Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania, USGenWeb

1870 Scranton City Directory



CADWAGAN JABEZ machinist, h. Lackawanna ave., n. Chestnut, Hyde Park.

Cafferty Brian, miner, National Mine, h. at Minooka.

Cafferty John, laborer, Oxford Mine, h. Cedar.

Cafferty Michael, laborer, Round-house, D. L. & W. R. R.

Cafferty Michael, laborer, L. I & C. Co’s rolling mill, h. Hemlock

Cafferty Patrick, laborer, Round-house, D. L & W. R. R.

Caffrey John, miner, Pine Brook Mine, h. Pine Brook.

Caffrey John, brakeman, b. 210 Lackawanna ave.

Caffrey John, laborer, Diamond Mine, h. Diamond Flats.

Caffrey Patrick, laborer, Diamond Mine, h. H. P.

Caffrey William, heater, Rolling Mill, L. I. & C. Co ., h, River.

Cahoon Artemus R. Mrs., h. River, n. Market on the Flats, n. Von Storch Slope, P.

Cain John, miner, Pine Brook Mine, h. Pine Brook.

Cain Jonathan, miner, Diamond Mine, h. H. P.

Cain Owen, laborer, Bellevue Mine, h. South Hampton, Fifth Ward.

Cain Patrick, laborer, Bellevue Mine, h. Railroad ave., Sixth Ward.

Cairn William, puddler, Rolling Mill, L. I. & C. Co., h. Stone.

Caldwell James, brass finisher, h. 413 Franklin ave., n. Vine.

Calhoun Thomas, laborer, Von Storch Mine, h. P.

Calkin James, laborer, Green Ridge Mine, h. P. B.

Callacan Daniel, painter, h. Phelps, n. D. & H. C. Co’s R. R., Pine Brook.

Callan Charles, laborer, h. R. R. ave., n. Scratnon ave., H. P.

Callan Maggie Miss, bookkeeper, 110 Penn ave., b. alley bet. Penn ave., and Frankllin ave.

Callan Samuel, telegraph operator, b. 303 Spruce.

Callanan Peter, blacksmith, b. Commercial alley, r. Post Office.

Callaway Richard, cabinetmaker, h. 218 Lackawanna avenue.

Callighan Patrick, filler, L. I & C. Co’s blast furnace, h. Stone.

Callihan, Daniel, carpenter, b. Pine Brook alley, n. Gibson, Pine Brook.

Callihan Edward, bootmaker, Penn ave., cor. Commercial al., h. Commercia al., cor. Franklin ave.

Callihan Jeremiah, h. Pine Brook al., n. Penn ave., Pine Brook.

Callilhan John, laborer, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., h. Sixth ave., n.  Hyde Park Mines.

Callihan John, miner, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., h. Sixth ave., Hyde Park.

Calllihan Martin, laborer, Von Storch Mine, D. & H. C. Co., h. P.

Callihan Michael, laborer, Legitt’s Creek Mine, h. P.

Callihan Patrick, saloon, Fellows, n. Hyde Park Mine, H. P., h. do.

Callihan Patrick, miner, Legitt’s Mine Creek, h. High Works, P.

Callihan William, carpenter, b. Pine Brook alley, n. Gibson, Pine Brook.

Callum J., boilermaker, Dickson Mfg. Co., h. 206 Lackawanna ave.

Calman Peter, blacksmith, Machine Shop, D. L & W. R. R. Co.

Calpton James, laborer, Belelvue Mine, h. Third, Bellevue, H. P.

Cammel Patrick, laborer, Bellevue Mine, h. Third Bellevue, H. P.

Cammer Chester, blscksmith, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., h. Washburn, cor. Jefferson ave., H. P.

Camovan Morris, laborer, L. I & C. Co. rollling mills, h. Prospect.

Camp Cyrus D., printer Daily & Weekly Democrat Office, b. Penn ave., cor. Linden.

Campbell Albert, laborer, h. Mineral, r. Pine Brook Mine.

Campbell Andrew, machinist, Dickson Mfg. Co.

Campbell Cristopher, puddler, L. I & C. Co’s, new mill, h. Prospect.

Campbell Daniel, Sen., h. Coml. Al. N. Franklin ave.

Campbell Danile, jr., bootmaker Franklin ave., cor. Lackawanna ave., h. Commercial al., n.

                Franklin ave.

Campbell Francis, carpenter, h. Washington, cor. Monroe ave., H. P.

Campbell James, puddler, L. I. & Co;s new rolling mill, h. River, Shanty Hill.

Campbell John, laborer, h. Penn ave., n. Gibson, Pine Brook.

Campbell, laborer, Grants Slope, h. P. ave., P. B.

Campbell John, labore, Von Storch Mine, h. P.

Campbell John, peddler, h. Pittston ave., Shanty Hill.

Campbell John, brakeman, D. & H. C. Co’s, R. R. h. Pine Brook.

Campbell John B., conductor, b. New, n. Penn ave., Pine Brook.

Campbell Joseph, fireman, Diamond Mine, h. Diamond Flats.

Campbell (Joseph H.) & Gearhart, (Wesley H.) attorneys & counsellors at law, 416 Lackawanna ave.,

                h. Mifflen ave., n. Coml. Alley.

Campbell Patrick, miner, Mt. Pleasant Mine, h. Boon, Jackson, Hyde Park.

Campbell William, laborer, Legitt’s Creek Mine, h. Bloom’s Patch, P.

Campbell William, miner, Legitt’s Creek Mine, h. Oak P.

Canavan Henry, tailor, h. Lackawanna ave., n. Chestnut, Hyde Park.

Canavan Martin, grocer, Coml. Alley, r. P. O. , h. do.

Cang Frederick, machinist, Dickso Mfg. Co.,

Canby Miles, helper, L. I & C. Co’s rolling mill, h. Moosic.

Cann James, puddler, Rolling Mill, L. I & C. Co., h. Prospect, Twelfth Ward.

Cannaanan John, repairer, D. L. & W. R. R. car shop, h. Second above Lackawanna Bridge

Canniff Daniel, laborer, h. R. R. ave., n. Scranton ave., Hyde Park.

Cannon Anthony, laborer, Bellevue Mine, h. Second Bellevue, Hyde Park.

Cannon James, laborer, Von Storch Mine, h. P.

Cannon James, laborer, Bellevue Mine, h. Fourth, H. P.

Cannon, Joseph, laborer, Legitt’s Creek Mine, h. at the Notch, P.

Cannon Martin, laborer, Hampton Mine, h. Boon Hill, Jackson, Hyde Park.

Cannon Martin, laborer, Legitt’s Creek Mine, h. Bloom’s Patch, P.

Cannon Oliver, farmer, h. Market, beyond D & H. C. Co’s R. R.

Cannon Thomas F. grocer Jackson, n. the R. R., h. do.

Cannon Peter, laborer, Dickson Mfg. Co’s Yard.

Cantwell barney, laborer, h. Carbon, n. Brook, Sandy Bank.

Cantwell Bernard,laborer, Diamond Mine, h. Sandy Bank.

Cantwell James, laborer, Diamond Mine, h. Sandy Bank.

Cantwell Michael, tinsmith, 514 Lackawanna ave., bds. Seventh Ward.

Capel Philip, fireman, D. L. & W. R. R.

Caple William, carpenter, D. L & W. R. R. Co., h. River, Hyde Park.

Capwell, Charles, engineer, D. L. & W. R. R.

Capwell George, huxter, b. Heerman’s House, H. P.

Capwell -----, carpenter, b. 206 Lackawanna ave.

Card Albert, driver, G. R. Horse Car, b. Market, beyone D. & H. C. Co’s R. R., P.

Carden John, helper, Machine Shop, D. L. & R. R. Co.,

Carden, Teddy, teamster, L I & C. Co’s blast furnace, h. Hemlock.

Cardon Anthony, miner, Von Storch Mine, h. P.

Cardugan Jabez, machinist, Cliff Works.

Carell Charles, boiler maker, b. U. S. Hotel.

Carey James, heater, L. I. & C. Co’s rolling mill, h. Beach.

Carey Joh, puddler, Rolling Mill, L. I & C. Co., h. Walnut.

Carey John A., puddler, L. I & C. Co’s new rolling mill, h. Hickory, Shanty Hill.

Carey Margaret Mrs., h. Hemlock, Shanty Hill.

Carey Martin, grocer, Main, n. North, h. do., H. P.

Carey Martin, engineer, D. L. & W. R. R.

Carey Mary Mrs., h. Wyoming, n. Jackson, Hyde Park.

Carey Michael, laborer, Cayuga Mine, bds. Clover Hill, P.

Carey Owen, laborer, Dickson Mfg. Co.

Carey Patrick, laborer, bds. in alley r. Penn ave., bet. Linden and Mulberry.

Carey Patrick, repairer, car Depot, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., h. Franklin ave.

Carey Thomas, laborer, Oxford Mine, h. Railroad ave., Hyde Park.

Carey Thomas B. carpenter, h. Main, n. Washington, Hyde Park.

Carhart Theodore, painter, h. r. Penn ave., bet Spruce and Linden.

Carl Michael, laborer, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., h. Soldiers’ Hill, Hyde park.

Carl Timothy, laborer, Hyde Park Mine, Hyde Park.

Carlan Peter, laborer, bds. Lackawanna ave., n. the Bridge, H. P.

Carlin Daniel, teamster, bds. opp. Swan & Price’s lumber yard, H. P.

Carline James, miner, National Mine, h. Cedar.

Carling John, baggage-master,h. Spruce, bet. Adams and Washington aves.

Carling Teddy, laborer, Dickson Mfg. Co’s Foundry.

Carling William, h. 201 Washington ave., cor. Spruce.

Carling William H., outside foreman, Oxford Mine bds. Heerman’s House, Hyde Park.

Carlisle Andrew, laborer, National Mine, S. & W. C. Co., h. Ward, Eleventh Ward.

Carlisle Henry, miner, Cars Mine, h. Washington ave., cor. Slocum Flats.

Carlisle James, helper, D. L. & W. R. R. car shop, bds. G. R.

Carllin Edward, miner, Cayuga Shaft, P., h. at Providence.

Carlton Edward W., brick mfr., Sixth, Hyde Park h. Hyde Park ave., n. Hampton, Hyde Park.

Carlton George W., carpenter, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., b. Washburn, n. Twelfth, Hyde Park.

Carlyon James, miner, h. ft. Willow, n. Cedar.

Carman Charles Q. coal dealer retail, 109 Penn ave., h. 201 Franklin ave.

Carman John Q., carpenter, D. L. & W. R. R. car shop, bds. r. 110 Washington ave.

Carman Marshall B., carpenter, D. L. & W. R. R. car shop, bds. r. 110 Washington ave.

Carman Michael, fireman, D. L. & W. R. R.

Carman William P., collector, h. Penn ave., opp. Phelps, Pine Brook.

Carman -----, car builder, b. 606 Spruce

Carney Chalres, laborer, Legitt’s Creek Mine, h. Bloom’s Patch, P.

Carney James, laborer, Green Ridge Mine, h. S. B.

Carney James, laborer, Oxford Mine, b. Cork Town, H. P.

Carney Michael, laborer, b. :Penn ave., n. Green’s alley, Pine Brook.

Carner Samuel, brakeman, bds. in the alley, r. Post Office.

Carney Patrick, miner, Legitt’s Creek Mine, h. at the Notch, P.

Carpenter Almon R., teamster, bds. Commercial alley, r. Post Office.

Carpenter Almon R. teamster, h. 303 Spruce.

Carpenter Charles C., teamster, h. Commercial alley, r. Post Office

Carpenter Cynthia Mrs., dressmaker, Commercial alley, r. Post Office, h. do.

Carpenter Cyrus B., h. 111 Adams ave.

Carpenter Edward P., Peterson & Carpenter, ) 326 Lackawanna ave., h. at Philadelphia, Pa.

Carpenter George, bds. Prospect, cor. Jackson, Hyde Park.

Carpenter George H. engineer, L. I.  & C. Co’s blast furnace, h. Monroe ave., cor. Vine

Carpenter Henry, machinist, L. I. & C. Co’s blast furnace, h. Monroe ave., cor. Vine.

Carpenter Henry T., carpenter, b. Penn ave., n. Gibson, Pine Brook.

Carpenter James, miner, Dodge Mine, h. Patagonia, Hyde Park.

Carpenter John S. & Co., C. R. Woodin,) confectioners, 124 Penn ave., bds. Wyoming House.

Carpenter Knight, overseer, Saw Mill, h. 207 Mulberry, n. Penn ave.,

Carpenter Louisa Mrs., dressmaker, 303 Spruce, h. do.

Carpenter Sylvester S., grocer, 112 Franklin ave., h. 321 Lackawanna ave.

Carpenter Willard, clerk, bds. 115 Jefferson ave.

Carr Edward, miner, h. Pittston ave.

Carr George A., fireman, D. L & W. R. R., b. in the al. r. P. O.

Carr Minot, freight and ticket agent, D. & H. C. Co., h. Sixth, n. Green Ridge depot, G. R.

Carrier William G. boarding stable, alley r. Luzerne House, h. Spruce, cor. the alley.

Carrigan Elizabeth Mrs., h. Carbon, n. Brook, Sandy Bank.

Carrigan John, miner, Legitt’s Creek Mine, h. at the Notch, P.

Carroll, Amos, track master, h. Wyoming, n. Lackawanna ave., Hyde Park.

Carroll Charles, boilermaker, Machine Shop, D. L & W. R. R. Co.

Carroll Charles, laborer, L. I & C. Co., No. 5, h. Stone.

Carroll Cornelius, laborer, Oxford Mine, h. R. R. ave., n Scranton ave., Hyde Park.

Carroll James, machinist, Cliff Works.

Carroll James, laborer, h. r. Penn ave., opp. Dickson Mfg. Co’s Works.

Carroll James, laborer, Foundry, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., h. First, Dodgetown, Hyde Park.

Carroll James, laborer, Bellevue Mine, h. Sixth ave., Soldier’s Hill, Hyde Park.

Carroll Joseph J., livery stable, in alley, r. 317 Wyoming ave., bds. Penn ave., with Mrs. Keefer.

Carroll John, foreman for Scrantoin Gas and Water Co., 120 Wyoming ave., h Madison ave., bet.

                Mulberry and Vine.

Carroll John, laborer, Oxford Mine, h. Prospect, Hyde Park.

Carroll Michael, laborer, Bellevue Mine, h. Third, Bellevue, Hyde Park.

Carroll Owen, helper, Machine Shop, D. L. & W. R. Co., h. Railroad ave., n. Fifth ave.

Carroll Patrick, miner, Bellevue Mine, h. Belleveu Flats, H. P.

Carroll Peter, helper, Machine Shop, D. L. & W. R. R. Co.,

Carroll Thomas, laborer,L. I & C. Co’s rolling mill, h. Pearl.

Carrollton Geore, carpenter, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., h. Washburn, Hyde Park.

Carson Reese, miner, D. L.  & W. R. R. Co., h. n. S. Hampton, Hyde Park.

Carter Frederick C. carpenter, h. Wyoming ave., cor Linden.

Carter James, machinist, Cliff Works.

Carter Pulaski, manuf’r scythes, axes and agricultural implements, Capouse Village, h. do., P.

Carter Samuel, laborer, Von Storch Mine, h. P.

Cartwell William, boilermaker, h. S. Hampton, Park Hill, H. P.

Carty John, laborer, bds. 2 Pearl.

Carver Worthy, miner, D. L. & W. R. R., h. Washburn, H. P.

Carwyndine Thomas, miner, Von Storch Mine, h. P.

Caryl Amos, Division Superintendent, D. & H. C. Co. R. R., h. P.

Case Edward, salesman, 326 Lackawanna ave., bds. Lackawanna Valley House.

Case Jason M., agent Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine, 326 Lackawaanna ave., bds.

                Lackawanna Valley House.

Case Lewis C., helper, D. L. & W. R. R. car shop, bds. 30 Lackawanna ave.,

Case Margaret Mrs., h. 304 Lackawanna ave.

Casey John, grocer, R. R. ave., Bellevue, n. Bellevue Mine, h. do., H. P.

Casey Martin, billiards, Lackawanna ave., b. 310 ing ave., next door to Forest House.

Casey Martin, miner, B. Mine, h. Dodgetown, H. P.

Casey Martin, laborer, Legitt’s Creek Mine, h. n. Legitt’s Creek Mine, P.

Casye Patrick, puddler, L. I & C. Co’s rolling mill, h. Stone.

Casegerne Edward, puddler, Rolling Mill, L. I. & C. Co. h. River, Shanty Hill.

Caslan Michael, laborer, Bon Storch Mine, h. P.

Caslett William H., roller, L. I & C. Co’s rolling mill, b. Madison ave.

Cassar Floyd, J.l, printer, Republlican, b. Lackawanna ave., n. the Bridge, Hyde Park.

Cassidy James, laborer, L. I. & C. Co’s rolling mill, h. H. P.

Cassidy John, laborer, Diamond Mine.

Cassidy Philip, bricklayer, b. S. Dodge.

Cassler Nicholas, b. n. John, Petersburgh.

Casterline John, carpenter, Von Storch Mine, h. P.

Castline John, carriage maker, h. Green Ridge ave., at River, G. R.

Castnay James, laborer, Green Ridge Mine, h. Pine Brook.

Catlin George H., b., Ridge Row, cor. Monroe ave.,

Cauley Charles, h. R. R. ave., Soldiers’ Hill.

Cauley Francis, saloon, Oak, n. Brick, h. do.

Cavanaugh John, laborer, Mt. Pleasant Mine, h. Chestnut, Hyde Park.

Cavanaugh Patrick, furnace man, Dodge Mine, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., h. Bellevue, Hyde Park.

Cavanaugh Timothy, miner, Mt. Pleasnat Mine, h. Chestnut, H. P.

Cavell Edward, carpenter, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., h. Eynon, Park Hill, Hyde Park.

Caveney John, grocer, R. R. ave., opp., 5th ave., h. do. Soldiers Hill, H. P.

Cawley Edward, miner, Bellevue Mine, h. Bellevue, Hyde Park.

Cawley Michael, laborer, Diamond Mine, h. H. P.

Cawley Patrick, miner, Diamond Mine, h. H. P.

Cawley Patrick, laborer, Diamond Mine, h. Sandy Bank.

Cawley Thomas, laborer, Hampton Mine, h. 6th ave., H. P.

Cawley Thomas F., tinsmith, 514 Lackawanna ave., bds., at Dunmore.

Cawley William, laborer, Hampton Mine, Sixth ave., H. P.

Chaes Charles, shoemaker, b. Cedar, n. Hickory.

Chamer Jacob, laborer, Rich n. John, Petersburgh.

Camberlain Chauncey, teamster, b. Jackson, n. Madison ave., Hyde Park.

Chamberlain Daniel, carpenter, h. Chestnut, n. Lackawanna ave., Hyde Park.

Chamberlain George, laborer, Diamond Min, Park Place.

Chamberlain Whitney, laborer, h. Main, at D. L. & W. R. R., P.

Chance John, machinist, h. 419 Franklin ave., n. Vine.

Chandler Adelbert, h. Eighth, n. Green Ridge ave., G. R.

Chandler James, carpenter, h. in alle r. Penn. Ave., bet. Spruce and Linden.

Chandler John, moulder, Foundry, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., h. River, Ninth Ward.

Chanz John, boiler maker, Machine Shop, D. L. & W. R. R. Co.

Chapin Henry H., foreman pattern maker, h. Park Place.

Chapman John, laborer, Legitt’s Creek Mine, h. at the Notch, P.

Chappell John, saloon, Main, n. Market, h. do., P.

Charles Edward, miner, Hyde Park Mines, Hyde Park.

Charles Michael, laborer, Diamond Mine, h. H. P.

Chalres Robert, carpenter, bds. 427 Lackawanna ave.

Charles Thomas, laborer, Diamond Mine, h. H. P.

Chase A. A., engineer, h. Madison ave.,, n. Washburn, Hyde Park.

Chase Aaron A., lawyer, Lackawanna ave., cor. Penn ave., bds. Wyoming House.

Chase Henry W., bds. 220 Franklin ave.

Chase Joseph, inspector, h. Monroe ave., bet. Linden and Mulberry.

Chase Joseph, Phelps & Chase,) 38 Lackawanna ave., h. 109 Adams ave.,

Chase Lyman, engineer, bds. 120 Washington ave.,

Chase Lyman Mrs., h. 415 Franklin ave., n. Vine.

Chase Wyman, fireman, D. L. & W. R. R.

Chatfield Eben S., machinist, h. Hyde Park ave., n. Washington, Hyde Park.

Cherar Nicholas, laborer, L. I & C. Co., h. Pittston ave.,

Childress James, Associate Editor, Scranton Times, Lackawanna ave., h. do.

Chittenden Charles E., clerk, bds. 210 Penn ave., n. Spruce.

Chittenden Jared M., agent, D. & H. C Co., P., h. 317 Washington ave.,

Chittenden William A. Mrs., h. Washington ave., bet. Mulberry and Vine.

Chrisman Jacob, carpenter, h. Lackawanna ave., cor. Chestnut, Hyde Park.

Christman D., watchmaker and jeweler, 423 Penn ave., h. do.

Christmas D. H., engineer, Legitt’s Creek Mine, h. Oak, P.

Christmas Henry D., shoemaker, b. Market, n. Bloom’s Patch, P.

Christmas Walter B., boot and shoemaker, Market, n. Bloom’s Patch, P.

Christopher Jacob, repairer, D. L. & W. R. R. car shop, Washington ave.

Christopher Jacob, h. 414 Washington ave., Scranton Flats.

Chur Walter, bookkeeper, 118 Penn ave., h. Madison ave., cor. Mulberry.

Churches George, laborer, Diamond Mine, h. H. P.

Church Gilbert W., b. Main, next to Church’s Hotel, P.

Church Joseph, prop. Church’s Coal Mine, drover, and prop. Church’s Hotel, Main, at the

                Providence Horse R. R. track, h. do., P.

Cice Frank, laborer, h. Prospect, n. North, H. P.

Cisco George, carpenter, h. off of Market, beyond D. & H. C. Co’s R. R., P.

Clancy Borthers, Phinney D. & Mark H.,) carpenters and builders off of River, on the Flats,

                n. Von Storch Slpe, h. do., P.

Clancy Mark H. Clancy Brothers,) carpenters, off of River, on the Flats, n. Von Storch Slope, h. do. P.

Clancy Phinney D., Clancy Brothers,) carpenters, off of River, on the Flats, n. Von Storch, h. do., P.

Clancy Willim, carpenter, off of River, on the Flats, n. Von Storch Slope, h. do., P.

Clanden F. A., machinist, D. L. & W. R. R. Co’s shop.

Clannant William, miner, Pine Brook Mine, h. Sandy Bank.

Clapp Henry C., railroad contractor, h. Jackson, cor. Lincoln ave., h. do. H. P.

Clapp James, miner, Diamond Mine, h. H. P.

Clappier Fred., carpenter & builder, r. 306 Penn ave., h. alley r. Penn ave., bet Linden & Mulberry.

Clare Victor, machinist, h. 1st, n. the Bridge, H. P.

Clarherty James, grocer, 3d h. do. Bellevue, H. P.

Clark Albert, moulder, bds. opp. Scranton Stove Works, H. P.

Clark Andrew J. physician, Linden, bet. Penn ave., & Wyoming ave. h. do.

Clark Bridget Mrs., h. 417 Franklin ave., n. Vine.

Clark Charles, clerk, bds. Main, n. City Line, P.

Clark Edward, laborer, Dickson Mfg. Co’s Foundry.

Clark Edward M., bookbinder, h. r. Madison ave., bet Mulberry & Vine.

Clark emma Mrs., h. Main, n. City line, P.

Clark Ezra T., civil engineer, bds. Bristol House, P.

Clark Frank E., clerk, b. Main, off scranton ave., H. P.

Clark J. S., engineer, D. L. & W. R. R.

Clark (Jacob D.) & Henson (Henry B.), tobacconists, 114 Penn ave., h. Main, cor. Washburn, H. P.

Clak James, slate boss, Dodge Mine, h. Bellevue, Hyde Park.

Clark James, h. Market, cor. Brcik, P.

Clark James A., Editor and Proprietor, Scranton Times, and book and job printer, 416 Lackawanna

                Ave., h. 127 Wyoming ave.

Clark John, carpenter, h. r. 12 Lackawanna ave.

Clark John, laborer, L. I. & C. Co’s blast furnace, h. Prospect.

Clark John, cattle dealer, h. 310 Wyoming ave.

Clark John, clerk, 422 Lacka. Ave., h. Sandy Bank.

Clark John, saloon, h. Alley r. Luzerne House.

Clark John, laborer, Bellevue Mine, h. Bellevue, H. P.

Clark John T., foreman, D. L. & W. R. R., car smith shop, h. Wash. Ave., n. Lacka ave.

Clark Joseph B., clerk, b. Main, off Scranton ave., H. P.

Clark Miles, laborer, Bellevue Mine, H. P.

Clark Myron J. , mertailero and gents furnishing goods, 310 Lacka ave. and (Winton, Clark & Co.)

                Market n. Main P., ht at Park Place.

Clark O. P. Treas Mechanics, Miners, Deposit and Savings Bank, and grocer and dry goods retail,

                Main, Scratnon ave., h. do. H. P.

Clark Patrick, laborer, V. Storch Mine, h. P.

Clark Patrick, miner, L. & W. R. R. Co., h. South Hampton, H. P.

Clark Patrick, butcher, h. Penn ave., n. Green’s alle, P. B.

Clark Patrick, laborer, h. Green’s alley, n. Penn ave., P. B.

Clark Thomas, weighmaster, M. P. Mine, h. P.

Clark Thomas, laborer, Belelvue Mine, h. R. R. ave., Hyde Park.

Clark Victor, machinist, Cliff Works.

Clark William, helper, Machine Shop, D. L. & W. R. R. Co.

Clark William, (Rounds, Clark & Co.,) Union Park, Wym. Ave., 302 Lacka. Ave.

Clark William, blacksmith, b. 417 Franklin ave., n. Vine.

Clarke Anthony, laborer, h. Mineral, n. the dump, S. B.

Clarke Bryan, laborer, B. Mine, h. 3d Bellv., H. P.

Clarke Edward M. bookbinder, Republican office, 322 Lacka. Ave., h. Monroe ave.

Clarke Goodhand, wholesale tobacco manufacturer, 602 & 604 Lacka. ave,, h. do.

Clarke James, laborer, Von Storch Mine, H. P.

Clarke John, miner, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., h. S. Hampton, H. P.

Clarke John, baker, H. Carbon, cor. Mineral, S. B.

Clarke John, fireman, D. L. & W. R. R. machine shop.

Clarke Matthew W., grocer & dry goods, h. Main, . Lacka. ave., h. do., H. P.

Clarke Miahaer, laborer, V. S. Mine, H. P.

Clarke Michael, carpenter, h. Alley, off Brook.

Clarke Michael, h. Lacka. ave., H. P.

Clarke Patrick, laborer, D. & H. C. Co. R. R., h. n. Legitt’s Creek Mine, P.

Clarke Thomas, miner, V. S. Mine, H. P.

Clarke Thomas, Car Dept., D. L. & W. R. R. Co.

Clarke Wm. H. Tobacconist, 602 & 604 Lacka. ave., b. do.

Clary John, miner, No. 5, h. Pittston ave.

Clay Charles, private school, 5th n. 6th ave., h. do., Bellevue, H. P.

Claysner Henry, laborer, h. Ptersburgh.

Clearen Thomas, brass worker, h. 418 Franklin ave.

Cleary Richard, laborer, bds. Back Road, P.

Clegg Edwin, boilermaker, b. R. R. ave., H. P.

Clement Thomas, miner, H. Mine, H. P.

Clement Thomas, miner, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., h. Washburn, H. P.

Clemons David, hame manufacturer, r. Mulberry, bet., Penn ave. and Wyoming ave.,

                h. r. Madison ab. Vine.

Clemons Wm. H., clerk, 101 Lacka ave., b. H. P.

Cliff Leonora M. Mrs., dressmaker, 315 Penn ave., b. do.

Clliff Selina Miss, boarding, h. 315 Penn ave.

Clifford Frank, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Pittston ave.,

Clifford James, laborer, N. Mine, h. Minooka.

Clifford James, h. Scranton ave., n. R. R. ave., H. P.

Clifford Joseph, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Val, S. H.

Clifford Peter, fireman, Rolling Mill, h. Moosic.

Clinton Robt., D., mer tailor, 302 Lacka. ave., (will remove biz, Jan 1st) h. 204 Adams ave.

Clifton Robt. D. jr., cutter b. 204 Adams ave.

Cline Henry, blacksmith, b. River, n. Wyoming ave., Scranton Flats.

Cline John, carpenter, C. Mine, H. P.

Cline S. B. Miss, h. Mifflin ave., n. Mulberry.

Closs John, laborer, Mt. P. Mine, h. n. the O. Mine, H. P.

Closs Wm. Laborer, b. Lacka ave., n. Wyom. Hyde Park.

Clond Jesse, laborer, h. Wyoming ave., c. Hickory, S. F.

Clyne Andrew, laborer, B. Mine, First, 6th Ward.

Coales, Henry, laborer, N. Mine, h. Shanty Hill.

Coales Henry, Carr’s Mine, First 6th Ward.

Coan Thomas, fireman, D. L. & W. R. R.

Coan John, moulder, Foundry, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., h. River, A. P.

Coar Michael, fireman, D. L  & W. R. R.

Coar (Patrick) Hoyt (George E.) & Co., liquors, wines, & c., 518 Lacka. ave., h. 424 do.

Coar Thomas, Car Dept, D. L. & W. R. R., h. S. F.

Coates Jas., machinist, h. al. r. Luzerne House.

Cocraft Thos., helper, Machine Shop, D. L. & W. R. R. Co.

Codington Thomas, conductor, D. L. & W. R. R., b. 198 Lackawanna ave.

Cody Thomas, fireman, b. Chestnur, n. Troy, H. P.

Coffay Christian, carpenter Car Shop, h. Merician, n. foot of O. dump, H. P.

Coffman Samuel, brakman, b. 110 Franklin ave.

Coggins James, teamster, Blast Furnace, h. River.

Coggins James, teamster, Blast Furnace, h. Hemlock.

Coggins James, laborer, B. Mine, h. 4th, H. P.

Coggins John, pro. 6th Ward House, 5th ave., c. 5th h. do. Bellevue, H. P.

Coggins Margin, puddler, New Rolling Mill, b. Maple.

Coggins Martin, laborer, D. L. & W. R. R. machine shop.

Coggins Michael, miner, B. Mine, h. Bellevue, H. P.

Coggins Patrick, laborer, D. Mfg. Co.

Coggins Patrick, miner, D. Mine, h. H. P.

Coggins Thomas, h. 3d, Bellevue, H. P.

Coghlan David, civil engineer, 120 Wyoming ave., h. Mifflin ave., n. Mulberry.

Cogswell Hawley, overseer, h. 228 Adams ave.

Cohen Henry, hairdresser at 313 Lacka. ave., h. Penn ave.

Cohen Henry, clerk, 516 Lacka. ave., b. Franklin ave.

Cohen Isaac, physician, & C. Smith & Co.) 516 Lacka. ave., h. 224 Franklin ave.

Cohen Jacob, 100 Lacka. ave., h. Linden, bet. Penn and Wyoming aves.

Cohen Morris, clerk, 201 Lacka. ave., h. Mifflin ave., n. Spruce.

Colburn William, engineer, D. L. & W. R. R.

Colder Patrick, laborer, H. P. Mine, h. Washington, H. P.

Cole E. M., laborer, Fellows Mine, H. P., h. 10th, H. P.

Cole Martin, laborer, Foundry, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., h. 2d Dodgetown.

Cole Nathan, carpenter, h. Market, beyond D. & H. C. Co’s R. R., P.

Cole Samuel B., contractor, bbds. St. Charles Hotel.

Cole Sarah Miss, book-keeper, Hand, Coston & Co.) P., bo Orchard, n. Oak, P.

Coe William J., miller (C. T. Weston & Co.), b. r. 454 Lacka. ave.

Cole Wiley, teamster, b. 34 Lacka. ave.

Coleby Elyn B., carpenter, b. Orchard, co. 12th, H. P.

Coleby Michael, laborer, h. Mineral, n. Carbon. S. B.

Colehouse George, laborer, b. Petersburgh.

Coleman Benton Miller, Coleman & Beers), Market, n. Main, P., h. Market, n. Orchard, P.

Coleman David, laborer, Car Shop, h. Orchard, Shanty Hill.

Coleman James W., engineer, h. Prospect, cor. Jackson, H. P.

Coleman James, farmer, h. alley, r. Penn ave., bet Linden & Mulberry.

Coleman John H., roller, Rolling Mill, h. N. Front, n. Dodge.

Coleman John M., foreman, Rolling Mill, h. n. B. Fur.

Coleman John S., puddler, New Roll’g Mill, h. Moosic.

Coleman John W., b. Market, n. Orchard, P.

Coleman Jonathan H., engineer, Grant’s Slope, h. Givson, P. B.

Coleman M., miner, D. Mine.

Coleman Michl. J., teamster, b. Com. Al., n. Mifflin ave.

Coleman Owen, blacksmith, Car Shop, h. Wash. Ave.

Coleman Pat., laborer, b. B. Mine, Third, Bellevue.

Colican Pat, laborer, b. Lacka. ave., n. Bridge, Hyde Park.

Collins Amelia T. Miss, dressmaker, 216 Franklin ave., b. do.

Collins Catherine Mrs., grocer, 4th c. 6th ave., Bellv.

Collins Edw., teamster, h. Monroe ave., bet. Mulberry and Vine.

Collins Elizabeth Mrs., h. 216 Franklin ave.

Collins Frank. Laborer, V. S. Mine. h. P.

Collins Frank D., lawyer and dist atty., 306 Lackawanna ave., h. at Dunmore.

Collins Henry, machinist, D. Mfg. Co.

Collins Hugh, saloon, 419 Penn ave., h. do.

Collins Jacob, teamster, h. Jackson, n. Madison ave., H. P.

Collins, Jas., brakeman, D. & H. C. Co., R. R. h. P.

Collins Jeremiah, miner, N. 5, h. Shanty Hill.

Collins John, fireman, D. L. & W. R. R.

Collins John, miner, V. S. Mine, h. 8th Ward.

Collins Jonathan, miner, D. Mine, h. H. P.

Collins Michael, laborer, P. B. Mine, h. Diamond Flats.

Collins Michael, teamster, h. r. 307 Linden. in alley.

Collins Michael H. carpenter. H. 419 Franklin ave.

Collins Michael J. roller, Rolling Miss, h. Hemlock.

Collins Patrick, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.

Collins Patrick B., heater, Rolling Mill, h. Moosic.

Collins Patrick J., conductor, h. 410 Spruce.

Collins Thomas, carpenter, b. 419 Franklin ave.

Collins Thomas, teamster, h. 408 Spruce.

Collins William, miner, D. L. & W. R. R., h. Patagonia, H. P.

Collum Jonathan, machinist, b. 206 Lacka. ave.

Colquhoun Thomas, miner, L. C. Mine, h. Main, P.

Colter Michael, fireman, D. L. & W. R. R.

Colvin Adelbert, clerk, b. Main, n. Market, P.

Colvin Frank, machinist, b. William, n. Orchard, P.

Colvin Horatio V., brakeman, h. Park place.

Colvin Jason P., h. r. Seventh, n. Lacka. ave., H. P.

Colvin Maravin R., furniture, 310 Lacka. ave., h. 308 Wyoming ave.

Colvin Melbourne A. A. B. Stevens & Co.,) Lacka ave., cor. D L. & W. R. R., H. P., h.

                Lackaw. Ave., n. the Bridge, H. P.

Colvin Theodore, marble polisher, h. Seventh, n. Lacka. ave., H. P.

Colwell John W., blacksmith, h. Back road, beyond Capouse Village, P.

Comeford John, laborer, h. off Mineral, S. B.

Comerford Michael, machinist, D. Manufacturing Co.

Comisky Henry, machinist, Blast Furnace, h. N. Front.

Compton James, miner, H. P. Mine, H. P.

Cone George Mrs., h. 406 Mulbery.

Cong P., machinist, D. Manufacturing Do.

Conklin Ziba, brakeman, bds. opp. 408 Spruce.

Conlan Barney, laborer, Rolling Mill, bds. Stone.

Conaln James, miner, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., h. Hampton Paatch, H. P.

Conlan Martin, miner, G. R. Mine, h. P. B.

Conley Patrick, laborer,h. on an alley off of River.

Conley Patrick, laborer, B. Mine, h. Third, Bellevue.

Conlin Patrick, laborer, D. L. & W. R. R. Co’s machine shop.

Conn Kate Mrs., h. Eynon, n. D. L. & W. R. R., H. P.

Connaughton Bartlett, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Moosic.

Connell Alexander, (Gilmore, & Co.), Cedar, Minooka, h. at Lacka.

Connell Andrew, laborer, D. & H. C. Co. R. R., h. n.  L. C. Mine, P.

Connell Anthony, laborer, P. B. Mine, h. P. B.

Connell Daniel, blacksmith, D. Mine.

Connell Edw., laborer, O. Mine, h. Jackson, H. P.

Connell Hampton, clerk, Co’s store, b. 414 Wash ave.

Connell Hugh, teamster, h. R. R. ave., n. 3rd ave., Soldiers’ Hill, H. P.

Connell James, miner, No. 5., h. Pearl.

Connell John laborer, O. Mine, h. Prospect, H. P.

Connell John, laborer, h. R. R. ave., Sol. Hill., H. P.

Connell Pat., puddler, New Rolling Mill, h. Pitts. Ave.

Connell Thomas A., laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Prospect.

Connell W., A. G. Gilmore & Co.) 206 Lacka ave., (Gilmore & Co.) h. at Lacka. township.

Connell Wm. T., hardward, h. 408 Mulberry.

Conner Charlotte Mrs., h. in al. r. Wash. Ave., S. F.

Conner Goe, machinist, D. Mfg. Co.

Conner James, roller, Rolling Mill, h. Hemlock.

Conner James, laborer, h. R. R. ave., n. 6th ave., H. P.

Conner James, laborer, C. Mine, h. at the Notch, P.

Conner James, laborer, h. in Scranton Stove Co’s yard, H. P.

Conner John, roller, Rolling Mill, h. Stone.

Conner John, laborer, G. R. Mine, h. P. B.

Conner Miner C., machinist, D. Mfg. Co., h. 505 Wyoming ave.

Conners Edward, laborer, D. L. & W. R. R. machine shop.

Connerter Patrick, grocer, 3rd, h. do., Bellevue.

Connerty Patrick, laborer, Round House, D. L. & W. R. R.

Connolly Daniel W., lawyer, 104 Penn ave., c. Lacka. ave., h. Jakcsomn, c. Madison ave., H. P.

Connolly James, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Stone.

Connolly John, laborer, D. Mine.

Connolly John, miner, No. 5, h. Bellevue.

Connolly John, railroad conductor, h. Jackson, c. Madison ave., H. P.

Connolly Michael, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. S. Front.

Connolly Patrick, miner, V. S. Mine, h. P.

Connolly Philip C., clerk, William Bolans, Cedar, Minooka, h. at Lacka.

Connor Catherine Mrs., h. 5th, n. R. R. ave., Bellevue.

Connor James, miner, V. S. Mine, h. P.

Connor James, laborer, b. Penn ave., n. New, P. B.

Connor John, laborer, Car Shop, h. Stone, Shanty Hill.

Connor John, helper, Car Shop, h. Lacka. ave., H. P.

Connor John, laborer, h. Lacka. ave. n. Chestnur H. P.

Connor Mary Mrs. H. alley, r. Third Dodgetown.

Connor Michael, machinist, Car Shop, h. Washington ave.

Connor Michael F. shoemaker, 3rd, n. 5th ave., Bellevue, h. do.

Connor Patrick, roller, Rolling Mill, h. Stone.

Connor Patrick, blacksmith’s helper, Cliff Works.

Connor Thomas, miner, Mt. Pl. Mine, h. Adams ave., H. P.

Connors Michael, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. S. Front.

Conovan John, puddler, New Mill, h. Hemlock

Conrad Adnrew, music teacher, Linden bet Penn and Wyoming aves., h. do.

Conrad Charles, saloon, 401 Penn, h. do.

Conroy Frank, helper, Rolling Mill, h. Prospect.

Conroy Thomas, laborer, Dodge Mine, h. Bellevue.

Conroy Patrick, laborer, O. Mine, h. R. R. ave., H. P.

Conroy Patrick, laborer, B. Mine, h. River, H. P.

Conroy Patrick, laborer, H. P. Mine, h. Main, H. P.

Conroy William, roller, Rolling Mill, h. Stone.

Constantine George, carpenter, h. Parker, n. Main, n. city line, P.

Constantine Sarah Mrs., h. Parker, n. city line, P.

Constine George, carpenter, L. C. Mine, h. Main, P.

Conway James, laborer, B. Mine, h. Bellevue.

Conway James, laborer, h. R. R. ave., Bellevue.

Conway James, laborer, B. Mine, h. Dodgetown.

Conway John, laborer, G. R. Mine, h. S. B.

Conway Mary Mrs., confectionery & notions, in Alley, r. St. Charles Hotel, h. do.

Conway Patrick, book peddler, b. Commercial alley, r. P. O.

Conway Patrick, peddler, h. Orchard, n. Pittston ave.,

Conway Thomas, laborer, Central Mine, H. P.

Conwell Anthony Mrs. B. 415 Franklin ave.

Conwell William C., overseer, h. 416 Franklin ave.

Conyne Alonzo, machinist, b. 208 Franklin ave.

Conyne Cornelius, supply agent, b. 210 Franklin ave.

Coock Richard A., bricklayer, h. Dodge, n. N. Front.

Cook Adam, mason, h. opp. Evang. Lutheran Chruch, Ridge, Petersburgh.

Cook Alverse, laborer, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., bds S. Hampton, H. P.

Cook Edward G., painter, h. Eynon, Park Hill, H. P.

Cook George, carpenter, Mt. P. Mine, h.  H. P. av., H. P.

Cook Henry, miner, Fellows’ Mine, H. P. h. Prospect, H. P.

Cook Henry N., carpenter, D. L & W. R. R. Co.,, bds S. Hampton, H. P.

Cook Edward G., painter, h. Eynon, Park Hill, H. P.

Cook George, carpenter, Mt. P. Mine, h. H. P. ave., H. P.

Cook Henry N., carpenter, D. L & W. R. R. Co., h. Fellows, H. P.

Cook Jacob, miner, Mt. P. Mine, H. P., h. Adams ave.

Cook Michael, laborer, H. P. Mine, b. Hampton Patch, H. P.

Cook Orson, bartender, b. Commercial Alley.

Cook richard A., mason, Blsst Furnace, h. Dodge.

Cook Robert H., laborer, h. n. H. P Mines, H. P.

Cook Thomas, saloon, 313 Lacka. ave., h. Lacka. ave., cor. Franklin ave.

Cook William H., saloon, Commercial alley, h. do.

Cooke Jacob, h. alley r. Penn ave, n. D. Mfg. Co.

Cooke John, carpenter, h. N. end H. P. ave., H. P.

Cooke Thomas, helper, Car Shop, h. First, Dodgetown.

Coolbaugh Joseph S., clerk, 302 Lacka. ave., b. Madison ave., ab. Gibson.

Coollabugh Selden, machinist, D. L. & W. R. R. Co’s shop.

Coombs Charles, miner, h. Patagonia, H. P.

Coombs Peter, miner, b. Petersburgh.

Coombs Thomas, laborer, Contl. Mine, bds. Patagonia.

Cooms Charles, laborer, Contl. Mine, h. Patagonia.

Coons Calvin, clerk, Freight Office, D. L. & W. R. R., b. Washburn, H. P.

Coon Coneford Mrs., h. Market, beyond D. & H. C. Co’s R. R., P.

Coon Frank, bds. H. P. ave., n. Hampton, H. P.

Coon George, bds. Market, beyond D. & H. C. Co’s R. R., P.

Coon  Henry, blacksmith, L. C. & I. Co., h. Fellows, n. H. P. Mine., H. P.

Coon Henry, laborer, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., h. Hampton Patch, H. P.

Coon John A., teamster, h. n. 12th, H. P.

Coon Julian, clerk, bds. Market, beyond D. & H. C. Co’s R. R., P.

Coon Maurice, carpenter, bds. Market, beyond D. & H. C. Co’s R. R., P.

Coon Nelson, clerk, h. H. P. ave., n. Hampton, H. P.

Coon Anthony, laborer, h. Jackson, n. Wyoming, H. P.

Cooper Anthony, blacksmith’s helper, Cliff Works.

Cooper Bailey, moulder, Foundry, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., h. Hickory.

Cooper Charles, teamster, h. Scranton ave., n. Railroad ave., H. P.

Cooper Charles) & Folley Thomas), saloon, ale wholesale, 304 Lacka. ave., h. Scranton ave., H. P.

Cooper Forrest, moulder, Foundry, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., h. Dale, 12th Ward.

Cooper George, carpenter & builder, Willow, 1st bel. Cedar.

Cooper George H., mason, Prospect. Bet. Jackson & Washburn, h. do., H. P.

Cooper  J. C., engineer, D. L. & W. R. R.

Cooper James, clerk, b. Main, n. Lacka. ave., H. P.

Cooper John, carpenter, Car Shop, h. alley r. Court House.

Cooper John, blacksmith, C. Mine, h. Oak, P.

Cooper John, engineer, h. Chestnut, n. Lacka. ave., H. P.

Cooper John car builder, h. r. 110 Wash. ave.

Cooper Sylvester, laborer, h. River, n. V. S. Slope, P.

Copperwell Joshua, machinist, D. L. & W. R. R. Co’s shop.

Coray Elisha A., Pres. Lacka. & Susquehanna Coal & Iron Co., 423 Lacka. ave., h. at Exeter, Pa.

Corbett James, h. alley, r. 206 Mifflin ave.,

Corbett John, minere, No. 5, h. Hemlock.

Corbett Mellie J., clerk, D. L. & W. Coal Co., b. Mulberry, bet. Penn ave., and Wyoming ave.

Corbin Wm., photographer, b. 206 Lacka. ave.

Corby Emmanuel S., hostler, b. Luzerne House, P.

Corby Pat, miner, D. Mine. h. Diamond Flats.

Corcoran Austin, laborer, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., h. Boon Hill, H. P.

Corcoran Edw., h. 4th ave., n. 3d. Dodgetown.

Corcoran ellen Mrs., saloon, Troy, n. Main, h. do., H. P.

Corcoran Francis, mason, h. n. 4th ave., Dodgetown

Corcoran John,  blacksmith, Car Shop, h. n. Graded School, 6th Ward.

Corcoran John, laborer, h. alley, r. 4th, Dodgetown.

Corcoran Michl., mason, h. 5th ave., n. R. R. ave., Soldiers Hill, h. P.

Corcoran Michl., machinist, D. Mfg. Co.

Corcoran Michl., laborer, h. R. R. ave., Sol. Hill, H. P.

Corcoran Michl., helper, Rolling Mill. H. Dodgetown.

Corcoran Michl., tinsmith, 511 Lacka. ave.

Corcoran Patrick, laborer, Rolling Mill., h. Moosic.

Corcoran Thomas, helper, Machine Shop, D. L. & W. r. R. Co.

Corcorican James, laborer, O. Mine, h. Park Hill, H. P.

Cordan Henry, laborer, Foundry, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., h. Wash. ave.

Cordir Jacob, laborer, h. r. Wash. Ave. Scranton Flats.

Corduff John, laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.

Cordwell Peter, miner, No. 5, h. Pearl.

Corkley Thomas, teamster, Blast Furnace, h. Hickory.

Corley Bridget, widow, h. 4th, n. 5th ave., Bellevue.

Corley Thomas, keeper, Blast Furnace, h. n. do., Cinder Bank.

Corliss Charles, pattern maker, D. L. & W. R. R. machine shop.

Corlliss John, carpenter, D. L. & W. R. R. machine shop.

Corn Catherine, h. Cedar, n. Alder.

Cornelias Patrick, miner, D. Mine, h. Bellevue.

Cornell H. C., bookkeeper, L. I & C. Co., b. Wash. ave., cor. Spruce.

Corney Patrick, laborer, H. Mine, b. Continental Patch, H. P.

Cornish William, blacksmith, h. Penn. Ave., n. New. P. B.

Cornish William, blacksmith Cliff Works.

Coroner John, machinist, Dickson Mfg. Co.

Coroner Patrick, laborer, R. R. car shop.

Carrigan John, laborer, h. Carbon, opp. Mineral, S. B.

Corson Asa, h. Market, n. Main, P.

Corson Henry, porter, 511 Lacka. ave., h. Spruce.

Corson Isaac, G. R. H., car conductor, b. Green Ridge House, G. R.

Corson Nicholson, conductor, Prov. Street car, b. Main, n. Market, P.

Corson Sylvester M., carpenter, h. Market beyond D. & H. C. Co’s R. R., P.

Corwin Egbert E., carpenter, h. River, n. V. S. Slope.

Corwin Isaac S. & Son Silas B.,) furniture dealers and undertakers, Market, c. Orchard, h. do., P.

Corwin Silas B. I. S. Corwin & Son.,) Market, c. Orchard, h. Market, n. Brick, P.

Corwin Wm. G., photographer, b. 206 Lacka. ave.

Cosby Patrick, laborer, B. Mine, h. Park Hill., H. P.

Cosgrove James, laborer, h. 2nd, n. the River, Dodgetown.

Cosgrove Mary Mrs., teacher private school, 2nd. N. the River, h. do., Dodgetown.

Cosgrove Mary E. Miss, teacher, graded, No. 3, b. 2nd. N. the River, Dodgetown.

Cosgrove Peter, laborer, h. Horse Car, n. Wyoming, H. P.

Cosgrove Thomas, miner, h. Horse Car, n. Wyoming, H. P.

Cosier Freeman, laborer, H. P. Mine, H. P.

Coslette Isaac, roller, h. 317 Madison ave., bet. Linden and Mulberry.

Coslette William H., roller, bds. 317 Madison ave., bet Linden and Mulberry.

Coss Maggie J. Miss, h. Monroe ave., n. Jackson, H. P.

Cossa Gustave, piano teacher, 425 Penn ave., h. do.

Costello Patrick, engineer, h. in alldy, r. Penn ave., bet Linden and Mulberry.

Costello Thomas, helper, h. 5th ave., n. Second Dodgetown.

Coston Benton, carpenter, h. off of Market, beyond d. & H. C. Co’s r. R., P.

Coston E. D., sashmaker, b. Briston House, P.

Coston Elizabeth Mrs., bds. 316 River.

Coston Samuel B., Hand, Coston & Co.,) Market, n. the Bridge, P. and Wyoming.ave., cor. Linden,

                b. Main, n. Cchurch, P.

Cotton Michael, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Hemlock.

Cotter John, laborer, h. R. R. ave., n. Scranton ave., H. P.

Cottwill Nathaniel, h. Market, n. Main, P.

Coughlan Michael, laborer, G. R. Mine, h. P. B.

Coughang Michael, laborer, h. Penn ave., n. Gibson, P. B.

Coulter Daniel, blacksmith, Machine Shop, D. L. & W. R. R. Co.

Coup John, laborer, h. Pittston ave., n. River.

Coursen Abraham H., book keeper, Second National Bank, h. Mulberry, n. Franklin ave.

Coursen Edgar G., salesman, 421 Lacka. ave., bds. 410 Wash. ave.

Coursen Edward G., clerk, 410 Lacka. ave., bds. River, cor. Wash. ave.

Coursen Ephraim G. Mrs., h. 325 Franklin ave., n. Mulberry.

Coursen (Harry A.,)  Blair (Austin B.,) dry goods, 421 Lacka. ave., h. 414 Wash. ave.

Coursen Henry, teamster, h. 412 Spruce.

Coursey Michael, miner, V. S. Mine, h. P.

Coursey Stephen, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.

Coursey Thomas, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.

Courthright Catherine Mrs., dry goods, Main, n. Jackson, H. P., bds. Heerman’s House, H. P.

Courtright Charles W., bookkeeper, 30 Lacka. ave., h. Wash. ave., cor. Spruce.

Courthright George, teamster, 32 Lacka. ave., bds. 314 Franklin ave.

Courtright John, fireman, D. L. & W. R. R.

Courtright Winfield S., clerk, bds. Heerman’s House, H. P.

Covill D. A., engineer, D. L. & W. R. R.

Cowan Andrew, Mechanical Superintendent, Scranton Stove and Manufacturing Co., H. P.,

                h. 513 Wyoming ave.

Cowan James, Foreman, Dickson Manufacturing Co’s Foundry, h. 507 Wyomjing ave.

Cowan John, machinist, Dickson Manufacturing Co.

Cowlay William, laborer, G. R. Mine, h. S. B.

Cox Benjamin, mason, h. Wash., n. Main, H. P.

Cox Owen, machinist, bds. 516 Lacka. ave.

Coyne Phil H. Stephens & Coyne.) b. 122 Penn ave., Lacka. Valley House.

Craig Alexander, laborer, L. C. Mine,  h. Bridk, P.

Craig William, engineer, D. L. & W. R. R.

Cramer A., laborer, Freight Office, D. L. & W. R. R., h. H. P.

Cramer Aaron, teamster, 38 Lacka. ave., b. Park Hill.

Crampton M., blacksmith, D. Mfg. Co. h. Vale.

Crane Curtis, hats, caps and furnishing goods, 205 Lacka. ave., b. Wyoming House.

Crane Edward, roller, Rolling Mill, h. New Town.

Crane Frank, miner, h. Hampton Patch, H. P.

Crane Frank L., clerk, b. 201 Wash ave.,

Crane Henry H. axe maker, h. Capouse Village, P.

Crane Israel Crane & Co.,) 324 Lacka. ave., h. 8th, n. G. R. ave., G. R.

Crane James, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Prospect.

Crane William J.,) & Co., Israel Crane), general agents Howe Sewing Machine, 324 Lacka. ave.,

                Wash ave.

Cranfield Richard, clerk, h. Main, cor. 6th ave., Hyde Park.

Crannan James, laborer, P. B. Mine, h. Wash. ave.

Cranthammel, John, fireman, h. off of Lacka. ave., on the L & B. R. R. swithch.

Crawelly Cornelius, hleper, Rolling Mill, h. S. Front.

Crawford H. R., machinist, Dickson Mfg. Co.

Creeghan John, blacksmith, Machine Shop, D. L & W. R. R. Co.

Creek Valentine, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Pittston ave.

Cregan Edward, laborer, Blast Furnace, h. Birch.

Creighton Thomas, shoemaker, b. opp. Scranton Stove Works, H. P.

Crellin Edward, b. Market, n. Brick, P.

Creswell Jacob, miner, V. S. Mine, h. P.

Creter Peter, painter, house, sign, fresco & ornamental, 325 Penn ave., h. do.

Crigg William, enginteer, h. R. R. ave., Soldiers Hill, H. P.

Crimins Ann Mrs., h. Scranton ave., cor. Chestnut, H. P.

Crimins Ellen Miss, b. Scranton ave., cor Chestnut, H. P.

Crimins Jane Miss, b. Scranton, ave., cor. Chestnut, H. P.

Crimins Mary Miss, dressmaker, Scratnon ave., cor Chestnut, h. do., H. P.

Crippen Randolph, teamster, h. Petersburgh.

Croasdale James W. Blaine & Co.), Church, n. Main, P., h. Main, n. Church, P.

Crocker Almon, real estate agent, Main, Park Place, h. do., P.

Crocker Edward A., cutter for Myron J. Clark, b. Main, Park Place, P.

Crocker Ephraim, laborer, H. P. Mine. h. Jackson, H. P.

Crodey John, laborer, G. R. Mine, h. P. B.

Croft Henrietta A Mill, teacher, 4th Ward School, North H. P., b. H. P. ave., n. Brick School House, H. P.

Croil Algernon S., shoemaker, h. 3d n. 5th ave., Belv.

Crolly Wm., mason, h. Scranton ave., n. Chestnut, H. P.

Crompton James, miner, h. Scratnon ave., n. R. R. ave., H. P.

Cronan Cornelius, helper, Rolling Mill, h. S. Front.

Cronan Pat., miner, O. Mine, h. Scranton ave., H. P.

Cronin Timothy, blacksmith, Machine Shop, R. Co.

Crosgrove Jas., butcher, b. Lacka. ave., n. Wyo., H. P.

Cross Albert, traveling agent, b. 315 Penn ave.,

Cross Andrew, mason, h. Willow, n. Pittston ave.

Cross Frank, fireman, D. L. & W. R. R.

Cross Mattie M. Miss, teacher, 4th Ward School, H. P., b. 315 Penn ave.

Crossen James, conducgtor, D. L. & W. R. R., h. H. P. ave., n. Wash., H. P.

Crossen Pat, laborer, h. Lacka ave., n. Chestnut, H. P.

Crosslans Edw., roller, Rolling Mill, h. S. Front.

Crothamel Emanuel K., engineer, h. 317 Franklin ave.,

Crothers James, moulder, Prov. Foundry, h. Main beyond do., P.

Crouthamer J. K., fireman, D. L. & W. R. R.

Crowley Jerome F., printer, Republican Office, 322 Lacka. ave., b. 218 do.

Crowley John, laborer, RollingMill, b. Pittston ave.

Crowley John, repairer, Car Shop, h. Cedar, H. P.

Crowley John, laborer, G. R. Mine, h. Wash ave., n. New, P. B.

Crue John, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Dodge.

Cuen Cornelius, laborer, h. Horse Car, n. Wyomng, H. P.

Cuff Thomas, miner, L. H. C. C. h. Moosic.

Culken Michael, brushmaker, h. Chestnut, n. Troy, H. P.

Culkin James, saloon, Penn ave., Phelps, h. do., P. B.

Culkin Mary Mrs., h. Penn ave., n. New, P. B.

Culkin Michael, laborer, h. Penn ave., n. New, P. B.

Culkin Thomas, laborer, D. Mine, h. Diamond Flats.

Cull George, miner, V. S.Shaft, P., h. Pine, Winton’s Hill, P.

Cullen Patrick, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.

Cullen William, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Bellevue.

Culver Charles, engineer, D. & H. C. Co.’s R. R., h. P.

Culver Willare B., Superintendent, D. Manufacturing Co., h. Adams ave., n. Vine.

Cumford John, miner, V. S. Mine, h. P.

Cummings James, h. Chestnut, n. Troy, H. P.

Cummings John, laborer, D. Mine, h. Diamond Flats.

Cummings John, laborer, B. Mine, h. Bellevue, H. P.

Cummings Thomas, miner, D. Mine, h. S. B.

Cummins Peter, saloon, Lacka. ave., n. the Bridge, H. P.

Cummiskey Isaac, puddler, New Rolling Mill, h. River. Shanty Hill.

Cummispey William, puddler, New Rolling Mill, h. River, Shanty Hill.

Cunniff Thomas, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. S. B.

Cunningham Joseph, machinist, D. L. & W. R. R.

Cunningham James, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Moosic, 12th Ward.

Cunningham James, laborer, D. L. & W. R. R. machine shop.

Cunningham Thomas, laborer, Foundry, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., h. Scratnon Flats.

Curby John, stone cutter, h. 4th, n. 5th ave., Bellevue.

Curley Hugh, laborer, rolling Mill, h. alley, r. river.

Curtey John, blacksmith, D. Mfg. Co., h. Third, Bellevue.

Curran John, keeper, Blast Furnace, h. Pittston ave.,

Curran John, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Division.

Curran Patrick, laborer, O. Mine, h. Washington, H. P.

Curran Patrick, h. 3d, n. 5th ave., Bellevue.

Curran Robert, helper, Blast Furnace, h. n. do., Cinder Bank.

Curran Thomas, laborer. D. Mine, h. H. P.

Currigan Edward, miner, V. S. Mine, h. H. P.

Curry George W., painter, h. Franklin, n. Chestnut, H. P.

Curry Robert, laborer, D. & H. C. Co. R. R., h. 2d Ward, P.

Curtis Samue H., bookkeeper, 326 Lacka. ave., bds. Lacka. Valley House.

Curry Charles W.) & Lee Benj. J.) painters and paper hangers, Main, n. Franklin, H. P.,

                h. Franklin, n. Main, H. P.

Curtis William, laborer, H. P. Mine Co, h. Washington, H. P.

Cush Patrick, laborer, G. R. Mine, h. P. B.

Cush Patrick, brickmaker, b. r. Phelps, n. Penn. Ave.,  P. B.

Cushing George B., purchasing aft’s. clerkl, D. L & W. R. R., passenger stateion, h. 201 Washington

                ave., cor. Spruce.

Cusick Edward, laborerr, V. S. Mine, h. P.

Cusic Patrick, laborer, M. P. Mine, h. McCann’s Patch, H. P.

Cusick Patrick, miner, D. L. & W. R. R. Co., h. Abington road, Providence.

Cusick Patrick, prop. Farmer’s Hotel, Bloom’s Patch, h. do., P.

Cusseck Mary Mrs., saloon, R. R. ave., Bellevue, h. do.

Cusseck Owen,teamster, h. R. R. ave., Bellevue.

Cust James, laborer, Dickson Mfg. Co.

Cust John Brownlow, tailor, b. 28 Lacka. ave.

Cutler Richmone, carpenter, h. 220 Adams ave.

Cutler S. Stuart H., carpenter, h. alley bet. Vine, Mulberry, and Washington and Adams aves.

Surname Directory
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I,J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P,Q] [R] [S] [T,U] [V] [W] [Y,Z] 

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