Surname | Given | Lic# | Year | Vol | Page | Spouse | Father | Mother | Notes |
Gackecko | Peter | 206 | 1914 | 115 | 37 | Grego, Agie | Andrew Gackecko | Mary | |
Gagnrelli | Gusezzia | 527 | 1914 | 115 | 358 | Mardelli, Umberto | Antonio Gagnrelli | Thressa Minili | |
Gagrelli | Gusezzia | 527 | 1914 | 115 | 358 | Nardelli, Umberto | Antonio Gagrelli | Thressa Minili | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Gallagher | Agnes | 623 | 1914 | 115 | 454 | Sheridan, Thomas F. | John Gallagher | Cathryn Mastell | alt spelling on application |
Gallagher | Agness | 623 | 1914 | 115 | 454 | Sheridan, Thomas F. | John Gallagher | Cathryn Mastell | |
Gallagher | Anthony | 265 | 1914 | 115 | 96 | Fahey, Ethel | Mikel Gallagher | Sarah Langan | |
Galletti | Andea | 276 | 1914 | 115 | 107 | Buzzelli, Anna | Frank Galletti | Vincesnza? Evangelisto | |
Galletti | Andrew | 276 | 1914 | 115 | 107 | Buzzelli, Anna | Frank Galletti | Vincesnza? Evangelisto | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Gambal | Roman | 272 | 1914 | 115 | 103 | Chomo, Mary | Fedor Gambal | Mary Gadik | alt spelling on application |
Gambol | Roman | 272 | 1914 | 115 | 103 | Choma, Mary | Fedor Gambol | Mary Gadik | |
Gannon | Charles | 627 | 1914 | 115 | 458 | Duffy, Mary | James Gannon | Elizabeth Moran | |
Gannon | Michael F. | 433 | 1914 | 115 | 264 | Cooney, Anna | Micheal? Gannon | Bridget Jillian | |
Garifela | Guile | 336 | 1914 | 115 | 167 | Kourin, Margarit | Fraichosko Garifela | Mary Garfilo | alt spelling - signature |
Garifeli | Guile | 336 | 1914 | 115 | 167 | Kourin, Margart | Fraichosko Garifeli | Mary Garfilo | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Garifil | Guile | 336 | 1914 | 115 | 167 | Kourin, Margart | Fraichosko Garifil | Mary Garfilo | alt spelling on application |
Garifila | Guile | 336 | 1914 | 115 | 167 | Kourin, Margarit | Fraichosko Garifila | Mary Garfilo | |
Garrison | Agnes | 501 | 1914 | 115 | 332 | Getz, Charles | Whitfield (not given) | Irene Dugan | previous marriage ended by death on 03/27/1913; alt spelling - spouse |
Garrison | Agnes | 501 | 1914 | 115 | 332 | Gets, Charles | Whitfield (not given) | Irene Dugan | previous marriage ended by death on 03/27/1913 |
Gasler | Adolph | 264 | 1914 | 115 | 95 | Wotko, Helen | Mike Gasler | Fran? | |
Gelepsia | Emelia | 352 | 1914 | 115 | 183 | Rumosky, Toney | Mathew Gelepsia | Catherina | alt spelling on application |
Geovani | Penna | 517 | 1914 | 115 | 348 | Marzo, Meria | Defrank Geovani | Mary Caspero | |
Gepepsia | Emelia | 352 | 1914 | 115 | 183 | Rumnosky, Toney | Mathew Gepepsia | Catherina | |
Germano | Parymale | 541 | 1914 | 115 | 372 | Del Vecchio, Jessie | Peter Germano | Mary Rinaldi | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Gets | Charles | 501 | 1914 | 115 | 332 | Garrison, Agnes | Frank Gets | Barbra Shellhorn | |
Getz | Charles | 501 | 1914 | 115 | 332 | Garrison, Agnes | Frank Getz | Barbra Shellhorn | alt spelling on application |
Giannoni | Mary | 290 | 1914 | 115 | 121 | Nalloni, Giuseppe | Peter Giannoni | Catherne Angrei | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Gilespie | J. N. | 172 | 1914 | 115 | 3 | Cannon, Sadie | William E. Gilespie | Hester Pantall | |
Gillespie | J. | 172 | 1914 | 115 | 3 | Cannon, Sadie | William E. Gillespie | Hester Pantall | |
Gilvliam | Meria | 470 | 1914 | 115 | 301 | Madgo, Nicholas | Frederico Gilvliam | Rose Trako | |
Gingal | Joseph | 240 | 1914 | 115 | 71 | Granvill, Maud | Dominick Gingal | Mary Mestino? | |
Gingali | Joseph | 240 | 1914 | 115 | 71 | Granville, Maud | Dominick Gingali | Mary Mestino? | alt spelling on application |
Giovania | Penna | 517 | 1914 | 115 | 348 | Marzo, Maria | Defrank Giovania | Mary Caspero | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Giovanni | Panottelo | 296 | 1914 | 115 | 127 | Orsola, Anderline | Joseph Giovanni | Mary | alt spelling on application |
Giovannini | Mary | 290 | 1914 | 115 | 121 | Nataloni, Giuseppe | Peter Giovannini | Catherne Angrei | |
Giuliani | Meria | 470 | 1914 | 115 | 301 | Madodge, Nicholas | Frederico Giuliani | Rose Trako | alt spelling - spouse |
Giuliani | Meria | 470 | 1914 | 115 | 301 | Madage, Nicholas | Frederico Giuliani | Rose Trako | alt spelling on application |
Givoanni | Penna | 517 | 1914 | 115 | 348 | Marzo, Marie | Defrank Givoanni | Mary Caspero | duplicate entry, alt spellling |
Glem | Esther | 334 | 1914 | 115 | 165 | Comoni, Antoni | Joseph Glem | Sarah Stanton | |
Glenn | Esther | 334 | 1914 | 115 | 165 | Comoni, Antonio | Joseph Glenn | Sarah Stanton | alt spelling - spouse |
Gofer | George | 262 | 1914 | 115 | 93 | Worgo, Suzie | Joe Gofer | Annie | previous marriage ended by death on 12/05/1908; alt spelling - spouse |
Gofer | George | 262 | 1914 | 115 | 93 | Vargo, Suzan | Joe Gofer | Annie | previous marriage ended by death on 12/05/1908 |
Golias | Annie | 185 | 1914 | 115 | 16 | Maday, Andrew | John Golias | Katie Wesko? | previous marriage ended by death on 10/29/1913 |
Golick | Steve | 486 | 1914 | 115 | 317 | Cigrusz, Patrouse | Steve Golick | Katie | alt spelling - spouse |
Golick | Steve | 486 | 1914 | 115 | 317 | Trouc, Patrouse | Steve Golick | Katie | |
Gonos | Vernoice | 413 | 1914 | 115 | 244 | Beckage, George B. | Michael Gonos | Catherine Pastor | |
Gonos | Veronica | 413 | 1914 | 115 | 244 | Beckage, George B. | Michael Gonos | Catherine Pastor | alt spelling on application |
Goodwin | Raymond N. | 572 | 1914 | 115 | 403 | Barnes, Myrtle M. | H. E. Goodwin | Carrie Jordon? | |
Gordon | Cora Van | 280 | 1914 | 115 | 111 | Nortwich, Lewis Van | Oliver Gordon | Jennie Kimlee? or Kimbel? | |
Goreski | Paull | 360 | 1914 | 115 | 191 | Zanitrcka, Anna | John Goreski | Katie Govanski | alt spelling - spouse |
Goreski | Paull | 360 | 1914 | 115 | 191 | Zanistkiska, Anna | John Goreski | Katie Govanski | |
Goreski | Paull | 360 | 1914 | 115 | 191 | Zantrcka, Anna | John Goreski | Katie Govanski | alt spelling - spouse |
Goreski | Paull | 360 | 1914 | 115 | 191 | Zancitck, Antonina | John Goreski | Katie Govanski | duplicate entry - spouse |
Gorgal | Joanna | 380 | 1914 | 115 | 211 | Kryslyniak, John | Valentine Gorgal | Josephen(a) Francosko? (c) | alt spelling - spouse |
Gorgal | Joanna | 380 | 1914 | 115 | 211 | Kryskynick, John | Valentine Gorgal | Josephen(a) Francosko? (c) | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Gorgol | Joanna | 380 | 1914 | 115 | 211 | Krystynak, John | Valentine Gorgol | Josephen(a) Francosko? (c) | |
Gosciewska | Josie | 211 | 1914 | 115 | 42 | Butts, David | Joseph Gosciewska | Antosa Bunowksi | |
Govono | Catherne | 558 | 1914 | 115 | 389 | Spadafore, Thomas | Carmino Govono | Franceso Spagnolo | alt spelling on application |
Govono | Cathrene | 558 | 1914 | 115 | 389 | Spadafore, Thomas | Carmino Govono | Franceso Spagnolo | |
Govono | Cathryn | 558 | 1914 | 115 | 389 | Spadafore, Thomas | Carmino Govono | Franceso Spagnolo | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Govusak | Joseph | 188 | 1914 | 115 | 19 | Green, Julia | John Govusak | Eva | alt spelling on application |
Govusaka | Joseph | 188 | 1914 | 115 | 19 | Green, Gulia | John Govusaka | Eva | |
Gozuzk | Ophenca | 292 | 1914 | 115 | 123 | Bloski, Balick | Ignats Gozuzk | Katie Diakma? | |
Graham | James | 365 | 1914 | 115 | 196 | Klein, Katherine | Edward Graham | Elizabeth Brahon | alt spelling - spouse |
Graham | James | 365 | 1914 | 115 | 196 | Kline, Katherine | Edward Graham | Elizabeth Brahon | |
Granvill | Maud | 240 | 1914 | 115 | 71 | Gingal, Joseph | William Yamulli | Lizzie Mrinkler? | previous marriage ended by divorce on 03/04/1913 |
Granville | Maud | 240 | 1914 | 115 | 71 | Gingali, Joseph | William Yamulli | Lizzie Mrinkler? | alt spelling on application |
Grasso | Gieseppi | 612 | 1914 | 115 | 443 | Beseventa, Giavkomia | Nicholas Grasso | Anna Rostini Mirra | previous marriage ended by divorce on 12/--/1913 |
Grasso | Guiseppe | 612 | 1914 | 115 | 443 | Benvenuta, Giavkannia | Nicholas Grasso | Anna Rostini Mirra | previous marriage ended by divorce on 12/--/1913; alt spelling - spouse |
Grasso | Guiseppe | 612 | 1914 | 115 | 443 | Benvenutto, Giovanna | Nicholas Grasso | Anna Rostini Mirra | previous marriage ended by divorce on 12/--/1913; alt spelling on application |
Grasso | Guiseppe | 612 | 1914 | 115 | 443 | Burnuta, Giavhnnia | Nicholas Grasso | Anna Rostini Mirra | previous marriage ended by divorce on 12/--/1913; alt spelling - spouse |
Gravis | Peter | 452 | 1914 | 115 | 283 | Pilvelute, Veronika | Charles Gravis | Rose Adonenes | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Gravis | Peter | 452 | 1914 | 115 | 283 | Pilvelute, Vernoice | Charles Gravis | Rose Adonenes | alt spelling - spouse |
Graviss | Peter | 452 | 1914 | 115 | 283 | Pilvelute, Vedamiko | Charles Graviss | Rose Adonenes | |
Graviss | Peter | 452 | 1914 | 115 | 283 | Pilvelute, Vedonika | Charles Graviss | Rose Adonenes | alt spelling - spouse |
Gray | Anna | 566 | 1914 | 115 | 397 | Maus, Howard | Edward Gray | Anna Parker | |
Gray | Cora Mae | 578 | 1914 | 115 | 409 | James, Thomas R. | Thomas Gray | Jennie Horn | |
Gray | Harry C. | 657 | 1914 | 115 | 488 | Canning, Ethel Lloyd | {not given} | Maria Porter | previous marriage ended by divorce on 11/--/1913, NY State |
Green | Gulia | 188 | 1914 | 115 | 19 | Govusaka, Joseph | Matcka Green | Rose Green | |
Green | John J. | 656 | 1914 | 115 | 487 | Theabald, Clara | W. J. Green | Anna McDonough | |
Green | Julia | 188 | 1914 | 115 | 19 | Hawroszyk, Joseph | Matcka Green | Rose Green | alt spelling - spouse |
Green | Julia | 188 | 1914 | 115 | 19 | Govusak, Joseph | Matcka Green | Rose Green | alt spelling - spouse |
Green | Milo D. | 665 | 1914 | 115 | 496 | Bengiman, Florence M. | Androw Green | Irene Pedrick? | |
Green | Milo D. | 665 | 1914 | 115 | 496 | Benjamin, Florence M. | Androw Green | Irene Pedrick? | duplicate entry, alt spellling |
Greenberger | Nathan | 619 | 1914 | 115 | 450 | Cohen, Lillian | Leon Greenberger | Hannah | |
Greenburg | Nathan | 619 | 1914 | 115 | 450 | Cohen, Lillian | Leon Greenburg | Hannah | alt spelling on application |
Greene | John J. | 656 | 1914 | 115 | 487 | Theobald, Clara | W. J. Green | Anna McDonough | alt spelling on application |
Grego | Agie | 206 | 1914 | 115 | 37 | Gackecko, Peter | Michael Grego | Worccula | |
Gregoski | Stanley | 319 | 1914 | 115 | 150 | Chiposki, Annie | Charley Gregoski | Agnes Stenluka | |
Gregoski | Stanley | 319 | 1914 | 115 | 150 | Chiposki, Annie | Charley Gregoski | Agnes Stenluka | |
Gresswell | John P. | 392 | 1914 | 115 | 223 | Frew, M. Agnes | Arthur Gresswell | Harriet Ann Poole | |
Griffiths | Joseph | 626 | 1914 | 115 | 457 | Key, Sadie | John Griffiths | Mary Davis | |
Griffiths | Nettie M. | 316 | 1914 | 115 | 147 | Swallow, Charles F. | William Griffiths | Jane Hellems? | |
Gripp | George | 498 | 1914 | 115 | 329 | Idock, Catherine | William Gripp | Annie Shelfouska | |
Grogari | Vincenza | 404 | 1914 | 115 | 235 | Tine, Agostina | Lunrogais? Grogari | Levina Bartloma | alt spelling on application |
Grogari | Vincernazina | 404 | 1914 | 115 | 235 | Tine, Agostina | Lunrogais? Grogari | Levina Bartloma | |
Grolsky | Bridget | 344 | 1914 | 115 | 175 | Bornosky, Thomas | Stanley Grolsky | Michelana | |
Grolsky | Bridget | 344 | 1914 | 115 | 175 | Bornesky, Thomas | Stanley Grolsky | Michelana | alt spelling - spouse |
Gron | Mary | 178 | 1914 | 115 | 9 | Pryszlak, William | Harry Dolecian | Ustina Domendinski | previous marriage ended by death on 10/17/1913 |
Gron | Mary | 178 | 1914 | 115 | 9 | Prysslak, William | Harry Dolecian | Ustina Domendinski | previous marriage ended by death on 10/17/1913; alt spelling - spouse |
Grosnver | Archie | 605 | 1914 | 115 | 436 | Smith, Millie | Abram Grosnver | Jennie Hunt | |
Grosvenor | Archie | 605 | 1914 | 115 | 436 | Smith, Millie | Abram Grosvenor | Jennie Hunt | alt spelling on application |
Grove | Herman | 659 | 1914 | 115 | 490 | Timmins, Emma | Ludwig Grove | Charlotte Kellar | previous marriage ended by death on 03/01/1895; alt spelling on application |
Groves | Herman | 659 | 1914 | 115 | 490 | Timmins, Emma | Ludwig Groves | Charlotte Kellar | previous marriage ended by death on 03/01/1895 |
Grovinni | Ponottili | 296 | 1914 | 115 | 127 | Orsola, Anderline | Joseph Grovinni | Mary | |
Grutter | Cotogna | 475 | 1914 | 115 | 306 | Dolomoni, Joseph | John Grutter | Baseli Burgo | |
Grzuzk | Orphenea | 292 | 1914 | 115 | 123 | Blocko, Bolic | Ignats Grzuzk | Katie Diakma? | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Gubek | Mary | 208 | 1914 | 115 | 39 | Modos, John | Joseph Gubek | Tessie Wbach? | |
Gucanshar | John | 266 | 1914 | 115 | 97 | Chryozon, Annie | not given | not given | |
Gucauskar | John | 266 | 1914 | 115 | 97 | Chryszan, Annie | not given | not given | application on film; alt spelling on application |
Gucauskar | John | 266 | 1914 | 115 | 97 | Chryozan, Annie | not given | not given | application on film; alt spelling - spouse |
Gulek | Mary | 286 | 1914 | 115 | 117 | Ariva, Androw | Joe? Gulek | Tiesa? Eboust | |
Gulek | Mary | 286 | 1914 | 115 | 117 | Ariva, Andrew | Joe? Gulek | Tiesa? Eboust | alt spelling - spouse |
Guntack | Stanley | 342 | 1914 | 115 | 173 | Koualsky, Mary | Joseph Gintack | Julia Chenski | |
Guntack | Stanley | 342 | 1914 | 115 | 173 | Kowalsky, Mary | Joseph Gintack | Julia Chenski | duplicate entry, alt spellling |
Gurki | Wasko | 307 | 1914 | 115 | 138 | Rofenco, Ellen | Harry Gurki | Katie | |
Gurki | Wasko | 307 | 1914 | 115 | 138 | Rolenco, Ellen | Harry Gurki | Katie | alt spelling - spouse |
Gurren | Alfoncess | 565 | 1914 | 115 | 396 | Clark, Anna | Micheal Gurren | Mary Hagerty | duplicate entry, alt spellling |
Gwynne | Willard | 465 | 1914 | 115 | 296 | Browning, Esther | Thomas Gwynne | Mary J. Jermyn | |
Habhstein | Gertrude | 530 | 1914 | 115 | 361 | Hirtestein, Edward | Samuel Habhstein | Tonie | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Haddon | Jean | 408 | 1914 | 115 | 239 | Fennie, Albert | George Haddon | Mary Tarnbol? | |
Hafford | James | 289 | 1914 | 115 | 120 | Matthews, Matilda | Elias Hafford | Jane Watson | duplicate entry, alt spellling |
Haiko | Cathern | 322 | 1914 | 115 | 153 | King, Peter | Michael Haitco | Annie Koznerska | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Haitco | Cathern | 322 | 1914 | 115 | 153 | King, Peter | Michael Haitco | Annie Koznerska | alt spelling on application |
Haito | Cathern | 322 | 1914 | 115 | 153 | King, Peter | Michael Haitco | Annie Koznerska | |
Halkstein | Gertrude | 530 | 1914 | 115 | 361 | Hirtensten, Edward | Samuel Halkstein | Tonie | |
Ham | Laura | 599 | 1914 | 115 | 430 | Owens, Howard | Richard Ham | Gertrude Manger? | |
Ham | Laura | 599 | 1914 | 115 | 430 | Owen, Howard | Richard Ham | Gertrude Manger? | alt spelling - spouse |
Hambke | Lulu | 601 | 1914 | 115 | 432 | Cox, Rolph | William Hambke | Nora Daniels | alt spelling on application |
Hamble | Lulu | 601 | 1914 | 115 | 432 | Cox, Ralph | William Hamble | Nora Daniels | |
Hammond | Lewis Wade | 502 | 1914 | 115 | 333 | Whitney, Isadore Rush | Robert E. Hammond | Hattie Wade | |
Hanczker | Lottie B. | 174 | 1914 | 115 | 5 | Ruhoski, Carl | Martin Hanczker | Mary Schenski | |
Hanes | Albert | 543 | 1914 | 115 | 374 | Mayers, Rose | Alfred Hanes | Mary Croft | |
Hankotknor | Stella | 382 | 1914 | 115 | 213 | Polosky, Toney | Thomas Hankotknor | Hellen Copovash | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Hankouska | Stella | 382 | 1914 | 115 | 213 | Polosky, Toney | Thomas Hankouska | Hellen Copovash | c-g Edi Knopowsky |
Hanszker | Lottie B. | 174 | 1914 | 115 | 5 | Rutskoska, Cavrina | Martin Hanszker | Mary Schenski | alt spelling on application |
Harding | Lyle | 600 | 1914 | 115 | 431 | Nicholas, Maria | Park Harding | Mary Forsith | |
Harding | Lyle | 600 | 1914 | 115 | 431 | Nichols, Maria | Park Harding | Mary Forsith | alt spelling - spouse |
Harris | John | 662 | 1914 | 115 | 493 | Holman, Florence | David Harris | Mary Kern | |
Harris | Kathryn | 245 | 1914 | 115 | 76 | Burge, George | David Harris | Mary Kern | |
Harris | Tonzo | 514 | 1914 | 115 | 345 | Stanton, Bessie | David Harris | Margart Havard | |
Harrison | George | 560 | 1914 | 115 | 391 | Smith, Nettie | George Harrison | Sirauh? Hinn | |
Hart | Richard John | 645 | 1914 | 115 | 476 | Renner, Wilhelmina M. | Richard Hart | Blanch Varney | |
Hart | Richard John | 645 | 1914 | 115 | 476 | Renna, Wilhelmina M. | Richard Hart | Blanch Varney | alt spelling - spouse |
Hartung | Edith S. | 485 | 1914 | 115 | 316 | Thomas, William R. | {Louis Hartung} | Effie Smith | |
Hartz | Frank | 311 | 1914 | 115 | 142 | Zindlo, Mary | John Hartz | Agensta Coofa? | |
Hartz | Frank | 311 | 1914 | 115 | 142 | Zindlo, Mary | John Hartz | Agensta Coofa? | alt spelling - spouse |
Hartz | Frank | 311 | 1914 | 115 | 142 | Zanalo, Mary | John Hartz | Agensta Coofa? | alt spelling - spouse |
Harvey | Moses E. | 611 | 1914 | 115 | 442 | Krotzer, Hazes | R. G. Harvey | Ella Milman? | |
Harvey | Moses E. | 611 | 1914 | 115 | 442 | Krotzer, Hazel G. | R. G. Harvey | Ella Milman? | alt spelling - spouse |
Haryheim | Ifihami? | 568 | 1914 | 115 | 399 | Sarzer, Joseph | William Haryheim | Eva Strossel | |
Harzherin | Dilfelmieni | 568 | 1914 | 115 | 399 | Sispan, Joseph | William Harzherin | Eva Strossel | alt spelling on application |
Harzhew | Idalemina | 568 | 1914 | 115 | 399 | Scsczan, Joseph | William Harzhew | Eva Strossel | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Harzkemi | Irdilfmin | 568 | 1914 | 115 | 399 | Sczycin, Joseph | William Harzkemi | Eva Strossel | alt spelling - signature |
Havenstute | Martha | 398 | 1914 | 115 | 229 | Daggers, Bert | James Havenstute | Core Bidwell | |
Hawroszyk | Joseph | 188 | 1914 | 115 | 19 | Green, Julia | John Hawroszyk | Eva | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Hayes | Jerry P. | 216 | 1914 | 115 | 47 | Kelly, Ida | Timothy Hayes | Johanna Nolan | |
Hazelton | John W. | 194 | 1914 | 115 | 25 | Edwards, Grace M. | Abram Hazelton | Devore Thorp | |
Heal | Bessie | 412 | 1914 | 115 | 243 | Lawrence, Stanley | {Joseph Heal} | Louise Courdy? | |
Heal | Bessie | 412 | 1914 | 115 | 243 | Lawrence, Stanton I. | {Joseph Heal} | Louise Courdy? | alt spelling - spouse |
Healey | Thomas | 384 | 1914 | 115 | 215 | Mulderig, Barbara | Micheal Healey | Bridget Durkin | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Heffler | Marvin J. | 500 | 1914 | 115 | 331 | Jones, Hattie M. | Jacob Heffley | Laura Dunning | alt spelling on application |
Heffley | Mae | 499 | 1914 | 115 | 330 | Kerling, Moore | Jacob Heffley | Laura Dunning | |
Heffley | Mae | 499 | 1914 | 115 | 330 | Moore, Kerling | Jacob Heffley | Laura Dunning | alt spelling - spouse |
Heffley | Marion | 500 | 1914 | 115 | 331 | Jones, Hattie M. | Jacob Heffley | Laura Dunning | alt spelling - signature |
Heffron | Margart | 505 | 1914 | 115 | 336 | Regan, William F. | Frank Heffron | Ellen Gibbons | |
Heil | Matilda M. | 454 | 1914 | 115 | 285 | Swingle, Edward J. | John Heil | Catherin Butterman | |
Heinieniuk | Jennie | 304 | 1914 | 115 | 135 | Parvlroszyn, William | Sofko Heinieniuk | Dasie Ohucuk? | alt spelling - spouse |
Heinieniuk | Jennie | 304 | 1914 | 115 | 135 | Parwlrosczyn, William | Sofko Heinieniuk | Dasie Ohucuk? | alt spelling on application |
Hellery | Marvin J. | 500 | 1914 | 115 | 331 | Jones, Hattie M. | Jacob Heffley | Laura Dunning | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Hendrick | Anna | 414 | 1914 | 115 | 245 | McGoff, John B. | Thomas A. Hendrick | Margaret Crane | |
Henickle | Sophie | 477 | 1914 | 115 | 308 | Natress, Andrew | Sebastian Henickle | Gertrude Ackerman? | |
Henley | Lloyd | 557 | 1914 | 115 | 388 | Jefferson, Louise | Edmund Henley | Sarah Hubbs? | |
Hennickle | Sophie | 477 | 1914 | 115 | 308 | Natress, Andrew | Sebastian Hennickle | Gertrude Ackerman? | alt spelling on application |
Henry | Thomas | 384 | 1914 | 115 | 215 | Mulderig, Barbara | Micheal Henry | Bridget Durkin | |
Henson | James Andrew | 287 | 1914 | 115 | 118 | Aitz, Mary Ann | William Henson | Sarann Aivde | previous marriage ended by divorce on 04/18/1912 |
Henson | James Androw | 287 | 1914 | 115 | 118 | Aitz, Mary Ann | William Henson | Sarann Aivde | previous marriage ended by divorce on 04/18/1912; alt spelling - duplicate return |
Hering | Charles | 481 | 1914 | 115 | 312 | Frank, Anna Martha | Christ Hering | Catherne Heckle | |
Highfield | William Ellsworth | 480 | 1914 | 115 | 311 | Beardsley, Lena Ella | Emerson A. Highfield | Carrue A. May? | |
Hinkle | Nettie | 553 | 1914 | 115 | 384 | Hughes, David | John Hinkle | Margaret Pilckres? | |
Hirtensten | Edward | 530 | 1914 | 115 | 361 | Halkstein, Gertrude | Herman Hirtensten | Fannie Frankle | |
Hirtestein | Edward | 530 | 1914 | 115 | 361 | Habhstein, Gertrude | Herman Hirtestein | Fannie Frankle | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Hoboken | Annie | 282 | 1914 | 115 | 113 | Kohuth, John | Frank Hoboken | Frances? | |
Hodge | Thomas Henry | 372 | 1914 | 115 | 203 | Sinclair, Ina | Harry Hodge | Minnie? George | |
Hoffman | Saul H. | 466 | 1914 | 115 | 297 | Winer, E., Mrs. | Joseph Hoffman | Dora | previous marriage ended by death on 10/09/1913 |
Hofford | James | 289 | 1914 | 115 | 120 | Mathews, Matilda | Elias Hofford | Jane Watson | |
Hoherchak | Mary | 229 | 1914 | 115 | 60 | Beshen, Alexander | Alex Hoherchak | Sophie Souther? | |
Holibaba | Suzie | 401 | 1914 | 115 | 232 | Michalko, Mike | George Holibaba | Annie? Witok | duplicate entry, alt spelling |
Holiday | Mary | 354 | 1914 | 115 | 185 | Vosburg, John H. | Steve Holiday | Cathern Cenisky? | |
Holman | Florence | 662 | 1914 | 115 | 493 | Harris, John | William Holman | Sarah Vickers | |
Horn | John Joseph, Jr. | 639 | 1914 | 115 | 470 | Phillips, Ethel | John Joseph Horn | Marie or Mary Humnick | |
Hornslouska | Sophie | 251 | 1914 | 115 | 82 | Szuninkouski, John | John Hornslouska | Pauline Godvich? | |
Hornslouska | Sophie | 251 | 1914 | 115 | 82 | Szunovnkowski, John | John Hornslouska | Pauline Godvich? | alt spelling - spouse |
Horton | Daisy | 422 | 1914 | 115 | 253 | Kearney, Walter G. | Edward B. Horton | Mary Lord | |
Horvah | Anthony | 441 | 1914 | 115 | 272 | Boleskci, Catherine | Frank Horvah | Agnes Szalar | alt spelling on application |
Horvath | Anthony | 441 | 1914 | 115 | 272 | Bocker, Kati | Frank Horvath | Agnes Szalar | |
Hosking | Lula | 246 | 1914 | 115 | 77 | Marsh, Alfred J. | W. H. Hosking | Bessie James | |
Hoskings | Lula | 246 | 1914 | 115 | 77 | Marsh, Alfred J. | W. H. Hoskings | Bessie James | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Housberger | Charles | 431 | 1914 | 115 | 262 | Benedict, Nellie C. | J. S. Housberger | May Walborn | |
Hovrath | Anthony | 441 | 1914 | 115 | 272 | Böcrkei, Kati | Frank Hovrath | Agnes Szalar | alt spelling on application |
Hovrocks | George H. | 374 | 1914 | 115 | 205 | Browning, Eliza E. | Mathew Hovrocks | Ada Hockenettab? | |
Howell | William E. | 604 | 1914 | 115 | 435 | Davis, Lillian | John Howell | Mary Jenkins? | previous marriage ended by death in 1909 |
Hrecjsko | Bertha | 209 | 1914 | 115 | 40 | Koeczvom, Charley | Frank Recko | Mary Rotts | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Huber | John H. | 487 | 1914 | 115 | 318 | Corleaux, Helan | William J. Huber | Josephine Spruks? | alt spelling - spouse |
Huber | John H. | 487 | 1914 | 115 | 318 | Corleaux, Helea | William J. Huber | Josephine Spruks? | |
Huber | John H. | 487 | 1914 | 115 | 318 | Corleaux, Helen | William J. Huber | Josephine Spruks? | alt spelling - spouse |
Hufford | Edna | 547 | 1914 | 115 | 378 | Burgess, Beryl H. | Henry Hufford | Manda Nyhart | |
Hughes | David | 553 | 1914 | 115 | 384 | Hinkle, Nettie | Steven Hughes | Suzan White | |
Hughes | Gideon | 610 | 1914 | 115 | 441 | Pierce, Emily | not legible | Meria Worts | |
Hull | Irene | 444 | 1914 | 115 | 275 | Jolko, Peter | Seth Hull | Martha Titus | alt spelling - spouse |
Hull | Irene | 444 | 1914 | 115 | 275 | Yotko, Peter | Seth Hull | Martha Titus | |
Huninuk | Jennie | 304 | 1914 | 115 | 135 | Panlusczyn, William | Sofko Huninuk | Dasie Ohucuk? | |
Hunt | Lucie | 478 | 1914 | 115 | 309 | White, Elmer | David Hunt (not given) | Nettie White | previous marriage ended by divorce on 02/13/1914 |
Hwaczuski | Anthony | 358 | 1914 | 115 | 189 | Kopras, Mary | John Hwaczuski | Annie | |
Idock | Catherine | 498 | 1914 | 115 | 329 | Gripp, George | Joseph Idock | Catherne | c-g Mike Cartweilla |
Ignats | Mike | 176 | 1914 | 115 | 7 | Wohar, Mansy | Peter Ignats | Mary Apnalch? | |
Igo | James | 201 | 1914 | 115 | 32 | Dimond, Susie | Pat Igo | Ellen Murphey | previous marriage ended by death on 06/06/1900; alt spelling on application |
Igoe | James | 201 | 1914 | 115 | 32 | Dimond, Susie | Pat Igoe | Ellen Murphey | previous marriage ended by death on 06/06/1900 |
Inorcuika | Eva | 299 | 1914 | 115 | 130 | Bortensky, George | Jacob Inorcuika | Maggie Stinatis | alt spelling on application |
Inorurska | Eva | 299 | 1914 | 115 | 130 | Bortensky, George | Jacob Inorurska | Maggie Stinatis | |
Isaac | Bessie | 350 | 1914 | 115 | 181 | Davis, Elmer | Isaac Isaac | Mary Davis | |
Isaac | Bessie | 350 | 1914 | 115 | 181 | Davis, Elmer A. | Isaac Isaac | Mary Davis | duplicate entry - spouse |
Ives | Beulah L. | 567 | 1914 | 115 | 398 | Curtis, C. E. | George Ives | Cathryn Wisaberger? | |
Jadick | Daniel | 490 | 1914 | 115 | 321 | Sembrot, Anna S. | Aleck Jadick | Mary Spesh | |
James | Thomas R. | 578 | 1914 | 115 | 409 | Gray, Cora Mae | Daniel James | Cassie Fisher? | |
Jawor | Ludwika | 333 | 1914 | 115 | 164 | Rock, Frank | Joe Jawor | Katie | alt spelling - signature |
Jefferson | Louise | 557 | 1914 | 115 | 388 | Henley, Lloyd | William Jefferson | Mary Johnson | |
Jeffery | David | 556 | 1914 | 115 | 387 | Allen, Sarah | Robert Jeffery | Elizabeth Jones | alt spelling on application |
Jeffry | David | 556 | 1914 | 115 | 387 | Allen, Sarah | Robert Jeffry | Elizabeth Jones | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Jennings | George | 320 | 1914 | 115 | 151 | Kegley, Mabel | George Jennings | Josephine Joyce | |
Jennings | George | 320 | 1914 | 115 | 151 | Keagley, Mabel | George Jennings | Josephine Joyce | alt spelling - spouse |
Jennings | George | 320 | 1914 | 115 | 151 | Reyley, Mabel | George Jennings | Josephine Joyce | alt spelling - spouse |
Jermanio | Parymale | 541 | 1914 | 115 | 372 | Delveccko, Jessie | Peter Jermanio | Mary Rinaldi | |
Jermano | Parymale | 541 | 1914 | 115 | 372 | Del Vecchio, Jessie | Peter Jermano | Mary Rinaldi | alt spelling on application |
Jerucz | Matenez | 212 | 1914 | 115 | 43 | Rauf, Justina | John Jerucz | Annie Sevicski | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Jinor | Lucie | 333 | 1914 | 115 | 164 | Rock, Frank | Joe Jinor | Katie | |
Johnson | C. D. | 590 | 1914 | 115 | 421 | Travis, Stella | Peter Johnson | Emmiline McCarthy | previous marriage ended by death on 11/21/1910; alt spelling - spouse |
Johnson | C. D. | 590 | 1914 | 115 | 421 | Traviss, Stella | Peter Johnson | Emmiline McCarthy | previous marriage ended by death on 11/21/1910 |
Johnson | Carl | 270 | 1914 | 115 | 101 | Kruger, Irene A. | Swen Johnson | Bertha Carlson | alt spelling - spouse |
Johnson | Carl | 270 | 1914 | 115 | 101 | Kreiger, Irene W. | Swen Johnson | Bertha Carlson | |
Johnson | Embree W. | 504 | 1914 | 115 | 335 | Ward, Martha M. | Martin Johnson | Esther Sudder | |
Johnson | Lula | 588 | 1914 | 115 | 419 | Smith, Harry | Julias Johnson | Della White? | |
Johnson | Marguerte | 233 | 1914 | 115 | 64 | Morgan, Johnathan | Gilbert Johnson | Fieta Harmon | alt spelling - spouse |
Johnson | Marguerte | 233 | 1914 | 115 | 64 | Morgan, Johanathan | Gilbert Johnson | Fieta Harmon | |
Jolko | Peter | 444 | 1914 | 115 | 275 | Hull, Irene | J. Charley Jolko | Annie Colesky | duplicate entry, alt spelling |
Jones | Enoch | 564 | 1914 | 115 | 395 | Buckland, Ella | Joseph Jones | Sarah Jones | |
Jones | Hattie M. | 500 | 1914 | 115 | 331 | Heffler, Marvin J. | David Jones | Anni Burls | alt spelling - spouse |
Jones | Hattie M. | 500 | 1914 | 115 | 331 | Heffley, Marion | David Jones | Anni Burls | |
Jones | Hattie M. | 500 | 1914 | 115 | 331 | Hellery, Marvin J. | David Jones | Anni Burls | alt spelling - spouse |
Jones | Jennie | 531 | 1914 | 115 | 362 | Cavill, George | Henry P. Jones | Hannah Williams | |
Jones | Mary | 529 | 1914 | 115 | 360 | Busk, John | Henry Jones | Mary Davis | |
Jones | Mary | 529 | 1914 | 115 | 360 | Bush, John | Henry Jones | Mary Davis | |
Jones | Ruth | 258 | 1914 | 115 | 89 | Bennett, Edward D. | William H. Jones | Rebeca Williams? | |
Jones | Thomas H. | 515 | 1914 | 115 | 346 | Davis, Anna | John M. Jones | Cathern M. Davis | duplicate return on film |
Jrencuka | Eva | 299 | 1914 | 115 | 130 | Bortenskis, George | Jacob Jrencuka | Maggie Stinatis | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Judge | Bridget | 493 | 1914 | 115 | 324 | Mack, Cornelius | Ambrose Sherodan | Helen Flinn | previous marriage ended by death on 07/30/1909 |
Jumper | Arthur | 355 | 1914 | 115 | 186 | Brady, Esther | Charles Jumper | Elizabeth Seiger | |
Jurkovitz | Ida | 328 | 1914 | 115 | 159 | Odger, William | Henry Jurkovitz | Sarah Newman | |
Jurkovitz | Ida | 328 | 1914 | 115 | 159 | Odzer, William | Henry Jurkovitz | Sarah Newman | alt spelling - spouse |
Juzanik | Jennie | 292 | 1914 | 115 | 123 | Boski, Bolik | Ignats Juzanik | Katie Diakma? | alt spelling - spouse |
Juzanik | Jennie | 292 | 1914 | 115 | 123 | Bolick, Boski | Ignats Juzanik | Katie Diakma? | duplicate entry, alt spelling; alt spelling on application |
Kagler | Ruth F. | 533 | 1914 | 115 | 364 | Morris, Charles J. | George O. Kagler | Tidvelle Evans | |
Kagler | Ruth F. | 533 | 1914 | 115 | 364 | Morris, Clarence J. | George O. Kagler | Tidvelle Evans | alt spelling - spouse |
Kain | Sagû | 197 | 1914 | 115 | 28 | Logan, Frank | Nicholas Kain | Ellin Hickey | |
Kalinoswka | Joseph | 221 | 1914 | 115 | 52 | Ruskouska, Annie | Thomas Kalinoswka | {Helen Dumuski} | |
Kalinowki | Joseph | 221 | 1914 | 115 | 52 | Ruskouska, Annie | Thomas Kalinowki | {Helen Dumuski} | alt spelling on application |
Kaliorwski | Joseph | 221 | 1914 | 115 | 52 | Rushkowski, Annie | Thomas Kaliorwski | {Helen Dumuski} | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Kalkouski | Joe | 249 | 1914 | 115 | 80 | Kupen, Margurite | John Kalkouski | Annie Merkiski | alt spelling - spouse |
Kalkouski | Joe | 249 | 1914 | 115 | 80 | Kupn, Margurite | John Kalkouski | Annie Merkiski | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Kalkousky | Nellie | 407 | 1914 | 115 | 238 | Sevitziki, Bolac | John Kalkousky | Anna Marcheski | |
Kalkowska | Nellie | 407 | 1914 | 115 | 238 | Sevitski, Bolac | John Kalkowska | Anna Marcheski | alt spelling on application |
Kalkowski | Joe | 249 | 1914 | 115 | 80 | Keiper, Margaret | John Kalkowski | Annie Merkiski | |
Kaminsky | Alfonc | 191 | 1914 | 115 | 22 | Butkus, Julia | Frank Kaminsky | Rose Boshos | |
Kanuscak | Anfrev | 318 | 1914 | 115 | 149 | Krusk, Annie B. | John Kanuscak | Mary | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Karwousky | Liepols | 476 | 1914 | 115 | 307 | Lorzalska, Sofia | Josef Karwousky | Zuzie Yachimeki | |
Karwowski | Leopold | 476 | 1914 | 115 | 307 | Lozolska, Lofini | Josef Karwowski | Zuzie Yachimeki | alt spelling on application |
Kaswoski | Leopold | 476 | 1914 | 115 | 307 | Lozalska, Sophia | Josef Kaswoski | Zuzie Yachimeki | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Katzenelan | Ida | 237 | 1914 | 115 | 68 | Resnick, Max | Ezy Katzenelan | Bessie Dryfer | alt spelling on application |
Katzinenlan | Ida | 237 | 1914 | 115 | 68 | Resmick, Max | Ezy Katzinenlan | Bessie Dryfer | |
Katznelson | Ida | 237 | 1914 | 115 | 68 | Resnick, Max | Ezy Katznelson | Bessie Dryfer | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Kavlish | Mary | 230 | 1914 | 115 | 61 | Wojtke, John | John Kavlish | Suzie Wlichen? | |
Kavlish | Mary | 230 | 1914 | 115 | 61 | Vojtko, John | John Kavlish | Suzie Wlichen? | alt spelling - spouse |
Kay | Nellie | 621 | 1914 | 115 | 452 | Lord, Luther | Charles K. Kay | Hannah K. Baker | |
Kazamerias | Balaszevicz | 338 | 1914 | 115 | 169 | Borblich, Maggie | Andros? Kazamerias | Agatha Juki? | duplicate entry, alt spellling |
Kazanska | Katie | 313 | 1914 | 115 | 144 | Dutko, Onufer | Mike Kazanska | Rose Denashko | |
Kazyurnska | Katie | 313 | 1914 | 115 | 144 | Dutko, Onoper | Mike Kazyurnska | Rose Denashko | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Keagley | Mabel | 320 | 1914 | 115 | 151 | Jennings, George | Charles F. Keagley | Ellen Monaghan (c) | alt spelling - consent |
Kearney | Walter G. | 422 | 1914 | 115 | 253 | Horton, Daisy | Timothy G. Kearney | Laura Henderson | |
Kegley | Mabel | 320 | 1914 | 115 | 151 | Jennings, George | Charles F. Kegley | Ellen Monaghan (c) | |
Keiper | Margaret | 249 | 1914 | 115 | 80 | Kalkowski, Joe | Daniel Keiper | Grace Smith | |
Kellow | Nicholas Albert | 345 | 1914 | 115 | 176 | Cunningham, Irene S. | Richard Kellow | Lizzie Davis | |
Kelly | Ida | 216 | 1914 | 115 | 47 | Hayes, Jerry P. | John J. Kelly | Cathern Sullivan? | |
Kelly | John Francis | 587 | 1914 | 115 | 418 | Sullivan, Mary | William Kelly | Mary Nolan | alt spelling - spouse |
Kelly | John Francis | 587 | 1914 | 115 | 418 | Sullivan, Maron | William Kelly | Mary Nolan | |
Kerling | Moore | 499 | 1914 | 115 | 330 | Heffley, Mae | Job W. Kerling | Louise Rustee | |
Keroczman | Wasil | 209 | 1914 | 115 | 40 | Ricko, Bertha | Alex Keroczman | Anni Mann | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Key | Sadie | 626 | 1914 | 115 | 457 | Griffiths, Joseph | Joseph Key | Rachel (not legible) | |
Kicskauski | John | 204 | 1914 | 115 | 35 | Kman, Helen | Toney Kicskauski | Rose | alt spelling on application |
Kiesel | Stephen E. | 346 | 1914 | 115 | 177 | Balog, Elizabeth | Androw E. Kiesel | Annie | |
King | Peter | 322 | 1914 | 115 | 153 | Haito, Cathern | Thomas King | Mary Conway | |
King | Peter | 322 | 1914 | 115 | 153 | Haiko, Cathern | Thomas King | Mary Conway | alt spelling - spouse |
King | Peter | 322 | 1914 | 115 | 153 | Haitco, Cathern | Thomas King | Mary Conway | alt spelling - spouse |
Kinnanery | Francis | 243 | 1914 | 115 | 74 | Young, Minnie | Dan Kinnaney | Annie Caffrey | alt spelling on application |
Kinnanrey | Francis | 243 | 1914 | 115 | 74 | Young, Minnie | Dan Kinnaney | Annie Caffrey | |
Kinnarnary | Francis | 243 | 1914 | 115 | 74 | Young, Minnie | Dan Kinnaney | Annie Caffrey | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Kinney | Julia | 281 | 1914 | 115 | 112 | Lipchock, Andrew | {Michael Kinney} | Christiana Petroch | |
Kinsilla | Mary | 582 | 1914 | 115 | 413 | Barrett, Joseph | John Kinsilla | Ellen Calkin? | alt spelling on application |
Kinslla | Mary | 582 | 1914 | 115 | 413 | Barrett, Joseph | John Kinslla | Ellen Calkin? | |
Kintner | Ethel M. | 606 | 1914 | 115 | 437 | Lord, Norman D. | Henry Kintner | Louise Hartley | |
Kirshner | Wolf | 363 | 1914 | 115 | 194 | Lefkowitz, Rose | Abram Kirshner | Molley Leurich? | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Kirshner | Wolfe | 363 | 1914 | 115 | 194 | Lefkowitz, Rose | Abram Kirshner | Molley Leurich? | |
Kissinger | Ray M. | 636 | 1914 | 115 | 467 | Walker, Ina F | Ray L. Kissinger | Mary Myers | |
Klassner | Anna F. | 546 | 1914 | 115 | 377 | Douglas, John B. | George Klassner | Philipene Smith (c) | alt spelling on application |
Klein | Katherine | 365 | 1914 | 115 | 196 | Graham, James | Joseph H. Klein | Mary Lutz | alt spelling on application |
Kline | Katherine | 365 | 1914 | 115 | 196 | Graham, James | Joseph H. Klein | Mary Lutz | |
Klock | J. S. | 507 | 1914 | 115 | 338 | Vanburen, Olive B. | Silvester Klock | Emma Jean Yale | |
Klock | J. S. | 507 | 1914 | 115 | 338 | Van Buren, Olive E. | Silvester Klock | Emma Jean Yale | alt spelling - spouse |
Kman | Helen | 204 | 1914 | 115 | 35 | Koscskauski, John | John Kman | Annie Colak | |
Kman | Helen | 204 | 1914 | 115 | 35 | Kicskauski, John | John Kman | Annie Colak | alt spelling - spouse |
Koba | Peter | 410 | 1914 | 115 | 241 | Kovacs, Annie | Mike Koba | Julia | alt spelling on application |
Kobo | Peter | 410 | 1914 | 115 | 241 | Kowiacs, Annie | Mike Kobo | Julia | |
Kobo | Peter | 410 | 1914 | 115 | 241 | Kovaics, Annie | Mike Kobo | Julia | alt spelling - spouse |
Kochis | Toney | 219 | 1914 | 115 | 50 | Demech, Anna | Toney Kochis | Annie | |
Koeczvom | Charley | 209 | 1914 | 115 | 40 | Recko, Bertha | Alex Koeczvom | Anni Mann | |
Koeczvom | Charley | 209 | 1914 | 115 | 40 | Hrecjsko, Bertha | Alex Koeczvom | Anni Mann | alt spelling - spouse |
Kohn | Anna | 463 | 1914 | 115 | 294 | Cohen, Harry | Bernard Kohn | Esther Schlus? | |
Kohuth | John | 282 | 1914 | 115 | 113 | Hoboken, Annie | Frank Kohuth | Mary | |
Koko | Julia | 357 | 1914 | 115 | 188 | Culk, Ignats | Andrew Koko | Julia Washindo | |
Kolenda | Alexandar | 391 | 1914 | 115 | 222 | Lopatka, Pearl | Stanley Kolenda | Mary Sloski | alt spelling on application |
Kolendar | Alexandar | 391 | 1914 | 115 | 222 | Lopatka, Pearl | Stanley Kolendar | Mary Sloski | |
Kolesnick | Paullif | 305 | 1914 | 115 | 136 | Danyluk, Peter | John Kolesnick | Nastaza | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Kolibaba | Suzie | 401 | 1914 | 115 | 232 | Michalko, Mike | George Kolibaba | Annie? Witok | c-g Annie Zagrajan |
Kopeka | Mary | 339 | 1914 | 115 | 170 | Coska, Frank | Andrew Kopeka | Eva Zelina | |
Kopras | Mary | 358 | 1914 | 115 | 189 | Hwaczuski, Anthony | Walter Kopras | Lizzie Kokler | |
Kopras | Mary | 358 | 1914 | 115 | 189 | Faszcriwski, Anthony | Walter Kopras | Lizzie Kokler | alt spelling - spouse |
Korsuski | Stanley | 301 | 1914 | 115 | 132 | Ruscek, Antonia | Walter Korsuski | Mary Gokofoski | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Koscskauski | John | 204 | 1914 | 115 | 35 | Kman, Helen | Toney Koscskauski | Rose | |
Koseck | Alexandar | 424 | 1914 | 115 | 255 | Salaza, Julia | Andrew Koses | Mary Harrioz | |
Koseck | Alexander | 424 | 1914 | 115 | 255 | Salazer, Julia | Andrew Koses | Mary Harrioz | alt spelling on application |
Koseko | Alexabdar | 238 | 1914 | 115 | 69 | Misklesanage, Della | Peter Koseko | Mary Domiski | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Koshis | Toney | 219 | 1914 | 115 | 50 | Demeck, Anna | Toney Koshis | Annie | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Kosuda | Annie | 277 | 1914 | 115 | 108 | Ferlick, Wo Jcvick | Frank Kosuda | Mary Zrono | alt spelling - spouse |
Kosuda | Annie | 277 | 1914 | 115 | 108 | Ferlick, Woziech | Frank Kosuda | Mary Zrono | alt spelling - spouse |
Kosuda | Annie | 277 | 1914 | 115 | 108 | Ferlik, Wojuch | Frank Kosuda | Mary Zrono | |
Koualsky | Mary | 342 | 1914 | 115 | 173 | Guntack, Stanley | Anthony Koualsky | Armi? Atmenska | |
Kouisiewski | Stanley | 301 | 1914 | 115 | 132 | Rusko, Antoinona | Walter Kouisiewski | Mary Gokofoski | alt spelling on application |
Kourin | Margarit | 336 | 1914 | 115 | 167 | Garifela, Guile | John Kourin | Margart | alt spelling - spouse |
Kourin | Margarit | 336 | 1914 | 115 | 167 | Garifila, Guile | John Kourin | Margart | |
Kourin | Margart | 336 | 1914 | 115 | 167 | Garifil, Guile | John Kourin | Margart | alt spelling - spouse |
Kourin | Margart | 336 | 1914 | 115 | 167 | Garifeli, Guile | John Kourin | Margart | alt spelling - spouse |
Kousnivski | Stanley | 301 | 1914 | 115 | 132 | Rusko, Antoinona | Walter Kousnivski | Mary Gokofoski | |
Kovacs | Annie | 410 | 1914 | 115 | 241 | Koba, Peter | Mike Kovacs | Mary | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Kovaics | Annie | 410 | 1914 | 115 | 241 | Kobo, Peter | Mike Kovaics | Mary | alt spelling on application |
Koval | George | 244 | 1914 | 115 | 75 | Zysecki, Stella | John C. Koval | Mary Gecik | alt spelling - spouse |
Koval | George | 244 | 1914 | 115 | 75 | Zepechcs, Stella | John C. Koval | Mary Gecik | |
Koval | George | 244 | 1914 | 115 | 75 | Szepches, Stella | John C. Koval | Mary Gecik | alt spelling - spouse |
Koval | George | 244 | 1914 | 115 | 75 | Szysecki, Stella | John C. Koval | Mary Gecik | alt spelling - spouse |
Koval | Naecra | 356 | 1914 | 115 | 187 | Casnski, William | John Koval | Eva Vida? | |
Kovnymeski | Androws | 318 | 1914 | 115 | 149 | Krenicky, Annie B. | John Kovnymeski | Mary | alt spelling - signature |
Kovnyuesk | Androw | 318 | 1914 | 115 | 149 | Krusk, Annie B. | John Kovnyuesk | Mary | alt spelling on application |
Kovnyueski | Androw | 318 | 1914 | 115 | 149 | Krenicky, Annie B. | John Kovnyueski | Mary | |
Kowalsky | Mary | 342 | 1914 | 115 | 173 | Guntack, Stanley | Anthony Kowalsky | Armi? Atmenska | alt spelling on application |
Kowiacs | Annie | 410 | 1914 | 115 | 241 | Kobo, Peter | Mike Kowiacs | Mary | |
Kraft | Bernard A. | 193 | 1914 | 115 | 24 | Kuhn, Margaret | Albert Kraft | Mary Frick | |
Kraft | Rose J. | 261 | 1914 | 115 | 92 | Zelimgo, Lewis | Peter Kraft | Madlein? Fettig | |
Kraft | Rose J. | 261 | 1914 | 115 | 92 | Zelingo, Louis | Peter Kraft | Madlein? Fettig | alt spelling - spouse |
Kraft | Vernard | 193 | 1914 | 115 | 24 | Kuhn, Margaret | Albert Kraft | Mary Frick | duplicate entry, alt spellling |
Kreiger | Irene W. | 270 | 1914 | 115 | 101 | Johnson, Carl | August Kreiger | Elizabeth | |
Krenicky | Annie B. | 318 | 1914 | 115 | 149 | Kovnymeski, Androws | John (not given) | Suzie Tomko | previous marriage ended by death on 03/06/1910; alt spelling - spouse |
Krenicky | Annie B. | 318 | 1914 | 115 | 149 | Kovnyueski, Androw | John (not given) | Suzie Tomko | previous marriage ended by death on 03/06/1910 |
Kresge | Martha | 274 | 1914 | 115 | 105 | Davis, James | Julis? Kresge | Mary Dinkel | alt spelling on application |
Kresgie | Martha | 274 | 1914 | 115 | 105 | Davis, James M. | Julis? Kresgie | Mary Dinkel | |
Krieger | Royal | 637 | 1914 | 115 | 468 | Cross, Cora E. | Friedrick Krieger | Gertrude Gumble | alt spelling on application |
Krielen | Anna Miller | 400 | 1914 | 115 | 231 | Adams, John | Daniel Krielen | Wilamenia Malla | |
Kronyazger | Elizabeth D. | 539 | 1914 | 115 | 370 | Oakes, N. F. | John (not given) | Tekla? Arnedt | previous marriage ended by death on 05/10/1907; alt spelling - signature |
Krotzer | Hazel G. | 611 | 1914 | 115 | 442 | Harvey, Moses E. | C. L. Krotzer | Nora Swarts | alt spelling on application |
Krotzer | Hazes | 611 | 1914 | 115 | 442 | Harvey, Moses E. | C. L. Krotzer | Nora Swarts | |
Kruger | Irene A. | 270 | 1914 | 115 | 101 | Johnson, Carl | August Kruger | Elizabeth | duplicate entry, alt spelling; alt spelling - signature |
Kruger | Royal | 637 | 1914 | 115 | 468 | Cross, Cora E. | Friedrick Kruger | Gertrude Gumble | |
Krusk | Annie B. | 318 | 1914 | 115 | 149 | Kanuscak, Anfrev | John (not given) | Suzie Tomko | previous marriage ended by death on 03/06/1910; alt spelling - duplicate return |
Krusk | Annie B. | 318 | 1914 | 115 | 149 | Kovnyuesk, Androw | John (not given) | Suzie Tomko | previous marriage ended by death on 03/06/1910; alt spelling - spouse |
Kryskynick | John | 380 | 1914 | 115 | 211 | Gorgal, Joanna | Joe Kryskynick | Laura | |
Kryslyniak | John | 380 | 1914 | 115 | 211 | Gorgal, Joanna | Joe Kryslyniak | Laura | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Krystynak | John | 380 | 1914 | 115 | 211 | Gorgol, Joanna | Joe Krystynak | Laura | |
Kuhn | Margaret | 193 | 1914 | 115 | 24 | Kraft, Bernard A. | Joseph F. Kuhn | Margart Houck | |
Kuhn | Margaret | 193 | 1914 | 115 | 24 | Kraft, Vernard | Joseph F. Kuhn | Margart Houck | duplicate entry - spouse |
Kuklo | Bronick | 436 | 1914 | 115 | 267 | Shimiko, Christiana | Mike Kuklo | Thressa Dembrosky | alt spelling - spouse |
Kuklo | Bronick | 436 | 1914 | 115 | 267 | Shimitko, Christanza | Mike Kuklo | Thressa Dembrosky | alt spelling on application |
Kuko | Bronick | 436 | 1914 | 115 | 267 | Shmitko, Chrisanaga | Mike Kuko | Thressa Dembrosky | |
Kulicka | Jennie | 361 | 1914 | 115 | 192 | Traisalski, Felix | Joe Kulicka | Sudvice? Krulich | |
Kulicka | Jennie | 361 | 1914 | 115 | 192 | Truskolaski, Felix | Joe Kulicka | Sudvice? Krulich | alt spelling - spouse |
Kupen | Margurite | 249 | 1914 | 115 | 80 | Kalkouski, Joe | Daniel Kupen | Grace Smith | alt spelling on application |
Kupn | Margurite | 249 | 1914 | 115 | 80 | Kalkouski, Joe | Daniel Kupn | Grace Smith | duplicate entry, alt spelling |
Kurciak | Mary | 309 | 1914 | 115 | 140 | Szwochoa, Mike | Andrew Kurciak | Anne Stacuk? | alt spelling on application |
Kurciak | Mary | 309 | 1914 | 115 | 140 | Szivochor, Mike | Andrew Kurciak | Anne Stacuk? | alt spelling - spouse |
Kurcisk | Mary | 309 | 1914 | 115 | 140 | Szwrocka, Mike | Andrew Kurcisk | Anne Stacuk? | alt spelling - spouse |
Kurcisk | Mary | 309 | 1914 | 115 | 140 | Szurocha, Mike | Andrew Kurcisk | Anne Stacuk? | alt spelling - signature |
Kurylik | Katie | 247 | 1914 | 115 | 78 | Vaybol, Yauwes | Peter Kurylik | Sophie Budno | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Kurynk | Katie | 247 | 1914 | 115 | 78 | Canol, Stanley | Peter Kurynk | Sophie Budno | |
Kuskouski | Fieliam | 332 | 1914 | 115 | 163 | Tronthena, Ustenia | Victor Kuskouski | Mary | previous marriage ended by death on 01/09/1914 |
Kuskowski | Feliciam | 332 | 1914 | 115 | 163 | Trouthona, Ustenia | Victor Kuskowski | Mary | previous marriage ended by death on 01/09/1914; alt spelling on application |
Kuskowski | Felimon | 332 | 1914 | 115 | 163 | Trouthona, Ustenia | Victor Kuskowski | Mary | previous marriage ended by death on 01/09/1914; alt spelling - duplicate return |
Kuzer | Royal | 637 | 1914 | 115 | 468 | Cross, Cora E. | Friedrick Kuzer | Gertrude Gumble | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Lack | John | 291 | 1914 | 115 | 122 | Brosky, Lizzie | Volentkosh? Lack | Mercy | |
Laird | Elizabeth | 390 | 1914 | 115 | 221 | Reese, Charles | John Shotwell | Annie Siepenter? | previous marriage ended by death on 12/24/1911; alt spelling - duplicate return |
Lamarouax | Addie Rebbaca (sic) | 584 | 1914 | 115 | 415 | Berdine, Henry John | Chancy (not given) | Allice E. Adams | previous marriage ended by death on 11/05/1903? |
Lamberti | Giovannina | 608 | 1914 | 115 | 439 | Semenzo, Alfonzo | Nunzi Lamberti | Anna Danglis | |
Lamberti | Giovannina | 608 | 1914 | 115 | 439 | Semenza, Alfonso | Nunzi Lamberti | Anna Danglis | alt spelling on application |
Lameoreaux | Addie Rebaca | 584 | 1914 | 115 | 415 | Derdine, Henry John | Chancy (not given) | Allice E. Adams | previous marriage ended by death on 11/05/1903?; alt spelling - duplicate return |
Lameoreaux | Addie Rebeca | 584 | 1914 | 115 | 415 | Berdine, Henry John | Chancy (not given) | Allice E. Adams | previous marriage ended by death on 11/05/1903?; alt spelling on application |
Lanbrick | Albert | 516 | 1914 | 115 | 347 | Schneider, Mary | Frederick Lanbrick | Freda Hooper | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Lanbrick | Alfia | 516 | 1914 | 115 | 347 | Schneider, Mary | Frederick Lanbrick | Freda Hooper | |
Lasata | Carol | 351 | 1914 | 115 | 182 | Yackavack, Maggie S. | Joe Lasata | Annie Bernoski | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Lasota | Caroli | 351 | 1914 | 115 | 182 | Yistacnak, Maggie S. | Joe Lasota | Annie Bernoski | |
Lasota | Caroli | 351 | 1914 | 115 | 182 | Yitscavach, Maggie S. | Joe Lasota | Annie Bernoski | alt spelling - spouse |
Laurence | William | 617 | 1914 | 115 | 448 | Pace, Millie | Joseph Laurence | Florence Belomina | alt spelling on application |
Lavin | James J. | 199 | 1914 | 115 | 30 | Reap, Mary | John Lavin | Mary Gaffiny | |
Lawrence | Stanley | 412 | 1914 | 115 | 243 | Heal, Bessie | D. William Lawrence | Mary D. Fake | |
Lawrence | Stanton I. | 412 | 1914 | 115 | 243 | Heal, Bessie | D. William Lawrence | Mary D. Fake | alt spelling on application |
Lawrence | William | 617 | 1914 | 115 | 448 | Pace, Millie | Joseph Lawrence | Florence Belomina | |
Layord | Elizabeth | 390 | 1914 | 115 | 221 | Reese, Charles | John Shotwell | Annie Siepenter? | previous marriage ended by death on 12/24/1911 |
Le Fever | Louisa J. | 633 | 1914 | 115 | 464 | Ellsworth, Edgar | John (not given) | Cathryn Bohn | alt spelling on application |
Leanord | Thomas | 241 | 1914 | 115 | 72 | Roche, Margaret | Patrick Leanord | Margaret Costello | previous marriage ended by death no date given; alt spelling - duplicate return |
Lebijanag | Sam | 376 | 1914 | 115 | 207 | Stacavage, Dara | Micheal Lebijanag | Annie | |
Lebjanage | Sam | 376 | 1914 | 115 | 207 | Stacavage, Dara | Micheal Lebjanage | Annie | alt spelling on application |
Lefever | Louisa J. | 633 | 1914 | 115 | 464 | Ellsworth, Edgar | John (not given) | Cathryn Bohn | previous marriage ended by death on 12/03/1908 |
Lefkowitz | Rose | 363 | 1914 | 115 | 194 | Kirshner, Wolfe | Myer Lefkowitz | Sarah Weisberger | |
Lefkowitz | Rose | 363 | 1914 | 115 | 194 | Kirshner, Wolf | Myer Lefkowitz | Sarah Weisberger | alt spelling - spouse |
Lemkin | John | 252 | 1914 | 115 | 83 | Berdosky, Anna | Fritz Lemkin | Elcie | |
Lemkins | John | 252 | 1914 | 115 | 83 | Brodosky, Anna | Fritz Lemkins | Elcie | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Leonard | Thomas | 241 | 1914 | 115 | 72 | Roche, Margaret | Patrick Leonard | Margaret Costello | previous marriage ended by death no date given; alt spelling on application |
Lester | Klara | 448 | 1914 | 115 | 279 | Newman, Harry M. | Jacob Lester | Rebecca Offenburg | |
Leveski | Joseph | 561 | 1914 | 115 | 392 | Bacucavya, Marsale | Joseph Leveski | Patri Shopeti? | |
Leveski | Joseph | 561 | 1914 | 115 | 392 | Baceuczwike, Marsale | Joseph Leveski | Patri Shopeti? | alt spelling - spouse |
Levine | Hyman | 660 | 1914 | 115 | 491 | Frymernian, Sene | Joseph Levine | Annie Blach | |
Levine | Hyman | 660 | 1914 | 115 | 491 | Frymerman, Sera | Joseph Levine | Annie Blach | alt spelling - spouse |
Lewis | Annie | 278 | 1914 | 115 | 109 | Richards, Llewlyn | Bengiman Boblin | Mary Davis | previous marriage ended by death on 04/--/1914 |
Lewis | Annie | 278 | 1914 | 115 | 109 | Richards, Lleulyn | Bengiman Boblin | Mary Davis | previous marriage ended by death on 04/--/1914; alt spelling - spouse |
Lewis | Laurenc R. | 513 | 1914 | 115 | 344 | Patterson, Sarah M. | Waren Lewis | Elcie Garwns? | |
Lewis | Laurence R. | 513 | 1914 | 115 | 344 | Patterson, Sarah M. | Waren Lewis | Elcie Garwns? | alt spelling on application |
Lewis | Mildred M. | 628 | 1914 | 115 | 459 | Byrley, Olen | James Lewis | Dora Hairs | |
Lewis | Mildred M. | 628 | 1914 | 115 | 459 | Byrle, Olen B. | James Lewis | Dora Hairs | alt spelling - spouse |
Licoti | Amelia | 215 | 1914 | 115 | 46 | Slyernski, Paul | Antony Licoti | Mary | alt spelling - signature |
Licoto | Amelia | 215 | 1914 | 115 | 46 | Slevenski, Paull | Antony Licoto | Mary | |
Linko | Tharasa | 337 | 1914 | 115 | 168 | Cerek, Dominick | George Linko | Eurina | |
Linko | Theresa | 337 | 1914 | 115 | 168 | Cerek, Dominick | George Linko | Eurina | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Lipchock | Andrew | 281 | 1914 | 115 | 112 | Kinney, Julia | Frank Lipchock | Julia Zelko | |
Lisk | Bert | 607 | 1914 | 115 | 438 | Richards, Vilo | Gidean Lisk | Johanna Davis | |
Lisk | Bert | 607 | 1914 | 115 | 438 | Richards, Viola | Gidean Lisk | Johanna Davis | alt spelling - spouse |
Lispi | Gelso | 512 | 1914 | 115 | 343 | Mickelletti, Antonia | Divedo Lispi | Cecila Antrali | |
Lister | Klara | 448 | 1914 | 115 | 279 | Newman, Harry M. | Jacob Lister | Rebecca Offenburg | duplicate entry, alt spelling; alt spelling on application |
Lock | George | 473 | 1914 | 115 | 304 | Belagani, Avela | George Lock | Julia Corputo | |
Lodwig | Chester D. | 271 | 1914 | 115 | 102 | Wagner, Marie Anna | Lot Lodwig | Margart Williams | alt spelling on application |
Lodwigg | Chester D. | 271 | 1914 | 115 | 102 | Wagner, Marie Hann | Lot Lodwig | Margart Williams | |
Loftus | Irene | 494 | 1914 | 115 | 325 | Evans, William P. | Owen Loftus | Ann Dugan | |
Loftus | Walter E. | 667 | 1914 | 115 | 498 | Campbell, Mary M. | Micheal Loftus | Bridget McNally | alt spelling - spouse |
Loftus | Walter E. | 667 | 1914 | 115 | 498 | Cambell, Mary M. | Micheal Loftus | Bridget McNally | |
Logan | Frank | 197 | 1914 | 115 | 28 | Kain, Sagû | James Logan | Bridget Walsh | |
Loma | Celia | 551 | 1914 | 115 | 382 | Courey, Peter | {Joseph Loma} | Amelia Bede | alt spelling - spouse |
Loma | Celia | 551 | 1914 | 115 | 382 | Coury, Peter | {Joseph Loma} | Amelia Bede | |
Lopatka | Pearl | 391 | 1914 | 115 | 222 | Kolenda, Alexandar | Anthony Lopatka | Victora | alt spelling - spouse |
Lopatka | Pearl | 391 | 1914 | 115 | 222 | Kolendar, Alexandar | Anthony Lopatka | Victora | |
Lord | Luther | 621 | 1914 | 115 | 452 | Kay, Nellie | Etcela Lord | Jennie Kintz | |
Lord | Norman D. | 606 | 1914 | 115 | 437 | Kintner, Ethel M. | Edwin Lord | Rose Bogner | |
Lorzalska | Sofia | 476 | 1914 | 115 | 307 | Karwousky, Liepols | Joseph Lorzalska | Maggie Roskoski | |
Lovello | Angelo | 589 | 1914 | 115 | 420 | Pace, Domenico M. | Dintho Lovello | Mary Cocseto? | |
Lozalska | Sophia | 476 | 1914 | 115 | 307 | Kaswoski, Leopold | Joseph Lozalska | Maggie Roskoski | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Lozolska | Lofini | 476 | 1914 | 115 | 307 | Karwowski, Leopold | Joseph Lozolska | Maggie Roskoski | alt spelling - signature |
Luckazky | Stella | 298 | 1914 | 115 | 129 | Felczuk, Antoni | Josef Luckazky | Anna Pevovage | alt spelling - spouse |
Luckazky | Stella | 298 | 1914 | 115 | 129 | Felcsuk, Antoni | Josef Luckazky | Anna Pevovage | alt spelling - spouse |
Luckazky | Stella | 298 | 1914 | 115 | 129 | Feleruk, Anthony | Josef Luckazky | Anna Pevovage | |
Lyon | Charles | 511 | 1914 | 115 | 342 | Abrams, Anna | Samuel Lyon | Fannie? | alt spelling on application |
Lyons | Charles | 511 | 1914 | 115 | 342 | Abrams, Anna | Samuel Lyons | Fannie? | alt spelling - duplicate return |
Lyons | Chars (sic) | 511 | 1914 | 115 | 342 | Abrams, Anna | Samuel Lyons | Fannie? |
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