine, h. at Petersburgh.
Kneller Jacob, brewer, h. Alder, n. Cedar.
Knerr Charles, mason, h. r. English Mehto. Church, P.
Knight Patrick, stone mason, b. Main, beyond Prov. Foundry, P.
Knittel John, carpenter, h. 309 Penn ave.,
Knittel Philip, laborer, b. Cedar, n. Slocums Hill.
Knoble Mathias, b. Scranton ave., n. R. R. ave., H. P.
Knowles John D., carpenter, h. Soldiers Hill, H. P.
Knowlton Clark C., cash., Elias Howe Sew. Mach. Co., 504 Lacka. ave., bds. Wash. ave., cor. Spruck.
Knuckey Richard, carpenter, h. Alder, n. Cedar.
Knuckey ricahrd, D. L. & W. car shop, h. Cedar.
Kobb Gotleib, Blast Furnace, h. Remington ave.
Koch, George, bartender, Scranton House, b. do.
Koch Henry, miner, V. S. Mine, h. at Dunmore.
Koch Philip, cigar maker, 431 Lacka ave., bds. Penn ave.
Koch Victor, Prop. Scranton House, 202 & 204 Lacka. ave., h. do.
Koebs. F., pattern maker, D. Mfg. Co.
Koehler Henry, private school, German Pres. Church, h. Hickory, n. Cedar.
Koen Leonhardt, moulder, h. 510 Wyoming ave.
Kolb Jacob Rev., Pastor German Meth. Church, h. Vine, h. Adams ave.
Kolb John, laborer, D. L & W. , H. P. Mine, H. P.
Koll John, engineer, D. L & W.
Kolp John, laborer, h. off Remington ave., n. R. R.
Konarson Albert C., watchmaker and jeweller, 107 Wyoming ave., h. do.
Konkle George W., h. Troy, cor. Chestnut, H. P.
Konn Henry, helper, Dodge Mine, h. P. Hill. H. P.
Koon John, blacksmith, D. L. & W. car shop, h. Cedar.
Koons Willie, 106 Penn ave., b., Washburn, H. P.
Koster John, laborer, D. L & W. machine shop
Kotzman Henry, blacksmith, P. B. Mine, h. Gibson.
Kotzman Henry, Gibson, n. Penn ave., P. B.
Kourick John, shoemaker, 9th, off of 6th ave., H. P.
Kraft Jacob, blacksmith, Linden, n. Franklin ave., h. do.
Kraft Jacob, carpenter, D. L. & W. car shop, h. at Petersburgh.
Krager, Henry, miner, D. Mine, h. 4th Ward, Hyde Park.
Kragilston Geroge, blacksmith, D. Mfg. Co. h. Franklin ave.
Kramer Augustus cupola tender, Foundry, D. L & W. h. Rairoad ave., Soldier’s Hill, H. P.
Kramer Charles, moulder, Foundry, D. L. & W., h. do.
Kramer Gotleib, carpenter,h. Gibson, n. Penn ave.,
Kramer Jacob Mrs., h. Cedar, n. Alder.
Kramer Nathan, clothing, 325 Lacka. ave., h. do.
Krantz Joseph, machinist, D. L. & W. Co’s shop.
Krauss Chris., laborer, h. Gibson, n. Penn ave., P. B.
Kreger Henry, D. Mfg. Co., h. Carbon, S. B.
Krebs Edward, clerk, 227 Penn ave., b. do.
Kreguaum Daniel, machinist, D. L. & W., Car shop, h. 1st Dodgetown
Krejci Camill, physician, Wyoming ave., cor. Lacka. ave., h. do.
Kreilick Charles, h. r. Willow, n. Pittston ave.,
Kreilech Frederick, mason, builder, Pittston ave., n. Orchard, h. do.
Kresler David K., overseer, h. 603 Spruce.
Kresler William, tinsmith, b. 603 Spruce.
Kressell John, h. willow, n. Cedar.
Kressler James, Mach. Shop, D. L & W.
Kressler William, tinsmith, D. L. & W. mach. shop.
Kretz Joseph, teamster, h. 206 Adams ave.
Krigbaun Harry, h. Chestnut, n. Franklin, H. P.
Kris Jonathan, carpenter, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Krohn Philip Rev., Pastor, Adams ave., M. E. Church, h. Adams ave., next to the Church.
Krom Fred’k J., segar maker, at 302 Lacka. ave., b. Adams ave., cor. Vine.
Krone Julius, clerk, 231 Penn ave., b. Do.
Kroneberger John, laborer, Foundry, D. L. & W.
Krotosky Simon, clothing 315 Lacka ave., h. do.
Krouse August, carpenter, B. Mine, h. Dodgetown, H. P.
Krouse Henry, baker, b Main, n. Washington, H. P.
Krout Frederick, Wash. ave., D. L & W. Car Shop.
Kuglestein Gustave,m h. Franklin ave., n. Mulberry.
Kunz Jacob, saloon, Cedar, n. Slocum’s Hill, h. do.
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