MACK DANIEL, laborer, dodge Mine, h. Bellevue.
Mace Herbert A., tel. Operator, G. R. Depot, b. G. R. House, G. R.
Mack James, laborer, Blast Furnace, h. Prospect.
Mack, John, laborer, Blast Furnace, h. S. Front.
Mack Thomas, laborer, Blast Furncae, h. Prospect.
MacKentyer Michael, mason, Soldiers’ Hill, h. H. P.
Maclarem Bro’s, John & James), hame & chain mfs., 4 Clidd
Maclaren James Maclarem Bros.) 4 Cliff, h. Adams ave.
Macmillian Robert, cashier, Scranton Trust Co., and Savings Bank, 119 Wyoming ave., h. do.
Macnamara Dennis, laborer, Blast Furnace, h. Orchard.
Macnamara John, laborer, L. C. Mine, h. at the Notch, P.
Macnamara Thomas, L. C. Mine, h. at the Notch, P.
Maddagan Dennis, helper, B. Mine, h. 5th Ward.
Madden Andrew, clerk, 131 Penn ave., b. do.
Madden Daniel, laborer, L. Rolling Mill, h. Prospect.
Madden Michael, h. Wyoming, n. Lacka. ave., Hyde Park.
Madden Patrick h. Wyoming, n. Lacka. ave., H. P.
Maddock Richard, miner, No. 5, h. Adams ave.
Maddox Charels, miner, h. 6th, n. 5th, Belelvue.
Maderson William, H. Pl. Mine, h. Jackaon, H. P.
Madegan Dennis, blacksmith, h. Jackson, cor. Chestnut, H. P.
Madigan James, fireman, h. Jackaon, n. Main, H. P.
Madigan M. D., blacksmith, Cliff Works.
Madigan Michael, h. Jackson, n. Main H. P.
Madigan Patrick, fireman, D. L & W.
Madigan Thomas, engineer, D. L. & W.
Magee Thomas, laborer, G.R. Mine. h. P. B.
Maghran John J., bookkeeper, 210 Lacka. ave., h. Monroe ave., bet. Mulberrry & Vine.
Magovern Charles, h. H. P. ave., c. Jackson , H. P.
Magovern Margaret J., h. H. P.. ave., c. Jackson, H. P.
Mahan Andrew, miner, B. Mine, h. Bellevue.
Mahan Brian, laborer, B. Mine, h. Bellevue.
Mahan James, laborer, D. L. & W., car shop, h. Morris, Dodgetwon,
Mahan John, helper, D. L. & W., car shop, h. Prosp.
Mahan Michael, D. L & W. Co. h. Wsahburn, H. P.
Mahan Michael, miner, h. Peach, Twelfth Ward.
Mahan Michael, laborer, B. Mine, h. Third, Bellevue.
Mahar John, painter, h. Wash. ave., n. New. P. B.
Maher John, helper, h. Prospect, cor. Hickory.
Mahon Dorothy Mrs., boarding, h. Mulberry, bet. Penn ave., and Wyoming. Ave.
Mahon Edward, boss, D. Mine, h. D. Flats.
Mahon Francis, clerk, b. Main, n. Lacka. ave., H. P.
Mahon James, lawyer, Main, cor. Market, P., h. Main, n. Prov. Foundry, P.
Mahon Mjoshua, h. Market, cor. Back Road, P.
Mahon Martin, laborer, D. Mine, h. Diamond Flats.
Mahon Michael, h. mulbery, bet. Penn ave. and Wyoming ave.
Mahon Patrick, h. Third, n. Fifth ave., Bellevue, H. P.
Mahon Peter, fireman, D. L & W. machine shop.
Mahon Peter, miner, D. Mine.
Mahoney Jerry, moulder, b. Chestnut, n. Troy, H. P.
Mahoney Wiliam, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. river.
Mahringer Charles, helper, Machine Shop, D. L. & W.
Mailia Michael, laborer, C. Mine, D. L & W. R. R. Co., h. Bloom’s Patch, P.
Mailler John, laborer, h. r. Wash. ave., Scr. Fl.
Mailler Walter Owen & Mailler), Scranton ave., n. Chestnut, H. P., h. Scranton Flats.
Mairon rose, Mrs., h. Prospect, n. Washburn, H. P.
Major Thomas, laborer, O. Mine, h. S. Hampton, H. P.
Makely George, carpenter, h. n. Market, beyond D. & H. C. R. R., P.
Malarky Patrick, miner, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Malay Walter, laborer, O. Mine, h. Park Hill, H. P.
Male Sheff, Clerk, 319 Lacka. ave., b. at “Miller’s.”
Male Walter, painter, b. River, n. Market, P.
Male Wm. J., b. off of Market, beyond D. & H. C. Co’s r. R., P.
Maleny Peter, miner, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Maley Owen, puddler, New Rolling Mill, h. River.
Maley Thomas, laborer, Round House, D. L. & W.
Malia Brian, Se., laborer, N. Mine, h. Minooka.
Malia Brian, Jr., laborer, N. Mine, h. Minooka.
Malia Charles, blacksmith, D. L & W., h. n. D. L. & W. repair shops.
Malia Daniel, b. 4th, n. R. R. ave., Bellevue.
Malia John, laborer, O. Min, h. Jackson, H. P.
Malia Mary Mrs., b. 4th n. R. R. ave., Bellevue.
Malia Mathew, miner, N. Mine, h. Stump Field.
Malia Michael, fireman, D. L & W.
Malia Michael, repairer, Car Depot, D. L. & W.
Malia Pat, laborer, L. C. Mine, h. Bloom’s Patch, P.
Malia Patrick, laborer, D. Mine, D. L. & W.
Malia Peter, laborer, G. R. Mine, h. Diamond Flats.
Malia Thomas, h. n. Petersburgh.
Malia William, blacksmith, D. L & W., bds. n. Cont. Mine, H. P.
Maliah Austin, laborer, B. Mine, h. Bellevue.
Mallia Austin, laborer, V. S. Mine, H. P.
Mallin James, h. Third, Bellevue.
Malria Thomas, L. C. Mine, h. Bloom’s Patch, P.
Malloy Patrick, laborer, G. R. Mine, h. P. B.
Malloy Patrick, filler, Blast Furnace, h. n. do.
Maloney Edward, blacksmith, 39 Lacka. ave., h. Pittston ave., cor. Hickory.
Malloney John D., filler Blast Furnace, h. n. do.
Maloney Martin, iner, D. L & W. , H. P. Mine, H. P.
Maloney martin, brakeman, 632 Lacka. ave.
Maloney Martin,) Pratt, C.. B.,) & Co., hardware, stoves, &c., 126 Penn ave., h. 210 Mulberry.
Maloney Michael, tinsmith, 118 Penn ave., bds. Pittston ave., cor. Hickory.
Maloney Patrick, laborer, B. Mine, h. R. R. ave., Soldier’s Hill, H. P.
Maloney Patrick, servant at 416 Washington ave.
Maloney Peter, peddler, h . on the R. R., n. New. P. B.
Maloney, Peter, headman, V. S. Shaft, P., h. Winton’s Hill, n. the Shaft. P.
Maloney J. C., puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Orchard.
Malory Michael, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Hemlock
Maloy John, butcher, h. Penn ave., n. Phelps, P. B.
Malthans John, laborer, D. L & W.
Malven David R., coal, h. Wash. ave., bet. Mulberry & Linden.
Malya Patrick, laborer, Dodge Mine, D. L. & W., h. Bellevue, H. P.
Mance Charles, b. Cedar, n. Maple, 11th Ward.
Mandivall Alber, carpenter, h. 2d, n. 5th ave., Dodgetown, H. P.
Mangan Edwaqrd, miner, B. Mine, D. L. & W., Co., h. Bellevue.
Mangan Francis, miner, Dodge Mine, h. Belelvue.
Mangin James, miner, B. Mine, h. Bellevue.
Mangin Mary Mrs., b. 4th, n. R. R. ave., Bellevue.
Mangin Patrick, laborer, P. B. Mine, h. River.
Mangin Thomas, laborer, P. B. Mine, h. Moosic.
Manion Michael, laborer, Foundry, D. L. & W. Co., h. 1st Dodgetown.
Manion William, laborer, h. r. Penn ave., opp. D. Mfg. Co’s works.
Manley Andrew, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Manly Bryan, puddler, New Rolling Mill, h. Prospect.
Manley John, miner, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Manley Thomas, blacksmith’s helper, Cliff Works.
Manley Thomas, miner V. S. Mine, h. 2d Waqrd, P.
Manley Thomas, laborer, h. 312 River, Scranton, Flats.
Mann George, Rolling Mill, h. Front, n. Dodge.
Mann Joseph S., fireman, bds. N. Front, n. Dodge.
Mann Mary S. Miss, saleslady, Store, bds. N. Front, n. Dodge.
Mann Solomon, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Orchard.
Manness R. D., machinist, D. Mfg. Co.
Manners William W., carpenter, h. 115 Jeff. ave.
Manning Dennis, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. n. do.
Manning William, laborer, Foundry, D. Mfg. Co.
Manning William H., printer, Republican, bds. H. P.
Manns George, asst. weighmaster, Rolling Mill, h. N. Front.
Mansen Charles, laborer, L. C. Mine, h. n. L. C. Mine, P.
Mansfield Thomas B., merchant tailor, 133 Penn ave., bds. Spruce, cor. Franklin ave.,
Mansfield Thomas W., b. Chestnut, n. Troy, H. P.
Manwarren David, miiner, n. Mine, h. Minooka.
Mapaston Mary Mrs., h. Sixth ave., bel. Ninth, H. P.
March Adolph, laborer, h. in alley, r. Penn ave., n. D. Mfg. Co.
Marcy A. L., car builder, b. r. 110 Wash. ave.
Marhert Charles, carpenter, Car Shop, h. at Petersburgh.
Marker Peter, saloon, Cedar, n. Willow, h. do.
Marker Peter, 3d tailor, h. Willow, n. Pittston ave.
Marker France, laborer, h. Petersburgh.
Market Francis, repairer, D. L. & W. car shop, h. at Petersburgh.
Market William, laborer, V. S. Mine.
Markey John, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Marks Jacob, clerk, b. 309 Penn ave.
Marks Joseph, clerk, b. 309 Penn ave.
Marks Moses, clerk, b. 309 Penn ave.,
Marks Peter) & Bro., clothing, 203 Lacka. ave., h. at N. Y.
Markline Nicholas, laborer, O. Mine, h. Scranton Fl.
Marlatt Paul, carpenter, h. Park Place.
Marley John, miner, N. Mine, h. Minooka.
Marley Michael, laborer, L. C. M., h. High Works, P.
Marm George, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. N. Front.
Marmen Earnest, carpenter, h. Slocum’s Hill, n. Publ.School.
Marmen Martin, teamster, Slocum’s Hill, 11th Ward.
Marple Abel A., rector, St. Luke’s Epis. Church, h. 130 Penn ave.
Marple Augustus, Rev. pastor, Pann ave., Epis. Church, h. 130 Penn ave.
Marple William, clerk, Gen’l Coal Office D. L. & W. R. R., h. Penn ave.
Marrann John, carpenter, b. 218 lacka. ave.
Marsh Frank B., (Filer & Co.,) coal operator, G. R. & O. Hill, h. Oak, cor. Prospect, Winton’s H. P.
Marsh Cement, miner, D. Mine, h. Fifth Ward, H. P.
Marshall George, blacksmith, b. r. 10 Lacka. ave.
Marshall John, tinsmith, D. L. & W. machine shop.
Marshall Joseph, machinist, b. Mansion House.
Marshall Joseph, laborer, D. Mine, D. L. & W.
Marshall Robert, Cont’ Mine, h. n. Washburn, H. P.
Marry Andrew, laborer, D. L. & W. mach. shop.
Martin David, machinist, Cliff Works.
Martin James, laborer, G. R. Mine, h. S. B.
Martin James, laborer, G. R. Mine, h. P. B.
Marint John, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Martin John, h. Rail Road ave., n. Scranton ave., H. P.
Martin John, roller, Rolling Mill, h. Prospect.
Martin mary Mrs., h. Wyoming ave., n. Lacka. ave., H. P.
Martin Nicholas, clerk, b. 109 Lacka. ave.
Martin W. John, Cont. Mine, bds. Hampton Patc, P.
Martin William, servant at Washington ave. c. Vine.
Martina, Nicholas, laobre, h. 322 River, Scranton Flats.
Martiney Francesco, machinist, D. L. & W.
Martinez, Frank, machinist, bds. 516 Lacka. ave.
Martz John, carpenter, h. Park Place.
Marvin Lucy M. Mrs., h. 421 Adams ave.
Marvine, James A., clerk, Dickson Mfg. Co., bds. at G. R.
Marvine Roswell E., h. G. R.
Marx Joseph, clothing, h. 309 Penn ave.
Marx Moses, cler, bds. 309 Penn ave.
Mash Joseph, laborer, N. Mine, h. Pawnee Braker.
Mash Robert, blacksmith, Stafford Mine Co., h. n. Stafford Meadow Brook.
Mason B., farmer, h. Backroad, n. Jackson, H. P.
Mason Frederick W., Fellows & Mason) Main, n. Sixth ave., H. P., h. Jackson, n. Main, H. P.
Mason George, syrup manfr. Luzerne House, b. do.
Masser Geroge W., Mrs., h. opp. 203 Franklin ave.
Mast Henry, se., laborer, h. Petersburgh.
Masters Elias, carpenter, h. S. Hampton, H. P.
Masters Thomas, miner, at Dunmore, h. 428 Lacka. avenue.
Matchins Hannah J. Miss, slaeslady, 329 lacka. ave., bds. Spruce.
Mathers William, clerk, Forest House, bds. do.
Mathers Conrad, fireman, P. B. Mine, h. Alley, bet. Olive & Vine.
Mathew David, laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Mathew Garrett, laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Mathews Frederick, engineer, D. L. & W. R. R., Co., h. Main, n. Hampton, H. P.
Mathews John, miner, bds. Main, n. Sixth, H. P.
Mathews John B., miner, No. 5, h. Pittston ave.,
Mathews L. Mrs., saloon, Main, n. Troy, h. do., H. P.
Mathews Reese, miner, No. 5, h. Pittston ave.,
Mathews William, D. L. & W., h. n. Fellows, H. P.
Mathews William, laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Mathewson James, tailor, b. City Hotel.
Mathias Daniel, miner, Dodge Mine, h. H. P.
Mathias John, h. Pittston ave., n. Peach, 12th Ward.
Mathony John, watchman, Wyoming House, bds. do.
Matter James, blacksmith, 8 Lacka. ave., h. Lacka. ave., n. Wyoming, H. P.
Matter James, h. Lacka ave., n. Wyoming, H. P.
Mattes Charles F., Supt. L. I & C. Co’s, Iron Works, h. 109 Jefferston ave.
Matthews Lafred, mine, No. 5, h. South Front.
Mathews Brothers, Charles P., William & Richard J.,)
druggists, 320 Lacka. ave., 407
Wyoming ave.,
Matthews Groege, carpenter, h. Park Place.
Matthews John D.,) & Decker William S.,) druggists, Main, cor. Jackson, H. P., b. Heerman’s
House, H. P.
Matthews Richard J. (Matthews Brothers), 320 Lacka. ave., h. Main, n.Market, P.
Matthews Watkins, miner, h. Wash. ave., n. the end.
Matthews William (Matthews Brothers), 320 Lacka. ave., h. 8 Wyoming Terrace.
Mattick Charels, teamster, b. r. P. O.
Mattis [see MATTES.]
Mauchman Abraham, core maker, D. L. & W., h. 2d. Dodgetown.
Maum Patrick, puddler, Roling Mill, h. Crown.
Maurer Daniel, moulder, h. Willow, n. Cedar.
Maurer Daniel, moulder, h. Willow.
Maus Jacob, laborer, D. L. & W..
Maushke August, bootmaker, Main, n. North, h. do., H. P.
Maxwell Sarah J. Mrs., h. Com’l alley.
May Charles, b. G. R. House, G. R.
May James, laborer, Foundry, Dickson Mfg. Co.
May James, miner, D. Mine, h. H. P.
May James, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.
May John, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. River.
May Martin, laborer, O. Mine, h. Park Hill, Hyde Park.
May Martin, laborer, B. Mine, h. 6th Ward.
May Michael, laborer, L. C. Mine, h. Bloom’s Patch, P.
May Michael, miner, Mt. P. Mine, h. Chestnut, Hyde Park.
May Patrick, hleper, Clliff Works.
Maycock James, machinist, D. L. & W. shop.
Mayer Aaron & Co., Leo. Lipschitz, & Moses B. Rosenthal,) hats and capes, &c., 214 Lacka. ave., h. opp.
323 Franklin ave.
Mayer Henry, eating saloon, Stone, h. do., Shanty Hill.
Mayer Jacob, laborer, h. Alder, n. Cedar.
Mayer Joh, painter, h. Linden, n. Franklin ave.
Mayer John G., grocer, 109 Wyoming ave., h. do.
Mayer Julia Mrs., h. River, n. V. S. Sloper, P.
Maylan Jabob, packer, b. r. 10 Lacka. ave.
Maynard Jarvis, fireman, D. L. & W. R. R.
Maynard John, h. Wyoming ave., Scranton Flats.
Mayo Noble, repairer, D. L. & W., h. Park Hill, H. P.
McAdams Mary Mrs., saloon, h. Mineral, r. P. B. Mine.
McAdams Peter, bricklayer, b. Penn ave., below Vine.
McAllister John, miner, No. 5., h. Moosick.
McAllister John, fireman, C. Mine, h. Rockwells Hill, P.
McAllister M., machinist, D. L. & W.
McAndrew Bartley, saloon, Grant ave., Barnesville, h. do., H. P.
McAndrew Edward, h. 5th ave., Dodgetown.
McAndrew John, laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.
McAndrew John, mason, Phelps’ drug store, Penn ave., and Main, n. Jackson, H. P., h. do., H. P.
McAndrew Martin, laborer, L. C. Mine, h. High Works, P.
McAndrew Michael, laborer, H. P. Mine, h. 5th Ward, H. P.
McAndrew Patrick, blacksmith, h. Chestnut, h. Jackson, H. P.
McAndrew Thomas, miner, B. Mine, h. Bellevue, Hyde Park.
McAndrews Edward, laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.
McAndrews Edwd., helper, Machine Shop, D. L. & W.
McAndrews Frank, laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.
McAndrews John, laborer, D. Mine, h. Diamond Flats.
McAndrews John C., bookkeeper, 107 Franklin, h. Com. alley, n. Mifflin ave.
McAndrews Martin, laborer, h. Mineral, n. P. B. Mine.
McAndrews Michael, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. S. Front.
McAndrews Owen, laborer, Blast Furnace, h. Crown.
McAndrews Patrick, D. Mine, D. L. & W, h. H. P.
McAndrews Peter, Blast Furnace., h. Orchard.
McAndrews Thomas, laborer, D. Mine, h. Diamond Flats.
McAnally Michael, h. Hickory, n. Wyoming ave., Scranton Flats.
Mcanally Patrick, laborer, B. Mine, h. R. R. ave.,Hyde Park.
McAnulty Anna Mrs., h. Wash. ave., cor. River, S. F>
Mcanulty Michael, miner, h. Main, beyond Prov. Foundry, P.
McBride Barney, laborer, G. R. Mine, h. P. B.
McCabe Peter, boilermaker, D. Mfg. Co., h. 3d, B.
McCabe Thomas, laborer, h. R. R. ave., Soldiers’ Hill, H. P.
McCabe Anthony, peddler, h. r. River, n. Pittston ave., 12th Ward.
McCaffery Patrick, laborer, P. B. Mine.
McCall Anthony, h. Brook, second from the end,. S. B.
McCale James, laborer, H. P. Mine, h. McCann’s Patch, H. P.
McCale John, laborer, Mount P. Mine, h. McCann’s Patch, H. P.
McCale Robert, laborer, L. C. Mine, bds. Bloom’s Patch, P.
McCale Susie Miss, milliner, at 222 Lacka. ave., h. at P. B.
Mandis Martin, car repairer, Car Dep’t , h S. B.
MeCandle Anthony, laborer, Central mine, H. P.
McCann James, miner, No., 5, h. Pittston ave.
McCann James, laborer, Foundry, D. Mfg. Co.
McCann Jas. Laborer, b. Penn ave., n. Green’s al., P. B.
McCann John, grocer, off of Troy, McCann’s Patch, h. co., H. P.
McCann John , laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.
McCann Martin, tailor, h. foot Gibson, P. B.
McCann Patrick, laborer, Rolling Mill, b. Stone.
McCann Patrick, dry goods & groceries, Troy, cor., Chestnut, h. do., H.P.
McCann Peter, clerk, b. Troy, c. Chestnut, H. P.
McCann Thomas, coal inspector, D. Mine, h. P. B.
McCann Thomas weigh-master, b. foot Gibson, P. B.
McCanna Michl. T., saloon, 315 Lacka. ave., h. al. r. 307 Linden.
McCardle Edward, teamster, b. Eagle Hotel.
McCarthy Daniel, night watchman, D. L. & W., h. Franklin ave.
McCarthy Jeremiah, labore, h. of Mineral, S. B.
McCarty Andrew, laborer, h. al., r. Pittson ave., n. River.
McCarty Daniel, watchman, h. 226 Franklin ave.
McCarty Dennis, fireman, h. Jackson, c. Chestnut, H. P.
McCarty Florence, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. beyond Pearl, n. the Petersburgh Road.
McCarty Geroge, machinist, Dickson Mfg. Co.
McCarty George, b. 226 Franklin ave.
McCarty James, miner, Dodge Mine, h. Bellevue, H. P.
McCarty Jeremiah, helper, Rolling Mill, h. 2 Pearl.
McCarty John, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.
McCarty Martin, laborer, Dickson Mfg. Co’s foundry.
McCarty Martin, fireman, h. P.
McCarty martin, V. S. Mine, h. P.
McCarty Michael, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.
McCarty Michael, h. off Hickory, Twelfth Ward.
McCarty Michael, h. Lacka. ave., n. Chestnut, H. P.
McCarty patrick, machinist, Dickson Mfg. Co.
McCarty Peter, machinist, b. 226 Franklin ave.
McCarty Thomas, fireman, D. & H. C., h. P.
McCarty Timothy, roller, Rolling Mill, h. Pearl.
McCarty Timothy, roller, h. opp. Pearl.
McCauley Dominick, machinist, Dickson Mfg. Co.
McCauliff Patrick, repairer, D. L. & W., h. Hampton patch, H. P.
McCauley Daniel, machinist, h. Mifflin ave., cor. Alley.
McCaw John, laborere, Rolling Mill, bds. Stone.
McCeigh Hugh, driver boss, N. Mine, h. n. Pawnee Breaker.
McClearen John, blacksmith, D. Mfg. Co., h. Alley bet. Linden and Penn ave.,
McClellan Samuel, laborer, H. Mine, bds. Hampton Patch, H. P.
McCluskey John, peddler, b. Com. alley, r. P. O.
McConnell David, clerk, b. 206 Lacka. ave.,
McConnell David, harness-maker, Lacka. ave., bds. Franklin ave.
McConnell Ross, clerk, 306 Lacka. ave., b. 208 do.
McConnell William, boiler tender, rolling Mill, bds. Prospect.
McCormick Charles, L. C. Mine, h. alley, off Oak, P.
McCormick Edward, teamster, D. Mine, h. H. P.
McCormick Frank, labore, P. B. Mine,, h. Wash ave.
McCormick James, miner, Mt. P. Mine, h. Washington, H. P.
McCormick James, boilermaker, D. Mfg. Co., h. 420 Franklin ave.
McCormick John,laborer, B. Mine, h First, 6th Ward.
McCormick,Ony, laborer, D. L. & W., h. Hampton Patch, H. P.
McCormick Patrick, h. Market, cor. Brick, P.
McCormick Thomas, laborer, Fellows Mine, H. P., h. Cork. H. P.
McCormick Thomas, laborer, h. R. R. ave., n. Third, ave., H. P.
McCormick Thomas, tailor, bds. 211 Penn ave.
McCormick Thomas, tailor, h.211 Penn ave.
McCough -----, laborer, h. Hemlock, Shanty Hill.
McCourt Thomas, puddler, New Mill, h. Prospect.
McCoy Dennis, laborer, h. 3d, n. 5th ave., Bellevue.
McCoy Richard, miner, P. B. Min, h. S. B.
McCracken Le Roy, teamster, h. Washburn, n. Lincoln ave., H. P.
McCreal Thoams, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. River.
McCue Anthony, h. Scratnon ave., n. Chestnut, H. P.
McCue James, laborer, H. P. Mine, h. Jackson H. P.
McCue James, repairer, Car Depot, h. Wash. ave.
McCue Miles, laborer, O. Mine, h. R. R. st. H. P.
McCue Neeland, laborer, L. C. Mine, h. at Notch, P.
McCue Owen, miner L. C. Mine, h. at the Notch, P.
McCue Patrick, laborer, L. C. Mine, h. Bloom’s Patch, P.
McCue Patrick laborer, Mt. P. Mine, h. Chestnut, Hyde Park.
McCue Thomas, laborer, D. L. & W., H. P. Mine, H. P.
McColloch John, laborer, L. C. Mine, h. Main, P.
McCullough John, laborer, D.. L & W. , H. P. Mine. H. P.
McCune Michael, helper, Mach. Shop, D. L. & W.
McCune Robert H., ins. agt. H. Mulberry, n. Mifflin.
McCune Thomas, dentist, 312 Lacka. ave., b. Wyoming House.
McDermott D., laborer, Foundry, Dickson Mfg. Co.
McDermott Francis, blacksmith, B. Mine, h. R. R. ave., Bellevue, H. P.
McDermott James, brass moulder, b. 7th, n. Lacka. ave., H. P.
McDermott John, moulder, D. L. & W., h. 427 Lacka. ave.
McDermott M. H., carpenter, Cliff Works.
McDermott Martin, D. L & W., h. R. R. ave., Hyde Park.
McDermott Mathew, laborer, h. R. R. ave., n. 6th, Bellevue, H. p.
McDermott Peter, grocer, Remington ave., n. the R. R., Slocum Flats, h. do.
McDermott Thomas, tinsmith, 126 Penn ave., b. 11th Ward.
McDermott William, blacksmith, B. Mine, h. R. R. ave., Bellevue.
McDonald David, h. Prospect, n. North, H. P.
McDonnald D., core maker, Dickson Mfg. Co.
McDonald Edward, laborer, D. L. & W., mach. shop.
McDonald Felix, laborer, D. Mine, D. L. & W.
McDonald James, miner, L. C. Mine, h. n. L. C. Shaft, P.
McDonald John, laborer, D. Mine, h. Diamond Flats.
McDonald John, laborer, D. Mine, D. L & W., h. Diamond Flats.
McDonald John, roller, Rolling Mill, h. Vale.
McDonald Martin, laborer, L. C. Mine, h. n. L. C. Mine, P.
McDonald Michael, mach. D. L. & W.
McDonald Michael, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. River.
McDonald Michael, laborer, h. Petersburgh.
McDonald Uriah, outside foreman, V. Storch Mine, h. 2d Ward.
McDonnell James, teamster, b. Market, n. Main, P.
McDonell James, puddler, New Rolling Mill.
McDonell John, carpenter, b. Scratnon ave., cor. Chestnut, H. P.
McDonell John, laborer, h. R. R. ave., n. Scranton ave., H. P.
McDonnell Martin, laborer, B. Mine, h. Third, B.
McDonnell Michael, boilermaker, b. 410 Washington ave., S. F.
McDonnell Miles, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Moosic.
McDonnell Owen, laborer, No. 5, h. Stone.
McDonnell Patrick, helper, Rolling Mill, h. Moosic.
McDonnell Uriah, foreman, h. Main, n. City Line, P.
McDonough Alexander, laborer, h. Carbon, cor. Mineral, S. B.
McDonough James, blacksmith’s helper, Cliff Works.
McDonough John, laborer, B. Mine, h. Fourth, H. P.
McDonough John, laborer, V. S. Mine.
McDonough Margaret Mrs., h. Third, n. Fifth ave., Bellevue.
McDonough Martin, laborer, L. C. Mine, h. n. L. C. Mine, P.
McDonough Michael, engineer, h. Prospect, H. P.
McDonough Patrick engineer, h. Prospect, H. P.
McDonough Patrick, miner, h. Minooka.
McDonough Peter, V. S. Mine, h. at the Notch, P.
McDonough Peter, laborer, B. Mine, h. Fourth, Hyde Park.
McDonough Thomas, laborer, B. Mine, h. First, 6th Ward.
McDonough Thomas, miner, L. C. Mine, h. Market, Bloom’s Patch, P.
McDougal J., moulder, Foundry, D. Mfg. Co.
McDougal John, machinist, h. Phelps, n. Penn ave., P. B.
McDougal Willia, coal weigher, b. Market, nearlhy opp. D. & H. C. Co’s office, P.
McDowall Oliver M. Rev., Pastor Second M. E. Church, h. 215 Penn ave.
McElroy Herman, hammersman, h. Main, beyond Prov. Foundry, P.
McElvoy John, laborer, D. Mine, h. Scratnon ave.
McElnaney Edward B., clerk, b. Chestnut, n. Franklin, H. P.
McEvey Edward, laborer, D. D. & W. Car Shop, h. Prospect.
McGargle Thomas J., grocer, b. 406 Mulberry.
McGarey Edward, laborer, B. Mine, h. 4th, 6th Ward.
McGarry Patrick, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Stone.
McDearry P., laborer, b. H. P. Hote.
McGeary Mary Miss, saleslady, 225 Penn ave., b. Bellevue.
McGee Bridget, widow, h. off Mineral, S. B.
McGee Michael, miner, h. R. Phelps, n. Penn ave., P. B.
McGee Michael, laborer, G. R. Mine, h. at Petersburgh.
Mcgerry Michael, teamster, b. Com’. alley, n. Mifflin ave.
McGiber James, labore, O. Mine, h. Hampton Road, H. P.
McGill Almon A., mason builder, Wash., n. Main, h. do. H. P.
McGill Michael, laborer, h. Horse Car, n. Wyoming, H. P.
McGinely Jeremiah, physician, 115 Penn ave., h. do.
McGinniss James, engineer D. L. & W.
McGinnis James, Puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Orchard.
McGinty Frank, laborer, H. Mine, h. Conti. Patch. H. P.
McGlochlin Thomas, laborer, B. Mine, h. 3d, Bellevue.
McGloin John, laborer, h. Hampton Patch, H. P.
McGoff Edward, laborer, B. Mine, h. Bellevue.
McGough Peter, laborer, Rolling Mill, Stone.
McGouldrick Hugh, laborer, Rolling Mill.
McGourth Hugh, truss-maker, Orchard, n. Prospect, h. Vale.
McGoveren James, laborer, D. Mine.
McGoverin John, laborer, L. C. Mine, h. P.
McGovern John, laborer, D. L. & W., h. Wash. ave.
McGovern Patrick, h. Providence road, n. G. R.
McGovern Patrick, peddler, h. Orchard, n. Prospect.
McGowan George, mine, h. Petersburgh.
McGowan Thomas, laborer, h. Brick, n. Market, P.
McGown Jas., miner, L. C. Mine, h. Market, Bloom’s Patch, P.
McGrael Michael, miner, D. Mine, h. H. P.
McGrale John, puddler, New Rolling Mill, h. S. ave.
McGran Wm., filler, Blast Furnace, h. n. do.
McGrath Henry, roller, New Rolling Mill, h. Wash. ave.
McGrevy John, laborer, B. Mine, h. First, 6th Ward.
McGrowy Bryan, miner, B. Mine, h. River, 6th Ward.
McGrimess Joseph, helper, Machine Shop, D. L. & W.
McGriniss Stephen, puddler, New Rolling Mill, h. n. do.
McGrinniss Thomas, puddler, New Rolling Mill.
McGuire Annie Mrs., h. r. High School.
McGuire Brian, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.
McGuire Michael, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Moosic.
McGuire Patrick, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Moosic.
McGuire Thomas, laborer, Dodge Mine, h. Bellevue.
McGuire Thoams, helper, New Rolling Mill, h. Orchard.
McGuire Thomas P., puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Hemlock.
McGuire Thomas, laborer, h. Washington, n. Main, H. P.
McGunnis Stuff, saloon, Com’l alley, h. do.
McHale Hubert Druggan & McHale), 324 Penn ave., h. at P. B.
McHale John, laborer, Round-house, D. L & W.
McHale John, laborer, D. L. & W. mach. shop.
McHale Michael, helper, New Rolling Mill, h. Orchard.
McHale Patrick, puddler, New Rolling Mill, h. Pittston ave.
McHale Richard, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.
McHale Thomas, machinist, Cliff Works.
McHale Thomas, D. L & W. mach. shop
McHanning Nicholas, heater, Rolling Mill, h. Moosic.
McHendrus Peter, puddler, rolling Mill, h. Prospect.
McHugh Richard, labore, h. r. 218 Penn ave.
McKagh Thoams, engineer, D. L. & W.
McKain Winnie Mrs., b. Mineral, n. the Dump.
McKale Anthony, miner, P. B. Mine., h. S. B.
McKale John, laborer, Colff Works, h. Shanty Hill.
McKale Michael, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Prospect.
McKay William, moulder, Foundry, Dickson Mfg. Co.
McKay William, laborer, P. B. Mine, h. Penn ave.
McKean Julia Mrs., h. 317 Penn ave.
McKenna Carl, ass’t superintendent, L. I. & C. Co’s Works.
McKenna Rob’t, car-builder, h. Wyoming ave., cor. Mulberry.
McKenneon Eliza Mrs., h. Cedar, cor. Hickory.
McKeon Patrick, laborer, D. L. & W. machine shop.
McKeever John, meat market, Main, n. Jackson, H. P. h. Main, beyond North, H. P.
McKeever John, butchre, h. north end Main, beyond North, H. P.
McKeever Patrick, h. R. R. ave., Soldiers Hill, H. P.
McKeever Samuel, h. Main, n. Jackson, H. P.
McKeever William, h. end Main, beyond North, H. P.
McKenna Robert, sup’t, Car Depot, D. L. & W., h. Wyoming ave., cor. Mulberry.
McKei Mathew, miner, L. C. Mine, h. at the Notch, P.
McKinney Carlos W., ass’t gen’l supt. L. I & C. Co’s works, bds. 117 Adams ave.
McKinney James, h. 117 Adams ave.
McKinnon James, laborer, Rolling Mill, bds. Prospect.
Mckinsey John, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Moosic.
McNinsey Philip, Prop. National Hotel, Market, n. Main,, P.
McKune (Robert H._ & Wright (Oresles B.), ins. agents, 302 Lacka. ave., h. Mulberry, bet. Mifflin and
Franklin aves.
McLain John, laborer, h. Belelvue, n. B. Mine, H. P.
McLane Patrick, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. river.
McLane Thomas, miner D. L & W., h. Hampton Patch, H. P.
McLaren James C., blacksmith, h. 218 Adams ave.
McLaughlin Dominick, laborer, O. Mine, D. L. & W., h. Scranton ave., H. P.
McLaughlin Edward, Rolling Mill, h. S. Dodge.
McLaughlin John, jelper, L. I & C. Co’s new rolling mill, h. Pittston ave.
McLaughlin John, miner, D. Mine, D. L. & W., h. Diamond Flats.
McLaughlin Julia Mrs., h. Scranton ave., c. R. R. ave., H. P.
McLaughlin Michael, upddler, New Mill, h. S. Front.
McLaughlin Michael, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.
McLaughlin Michael, O. Mine, h. S. Hampton, H. P.
McLaughlin Patrick, O. Mine, h. Scranton ave., H. P.
McLaughlin Patrick, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.
McLean thomas, laborer, O. Mine, h. Boon Hill, H.
McLean Thomas, blacksmith, Penn ave., n. New, P. B., h. Green’s alley, n. Penn ave., P. B.
McMamaman James, L. C. Mine, h. Bloom’s Patch, P.
McManimee Brian, miner, N. Mine, h. Cedar.
McMann Ester, h. Wyoming, n. Lacka. ave., H. P.
McMannaia Barney, laborer, blast Furnace, h. Orchard.
McMillan Gideon P., carpenter, h. r. 110 Wash. ave.
McMillan J., machinist. D. Mfg. Co.
McMillan William, blacksmith, car Shop, h. Linden.
McMiller James, laborer, Rolling Mill, b. Hemlock.
McMullen William, blacksmith, h. Loinden, bet. Wyoming and Wash. aves.
McMullen Samuel, puddler, New Rolling Mill, h. Stone.
McNalley John, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Prospect.
McNaley Patrick, laborer, B. Mine, h. Bellevue.
McNalley Walter, laborer, B. Mine, h. Bellevue, H. P.
McNalley William, laborer, Rolling Mill, h.Moosic
McNally James, h. R. R. ave., Soldiers’ Hill, H. P.
McNally James, laborer, Rolling Mill, bds. Hemlock.
McNally John, laborfer, Blast Furnace, h. Prospect.
McNally Michael, founder, Blast Furnace, h. n. do.
McNally Patrick, h. Third, Belelvue, H. P.
McNally Patrick, puddler, New Rolling Mill, h. n. do.
McNally Thomas, Mt. P. Mine, h. Chestnut, H. P.
McNally Thomas, tinsmith, 514 Lacka. ave., b. Prospect.
McNamara bridget Mrs., h. R. R. ave., H. P.
McNamara Hugh, h. Hemlock, bet. Stone.
McNamanna John, P. B. Mine, h. Shanty Hill.
McNamara Michael, P. B. Mine, h. Shanty Hill.
McNamara Patrick, carpenter, h. Soldiers’ Hill, H. P.
McNamara Patrick, carpenter, D. L. & W., h. Mulberry.
McNamara Patrick, grocer, Jackson, n. City line, h. do., H> P.
McNamara William, miner, L. C. Mine, h. Market, P.
McNamee Charles, laborer, Blast Furnace, h. River.
McNay James, miner, G. R. Mine, P. B.
McNeal Charles, bds. Penn ave., below Vine.
McNeil Elizabeth Mrs., h. Mineral, r. P. B. Mine.
McNicholas James, D. L. & W., h. S. Hampton, H. P.
McNicholas James, laborer, h. Hampton Patch, H. P.
McNicholas John, Foundry, D. L & W., h. S. Hampton, H. P.
McNish Jas., laborer, L. C. Mine, h. Bloom’s Patch, P.
McNish James, laborer, L. C. Mine, h. Bloom’s Patch,
McNish John, laborer, L. C. Mine, h. Brick, P.
McNish Martin, laborer, h. Second Ward. P.
McNish Patrick, laborer, L. C. Mine, h. P.
McNou Peter, puddler, New Rolling Mill, h. Orchard.
McNulty Anthony, laborer, H. Mine, h. Boon Hill, H. P.
McNulty Bartley, laborer, D. L. & W., h. Hampton Patch, H. P.
McNulty John, laborer, D. L & W., Prospect, S. H.
McNulty John, laborer, H. Mine, b. n. H. P. Mine, H. P.
McNulty Michael, laborer, L. C. Mine, h. Main, P.
McNulty Patrick, laborer, h. Sixth ave., bel. 9th, H. P.
McNulty Patrick, miner, L. C. Mine, h. at the Notch, P.
McNulty Patrick, slate boss, V. S. Mine, h. P.
McNulty Terrence, laborer, h. S. Hampton, H. P.
McNulty Terrence Blast Furnace, h. Park Hill, H. P.
McPherson Robert, blacksmith’s helper, Cliff Works.
McPick James, laborer, C. Mine, h. clover Hill, P.
McQue Miles, h. Wyoming, n. Lacka. ave., H. P.
Mcrone David, laborer, L. C. Mine, h. at the North, P.
McShane Daniel, stable boss, V. S. Mine, h. P.
McStraw Robert, h. River, n. V. S. Slope.
McTighe James, grocer, Main, n. Troy, h. do., H. P.
McWade Helen, dressmaker, 306 Lacka. ave., b. do.
McWilliam John, timekeeper, Rolling Mill, h. Lacka. ave.,, above Adams ave.
Mead Patrick, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Orchard.
Mead Seeley, h. Back road, beyond Capouse Vill. P.
Meader Joseph, teamster, h. 2 Lacka. ave.
Mealio Wm. O., h. Fillmore, n. Adams ave., H. P.
Mears James R., laborer, Freight Office, D. L. & W., h. H. P.
Mears John A., clerk, b. Main, n. Washburn, H. P.
Mears Joseph, clerk, 499 Lacka ave., b. Main, H. P.
Mears Marion S. Miss, teacher, Brick School House, H. P., b. Main, n. Washburn, H. P.
Mears Sidney C., overseer, h. Main, n. Washburn, H. P.
Meadway George, blacksmith, D. L. & W. car shop, h. First, Dodgetown.
Meadway Joseph L., machinist, D. L. & W. car shop, h. Mulberry.
Meckler Michael, laborer, h. Petersburgh.
Medler Henry, Cliff Works, b. 222 Franklin ave.
Meddick Theodore, engineer, b. 109 Penn ave.
Meddick Thoams, engineer, D. L. & W.
Medway Jos., machinist, h. Mulberry, n. Adams ave.
Medway Joseph, overseer, b. r. 110 Wash. ave.
Meehan Bridget Mrs., saloon, 129 Penn ave., h. r. do.
Meffit Richard, laborer, B. Mine, h. R. R. ave.,, H. P.
Megargel Isaac F., A. G. Gilmore & Co.,) 206 Lacka. ave., h. 1 Wyoming Terrace.
Megargel Thomas J.) & Harris Benjamin S., grocers, 499 Lacka. ave., bds. Mulberry.
Meginis Patrick, laborer, G. R. Mine, h. P. B.
Meinzer Michael, carpetner, D. L. & W. car shop, h. Park Hill, H. P.
Meir John, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Cedar.
Melbaum Joseph, miner and tollgate keeper, Scranton and Newton Turnpike, h. do. H. P.
Melbot Antone, carpenter, h. Fifth, n. sixth ave., Belelvue.
Mellon Edward, machinist, h. Linden, n. Franklin ave.
Mellon Thomas, fireman, D. L. & W.
Melvin Darby, saloon, Linden, bet. Wyoming and Penn aves., h. do.
Melvin Martin, laborer, P. B. Mine, h. S. B.
Melvin Michael, b. Jackson, cor. Chestnut, H. P.
Melvin Patrick, blacksmith, D. Mfg. Co., h. Penn ave.
Melvin Patrick, helper, b. 419 Penn ave.
Melvins Michael, laborer, D. L. & W., h. Jackson, H. P.
Menzel (Charles) & Fellows, (John H.,) insurance agents, 106 Penna ve., h. at Reading,
bds. 325 Penn ave.
Mercereau Charles L., watchmaker and jeweler, 224 Lacka. ave., b. Lacka. Valley House.
Merekely Laurence, laborer, G. R. Mine, h. P. B.
Meredith John, laborer, O. Mine, h. Bellevue, H. P.
Meredith Mary Miss, teacher, b. Mulberry, bet. Wyoming ave. and Penn ave.
Meredith Thomas, laborer, L. C. Mine, b. Oak, P.
Merigan John, laborer, L. C. Mine, h . Main, P.
Merker Fredk., laborer, L. C. Mine, h. Main, P.
Merrick, John, laborer, G. R. Mine, h. P. B.
Merrick William J., restaurant and cronk beer manjufacturer, 442 Lacka. ave., h. 215 Penn ave.
Merrifield Edward, lawyer, 217 Lacka. ave., h. 409 Wyoming ave.
Merrifield William, Pres. Mechanics’ Miners’ Deposit and Sav. Bank, H. P., h. Main, n. Franklin, H. P.
Merrill Andrew J.,) Johnson, Cassuis J.,) grocers, retail, 305 Lacka. ave., h. 6 Wyoimng Terrace.
Merrill Hubert H. Prof., principal, Academic School.
Merrill James, despatcher, D. L. & W., h. 107 Adams ave.
Merrill James, engineer, D. L. & W.
Merrill James, h. 107 Adams ave.
Merriman Alexander, r. Cliff Works, h. Twelfth Wd.
Merrin John, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Merringer Joseph, carpenter, D. L. & W., car shop, h. at Petersburgh.
Merritt Henry, grocer, Wyoming ave., n. Hickory, h. do.
Merritt William, laborer, h. on the hill, opp. L. & S. R. R. Deopt.
Merry George, teamster, b. r. 10 Lacak. Ave.
Mertil Charles, laborer, G. R. Mine, h. P. B.
Mertz Charles, carpenter, D. L. & W., car shop, h. Alder.
Mertz Charles, laborer, bds. Alder, n. Cedar.
Merz John, teacher, private school, Mulberry. N. Franklin ave., h. do.
Messenger Rufus, harnessmaker, 410 Lacka ave., h. Linden
Messet Patrick, clerk, (John cavency,) b. River, Dodgetown.
Metcalf Edwain S., comiler, Webb Bros. & Co’s Publications, 23 Liberty, New York city, and
16 Weybosset, Prov. R. I., bds. Wyoming House.
Metins Charles, blacksmith, Mach. Shop, D.L & W.
Metins George, laborer, D. L. & W., machine shop.
Metzner -----, laborer, h. Petersburgh.
Meyer William, engineer, Rolling Mill, h. Jeff. ave., cor. Linden.
Meyers Charles, brass moulder, D. L. & W. R., h. Linden, cor. Jeff. ave.
Meyers George, brakeman, D. & H. C., h. P.
Meyers Gotleib, carpenter, D. L. & W., Car Shop, h. Cedar.
Meyers Henry, roofer, h. Jackson, n. Monroe ave., H. P.
Meyers James, filler, Blast Furnace, h. n. do.
Meyers John J. printer, Dem. Office, b. Jeff ave., cor. Linden.
Meyers Samuel, laborer, b. Fellows, n. R. R.,H. P.
Meylert A. N. Gen’s, b. Wyoming House.
Meylert Priscilla M. Miss, teacher, b. Mulberry, bet. Penn and Wyoming aves.
Mezagar Charles, laborer, N. Mine, h. H. P.
Michael Amel, laborer, D. L .& W. Co., h. Prospect, n. North, H. P.
Michael Jacob, carpenter, D. L. & W. car shop, h. Watson’s Block, 4th Ward.
Michael Thomas, labore, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Michich George, blacksmith, D. L. & W. car shop, h . 4th ave., Dodgetown.
Michalr Mathew, fireman, D. L & W.
Miers Charles, laborer, H. P. Mine, D. L. & W., h. Troy, H. P.
Milburn Nicholas, h. Fillmore ave., n. Jackson, H. P.
Milderick Jonathan, miner, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Miles Griggith, laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Miles Griffith, blacksmith, h. Chestnut, n. Troy, H. P.
Miles Jonathan, clerk, b. Linden, bet. Jeff. ave., and Madison ave.,
Miles Owen, machinist, h. Phelps, n. the R. R., P. B.
Milich Charles, brakeman, h. Willow, n. Cedar.
Millard Charles, teamster, Prov. Mills, h. n. do., P.
Millbaum Joseph, laborer, D. L. & W., h. river, H. P.
Miller Andrew, laborer, h. Pittston ave., n. Willow.
Miller Andrew, laborer, D. Mfg. Co’s Yard.
Miller Anthony, Foundry, D. LO. & W., bds. F.
Miller Bros., Charles W. & John S.,) meat market, Main, h. Market, P.
Miller Charles, laborer, h. Cedar n. Hickory.
Miller Charles, carpenter, O. Mine, D. L. & W., h. Fellows, H. P.
Miller Charles, sash and blind maker, b. Lacka. ave., n. the Bridge, H. P.
Miller Charles, laborer, bds. Petersburgh.
Miller Charles, repairer, D. L. & W. car shop, h. at Petersburgh.
Miller Charles & Son, Jefferson J.,) meat market, Main. N. Franklin, H. P. h. Market, P.
Miller Charler B., smith’s helper, Rolling Mill, bds. Cedar.
Miller Charles W. & Bro., John S.,) meat market, Main, h. P. O., P., h. Market, n. Hand &
Costo’s shop, P.
Miller Christopher, repairer, Car Dept. h. Cedar.
Miller Conrad, Foundry, D. L. & W., h. Petersburgh.
Mills David, shoemaker, h. Petersburgh.
Miller David, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Prospect.
Miller Edward, painter, bds. Eagle Hotel.
Miller Edwin J. Bauer & Miller) 307 Spruce, h. Penn ave.
Miller Edwin, painter, h. 131 Penn ave.
Miller Eldred B., clerk, 328 Lacka. ave., bds. do.
Miller Elmer P., clerk, 328 Lacka. ave., bds. do.
Miller Fidel, carpenter, h. H. P. ave., n. Wash. H. P.
Miller Fred., miller, h. 318 Franklin ave.
Miller Frederick, blacksmith’s helper, Cliff Works.
Miller Frederick, Foundry, D. L. & W., h. Willow.
Miller Frederick, laborer, h. n. Alley, r. Penn ave., bet. Linden and Mulberry.
Miller Frederick, carpenter, Rolling Mill, h. Cedar.
Miller Fred., Sen., Willow, cor. Pittston ave., h. do.
Miller Fred., Jr., moulder, b. Willow, c. Pittston ave.
Miller Frederick W., Blast Furnace, h. Pittston ave.
Miller Fritz, laborer, bds. Petersburgh.
Miller George, laborer, G. R. Mine, h. P. B.
Miller George, D. L. & W., h. Washburn, H. P.
Miller George N., teamster, h. Market, opp. Hand, Costor & Co’s manufactroy, P.
Miller George W., Alderman and ins. agt., Panooka Hall Bldg., P., h. Market, n.
Orchard, P.
Miller Henry, h. Fellows, n. H. P. Mines, H. P.
Miller Henry, fireman, D. L. & W.
Miller Henry, laborere, Balst Furnace, h. Hickory.
Miller Henry, miner, h. Petersburgh.
Miller Henry, h. 313 Spruce.
Miller Henry, laborer, h. Petersburgh.
Miller hugh, carpenter, h. 402 Madison ave.
Miller Edwin E., real estate agent, Park Place, g. do.
Miller Hugh, D. L. & W. car shop, h. Madison ave.
Miller isaac, h. Main, n.Washburn, H. P.
Miller Jacob, miner, N. Miner, h. Stump Field.
Miller Jacob, miner, h. Mabel. S. H.
Miller James J., h. Market, beyond the Bridge, P.
Miller James M., dining saloon, 328 Lacka. ave., h. do.
Miller Jefferson J., (C. N. Miller & Son,) Main, n. Franklin, H. P., h. Market, n. Hand, Coston & Co’s, P.
Miles John,miner, h. Hemlock, S. H.
Miller John, carpenter, bds. n. Petersburgh.
Miller John, laborer, D. Mfg. Co’s Yark.
Miller John A., miner, No. 5, h. Prospect.
Miller John C., clerk, b. Willow, c. Pittston ave.
Miller John H., laborer, h. Washburn, bel. Main, H. P.
Miller John J., clerk, 328 Lacka. ave., b. do.
Miller John S., laborer, Blast Furnace, h. Birch.
Miller John S., (Miller Brothers,) Main, n. Market, P., h. Market, n. Hand & Coston’s shop, P.
Miller Joseph, boarding house, Wash. ave., n. River, S. F.
Miller Louise Mrs., h. Petergburgh.
Miller M., carpenter, Dickson Mfg. Co.
Miller Martin, laborer, B. Mine, h. 1st, 5th Ward.
Miller Michael, grocer, Orchard, n. Prospect, h. do.
Miller Michael, repairer, D. L. & W. car shop, Hickory.
Miller Nicholson, butcher, h. Market, n. Hand, Coston, & Co’s Manufactroy , P.,
Miller Oatman, h. off Church, n. Pres. Church, P.
Miller Otto P., hairdresser, Bristol House, P., h. n. the Pres. Church, P.
Miller peter, laborer h., Willow n. Cedar.
Miller Peter, painter, D. L. & W., mach. shop.
Miller Robert, engineer, b. 210 Lacka. ave.
Miller Robert, fireman, D. L & W. R. R.
Lmiller Sarah J. Mrs., clerk, 322 Lacka. ave., b. Wyoming ave.
Miller Sherman, meat market, n. Hand, Coston & Co., Shop, P.
Miller Stephen, repairer, D. L. & W., car shop, h. at Petersburgh.
Miller Terrance, widow, h. Pittston ave., n. Willow.
Miller Theodore, M., saloon, Market, cor. Main, h. do. P.
Miller Tony, hostler, h. opp. 413 Penn ave.
Miller Walter, carpenter, b. H. P. Hotel.
Miller Walter, carpenter, D. L. & W., bds. Orchard, n. H. P. ave., H. P.
Miller William, laborer, h. Petersburgh.
Miller William, laborer, Round House, D. L. & W.
Miller William O.,)_Coleman, Benton,) & Beers (Charles,) meat market, cattle & hide dealers,
Market, n. Main, P., h. Market, n. Orchard, P.
Millet Daniel, grocer, Third, h. do., Bellevue.
Millett George, carpenter, h. Phelps, n. Penn ave., P. B.
Millhouse Benjamin E., vinegar manf., 417 Penn ave., h. r. 317 Wyoming ave.
Milligan John, bds. Fellows, n. H. P. Mine, H. P.
Milligan John H., turner, h. 414 Spruce.
Mills Daniel, brakeman, b. 110 Franklin ave.
Mills Delia A. Miss, teacher, Jewish School, bds. Madison ave., cor Vine.
Mills Edgar R., cashier, second National Bank, h. Mulberry, bet. Adams & Wash. aves.
Mills Hugh, moulder h. 320 Penn ave.
Mills Hugo, laborer, Cont. Mine, h. Park Hill, H. P.
Mills James, blacksmith, b. 4th Ward Hotel, H. P.
Mills Joseph M., b. Wyoming House.
Mills Mary S. Mill, teacher, Petersburgh Public School, b. Madison ave., cor. Vine.
Mills Thomas, laborer, H. Mine, b. Hampton Patch, H. P.
Millsmoon John, laborer, B. Mine, D. L. & W., h. Bellevue, H. P.
Millspang James, druggist, h. Hampton, n. Main, H. P.
Millspaw John, h. r. Penn ave., n. D. Mfg. Co;
Milor Mary Mrs., h. r. Jackson, n. Main, H. P.
Minan John, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Moosic.
Miner, Anna M., Mrs., h. Franklin ave., cor. Linden.
Miner Henry W., clerk, P. O. h. Franklin ave., cor. Linden.
Miner S. R., moulder, b. Luzerne House.
Minton James, boiler-maker, D. Mfg. Co., h. P. B.
Minton Wm., miner, National Mine, h. Minooka.
Minton Mrs., h. at Minooka.
Mirtz George, puddler, New Rolling Mill,. h. Elder.
Misstee John, laborere, Central Mine, H. P.
Mitchell Jacob. carpenter, h. opp. Scranton Stove Works, H. P.
Mitchell James, dodge Mine, h. Bellevue, H. P.
Mitchell James, laborer, D. Mine.
Mitchell James, miner, h. Penn ave., n. New, P. B.
Mitchell John, D. L. & W., b. 32 Lacka. ave.
Mitchell Robert, laborer, D. L. & W. Co., h. S’t Car Road, H. P.
Mitchell Thomas, boiler maker, D. Mfg. Co., bds. 405 Franklin ave.
Mixel Jacob, machinist, bds. 127 Penn ave.
Mock John, engineer, No. 5, h. 3 Pearl.
Moffatt Georgie Miss, milliner, at 222 Lacka. ave., b. at Dunmore,
Moffatt John M, tel operator, W. U. Tel. Co., b. 312 Linden.
Moffatt Anthony, laborer, B. Mine, h. Bellevue, H. P.
Moffett Barney, h. New, n. the R. R., P. B.
Moffatt Michael, laborer, B. Mine, h. Bellevue, H. P.
Moffatt John, laborer, Cliff Works.
Moffatt John, miner, L. C. Mine, bds. Bloom’s Patch, P.
Mogg Aaron Z., carpenter, D. L. & W. car shop, Alley, r. Court House.
Mohan Cormick, h. Prsopect, n. River,
Moharter J. W., b. Main, cor Washington, H. P.
Mohr Jacob, bootmaker, 215 Penn ave. h. Pittston av.
Mohr John, laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Mohr Martin, laborer, h. Prospect, H. P.
Mohr William, blacksmith, h. Chestnut, H. P.
Molden John, blacksmith, Rolilng Mill, h. Hemlock.
Molder Charles, 1st Rolling Mill, h. Hemlock.
Molder Daniel, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Prospect.
Molder John, fireman, Blast Furnace, h. Prospect.
Molone Felix, D. Mine, D. L. & W.
Mona Jacob, miner, No. 5, h. Prospect.
Mona John, miner, No. 5, h. Prospect.
Monaghan John C., fire and life ins. broker, 320 Penn ave., h. do.
Monies (William N.,) & Pughe, (Lewis,) bakers and confectioners, 502 Lacka. ave., h. at Green
Monnia Francis, carpenter, h. Fourth ave., Dodgetown.
Monsey William, ass’t civil engineer, D. L & W., b. Hermanns House, H. P.
Monteith Hugh, machinist, d. L. & W., h. Seventh, n. Lacka. ave., H. P.
Monteith Jessie Miss, b. 317 Penn ave.
Moody Perry O., boarding and U. S. Detective, h. 28 Lacka. ave.
Moon George H., carpenter, C. Mine, h. Tenth, cor. H. P.
Moon John L., h. Scranton ave., n. Chestnut, Hyde Park.
Mooney Henry, carpenter, H. P. ave., n. Wash. h. do.
Mooney John, D. L. & W., h. Hampton Patch, H. P.
Mooney Stephen, carpenter, h. 32 Lacka ave.
Moore Bennett, laborer, D. L. & W. car shop, h. Petersburgh.
Moore Bernard, foundry, D. L & W. Co., h. Petersburgh,
Moore Daniel, teamster, h. Prospect, n. North, H. P.
Moore De los R., laborer, h. off of Main, n. the Capouse Bridge, P.
Moore ella Mrs., h. William, n. Orchard, P.
Moore Eugene, fireman, D. L. & W.
Moore Freeman, Alderman 11th Ward, Cedar, Slocum’s Hill, h. do.
Moore George, cronk beer maker, b. Cedar, Slocum’s Hill
Moore Herman, D. L. & W. Co., h.Prospect, H. P.
Moore Herman, laborer, h. Prospect, n. North, H. P.
Moore Jacob, shoemaker, h. Pittston ave., Shanty Hill.
Moore James, D.L & W., H. P. Mine, h. H. P.
Moore John, blacksmith’s helper, Cliff Works.
Moore John, engineer, D. L. & W.
Moore John, at Car Shop, h. Alley, r. 221 Franklin ave.
Moore John, D. L. & W. , H. P.Mine, h. H. P.
Moore John H., h. off of Main, n. Capouse Bridge, P.
Moore John W., Co’s Store, h. 331 Franklin ave.
Moore Mary Mrs., h. Lacka. ave., n. Chestnut, H. P.
Moore Oscar C., cashier, Scranton Saavings Bank, bds. 107 Adams ave.
Moore Owen, laborer H. P. Mine, h. New Patch, H. P.
Moore Patrick, laborer, N. Mine, h. Minooka.
Moore Patrick, miner, N. Mine, h. Minooka.
Moore Patrick, miner, V. S. Shaft, P., h. at the Notch, P.
Moore Robert, laborer, G. R. Mine, h. G. R.
Moore Robert, h. Providence road, n. G. R.
Moore Robert C.) & Gleason (Benjamin), brick mfs. At G. R., n. P. B., h. Phelps at R. R., P. B.
Moore S. Austin, bds. 331 Franklin ave.
Moore Seth Folger & Moores), 209 Lacka. ave., bds. Wyoming ave., beyond Vine.
Moore Sylvester, clerk, b. Cedar, Slocum Hjill.
Moore Sylvester, b. Main, n. Methodist Church, H. P.
Moore Thomas & Co., Pierce P. Finley,) dry goods, 111 Lacka ave., h. Mifflin ave., n. Linden.
Moore Thomas H., blacksmith’s helper, Cliff Works.
Moore Uriah, boiler maker, D. Mfg. Co., b. Cedar, Slocum Hill.
Moore William, coal operator, h. Market, n. Main, P.
Moore William D., brakeman , h. Petersburgh.
Moore Wilson W., brickmaker, b. Madison ave., cor. Adams ave., H. P.
Moore W. G., pattern maker, Cliff Works.
Moran Bryan, laborer, L. C. Mine, h. at the Notch, P.
Moran Edward, carpenter, b. 218 lacka. ave.
Moran Dominick, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Moran Hugh, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Moran Hugh, miner, D. Mine h. S. B.
Moran James, blakcsmith, Machine Shop.
Moran James, helper, Rolling Mill, h. Prospect.
Moran James, laborer, B. Mine, h. 4th, H. P.
Moran James, Car Depot, D. L. & W., h. Cedar, H. P.
Moran John, helper, Machine Shop, D. L. & W.
Moran John, laborer, D. Mine, D. L. & W.
Moran John J., miner, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Moran Jonathan, laborer, C. Mine, h. Clover Hill, P.
Moran Lawrence, laborer, H. Mine, h. 6th, H. P.
Moran Lawrence, watchman, L. C. Mine, h. Willow, P.
Moran Lawrence, weighmaster, L. C. Mine, h. Willow, P.
Moran Mark, laborer, L. C. Mine, h. Willow, P.
Moran Martin, laborer, N. Mine, h. Minooka.
Moran Michael, laborer, O. Mine, h. Corktown, H. P.
Moran Michael, Blast Furnace, h. dodgetown, H. P.
Moran Patrick, h. R. R. ave., n. Scranton ave., H. P.
Moran Patrick, Mt. P. Mine, h. Boon Hill, H. P.
Moran Patrick, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Moosic.
Moran Peter, miner, N. Mine, h. Minooka.
Moran Patrick, Car Shop, h. Wash. ave., 11th Ward.
Moran roger, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Moran Thomas, filler, Blast Furnace, h. stone.
Moran Thomas, grocer, 4th ave., opp. 3d, dodgetown, h. do.
Moran Thomas, laborer, B. Mine, h. S. Hampton, H..P.
Moran Thoams, laborer, L. C. Mine, h. Bloom’s Paatch, P.
Moran Timothy, laborer, B. Mine, h. R. R. ave., Bellevue.
Moran Wm., teamster, Blast Furnace, h. Dodgetown.
Moran William, watchman, L. C. Mine, h. Willow, P.
Morehead John, laborer, h. Soldier’s Hill, H. P.
Morell John B., laborer, h. Marketn. Back Road, P.
Morey James H., h. 129 Wyoming ave.
Morford Thomas, b. 4th ave., n. Soldier’s Hill, H. P.
Morgan Benjamin G., druggist, Main, cor. Jackson, h. Jackson, H. P.
Morgan Charles, laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Morgan Charles D.,carpenter, h. Gibson n. Penn ave., P. B.
Morgan Daniel, miner, P. B. Mine, h. H. P. ave, H. P.
Morgan David, carpenter, b. Washburn, n. Prospect, H. P.
Morgan David, civil engineer, D. & H. C. Co., h. Market beyond D. & H. C Co’s Depot, P.
Morgan David, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Morgan David, laborer, L. C. Mine, h. P.
Morgan David, mining engineer, h. Market beyond D. & H. C. Co’s R. R., P.
Morgan David, miner, C. Shaft, P., h. at Rockwell’s Hill, P.
Morgan David, miner, h. Penn ave., n. New, P. B.
Morgan David, miner, H. P. Mine, h. H. P.
Morgan David, miner, No. 5, . n. Old Soap Factroy.
Morgan David, miner, b. 14 Pearl.
Morgan David, miner, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Morgan David R., laborer, Cont. Mine, b. Washburn, H. P.
Moragns D. E., miner, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Morgan D. K., miner, h. Washburn, H. P.
Morgan D. W., loaborer, Cont. Mine, h. Orchard, H. P.
Morgan D. W., miner, h. Washburn, H. P.
Morgan Edwin A., D. L & W. car shop, h. 2nd, Dodgetown.
Morgan Evan, footman, Mt. P. Mine, h. Jackson, H. P.
Morgan Evan, labore, L. C. Mine, h. Corwin, P.
Morgan Evan, machinist, b. Linden, bet. Jeff. ave., & Madison ave.
Morgan E. O., machinist, D. L. & W.
Morgan Griffith D., laborer, Cont. Mine, h. n. Cont. Mine, H. P.
Morgan Halls, laborer, D. Mine, D. L. & W., h. H. P.
Morgan Howell, laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Morgan Isaac, miner, Mt. P. Mine, h. Prospect, H. P.
Morgan James, laborer, Cont. Mine, b. Back Road, H. P.
Morgan John, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Morgan John, mason, b. 12th, n. Public School, H. P.
Morgan John, miner, C. Shaft, P., h. Winton’s Hill, P.
Morgan John, miner, O. Mine, h. Boon Hill, H. P.
Morgan John J., miner, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Morgan John M., laborer, H. Mine, b. Cpont. Patch, H. P.
Morgan John W., inside foreman, L. c. Mine, h. Market, P.
Morgan Lewis, miner, B. Mine, h. R. R. ave., Bellevue, H. P.
Morgan Noah, laborer, Mt. P. Mine, h. Prospect, H. P.
Morgan Phineas, C., dentist. 406 Lacka. ave., h. do.
Morgan richard, laborer, L. C. Mine, h. Orchard, P.
Morgan Thomas, miner, Grant’s Slope, h. Penn ave.,, P. B.
Morgan Thomas, miner, h. Penn ave., n. Phelps, P. B.
Morgan Thomas, miner, d. L. L. W. R. R. Co., h. Hampton Patch, H. P.
Morgan Thomas, watchman, D. L. & W., R. R. Co., h. Hampton Patch, H.P.
Morgan Thomas S., clerk, D. & H. C. Co’s b. Market, beyond D. & H. C. Co’s depot, P.
Morgan William, laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Morgan William, laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Morgan William, miner, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Morgan William, miner, bds. 4 Pearl.
Morgan William, pattern maker, D. L. & W. R. R. machine shop.
Morgan William H., propman, Mt. P. Mine, h. P.
Morgan William H., H. P. Mine, h. Prospect, H. P.
Morgan William J., ins. agt. 1st National Bank, Bdg. Lacka. ave. and Main, next to the Welsh Baptist
Church, H. P., b. Herrmans House, H. P.
Morgan William G., helper, V. S. Mine, D. & H. C. Co., h. P.
Morgan William G., laborer, L. C. Mine, h. P.
Morgan William S., civil engineer, D. & H. C. Co., b. Market, beyond D. & H. C. Co’s depot, P.
Morgan William T., saloon, Lacka. ave., n. Wyoimng, H. P.
Morgan ----- Mrs., h. Scranton ave., n. R. R., H. P.
Morgans Morgan, D. Mine, h. Wash. n. Main, H. P.
Morgans Reese, miner, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Morgans Thomas, laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Morgans William, laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Moriarty Alexander, labore, Dickson Mfg. Co’s Yard.
Moriarty richard, rougher, Rolling Mill, h. Hemlock.
Morlong George, filler, Blast Furnace, h. Pittston ave.
Morly James, puddler, Rolling Mill, h.Moosic.
Morne Michael, laborer, P. B. Mine, h. S. B.
Morne Patrick, laborer, P. B. Mine, h. S. B.
Morris Benjamin Col., clerk, h. Vine, bet. Wash. and Wyoming aves.
Morris David, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Morris Ebenezer, laborer, L. C. M ine, h. Brick, P.
Morris Elias, h. 209 Penn ave.
Morris Evan, h. in the alley, r. P. O.
Morris James, balcksmith, h. 214 Lacka. ave.
Morris James, laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Morris James, miner, h. at Minooka.
Morris John, laborer, h. Jeff. ave., n. Washburn, H. P.
Morris John, laborer, L. C. Mine, h. James, P.
Morris John, laborer, O. Mine, h. Wash. H. P.
Morris John, miner, h. Jackson, n. Main, H. P.
Morris John, miner, h. Jackson, n. Main, H. P.
Morris John, miner, N. 5, h. H. P.
Morris John, mason, h. Soldiers’ Hill, H. P.
Morris John, tailor, b. Main, n. Troy, H. P.
Morris, tailor, b. Main, n. Troy, H. P.
Morris John C., Pres. Penn. State Agricultural Society, h. Vine, be. Wash and Adams aves.
Morris Lemuel, laborer, N. Mine, h. Minooka.
Morris Samuel,) & Jacobs, Simon,) boots, shoes, and clothing, 327 Lacka. ave., h. do.
Morris Thomas, laborer, D. Mine.
Morris Thomas, laborer, L. C. Mine, h. P.
Morris Thomas B., editor, “Banner Americk,” 416 Lacka. ave., h. Chestnut, H. P.
Morris Thomas J., miner, L. C. Mine, h. P.
Morris William, laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Morris William, Dodge Mine, h. Patagonia, H. P.
Morissey James, miner, h. Minooka.
Morrison Charles, h. foot of Troy, n. the R. R., H. P.
Morrison John, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Stone.
Morrison John P., clerk, Lacka. Valley House, b. do.
Morrison Michael, h. Jackson, n.Chestnut, H. P.
Morse Lewis, beer maker, H. P. ave., cor. Prospect, h. do., H. P.
Mortegan John, labore, Blast Furnace, h. bellevue.
Morton Abner, pattern maker, D. L. & W. mach. shop.
Morton George,) & Renwick, Francis,) brewers, Scranton ave., at the River, h. do. H. P.
Morton Henry T. grocer, Main, n. Franklin, H. P., h. Main, cor. Troy, H. P.
Morton James, laborer, N. Mine, h. Minoka.
Morton Peter, helper, D. L. & W., b. n. H. P. Mines.
Morton Thomas, blacksmith, h. Kieser Valley, H. P.
Moser Jacob, helper, Blast Furnace, h. Pittston ave., cor. Birch.
Moser James, miner, L. I. & C. Co., No. 5
Moser Julius, machinist, D. Mfg. Co.
Moses Daniel, B. Mine, h. Main, cor. Hampton, H. P.
Moses James, miner, h. Petersburgh Road.
Moses Thomas, miner, P. B. Mine, h. P. B.
Moses Thomas, miner, b. Washburn, n. Prospect, H. P.
Mosier D. W., inside foreman, H. P. Mines., H. P.
Mosier George, carpenter, Cliff Works.
Mosier George, laborer, h. Eynon Park Hill, H. P.
Mosier Lewis, boss driver, H. P. Miners, H. P.
Moshguard Christian, laborer, P. B. Mine, h. at Petersburgh.
Most Henry, repairer, D. L. & W. car shop, h. at Petersburgh.
Most Henry, jr., carpentert, b. Petersburgh.
Motschmann Adam, laborer, h. Birch, n. Pittston ave.
Mott Eugene K., physician, Main, n. Jackson, H. P., h. Washburn, n. Prospect, H. P.
Mott Frank W., car inspector, D. L. & W., h. Jackson, cor. Lincoln ave., H. P.
Mott Godfrey, laborer, D. L. & W., H. P. Mines, H. P.
Mott Sally Mrs., h. 115 Adams ave.
Mott Smith B., book-keeper, Second National Bank, h. Market, cor. Orchard.
Mott Wm. K. Rev., Pastor First Baptist, Chestnut, H. P., b. Washburn, n. Prospect, H. P.
Motzenbocker Eugene, blacksmith, Car Shop.
Mowahon Thomas, laborer, D. Mine, h. S. B.
Mowry Moses, housepainter, h. River, n. Market, P.
Moxley Byron, carpenter, h. 316 Wyomng ave.
Moyles Dora Miss, clerk, (F. S. Pauli), b. Penn ave., cor. Linden.
Moyles James W.), Murray Edward A.), & Co., (Anthony M. Walsh), wholesale grocers &
liquors, Penn ave., cor. Linden, and P. H.Moyles & Co.,), Market, rear end Panooka
Hall, P., h. Market, n. Main, Prov.
Moyles Owen, machinist, D. L. & W.
Moyles Patrick H. & Co., James W. Moyles & Anthony M. Walsh), grocers, dry goods, &c.,
Market, opp. rear end Panooka Hall, h. do., P.
Muffert Patrick, h. off of River, n.Prospect, 12th Ward.
Muirhead John W., brass polisher, h. 127 Penn ave.
Muithar John, miner, L. C. Mine, h. at the Notch, P.
Mulder Charles H., laborer, h. Alder, n. Pittston ave.
Muldurrick John, laborer, h. Carbon, n the Crossing.
Muldurrick Patrick, b. Carbon, n. the Crossing.
Mulhearn John, laborer, C. Shaft, P., h. High Works, 2d. Ward, P.
Mulheran John, laborer, B. Mine, h. Bellevue, H. P.
Mulheran Patrick, miner, C.Shaft, P., h. at Rockwell’s Hill, P.
Mulherne John, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Mulhone Patrick laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Mulhorn Neil, laborer, L. C. Mine, h. at the Notch, P.
Mullaly richard, laborer, O. Mine, h. R. R. St., H. P.
Mullan James, laborer, D. Mine, h. Diamond Flats.
Mullan James F. laborer, D. Mine, h. Diamond Flats.
Mullan John, moulder, D. L. & W., h. Franklin ave.
Mullan Patrick, helper, C. Mine, h. Rockwell’s Hill, P.
Mullan Patrick, laborer, rolling Mill, h. Crown.
Mullan P. A., roller, Rolling mill, h. 6th Ward.
Mullen John H., New Rolling Mill, h. Prospect.
Mullen Patrick, laborer, B. Mine, h. Park Hill, H. P.
Mullen Thomas, h. Wash. ave., n. New, P. B.
Muller James, laborer, D. Mine.
Muller Julis, artist, 329 Lacka. ave., b. Lacka. Valley House.
Mulley Ambrose, grocer, Panooka Hall Bldg. P. h. Main, n. Market, P.
Mullia Peter, helper, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Mullin John, moulder, h. r. 206 Mifflin ave.
Muligan Michael, brakeman, b. 32 Lacka. ave.
Mulligan Patrick, shoemaker, n. H. P. Mine, b. H. P.
Mullon C., puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Moosic.
Mulloney Laurence, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Stone.
Mulloney Martin, laborer, P. B.Mine, h. Wash. ave.
Mulloy James, Mt. P. Mine, h. McCann’s Patch, H. P.
Mullroney Dominick, H. Mine, h. Washburn, H. P.
Mulooney John, miner, h. Petersburgh.
Muloney Michael, stone mason, h. Petersburgh.
Mulrooney Thomas, boilermaker, D. Mfg Co.,, h. Belelvue.
Mulroy James, miner, h. Hampton Patch, H. P.
Mungle William, Mt. P. Mine, h. Deckeer’s alley, H. P.
Munley James, laborer, D. L. & W., bds. River.
Munn Edward, fierman, D. & H. C. Co., h. P.
Munn Geroge A., tobacconist, Market, n. Main, P., h. r. Pres. Church, P.
Munn Harriet Mrs., h. Oak, r. Pres. Church, P.
Munston Frederick, laborer, bds. n. H. P. Mine, H. P.
Mulheron John, h. R. R. ave., Scranton ave., H. P.
Munich Christian, repairer, D. L & W., h. Cedar.
Munish William, machinist, D. L. & W.
Musney William, civil eng. B. Heerman’s House, H. P.
Murdoch John, laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.
Murphy -----, tailore, b. Mansion House.
Murphy Edward, fireman, rolilng Mill, h. Prospect.
Murphy Edward, laborer, D. Mine, h. Diamond Flats.
Murphy Daniel, miner, No. 5, h. Pittston ave.
Murphy Dennis, miner, No. 5, h. Moosic.
Murphy Edwin, carpenter, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Murphy George, laborer, B. Mine, h. 3d, Bellevue.
Murphy Hugh, laborer, Round House.
Murphy James, laborer, L. C. Mine, h. Oak, P.
Murphy James, puddler, Rolling Mill.
Murphy James, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Walnut.
Murphy James, laborer, Dodge Mine, h. Bellevue.
Murphy James C., laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Prospect.
Murphy John, helper, Machine Shop, D. L. & W.
Murphy John, laborer, G. R. Mine, h. S. B.
Murphy John, laborer, V. S. Mine.
Murphy John, mason, h. Mineral, r. P. B. Mine.
Murphy John E., laborer, rolling Mill, bds. Stone.
Murphy John A., laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Orchard.
Murphy Martin, Malon, h. 3d, n. fifth ave., Bellevue.
Murphy Martin, h. R. R. ave., n. Scranton ave., H. P.
Murphy Martin, machinist, Cliff Works.
Murphy Michael, watchman, C. Mine, h. Clover Hill, P.
Murphy Michael, laborer, G. R. Mine, h. S. B.
Murphy Michael plumber, h. 131 Penn ave.
Murphy Michael,miner, Mt. P. Mine, h. Wash. H. P.
Murphy Michael C., laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Moosic.
Murphy Patrick, L.. C. Mine, h. at the Notch, P.
Murphy Patrick, helper, Rolling Mill, h. Vale.
Murphy Simon, laborer, G. R. Mine, h. S. B.
Murphy Thomas, heater, Rolling Mill, h. Hemlock.
Murphy Thomas, slate boss, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Murphy Thomas, salesman, 424 Lacka. ave., h. do.
Murphy Thomas, engineer, Rolling Mill, h. 12 Pearl.
Murphy Thoams laborer, Rolign Mill, h. Dodge.
Murphy William A., carpenter, h. r. Penn ave., n. Linden.
Murray Daniel, repairer, D. L. & W. car shop, h. H. P.
Murray Edward A., (Moyles, Murray & Co.,) Penn ave., cor. Linden, h. do.
Murray Hugh, machinist, Cliff Works.
Murray Hugh, h. R. R. ave., Soldiers’ Hill, H. P.
Murray James, D. L & W., car shop, h. 3d Bellevue.
Murray John, D. L & W. car shop, h. Wash. ave.
Murray John, h. r. Penn ave., opp. D. Mfg. Co’s Works.
Murray John, ins. agt. b. Lacka. Valley House.
Murray Joseph, b. 4th Ward Hotel, H. P.
Murray Lawrence, helper, Machine Shop, d. L. & W.
Murray Martin, miner, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Murrray Margret Mrs., h. Wash. ave., cor. Hickory, Scr. Flats.
Murray Michael, h. Prospect, n. Hickory
Murray Patrick, laborer, D. L. & W., h. Lacka. ave., H. P.
Murray Patrick, laborer, B. Mine, h. Bellevue.
Murray, Sarah C. Mrs., bds. 402 Jeff. ave.
Murray John, laborer, Dodge Mine, h. Bellevue.
Murrish John, miner, D. L. & W., b. Main, H. P.
Mursh Charels, boilermaker, h. Willow, n. Cedar.
Murtaugh Michael, laborer. V. S. Mine, h. P.
Murtaugh Thomas, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Murtaugh Michael, miner, V. S. Mine, h. P.
Murtough Owen, miner Dodge Mine, h. Bellevue.
Musk Christian, laborer, b. at Petersburgh.
Mutzel Fred, D. L. & W., b. S. Hampton, H. P.
Myer Gotleib, upholsterer, h. Cedar, Slocum’s Hill
Myers Bartley, carpenter, h. Park Hill, H. P.
Myers Chareles, in Lumber Yard, h. r. Penn ave. & Wyoming ave.
Myers Henry, miner, N. Mine, h. Stump Field.
Myers Simon, blacksmith, h. r. Penn ave., bet. Spruce & Linden.
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