This is the third index of Lackawanna County wills, kindly
donated by
Tom Price.
Look here for information about where to obtain copies of original wills found in this index.
Surname | Given Name | Date of Death | Estate No. | Year |
Sweeney | Kathleen | 06/17/1924 | 649 | 1924 |
Sweeney | Margaret | 11/07/1920 | 428 | 1925 |
Sweeney | Marie R. | 06/30/1926 | 779 | 1926 |
Sweeney | Michael | 10/01/1921 | 1025 | 1921 |
Sweeney | Michael M. | 09/24/1921 | 987 | 1921 |
Sweeney | Michael T. | 12/26/1920 | 25 | 1921 |
Sweeney | Michael T. | 03/22/1924 | 407 | 1924 |
Sweeney | Morgan | 08/05/1920 | 889 | 1920 |
Sweeney | Owen | 07/30/1918 | 706 | 1919 |
Sweeny | J. W. | 06/22/1920 | 716 | 1920 |
Sweeny | Richard | 1920 | 838 | 1920 |
Sweet | Charles | 11/11/1918 | 1327 | 1918 |
Sweet | Dewilton | 07/22/1916 | 620 | 1916 |
Sweet | Elizabeth | 03/26/1925 | 296 | 1926 |
Sweet | Elizabeth F. | 80 | 1921 | |
Sweet | Frank | 07/07/1926 | 767 | 1926 |
Sweet | Frank L. | 12/06/1918 | 417 | 1919 |
Sweet | Mary Quick | 09/16/1920 | 980 | 1920 |
Sweetser | Lucy C. | 1285 | 1925 | |
Sweetser | Sara E. | 06/29/1926 | 705 | 1926 |
Sweigert | Peter | 09/04/1922 | 940 | 1922 |
Swick | Sarah J. | 04/04/1926 | 449 | 1926 |
Swiderski | Peter | 03/27/1925 | 1000 | 1926 |
Swidersky | Anna | 11/08/1918 | 1380 | 1918 |
Swift | John E. | 10/12/1915 | 908 | 1915 |
Swift | John T. | 03/25/1917 | 277 | 1977 |
Swift | Margaret | 11/23/1918 | 225 | 1919 |
Swift | Mary J. | 11/26/1917 | 936 | 1917 |
Swigert | Lavina Rosa | 09/01/1924 | 915 | 1924 |
Swigert | G. F. | 01/29/1919 | 276 | 1919 |
Swingle | Charles B. | 11/02/1926 | 1145 | 1926 |
Swingle | Christiana | 01/21/1915 | 143 | 1915 |
Swingle | Earl A. | 12/02/1925 | 555 | 1926 |
Swingle | Elmer W. | 01/16/1919 | 299 | 1919 |
Swingle | Robert | 06/01/1919 | 858 | 1919 |
Swingle | Sylvester | 09/27/1919 | 1272 | 1919 |
Swingle | Vincent A. | 05/27/1917 | 471 | 1917 |
Swingle | Worrie L. | 01/09/1927 | 51 | 1927 |
Sych | Stefania | 02/26/1920 | 203 | 1920 |
Sykes | Charlotte J. | 12/13/1923 | 1385 | 1923 |
Sykes | John K. | 10/05/1917 | 778 | 1917 |
Sylvester | Mary | 10/31/1927 | 1166 | 1927 |
Sylvester | Philip L. | 08/27/1921 | 887 | 1921 |
Symanovicz | Leon | 05/25/1915 | 480 | 1915 |
Symanski | Stanley | 10/19/1918 | 921 | 1918 |
Symons | Charles | 01/28/1926 | 544 | 1926 |
Symons | James M. | 02/17/1917 | 200 | 1917 |
Symons | Madge Roe | 04/28/1923 | 658 | 1923 |
Szarak | Mary | 07/06/1913 | 342 | 1916 |
Szarek | Antonina | 04/28/1917 | 483 | 1917 |
Szczesny | Emilia | 04/14/1924 | 457 | 1924 |
Szefsky | Maggie | 08/24/1920 | 876 | 1920 |
Szehin | Gustek | 03/12/1919 | 537 | 1919 |
Szelah | Michael | 05/17/1920 | 561 | 1920 |
Szkoda | John | 07/13/1921 | 929 | 1921 |
Szleszynski | Bronislaw | 03/24/1927 | 807 | 1927 |
Szorc | Joseph | 06/19/1922 | 660 | 1922 |
Szpak | George | 03/16/1921 | 286 | 1921 |
Szuber | Frank | 07/18/1916 | 548 | 1916 |
Szuhlinski | Bennie | 03/24/1927 | 807 | 1927 |
Szulzycki | Tony | 09/22/1921 | 992 | 1921 |
Szyczpneski | Joseph | 12/07/1922 | 1236 | 1922 |
Taft | Caroline S. | 09/08/1918 | 924 | 1921 |
Taintor | E. E. | 07/30/1924 | 805 | 1924 |
Tait | Giuseppe | 02/12/1925 | 183 | 1925 |
Tait | Mary J. | 11/29/1914 | 421 | 1915 |
Takovich | Joseph | 08/02/1925 | 978 | 1925 |
Talabosh | Mike | 04/14/1916 | 315 | 1916 |
Talarico | Ferdinand | 08/02/1924 | 916 | 1924 |
Talarico | Vincenzo | 03/07/1915 | 348 | 1915 |
Talcott | William C. | 03/28/1917 | 495 | 1917 |
Tallett | William | 03/14/1921 | 473 | 1923 |
Tamblyn | Frances M. | 10/10/1917 | 788 | 1917 |
Tamolines | Joseph | 11/14/1918 | 266 | 1921 |
Tamosaitis | Frank | 04/25/1925 | 513 | 1925 |
Tanfield | Walter C. | 09/28/1916 | 708 | 1917 |
Tanko | Michael | 05/09/1925 | 984 | 1925 |
Tansky | Peter | 07/19/1925 | 826 | 1925 |
Tansley | Harry | 05/14/1915 | 461 | 1915 |
Tapp | James | 10/28/1918 | 1246 | 1918 |
Tappan | Elizabeth | 09/20/1922 | 946 | 1922 |
Tappan | G. Warren | 06/24/1921 | 695 | 1921 |
Taraskiewicz | Charles | 08/07/1920 | 1042 | 1920 |
Taraskiewicz | John | 12/09/1914 | 1131 | 1922 |
Tarbrake | Henry | 08/27/1926 | 900 | 1926 |
Tarnovsky | Stefan | 02/29/1920 | 94 | 1922 |
Tarnowski | Anthony | 01/21/1924 | 93 | 1924 |
Tata | Joseph | 04/16/1924 | 535 | 1924 |
Tate | Henry | 10/23/1925 | 1171 | 1925 |
Tate | Josep | 02/12/1925 | 1092 | 1925 |
Tator | Andrew | 10/14/1927 | 1185 | 1927 |
Tauber | Isaac | 10/18/1918 | 258 | 1919 |
Tauro | Stefano | 10/11/1918 | 859 | 1918 |
Taylor | Catherine | 10/29/1924 | 1211 | 1924 |
Taylor | Charles C. | 04/11/1915 | 352 | 1915 |
Taylor | David E. | 03/31/1925 | 375 | 1925 |
Taylor | Dinah | 02/18/1916 | 150 | 1916 |
Taylor | Earl | 03/24/1923 | 1109 | 1923 |
Taylor | George J. | 07/13/1925 | 154 | 1926 |
Taylor | Harry | 11/28/1923 | 292 | 1924 |
Taylor | Jemima | 10/02/1924 | 1034 | 1924 |
Taylor | Maria | 06/20/1919 | 1055 | 1919 |
Taylor | Mary | 07/30/1916 | 581 | 1916 |
Taylor | Mary J. | 03/19/1923 | 329 | 1923 |
Taylor | Mary M. | 04/10/1922 | 1061 | 1922 |
Taylor | Nellie C. | 05/31/1920 | 747 | 1920 |
Taylor | Patton | 12/25/1922 | 46 | 1923 |
Taylor | Rachel | 07/05/1915 | 613 | 1915 |
Taylor | Richard W. | 12/18/1916 | 930 | 1916 |
Taylor | Robert L. | 04/16/1923 | 501 | 1923 |
Taylor | Thomas | 06/10/1901 | 466 | 1916 |
Taylor | Thomas | 12/08/1921 | 1164 | 1922 |
Taylor | William H. | 04/25/1922 | 453 | 1922 |
Taylor | Casper | 01/18/1927 | 87 | 1927 |
Teague | James | 01/18/1920 | 292 | 1920 |
Techmanski | Joseph | 01/19/1927 | 586 | 1927 |
Tedesco | Antonia | 11/05/1923 | 1242 | 1923 |
Tedesco | Antonio V. | 06/18/1923 | 764 | 1923 |
Tedesco | Luigi | 04/21/1918 | 510 | 1918 |
Tedesco | Paquale | 01/18/1919 | 218 | 1919 |
Teeple | Andrew H. | 8 December 1897 | 1215 | 1922 |
Teets | Amanda J. | 04/23/1924 | 520 | 1927 |
Teichmann | Christine | 03/13/1921 | 291 | 1921 |
Teichmann | Rudolph | 08/10/1927 | 1014 | 1927 |
Teisersky | Victor | 07/17/1927 | 801 | 1927 |
Teitelbaum | Charles | 10/17/1918 | 988 | 1918 |
Telegyn | George | 03/08/1927 | 1357 | 1927 |
Telep | Andrew | 11/07/1918 | 415 | 1923 |
Telep | Justina | 02/04/1923 | 835 | 1923 |
Tell | John | 09/28/1915 | 876 | 1915 |
Tellep | Michael | 03/12/1922 | 260 | 1922 |
Temure | Benny | 02/13/1914 | 283 | 1922 |
Tennis | Josephine M. M. | 10/20/1916 | 778 | 1916 |
Terlecki | Jan | 02/19/1926 | 237 | 1926 |
Terplevitz | Alex | 03/23/1923 | 371 | 1923 |
Tevelin | Alex | 05/03/1927 | 1067 | 1927 |
Tevelin | Isadore | 01/11/1925 | 354 | 1925 |
Thacher | Walter P. | 04/16/1923 | 656 | 1923 |
Thatcher | James P. | 07/21/1920 | 785 | 1920 |
Thayer | Ellen | 396 | 1923 | |
Thayer | Ida F. | 01/06/1926 | 32 | 1926 |
Thayer | W. E. | 03/28/1922 | 404 | 1922 |
Thees | Elizabeth | 02/01/1919 | 294 | 1919 |
Thees | John | 05/12/1915 | 636 | 1915 |
Therosky | Andrew | 06/06/1926 | 613 | 1926 |
Thirion | Marie | 01/25/1924 | 127 | 1924 |
Thomas | A. E. | 01/31/1925 | 133 | 1925 |
Thomas | Albert J. | 05/23/1924 | 607 | 1924 |
Thomas | Ann | 07/27/1916 | 706 | 1916 |
Thomas | Ann | 06/16/1925 | 713 | 1925 |
Thomas | Benjamin F. | 06/15/1917 | 584 | 1917 |
Thomas | C. J. | 06/13/1927 | 663 | 1927 |
Thomas | Daniel | 12/10/1917 | 981 | 1917 |
Thomas | Earl D. | 08/01/1915 | 557 | 1925 |
Thomas | Esther | 01/30/1916 | 94 | 1916 |
Thomas | Eunice | 07/05/1924 | 754 | 1924 |
Thomas | Florence A. | 10/21/1927 | 1192 | 1927 |
Thomas | Fred P. | 04/09/1927 | 449 | 1927 |
Thomas | Henry J. | 07/03/1917 | 565 | 1917 |
Thomas | Hugh | 05/26/1916 | 447 | 1916 |
Thomas | James M. | 04/03/1924 | 435 | 1924 |
Thomas | Jane Davies | 02/22/1926 | 255 | 1926 |
Thomas | Jane E. | 12/24/1917 | 29 | 1918 |
Thomas | John A. | 08/13/1924 | 871 | 1924 |
Thomas | John D. | 02/13/1916 | 167 | 1916 |
Thomas | John P. | 01/09/1916 | 221 | 1916 |
Thomas | John R. | 01/16/1918 | 99 | 1918 |
Thomas | John T. | 10/17/1917 | 832 | 1917 |
Thomas | Lewis F. | 03/12/1912 | 136 | 1915 |
Thomas | Margaret | 12/03/1916 | 919 | 1917 |
Thomas | Margaret | 03/14/1926 | 280 | 1926 |
Thomas | Margaret G. | 11/04/1927 | 1168 | 1827 |
Thomas | Margery H. | 12/12/1925 | 1330 | 1925 |
Thomas | Mary | 12/23/1924 | 64 | 1925 |
Thomas | Mary | 04/17/1927 | 725 | 1927 |
Thomas | Mary C. M. | 11/03/1926 | 144 | 1927 |
Thomas | Mary R. | 12/25/1915 | 1039 | 1915 |
Thomas | Noah | 10/16/1916 | 881 | 1916 |
Thomas | Ophelia P. | 11/15/1915 | 962 | 1915 |
Thomas | Owen W. | 07/24/1917 | 825 | 1917 |
Thomas | Patrick F. | 11/22/1916 | 837 | 1916 |
Thomas | R. J. | 12/04/1925 | 86 | 1926 |
Thomas | Reba | 05/29/1924 | 717 | 1924 |
Thomas | Richard D. | 06/28/1924 | 981 | 1924 |
Thomas | Richard P. | 11/25/1917 | 922 | 1917 |
Thomas | Sarah | 01/07/1925 | 40 | 1925 |
Thomas | Sarah | 02/14/1926 | 190 | 1926 |
Thomas | Thomas D. | 01/14/1916 | 50 | 1916 |
Thomas | William | 02/14/1927 | 241 | 1927 |
Thomas | William J. | 11/12/1916 | 854 | 1916 |
Thomas | Wm J. D. | 09/01/1921 | 607 | 1926 |
Thomas | Alvin B. | 09/21/1922 | 122 | 1922 |
Thomas | Charles | 02/21/1920 | 315 | 1920 |
Thomas | Grace W. | 02/22/1919 | 431 | 1919 |
Thomas | James E. | 02/25/1920 | 217 | 1920 |
Thomas | John J. | 01/30/1923 | 267 | 1923 |
Thomas | John P. | 10/05/1923 | 1146 | 1923 |
Thomas | John R. | 01/30/1923 | 231 | 1923 |
Thomas | Lawrence E. | 08/24/1918 | 1178 | 1918 |
Thomas | Margaret | 02/14/1919 | 650 | 1919 |
Thomas | Martha | 12/23/1918 | 1375 | 1918 |
Thomas | Richard N. | 02/12/1918 | 174 | 1918 |
Thomas | Thomas | 07/18/1918 | 758 | 1918 |
Thomas | Thomas J. | 07/01/1919 | 943 | 1919 |
Thomas | William D. | 03/24/1923 | 363 | 1924 |
Thomas | William J. | 11/16/1918 | 1076 | 1918 |
Thomas | William T. | 11/28/1919 | 1458 | 1919 |
Thomaszajtis | Charles | 02/21/1920 | 315 | 1920 |
Thompson | Almira L. | 10/21/1921 | 1099 | 1921 |
Thompson | Andrew | 03/13/1922 | 289 | 1922 |
Thompson | Augustus B. | 01/31/1923 | 177 | 1923 |
Thompson | Charles | 12/03/1922 | 1184 | 1922 |
Thompson | Frank L. | 10/08/1925 | 1193 | 1925 |
Thompson | Henry L. | 06/07/1923 | 713 | 1923 |
Thompson | Irvine W. | 09/06/1918 | 812 | 1918 |
Thompson | James | 01/29/1926 | 86 | 1916 |
Thompson | James J., M. D. | 06/06/1925 | 84 | 1926 |
Thompson | James M. | 07/07/1925 | 792 | 1925 |
Thompson | John I. | 10/07/1927 | 1222 | 1927 |
Thompson | Margaret | 05/27/1921 | 583 | 1921 |
Thompson | Maria C. | 10/04/1924 | 1027 | 1924 |
Thompson | Martha L. | 12/28/1925 | 2 | 1926 |
Thompson | Mary C. | 01/31/1921 | 122 | 1921 |
Thompson | Paul | 04/11/1926 | 443 | 1926 |
Thor | Katharine | 04/21/1918 | 377 | 1918 |
Thornley | Fannie | 02/17/1921 | 212 | 1921 |
Thornton | James | 12/31/1915 | 504 | 1917 |
Thornton | John W. | 12/13/1921 | 1325 | 1921 |
Thorpe | A. U. | 01/07/1919 | 152 | 1919 |
Thourot | Zilpha M. | 03/22/1915 | 300 | 1915 |
Thurston | J. Warren | 01/08/1923 | 70 | 1923 |
Thwaites | William P. | 05/07/1926 | 516 | 1927 |
Tidd | Julia A. | 02/25/1923 | 245 | 1923 |
Tierney | A. J. | 01/13/1925 | 881 | 1925 |
Tiffany | Ambrose E. | 02/09/1924 | 200 | 1924 |
Tiffany | Frances J. | 154 | 1916 | |
Tiffany | Marvin L. | 21 January 1893 | 828 | 1921 |
Tighe | Ann | 09/18/1915 | 873 | 1915 |
Tighe | Ann Scott | 05/11/1920 | 568 | 1920 |
Tighe | Anna H. | 03/15/1925 | 498 | 1925 |
Tighe | Bridget V. | 03/08/1916 | 247 | 1916 |
Tighe | James | 02/18/1915 | 345 | 1915 |
Tighe | katie | 11/23/1917 | 898 | 1917 |
Tighe | Margaret | 04/16/1926 | 427 | 1926 |
Tighe | Margaret | 11/27/1926 | 1299 | 1926 |
Tighe | Michael | 05/26/1923 | 770 | 1923 |
Tighe | Michael J. | 06/16/1920 | 715 | 1920 |
Tighe | Patrick | 10/06/1924 | 271 | 1915 |
Tighe | Patrick J. | 04/06/1920 | 704 | 1920 |
Tighe | Sarah Ann | 04/01/1919 | 593 | 1919 |
Tighe | Thomas | 11/13/1918 | 1334 | 1918 |
Tigue | Patrick J. | 11/11/1927 | 1295 | 1927 |
Tigue | Patrick J. | 12/11/1927 | 1306 | 1927 |
Tigue | Thomas F. | 06/11/1927 | 930 | 1927 |
Tillman | Mary E. | 12/02/1926 | 1232 | 1926 |
Timcsak | Joseph | 06/21/1926 | 708 | 1926 |
Timlin | Anthony J. | 03/14/1922 | 688 | 1922 |
Timlin | Jane | 04/23/1915 | 369 | 1915 |
Timlin | Patrick | 02/04/1917 | 166 | 1917 |
Timlin | Sarah A. | 01/10/1916 | 46 | 1916 |
Timmis | Robert | 01/16/1925 | 60 | 1926 |
Timora | Anthony | 12/10/1921 | 1285 | 1921 |
Timora | Anthony | 12/10/1922 | 691 | 1923 |
Tingley | Burt | 07/04/1918 | 608 | 1918 |
Tingley | Charlotte E. | 07/27/1917 | 485 | 1919 |
Tingley | Charlotte E. | 07/14/1925 | 823 | 1925 |
Tingley | S. B. | 08/15/1924 | 997 | 1924 |
Tinklepaugh | Angus R. | 06/03/1921 | 681 | 1921 |
Tinsley | Etta R. | 03/16/1927 | 321 | 1927 |
Tinsley | Ray C. | 11/28/1925 | 1324 | 1925 |
Tinsley | William | 07/10/1923 | 813 | 1923 |
Tiplady | Joseph | 03/31/1916 | 265 | 1916 |
Tipper | Minnie J. | 05/23/1921 | 555 | 1921 |
Titi | George | 483 | 1921 | |
Titi | Joseph | 483 | 1921 | |
Titti | Guiseppe | 11/13/1914 | 1225 | 1919 |
Tobey | Carl D. | 07/04/1926 | 996 | 1926 |
Tobin | Joe | 06/30/1917 | 558 | 1917 |
Tokarczyk | Joseph | 08/02/1925 | 978 | 1925 |
Toman | William J. | 08/03/1924 | 895 | 1924 |
Tomaro | Dominick | 07/17/1924 | 779 | 1924 |
Tomasky | Michael | 10/16/1918 | 459 | 1919 |
Tomassoni | Antonio | 11/30/1921 | 1239 | 1921 |
Tomkus | Peter | 12/09/1914 | 19 | 1915 |
Tomosky | Annie | 08/11/1927 | 931 | 1927 |
Tomosky | Michael | 10/16/1918 | 459 | 1919 |
Tompkins | Helen P. | 02/17/1927 | 207 | 1927 |
Tompkins | John | 12/13/1920 | 1301 | 1920 |
Tonetti | Caroline | 07/27/1922 | 749 | 1922 |
Tonetti | Peter | 08/25/1920 | 911 | 1920 |
Tonkin | Charles | 04/10/1918 | 401 | 1918 |
Tonkin | Ellen Jane | 03/28/1927 | 393 | 1927 |
Tonkin | Grace | 05/01/1915 | 504 | 1915 |
Toolan | Anthony | 08/10/1918 | 1009 | 1920 |
Toolan | Bridget | 02/02/1920 | 548 | 1920 |
Toolan | Bridget | 05/09/1925 | 757 | 1925 |
Toole | Ellen | 05/20/1912 | 148 | 1915 |
Toomey | James | 12/30/1916 | 9 | 1917 |
Toopik | Wladimir | 07/24/1926 | 803 | 1926 |
Tor | Katherine | 04/21/1918 | 377 | 1918 |
Torhan | Wasil | 07/08/1925 | 848 | 1925 |
Torrey | James H. | 09/28/1925 | 1077 | 1925 |
Torrey | William J. | 01/15/1919 | 207 | 1919 |
Torrick | Ilko | 09/21/1926 | 965 | 1926 |
Toti | Adamo | 10/23/1916 | 788 | 1916 |
Touhill | James P. | 09/08/1919 | 1165 | 1919 |
Tower | Jennie A. | 431 | 1922 | |
Townsend | Benjamin | 12/15/1916 | 213 | 1916 |
Townsend | Emily F. | 04/22/1926 | 655 | 1926 |
Townsend | George H. | 01/26/1919 | 246 | 1919 |
Townsend | Theodore | 02/02/1924 | 196 | 1924 |
Tracy | Content E. | 12/10/1920 | 157 | 1921 |
Tracy | Fred'k K. | 12/23/1924 | 1350 | 1924 |
Tracy | Helen M. | 06/18/1920 | 655 | 1920 |
Tracy Gerrity | Helen | 06/18/1920 | 655 | 1920 |
Trager | Herman F. | 11/24/1927 | 1240 | 1927 |
Transue | Chas. A., Jr. | 12/18/1921 | 4 | 1922 |
Transue | Lewis | 04/19/1920 | 546 | 1920 |
Transue | Rachel A. | 03/15/1925 | 301 | 1925 |
Trantor | John | 03/17/1915 | 268 | 1915 |
Traupe | Florence LaBarre | 10/12/1926 | 618 | 1927 |
Travis | Ellie | 10/27/1918 | 1011 | 1918 |
Travis | William | 10/20/1918 | 1010 | 1918 |
Traviss | Susanna | 12/27/1924 | 1 | 1925 |
Traynor | Catherine | 09/28/1917 | 752 | 1917 |
Treat | Grant | 09/08/1924 | 919 | 1924 |
Trebandis | Andro | 12/20/1922 | 596 | 1923 |
Tregar | Mary | 11/30/1925 | 597 | 1926 |
Treharne | Ann | 06/22/1924 | 852 | 1924 |
Trella | Joseph | 09/22/1920 | 1081 | 1920 |
Tremike | Carlo | 04/07/1925 | 240 | 1927 |
Tremko | Annie | 07/09/1923 | 863 | 1923 |
Tremper | Mary E. | 02/18/1925 | 209 | 1925 |
Treon | Francis | 08/13/1915 | 757 | 1915 |
Tresch | George H. | 02/22/1917 | 753 | 1917 |
Trester | Margaret | 09/21/1926 | 980 | 1926 |
Trethewey | J. B. | 02/11/1924 | 242 | 1924 |
Trewascage | Joseph | 10/18/1918 | 1154 | 1918 |
Trianowicz | Peter | 10/20/1918 | 1038 | 1918 |
Tribuzzi | Enrico | 09/25/1915 | 116 | 1916 |
Tribuzzi | Eugene | 04/11/1924 | 458 | 1924 |
Trigoda | George | 03/29/1921 | 342 | 1921 |
Trimarchi | Carlo | 04/20/1925 | 811 | 1926 |
Tripp | Carrie M. | 07/19/1916 | 668 | 1916 |
Tripp | Charles C. | 10/12/1927 | 1075 | 1927 |
Tripp | Jennie E. | 11/21/1922 | 1170 | 1922 |
Trone | E. | 01/22/1927 | 222 | 1927 |
Tropp | Eugene A. | 09/15/1921 | 951 | 1921 |
Tropp | Gene A. | 09/15/1921 | 951 | 1921 |
Tropp | Margaret | 12/17/1915 | 1040 | 1915 |
Tross | Fred | 10/03/1922 | 976 | 1922 |
Trostel | William | 08/07/1923 | 923 | 1923 |
Trotta | James | 11/05/1918 | 531 | 1919 |
Troy | Annie | 02/22/1924 | 1302 | 1924 |
Trucci | Thomas | 03/19/1923 | 446 | 1923 |
Trucker | Mamie | 03/09/1921 | 488 | 1922 |
Trudnowski | Joseph | 11/17/1926 | 1328 | 1926 |
Truskuleska | Kamela A. | 02/21/1915 | 171 | 1915 |
Trygar | Mary | 11/30/1925 | 597 | 1926 |
Tschopp | Alexander | 08/12/1915 | 550 | 1924 |
Tubbs | Annie | 06/06/1926 | 648 | 1926 |
Tubbs | John F. | 07/18/1923 | 833 | 1923 |
Tucker | Charles M. | 07/31/1917 | 677 | 1917 |
Tucker | Gillmore E. | 12/24/1919 | 77 | 1920 |
Tucker | P. H. | 05/10/1927 | 548 | 1927 |
Tudor | Richard | 12/30/1918 | 130 | 1919 |
Tuffy | Hannah | 04/17/1916 | 533 | 1916 |
Tuffy | John A. | 03/25/1921 | 732 | 1921 |
Tugend | John Wm. | 03/17/1918 | 358 | 1918 |
Tully | Hugh | 12/24/1920 | 943 | 1922 |
Tuman | George | 04/07/1916 | 294 | 1916 |
Tunstall | William C. | 08/03/1925 | 909 | 1925 |
Tuopic | Wadyslaw | 07/24/1926 | 803 | 1926 |
Tuoss | John | 04/05/1925 | 517 | 1925 |
Turko | William | 09/04/1918 | 749 | 1918 |
Turnbill | Archibald | 10/08/1916 | 766 | 1916 |
Turnbull | James | 07/23/1919 | 1039 | 1919 |
Turner | Alfred | 06/03/1923 | 719 | 1923 |
Turner | John Wm. | 08/11/1927 | 934 | 1927 |
Turner | Nancy J. | 05/08/1915 | 430 | 1915 |
Turner | Sallie | 08/30/1916 | 650 | 1916 |
Turonis | Andrew | 04/03/1921 | 458 | 1921 |
Turrissini | Dominico | 09/02/1917 | 706 | 1917 |
Tuthill | Sadie E. F. | 02/25/1909 | 980 | 1917 |
Twining | Alfred | 05/13/1922 | 578 | 1922 |
Tychanski | Tymko | 03/25/1918 | 337 | 1918 |
Tyler | Charles M. | 741 | 1918 | |
Tyler | Charlotte | 10/11/1915 | 938 | 1915 |
Tyler | Hamlet H. | 81 | 1923 | |
Tyler | Israel S. | 03/04/1923 | 356 | 1923 |
Tyler | Mary J. | 03/19/1923 | 329 | 1923 |
Tymkow | Pearl | 06/04/1917 | 488 | 1917 |
Tyne | Ellen | 02/25/1921 | 295 | 1921 |
Tyranwicz | George | 09/18/1915 | 971 | 1915 |
Tyrawski | Andrew | 06/06/1926 | 613 | 1926 |
Ucko | Jacob | 06/20/1915 | 602 | 1915 |
Uhren | John | 06/11/1921 | 620 | 1921 |
Uhrin | George | 12/11/1918 | 630 | 1920 |
Ujlaky | Michael | 08/04/1923 | 1352 | 1923 |
Ukrainetz | Feodor | 09/15/1921 | 1003 | 1921 |
Ulinauski | Margaret | 07/11/1917 | 672 | 1917 |
Ulmer | John C. | 03/31/1915 | 423 | 1915 |
Underwood | Jonas | 01/08/1918 | 47 | 1918 |
Underwood | Nellie P. | 07/26/1925 | 947 | 1925 |
Updyke | Elijah | 09/04/1916 | 79 | 1917 |
Urbaitis | Joseph | 11/16/1921 | 278 | 1922 |
Urbas | Karlo | 02/10/1925 | 153 | 1925 |
Urbon | Stanley | 05/09/1927 | 540 | 1927 |
Urbonas | Stanley | 05/09/1927 | 540 | 1927 |
Urbuteet | Christopher | 10/22/1919 | 1384 | 1919 |
Urda | Adam | 04/26/1926 | 545 | 1926 |
Urda | Elias | 09/18/1919 | 18 | 1920 |
Urda | Samuel | 03/09/1923 | 313 | 1923 |
Urweider | John | 01/13/1916 | 38 | 1916 |
Uscienska | Frances | 05/05/1923 | 571 | 1923 |
Usher | William | 04/16/1927 | 506 | 1927 |
Uszakiewicz | Cypian | 07/06/1917 | 613 | 1917 |
Utley | Merrit | 01/19/1915 | 106 | 1917 |
Utt | Annie | 09/01/1919 | 1198 | 1919 |
Vacovitz | Felix | 07/12/1918 | 624 | 1918 |
Vagnoni | Marco | 10/25/1918 | 924 | 1918 |
Vail | Amanda | 12/10/1918 | 115 | 1919 |
Vail | Caroline R. | 02/22/1924 | 635 | 1924 |
Vail | Eli B. | 02/27/1922 | 266 | 1922 |
Vail | Howard L. | 07/23/1922 | 755 | 1922 |
Vail | John A. | 12/02/1920 | 1311 | 1920 |
Vail | Mary J. | 09/01/1922 | 1059 | 1922 |
Vail | Micah | 11/05/1919 | 1385 | 1919 |
Vaitkoner | Andrew | 11/28/1927 | 1364 | 1927 |
Vajda | Joseph | 11/15/1926 | 1220 | 1926 |
Valentine | Phebe A. | 12/14/1915 | 1036 | 1915 |
Vallario | Anthony | 09/21/1919 | 1258 | 1919 |
Vallario | Michele | 05/16/1923 | 712 | 1923 |
Valquer | Seifina | 05/31/1921 | 697 | 1921 |
Valvana | Michael | 04/20/1924 | 1228 | 1927 |
Van Blarcom | Watts C. | 04/16/1922 | 396 | 1922 |
Van Buskirk | Altha | 06/12/1921 | 660 | 1921 |
Van Buskirk | Annie E. | 06/08/1918 | 1155 | 1919 |
Van Buskirk | Florence G. | 11/21/1925 | 1302 | 1925 |
Van Buskirk | William L. | 10/08/1925 | 1111 | 1925 |
Van Camp | Albina A. | 01/18/1926 | 110 | 1926 |
Van Camp | William H. | 03/02/1923 | 526 | 1923 |
Van Campen | Barbara M. | 11/23/1914 | 91 | 1915 |
Van Dermark | Emma A. | 09/10/1925 | 1002 | 1925 |
Van Dermark | Josiah | 09/02/1915 | 759 | 1915 |
Van Deuzer | Maria | 04/27/1923 | 520 | 1923 |
Van Doren | William | 09/22/1925 | 1057 | 1925 |
Van Dyke | William F. | 01/07/1927 | 48 | 1927 |
Van Fleet | Benjamin F. | 05/10/1914 | 294 | 1917 |
Van Fleet | Merrit | 01/16/1925 | 147 | 1925 |
Van Gorden | Adella S. | 11/12/1922 | 1126 | 1922 |
Van Gorder | Louise | 04/21/1925 | 482 | 1925 |
Van Gorder | Louise | 04/21/1925 | 482 | 1925 |
Van Horn | John | 05/15/1918 | 751 | 1918 |
Van Horn | S. E. | 05/01/1925 | 536 | 1925 |
Van Inwegen | James | 12/16/1916 | 915 | 1916 |
Van Nort | Donald A. | 05/29/1915 | 517 | 1915 |
Van Sickle | Byron U. | 02/21/1927 | 416 | 1927 |
Van Sickle | Dorcas A. | 07/12/1920 | 748 | 1920 |
Van Sickle | Jane | 07/22/1918 | 663 | 1918 |
Vandenberg | Benajmin | 05/04/1918 | 405 | 1918 |
Vandenberg | John M. | 08/07/1915 | 710 | 1915 |
Vanderberg | Frederick | 11/19/1918 | 1166 | 1919 |
Vanderford | Frank R. | 02/20/1920 | 198 | 1920 |
Vandling | Frank M. | 09/27/1924 | 996 | 1924 |
Vansavitch | Stephen | 10/26/1918 | 1186 | 1918 |
Vansickle | Daniel M. | 07/25/1924 | 797 | 1924 |
Vanvalen | Charles L. | 05/11/1918 | 460 | 1918 |
Vasil | George | 10/22/1920 | 26 | 1921 |
Vasil | John | 06/24/1927 | 789 | 1927 |
Vasquez | Saveriano | 01/07/1925 | 148 | 1925 |
Vaughan | John | 02/09/1922 | 275 | 1922 |
Vaughey | Catherine | 12/30/1924 | 37 | 1925 |
Vaughey | Catherine | 12/30/1924 | 37 | 1924 |
Vaughey | James E. | 10/10/1925 | 1136 | 1925 |
Vaughn | David W. | 05/03/1917 | 398 | 1917 |
Vaughn | Maria W. | 06/04/1919 | 957 | 1919 |
Vaverchock | Mary | 11/01/1927 | 1158 | 1927 |
Vecchi | Angleo | 06/21/1927 | 861 | 1927 |
Vegar | Anthony | 11/06/1917 | 155 | 1918 |
Vekay | Peter | 01/24/1921 | 68 | 1921 |
Velcones | William | 12/09/1914 | 27 | 1915 |
Vendre | James | 01/30/1926 | 155 | 1926 |
Veneskfski | Susie | 02/25/1925 | 323 | 1925 |
Ventura | John | 11/02/1926 | 1120 | 1926 |
Venzer | John | 10/21/1926 | 1101 | 1926 |
Vercoe | William | 01/23/1921 | 83 | 1921 |
Verigot | Anthony | 11/06/1917 | 155 | 1918 |
Vetter | Elizabeth | 02/02/1923 | 240 | 1923 |
Vicari | Angelo | 11/06/1918 | 1115 | 1918 |
Vickers | Elizabeth | 01/12/1923 | 171 | 1923 |
Vickers | Joseph | 03/19/1926 | 318 | 1926 |
Vijda | Joseph | 11/15/1926 | 1220 | 1926 |
Vilardi | Annunziato | 08/17/1917 | 698 | 1918 |
Villone | Giuseppe | 11/18/1924 | 1271 | 1924 |
Vincenti | Enrico | 06/11/1924 | 644 | 1924 |
Vincenti | Enrigo | 06/11/1924 | 644 | 1924 |
Vinitsky | John | 06/23/1923 | 840 | 1923 |
Virinskis | Catherine | 09/02/1926 | 902 | 1926 |
Virpshes | Adam | 07/03/1918 | 619 | 1918 |
Visneski | Anthony | 10/22/1918 | 1131 | 1918 |