Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania, USGenWeb

1870 Scranton City Directory



HAAG DENNIS, clerk, Freight Office, D. L. & W., h. Penn ave., cor. Gibson, P. B.

Haarburger Sarah Mrs., b. r. 317 Wyoming ave.

Haas Valentine, fireman, D. L. & W. R. R.

Hablich Adam, lager beer saloon, Washington, cor. Remington, Slocum Flats.

Hach William, blacksmith, h. 513 Wyoming ave.

Hackett James, mer. tailor, 213 Penn ave., h. r. do.

Hackett Mary Miss, teacher, Public School, Minooka, bds. Wash ave., cor. River, Scranton Flats.

Hackett R. M., Inside Foreman, B. Mine, h. Wash. ave.

Hackett Sally Miss, teacher, Public School, bds. Wash ave., cor river, Scranton Flats.

Hackett William T., clerk, gen. Pur. Agent’s office, D. L. & W., , h. Wash. ave., cor. River.

Hackner William, Blast Furnace,  h. Pittston ave.

Hadley Ely, miner, D. L. & W., h. Washburn, Hyde

Haerrick Patrick, laborer, h. 6th ave., H. P.


Haettich Peter, watchmaker, and jeweler, 314 1-2 Lacka. ave., h. 215 Penn ave.

Hafey Mary Mrs., h. Hickory, n. Cedar.

Hafey Patrick, fireman, bds. 206 Lacka. ave.

Hafnew Christopher, puddler, New Rolling Mill, h. Hemlock.

Hagan Conrad, teamster,Cliff Works.

Hagemann Francis, candle maker, bds. Green’s alley, n. Penn ave., P. B.

Hager Willis D., purchasing agen’ts clerk, D. L. & w. R. R., h. Wash. ave., cor. Spruce.

Hageshmier Gustave, saloon, eynon, h. do., H. P.

Haggerty Daniel, laborer, O. Mine, h. Park Hill, H. P.

Haggerty Daniel, miner, H. P. Mine, H. P.

Haggerty Daniel, puddler, h. opp. Pearl.

Haggerty Hannah Mrs., h. Market, n. Orchard, P.

Haggerty John, fireman, B. Mine, H. P.

Haggerty John, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Ninth Ward.

Haggerty John, mason, h. Mineral, n. the dump., S. B.

Haggerty Michael, O. Mine, h. Park Hill, H. P.

Haggerty Michael, laborer, h. Scranton ave., n. Tenth, H. P.

Haggerty Michael, O. Mine, h. Prospect, H. P.

Haggerty Owen) & Mailler, Walter,) grocers, Scranton ave., n. Chestnut, h. do., H. P.

Haggerty Patrick, h. Scranton ave., n. Chestnut, H. P.

Haggerty Patrick, L. C. Mine, h. at the Notch, P.

Haggerty Patrick, L. C. Mine, h. n. L. C. Shaft, P.

Haggerty Patrick, laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.

Haggerty Patrick, O. M. Mine, h. Corktown, H. P.

Haggerty Patrick, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Hemlock.

Haggerty Thomas, L. C. Mine, h. at the Notch, P.

Haggerty Walter, laborer, bds. Washburn, H. P.

Haggerty William, physician, 302 Lacka. ave., b. St Charles Hotel.

Haggerty Winnie Mrs., h. Scranton ave., n. Tenth, H. P.

Hahn Augustus, soap and candle mfr., Greens alley, n. Penn ave., P. B.

Hahn George, mason, Blast Furnace, h. Alder.

Hahn Henry, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.

Hahn Henry, laborer, Blast Furnace, h. Pittston ave.

Hahn Ignatius, general engineer, L. I & C. Co., h. Madison ave., H. P.

Hahn Jacob, carpenter, car Shop, h. at Petersburgh.

Hahn John, mason, Blast Furnace, h. Alder.

Haight Fannie Miss, clerk, 322 Lacka. ave.

Haldeman Samuel, h. New. N. Penn ave., P. B.

Haldeman Samuel, teamster, h. r. 512 Wyoming ave.

Halderman Earl, moulder, Dickson Mfg. Co.

Halderman S., Moulder, Dickson Mfg. Co.

Hale John, inside foreman, B. Mine,h. Dodgetown.

Hale Thomas, miner, h. n. H. P. Mine.

Hale Thomas A., carpenter, h. 10th, n. 6th, H. P.

Hale William, engineer, D. & H. C. Co., h. G. R.

Halen Michael, engineer, D. L. & W. R. R.

Haley Anthony, laborer, L. C. Mine, h. at Notch, P.

Haley Anthony, laborer, Rolling Mill, bds. Hemlock.

Haley Dominick, overseer, h. foot of Troy, H. P.

Haley George, miner, No. 5, h. Hickory.

Haley James, engineer, D. Mine, h. Providence.

Haley James, h. Wyoming, n. Lacka. ave., H. P.

Haley James G., h. Wyoming, n. Lacka. ave., H. P.

Haley James J., Dickson Mfg. Co., b. roe ave., H. P.

Haley John, laborer, Rolling Mill, bds. S. Front.

Haley John, laborer, bds. Boon Hill, H. P.

Haley John, mason, h. Wyoming, n.Lacka. ave. H.P.

Haley Michael, brickmaker, h. Mineral, r. P. B. Mine.

Hall Enos T., foreman L. I  & C. Co’s Blast Furnace, b. 220 Lacka. ave.

Hall Frank, asst. foreman, Blast Furnace, b. 220 Lacka. ave.

Hall Jacob, helper, dodge Mine, Park Hill, H. P.

Hall John R., engineer, D. L. & w., bds. n. park Hill, H. P.

Hall Joseph, helper, machine Shop, D. L. & W.

Hall Joseph, blacksmith, h. R. r. ave., n. Scranton ave., H. P.

Hall Myron J, teacher, Hampton School 3d, h. at abrington, H. P.

Hall Richard, engineer , D. L. & W.

Hall Robert A.,) & Pratt, (Benjamin H.,) booksellers & stationers, 414 Lacka. ave., h. 309 Jeff. ave.

Hall William H., carpenter, h. Troy, n. Chestnut, H. P.

Halligan richard, carpenter, h. r. Penn ave., bet. Linden & Mulberry.

Halloran James, blacksmith, Car Shop, h. Wyoming, ave., cor. Spruce.

Hallstead William F., Supt. D. L & W. R. R. h. Mifflin ave., cor Spruce.

Haloren Francis, moulder, D. L &  W., b. River, H. P.

Halpin James, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Orchard.

Halpin James, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Orchard.

Halstead Chartwell, carpenter, h. Oak, c. Orchard, P.

Halstead Dennis, plasterer, b. Oak, c. Orchard, P.

Halstead Nathaniel, lumber dealer, h. Mifflin ave., n. Linden.

Halstead Wm, fireman, h. Boon Hill, H. P.

Ham Peter, laborer, Cliff Works.

Hamilton Bridget Mrs., h. r. Luzerne House.

Hamman William, carpenter, cliff Works.

Hammell Thomas, miner, N. Mine, h. Minooka.

Hammer Geroge, laborer, Rich, John, h. Petersburgh.

Hammil James shoemaker, h. R. R. ave., Bellevue.

Hammil John, blacksmith, h. Wyoming, n. Lacka. ave..

Hammil John, h. Jackson, n. Wyoming, H. P.

Hamming Michael, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Moosci.

Hammond Badser, laborer, H. P. Mine, h. 4th Ward, H. P.

Hammond Conrad, teamster, h. 107 Lacka. ave.

Hammond Geroge, laborer, h. Jackson, n. Chestnut.

Hammond John P., Car Shop, h. H. P. ave., H. P.

Hammond P, laborer, C. Shaft, P. h. Rockwell Hill.

Hample Gustave, Car Shop, h. at  Petersburgh.

Hample Peter, repairer, Car Shop, h. hickory.

Hampton William, blacksmith, h. Scranton ave., n. R. R. ave., H. P.

Hamm Charles, laborer, h. Willow, n. Pittston ave.

Hamm Margaret Mrs., h. Pittston ave., n. Willow.

Hams Michael, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Pittston ave.

Hanagan Patrick, ale peddler, h. R. R. ave., n. Scranton ave., H. P.

Hanahan James, r. R. ave., Bellevue.

Hanahan John, laborer, h. Scranton ave., n. L. & B. R. R. , H. P.

Hanckey Joseph, pattern maker, b. 304 Linden.

Hancock Lewis, carpenter, Car Shop, h. H. P.

Hancock William machinist, b. Luzerne House.

Hand Alfred), & Post, Isaac J.), attorneys at law, 421 Lacka. ave., h. Wash. ave., bet Linden and


Hand Chauncey C.), Coston, Samuel B.), & Co., (George Spencer & James Woosey), doors, sash, and

                Blinds and lumber dealers, Market, beyond the Bridge, P., & Wyoming av., cor. Linden, h. Main,

                n. Prov. Foundry, P.

Hand Edward, engineer, D. L & W. R. R., h. r. Hickory, Wash. ave., Scranton Flats.

Hand Elib’th J. Mrs., h. Market, nearly opp. D. & H. C. Co’s office, P.

Hand George G, bookkeepre, Scranto gas & Water Co., 120 Wyoming ave., b. Mulberry, bet. Wyoming

                ave. & Penn ave.

Hand Isaac P., attorney at law, 332 lacka. ave., b. Heerman’s House, H. P.

Handley John, President Merchants’ & Mechanics Bank, 420 Lacka. ave., h. do.

Handley John Mrs., h. 328 Franklin ave.

Haner Charles, Blast Furnace, h. Pittston ave.

Haney Henry L., clerk, 319 Lcka. Ave., b. 119 1-2 Franklin ave., opp. Luzerne House.

Hanford Robert, bookkeeper, b. Lacka. Valley House.

Hanghan Thomas, laborer, Dickson Mfg. Co’s.

Hangley Martin, laborer, D. Mine, h. S. B.

Hankey F. L. Mrs., dressmaker, 127 Penn ave., h. do.

Hankey Frederick L, machinist, h. 127 Penn ave.

Hanley Dennis, puddler, New Rolling Mill, h. n. do.

Hanley Edward, engineer, D. L. & W. R. R.

Hanley James, labore, rolling Mill, h. Prospect.

Hanley Mathew, laborer, D. L. & W. Machine Shop.

Hanley Thoms, helper, rolling Mill, h. Hemlock.

Hanna Wm. JH. Carpenter, h. New, n. Penn ave., P. B.

Hannan Patrick, shoemaker, b. opp. 224 Franklin ave.

Hannan James, laborer, Rolling Mill, b. Moosic.

Hannan James, grocer, Stone, n. Orchard, h. Orchard, cor. Stone.

Hannah Corbet, carpenter, Car Shop, h. Penn ave.

Hannah Daniel & Hugh M., lawyers and collection agents, 220 Lacka. ave., b. 113 Penn ave.

Hannah Hugh M. (D. & H. M. Hannah), 220 Lacka. avenue, b. 115 Adams ave.

Hanran Andrew, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Crown.

Hanran Patrick, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Crown.

Hanselmann Chrisitan, laborer, h. Willow, n. Cedar.

Hanson, Matthew, helper, Machine Shop.

Hanstone Nicholas, carpenter, h. Petersburgh.

Hantz Charles, miner , h. Petersburgh.

Haran Patrick, machinist, D. & H. C. Co. r. R., h. Seventh, G. R.

Hadenstine Godfrey, fireman, h. Brown alley, n. Chestnut, H. P.

Hardin Henry, miner, No. 5, h. Pittston ave.

Harding Perry, laborer, h. Sixzth, n. Green ridge Depot, G. R.

Harding Wasnhington S. & Co. Egbert M Howland) grocers, 217 Penn ave., h. 111 Adams ave.

Harding William, blacksmith, h. r. 10 Lacka. ave.

Hardstein G., fireman, D. L. & W. R. R.

Harkmer George, fireman, D. L. & W. R. R.

Harkron Leon, moulder, Foundry , D,.L & W. R. R. Co., h. Wyoming ave.

Harley David, plumber, b. U. S. Hotel.

Harlor Isaac, machinist, h. Penn ave., n. Phelps, P. B.

Harlow B., clerk, b. 106 Adams ave.

Harlow Daniel O., salesman, 412 Lacka. ave., bds. 106 Adams ave.

Harmons George, miner, O. Mine, h. Jackson, bel. Main, H. P.

Harper Charles M., painter, bds. Mattis, bel. The r. R.

Harper Geroge R., clerk, 501 Lacka. ave., bds. Mattis

Harper J. B., pattern maker, D. L. & W. R. R. macnhine shnop.

Harper Jacob W., Walter, carpenter, bds. Mattis, n. D. L. & W.

Harper Joseph R., pattern maker, bds. Mattis, n. the Railroad.

Harper William, miner, V. S. Shaft, P., h. Oak, Winton’s Hill, P.

Harrigan Cornelius, plumber, bds. Mulberry, bet. Penn ave., & Wyoming ave.

Harrington George, engineer, D. L. & W. R. R., h. r. Penn ave., bet. Linden & Mulberry.

Harrington John, heater, Rolling Mill, h. Moosic.

Harris Alfred,) & Brown, Abraham P.,) auction store, 216 Lacka. ave., h. Penn ave.

Harris Benjamin S., Megargel & Harris, 499 Lacka. ave., bds. 115 Adams ave.

Harris Daniel, miner, O. Mine, h. Prospect, H. P.

Harris Daniel, laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.

Harris David, miner, D. Mine, h. H. P.

Harris Enoch, miner, B. Mine, h. Patagonia, H. P.

Harris James, laborer, Cont. Mine, h. Patagonia, H. P.

Harris James J., miner, D. Mine, h. H. P.

Harris Job, miner, Mt. P. Mine, h. H. P. ave., H. P.

Harris John W., teamster, bds. Prov. Road, n. G. R.

Harris Hohn, miner, O. Mine, h. Main, H. P.

Harris John, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.

Harris John, miner, D. L. & W., h. Main, H. P.

Harris John D., moulder, Foundry, D. L. & W. , h. Main, H. P.

Harris Lewis, miner, L. C. Mine, h. P.

Harris Lewis J., miner, L. C. Mine, h. P.

Harris Mary mrs., h. Main, n. Troy, H. P.

Harris Thomas , laborer, L. C. Mine, h. corwin, P.

Harris Thomas, miner, D. L. & W., Main, H. P.

Harris William, miner, D. Mine, h. H. P.

Harris William E., printer, Republican Office, 322 Lacka. ave., bds. 218 Lacka. ave.

Harrison Anthony, h. Railroad ave., n. Scranton ave.

Harrison Anthony, H. Mine, h. Boon Hill, H. P.

Harrison Clark Mrs., h. Washburn, n. Jackson H. P.

Harrison Hugh, laborer, L. C. Mine, H. P.

Harrison John, laborer, b. R. R. ave., n. Scranton ave., H. P.

Harrison Joseph, laborer, Mt. P. Mine, h. Hyde Park ave., H. P.

Harrison Milton A., salesman, 324 Lacka. ave., h. Jefferson ave., Fairlawn.

Harrison Patrick, carpenter, b. R. R. ave., n. Scranton ave., H. P.

Harrison Thomas, laborer, h. Pittston ave., n. Maple.

Harrison William, laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.

Harrison William laborer, Mt. P. Mine, h. H. P. ave., H. P.

Harrity John, laborer, Mt. P. Mine, h. McCann’s Patch, H. P.

Hart Hugh, laborer, H. Mine, h. Hampton Patch, H. P.

Hart Thomas, laborer, O. Mine, h. Corktown, H. P.

Hart William engineer, Penn ave., opp. Dickson Mfg. Co’s Works, h. rear do.

Hartley Arthur, newsboy, b. 306 Linden.

Hartley Cyrus W., attorney at law and notary public, 517 Lacka. ave., bds. 409 Mulberry.

Hartley Hendrick W., machinist, b. 306 Linden.

Hartley James, machinist, h. head New, P. B.

Hartley Lucetta A. Miss, teacher, 1st Intermediate No. 6 Hickoryk, Scranton Flats, h. 306 Linden

Hartley Sarah Mrs., h. 306 Linden.

Hartley Wm., liquors, wholesale, Market, cor. Main, h. do., P.

Hartman Caroline Mrs., h. Pittston ave., n. Peach.

Hartman Cass, teamster, h. Pittston ave., n. Alder.

Hartman Charles, miner, h. Petersburgh.

Hartman Francis C., repairer, Car Shop, h. Petersb.

Hartman Frank, repairer, Car Shop, h. Willow.

Hartman George, machinist, b. Keystone House, H. P.

Hartman Geo. J. heater, Rolling Mill, h. Prospect.

Hartman Hann, miner, h. Petersburgh.

Hartman John, miner, h. Petersburgh.

Hartman Jno. G., repairer, Car Shop, h. Remington ave.

Hartman Joseph F., laborer, G. R. Mine, h. Petersb.

Hartman Mary Mrs., h. Petersburgh.

Hartman Peter Mrs., h. Willow, n. Pittston ave.

Hartman Peter, machinist, Dickson Mfg. Co.

Hartman Peter, machinist, Cliff Works.

Hartman Philip, mason, h. Petersburgh.

Hartman Philip, stone cutter, h. in alley bet Vien, Mulberry, Wash. & Adams. ave.

Hartman Philip J., heater, Rolling Mill, h. Prospect.

Harvards Thoomas, laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.

Harvey Henry, laborer, N. Mine, h. n. Pawnee Braker.

Harvey John, carpenter, h. alley r. Mifflin, n. Carbondale Depot.

Harvey John, carpenter, Car Shop, h. alley bet. Franklin ave., and Mifflin.

Harvey Patrick, miner, V. S. Mine. b. 2d Ward, P.

Harwell James, hostler, C. alley, b. Penn ave.

Harwin John, teamster, h. Main n. North, H. P:

Has Valentine, Foreman, h. 411 Wash. ave., S. F.

Haskins William, wheelbarrow-maker, h. William, n. Orchard, P.

Haslam Joshua, lime burner, Cliff, h. do.

Haslett Charles, upholsterer, b. opp. 224 Franklin ave.

Hatten Edward, L. C. Mine, h. Bloom’s Patch, P.

Hatton Joseph, miner, b. r. P. O.

Hatton Thomas Mrs., h. William, n. Orchard, P.

Hauck Henry, machinist, Cliff Works.

Hauck Martin, machinist, Cliff Works.

Haughuwant William, slater, b. Luzerne House.

Hauser George, brakeman, D. L. & W. R. R., b. r. Penn ave., bet. Spruce and Linden.

Hauser John, cabinet maker, h. in alley, r. Penn ave., bet. Linden and Mulberry.

Hauser Samuel A., engineer, D. L. & W. R. R., h. r. Penn ave., bet. Spruce & Linden.

Hasmann Christian, Schoenfield & Hausamnn,) 322 Penn ave., h. in alley, r. Penn ave.,

                bet. Linden & Mulberry.

Hausmann Jacob, cabinetmaker, 322 Penn ave., bds. in alley r. Penn ave., bet. Linden & Mulberry.

Hausrath Jacob, saloon, Park Hill, hous do., H. P.

Havard John, laborer, O. Mine, h. Patagonia, H. P.

Havard Lydia Mrs., h. alley r. Main, H. P.

Havard Solomon, saloon, Main, n. Franklin, h. do. H. P.

Haven Patrick, laborer, Round House, D. L & W.

Hawker Jer. E., supt. publlic schools, H. P., h. Jackson, n. Lincoln ave., H. P.

Hawkes Edward, blacksmith’s helper, Clliff Works.

Hawkey Henry, planing mill, h. n. Pres. Church, P.

Hawkins Thomas, laborer, h. on the R. R., r. Meridian, H. P.

Hawkins William, miner, N. Mine, h. Minooka.

Hawks John, bricklayer, h. r. Washington ave., n. River, S. F.

Hawks John Mrs., milliner, r. Washington ave., n. River, h. do. S. F.

Hawley Catherine Mrs., h. H. P. ave., n. Jackson, H. P.

Hawley Effie J., Miss, teacher, bds. 406 Wash. ave.

Hawley Flavilla Mrs., dressmaker, Mulberry, n. Mifflin ave.

Hawley Frank G., carpenter, b. William, n. Orchard, P.

Hawley Julia E. Mrs., h. 406 Washington ave., S. F.

Hawley Michael J., h. H. P. ave., n. Jacksoln, H. P.

Hawley J. engineer, h. H. P. ave., r. Alderman Jones’ offic, H. P.

Hawley Patrick, h. H. P. ave., n. Jackson, H. P.

Hawley Sarah E. Miss, clerk, 322 Lacka. ave., bds. 406 S. Wash. ave.

Hawthorne Patrick, O. Mine, h. Cork town, H. P.

Hawthorne William, O. Mine Co., h. Jackson, H. P.

Haxton James, blacksmith, Machine Shop, D. L. & W. Co.

Hay Alexanderr, painter and paper hanger, 428 Lacka. ave.,h. at Petersburgh.

Haycock, Issachar M., mason, h. William, n.Orchard, P.

Hayden Charles, brakeman, D. & H. C., h. G. R.

Hayden Charles J., teamster, h. Orchard, cor. Oak, P.

Hayden Eugene, fireman, bds. Orchard, cor. Oak, P.

Hayden Stephen A., carpenter, h. off of Market, beyond D. & H. C. Co’s R. R., P.

Hayes Daniel, gorcer, Stone, n. Orchard, h. do.

Hayes Edgar W., clerk, Mike Norton’s , bds 216 Franklin ave.

Hayes H., engineer, h. 512 Wyoming ave.

Hayes Hannah Miss, agent, American Buttonhole Overseaming and Seewing Machine, 321 Lacka.

                ave., bds. Wyoming House.

Hayes John, laborer, No. 5, h. Vale.

Hayes John, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Stone.

Hayes Joseph K., painter b. Luzerne House.

Hayes Mollie Miss, b. 317 Penn ave.

Hayles William, teamster, h. Penn ave., n. D. Mfg. Co.

Haymer Charles, carpenter, V. S. Mine, h. P.

Hayner William, fireman, D. L & W. R. R.

Haynes Mary Mrs., boarding, h. on the L. & B. R. R. Switch,  H. P.

Haynew Michael, laborer, h. r. Clliff Works.

Hays Daniel, teamster, h. Scranton ave., n. Chestnut, H. P.

Healey Brine, laborer, P. B. Mine, h. P. B.

Healey John, carpenter, h. 226  Adams ave.

Healey Michael, laborer, D. L. & W. mach. shop.

Healey  Patrick, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. Prospect.

Hearn John, helper, Mach. Shop, D. L. & W.

Hears Thomas, laborer, D. Mine.

Hears William, miner, h. H. Mine, H. P.

Heath John, carpenter, h. 7th, n. Lckaa. Ave., H. P.

Heath William H., physician, Scranton ave., n. Main, h. do. H. P.

Hecker Aloes, blacksmith, h. r. Birch, 11th Ward.

Hecker Samuel R., carpenter, h. Gtroy, n. Main, H. P.

Hedtroid Augustus, Mt. P. Mine. h. Main, H. P.

Hedgery Walter, moulder, Foundry, D. L & W. Co., h. Eynon, H. P.

Hedglean William, laborer, h. Petersburgh.

Hedigan rodger, O. Mine, h. Scranton ave., H. P.

Hedrick Philip, moulder, h. Willow, n. Cedar.

Heenan George, laborer, h. bet. Cedar & Pittston ave., n. Maple.

Heermans Chas. A., boots & shoes, retail, 319 Lacka. av., h. Franklin ave., op. Luzerne H.

Heermans Edmonds, builderr & lumber, Tenth, n. Scranton ave., H. P., h. Scranton ave., cor.

                Tenth, H. P.

Heermans Eugene A., photographer, Main, cor. Jackson, H. P., and  leadre H. P. Cornet Band, b

                Scranton ave., cor. 16th, H. P.

Heermans Lewis W., photographer, Penn ave, cor. Lacka. ave., h. do.

Heffern Patrick, watchman, Dodge Mine, h. H. P.

Heffron Patrick, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.

Hefner John, boiler maker, D. L. Machine Shop.

Heibel John, laborer, Fellows Mine, h. do., H. P.

Heifer Philip, laborer, h. Alder, n. Pittston ave., Eleventh Ward.

Heil John, puddler, New Rolling Mill, h. Pittston ave.

Heil Mary Mrs., h. Petersburgh.

Heintz Christian, peddler, h. Cedar, n. Hickory.

Heintz Daniel, laborer, Cliff Works.

Heisler Peter, laborer, O. Mine, h. Wash. ave.

Heison Charles, blacksmith, Car Shop, h. Cedar.

Heitzman Charles, blacksmith, Car Shop, h. Cedar.

Heller Alfred, Foote & Heller,) Wyoming ave., n. Spruce, h. Spruce.

Heller Edward, laborer, Blast Furnace, h. Franklin ave.

Heller Edwin, painter, b. Luzerne House.

Heller Samuel, carpenter, h. Lacka. ave., cor Chestnut, H. P.

Hellings William, P., pastor, Penn ave., Baptist Church, h. Linden, bet. Penn and Wyomiing ave’s.

Hellreng Nicholas, h. north end H. P. ave., H. P.

Hellring  Nicholas, Mt. P. Mine, H. P. ave., H. P.

Hemler John, carpet weaver, 525 Wyoming ave., bds. do.

Hemlock O. P., repairer, Car Shop, h. Hickory.

Henagen Thomas, h. Jackson, n the R. R., H. P.

Hendershot Willia, Fellows Min, h. do., H. P.

Henderson James, puddler, New Rolling Mill, h. Front, cor. Moosic.

Henderson John, b. Penn ave., at the bridge.

Henderson Thomas, helper, V. S. Mine, h. P.

Hendrew John, h. Jeff. ave., n. Washburn, H. P.

Hendrey Daniel, (col’d) farmer, h. Main, n. City, P.

Hendricks Jacob, carpenter, b. 314 Franklin ave.

Henlay Thomas, miner, D. Mine, h. Bellevjue, H. P.

Henmantage Thomas, laborer, Round-house D. L. & W.

Henna Charles, shoemaker,, b. U. S. Hotel.

Henna Corbett, shoemaker, b. U. S. Hotel.

Henna George, shoemaker, b. U. S. Hotel.

Hennacar Philip, laborer, B. Mine, b. Bellevue, H. P.

Hennely Patrick, miner, B. Mine, h. Bellevue, H. P.

Hennessy Richard, Asst. Pastor, St. Vincent Church, h. Wyoming ave., n. Linde.

Hennesy William, D. L. & W. R. R. machine shop.

Hennessy William, saloon, Main, n. Franklin, h. do., H. P.

Henning Frederick, blacksmith, Fellows Mine, H. P., h. Prospect, H. P.

Hennon Michael, laborer, G. R. Mine, h. P. B.

Henry James, engineer, D. L. & W. R. R.

Henry John, machinist, D. L. & W. R. R. Co’s shop.

Hensel William, saloon, 207 Penn ave., h. do.

Henson Henry B., Clark & Henson), 114 Penn ave., h. 404 Madison ave.

Hentz Louis, mason, h. Adams ave., H. P.

Henwood Charles, druggist, Main, cor. Market, P., b. Briston House, P.

Henwood Edward P., collector, “Republican” office, bds. 2 Wyoming ave.

Hepler Wamen D., teamster, b. opp. Scranton stove Works, H. P.

Heraon Michael, laborer, Foundry, D. Mfg. Co.

Herbert Aaron, miner, V. S. Mine, h. P.

Herbert Joseph, painter, Prospect, n. Washburn, h. do., H. P.

Herbster Sebastin, laborer, Cliff Works.

Herchman J., watchman, Dickson Mfg. Co.

Herigan George, D. L. & W. R. R. machine shop.

Herley Michael, laborer, B. Mine, h. 2d Dodgetown.

Herman William, carpenter, Car Shop, h. Penn ave.

Herman William, carpenter, Car Shop, h. Penn ave.

Hermann Paul, hairdresser, b. 226 Franklin ave.

Hermans Francis, laborer, B. Mine, h. P. Hill, H. P.

Hermans Jonathan, miner, D. Mine, h. H. P.

Hernsman Daniel, laborer, h. at Petersburgh.

Herrick Wallace H., police, h. Chestnut, n. Franklin, H. P.

Herron George, laborer, D. Mine, h. P. B.

Herron James, laborer, G. R. Mine, h. S. B.

Herron Patrick, machinist, h. 8th, n. G. R. ave., G. R.

Herschell Adam, pattern maker, h. Cedar, n. Hickory.

Hert Randolph, laborer, Balst Furnace, h. Birch.

Hertherington Jackson, cabinet maker, h. Main, n. Washburn, H. P.

Hess Geo., laborer, Dodge Mine, b. Park Hill, H. P.

Hess John, screen maker, h. n. L. & S. depot.

Hess Michael, h. river, n. Pittston ave.

Hessinger, Theodore, cabinte maker, Willow, n. Cedar, h. do.

Hetherby Rebecca Mrs., h. head of Notch, H. P.

Hetzel Jacob, bone gatherer, h. Gibson, n. Penn ave.

Hetzel Jacob F., policeman, h. 211 Linden, P. B.

Hetzel Perry, engineer, h. Front Baptist Church, H. P.

Hatzel Thomas, llivery stable, h. 426 Lacka. ave.

Hetzel Thomas N., stable, r. St. Charles Hotel, h. 426 Lacka. ave.

Hetzel Sarah Mrs., h. 317 Penn ave.

Hetzler John, cabinet maker, 509 Lacka. ave., b. U. S. Hotel.

Herrlow Richard, miner, O. Mine, H. P.

Heugan Dominick, laborer, D. Mfg. Co

Heusner Charles, laborer, h. Cedar, n. Slocum Hill.

Heverin Patrick, blacksmith, D. Mfg. Co., H. Penn ave.

Hewes Michael, heater, Rolling Mill, h. Prospect.

Hewes William, Chief Engineer, Rolling Mill, h. Dodge, n. Pearl

Hewittson Mary Mrs., h. 308 Linden.

Heycodk Thomas, B. Mine, h. eynon, Patagonia, H. P.

Heyman Thoms, laborer, Contl. Mine, bds. Boon Hill, H. P.

Hiceman David, laborer, h. Dickson’s alley, n. D. Mfg. Co.

Hickey Dennis, brickmaker, bds. Phelps, at. R., P. B.

Hickey Edward, puddler, New Rolling Mill, h. Prospect.

Hickey John, puddler, New Rolling Mill, h. Prospect.

Hickey Michael, blacksmith, D. Mfg. Co., h. P. B.

Hickey Sarah B. Mrs., h. 310 Lacka. ave.

Hickey William, puddler, New Rolling Mill, h. Prospect.

Hickey Yates, Rev., h. 310 Lacka. ave.

Hicks Michael, blacksmith, h. Penn ave., n. Phelps.

Hierlihy Phili p H., laborer, h. 309 Penn ave.,

Higbee Lucy B. Mrs., dressmaker, Luces alley, h. do., H. P.

Higghs John, land agent, h. Adams ave.

Higgins Charles, miner, O. Mines, H. P.

Higgins De Witt C., auctioneer, h. Spruce, cor., Penn ave.

Higgins James, laborer, G. R. Mine, h. G. R.

Higgins James, laborer, h. G.R. ave., at R. R., G. R.

Higgins james, puddler, New Rolling Mill, h. Orchard.

Higgins Jennie Miss, teacher, Graded School No. 3, b. 1st Dodgetown.

Higgins John, laborer, V. S. Mien, h. P.

Higgins Jonathan, miner, B. Mine, h. Bellevue.

Higgins Myron, laborer, G. R. Mine, h. P. B.

Higgins Thomas, laborer, D. Mine, h. Front, Bellevue.

Higgs John, miner, Oxford Mine, h. Boon Hill, H. P.

Higgs Stephen miner, O. Mine, h. Boon Hill, H. P.

Highfield John C., Supt., h. Hickory, n. Wash., S. F.

Hight James, helper, machine shop, D. L & W.

Hilburt Jospeh, engineer, b. Monroe ave., c. Vine.

Hildebrand Gerhardt, laborer, D. & L. W., h. 6th ave., H. P.

Hildebrand Henry, teamster, h. Birch, n. Cedar.

Hildebrand John, blacksmith, Car Shop, h. Cedar.

Hill Bradfrord A.,) & Keiser, (William C.,) furntiure dealers, 414 Lacka. ave., b. Vine, bet. Wyoming and         

                Penn aves.

Hill David, laborer, Diamond Mine, h. H. P.

Hill Elliott S. M., lawyer, Lacka. ave., cor. Penn ave., Wash. Hall, h. 211 Franklin ave.

Hill Emery E., carpenter, & builder, r. 320 Jeff. ave., bet. Linden & Mulberry, h. do.

Hill George, miner, No. 5, h. Pittston ave.

Hill, Geroge E., carpenter, b. r. 320 Jeff. ave.

Hill Geo. M., printer, b. 211 Franklin ave.

Hill J. D., laborer, D. L & W. mach. shop.

Hill John H., engineer, h. in alley, opp. 413 Penn ave.

Hill (Joseph F.,) & Fellows (Joseph T.) coal dealers & Props. Fellows Coal Mine, Lacka. ave., at the

                Bridge, H. P. h. at New York.

Hill W. J., helper, Mach. Shop. D. L & W.

Hill William H., blacksmith, b. r. 110 Wash. ave.

Hill William H., helper, Car Shop, h. alley, r. Court House.

Hill william J., laborer, h. Chestnut, n. Wash., H. P.

Hillage John, engineer, b. Market, n. Brick, P.

Hiller Fred’k L. Rev., Pastor M. E. Church, H. P., h. ain, n. Washington, H. P.

Hiller Hugh, roller, rolling Mill, h. Orchard.

Hills Philip, miner, N.Mine, h. Stump Field.

Hillston Ernst, miner, Mt. P. Mine, h. Troy, H. P.

Hiltz Peter, carpenter, b. Pittston ave., n. Maple.

Hiltz Philip, miner, Carr’s Mine, h. Pittston ave.

Himeal William, laborer, D. L. & W. , h. River, H. P.

Himrod William G., agent, Johnson, Blair & co., 319 Lacka. ave., b. at “Millers” h. at Dunmore.

Hince Philip, labore, h. Mabel.

Hinckey Samuel G., carpenter, Car Shop, H. P.

Hinckle Laoys, helper, Car Shop, h. Mulberry, n. River.

Hinckley Charlotte, carpet weaver, Main, n. V. S. Coal Mine, h. do., P.

Hind William, blacksmith, Mach. Shop, D. L. & W.

Hind William, blacksmith, b. Scranton ave., n. Wyoming, H. P.

Hinges William, miner, h. Patagonia, H. P.

Hinkley Samuel, carpenter, h. Madison ave., n. Jackson, H. P.

Hinman William, laborer, Dickson Mfg. Co., h. Willow, n. Pittston ave.

Hinnigan James, h. Scranton ave., n. Wyoming, H. P.

Hersh Edward, clerk, b. 311 Lacka. ave.

Hitchcock Arthur, time keeper, L  I. & C Co., b. Vine.

Hitchcock Evenezer, farmer, h. Monroe ave., c. Vine.

Hitchcock Frederick L & Co. (E. H Ripple), crockery china and glass ware, 416 Lacka ave.,

                h. Vine bet. Washington and Adams aves.

Hitchcock Ruth Mrs., bds. Monroe ave., c. Vine.

Hitchings Mark, machinist, Clliff Wroks.

Hittle Harry, saloon, 317 Penn ave., h. do.

Hoar James, laborer, D. Mine, h. Diamond Flats.

Hoar John, watchman, D. Mine, h. Diamond Flats.

Hoar Joh, tailor, 133 Penn ave., h. 7th Ward.

Hoban Austin, laborer, h. McCamm’s Patch, H. P.

Hobbs Jennie Miss, b. Wash. ave., H. P.

Hobbs Mortimer, hostler, b. Wyoming ave., cor. Spruce.

Hobbs Sarah Mrs., nurse, h. Wash. bet. Main and H. P. ave., H. P.

Hoben John H., laborer, L. C. Mine, h. High Works.

Hoburn Austin, mason, h. Soldiers’ Hill, H. P.

Hodge John, miner, h. Slocum’s alley, 11th Ward.

Hodge Thomas, miner Central Mine, H. P.

Hoey Michael W., coal operator, h. Petersburgh.

Hoffer Charles, laborer, h. Prospect. H. P.

Hoffman -----, sash maker, h. Market, beyond D. H. & C. Co’s R. R., P.

Hoffman Augustus, boot and shoe maker, 406 Lacka ave., h. Cedar, n. Willow.

Hoffman Charles, miner, h. Alder n. Cedar.

Hoffman Charles, yardman, Lacka. Valley House., b. do.

Hoffman Henry, carpenter, Car Shop, at Petersburgh.

Hoffman Henry, laborer, h. Petersburgh.

Hoffman Jacob, carpenter, N. Mine, h. Shanty Hill.

Hoffman Jacob, carmaker, h. Stone, Shanty Hill.

Hoffman Jacobine Mrs., saloon, Pittston ave., cor. Willow, h. do.

Hoffman John), Sherer John), gorcers, Willow, n. Cedar, h.

Hoffman John 2d, carpenter, Cedar, n.Slocum H.

Hoffman Kaufner, clothing, Main, n. Market, h. do., P.

Hoffman Michael, tailor, h. Pittston ave., n. Willow.

Hoffman Peter, miner, h. at Petersburgh.

Hogan Austin, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. n. Dunmore,

Hogan Bartlett, miner, h. at Petersburgh.

Hogan John, laboere, B. Mine, h. Fourth, H. P.

Hogan Michael, laborer, h. Troy, n. Chestnut, H. P.

Hogan Michael, labore, L. C. Mine, h. Bloom’s Patch, P.

Hogan Michael, laborer, Foundry, Dickson mfg. Co.

Hogan Patrick, laborer, Car Shop, h. n. foot Oxford Dump., H. P.

Hogan Patrick, carpenter, h. n. Soldiers’ Hill, H. P.

Hogan peter, engineer, V. S. Shaft, P., h. Wintons Hill, n. the Shaft, P.

Hogan Peter, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.

Hogan Thomas, miner, Dodge Mine, h. Bellevue.

Hohn Catherine Mrs., h. Main, n. Lacka. ave., H. P.

Holgan Michael, laborer, D. Mine, h. Sandy Banks.

Holcomb George, laborer, D. L. & W. machine shop.

Holderman George, driver, 229 Penn ave., bds. do.

Holeman William R., barkeeper, Lacka. Valley House, bds. do.

Holland Anthnoy D., H. & A. D. Holland,) 427 Lacka. ave., h. 415 Adams ave.

Holland Catharine Mrs., h. Main, n. Lacka. ave., H. P.

Holland Henry, & Anthony D., grocers 427 Lacka ave., h. 415 Adams ave.

Holland James, labore, h. Main, n. Lacka. ave., H. P.

Holland James, helper, Machine Shop, D. L & W.

Holland Martin, laborer, O. Mine, h. 10th , H. P.

Holland Michael, heater, Rolling Mill, h. Stone.

Holland Michael, h. Main, n. Lacka. ave., H. P.

Holland William, saloon, Main, n. Lacka. ave., h. do.

Holland William, laborer, D. L. & W. machine shop.

Holland William, laborer, H. Mine, h. Hampton Patch, H. P.

Hollaran David, blacksmith, b. 201 Woming ave.

Hollern Michael, puddler, Rolling Mill, h. S. Front.

Hollister Horace, physician, patent medicine, manf., Main, nearly opp. Prov. Foundry, h. do., P.

Holloran James, laborer, B. Mine, h. Railroad ave., Bellevue.

Holly Moses, carpenter, b. Mujlberry, bet Penn ave., & Wyoming ave.

Holly Richard A., mason, h. 9th, n. G. R. ave., G. R.

Holhnen Haenry, laborer, Rolling Mill.

Holmes Patrick, miner, G. R. Mine, h. P. B.

Holmes Patrick, h. Penn ave., n. Green’s alley, P. B.

Holmes Robert, printer, “Republican,” h. opp. Scranton Stove Works, H. P.

Holvey David, miner, h. Scranton ave., n. Main, H. P.

Honald sebastin, laborer, Rolling Mill, b. cedar.

Honeagan John, carpenter, Plaining Mill, Cliff Works, h. r. Willow.

Honkec Richard, labore, Diamond Mine.

Hoober Casper, butcher, b. Cedar, n. the Bridge.

Hooboer Michael, slater, b. Luzere House.

Hooper Benjamin, blacksmith, D. & H. C., h. Franklin. ave.

Hooper Geo., blacksmith, h. 412 Franklin ave.

Hooper Harry, blacksmith, Machine Shop, D. L. & W.

Hooper, Robert, miner, V. S. Shaft, P., h. Dunmore,

Hooper Thomas, miner, Davis Mine, h. Stone.

Hoover Charles, fireman, D. L. & W.

Hoover Charles, fireman, b. 109 Lacka. ave.

Hope Frederick, machinist, h. Main, cor. Sixth, H. P.

Hope Frederick, laborer, D. L. & W. mach. shop.

Hope James, laborere, b. Main, cor. 6th, H. P.

Hope John, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Prospect.

Hopkin Michael, laborer, Rolling Hill, h. Prospect.

Hopkin W. W., miner, h. Hampton Patch, H. P.

Hopkins Charles B., h. 8th, c. G. R. ave., G. R.

Hopkins John, laborer, L. C. Mine, b. Market, P.

Hopkins Jonathan, miner, D. Mine, h. Patagonia, H. P.

Hopkins Patrick, tinsmith, 514 Lacka. ave., b. 7th Ward.

Hopkins Patrick, h. r. D. Mfg . Co’s Works.

Hopkins Patrick Mrs., h. Gibson. N. Penn ave., P. B.

Hopkins Peter, heater, Rolling Mill, h. Hemlock.

Hopkins Peter, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Prospect.

Hopkins William, miner, O. Mine, h. Boon Mill, H. P.

Hopkins William B., engineer, Mt. P. Mine, h. Main, n. North, H. P.

Hopkins William W., miner, D. L. & W., h. Hampton Patch, H. P.

Hopper Lizzie N. Miss, clerk, 322 Lacka. ave., bds. Wash., H. P.

Hoppins Patrick, laborer, D. L. & W. machine shop.

Hopps Edward, laborer, L. C. Mine, D. & H. C. Co., h. at the Notch, P.

Horan David, saloon, Mineral, n. Carbon, S. B.

Horan Edward, cler, 425 Lacka. ave., bds. 302 Linden.

Horan John, laborer, B. Mine, h. Bellevue, H. P.

Horan Michael, miner, V. S. Mine, h. P.

Horan Michael, laborer, L. C. Mine, h. at the Notch, P.

Horan Patrick, miner, B. Mine, h. Bellevue.

Horan Thomas, h. McCann’s Patch, H. P.

Horch Thomas, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Wash ave.

Horgan Cornelius, plumber, 514 Lacka. ave., bds. Mulberry.

Horn Adam L., (W. A. Horn & Co.,) 315 Penn ave., h. 302 Linden.

Horn Enoch S. C., tin and sheet iron worker, h. opp. 413 Penn ave.

Horn George S., law student, 409 Lacka. ave., bds. 302 Linden.

Horn John, porpr, U. S. Hotel, 425 Penn ave., h. do.

Horn John, laborer, Cliff Works.

Horn Patrick, miner, B. Mine, h. r. R. ave., Sixth Ward.

Horn Thomas, laborer, Cont. Mine, h. Boon Hill, H. P.

Horn William A. & Co., (Adam L. Horn) grocers, 351 Penn ave, h. do.

Hornbaker John, carpenter, h. in alley, r. 306 Linden

Hornbeck George, carpenter, h. 224 Adams ave.

Horning Christopher, carpenter, Park Hill, H. P.

Horning Conrad, laborer, Fellows Mine, H. P., h. Jackson, H. P.

Horon Michael, machinist, D. & H. C., h. Franklin ave.

Horran Thomas, laborer, C. Mine, h. Rockwell Hill, P.

Horsfield James, machinist, D. Mfg. Co.

Horst William, cigarpacker, b. Lacka. House.

Horton William R., conductor, ?L & S. R. R., b. Market, beyond r. R., P.

Hoskins Edmund, miner, N. Mine, h. Minooka.

Hoskins James, carpenter, Car Shop, h. Alder.

Hoskins Thomsa, miner, h. off of Market, beyond r. R.

Hoskins Thoms, miner, V. S. Mine, h. P.

Hostler Sylvester, brakeman, b. in the alley, r. P. O.

Hotman George, teamster, h. Alder, n. Pittsston ave.

Houck August Mrs., h. in alley, n. Adams ave.

Houck Martin, laborer, h. Cedar, Slocum’s Hill.

Houlden Thomas, miner, D. Mine, h. H. P.

Houlden William, laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.

Hounald George, moulder, h. at Petersburgh.

House William machinist, b. 222 Franklin ave.

Houles Steward, hostler, b. Wyoming ave., cor. Spruce.

Houserod Jacob, repairer, Car Shop, h. Park Hill, H. P.

Housman Christian, cabinet maker, h. r. Penn ave., bet. Linden & Mulberry.

Housman Frederick, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.

Houston George, roller, Rolling Mill, h. River.

Houston Patrick, h. R. R. ave., cor. 6th ave., H. P.

Howard Dennis, h. R. R. ave., cor 5th ave., H. P.

Howarth John, engineer, V. S.Shaft, P., h. Market P.

Howburg Henry, carpenter, Car Shop, h. S. F.

Howe John T., grocer, Lacka. ave., n. the Bridge, H. P., h. off of Lacka. ave., n. do., H. P.

Howell Daniel, farmer, h. Scranton ave., n. Main H. P.

Howell David, blacksmith, Mt. P. Mine, h. Main, H. P.

Howell Edward, berewer, h. 209 Linden.

Howell Evan, h. Scranton ave., c. R. R. ave., H. P.

Howell Ezras (Richard & Howell), Main, c. Scranton ave., H. P., h. Washburn, c. Madison, H. P.

Howell Henry, labore, Mt. P. Mine, h. Main, H. P.

Howell Henry T., bookkeeper, b. Main, n. North, H. P.

Howell James M., carpenter, h. G. R. Ave., G. R.

Howell John, laborer, h. Jackson, H. P.

Howell Joshua W., agent North Western Mutual Life Insurance Co., 332 Lacka. ave., h. at G. R.

Howell Lewis, laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.

Howell Thomas, miner, D. Mine, h. H. P.

Howells Evan, cler, Main, cor. Jackson, H. P., bds., Washburn, H. P.

Howells Evan, moulder, Foundry, D. Mfg. Co.

Howells John, labore, D. Mine, h. H. P.

Howells Leyshon, miner, D. mIne, h. H. P.

Hower Cain, carpenter, h. 403 Penn ave.

Hower Jacob, Warnke & Hower,) Main, n. Jackson, h. do. H. P.

Howland Egbert M., (W. S. Harding & Co.,) 210 Penn ave., bds. 111 Adams ave.

Howlen John, helper, Machine Shop, D. L. & W.

Howley Anthony, driver, Adams Ex. Co., bds. Brook, S. B.

Howley Edward, h. Hose Car St., n. Wyoming, H. P.

Howley James, laborer, D. L. & W. machine shop.

Howley James, h. Scratnon ave., n. Wyoming, H. P.

Howley John, plumber, bds. brook, S. B.

Howls David J., miner, O. Mine, h. Boon Hill, H. P.

Howorth Alice Mrs., h. Chestnut, n. Franklin, Hyde Park.

Howorth John, engineer, b. Market, n. Brick, P.

Hoyle Anlonzo, brakeman, L. & S. R. R., h. River, n. V. S. Slope, P.

Hoyt George E., Cour, Hoyt & Co,,) 518 Lacka. ave., h. do.

Huber Albert, Huber Brothers,) Woming House, h. r. Penn ave., bet. Spruce and Linden.

Huber Brothers, (John & Albert,) hairdressers, Wyoming House.

Huber Christian, mason, h. r. Penn ave., bet. Linden and Mulberry.

Huber George, laborer, Car Shop, h. Cedar.

Huber John, (Huber Bros.,) Wyoming House, bds. Penn ave., bet. Spruce & Linden.

Hudson John, laborer, b. off of Market, beyond R. R., P.

Hudson John, D. & H. C. Round House, h. G. R.

Huff Daniel, hostler, Grant’s Stable, Spruce.

Hughes Anthony, laborer, Car Shop, h. Maple.

Hughes Benjamin, miner, Dodge Mine, H. P.

Hughes Benjamin, treas. Co-operative Association, Main, n. Jackson, H. P. and treas, Baner

                American Co., 416 Lacka. ave., h. Washburn, cor. H. P. ave., H. P.

Hughes David, blacksmith, Car Sho, h. n. site of English M. Church, H. P.

Hughes David, laborer, O. Mine, Patagonia, h. H. P.

Hughes David, miner, D. Mine. bds. S. Hampton, H. P.

Hughes David, miner, D. Mine, h. H. P.

Hughes Eben, miner, D. Mine, h. H. P.

Hughes Edward, select council com., h. Jefferson ave., n. Washburn, H. P.

Hughes Elias, miner, D. Mine, h. H. P.

Hughes Evan, miner, L. C. Mine, h. Maraket, P.

Hughes Evan D., conductor, L. & B. R. R., h. Wyoming, n. Lacka. ave., h. H. P.

Hughes Geroge, clerk, 206 Lacka. ave.

Hughes Geroge K., fireman, D. L. & W.

Hughes Hugh, laborer, G. R. Mine, h. P. B.

Hughes Henry, laborer, N. Mine, h. Minooka.

Hughes Hugh, labore, V. S. Mine, h. P.

Hughes James, boiler maker, h .315 Franklin ave.

Hughes John, boot maker, North, n. Main, H. P.

Hughes John, hostler, bds. 123 Penn ave.

Hughes Hohn, laborer, G. R. Mine, h. P. B.

Hughes Johnk laborer, L. C. Mine, h. at the Notch, P.

Hughes John, Mt. Pl. Mine, h. Decker’s alley, Hyde park.

Hughes John, teamster, b. r. P. O.

Hughes John A., engineer, rolling Mill, h. 8 Pearl.

Hughes, Joseph, miner, D. Mine, h. H. P.

Hughes Joseph, miner, D. Mine, h. H. P.

Hughes Letitia Mrs., h. H. P. ave., n. Wash. H. P.

Hughes Lewis, miner, D. Mine, bds. 4th Ward Hotel, H. P.

Hughes Llewellyn, painter 222 lacka. ave., and over Matthews & Deckers Drug Store, H. P., bds. Luzerne       


Hughes Mary Mrs., h. Main, n. Capouse Bridge.

Hughes Noah, laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.

Hughes Patrick, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Alley, bet. Orchard and River.

Hughes Patrick, laborer, L. C. Mine, h. at Notch, P.

Hughes Patrick, miner, Central Mine, H. P.

Hughes Peter, laborer, Rolling Mill, bds. S. Front

Hughes Philip, mason h. r. Penn ave., bet. Vine and the Railroad.

Hughes Richard, D. L. & W. , h. Patagonia, H. P.

Hughes Richard J., stoves and tinward, Co-operative Bldg., Main, H. P., h. Prospect, bet. Jackson and

                Wash., H. P.

Hughes Stephen, labore, P. B. Mine, h. S. B.

Hughes Stephen, h. Mineral, n. the dump, S. B.

Hughes Thomas, laborer, V. S. Mine, h. P.

Hughes Thomas, laborer,  h. Prospect, n. North, H. P.

Hughes Thomas, miner, C. Shaft, P., h. at P.

Hughes William, engineer, Rolling Mill, h. Dodge.

Hughes William, laborer, B. Mine, h. Bellevue.

Hughes William, H. P. Mine, h. Jackson, H. P.

Hughes William, laborer, O. Mine, h. Patagonia, H. P.

Hughes William B., puddler, Rolling Millk h. Dodge.

Hughey Thomas, laborer, D. Mine, h. H. P.

Hugleston Thomas, miner, V. S. Mine, h. P.

Huisslar Frederick, laborer, h. 2d, n. 5th ave., Dodgetown.

Hulbert Joseph, machinist Blast Furnace, h. Monroe.

Hulbert Nathan A., music dealer, 414 Lacka. ave., b. Wyoming House

Hulkins Thos., laborer, H. P. Mine, h. Jackson, H. P.

Hull Alonzo, slate dealer, b. 431 Adams ave.

Hull Charles, brakeman, b. r. Post Office.

Hull John L., Gunster, Hull & Parker,) 213 and 215 Lacka. ave., h. 431 Adams ave.

Hull Stephen P., wood and willow ward, 28 lacka ave., h  1 Wyomng terrace.

Humble Stephen, miner, N. Mine, h. n. the Pawnee Braker.

Hummel Francis F., compositer, “Times” office, bds. City Hotel.

Humphreys Reid, miner, D. Mine, h. H. P.

Humphrey (David) & Walters (Geroge), jewelers, Main, cor. Washburn, H. P.; also at Plymouth, Pa.,

                h. do.

Humphrey John, inside foreman, N.Mine, h. Minooka.

Hunke Richard, miner, b. Linden, bet. Penn and Wyoming aves.

Hunt Alexander E., Hunt Bros.), 430 and 432 Lacka. ave., h. 115 Washington ave.

Hunt Brothers Theodore F. & Alexander E.) hardware, stoves, &c., 430 and 432 lacka. ave.

Hunt George W., brakeman, b. 109 Lacka ave.

Hunt James M. 499 Lacka. ave., h. Chestnut, H. P.

Hunt John, blacksmith, Machine Shop, D. L. & W.

Hunt Mathias, laborer, h. Petersburgh.

Hunt Sarah A. Mrs., h. 224 Lacka. ave.

Hunt Theodore F., (Hunt Bros.), 430 and 432 Lacka. ave., h. 112 Washington ave.,

Hunted Mathew, engineer, D. Mine, h. P. B.

Hunter David, b. r. Phelps, n. Penn ave., P. B.

Huntington Joseph C., clerk, 329 Lacka. ave., b. opp. 220 Franklin ave.

Huntington Stephen V. C. clerk, L. I. & C. Co’s Store, b. opp. 220 Franklin ave.

Huntington David L. D., weighmaster, Rolling Mill, h. opp. 220 Franklin ave.

Huntley Thomas, machinist, D. L. & W. car shop, h. Water, Scranton Flats.

Huntsman David, teamster, b. r. Luzerne House.

Huntsman Frank, laborer, C. T. Weston & Co., h. 28 Lacka. ave.

Huntsman Frank, miller, b. r. 22 Lacka. ave.

Hurlbutt Charles A., clerk 116 Penn ave., b. Lacka. Valley House.

Hurley Frank, laborer, Mt. P. Mine, h. Prospect, H. P.

Hurley John, puddler, rolling Mill, h. Stone.

Hurley Robert E., civil engineer, b. Monroe ave., bet. Linden and Mulberry.

Hurley Thomas, Sen., b. Monroe ave., bet. Linden and Mulberry.

Hurley Thomas, Jr., b. Monroe ave., bet. Linden and Mulberry.

Hurst John, miner, C. Shaft, P., h. Winton’s Hill, n. the Shaft, P.

Hurrell Patricke, laborer, Rolling Mill, h. Orchard.

Hurst Patrick, plastrerer, h. Scranton ave., n. Wyoming, H. P.

Hurst Thomas, bootmaker, Wyoming, n. Jackson h. do., H. P.

Hurst William bookkeeper, Garney, Tripp, & Co., b. Lacka. ave.

Hussey Michael M., machinist, Cliff Works, h. 1st, n. the Bridge, H. P.

Hutchings William, miner, D. Mine, h. H. P.

Hutchinson George, machinist, h. 12th, H. P.

Hydle Conrad, carpenter, D. Mine, h. H. P.

Hydrick Philip, moulder, Foundry, h. Willow.

Hymes Philip boot maker, 505 Lacka. ave., h. do.

Surname Directory
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