I noticed that many wills were filed much later, even years later than the date of death. This may be due to transportation at the time, such that people (or their lawyers) living in areas outside of Scranton only made it to the courthouse once a year or less. I noticed in several cases people of the same surname, probably relatives, who died months apart had their wills filed the same day.
Look here for information about where to obtain copies of original wills found in this index.
A |
Abadallah |
Abramski |
Abromski |
Ace |
Ace |
Ace |
Ackerman |
Ackerman |
Adair |
Adamak |
Adamson |
Adler |
Adler |
Adoncek |
Adorjan |
Ager |
Aidukas |
Aikman |
Akerley |
Akerley |
Albano |
Albert |
Albrecht |
Albright |
Albro |
Alexander |
Alexander |
Alexander |
Allen |
Allen |
Allen |
Allen |
Allen |
Allgood |
Allison |
Altemus |
Altobelli |
Alvord |
Amey |
Amman |
Ammer |
Ammerman |
Amsden |
Anderleavitch |
Anderson |
Andres |
Andrews |
Andrews |
Andros |
Anglemeyer |
Anness |
Annett |
Ansley |
Anthony |
Antrim |
Aragonish |
Araskimonitz |
Arbeiter |
Archbald |
Archer |
Ardizzone |
Arkinson |
Armanavich |
Armbrust |
Armfield |
Armstrong |
Armstrong |
Arnfield |
Arnfield |
Arnoavits |
Arnold |
Arnold |
Arnold |
Arnold |
Arnold |
Arnold |
Aronovitz |
Arthur |
Arthur |
Asbury |
Ashman |
Ashman |
Aspenschlager |
Aswell |
Aswell |
Aten |
Atherton |
Atherton |
Atherton |
Atherton |
Atherton |
Atherton |
Atkinson |
Atkinson |
Auer |
Auer |
Aunger |
Ayer |
Aylesworth |
Aylesworth |
B |
Babb |
Bachman |
Back |
Backanovich |
Bagnik |
Bailey |
Bailey |
Bailey |
Bailey |
Bailey |
Bailey |
Bailey |
Bailey |
Bailey |
Baioritis |
Baker |
Baker |
Baker |
Baker |
Baker |
Baker |
Baker |
Balassa |
Balentine |
Balin |
Ballantine |
Baltus |
Baltus |
Bambrick |
Banks |
Banks |
Bannick |
Baraga |
Baranowski |
Barber |
Barber |
Barber |
Barberka |
Barbour |
Barger |
Barker |
Barker |
Barnack |
Barnard |
Barnes |
Barnes |
Barnes |
Barnes |
Barnes |
Barnett |
Barr |
Barrett |
Barrett |
Barrett |
Barrett |
Barrett |
Barrett |
Barrett |
Barrett |
Barrett |
Barrett |
Barrett |
Barrett |
Barrowman |
Barrowman |
Barrowman |
Barth |
Barton |
Barton |
Barton |
Bartovanic |
Bartowans |
Bart or Bartowicz or Bartosevich |
Basham |
Baskerville |
Baskerville |
Baskerville |
Baskerville |
Bassett |
Bate |
Bate |
Battenberg |
Battin |
Battle |
Battle |
Battle |
Batzer |
Bau |
Bauer |
Baumeister |
Baumgartner |
Bavosa |
Baylor |