Lackawanna PA, USGenWebLackawanna County Marriage Licenses Index
Volume 115, Page 1: A to F

A to F
G to L
M to R
S to Z

The date of return is not included on these pages. Between 1905 and the middle of 1913, the applicant was not asked for the names of parents unless consent was required. Names contained between braces, i.e. {John Jones}, mean that the parent of the applicant was deceased at the time the license was obtained. A (c) in the Father or Mother column means consent was given.

Permission is given to use this material on the PAGenWeb / USGenWeb project for the purpose of doing individual family research only. You may not copy them to another website (links are fine). Distribution in print or via any digital media is prohibited.

While every effort has been made to interpret the names accurately, the quality of both the handwriting and the film were poor. In many cases the surnames of the parents were not given and in others where the mother's maiden name was not legible, the surname has been left blank. Please check the original document or film to make your own determination.

Contributed by Richard M. Reese 2009

Surname Given Lic# Year Vol Page Spouse Father Mother Notes
Abocok Mike 375 1914 115 206 Deonitz, Mary M. John Abock Annie Mischko previous marriage ended by death on 08/20/1913
Abrams Anna 511 1914 115 342 Lyons, Chars (sic) Elias Abrams Bertha Piltin  
Abrams Anna 511 1914 115 342 Lyon, Charles Elias Abrams Bertha Piltin alt spelling - spouse
Abrams Anna 511 1914 115 342 Lyons, Charles Elias Abrams Bertha Piltin alt spelling - spouse
Absolom Morgan 559 1914 115 390 Bates, Muriel John Absolom Hope? Parry alt spelling - spouse
Absolom Morgan 559 1914 115 390 Bates, Murel John Absolom Hope? Parry  
Ace Elizabeth H. 457 1914 115 288 Brown, Earl K. William K. Ace Lizzie H. Reese  
Adams George 479 1914 115 310 Reagan, Catherine Sidney Adams Margaret Figert  
Adams George 479 1914 115 310 Rigan, Cathryn Sidney Adams Margaret Figert duplicate entry - spouse
Adams George 479 1914 115 310 Regan, Katherine Sidney Adams Margaret Figert duplicate entry - spouse
Adams John 400 1914 115 231 Krielen, Anna Miller George Adams Ellen Bodonk  
Adryan Martin 434 1914 115 265 Szewchyk, Paulina Martin Adryan Mary Walczenash alt spelling on application
Adryon Martin 434 1914 115 265 Szenchyk, Pauline Martin Adryon Mary Walczenash  
Aitz Mary Ann 287 1914 115 118 Henson, James Andrew Bengiman Davis Mary Clark previous marriage ended by death on 01/19/1907
Aitz Mary Ann 287 1914 115 118 Henson, James Androw Bengiman Davis Mary Clark previous marriage ended by death on 01/19/1907; alt spelling - spouse
Akineta Katie 170 1914 115 1 Selemonia, Piter Antony Akineta Katie Sewick?  
Akineta Katie 170 1914 115 1 Samolcwicz, Peter Antony Akineta Katie Sewick? alt spelling - spouse
Akineta Katie 170 1914 115 1 Selemouis, Peter Antony Akineta Katie Sewick? alt spelling - spouse
Alberto Vitalutti 226 1914 115 57 Mattei, Antonia Vitealetti Alberto Renasi?  
Allen Sarah 556 1914 115 387 Jeffry, David Edward M. Allen Mary Ann Evans  
Allen Sarah 556 1914 115 387 Jeffery, David Edward M. Allen Mary Ann Evans alt spelling - spouse
Amos Brinley 643 1914 115 474 Austin, Grace Gwelym Amos Ellen Price?  
Andrulis Joe 300 1914 115 131 Urceis, Vanacas Frank Andrulis Martha Pranciskis alt spelling - spouse
Andrulis Joe 300 1914 115 131 Urceis, Vanace Frank Andrulis Martha Pranciskis alt spelling - spouse
Andubis Joe 300 1914 115 131 Urceis, Vanacos Frank Andubis Martha Pranciskis  
Angariana Mary 635 1914 115 466 Darienzo, Erasmo Mike Angariana Ellen Gripp  
Angrisana Maria 635 1914 115 466 Dariemzo, Erasmo Mike Angariana Ellen Gripp alt spelling - duplicate return
Antovonck Toney 231 1914 115 62 Roman, Bridget Mike Antovonck Mary Kolsick  
Antronck Toney 231 1914 115 62 Roman, Bridget Mike Antronck Mary Kolsick alt spelling on application
Aplanap Lyda Lena 364 1914 115 195 Rohon, John M., Jr. Andraw? Aplanap Minne Rolf alt spelling - spouse
Aplanap Lyda Lena 364 1914 115 195 Rohon, Jr. John Andraw? Aplanap Minne Rolf  
Apon Joseph 387 1914 115 218 Vendosty, Stefania Stanley Apon Antonina Refolka  
Apon Joseph 387 1914 115 218 Vendolsty, Stefania Stanley Apon Antonina Refolka alt spelling - spouse
Archer Ada 658 1914 115 489 Snodgrass, Robert A. Samuel Archer Ada Mois?  
Ariva Andrew 286 1914 115 117 Gulek, Mary Job? Ariva Barbaw? alt spelling - duplicate return
Ariva Androw 286 1914 115 117 Gulek, Mary Job? Ariva Barbaw?  
Armburst Ella Anna 642 1914 115 473 Weber, Charles Charles Armburst Caroline Egan  
Atherton Arthur 214 1914 115 45 Cragle, Ethel Sterling E. Atherton Ella Dodson  
Audracvsky Mike 341 1914 115 172 Staba, Anastaza {Aleck Audracosky} {Mary Supko} previous marriage ended by death on 09/07/1913; alt spelling on application
Audrausky Mike 341 1914 115 172 Staba, Anastaza {Aleck Audracosky} {Mary Supko} previous marriage ended by death on 09/07/1913; alt spelling - duplicate return
Audrousky Mike 341 1914 115 172 Staba, Anastaza {Aleck Audracosky} {Mary Supko} previous marriage ended by death on 09/07/1913
Austin Grace 643 1914 115 474 Amos, Brinley Albert? Austin Hattie Dayman  
Austin Louis H. 591 1914 115 422 Matteson, Edna William Austin Hannah Cadden  
Austin Louis L. 591 1914 115 422 Matterson, Edna William Austin Hannah Cadden alt spelling on application
Avelline Postanza 663 1914 115 494 Coriel, Angelo John Avelline not legible  
Baceuczwike Marsale 561 1914 115 392 Leveski, Joseph Sabisti Baceuczwike Antonina Skoulki alt spelling on application
Bacucavya Marsale 561 1914 115 392 Leveski, Joseph Sabisti Bacucavya Antonina Skoulki  
Bailey Ethel 651 1914 115 482 Sampson, Leon Joseph Bailey Francis Angwin  
Balaszevicz Kazamerias 338 1914 115 169 Borblick, Maggie Andros? Balaszevicz Agatha Juki? alt spelling - duplicate return
Baldossini Nazzareno 426 1914 115 257 Carpineti, Cesilde Antonia Baldossini Denunart Frudcher alt spelling - spouse
Baldossini Nazzareno 426 1914 115 257 Nazzareno, Cesilda Antonia Baldossini Denunart Frudcher alt spelling on application
Baleseana Kazimian 338 1914 115 169 Borblich, Maggie Andros? Baleseana Agatha Juki?  
Balesiarven Kazimerar 338 1914 115 169 Borblick, Maggie Andros? Balesiarven Agatha Juki? alt spelling on application
Balog Elizabeth 346 1914 115 177 Kiesel, Stephen E. Steve Balog Mary  
Barber Christopher A. 179 1914 115 10 Powell, Agnes Christopher Barber Bridget Conoboy  
Barclay Catherine Ann 367 1914 115 198 Walters, Micheal James Barclay Elizabeth Morris (c)  
Barden Alice E. 458 1914 115 289 White, George Alfred Barden Emma Potter alt spelling on application
Barden Allice 458 1914 115 289 White, George Alfred Barden Emma Potter  
Barnada Pauline 540 1914 115 371 Dorar, Toney Manwals Barnada Rose Salemeti alt spelling - spouse
Barnada Pauline 540 1914 115 371 Doror, Toney Manwals Barnada Rose Salemeti  
Barnes Myrtle M. 572 1914 115 403 Goodwin, Raymond N. John Barnes Jennie Yale  
Barnicott Alice 359 1914 115 190 Morcom, George James Barnicott Margaret Benson  
Barrett Joseph 582 1914 115 413 Kinsilla, Mary Micheal Barrett Cathren Gallagher alt spelling - spouse
Barrett Joseph 582 1914 115 413 Kinslla, Mary Micheal Barrett Cathren Gallagher  
Bates Murel 559 1914 115 390 Absolom, Morgan William Bates Elizabeth Davis  
Bates Muriel 559 1914 115 390 Absolom, Morgan William Bates Elizabeth Davis alt spelling on application
Bayovanskie William 324 1914 115 155 Tubescajte, Barbour Zathas? Bayovanskie Barbour  
Bean Frank C. 471 1914 115 302 Moran, Helen Clarence J. Bean Rose Burkart  
Beardsley Lena Ella 480 1914 115 311 Highfield, William Ellsworth E. Beardsley Lena Cablee  
Beckage George B. 413 1914 115 244 Gonos, Veronica Andrew Beckage Martha Secoda alt spelling - spouse
Beckage George B. 413 1914 115 244 Gonos, Vernoice Andrew Beckage Martha Secoda  
Becker Francis Estella 644 1914 115 475 Bush, John Henry Becker Nettie Hollenback  
Becker Francis Estella 644 1914 115 475 Burch, John Henry Becker Nettie Hollenback alt spelling - spouse
Beers May 509 1914 115 340 Traher, Albert D. Richard Beers Clara Gereps?  
Beittel Fred W. 528 1914 115 359 Rife, Mary Elizabeth Bengiman Beittel Vina Ebersol alt spelling - spouse
Beittel Fred W. 528 1914 115 359 Reif, Mary Elizabeth Bengiman Beittel Vina Ebersol  
Belagani Avela 473 1914 115 304 Lock, George George Belagani Anna Rucosko  
Bell Mary 654 1914 115 485 Savadkin, Louis David (not given) Bessie previous marriage ended by divorce on 09/22/1909
Bendzunas Helen 217 1914 115 48 Populack, Martin George Bendzunas Margart Boclovski (c)  
Benedict Nellie C. 431 1914 115 262 Housberger, Charles Frank Benedict Sarah Sparks  
Bengiman Florence M. 665 1914 115 496 Green, Milo D. Harvey Bengiman Emma Rink?  
Benjamin Florence M. 665 1914 115 496 Green, Milo D. Harvey Benjamin Emma Rink? alt spelling on application
Bennet Tom Albert Melvin 171 1914 115 2 Wray, Mary Joseph Bennet Annie Verna alt spelling - duplicate return
Bennett Edward D. 258 1914 115 89 Jones, Ruth Daniel Bennett Emma Wilson  
Bennett Richard L. 445 1914 115 276 Maricle, Gladys John H. Bennett Misty? Reynolds  
Bennett Richard L. 445 1914 115 276 Maricki, Gladys John H. Bennett Misty? Reynolds  
Bennett Richard L. 445 1914 115 276 Maricli, Gladys John H. Bennett Misty? Reynolds alt spelling - spouse
Bennett Tom Albert Mellor 171 1914 115 2 Wray, Mary Joseph Bennett Annie Verna  
Benscoski Bennie 256 1914 115 87 Ruskoski, Stafmey Steve Benscoski Marenia  
Benscoski Bennie 256 1914 115 87 Rushiskoski, Stefany Steve Benscoski Marenia alt spelling - spouse
Benvenuta Giavkannia 612 1914 115 443 Grasso, Guiseppe Antro Benvenuta Angelo Troe? alt spelling on application
Benvenutto Giovanna 612 1914 115 443 Grasso, Guiseppe Antro Benvenutto Angelo Troe? alt spelling - duplicate return
Benzie Rose 593 1914 115 424 Ruolo, Harry John Benzie Annie Anico? or Arusco? duplicate return on film; alt spelling - spouse
Benzie Rose 593 1914 115 424 Roccio, Hawrylo John Benzie Annie Anico? or Arusco? duplicate return on film; alt spelling - duplicate return
Benzo Rose 593 1914 115 424 Rocclo, Harry John Benzo Annie Anico? or Arusco? duplicate return on film
Benzo Rose 593 1914 115 424 Ronlos, Harry John Benzo Annie Anico? or Arusco? duplicate return on film; alt spelling - spouse
Berdine Henry John 584 1914 115 415 Lamarouax, Addie Rebbaca (sic) Henry Berdine Sarah Deitrick previous marriage ended by death on 01/26/1913
Berdine Henry John 584 1914 115 415 Lameoreaux, Addie Rebeca Henry Berdine Sarah Deitrick previous marriage ended by death on 01/26/1913; alt spelling - spouse
Berdosky Anna 252 1914 115 83 Lemkin, John Michael Brodosky Anna Pancie previous marriage ended by death on 09/24/1910
Berrnan Kearn 383 1914 115 214 Callahan, Josephene M. Kearn Berrnan Mary Barret alt spelling on application
Beseventa Giavkomia 612 1914 115 443 Grasso, Gieseppi Antro Beseventa Angelo Troe?  
Beshen Alexander 229 1914 115 60 Hoherchak, Mary Alex Beshen Annie  
Beslowsky Joseph 548 1914 115 379 Setz, Yetta Bengiman Beslowsky Julia? Levan  
Besten John G. 326 1914 115 157 Slaviskie, Margaret Frank Besten Annie Banstavage alt spelling on application
Beston G. John 326 1914 115 157 Slavinska, Margart Frank Beston Annie Banstavage  
Bevery George Paul 302 1914 115 133 Swamly, Catherine Barbara Steven Bevery Lena Easterley alt spelling - duplicate return
Bevry George Paul 302 1914 115 133 Swamley, Catherine Barbara Steven Bevry Lena Easterley  
Bierman Joseph 579 1914 115 410 Weisberger, Mary Jacob Bierman Sarah Kruprot?  
Bilesky Dammy 294 1914 115 125 Warslosky, Stanley Joe? Bilesky Mary Ozovagi alt spelling - spouse
Bilesky Dammy 294 1914 115 125 Wasilvskas, Stanley Joe? Bilesky Mary Ozovagi alt spelling - spouse
Bilesky Dammy 294 1914 115 125 Wasilevzky, Stanley Joe? Bilesky Mary Ozovagi  
Biohra Antonina 450 1914 115 281 Monroe, Martin Joe Gecko? Maryanna previous marriage ended by death on 10/13/1913; alt spelling on application
Biohro Antonina 450 1914 115 281 Monroe, Martin Joe Gecko? Maryanna previous marriage ended by death on 10/13/1913
Bissell Estella Louise 625 1914 115 456 Stark, Lee P. Arthur Bissell Mary E. Cropsey  
Blackenburg Minnie 552 1914 115 383 Shapley, Jonathan William Hupp Frederica Splenki?  
Blackenburg Minnie 552 1914 115 383 Shapley, Jonathan William Hupp Frederica Splenki? previous marriage ended by death on 02/16/1913
Blackwood Harvey Jansen 594 1914 115 425 Rafferty, Pearl Elizabeth John Blackwood Elizabeth Harvey  
Blair Marcruss 598 1914 115 429 Witter, Ida May Alfred Blair Charlotte Allen previous marriage ended by death on 07/27/1912
Blair Marcus A. 598 1914 115 429 Witter, Ida May Alfred Blair Charlotte Allen previous marriage ended by death on 07/27/1912; alt spelling on application
Blarachuck Annie 340 1914 115 171 Penksa, John Mike Blarachuck Victora Sidlock  
Blarchuck Annie 340 1914 115 171 Penksa, John Mike Blarchuck Victora Sidlock alt spelling on application
Blishiak Anna 248 1914 115 79 Selepak, William Mickel Blishiak Anna Yidola alt spelling on application
Blishnek Anna 248 1914 115 79 Selepak, William Mickel Blishnek Anna Yidola  
Blocko Bolic 292 1914 115 123 Grzuzk, Orphenea Aleck Blocko not given alt spelling on application
Bloski Balick 292 1914 115 123 Gozuzk, Ophenca Aleck Bloski not given  
Blska Fannie 210 1914 115 41 Peslaki, George George Blska Ellen  
Bocker Kati 441 1914 115 272 Horvath, Anthony Vinel Bocker Tuas? Nargash  
Böcrkei Kati 441 1914 115 272 Hovrath, Anthony Vinel Böcrkei Tuas? Nargash alt spelling on application
Boder Mary 267 1914 115 98 Cerar, Blos Frank Boder Fannie Kuclerman  
Bogdancry William 324 1914 115 155 Tabulajte, Barbour Zathas? Bogdancry Barbour alt spelling - duplicate return
Bogenis Toney 416 1914 115 247 Toudzer, Natale Felix Bogenis Annie alt spelling on application
Boginia Agness 464 1914 115 295 Caponari, Angelio John Boginia Issabella Paoducci?  
Bogonic Toney 416 1914 115 247 Toudzer, Natale Felix Bogonic Annie  
Bogouski Ignats 323 1914 115 154 Matkenis, Rose Joe Bogouski Maggie  
Bolesja Fannie 210 1914 115 41 Pislaki, George George Blska Ellen alt spelling - duplicate return
Boleskci Catherine 441 1914 115 272 Horvah, Anthony Vinel Boleskci Tuas? Nargash alt spelling - duplicate return
Bolick Boski 292 1914 115 123 Juzanik, Jennie Aleck Bolick not given  
Bondy Lena 394 1914 115 225 Muscarella, Charley Joe Bondy Josephenia Camponia alt spelling - spouse
Bondy Lena 394 1914 115 225 Muscaralla, Charley Joe Bondy Josephenia Camponia  
Borblich Maggie 338 1914 115 169 Kazamerias, Balaszevicz Adam Borblich Eva Gallrizioke? duplicate entry - spouse
Borblich Maggie 338 1914 115 169 Baleseana, Kazimian Adam Borblich Eva Gallrizioke?  
Borblick Maggie 338 1914 115 169 Balaszevicz, Kazamerias Adam Borblick Eva Gallrizioke? alt spelling on application
Borblick Maggie 338 1914 115 169 Balesiarven, Kazimerar Adam Borblick Eva Gallrizioke? alt spelling - spouse
Borgioni Agness 464 1914 115 295 Caponmassi, Angelo John Borgioni Issabella Paoducci? alt spelling on application
Borgirni Agnes 464 1914 115 295 Caponmazzi, Angelo John Borgirni Issabella Paoducci? alt spelling - spouse
Borgirni Agnes 464 1914 115 295 Caponassi, Angelo John Borgirni Issabella Paoducci? alt spelling - duplicate return
Bornesky Thomas 344 1914 115 175 Grolsky, Bridget Adolph Bornesky Francis Vansky alt spelling on application
Bornosky Thomas 344 1914 115 175 Grolsky, Bridget Adolph Bornosky Francis Vansky  
Borntraeger Anita L. 255 1914 115 86 Morrissery, Alphonse Charles Borntraeger Mary Waltz  
Borntrarger Anita L. 255 1914 115 86 Morrissery, Alphonis Charles Borntrarger Mary Waltz alt spelling - duplicate return
Borse Antony 224 1914 115 55 Polosko, Minnie Mike Borse Siena  
Bortenskis George 299 1914 115 130 Jrencuka, Eva George Bortenskis Beatrice Grecke alt spelling on application
Bortensky George 299 1914 115 130 Inorurska, Eva George Bortensky Beatrice Grecke  
Bortensky George 299 1914 115 130 Inorcuika, Eva George Bortensky Beatrice Grecke alt spelling - spouse
Boski Bolik 292 1914 115 123 Juzanik, Jennie Aleck Boski not given alt spelling - duplicate return
Bovowiec Mike 234 1914 115 65 Mudlo, Nastiza John Bovowiec Catherin alt spelling on application
Bovowis Mike 234 1914 115 65 Mudlo, Nastiza John Bovowis Catherin  
Bradley William J. 303 1914 115 134 McDonoug, Beatrice James F. Bradley Elizabeth McGrath  
Bradley William J. 303 1914 115 134 McDonough, Beatrice James F. Bradley Elizabeth McGrath alt spelling - spouse
Brady Esther 355 1914 115 186 Jumper, Arthur John Brady Isabell Moran?  
Brennan Margaret 669 1914 115 500 Sheridan, Charles L. Henry Brennan Sarah McGauglon? alt spelling on application
Brennan Margart F. 669 1914 115 500 Sheridan, Charles L. Henry Brennan Sarah McGauglon?  
Brennen Kearn 383 1914 115 214 Callahan, Josephene M. Kearn Brennen Mary Barret  
Breschel Mabelle Eleanor 655 1914 115 486 Druck, Jack Leebert not legible Hannah (not legible) alt spelling - spouse
Breschel Mabelle Eleanor 655 1914 115 486 Druck, Jack Lebert not legible Hannah (not legible)  
Briscase Patsy 198 1914 115 29 Descorito, Mary Donato Briscase Fannie Rosiasanna  
Briscese Patsy 198 1914 115 29 Descorito, Mary Donato Briscese Fannie Rosiasanna  
Briscess Patsy 198 1914 115 29 Descorito, Mary Donato Briscess Fannie Rosiasanna alt spelling - duplicate return
Broder Mary 267 1914 115 98 Cerar, Blas Frank Broder Fannie Kuclerman alt spelling - duplicate return
Brodosky Anna 252 1914 115 83 Lemkins, John Michael Brodosky Anna Pancie previous marriage ended by death on 09/24/1910; alt spelling on application
Brodubis Toney 239 1914 115 70 Stiunpenkwica, Josephine Mike Brodubis Mary Bravides?  
Broski Emilie 409 1914 115 240 Dombrosky, Joe Thomas Broski Annie Pobloski  
Broski Emilie 409 1914 115 240 Dombroski, Joe Thomas Broski Annie Pobloski alt spelling - spouse
Broskie Emilie 409 1914 115 240 Debroski, Joe Thomas Broskie Annie Pobloski alt spelling - spouse
Broskie Emilie 409 1914 115 240 Dabroski, Joe Thomas Broskie Annie Pobloski alt spelling on application
Brosky Lizzie 291 1914 115 122 Lack, John George Brosky Annie  
Brovalis Toney 239 1914 115 70 Stuperkoneci, Josephine Mike Brovalis Mary Bravides? duplicate entry
Brovalis Toney 239 1914 115 70 Stiuperkwia, Josephine Mike Brovalis Mary Bravides? alt spelling on application
Browailis Toney 239 1914 115 70 Slupenkevicunle, Jaye Mike Browailis Mary Bravides? alt spelling - duplicate return
Brown Earl K. 457 1914 115 288 Ace, Elizabeth H. Albert L. Brown Marselio Swingle  
Brown Fred 620 1914 115 451 Murphy, Margaret Bacy? John Brown Mary Scanlon  
Brown Mary 370 1914 115 201 McCrone, Edward John Brown Winerford Eagen  
Browning Eliza E. 374 1914 115 205 Hovrocks, George H. George Browning Bessie Mainwern?  
Browning Esther 465 1914 115 296 Gwynne, Willard William Browning Martha? Morris  
Buceuczinki Marsale 561 1914 115 392 Teviskie, Joseph Sabisti Buceuczinki Antonina Skoulki alt spelling - duplicate return
Buckland Ella 564 1914 115 395 Jones, Enoch Harvey (not given) Fannie Ginsous? previous marriage ended by death on 01/20/1909
Budwell Stanley 373 1914 115 204 Pellikua, Demicella {Barney Budwell} {Katie Polobis}  
Budwell Stanley 373 1914 115 204 Pelikiwa, Demicella {Barney Budwell} {Katie Polobis} alt spelling - spouse
Budwell Stanley 373 1914 115 204 Pelikis, Demicella {Barney Budwell} {Katie Polobis} alt spelling - spouse
Buger Lillian 389 1914 115 220 Mellert, Gus J. Frank Buger Nettie Kenney alt spelling - spouse
Buger Lillian 389 1914 115 220 Mellett, Gus J. Frank Buger Nettie Kenney  
Buger Lillian 389 1914 115 220 Mellit, Guss J. Frank Buger Nettie Kenney alt spelling - spouse
Bugno Adam 451 1914 115 282 Creedon, Nell Mathias Bugno Rose Erp  
Bulsansky Francis 257 1914 115 88 Zawovonska, Alexandar Antoney Vulcansky Anna  
Bulsansky Francis 257 1914 115 88 Zaivransky, Alexandra Antoney Vulcansky Anna alt spelling - spouse
Bundzunas Helen 217 1914 115 48 Populack, Martin George Bundzunas Margart Boclovski (c) alt spelling - duplicate return
Burch John 644 1914 115 475 Becker, Francis Estella William Burch Annie Jones alt spelling on application
Burge George 245 1914 115 76 Harris, Kathryn James Burge Mary Thomas  
Burgess Beryl H. 547 1914 115 378 Hufford, Edna H. G. Burgess Maud Inman?  
Burlock Jannette 442 1914 115 273 Carpenter, Adam C. George Burlock Mary Hellen Adams  
Burns Daniel 366 1914 115 197 McGuire, Christiana Joseph Burns Margaret Feeney previous marriage ended by divorce on 12/24/1895
Burnuta Giavhnnia 612 1914 115 443 Grasso, Guiseppe Antro Burnuta Angelo Troe? alt spelling - signature
Bush John 529 1914 115 360 Jones, Mary Clem Bush Mary Niward? duplicate entry - spouse
Bush John 644 1914 115 475 Becker, Francis Estella William Bush Annie Jones  
Busk John 529 1914 115 360 Jones, Mary Clem Busk Mary Niward?  
Butkus Julia 191 1914 115 22 Kaminsky, Alfonc Anthony Butkus Rose  
Butler Martha A. 297 1914 115 128 McHugh, Arthur F. Joseph Butler Anna Griffin c-g, name not given
Butler Martha A. 297 1914 115 128 McHugh, Michael F. Joseph Butler Anna Griffin alt spelling - spouse
Button Grant Chester 563 1914 115 394 Thomas, Nina Augustus Button Mary Parish  
Butts David 211 1914 115 42 Gosciewska, Josie John Butts Sarah Smart  
Buzzelli Anna 276 1914 115 107 Galletti, Andea Francis Buzzelli Gracinta Campenello  
Buzzelli Anna 276 1914 115 107 Galletti, Andrew Francis Buzzelli Gracinta Campenello alt spelling - spouse
Byeshoina Victora 195 1914 115 26 Musial, Peitro Joseph Byeshoina Marianna Kudatch?  
Byeshoina Victora 195 1914 115 26 Musial, Peter Joseph Byeshoina Marianna Kudatch? alt spelling - spouse
Byrle Olen B. 628 1914 115 459 Lewis, Mildred M. William Byrle Ida Graham alt spelling - duplicate return
Byrley Olen 628 1914 115 459 Lewis, Mildred M. William Byrley Ida Graham  
Calarnle Carlo 649 1914 115 480 Damo, Nella Paszuala? Calarnle Meria Ardanitra  
Calaruske Carlo 649 1914 115 480 Dano, Nella Paszuala? Calaruske Meria Ardanitra alt spelling on application
Callahan Josephene M. 383 1914 115 214 Berrnan, Kearn James Callahan Mary Merain? (c) alt spelling - spouse
Callahan Josephene M. 383 1914 115 214 Brennen, Kearn James Callahan Mary Merain? (c)  
Calozera Grutta Lauzia 475 1914 115 306 Dolomni, Joseph John Calozera Baseli Burgo alt spelling - signature
Cambell Mary M. 667 1914 115 498 Loftus, Walter E. John Cambell Julia Walsh alt spelling - duplicate return
Campbell Mary M. 667 1914 115 498 Loftus, Walter E. John Campbell Julia Walsh alt spelling on application
Canning Ethel Lloyd 657 1914 115 488 Gray, Harry C. {not given} {Clara Hendickson}  
Cannon Sadie 172 1914 115 3 Gilespie, J. N. Anthony Cannon Kathryn Boyle duplicate entry - spouse
Cannon Sadie 172 1914 115 3 Gillespie, J. Anthony Cannon Kathryn Boyle  
Canol Stanley 247 1914 115 78 Kurynk, Katie John Canol Annie Teckla previous marriage ended by death on 12/27/1913
Capizzi Luigi 293 1914 115 124 Vincenzina, Speziale Salvatore Capizzi Teressa  
Capizzi Luigi 293 1914 115 124 Speziale, Vincenzina Salvatore Capizzi Teressa alt spelling - spouse
Caponari Angelio 464 1914 115 295 Boginia, Agness Angelo Caponmassi Sirgia? Spenetti  
Caponassi Angelo 464 1914 115 295 Borgirni, Agnes Angelo Caponmassi Sirgia? Spenetti alt spelling - duplicate return
Caponmassi Angelo 464 1914 115 295 Borgioni, Agness Angelo Caponmassi Sirgia? Spenetti alt spelling on application
Caponmazzi Angelo 464 1914 115 295 Borgirni, Agnes Angelo Caponmassi Sirgia? Spenetti alt spelling - signature
Captha Anthony 200 1914 115 31 Copenki, Mary John Captha Lizzie alt spelling on application
Card Hattie 562 1914 115 393 Packer, W. F. Nathan (not given) Mary Brown previous marriage ended by death on 03/28/1913; alt spelling - spouse
Card Hattie 562 1914 115 393 Packer, W. T. Nathan (not given) Mary Brown previous marriage ended by death on 03/28/1913
Cardoni Dina 596 1914 115 427 Farmelli, Armondo Redori Cardoni Victora Sudroni alt spelling - spouse
Cardoni Dina 596 1914 115 427 Farmelli, Aramando Redori Cardoni Victora Sudroni  
Carey Celia 430 1914 115 261 Shanley, Joseph not given Celia Gallagher  
Carlson Bessie 435 1914 115 266 Flanagan, Peter J. George Carlson Mary Gillen  
Carlucci Nicholas 576 1914 115 407 Pentar, Sarah Leonard Carlucci Grace Mack  
Carlucci Nicholas 576 1914 115 407 Pignaloro, Sarah Leonard Carlucci Grace Mack alt spelling - spouse
Carpenter Adam C. 442 1914 115 273 Burlock, Jannette William Carpenter Margart Leyh  
Carpinella Filomena 508 1914 115 339 Detefano, Domino Mike Carpinella Hannah Muleni c-g Armelia Boreni
Carpinello Filomena 508 1914 115 339 Detefano, Damiano Mike Carpinello Hannah Muleni c-g Armelia Boreni; alt spelling on application
Carpineti Cesilde 426 1914 115 257 Baldossini, Nazzareno Dominic Carpineti Mary Androle alt spelling on application
Carpinti Cesilda 426 1914 115 257 Nazzareno, Baldossini Dominic Carpinti Mary Androle  
Carson Mary 184 1914 115 15 Melvin, Vernie Walter Harry Carson Elizabeth Madden previous marriage ended by divorce no date given, desertion
Carson Mary 184 1914 115 15 Walter, Melvin Vernie Harry Carson Elizabeth Madden previous marriage ended by divorce no date given, desertion; alt spelling - spouse
Casnski William 356 1914 115 187 Koval, Naecra Peter Casnski Annie Hosa  
Cavanaugh Elizabeth 353 1914 115 184 Neary, Thom Owen Cavanaugh Mary Caronogh? duplicate entry - spouse
Cavanaugh Elizabeth 353 1914 115 184 Neary, Thomas F. Owen Cavanaugh Mary Caronogh?  
Cavill George 531 1914 115 362 Jones, Jennie Walter Cavill Dorthey Coborn  
Cebalo Kornck 327 1914 115 158 Olecoski, Annie John Cebalo Ustana Wilmozna  
Cebolo Kornck 327 1914 115 158 Olechoski, Annie John Cebolo Ustana Wilmozna alt spelling on application
Ceptha Anthony 200 1914 115 31 Copenski, Mary John Ceptha Lizzie  
Cerar Blas 267 1914 115 98 Broder, Mary John Cerar Mary Mimete alt spelling - duplicate return
Cerar Blos 267 1914 115 98 Boder, Mary John Cerar Mary Mimete  
Cerek Dominick 337 1914 115 168 Linko, Theresa Wadarz? Cerek Mary alt spelling - spouse
Cerek Dominick 337 1914 115 168 Linko, Tharasa Wadarz? Cerek Mary  
Cerick Joseph 182 1914 115 13 Woblswski, Polly Victor Cerick Alexandra alt spelling - duplicate return
Chancy I. E. 592 1914 115 423 Wright, Sada B. W. B. Chancy Ella Cline alt spelling - duplicate return
Chauncey I. E. 592 1914 115 423 Wright, Sada B. W. B. Chauncey Ella Cline alt spelling on application
Chauncy I. E. 592 1914 115 423 Wright, Sada B. W. B. Chauncy Ella Cline  
Chenick Joseph 182 1914 115 13 Rubski, Polly Victor Chenick Alexandra  
Chepetas Peter 268 1914 115 99 Mokovage, Mary Charley Chepetas Hannah  
Cherich Joseph 182 1914 115 13 Rubski, Polly Victor Cherich Alexandra alt spelling on application
Chetminski Antoni 419 1914 115 250 Felong, Anna Celvester? Chetminski Thressa Coolbacka alt spelling on application
Chicconi Joseph 666 1914 115 497 Mililla, Collucia Viso Chicconi Annie Melia  
Chichock John 203 1914 115 34 Michaeski, Mary Thomas Chichock Ellen  
Chipnosky Adam 250 1914 115 81 Motcavage, Eva Aleck Chipnosky not legible  
Chiposki Annie 319 1914 115 150 Gregoski, Stanley Mathew (not given) Bushala Witkos previous marriage ended by death on 05/10/1912
Chiposki Annie 319 1914 115 150 Gregoski, Stanley Mathew (not given) Bushala Witkos previous marriage ended by death on 05/10/1912; duplicate entry - spouse
Chmielwski Ludwika 447 1914 115 278 Frushim, Vincenty Thomas Chmielwski Catherine Rosie Jesoniona? alt spelling on application
Chmielwski Ludwika 447 1914 115 278 Drucham, Wincenty Thomas Chmielwski Catherine Rosie Jesoniona? alt spelling - spouse
Chmuluska Ludwika 447 1914 115 278 Fruchon, Wiecenty Thomas Chmielwski Catherine Rosie Jesoniona?  
Chmuluska Ludwika 447 1914 115 278 Fruchan, Wincenty Thomas Chmielwski Catherine Rosie Jesoniona? alt spelling - spouse
Chnotizon Sam 469 1914 115 300 Marcus, Sarah Ruben Chnotizon Anna Gorlick  
Chnotizon Sam 469 1914 115 300 Markucosks, Sarah Ruben Chnotizon Anna Gorlick alt spelling - spouse
Choma Mary 272 1914 115 103 Gambol, Roman Thomas Choma Domko Bercgovitzs  
Chomenska Sophie 251 1914 115 82 Szmminski, John John Chomenska Pauline Godvich? alt spelling - duplicate return
Chomo Mary 272 1914 115 103 Gambal, Roman Thomas Chomo Domko Bercgovitzs alt spelling - duplicate return
Chomonski Antonia 419 1914 115 250 Felang, Anna Celvester? Chomonski Thressa Coolbacka  
Chouski Annie 399 1914 115 230 Selens, Mike Mathew (not given) Rushekka Vivock previous marriage ended by death on 05/22/1912
Christy George 632 1914 115 463 Wilson, Lillian William Christy Viola Huber  
Chryozan Annie 266 1914 115 97 Gucauskar, John not given not given previous marriage ended by death on 07/21/1912; alt spelling - duplicate return
Chryozon Annie 266 1914 115 97 Gucanshar, John not given not given previous marriage ended by death on 07/21/1912
Chryszan Annie 266 1914 115 97 Gucauskar, John not given not given previous marriage ended by death on 07/21/1912; alt spelling on application
Chvotzkin Sam 469 1914 115 300 Moencskoski, Sarah Ruben Chvotzkin Anna Gorlick alt spelling on application
Chvotzkin Sam 469 1914 115 300 Morcwaks, Sarah Ruben Chvotzkin Anna Gorlick alt spelling - spouse
Chymyak Peter 554 1914 115 385 Petryszak, Yewka John Chymyak Ustena Uchack? previous marriage ended by death on 02/01/1914; alt spelling - spouse
Chymyak Peter 554 1914 115 385 Petryszak, Yewko John Chymyak Ustena Uchack? previous marriage ended by death on 02/01/1914
Cicot Orculior 269 1914 115 100 Malancuski, Antony Antony Cicot Annie Cavolko  
Cicot Orculior 269 1914 115 100 Malamcwski, Antony Antony Cicot Annie Cavolko alt spelling - spouse
Cicot Orculior 269 1914 115 100 Malmcwski, Antoni Antony Cicot Annie Cavolko alt spelling - spouse
Ciecorska Rose 202 1914 115 33 Matweyiw, Simon Vicor Ciecorska Meria Adonis  
Cigrusz Patrouse 486 1914 115 317 Golick, Steve Marforshin Cigrusz Palsa alt spelling - duplicate return
Clark Anna 565 1914 115 396 McGurren, Alphonsus John Clark Mary Ryne alt spelling - spouse
Clark Anna 565 1914 115 396 Gurren, Alfoncess John Clark Mary Ryne alt spelling - spouse
Clark Anna 565 1914 115 396 McGurren, Alphonce John Clark Mary Ryne  
Classner Frances 546 1914 115 377 Douglas, John B. George Classner Philipene Smith (c)  
Clrouri Enrico 571 1914 115 402 Mattioli, Celia not given Anne Boconove  
Coach Mebin 521 1914 115 352 McReynolds, Jennie Olendar Couch Unias Sackrider  
Coccetti Gescinia 427 1914 115 258 Povermo, Peter Peter C. Coccetti Anozeta alt spelling on application
Coccetti Gesinio 427 1914 115 258 Povermo, Peter Peter C. Coccetti Anozeta  
Coery Hellen A. 425 1914 115 256 Perry, William Dallas Frank Coery Mary Helen Carpenter alt spelling on application
Cohen Harry 463 1914 115 294 Kohn, Anna Simon Cohen Bertha Gordean?  
Cohen Lillian 619 1914 115 450 Greenburg, Nathan Louis Cohen Bessie Salsburg alt spelling - spouse
Cohen Lillian 619 1914 115 450 Greenberger, Nathan Louis Cohen Bessie Salsburg  
Cola Annie 312 1914 115 143 Rugalo, George John Cola Annie duplicate return incomplete
Coleman Etta 616 1914 115 447 Staples, William Overfield Coleman Isabel Kimble  
Colesnick Pauliff 305 1914 115 136 Danyluk, Peter John Colesnick Nastaza  
Collum Bessie 421 1914 115 252 Shepard, Charles H. Harry Collum Ann Bates?  
Colo Annie 312 1914 115 143 Rugolo, George John Colo Annie duplicate return incomplete; alt spelling on application
Cologera Grutter Dauria 475 1914 115 306 Dolomni, Joseph John Cologera Baseli Burgo alt spelling on application
Colum Mary 242 1914 115 73 Taraszcuk, Charley Philip Counst Fechisn?  
Comoni Antoni 334 1914 115 165 Glem, Esther Peter Comoni Ester Selesti alt spelling - signature
Comoni Antonio 334 1914 115 165 Glenn, Esther Peter Comoni Ester Selesti alt spelling on application
Comoni Sank 254 1914 115 85 Mohacelli, Ida Peter Coneoni Comoni Esther  
Conlin Ray 586 1914 115 417 Scheurlein, Lillian William Patrick O'Connor Mary Bowler alt spelling on application
Constantyn Roman 453 1914 115 284 Prostack, Oleno Aftin Constantyn Anna Kolo alt spelling - duplicate return
Cook Joseph L. 284 1914 115 115 Reynolds, Helen Joseph Cook Anne McKay  
Cooney Anna 433 1914 115 264 Gannon, Michael F. James Cooney Julia Langan  
Copenki Mary 200 1914 115 31 Captha, Anthony Vousenski Copenki Versuela alt spelling - signature
Copenski Mary 200 1914 115 31 Ceptha, Anthony Vousenski Copenski Versuela  
Corey Emma 536 1914 115 367 Davis, Harold M. Thomas Corey Emma Hunt  
Corey Hellen A. 425 1914 115 256 Perry, William Dallas Frank Corey Mary Helen Carpenter  
Coriel Angelo 663 1914 115 494 Avelline, Postanza Carlo Coriel Caroline Gregory  
Corleaux Helan 487 1914 115 318 Huber, John H. Jonothan Corleaux Luca Kerson alt spelling on application
Corleaux Helea 487 1914 115 318 Huber, John H. Jonothan Corleaux Luca Kerson  
Corleaux Helen 487 1914 115 318 Huber, John H. Jonothan Corleaux Luca Kerson alt spelling - duplicate return
Coseko Alex 238 1914 115 69 Micklesanage, Della Peter Coseko Mary Domiski  
Coska Frank 339 1914 115 170 Kopeka, Mary {Aleck Coska} Mary Perko  
Couch Melvin O. 521 1914 115 352 Mereymobles, Jennie Olendar Couch Unias Sackrider alt spelling - duplicate return
Couch Mildred B. 510 1914 115 341 Netherton, Albert D. Frank Couch Mable Oliver  
Courey Peter 551 1914 115 382 Loma, Celia Charles Courey Mary Bescium? alt spelling on application
Coury Peter 551 1914 115 382 Loma, Celia Charles Coury Mary Bescium?  
Covey Hellen A. 425 1914 115 256 Perry, William Dallas Frank Covey Mary Helen Carpenter alt spelling - duplicate return
Cox Henry 489 1914 115 320 Williams, Sarah John Cox Martha Bruge?  
Cox Ralph 601 1914 115 432 Hamble, Lulu William Cox Louise (not legible)  
Cox Rolph 601 1914 115 432 Hambke, Lulu William Cox Louise (not legible) alt spelling - duplicate return
Coyne Edward 347 1914 115 178 Mahon, Jennie Thomas Coyne Bridget Sevall  
Cragle Ethel 214 1914 115 45 Atherton, Arthur Charles Cragle Ella Cole  
Cravicsk Lizzie 446 1914 115 277 Povenski, Albert Aleck Cravicsk Ann Norzem? alt spelling - signature
Craviski Lizzie 446 1914 115 277 Povenski, Albert Aleck Craviski Ann Norzem?  
Cravsich Lizzie 446 1914 115 277 Povenski, Albert Aleck Cravsich Ann Norzem? alt spelling - duplicate return
Cravsick Lizzie 446 1914 115 277 Povenski, Albert Aleck Cravsick Ann Norzem? alt spelling on application
Creedon Nell 451 1914 115 282 Bugno, Adam John Creedon Ellen Paterson  
Crich Mildred B. 510 1914 115 341 Netherton, Albert D. Frank Crich Mable Oliver alt spelling - duplicate return
Cross Cora E. 637 1914 115 468 Krieger, Royal Thomas Cross Susan Bortree alt spelling - spouse
Cross Cora E. 637 1914 115 468 Kuzer, Royal Thomas Cross Susan Bortree alt spelling - spouse
Cross Cora E. 637 1914 115 468 Kruger, Royal Thomas Cross Susan Bortree  
Cubrosky Frank 348 1914 115 179 Ostrowska, Stella Peter Cuberosky Vesenta Perko alt spelling - spouse
Cubrosky Frank 348 1914 115 179 Ostrouska, Stella Peter Cuberosky Vesenta Perko  
Culk Ignats 357 1914 115 188 Koko, Julia Peter Culk Annie Pofrovage?  
Culling Arthur M. 652 1914 115 483 Fairchilds, Ethel Luther? Culling not legible  
Culling Arthur M. 652 1914 115 483 Fairchild, Ethel Luther? Culling not legible alt spelling - spouse
Cunningham Irene S. 345 1914 115 176 Kellow, Nicholas Albert John P. Cunningham Elimaira Jane Grawl?  
Curtis C. E. 567 1914 115 398 Ives, Beulah L. Lewis Curtis Mary Jane Swingle?  
Dabroski Joe 409 1914 115 240 Broskie, Emilie John Dabroski Nastiza Sinbaska? alt spelling - duplicate return
Daggers Bert 398 1914 115 229 Havenstute, Martha Bengiman Daggar Roseann Hughes  
Damo Nella 649 1914 115 480 Calarnle, Carlo Pasquala Damo Hecleti? Darna  
Daniel Claud Raymond 545 1914 115 376 Wehry, Julia Joel Z. Daniel Catherine Snyder  
Daniel Claude Raymond 545 1914 115 376 Wehry, Julia Joel Z. Daniel Catherine Snyder alt spelling on application
Daniels Bengiman 385 1914 115 216 Decker, Maud Mae William Daniels Mary Hudson  
Dano Nella 649 1914 115 480 Calaruske, Carlo Pasquala Dano Hecleti? Darna alt spelling on application
Danro Cologera Gruttor 475 1914 115 306 Dellamin, Joseph John Danro Baseli Burgo alt spelling - duplicate return
Danyluk Peter 305 1914 115 136 Kolesnick, Paullif Frank Danyluk Paulline alt spelling - spouse
Danyluk Peter 305 1914 115 136 Colesnick, Pauliff Frank Danyluk Paulline  
Darenzo Emelio 617 1914 115 448 Pace, Carmelia Joseph Darenzo Florence Belomina alt spelling - duplicate return
Dariemzo Erasmo 635 1914 115 466 Angrisana, Maria Philip Dariemzo Francis Nashan alt spelling on application
Darienzo Emilio 617 1914 115 448 Pace, Carmelia Joseph Darienzo Florence Belomina  
Darienzo Erasmo 635 1914 115 466 Angariana, Mary Philip Darienzo Francis Nashan  
Darkos Emma 314 1914 115 145 Daros, Marko Louie? Darkos Santa Shanoaza?  
Daros Emma 314 1914 115 145 Daros, Marko Louie? Daros Santa Shanoaza? alt spelling - duplicate return
Daros Marko 314 1914 115 145 Daros, Emma John Daros Regina Arnosti alt spelling - spouse
Daros Marko 314 1914 115 145 Darkos, Emma John Daros Regina Arnosti  
Davis Anna 515 1914 115 346 Jones, Thomas H. Dan Davis Sarah Price duplicate return on film
Davis Blodwin H. 418 1914 115 249 Fuller, Eugene A. David (not given) Margarita Humphrey previous marriage ended by death in 1913
Davis Elmer 350 1914 115 181 Isaac, Bessie James Davis Martha J. Hughes  
Davis Elmer A. 350 1914 115 181 Isaac, Bessie James Davis Martha J. Hughes  
Davis Estella M. 388 1914 115 219 Mooney, Thomas David Davis Mary Harris  
Davis Harold M. 536 1914 115 367 Corey, Emma William H. Davis Mary Mangan  
Davis James 274 1914 115 105 Kresge, Martha George J. Davis Ann William duplicate entry, alt spellling
Davis James 362 1914 115 193 McCormick, Irene William Davis Mary Hesson  
Davis James M. 274 1914 115 105 Kresgie, Martha George J. Davis Ann William  
Davis Lillian 604 1914 115 435 Howell, William E. Joseph Davis Mary Williams  
Davis Mary 575 1914 115 406 Prichard, Griffith D. David R. Davies Margaret Evans  
Dean Harry H. 495 1914 115 326 Welsh, Carrie not given Jane Burns previous marriage ended by death on 02/26/1912; alt spelling on application
Dean Hary H. 495 1914 115 326 Welsh, Carrie not given Jane Burns previous marriage ended by death on 02/26/1912
Deangoli Vincenzo 615 1914 115 446 Ottovia, Mario Angelo Deangoli Thressa  
Debroski Joe 409 1914 115 240 Broskie, Emilie John Debroski Nastiza Sinbaska? alt spelling on application
Decker Lillie L. 614 1914 115 445 Doyle, Frank John Decker Laura Scott  
Decker Maud Mae 385 1914 115 216 Daniels, Bengiman Fred W. Decker Minnie Wilkerson Decker King (c)  
Del Vecchio Jessie 541 1914 115 372 Germano, Parymale Dominick Del Vecchio Jessie Guarino alt spelling on application
Del Vecchio Jessie 541 1914 115 372 Jermano, Parymale Dominick Del Vecchio Jessie Guarino alt spelling - spouse
Dellamin Joseph 475 1914 115 306 Danro, Cologera Gruttor Toney Dellamin Rose Jodano alt spelling - duplicate return
Delveccko Jessie 541 1914 115 372 Jermanio, Parymale Dominick Delveccko Jessie Guarino  
Demech Anna 219 1914 115 50 Kochis, Toney Mike Demech Mary Bachar  
Demeck Anna 219 1914 115 50 Koshis, Toney Mike Demeck Mary Bachar alt spelling - duplicate return
Deming Alice 544 1914 115 375 Paff, Elwood Wesley Deming Hattie Jay  
Demingan Mary 629 1914 115 460 Walsh, Thomas John Demingan Mary Fettermans? duplicate entry, alt spellling
Demkew Stella 218 1914 115 49 Wozmiak, Theodore Nicholas Demkew Mary  
Deonitz Mary 375 1914 115 206 Abocok, Mike John Deonitz Nastaca  
Derdine Henry John 584 1914 115 415 Lameoreaux, Addie Rebaca Henry Derdine Sarah Deitrick previous marriage ended by death on 01/26/1913; alt spelling - duplicate return
Derewiana Katie 207 1914 115 38 Powlak, Andrew John Derewiana Mary Mwryn alt spelling - spouse
Derewiana Katie 207 1914 115 38 Pouluk, Andrew John Derewiana Mary Mwryn  
Derewiana Katie 207 1914 115 38 Powluk, Andrew John Derewiana Mary Mwryn alt spelling - spouse
Descorito Mary 198 1914 115 29 Briscess, Patsy Michael Descorito Grace Gio?Caputo alt spelling - spouse
Descorito Mary 198 1914 115 29 Briscese, Patsy Michael Descorito Grace Gio?Caputo alt spelling - spouse
Descorito Mary 198 1914 115 29 Briscase, Patsy Michael Descorito Grace Gio?Caputo  
Detefano Damiano 508 1914 115 339 Carpinello, Filomena Pellegrino Detefano Paulina Lombardi alt spelling on application
Detefano Domino 508 1914 115 339 Carpinella, Filomena Pellegrino Detefano Paulina Lombardi  
Devine John 622 1914 115 453 School, Celia John Devine Mary Jones  
Diadyk Daniel 490 1914 115 321 Sembart, Anastra Aleck Jadick Mary Spesh alt spelling - spouse
Diadyk Daniel 490 1914 115 321 Sembart, Anastasia Aleck Jadick Mary Spesh  
Dietrick Louis C. 525 1914 115 356 Miller, Matilda John Dietrick Clara Kies  
Dietrick Louis C. 525 1914 115 356 Miller, Mathilda M. John Dietrick Clara Kies alt spelling - spouse
Dimick Josie 518 1914 115 349 Szszepranik, John John Dimick Tofelo  
Dimingan Mary 629 1914 115 460 Walsh, Thomas John Dimingan Mary Fettermans? alt spelling on application
Diminger Mary 629 1914 115 460 Walsh, Thomas John Diminger Mary Fettermans?  
Dimler Henry 580 1914 115 411 Francois, Minnie Henry Dimler Runigundas Northeimer  
Dimond Susie 201 1914 115 32 Igo, James Domminick Dimond Ann Gilhool  
Dimond Susie 201 1914 115 32 Igoe, James Domminick Dimond Ann Gilhool  
Dimonisky Sam 343 1914 115 174 Nasitowzka, Rosie Evan Dimonisky Eva Pososko alt spelling - duplicate return
Dimoricki Sam 343 1914 115 174 Nasitowzka, Rosie Evan Dimoricki Eva Pososko alt spelling on application
Dolomni Joseph 475 1914 115 306 Calozera, Grutta Lauzia Toney Dolomni Rose Jodano alt spelling - spouse
Dolomni Joseph 475 1914 115 306 Cologera, Grutter Dauria Toney Dolomni Rose Jodano alt spelling on application
Dolomoni Joseph 475 1914 115 306 Grutter, Cotogna Toney Dolomoni Rose Jodano  
Dombroski Joe 409 1914 115 240 Broski, Emilie John Dombroski Nastiza Sinbaska? alt spelling on application
Dombrosky Anastoyia 406 1914 115 237 Maksymoiw, Metody John Domensky Katie Chofska? alt spelling - spouse
Dombrosky Anastoyia 406 1914 115 237 Makzymoin, Metody John Domensky Katie Chofska?  
Dombrosky Joe 409 1914 115 240 Broski, Emilie John Dombrosky Nastiza Sinbaska?  
Domensky Anastarzia 406 1914 115 237 Maksmoi, Metody John Domensky Katie Chofska? alt spelling on application
Domensky Anastarzia 406 1914 115 237 Makzymow, Metody John Domensky Katie Chofska? alt spelling - spouse
Dorar Toney 540 1914 115 371 Barnada, Pauline Sam Dorar Annie Gratsa alt spelling on application
Doror Toney 540 1914 115 371 Barnada, Pauline Sam Doror Annie Gratsa  
Douglas John B. 546 1914 115 377 Classner, Frances John Douglas Cornelia? Myers duplicate entry - spouse
Douglas John B. 546 1914 115 377 Klassner, Anna F. John Douglas Cornelia? Myers  
Doyle Frank 614 1914 115 445 Decker, Lillie L. William Doyle Louise Jenkins  
Driscoll May C. 396 1914 115 227 White, Vincent F. James Driscoll Sarah Lalley  
Dromboski William 181 1914 115 12 Odaites, Mary Mike Dromboski Mary alt spelling - duplicate return
Druboskis William 181 1914 115 12 Odaites, Mary Mike Druboskis Mary  
Drucham Wincenty 447 1914 115 278 Chmielwski, Ludwika Kazmeir Drucham Anna Sabalewska alt spelling on application
Druck Jack Lebert 655 1914 115 486 Breschel, Mabelle Eleanor Nathan? Druck Molley Sebert?  
Druck Jack Leebert 655 1914 115 486 Breschel, Mabelle Eleanor Nathan? Druck Molley Sebert? alt spelling on application
Drudnoski John 181 1914 115 12 Odaites, Mary Mike Drudnoski Mary alt spelling - signature
Drudonsky Annie 183 1914 115 14 Rovenck, Micheal John Drudonsky Noctiza alt spelling - spouse
Drudonsky Annie 183 1914 115 14 Rolick, Micheal John Drudonsky Noctiza alt spelling - spouse
Drudonsky Annie 183 1914 115 14 Rolerch, Micheael John Drudonsky Noctiza  
Drudonsky Annie 183 1914 115 14 Robick, Micheal John Drudonsky Noctiza alt spelling - spouse
Druscniki Steve 369 1914 115 200 Mousinski, Pijki Mike Druscniki Ewki? Jineki alt spelling on application
Drussnick Steve 369 1914 115 200 Mousinski, Pizle Mike Drussnick Ewki? Jineki  
Duffy Mary 627 1914 115 458 Gannon, Charles Micheal Duffy Sarah Haskins  
Dutko Onoper 313 1914 115 144 Kazyurnska, Katie John Dutko Sonya? alt spelling - duplicate return
Dutko Onufer 313 1914 115 144 Kazanska, Katie John Dutko Sonya?  
Dworczak Mary 573 1914 115 404 Wayne, John Albert Dworczak Mary Anna Eheranack? (c) alt spelling - spouse
Dworczak Mary 573 1914 115 404 Wayno, John Albert Dworczak Mary Anna Eheranack? (c)  
Eaton Francis 283 1914 115 114 Reardon, Charley B. Charles Eaton Rilla? Stanton alt spelling - spouse
Eaton Francis 283 1914 115 114 Reirdon, Charles B. Charles Eaton Rilla? Stanton  
Edsall H. B. H. 609 1914 115 440 Fox, Margaret Charley Edsall Minnie Altamas?  
Edsall Harry H. 609 1914 115 440 Fox, Margaret Charley Edsall Minnie Altamas? alt spelling on application
Edwards Grace M. 194 1914 115 25 Hazelton, John W. Charles Edwards Bertha Stevens  
Edwards Nellie Anwyl 664 1914 115 495 Parry, Gorden Thomas W. R. Edwards Ellen Anwyl  
Elendia Mustiza 177 1914 115 8 Proscki, Andrew Charley Elendia Estenia  
Elendia Mustiza 177 1914 115 8 Proyszks, Andrew Charley Elendia Estenia alt spelling - spouse
Ellis Arthur Henry 330 1914 115 161 Widdall, Hellen L. Robert Ellis Annie previous marriage ended by death on 08/15/1909
Ellis Arthur Henry 330 1914 115 161 Middall, Helen L. Robert Ellis Annie previous marriage ended by death on 08/15/1909; alt spelling - spouse
Ellis George F. 263 1914 115 94 Stark, Margaret Giden Ellis Minnie Lang?  
Ellsworth Edgar 633 1914 115 464 Lefever, Louisa J. Henry Ellsworth Mary Brace previous marriage ended by death on 10/17/1902
Ellsworth Edgar 633 1914 115 464 Le Fever, Louisa J. Henry Ellsworth Mary Brace alt spelling - spouse
Emiliane Emiiani 225 1914 115 56 Selastanell, Angelio Emelino Emiliane Hannah Natolona  
Emuliani Emalia 225 1914 115 56 Sebastanelli, Angelio Emelino Emuliani Hannah Natolona alt spelling on application
Eruitch Maliauch 212 1914 115 43 Rauf, Ustina John Eruitch Annie Sevicski  
Eruitch Matiavach 212 1914 115 43 Rauf, Justina John Eruitch Annie Sevicski alt spelling on application
Estock Anna 462 1914 115 293 Fetcko, Andrew John Estock Suzie Fender  
Evans Arthur A. 455 1914 115 286 Seeley, Margaret George F. Evans Mary A. Rose  
Evans William P. 494 1914 115 325 Loftus, Irene Dominick Evans Bridget Norton  
Ezarboke Magda 484 1914 115 315 Sholo, Mike John Ezarboke Frazinita? alt spelling - duplicate return
Ezepka Magda 484 1914 115 315 Sholo, Mike John Ezepka Frazinita?  
Fabing John 538 1914 115 369 Reynolds, May John Fabing Mary Seamer? alt spelling on application
Fabining John 538 1914 115 369 Reynolds, May John Fabining Mary Seamer?  
Fahey Ethel 265 1914 115 96 Gallagher, Anthony Thomas Fahey Mary Hanley  
Fahs E. A. 581 1914 115 412 Whitlock, F. A. Emzy (not given) Sarah Leonard previous marriage ended by death on 10/05/1908
Fairchild Ethel 652 1914 115 483 Culling, Arthur M. Charley Fairchild Jennie Ball alt spelling on application
Fairchilds Ethel 652 1914 115 483 Culling, Arthur M. Charley Fairchilds Jennie Ball  
Farmelli Aramando 596 1914 115 427 Cardoni, Dina John Farmelli Lizzie Spottsani  
Farmelli Armondo 596 1914 115 427 Cardoni, Dina John Farmelli Lizzie Spottsani alt spelling - duplicate return
Faszcriwski Anthony 358 1914 115 189 Kopras, Mary John Faszcriwski Annie alt spelling - duplicate return
Fazzio Joseph 429 1914 115 260 Perri, Angeline {Peter Fazzio} {Maria Perra} previous marriage ended by death on 09/13/1914
Felang Anna 419 1914 115 250 Chomonski, Antonia Luie Felang Rosey Chelenzkiy  
Felcsuk Antoni 298 1914 115 129 Luckazky, Stella John Felcsuk Clementin White alt spelling - duplicate return
Felczuk Antoni 298 1914 115 129 Luckazky, Stella John Felczuk Clementin White alt spelling on application
Feleruk Anthony 298 1914 115 129 Luckazky, Stella John Feleruk Clementin White  
Felkio Frank Fransizck 288 1914 115 119 Portukoit, Mary Eddie Felkio Costonzo duplicate return on film; alt spelling - duplicate return
Felkio Frank Fransizck 288 1914 115 119 Potivoat, Mary Eddie Felkio Costonzo duplicate return on film; alt spelling - spouse
Felong Anna 419 1914 115 250 Chetminski, Antoni Luie Felong Rosey Chelenzkiy alt spelling - duplicate return
Fennie Albert 408 1914 115 239 Haddon, Jean John H. Fennie Suzan Esenger  
Ferlick Wo Jcvick 277 1914 115 108 Kosuda, Annie Joseph Ferlick Barbar Fisht alt spelling on application
Ferlick Woziech 277 1914 115 108 Kosuda, Annie Joseph Ferlick Barbar Fisht alt spelling - duplicate return
Ferlik Wojuch 277 1914 115 108 Kosuda, Annie Joseph Ferlik Barbar Fisht  
Ferrette Rose 492 1914 115 323 Wolfe, Howard, Jr. Peter Ferrette Adeline Nocvoni  
Ferretti Rose 492 1914 115 323 Wolf, Howard, Jr. Peter Ferretti Adeline Nocvoni alt spelling - spouse
Fetcko Andrew 462 1914 115 293 Estock, Anna Andrew Fetcko Mary Varvchinsy  
Finnan Veronica 488 1914 115 319 Williams, Hugh Chancy Finnan Irona Lunicoill?  
Fiske Philip State 437 1914 115 268 Waterman, Nellie Harry Fiske Emma Torenshop?  
Fiske Philip States 437 1914 115 268 Waterman, Nellie Harry Fiske Emma Torenshop? alt spelling on application
Fiskus Fred Carl Henry 597 1914 115 428 Nape, Dorothy {Christ Fiskus} {Lena Hartman}  
Fiskus Fred Carl Henry 597 1914 115 428 Nape, Doretty {Christ Fiskus} {Lena Hartman} alt spelling - spouse
Flanagan Peter J. 435 1914 115 266 Carlson, Bessie John Flanagan Mary McDonough  
Foley Timothy C. 577 1914 115 408 Smith, Margaret David Foley Belinda Feeny  
Ford Florance 535 1914 115 366 Regan, Bernard Nelson Ford Lucindoa Belcher?  
Fox Margaret 609 1914 115 440 Edsall, Harry H. George Fox Ann (not legible) alt spelling - spouse
Fox Margaret 609 1914 115 440 Edsall, H. B. H. George Fox Ann (not legible)  
Fraley Frank, Jr. 187 1914 115 18 Schoen, Mina Frank Fraley Emma Cogger  
Francis Aldie 570 1914 115 401 Thomas, Wywood S. John Francis Sarah Jane Davis  
Francois Minnie 580 1914 115 411 Dimler, Henry Harry (not given) not given previous marriage ended by death in 1910
Frank Anna Martha 481 1914 115 312 Hering, Charles John Frank Mary Kromor?  
Fray Roger 227 1914 115 58 Thomas, Christiana Alfred John Fray Mary  
Frew M. Agnes 392 1914 115 223 Gresswell, John P. James Frew Margaret Kelly  
Fries Elizabeth 378 1914 115 209 Nelson, Jacob Peter Fries Louisa? Johanna Kurtz  
Frubmpslie William 181 1914 115 12 Odaites, Mary Mike Frubmpslie Mary alt spelling on application
Fruchan Wincenty 447 1914 115 278 Chmuluska, Ludwika Kazmeir Fruchan Anna Sabalewska alt spelling on application
Fruchon Wiecenty 447 1914 115 278 Chmuluska, Ludwika Kazmeir Fruchon Anna Sabalewska  
Fruehan Mary 335 1914 115 166 Rouson, Thomas Simerson Fruchon Fruehan Mary Werner alt spelling on application
Fruhan Mary 335 1914 115 166 Ronson, Thomas Simerson Fruchon Fruhan Mary Werner alt spelling - duplicate return
Frushim Vincenty 447 1914 115 278 Chmielwski, Ludwika Kazmeir Frushim Anna Sabalewska alt spelling - duplicate return
Frymerman Sera 660 1914 115 491 Levine, Hyman Edel Frymerman Annie Faca? alt spelling on application
Frymernian Sene 660 1914 115 491 Levine, Hyman Edel Frymernian Annie Faca?  
Fuehan Mary 335 1914 115 166 Rouson, Thomas Simerson Fruchon Fuehan Mary Werner  
Fuller Eugene A. 418 1914 115 249 Davis, Blodwin H. William. H. Fuller Mary Evans  
Furmanski Ceclia 260 1914 115 91 Szlagowski, John W. Albert J. Furmanski Hannah Narodzonek alt spelling - spouse
Furmanski Ceclia 260 1914 115 91 Szbagouski, John W. Albert J. Furmanski Hannah Narodzonek  

Contributed by Richard M. Reese 2009.

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