Sheriff.—James W. Rhoades.
Prothonotary.—M. J. Philbin.
Restrar.—C. C. Plotz.
Recorder.—Thomas Hutchins.
Clerk of Courts.—Samuel Bowman.
Treasurer.—Garrick M. Miller.
Coroner.—Peter J. O’Malley.
District Attorney.—D. L. Rohne.
Recorder.—Hon. Lewis Jones.
Mayor.—William N. Monies.
Clerk, Mayor’s Court.—A. B. Stevens.
Treasurer.—Charles H. Welels.
District Attorney.—F. C. Collins.
Clerk, Common Council.—I. P. Hand.
First Ward.—Thomas Butler.
Second Ward.—James Engle.
Third Ward.—J. B. Gillespie.
Fourth Ward.—Owen D. John.
Fifth Ward.—George Kaiser.
Sixth Ward.—James O. Kierstead.
Seventh Ward.—Adam Koch.
Eighth Ward.—Anthony Loftus.
Ninth Ward.—J. H. Misslpaugh.
Tenth Ward.—Daniel Moon.
Eleventh Ward.—H. B. Rockwell.
Twelfth Ward.—Lawrence Toomey.
Clerk.—J. P. Hand.
First Ward.—Dr. Henry Roberts.
Second Ward.—Peter Walsh.
Third Ward.—S. G. Oram.
Fourth Ward.—Alwxander Barrowman.
Fifth Ward.—Edward Hughes.
Sixth Ward.—John Coggins.
Seventh Ward.—Patrick Scanlon.
Eighth Ward.—D. C. A. Stevens.
Ninth Ward.—James Woolsey.
Tenth Ward.—Maurice Thauer.
Eleventh Ward.—Joseph Schiel.
Twelfth Ward.—Patrick Rafter.
The Publishers have applied personally and writtern for a correct list of the City Government, but have been unable to get a full and complete list of the same.
SECOND NATIONAL BANK—318 Lacka. ave. Incorporated 1863. Capital, $300,000. William W. Winton, Pres.; Thomas Livey, Vice-Pres.; Edgar R. Mills, Cashiere. Directors—W. W. Winton, Ira Tripp, J. T. Fellows, W. H. Heath, Myron Dean, Isaac Dean, Henry Griffin, Walter W. Winton, william P. Carling. Discount day, Thursday..
FIRST NATIONAL BANK—334 Lacka. ave. Incorporated 1863. Capital, $200,000.. Pres., Joseph H. Scranton; Vice-Pres.; Joseph J. Albright; Cashier, James A. Linen; Teller, Edward S. Jackson, Directors—Joseph H. Scranton, Joseph J. Albright, Thomas Dickson, George L. Dickson, J. C. Platt.
MERCHANTS and MECHANICS BANK—420 Lacka. ave. Organized, 1870. Capital, $250,000. President, John Handley; Vice-Pres., J. C. Burgess; Cashier, William H. Fuller. Directors—John Handley, D. B. Oakes, Thomas Moore, Daniel Howell, Col. Peter Burschel, David T. Richard, M. M. Kearney, Jsoeph H. Gunster, D. B. Brainard, Patrick McCann, Edward Johnes, of Olyphant. Discount day, Thursday. Six per cent. Interest paid on all time deposits.
SCRANTON TRIST COMPANY AND SAVINGS BANK—119 Wyoming ave., Incorporated, April 18, 1870. Capital, $200,000. Authorized capital, $500,000. President, H. S. Pierce; Vice-Pres., Thomas Dickson; Treasurer, William W. Winton; Secretary, Horace P. Phelps; Cashier, Robert macmillan. Directors—Joseph H. Scranton, Moses Taylor, H. S. Pierce, William W. Winton, Thoams Dickson, Samuel Sloan, John Brisbin, Ira Tripp, Horace B. Phelps. This bank pays 6 per cent. Interest for all sums from $1 to $1000. Interst paid twice a year, July and January.
MECHANICS;, MINERS; DEPOSIT AND SAVINGS BANK—Main, opp. Scranton ave.,m H. P. Capital, $50,000. Incorporated, 1867. Organized and went inot operation, Sept. 5, 1870. William Merrifield, President; John A. Price, Vice-President; R. W. Luce, Secretary; O. P. Clark, Treasurer. Directors—William Merrifield, John A. Price, O. P. Clark, R. W. Luce, M. J. Clark, Augustus David, George W. Corey, William H. Heath, Thomas Philips. Discount day, Tuesday.
SCRANTON SAVINGS BANK.—No 120 Wyoming ave., opp. the Post Office. James Blair, President; John H. Sutphin, Vice-President; J. Oscar C. Moore, Cashier. Directors and Trustees—James Blair, John H. Sutphin, Daniel Howell, John Handley, Sanford Grant, F. F. Hunt, George Fisher, James S. Slocum.
Hall, Lackawanna ave., opp. Wyoming ave.
Coeur de Lion, Commandery No. 17, Sir Knight, E. P. Kingsburry, Em. Com. Meet Wednesday eve., onor after full moon.
Mount Carmel Council, No. 30, Hyde Park, III, Comp. Eugene A. Heermans, T. I H. M., meet on Thursday eve., after full moon.
Lackawanna H. R. A. Chapter, No. 185, Com, Augustus Davis, H. P. Meets second Tuesday eve. Ineach month.
Schiller Lodge, No. 345, Edward Sutto, W. M. Meet second Monday eve. in each month.
Hyde Park Lodge, No. 339, Hyde Park. A. E. Heermans, W. M. Meet first and third Mondays in each month.
Peter Williamson Lodge, No. 323, E. N. Willare, W. M. Meet first and third Tuesdays in each month.
Union Lodge, No. 291, James Cowan, W. M. Meet third Friday eve. in each month.
Hiram Lodge, No. 261, Providence, Jose. M. White, W. M. Meet Thursday eve., onor before full of the moon.
I. O. Of O. F.
Residenz Lodge, No. 513; Alliance Lodge, No. 540; Lackawanna Lodge, No. 291; Lincoln Lodge, Prov., No. 492; Capouse Lodge, Hyde Park, No. ---: Armin encampment, 124.
As new officers are about to be elected of the above order, the publishers did not think it advisable go give a list of those about to retire.
IVORITES, Providence--, (No information.)
RESCUE LODGE, No. 91, Good Templars.—Providence, J. B. Fish, W. C. T. Meets every Monday evening, Citizens Hall, Provicend.
IMPROVED ORDER OF RED MEN—Organized Oct. 5, 1869. J. H. Butch, Sachem. Meet at 105 Lackawann avenue, Tuesday evening of each week.
KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS.—Organized Aug. 19, 1870. Dr. C. E. Up De Graff, V. P. Meet at rooms of Grand Army Republic., Washington Hall Bldg. , Thruday evening of each week.
GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC.—sTevens post, No. 109, Dept. of Penna. Meet at Citizens Hall, Wednesday evenings, Semi Monthly; Commander, W. J. Lewis.
WILLIE JONES POST, G. A. R., No. 199, Hyde Park, Com D. M. Jones. Meet at Odd Fellows Hall, every Tuesday evening at 7:30.
GRAND ARMY POST 101, Dr. C. E. Up De.Graff, Commander. Meets every Thursday evening at Washington Hall Block.
Adams Avenue M. E.Church, Rev. Philip Kohn, pastor.
American Baptist Church, Providence, Worship at Minooka Hall, pastor.
Chestnut Street Baptist Church, Chestnut, hyde Park. Pastor, Rev. W. K. Mott.
First Congretational Church, Hyde Park, Main, Rev. E. B. Evans, pastor.
First Methodist Eposcopal, Main, cor. Washington, Hyde Park. Rev. Samuel J. Austin, pastor.
German Lutheran, Petersburgh.
German Lutheran Church, mifflin avenur, n. Spruce, Rev. Philip Zilzemann, pastor.
German Methodist Church, Adams avenue, cor. Vine, Rev. Jacob Kolb. pastor
Hickory Street Presbyterian Church (Ger.), Hickory street, Rev. William Wunderlich, pastor.
Jewish Chruch, synagogue on Linden, n. Mifflin avenue, Rev. L. A. Son, priest.
Methodist Episcopal Church, Main, n. Washington, H. P. Frederick I. Hiller, pastor.
Methodist Protestant, Rev. Franklin B. F.l tcher, pastor.
Moriah Welsh Methodist Chruch, Orchard street, Pastor, vacant.
Penn Avenue Baptist Chruch, Rev. W. P. Hellings, pastor.
Presbyterian Chruch, Church street, Providence, Rev. James B. Fish
Prov. M. E. Church, Main, Providence, Rev. W. J. Judd, pastor.
Second Methodist Church, opp. Wyoimng House, Lackawanna avenue, Owen McDowall, pastor.
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Rev. A. A. Marple, rector.
St. Mary’s German Catholic, River, n. Cedar, Rev. John Schelle, pastor.
St. Patrick’s Main, (H. P.), Moses Whitty, pastor.
St. Thaddeus (P.), Bloom’s Patch, Moses Whitty, pastor.
St. Vincent de paul, Wyoming avenue, cor. Linden, William O’Hara, bishop; Moses Witty, pastor; Rchard Hennessy, first assistant; Michael O’Brien, second assistant.
Washburn Street Presbyterian Chruch, Hyde Park, pastor vacant.
Welsh Baptist Chruch, Main street, H. P., pastor vacant.
Welsh Baptist Church, Abington street, Providence, Rev. H. C. Parry, pastor.
Welsh Calvinsitic Methodist Church, Bellevue, Rev. W. Roberts, D. D., pastor.
Welsh Congregational Church, Main, street, H. P., Rev. E. B. Evans, pastor.
Welsh Congregational Church, Market street, Providence, Rev. David Parry, pastor.
(See Business Directory.)
Joseph Roney, Stpt., office, High School Bldg., Vine, cor. Washington ave.
J. E. Hawker, Supt., Hyde Park Schools, office, High School Bldg., Hyde park.
Ames Nettie Miss, Hyde Park ave., n. Washburn, H. P.
Clay Charles, Fifth, n. Sixth ave., Bellevue, H. P.
Evans B. E., Main, opp. 2d Church, Hyde Park.
Fletcher Amanda Mrs.,, off Eyon, n. Main, Park Hill, Hyde Park.
Fuller Harland D., Luce’s alley, n. Main, H. P.
Jewish School, Linden, n. Mifflin ave., L. A. Son, Principal.
Kemerer Cora Miss; Main, cor. S. Hampton, H. P.
Koehler Henry, German Presbyterian Church.
Merz John, Mulberry, n. Franklin ave.
Sayre M. M. Mrs., Mulberry, bet. Penn ave. & Wyoming.
St. Mary’s Parish School, River, n. Cedar, 11th Wd.
Taylor Jessie Mrs., opp. Scranton Stove Works, H.P.
Thomas Zouaves, Main, n. Washburn, H. P. T. D. Lewis, Capt. Charles Hadley, 1st lieut., Thomas Thomas, 2d Lieut. This company belongs to the 9th Division State national Guard, and was organized June 29th 1870. Not yet assigned to a Regiment. Named in honor of General Thomas, the hero of the Western Army.
SCRANTON ZOUAVES, Providence,--Capt. E. W. Pearce; 1st Lieut., P. E.. Rew, 2d Liert. J. J. Hoffman, Armory, Panooka Hall Building, 1st Ward, Scranton.
THE DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA & WESTERN R. R. CO—(Capital about eighteen millions.)—They own the railroad running from State Line to Delaware River, a distance of 115 miles, and operate, under a perpetual lease, the Warren Railroad in the State of New Jersey. It is about 17 miles in length, running from the Delaware river and connecting with the Central Railroad of New Jersey at New Hampton Junction and the Valley Railroad in the State of New York, being about 11 miles in length and runnign from State Line to Binghampton, connecting therewith the Erie Railway. In addition to this line of road they hold under lease the Cayuga and Susquehanna Railroad, in the State of New York, runnign from Owego to Ithaca, on Cayuga Lake, a distane of 36 miles. Also the Morris and Essex Railroad, in the State of New Jersey, extending from Hoboken to Phillipsburgh, as distance of about 80 miles. Also the Oswego and Syracuse Railroad, in the State of New York, running from Oswego to Syracuse, a distance of 35 miles. They have also leased the Utica, Susquehanna and Chenago Railroad, running from Utica to Chenango Forks, a distance of 80 miles—(a part of this road is now being constructed). The first of their Charters was thi incorporation of the Leggett’s Gap Railroad Company, in 1832, authorizing the construction of a railroad from Great Bend to the Lackawanna Valley. In 1849 the Delaware and Cobbs Gap Railroad Company was incorporated, authorizing the construction of arailroad from the Delaware River to said valley, and in 1853, thest two companies wer consolidated under the name of “The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Company.” The present officers of the company with their places of residence, are as follows:--Hon. Samuel Sloan, President, New York City; Percy R. Pyne, Vice-President, New York City; A. J. Odell, Treasurer, New York City; Chas. E. Carryl, Secretary, New York City’ W. R. Storrs, General Coal Agent, Scranton; W. F. Holwill, Genreal Ticket Agent, New York City; B. A. Hegerman, General Freight Agent, New York City; W. R. Humphrey, Supt. Cayuga Division, Ithaca, N. Y., Samuel Schoch, Supt. M. and E. Division, Hoboken; W. B. Phelps, Supt. O. and S. Division, Oswego, N. Y.; Hon. John Brisbin, Attonrey, New York City.
DELAWARE AND HUDSON CANAL CO.—Franklin ave., foot Vine. (No information.)
LEHIGH, COAL AND NAVIGATION CO.__Own th Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad, Lehigh, and Suquehanna Railroad, Lehigh and Lackawanna and Nesquehon. Valley Railroads. The offficers are as follows: Ed. W. Clark, President, 122 South Secone st., Philidelphia, Mendes Dohen,President’s Assistant and Controller, Philadelphia; S. Shepherd, Treasurer, Philadelphia; F. Mitchell, Secretary, Philadelphia; E. K. Hyndman, Master of Transportation, Mauch Chunk,; Ed. Larkin, Engineer, Maugh Churc; I. A. Dinkeg, General Freight and Transportation Agent, Mauch Chunk.
SCRANTON GAS AND WATER CO.—120 Wyoming ave. Incorporated 1857. Captial, $250,000. Jos. H. Scranton, Presdient. Chas. F. Judson, Supt., Sec., and Treas.
LACKAWANNA IREON AND COAL COMPANY.—Lacka. ave., cor. Jefferson ave., Presidtn, J. H. Scranton; Treasurer, Moses Taylor; Secretary, E. C. Lynde; Ass’t Treasurer, E. P.Kingsbury; Ass’t Sec’y, G. B. Hunt.
BANER AMERICA CO,--Cap., #$5,000; incor. 1870; publishers Baner America, 416 Lacka. ave. President; John Levi; Vice-President, David C. Powell; Treasurer, Benjamin Hughes; Sec’y and Gerneral Manager, W. S. Jones.
THE DICKSON MFG> CO.—(Locomotives, mining machinery, stationary engines, &c.,) Penn ave., cor. Vine. Incorporated 1862. Capital, $600,000. Pres., George L. Dickson; Secretary and Treasurer, William H. Perkins; Superintendent, Willare B. Culver.
LACKAWANNA AND SUSQUEHANNA COAL AND IRON CO.—(Coal and iron) 423 Lacka. ave. Incorporated April 11th 1864. Capital, $300,000. Presdient, Elisha A. Coray; Treasurer and Superintendent, Robert T. Black; Sec’y, Albert Bucknam.
THE STOWERS PORK PACKING AND PROVISION CO.—Incor. 1870. Cap., $100,000. Office and warehouse, opp. the D. L. & W. R. R. Deopt, Commercial alley, cor. Mifflin ave., E. Phinney, Pres.; U. M. Stowers, Treas.; A.M Decker, Secy.
MOOSIC POWDER CO>--425 Lackawanna ave. Incorporated April 22, 1865. Capital, $275,000. President, H. M. Boies; Treasurer, J. C. Platt; Secretary, John D. Sherer.
SCRANTON STOVE MANUFACTURINGl Co.—Org. 1865. Incor. 1866. Acp., $60,000, Lacka. ave., , opp. 7th. H. P. Horatio S. Pierce, President; John a. Price, Supt. and Treas. Menuacture Stove and Hollow Ware.
CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION.—Co-operative Hall, Main, n. Jackson, Hyde Park. Incorporated Feb. 27, 1867; captial, $25,000. Henry I. Philips, President.
LACKAWANNA PETROLEUM COMPANY.—Incorporated June 10, 1865; capital, $500,000. E. Phenney, Presdient; Charles B. Matthews, Sec. and Treas.; office, 320 Lacka. ave. Annual meeting, 4th Friday in April.
LACKAWANNA CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION.—Capiral, $20,000; E. Phenney, Presdient; Clarnece E. Pryer, Sec. and Treas., 119 and 121 Franklin ave.
CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION.—Market, n. Main, Providence, Incorporated, 1870, captial, $15,940. John D. Davis, President.
Scranton City Journal, (Weekly,) Benedict Bros. Eds. Ad Props., 303 Lacka. ave. Terms, $1.00 per annum, in advance.
Daily and Weekly Democrat, John B. Adams, Ed. And Porp., 305 Lacka. ave. Weekl $1, Daily $5.
Scranton Wochenblatt, 108 Penn ave., Frederick Wagner, Ed. and Prop. Issued Thursday of each week. Terms, $2 per year in advance, single copies 5 cents
Republican, (Daily and Weekly,) Joseph A. Scranton, Ed. and Prop., 322 Lacka. ave. Terms, daily $7 per year; weekly, $2 per year, in advance. Single copies 5 cents..
Scranton Times, (Daily,) J. A. Clark, Ed. and Prop., Lacka. ave. Terms, $6 per annum, 60 cts per month. Single copoies 5 cents.
Baner America. Published on Wednesday of each week, at 416 Lacka. ave., by Baner America Co. Wm. S. Jones, Gen’l manager. Terms $2 per year, in advance. Thos. B. Morris, Editor.
Grand Army, (soldiers paper,) Joseph a. Scranton, Ed. and Prop., 322 Lacka. ave. Issued Satruday of each week, Terms, (furnished to clubs at $1 per year,) $1.50 per year, in advance. Single copies 5 cents.
The Visitor, (monthly,) H. M. Edwards, of Edwards & Davis, Ed. and Prop. Office, Main st., Co-operative Bldg. H. P.
The Scranton (Daily and Weekly) Times, 416 Lacka ave., Scranton , Pa., J. A. Clark, Editor. The Scranton Times will be furnished to mail subscribers at $6f per annum, strictly in advance. No subscriptions taken for less than one month.
Light for the Line, (monthly,) 310 Lacka. ave.
HYDE PARK LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, h. P.—Meets every Saturday evening at Eynon;s Hall. John C. Williams, Pres.; H. J. Phillips, Vice-Pres. The objects of the Society; mutual improvement, mental culture, and philosphical researches.
WAHINGTON BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION, H. P.—John J. Hawes, Pres. Meets second and fourth Monday in every month, at Co-operative Hall.
SCRANTON CALEDONIAN CLUB.—Sanderson’s Block, Org. 1866, Lacak. Ave., John MacLaren, Chief, H. R. Crawford, 1st Chief; A. Cowan, 2d Chief; C. Ditchburn, 3d Chirf; J. McWilliam, 4th Chief. This club is composed of Scotchmen and their descendants.
YOUNG MEN”S CHRISIAN ASSOCIATION, of the City of Scranton.—Rooms 425 Lacka. ave. Officers. H. M. Boies, Pres.; Thos. Moore, First Vice-Pres. ; A. M. Decker, Second Vice-Pres.; Daniel Hannah, Corresponding Sec.; Jos. C. Batchelor, Recording Sec.; W. J. Cole, Ass’t Revording sec.; M. L. Jones, Treas; C. W. Hartley, Librarian.
EXCELSIOR SOCIAL CLUB.—(for Social Enterntainments.) org. Oct. 1st 1867. Pres., F. Alexander; Vice.Pres., B. Simon; Sec., H. Bush, Treas., J. Sutto. Meets at 428 Lacka. ave., every second Sunday in each month.
Forest Hill Cemetery. Incorporated April, 1870. Pres. George Sanderson; Treas. Elisha Phinney; Supt. and Sec., Jaatticus Robertson; Trustees, George Sanderson, Elisha Phinney, J. A. Roberston, J. Gardner Sanderson, C. Dupont Breck.
NATIONAL BUILDING ASSOCIATION.—Organized march 30, 1870. Presidenc, Hon. Lewis Phugh. Stated meetings are held at 102 Lacka. ave., on th ethird Monday evening of each month.
SCRANTON BUILDING ASSOCIATION.—Organized April 20, 1868. Object the accumulation of a fund which shall be loaned to its members to enable them to buy or build their own homes. President, Hon. Sandford Grant. Stated meetings are held at 402 Lacka. avenue., on the third Thursday evening of each month.
GERMAN BUILDING AND SAVING ASSOCIATION No. 3.—Presdent, N. G. Goodman. Meet at Germania Hall, Lacka. ave.
GERMANIA BUILDING AND SAVING ASSOCIATION.—President, Fred. Wagner. Meet at Germania Hall, Lacka. ave.
DILLERS SILVER CORONET BAND, H. G. Diller,leader, Headquarters, 325 lacka. ave., 12 pieces.
HEERMANS QUADRILLE BAND, L. W. Heermans, leader, office Lacka. cor. Penn ave.
HYDE PARK CORONET BAND, Eugene A. Heermans, leader, Headquareters, Main, H. P. 8 pieces.
WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO., Frank H. Duncan, manager, 302 Lackawanna ave.
Dunmore is sutuated about two miles from the centre of the City of Scranton, with which it is connected by street cars, leaving front of the Wyoming House every half-hour.
ALLEN STEPHEN A., livery stable, h. do.
BIGLIN OWEN, saloon, Chesntu, n. Elm, h. do.
Black George M., billiard hall, h. do
Boyle John D., grocer, Dunmore Corners.
Bone Julius G., druggist,Chestnut, bds. do.
Bryden A. D., (Bryden Bros & Co.,) h. do.
Bryden Bros., (A. C. & James C.,) & Co., (Robert Bryden,) grocers.
Bryden Robert, (Bryden Bros. & Co.,) grocers, h. do.
Buckley Patrick, boot and shoe-maker, Chestnut, n. Elm, h. do.
Cullen Mary Mrs., saloon, h. do.
DALEY PETER, saddler and harness-maker, h. do.
DEKIN JOHN, propr. Nay Aug Hotel, foot No. six plain.
Depuy Isaac, propr. Union Hotel, h. do.
Dugan John, gorcer, Chestnut, cor. Elm.
ENGLE CHARLES, propr. Hotel, h. do.
FITZMAURAICE E. W. REV., pastor, St. Simon’s Church, Chestnut.
Flynn Owen, meat market, No. 6.
Glynn Martin, grocer, No. 6, h. do.
Gulnane P., physician, Tammany House, bds. do.
Haley M. F., (Horan & Haley,) grocers, No. 6, h. do.
Harrington Levy, tin and sheet iron worker, h. do.
Henning Thomas, boot and shoe maker, h. do.
Horan, M. J., (Horan & Haley,) grocers, No. 6
Horan (Patrick J.,) & haley, (M. J.,) grocers, No. 6.
Johnson Blair & Co., general dealers, Dunmome Corners.
Kennedy James, blacksmith, No. 6.
Langin James, grocer, No. 6.
McDonnell Anthony, prop. Tammany House, Chestnut, n. Elm.
McDonnell David, boot and shoemaker, Chestnut, h. do.
Mills David, boot and shoemaker,Chestnut, h. do.
McLain Martin, grocer and dry goods, &c., Chestnut, h. do.
Moran Patrick, grocer, Chestnut, n. Elm, h. do.
Pinnell Robert, grocer, No. 6.
Potter George W., meat market, h. do.
Shaffer John, grocer, Chestnut, h. do.
Smith Michael, saloon, h. do.
SOMMERS HENRY, watchmaker and jeweler, h. do.
Spencer Sylvester, saloon, h. do.
Swartz Daniel, grocer and general dealer, h. do.
ALEXANDER JOSEPH, prop Tower Hall of Fashion, Main,
Baker J. W., general dealer, Main.
Barrett Mathew, general dealer, Main.
Barrett Michael, liquor dealer, Main.
Battle Thomas, general dealer, Main.
BENJAMIN J. & CO., props. Carbondale Foundry and Machine Works.
Brown mary E. Mrs., boarding house, foot of Main.
Brownell D. K., photographer, Main.
Bruing William, baker, Main.
Bryrne M. & J. H., general dealers, Main.
BUNNELL L. I., carriage manufacturere, Belmont st., junct. Honesdale Road.
Burr W., watchmaker and jeweler, Main.
Camimsky & Strauss., clothing Main.
Campmann R. H., beer saloon, Dundaff.
Carr J. a., general dealer, Main.
Chafer Joseph, genreal dealer, Main.
Ciago William, blacksmith, Dundaff, cor. River.
Clark S. S., coal dealer, Belmont.
Co-operativer Store, No. 1, general dealers, Main.
Corbitt S. T., boot and shoemaker, M. Main.
Collins J. P., tobacconist, Main.
Coughlin James, boot and shoe makerr, Main.
Coyle James, general dealer, Main.
Crago A. H. Mrs., millinery and dress amking, Main.
Crittman P. C., lawyer,Main.
Crocker G. R., confectioner, Main.
Darts A., lawyer, Main.
Eaton & Reynolds, general dealers, Main.
Elbrecht Frederick, boot and shoemaker, Main.
Evans & Alexander, merchant tailors, Main.
First National Bank, incorporated 1864 capital $150,000, H. S. Pierce, Pres’t., James Stott, Cashier, Main.
FISHER W. L. Dr., dentist, Main, over Raynor’s drugstore.
FLYNN MICHAEL, proprietor Flynn’s Hotel, foot of Main.
Folwer C., drugginst, Main.
Frank & Evans, meat market, Dundaff.
Gardner & McGarry, meat market, Main.
Gillmartin Rowdy, saloon and billiard room, Main.
Gorman James, fish market, n. Post Office, off main.
Gorman John, eating house and saloon, Main.
GORMAN JOHN E. & CO., Proprietors Key Store Hotel, Main, cor. Salem.
Graham Dennis, Alderman, 3d Ward, office, do.
Guttentag S., dry goods, Main.
Hanford A. O. & Co., doors, sashes and blinds, 2d Ward.
Hannon J. B., blacksmith, Belmont, junction Honesdale Road.
Harnden George H., house, sign and carriage painter, Belmont, junction Honesdale Road.
Hogan Charles, boot and shoe maker, Main.
Hunt A. L., stone-cutter, Salem
Hutchins, J. C. , general dealer, Dundaff.
Jadwin H. B. & C. P., druggists, Main.
Jiff’kins E., meat market, Salem’Jones & Campmann, merchant tailors, Main.
Jones D. O., proprietor Harrison House, Main.
Jordan marwood, carriage maker, Salem, c. Church.
Kase John, cabinet maker, Main.
Kenworthy J., hairdresser, Main.
KINBACK JULIUS F., cabinet maker, foot of Main.
Kirby J. B. & Co., general dealers. Main.
Kirby W. E., looking-glasses, picture frames, etc., Salem
Lathrop Charles E., lawyer, Main, four doors above Salem.
Lathrop Thomas R., general insurance agent, Main, four doors from Salem.
LINDSAY WILLIAM & CO., props. Foundry, west of the Arcade.
Maho Michael, general dealer, Main.
McCabe Julia Mrs., genreal dealer, Honesdale Road.
MCCOMB JOHN, carpenter, and buidler, Smith street, junction Church.
McTighe B. Mrs., genreal dealer, Main.
Mills E. W. & Co., hardward, Main.
Moffitt Cedilia Mrs., saloon, Main.
Moffit L. Mrs., general dealer, Main.
Moffit P. general dealer, Main.
Moffitt Peter, harness maker, Main.
Mohrs & Rachob, boot and shoemakers, Main.
Morrison Balderman, 2d Ward, office do.
MOSES & SCURRY, hardward dealers, Main.
Nealon Anthony, general dealer, Main.
Nealon John, genreal dealer, Main.
O’Connell T., eating house and saloon, Main.
O’Neil Hugh, genreal dealer, Main.
Ottman, Yarrington & Co., general dealers, main.
Patchen L. W. Dr., dentist, Main.
Pascoe & Scurry, genreal dealers, Main.
Pentecost Thomas, tobacconist, Dundaff.
Poor & Marcy, insurance agents, Main.
Raynor Samuel E., druggist, Main.
RICHARDS L. C., attorney at law, Public Square, cor. Church.
RICHARDS S. Y., photographer, 5 Main, a few doors below Key Stone Hotel.
Richmond W. C., meat market, Main.
Rickett Jospeh, coal dealer, Belmont.
Roumelmeyer Michael, general dealer, Main.
SIMPSON ANDREW, horse-shoer, 7th, cor. River, opp. Lindsay & Co’s foundry.
Singer Samuel, clothing Main.
Squier G. H., lawyer, Main.
Stewart John, Alderman, 1st Ward, Office Court House.
Trallers Robert H., confectioner, Main.
Truex D. P. & Co., general dealers, Main.
Voyle Thomas, general dealer, 7th.
Watt A. & Co., general dealers, Main.
Watt John & Sons, gerneral dealers, Mian.
Weston & Co., grist mill, 2d Ward, also at Scranton.
Williams D. W., baker, Salem.
Williams & Bro., meat market, main.
Williams Otis, Jr., general dealer, Salem
Wilson Amzi, Alderman, Fourth Ward, Office, do.
Wilson John H., general news agent, Main.
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