LackawannaLackawanna County News

Scranton Republican, Friday, July 5, 1889

City and County

The dedication of the new Polish Catholic cemetery at Minooka was postponed yesterday on account of the rain.  The dedication will take place sometime in August.

The funeral of the late Mrs. Thomas LUCAS will take place from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. C. W. McKINNEY, this morning at eleven o'clock.  Interment at Forest Hill.  Funeral strictly private.

Mrs. I. H. BARNES and children are visiting relatives in Susquehanna County.

Rev. and Mrs. O. P. WRIGHT left Monday for a brief vacation in New England.

The prompt action of Officer David ROACH yesterday afternoon prevented what promised to be a serious conflagration.  At 5:15 o'clock Officer Roach discovered that the covering of the cases in the jewelry store of John Owens on Penn avenue, near the St. Charles, were on fire.  He immediately broke the glass of one of the windows, entered the store and put out the flames, which had done very little damage.  All of this occurred before the department arrived.  The officer gashed one of his hands painfully in breaking the glass.

Death of Mrs. William Conwell.

Mrs. William CONWELL, wife of the well-known foreman of the running department of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western machine shops, died early yesterday morning at her residence on Franklin avenue.  Deceased was a well-known and highly respected lady and her death will be greatly regretted.  She leaves four children. Druggist Charles H. Conwell and three daughters.  She will be buried to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock.  A Solemn High Mass will be celebrated at St. Peter's Cathedral.  Interment will be made in the Hyde Park Catholic cemetery.

Death of Mrs. Oakley

Mrs. Henry OAKLEY, of Oak street, Providence section of the city, died yesterday afternoon after an illness of nearly one year. For the past four weeks she has suffered constant and intense pain from a complication of difficulties which baffled most skillful medical treatment.

Mrs. Oakley was born in Wilkes-Barre where also she married Mr. Henry Oakley.  Early in life she united with the First presbyterian church of that city, during the pastorate of Rev. Dr. Dorrance.  The family afterward lived in Tunkhannock and Factoryville, taking up their residence in this city in 1867.  For the past twenty-nine years Mrs. Oakley has been a zealous member of the Providence Presbyterian church, and when health would permit was seldom absent from her pew on the Lord's day or for the Wednesday  evening service of conference and prayer.  By nature she was of charitable disposition, which found expression in deeds of mercy and benevolence.  She leaves a daughter and husband and a large circle of friends to mourn her loss.


MALONEY - In Scranton, July 3, Mrs. Martin Maloney.  Funeral from the residence of the deceased, 459 Phelps street, at 10 a.m. this morning.

Sports news

Among those who were the first to hear that Scranton intended to organize a base ball club was H. C. FISHER, Scranton`s old manager.  Harry immediately wrote on offering his services and promising to secure a team able to cope with any other in the league.  He has been running a bucket shop at Springfield, at which he has made considerable money, but was recently forced to suspend by an act of the Ohio Legislature which directed that all bucket shops should be closed.  Fisher will be remembered as the man who brought to Scranton the strongest club it ever had, including "Cub" Stricker, now the king second baseman of the country.

West Side news

Mr. John T. EVANS, mine inspector, of Johnstown, and his two sons, who were supposed to have been drowned in the late flood, are visiting Mr. Morgan LAKE on Washburn street for a few weeks.

Mrs. Maggie THOMAS, of Plymouth, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. David D. BROWN, of South Eynon street.

A letter has been received by Mr. E. J. Davis from Dr. WILLIAMS, pastor of the Welsh Baptist church, who, together with his family, are now on a visit to Europe.  It states that Mr. WIlliams withstood the journey admirably, but his wife and two children were ill while en route.

Misses SMITH and Mary MORGANS, of Plymouth, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. WILLIAMS, on Eynon street.

The home of Mr. and Mrs. Evan J. DAVIS, on South Main avenue, was the scene of unusual mirth and enjoyment last evening, the occasion being the twenty-first anniversary of his daughter, Miss Mary Jane.  A number of her most intimate and warmest associates, constituting a bevy of excellent young people of this side, assembled and utterly surprised Miss Davis as she was returning home from the pyrotechnic display on Luzerne street.  Miss Davis, on entering the room and finding so many young people, was completely overcome.  At the conclusion of the games in which a collation was spread by Mrs. Davis, assisted by her son Willie, who was so blackened and attired as to perfectly resemble a negro youth and Miss Stella Meridith.  Among those who were present were: Miss Stella MEREDITH, Sarah MEREDITH, Lizzie REYNOLDS, Anna DAVIS, Mary A. DAVIS, Sadie WILLIAMS, Plymouth; Edith POWELL, Esther HUGHES, Norma HUGHES, Lizzie JONES, Lizzie WILLIAMS, Maggie JENKINS, and Messrs. Ed ROBERHAN, James HUGHES, T. Turner THOMAS, T. J. REYNOLDS, David T. THOMAS, Thomas MARSHALL, T. W. JENKINS, Joseph MATHIAS, John DAVIS, and John REYNOLDS.


John WILLIAMS, living near the Keystone colliery, Mill Creek, was struck by the northbound Central passenger train between Mill Creek and Laflin last evening.  He was knocked down the bank and found lying in the buses.  He was picked up and brought to a Scranton hospital.  He was bruised about the head but it is thought not seriously.

One place in the city celebrated the Fourth in an enthusiastic manner.  This was the saloon of Evan M. WILLIAMS on East Market street.  All day long a crowd filled the scanty bar-room and the piano medley that agitated the smoke-laden atmosphere set every well regulated disciple of Bacchus, eruueting about in high-glee. James HUGHES of Duryea, a young man, well-dressed and apparently well behaved, was enticed into the place by the music.  He was a stranger to all but having money to buy beer he was soon in the midst of a convivial crowd.

At noon the police were notified that the "Welcome Home", or some such title as William's place goes by, was the scene of a fight.  Chief MEYERS and Officers CONNORS, CLARK, and other hurried to the spot and found Hughes unable to stand and covered with bruises.  He was under the influence of liquor, but told who his assailants were.  Accordingly he was placed in an omnibus and Evan M. Williams, the proprietor, together with his two sons, Gomer and Evan M. Jr., and William LEWIS were arrested and taken along to police headquarters.  Daniel EDWARDS said Hughes had got into trouble with Lewis, had been told to leave, started to go when Lewis attacked him.  Hughes is a muscular young fellow with red hair, and consequently held his own until Williams and his two sons came to the rescue of Lewis when all bore him to the floor and kicked him till he could do no more.  William ESCOTT told the same story, and the Mayor fined Lewis $15, Williams $10, and the two boys $5 each. When Hughes was taken to headquarters it was not known [if] his injuries might prove fatal, but at the end of the hearing he left the office escorted by an officer to hunt up some relatives whom he said he had in the city.  Williams told Hughes not to come to his place again, and the latter intimated that he didn't need the injunction.

Scranton Republican, Saturday, July 6, 1889

Neighboring Counties: Wyoming

Mill City - Mr. KOON, his daughter, Mrs. LEADER and her little boy, of Wilkes-Barre, are visiting at Mrs. DEPEW's.

Mr. Harry TURN, merchant at Falls, is very poor with a tumor on the brain.  The doctors are doubtful of his recovery.

Miss Ada KOON leaves this week for Tunkhannock to take charge of a millinery store there.

Mrs. William H. DODD, of Sayre, visited her sister, Mrs. DOOLITTLE, this week.

Nicholson - Jack KILLEA, a section boss between this place and Foster, son of Patrick Killea of the D. L. & W. R. R., was killed Tuesday night about eleven o'clock by the cars between here and Foster.

Daniel ROBINSON, of Lenoxville, has the mail route between this station and Clifford, and runs a very comfortable looking stage.

The new Postmaster, Jerome LORD, took possession of the office July 1st, and has refitted the place in good shape.

Mr. L. McMILLAN brought a bride to our town last week.

The MERRILLs have removed from the Pump House, and Ed. NICHOLS and son are running it.

Legal Notice

Estate of A. J. NORMAN, deceased, late of the city of Scranton.  Letters testamentary upon the above-named estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons having claims or demands against the said estate will present them for payment, and those indebted thereto will please make immediate payment to Mary S. Norman, Executrix.

Herman Osthaus, Attorney, 201 Wyoming avenue., Scranton, PA, July 5, 1889

City and County

The James  McGAEDY inquest will be conducted at the court-house next Wednesday evening.

Messrs. Williams Bros., made and sold twelve hundred gallons of ice cream for the Fourth of July.

The employees of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Company on the Southern division were paid yesterday.

The Holy Rosary church picnic was interfered with by Thursday's rain and will be held at the Brisbin Grove this afternoon.

Thomas McGEE, aged 15, of Mineral street, Pine Brook, was badly burned about the face by loose powder while firing a cannon on July 4.

The will of Jacob DeMUTH, late of Scranton, was probated at the Register's office yesterday and letters granted to the widow, Elizabeth DeMuth.

Mr. Al SCHLAGER left yesterday for Boston.

Quartermaster John F. ALBRO is home from Johnstown.

Mrs. F. X. SEARLES, of Syracuse, is visiting Rev. and Mrs. George E. GUILD.

Mr. Robert GIBBS, actor, is visiting his father, Dr. Gibbs, on the West side.

Mrs. W. H. BUTLER and Mrs. J. O. KIERSTAED left yesterday for the Thousand Islands.

Mrs. WIlliam CONNERY, formerly of this city but now of Chicago, is visiting friends in this city.

Mr. Robert LANGE, of Binghamton, formerly a student at Wyoming Seminary, was in town yesterday.

Miss Agnes BERRY, of Franklin avenue, is being entertained by Mr. and Mrs. J. J. LAWLER at Lake Ariel.

Mrs. Frank S. JONES and children of Brooklyn, NY, are visiting Mrs. M. NORTON on Mulberry street.

Mr. Charles H. VON STORCH has gone to North Carolina to look up titles of timber land there which a company he represents contemplates purchasing.

Rev. J. V. MOYLAN left yesterday for Boston, Rev. Father ROCHE of Archbald having been taken seriously ill in that city.

The funeral of the late Mrs. Thomas ROCHE occurred yesterday afternoon from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Carl McKINNEY, on Jefferson avenue.  The services were strictly private.  The pall-bearers were Judge John E. CONNELLY, ex-Judge MOFFITT, John STANTON, John CARROLL, E. J. NEWVILLE, and Henry BATTIN Sr. Interment was made at Forest Hill.

A new post-office named Lee has been established in Luzerne county.  It will be supplied from Wanamie.

[condensed] At 10 yesterday morning Undertaker A. L. Foote reported to Coroner Burnett that Charles L. SHAFER, 310 Marion avenue, Green Ridge, had died at 6 o'clock Thursday morning from the effects of a wound upon the head inflicted by his sixteen-year-old son, Walter.  .... [Walter was attacked by his father who was drunk.] .... Shafer was about 47 and was employed as a glass-blower in the Green Ridge Glass Works.  His family consisted of a wife and nine children, six sons and three daughters.  Mrs. Shaefer and one of the daughters witnessed the tragedy.

Mr. Niram H. BROWN, one of the managers and a director of the Stowers Packing Company, died yesterday at the residence of Mr. John FERGUSON on Linden street.  The deceased was born in Newfield, NY, in 1840, and came to this city when twenty-seven years old.  He first engaged in the grocery business and afterwards entered the employ of the Stowers Packing Company.  He was a most agreeable gentleman and held in high esteem.

The funeral services will be held at the residence of Mr. Ferguson at 813 Linden street at 12:30 this afternoon.  The remains will be conveyed to Newfield for interment on Monday next.


COSGROVE - In Scranton, July 5, 1889, Willie, son of David and Rose Cosgrove, aged 17 months.  Funeral from residence, 319 Peach street, Sunday at 2 p.m.  Interment in Forest Hill cemetery.

PAFF - In Scranton, July 4, 1889, John W. Paff, son of Joseph and Lizzie Paff, aged 5 years and 5 months.


BRYDEN - EDWARDS  In Scranton, July 5, 1889, by Rev. David Spencer, D. D., Mr. John R. Bryden and Miss Dora L. Edwards, both of this city.

MILLER - CARPENTER  In Tunkhannock, July 2, 1889, by Rev. G. C. Lyman, Mr. Albert P. Miller and Miss Hattie Carpenter.

PHINNEY - JAYNE  At the M. E. parsonage, Tunkhannock, July 4, 1889. Mr. Tracy H. Phinney and Miss Venice Jayne, both of Eaton.

Mr. John R. BRYDEN, paymaster of the Fairlawn Coal Company, and Miss Dora l. EDWARDS were married by Rev. David Spencer, D. D., yesterday morning at the residence of the bride's mother at 640 Washington avenue.  The parlor in which the ceremony was performed was decorated with flowers and presented a charming appearance. Immediately after the ceremony lunch was served, after which Mr. and Mrs. Bryden left for New York.  On Thursday next they will sail for St. John's, Newfoundland, where they will spend the summer.

There was a large number of the relatives and friends of the contracting parties in attendance.  Among those from out of town who were present were the following:  Mr. and Mrs. Andrew BRYDEN, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry BRYDEN, John ANDERSON, Mrs. William BRYDEN, Mrs. A. A. BRYDEN, the Misses Elin and Catherine BRYDEN, of Pittston; Mr. and Mrs. B. Taylor LACEY, of Binghamton, NY; Miss Lou ATHERTON, of Dalton.

West Side -

Mrs. Dr. ROBERTS and son Newton, of South Main avenue, left for Middle Granville, NY, yesterday morning, to spend about ten days with friends and relatives in that town.

Master Will GRIFFITHS, of Filmore avenue, is on a two-weeks vacation in Danville.

Mr. Ben WILLIAMS, son of Hon. Morgan R. Williams. of Wilkes-Barre, is a guest of Wilbur C. Williams at the home of his parents on Sumner avenue for a few days.

Miss Mary Jane REESE, of Carbondale, is being entertained by the family of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ESCOTT at their home on South Main avenue.


"The Fourth" owing to the efforts of P.O. S. of A. [Patriotic Order of Sons of America] of this borough, passed very pleasantly.  Arrangements were made for a basket picnic in Sherman's Grove.  .... P.O.S. of A. were present from Nicholson, Dalton, and Hyde Park.  A few G.A.R. men and the Clark's Green drum cops were also in the parade. [condensed]

The post office has been removed to A. B. COWLES' store and Miss Belle McALPINE is assistant postmaster.

The work of painting the Baptist church is almost finished and other improvements are being made in town.  Mr. R. SHERMAN has widened the drive leading to his home, and placed on either side a tasteful fence, making a very fine approach to his pleasantly located residence.

The Poor Board [condensed]

The Scranton Poor Board held a meeting yesterday afternoon, at which all members were present, including Mr. WILLIAMS, the new appointee.  All  had been sworn in by Mr. E. S. LYNETT, Notary Public, during the afternoon.  Previous to reorganization all the business was disposed of.

Mary McDONOUGH, 21st ward, an old lady living alone, was given $2 a month for the present.

Bridget FORD, Bellvue, asked that her husband who has been ill for a long time be admitted to the Hillside Home.  Granted.

Mrs. Kate McGEEVER, Dunmore, who has eight children unprovided for, was granted $6 per month for the present.  Her husband is in county jail for selling liquor without a license.

Ann EVANS, a widow of Eynon street, asked that her 26-year-old son be compelled to support her.

Mrs. Goldtha KINGSBURY, a widow, wanted the Board to send her and her two children to Chicago where she thinks she can earn her living.  She has lived in Scranton but six weeks and has been in America nine months.  The case was dismissed.

Mrs. Fannie DOUGHERTY, of the West Side, wanted to have her allowance of $4 per week increased.  The board agreed to pay her rent for a couple of months instead.

Mrs. Needa PRIM, Stone avenue, whose husband is working in Pittsburg, wanted to be sent to that place.  Her husband earns very small wages and is not able to pay the fare of his wife and children.  ...It was decided to pay any costs over the $10 contributed by the husband.

Mrs. John EAGEN, 10th ward, whose husband at the Hillside Home, asked the board to contribute toward her support.  The Board decided to receive her at the home.

Mrs. W. B. DUGGAN appeared on behalf of the three COLLERAN children who were left sadly destitute when their parents were both sent to the county jail for engaging in a drunken disturbance.  The children are now at St. Patrick's Orphanage but that institution does not care to take charge of them unless they are indentured. The board decided to pay $4 each month for each child until their parents are liberated.

The same order was made for the children of Thomas BOLT who are also at the orphanage while their father is in jail for the next two months.

Mrs. Mary Ann JONES, Filmore avenue, had her allowance renewed.

Mrs. Ann McGUIRE, Luzerne street, with two children, has been deserted by her husband.  Case referred.

Mrs. Mary RILEY, widow, wanted the Board to care for her four-year-old child. Two dollars a month will be allowed her if she sends her child to the Orphanage.

Mrs. Adam FRANZ's husband is at the Poor Farm.  He has stock in a Building Association.  She wants to get the stock in her own name.  The matter was referred.

Mrs. John W. PRICE, Bromley avenue, has been receiving an allowance for the keep of a child of John FOWLER, which she wants continued.  Referred.

Christopher SCHADT of Price street, who is nearly blind, appeared with his wife.  They have several children.  The Board decided to pay his rent for two months.

Mrs. Owen OWENS, Ninth street, asked for continuance of her allowance.  Referred.

Mrs. Mary PRICE of the West Side, whose husband fails to contribute to her support, told a pitiful tale of privation.  The case was referred.

Peter SNYDER, Dunmore, appeared in the interest of 12 year old Daniel SCHLOSS whose grandfather of the same name can support him, but will not. Schloss lives in the 17th ward, and if the story is true, bears a double relation to the child, and is a brute with few redeeming qualities.  The boy's mother, while at the Poor Farm, married a man in Providence.  Many of the details of Mr. Snyder's story are totally unfit for publication.  The case was referred to the attorney.

Mrs. Mary DAVIS, of the West Side, wanted to be sent back to the old country.  The matter was deferred.

Mr. H. GIBBONS moved that the Board levy a four mill tax for the year 1889; a five mill tax was decided upon.

The report of Supt. Fowler shows 21 admissions, 8 discharges, and 1 death during the month.  Remaining at the almshouse are 128 persons (84 men, 44 women).

Admitted to the insane department 1, discharged 1, 2 deaths, 82 patients treated and 308 prescriptions issued.

Luzerne County -

Agnes May [Linn], infant daughter of Charles B. LINN, of South street, died on Thursday.

Mrs. BAUER, the wife of Policeman Bauer, is suffering from the effects of a sprained ankle.

Officer John KINNEY of the police force has been suspended for being too patriotic on the Fourth.

Mrs. S. J. MULLER, of New York, is visiting her brother, Mr. Lawrence MYERS, of Franklin street.

Solomon THOMAS of Kingston paid $4.50 for fighting, at the mayor's morning session.

John JONES defeated George GERMAN in a foot race at West Side Park.  Fifty dollars was the prize.

A slight blaze occurred in Adam GRIER's house, Kidder street, yesterday afternoon.  Little damage was done.

G. J. CLARK, law student with District Attorney DARTE, bicycles to and from his home in Luzerne and this city.

The most unsophisticated man before the mayor yesterday was Joseph TOBISH of Kingston.  He got drunk on cigars.

George W. LAYCOCK, formerly foreman of The Record composing rooms, has accepted a similar position with Mr. C. B. Snyder at Yonkers, NY.

A woman riding on the Kingston street car had an earing blown from her ear by an exploding firecracker on Thursday night. There were two kinds of powder on her cheek after the happening.

The engagement of Charles A. GIFFORD, of Newark, and Miss Helen, daughter of Col. CONYNGHAM, is announced.  Miss Conyngham is traveling in Europe with her aunt, and Mr. Gifford is a member of the party.

Editor George W. COOLBAUGH, of the Wilkes-Barre Telegram, has the distinction of celebrating his birthday along with the nation, and on Thursday was the recipient of an elaborate and handsome smoking set. a present from Mr. Henry STARK, of Plains.

One of the worst gang of tramps the season has afforded was gathered from near the red bridge of the D&H on Thursday.  A woman was in the crowd who was said by the Mayor to be in terrible condition, having scarcely enough clothing to cover her.

A man named COREY of this city, and another named John McNEVITT are said to have fought seventeen rounds on the river bank yesterday morning in defense of their honor. [condensed]

Pittston -

Company H gave an exhibition drill, followed by the silent manual of arms, the lightening drill and the bayonet exercise, all of which evoked storms of applause.  This was part of a successful fund-raiser at Oregon grove for St. John's Congregational church. [rewritten and condensed.]

Mr. Leopold OlSZEWSKI and Miss Hulda NORTHNAGLE, of Scranton, were married at the residence of Mr. Albert Olszewski, West Pittston, by Rev. G. A. Struntz, on the 3rd last.

Mr. George KILLIAN and Miss Maria STEVENS, both of West Pittston, were married on the 3rd inst.

The furniture for the new Butler Hill school building is being placed into position.

The "Glen Mary" steamer from Plymouth plied the Susquehanna on the Fourth and reached the port of Pittston in the afternoon.

Scranton Republican, Monday, July 8, 1889

Editorial comment -

Here is another proof that "the cruel war is over."  The widow of Gen. PICKETT, the famous Confederate who led Pickett's division in its charge at Gettysburg and was killed, is about to marry Col. LYNCH, of the 106th Pennsylvania Regiment, whose command belonged to the Philadelphia Brigade which repelled Pickett's charge.  Col. Lynch and Mrs. Pickett met at one of the reunions of the Blue and Gray on the battle-field at Gettysburg, and out of the fraternal greetings sprang the warmer sentiment that is to culminate in a wedding.  This will be a union of the Blue and the Gray, although, as a matter of fact, both parties are now tolerably gray.

So many English people perished at Johnstown that it is said hundreds of families in England are mourning for lost relatives.

Elsewhere -

Philadelphia, July 7 - Thomas Ewing SHERMAN, son of General [Tecumseh] Sherman today received the final orders of the priesthood.  The ordination ceremonies were conducted by Archbishop Ryan. [condensed]

Buffalo Bill [Cody] has been engaged by the French government to teach 100 cavalry officers how to ride.

Neighboring Counties- Susquehanna

Clifford - F. G. SMITH is the new doctor, and he comes here highly recommended.

Frank B. WILLIAMS, of Scranton, a former landlord here, was in town last Sunday.

Mrs. D. M. TAYLOR, of New York has been the guest of friends in this place the past week.  Her husband, the late Rev. Alfred Taylor, who died at Waverly some three years since, was well known and had many warm friends in this vicinity.

City and County -

Bridget LAVELLE and Mrs. Catherine McDERMOTT, both charged with drunkenness, were taken to county jail yesterday.

Mr. Julius ROSSANFELD left last night for his home at Delhi, La.

Mrs. Bezzelbee (sic) DAVIS, of Davis & Williams, Main Ave., Hyde Park, leaves this week for Wales on a visit with her friends in the old country.  She will be gone some weeks.

Butcher GAFFNEY keeps a shop on lower Penn avenue.  He and his wife have engaged in frequent battles recently and have several times been placed under arrest.  Yesterday occurred one of their periodical quarrels which soon grew so violent that a large crowd collected.  Mrs. Gaffney took exception to remarks that her husband made and attacked him with a butcher knife, cutting him twice on the neck.  The wounds were not serious.  No arrests were made.

Summer School

There were anxious inquires for the Professor at the DL&W depot Saturday morning and the class was speculating on the chances of investigating Mocanaqua without him without him when he was found in a forward car busily engaged in arranging a traveling herbarium. The day was a delightful one, there was no rain or dust. The ride along the lovely shores of the Susquehanna was a constant succession of surprises at the fine views as the train turned from one sharp curve after another revealing constant successions of wooded hills, bold cliffs, and picturesque gaps in the mountain range.

At Schickshinny the class left the cars and made its way slowly up the steep narrow valley of the Mocanaqua to the falls where luncheon was eaten at the foot of the laughing silvery water that danced and played in the sunshine like fine lace thrown over ivory.  Along the cliffs of conglomerate Prof. Dudley found the arplenium montanum, which had been only found heretofore on the ledges of Bald Mount, and which is a rare fern anywhere.  In the rocky woods near the falls was also found the walking fern, which has the singular habit of taking root at the end of a long leaf and so stepping over the ground.  Lygodium palmatum, or climbing fern, was sought for unsuccessfully.  It grows in the neighborhood of Hazleton, and it would be a good plant for florists to cultivate for its decorative effects, being fully equal to smilax.  The falls are higher than Nay-Aug and quite as romantic.  There was, of course, an abundance of water pouring over them Saturday.

Prof. DUDLEY left for Ithaca Saturday evening and returned last night.  This morning the class goes to Lehigh Pond, three miles north of Gouldsboro on the DL&W RR.  It is expected to ride over on some lumber cars to the mills near the pond.  The flora here will be different in great measure from that found anywhere else.  The train leaves at 9:50, returns at 6 o'clock.  Wednesday the class takes the 7:25 train on the Erie & Wyoming Valley Railroad to Wimmer's Summit, thence to Moosic Lake.  Friday the ascent of Bald Mount will be made either by carriage or on foot, as the members of the class may elect.  Class studies will begin Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock in the school of the Lackawanna.  The work and studies of the class for this coming week will be well worth the money it costs and those who join hitherto will find themselves amply repaid for the time and money spent by devoting a week's time to this study, some knowledge of which should be possessed by all.  The excursions are all to interesting points and the class work and lectures will be full of instruction.

Musical Notes -

The veteran composer, Gwilym GWENT, of Plymouth, won the prize for a musical composition at the Dakota Eisteddfod.  A. Madoc, of Utica, criticised the merits of the different competitors. [i.e., he was the judge. -ed]
Tax Collector Appointments
Archbald borough Max KLOPFER
Blakely township H. E. BARNES
Benton township H. G. SMITH
Clifton township John GRESS
Covington township R. J. TANFIELD
Carbondale township Patrick CASEY
Carbondale city, 1st ward John MOON
Carbondale city, 2nd ward W. F. ULMER
Carbondale city, 3rd & 4th ward P. F. WARD
Carbondale city, 5th ward S. A. DILTZ
Dickson City borough George R. STANTON
Dunmore borough  James J. HALEY
Fell township Samuel H. WILLIAMS
Gouldsborough borough Theodore MILLER
Glenburn township Myron J. HALL
Jefferson township John P. MOORE
Jermyn borough Michael ROBERTS
Lackawanna township Duncan McMURTRIE
Lehigh township  J. G. BAYLOR
La Plume township George T. BAILEY
Madison township Eugene NOACK
Mayville borough Patrick BERGEN Sr.
Newton township L. B. AYERS
North Abington township M. B. DEAN
Old Forge Francis R. COYNE
Olyphant borough Thomas DONNELLY
Roaring Brook township J. J. BRINK
Ransom township Jacob BEDELL
Scott township Gilbert CARPENTER
South Abington township A. F. BRIGHAM
Spring Brook township H. E. ARMS
Waverly borough Jesse A. CASE
Winton James LAWLER
Scranton, 1st ward John D. EVANS
Scranton, 2nd ward John JERMAN
Scranton, 3rd ward Henry O'MALLEY
Scranton, 4th ward Owen D. JOHN
Scranton, 5th ward Reese THOMAS
Scranton, 6th & 18th ward  J. C. JONES
Scranton, 7th ward A. G. ZENKE
Scranton, 8th ward John M. REESE
Scranton, 9th ward E. M. VERNOY
Scranton, 10th ward George SCHULTZ Sr.
Scranton, 11th ward Charles HEUSTER
Scranton, 12th & 19th ward J. A. NEULS
Scranton, 13th ward I. M. FINE
Scranton, 14th ward Peter ROSS
Scranton, 15th ward Reese C. POWELL
Scranton, 16th ward Joseph SPEICHER
Scranton, 17th ward George B. CHASE
Scranton, 20th ward John HEFFRON
Scranton, 21st ward William T. JONES

West Side -

Misses Edna and Freda WELSH, of Saratoga, are visiting Mrs. O. ESHLEMAN, on Hyde Park avenue.

Misses Daisey and Florence GIBBS, of South Main avenue, gave a 5 o'clock tea in honor of Miss Edna WELSH, of Saratoga, at their residence on Saturday evening.

Mr. David PARRY, of Evans alley [Court], was taken seriously sick in the mines on Saturday.  Dr. Payne is attending him.

John S. JAMES, 345 Hyde Park avenue, was taken very sick in the mines with cramps, on Saturday.

Mr. Henry MORGAN, Hyde Park avenue, will sail on the steamship 'City of Paris' for Wales, Wednesday.

Mrs. B. DAVIS and son Walter will [also] sail from New York on Wednesday afternoon with Mr. MORGAN and Mr. William WILLIAMS, of Decker alley.

Mr. Griffith WILLIAMS' family, late of Johnstown, who have been staying in this city for a few days, intend sailing the same day, and will likely go on the same boat.  This family are survivors of the Johnstown flood, having escaped with their lives by leaping from one roof to another, their ow house having gone to pieces.  They found refuge in a attic, into which they all were transferred and at which place a baby boy was bor.  Mr. Williams, baby ad all the rest of the family were kept there from about one o'clock Saturday morning until that evening without food.

Mr. John S. MORGAN, wife and son, of Kingston, are visiting their many friends on the West Side.  They are the guests of Mr. J. R. JAMES.

Mr. Richard LEWIS, esq., of Williamstown, is visiting his boyhood friends in Hyde Park, after an absence of twenty-seven years.  He is the guest of Mr. Lewis WILLIAMS, Garfield avenue.

Rev. T. J. COLLINS, of the Scranton Street Baptist church, and wife will leave this morning for West Virginia, their former home, for a few week's visit with friends and relations.

At a meeting of the retail liquor dealers of Providence and vicinity yesterday, an organization was formed to protect their interests to the fullest extent of the law, and will this week through their attorney, Hon. John P. KELLY, make application for a charter, so that they may be enabled to prosecute every person who is selling without a license.  It is a well known fact that the law is violated to a great extent in this vicinity, there being no less than one hundred places selling without a license in the First, Second, Third and Thirteenth wards.  The licensed men commence to feel the large license fee ($600 in all) and have determined in the future to close up all places selling in violation of the law. [condensed]


KILCULLEN - In Scranton, July 7th, 1889, daughter of William Kilcullen, aged 3 months.  Funeral tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from residence, 419 South Washington avenue.

CARMIDY - In Clark's Summit, July 3, 1889, Ella Carmidy, aged 24 years, 4 months, and 8 days.

HEBLICH - In Scranton, July 7, 1889, Fred, son of Adam and Mary Heblich, aged 30 years.  Funeral on Tuesday at 2 p.m. from residence of parents, 735 Monroe avenue.  Services at the German Lutheran Church, Mifflin avenue.

Luzerne county -

Wilkes-Barre -      "Peg Leg" John FLYNN is enjoying a vacation of twenty days in the county jail for vagrancy.

Dr. Edward GUMPERT has purchased the residence of Mr. William STODDART, North Washington street.

Edwin H. MOORE, the brush manufacturer, died of typhoid fever Friday night.  He had been sick ten days.  He was 35 years of age.

George ATHING and John RAWLINGS killed a rattlesnake in the woods near Miner's Mills Saturday.  It was some three foot long and had seven rattles.

Justice is sometimes the foundation of fate.  Friday night a rattlesnake bit the proprietor of the dime museum and Saturday a fire tried to burn up his everlasting and untiring power organ.

Edwardsville dogs are in hot water, and so are a good many of the owners.  As a thriving and progressive borough, there are canines galore, and the tax authorities are living up to the law in taking them to the pound to await redemption.

Don't feel badly left if you are left alone for a few weeks.  A good many husbands are in the same boat.  Then, too, you should feel perfectly happy.  The whole house to yourself, no one to detect foreign odors in your breath, no one to hit you on the head for a burglar when you ascend the stairs at two o'clock a.m., no one to keep you from sleeping all day on Sunday.

'Twould be easier to tell who are at home over Sunday than those who age away.  People fled to the embrace of the rare air of the hills and the salt breezes of the shore in droves Saturday.

Mrs. A. M. MIX, mother of H. G. MERRILL, of this city [W-B], died at her home in Binghamton Saturday morning.  Mrs. Mix was 58 years of age and her death was caused by cancer in the stomach.  Mr. and Mrs. Merrill left last evening to attend the funeral.  Mrs. Mix was a frequent visitor to this city and many will be pained to hear of her demise.

Pittston -

The Hughestown School Board elected the following teachers: Principal, A. C. PARK, of Fairmount Springs; grammar department, Ella L. GILLESPIE, Pittston; intermediate, Ida M. SNOWDON, Hughestown; primary, Agnes GILLESPIE, Hughestown.  The officers of the Board for the present year are E. J. HUGHES, president; Gotlieb SCHMALTZ, secretary, Melcheor SIMMEN, treasurer.

Coroner Dr. Mahon has determined to have the bodies of Michael GLYNN and Bridget GLYNN disinterred to determine whether or not the suspicions regarding the demise of these two is chargeable to poisoning, as was the death of Mrs. CRAIGEN. [condensed]

Nanticoke -

The Wilkes-Barre Business College expect to resume their night school some time in August.

The improvements of the school buildings are about completed and soon the troubles of the small boy will have begun, as he is obliged to cease his rambles in the woods and the delights of fishing by some shady brook to climb the hill of learning.

The select school taught by Miss May MARSHALL closed on Friday and yesterday the little folks, two large wagon loads of them were taken to Mr. Fairchilds's grove for a picnic. ..... Miss Marshall will spend a fortnight in Tunkhannock with friends before returning to her home in Northumberland.   ..... [condensed]

Miss Madge CAMPBELL of Bloomsburg was the guest of Mrs. A. A. ENKE for several days this week.

Scranton Republican, Tuesday, July 9, 1889

Neighboring counties - Susquehanna -

Montrose -     Mr. and Mrs. Horace E. HAND, of Clay avenue, Scranton, were guests of Mr. Hand`s parents on Lake avenue, Sunday.

William H. WARREN has been promoted from clerk to teller in the First National Bank.  Lagrange GRIFFIN succeeds Mr. Warren as clerk.

William FESSENDEN ad wife, of Candor, NY, made a call on friends in town Saturday.  They are guests of Charles H. FESSENDEN, of Auburn Corners.

Arthur TRUE, of New York City, a former Montrose boy, is enjoying his annual vacation in town.  He is a very successful angler.

Mr. John WARNER, of Scranton, was entertained at the residence of his son, N. A. WARNER, during his visit in town.

Rev. E. W. HUSTED, pastor of the Baptist church for five years, tendered his resignation a week ago, to take effect in August.  He expects to take charge at New London, CT, early in September.

Mrs. F. R. WARREN and daughter Mabel, of Chicago, are visiting with Mrs. Euprasia KEELER, on Mill street.

Forest City - Miss Kate FLEMING of Aldenville, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Thomas MALONE.

Michael FLYNN, of this place, has taken the contract to carry the mail from High Lake to Equinunk.


$50.00 reward will be paid for any information which will lead to the return of papers and the conviction of the person who entered the office of the late W. H. SCRANTON, adjoining his stable, between June 19 and June 29, and abstracted the following valuable documents from their cases. viz:

     "Re-working Steel Rails, Cor."
     "Cost of Product.  Oxford."
     "Blast Furnace Details."
     "Blast Furnace Correspondence."
     "Roll Trains Correspondence."
     "Culm-burning Devices. A."
     "Relating to Magnetic Surveys."

Also all his valuable note books which relate to the management and construction of the blast furnace, mine workings, etc.  These are the fruit of years of labor and study, and contains his drawings, specifications, etc., etc.  Also his private diary for 1886 to 1889.            Rosalie P. Scranton.


Auditor's Notice - Estate of Luther S. LYON, deceased.  The undersigned, an auditor, appointed by the Orphan's Court of Lackawanna county, to distribute the fund in the hands of Alicea M. LYON, administratrix of the above-named estate, hereby gives notice that he will attend to the duties of his appointment on Tuesday, the 23rd day of July, A.D. 1889, at 10 o'clock a.m. at his office, 211 Wyoming avenue, Scranton, PA, at which time and place all persons are required to present their claims before said auditor or be debarred from coming in upon said fund.     Henry A. KNAPP, auditor.

City and County -

Mr. George Wellington REALE was yesterday admitted to practice in the Lackawanna courts.

James GALLAGHER, an employee of the Leggett's Creek shaft broke a leg Saturday by falling into a pit, a distance of fifteen feet.

The festival which was to have taken place at St. Patrick's College last evening was postponed, owing to the death of Father ROCHE.

Mr. Emmett ADAMS, engineer on trains five and six on the DL&W, had his engine handsomely decorated from stack to cab on July 4.

The employees of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Company at the car shops and at the Oxford, Dodge, and Bellvue mines will be paid to-day.

A house on Fig street, adjacent to Father McAndrew's church and occupied by a family named MARTIN, was discovered to be on fire last Saturday night.  The origin of the fire is unknown.

Superintendent Vandling of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company coal department, states that the mines of the company are now working five and one-half days each week.  There is a reasonably fair demand for coal in all directions.

Mayor Ripple has rescinded the order compelling owners of cigar stores to close their place of business on Sundays. [condensed]

Mr. Patrick KITTRICK, an old-time resident of the South Side, and a long sufferer from a lingering disease, breathed his last on Sunday, leaving a wife, who is blind, and a daughter Annie, who is janitress at school no. 11, and who has been her parents support, to survive him.  The funeral takes place to-day from the church of St. John the Evangelist.

Mr. John P. WARNER and daughter of Green Ridge, are visiting in Montrose.

The engagement of Miss Nettie GARDNER and Mr. James MOIR, Jr., is announced.

Miss FISHER, of Thomasville, GA, is visiting Mrs. Walter MATTHEWS on Washington avenue.

Mr. John R. JONES, late of the Youngstown, OH, "Telegram", has been added to "THE REPUBLICAN" reportorial force.

Mr. F. Will DOWNING and Miss Fannie Irene WILSON, of this city, were married by Rev. C. C. Wilbur at Elmira on July 4.  Mr. Downing is a well-known young man now employed at F. L. Crane's and his wife is attractive young lady of Green Ridge.

At the Register's office yesterday, the will of Charles HERALD, late of Scranton, was probated, and letters granted to Mary Ann Herald, the widow.

In the estate of Cornelius SULLIVAN, late of Scranton, letters of administration were granted to C. C. DONOVAN, esq.

In the estate of Annie R. WASHBURN, late of Scranton, letters of administration were granted to John W. WASHBURN.

In the estate of Anthony McDONNELL, late of Dunmore, letters of administration were granted the daughter, Maggie McDONNELL.

[Business Notice]  Dundaff Villa, Susq'a Co., PA      Mrs. E. P. WEBB, daughter of Rev. R. P. CHRISTOPHER, wishes to inform the public she is now ready for guests.  This delightful resort is near Crystal Lake.  Elevation 2,000 feet.  Spacious lawns and piazzas.  Luxuries of the dairy.  Send for circular.

Miner's examiner board, first inspection district, appointed by president Judge R. W. Archbald pursuant to act of the General Assembly of May 9, 1889,  yesterday:

     [One year terms]
     David McMYNE, Carbondale
     George FREY, Scranton
     Miles GIBBONS, Scranton
     [Two year terms]
     Henry COLLINS, Carbondale
     Michael GILROY, Archbald
     William D. MORRIS, Scranton
     [Three year terms]
     Thomas JAY, Jermyn
     John G. HUMPHREYS, Olyphant
     William P. GRIFFITHS, Taylorville.

News was received in the city yesterday afternoon of the death of Rev. Father Patrick T. ROCHE, pastor of the church of St. Thomas at Archbald, at Boston, Mass., at an early hour yesterday morning.  Father Roche had been ill for several weeks and had gone to Boston for treatment.

Deceased was aged 45 years and was born in County Galway, Ireland, in December 26, 1844.  When quite a young man he emigrated to America and his preparatory studies for the priesthood were at Georgetown College, District of Columbia, his final studies being at St. Charles Borremev College, Philadelphia.  Rt. Rev. Bishop O'Hara ordained him a priest at St. Peter's Cathedral, this city, on July 30, 1874.  After being stationed at the Cathedral for a short time, he was sent to Hyde Park, where he organized St. Patrick's congregation.  Later he was transferred to Parsons where he organized ST. Dominick's congregation and built a church.  He was then transferred to Archbald.  He leaves a father in Ireland, one brother and three sisters.

Father Roche was well fitted by nature for his priestly office of which his successful life work is sufficient evidence, his ability as an organizer being generally recognized.  He was highly esteemed by all with whom he was acquainted and was revered by every congregation for which he acted as pastor.  Personally, he was genial and companionable and counted many warm friends among Protestants.


Ever since he has been here Prof. DUDLEY has spoken in a mysterious Mark Twainish sort of way about Lehigh Pond until the curiosity of the class was thoroughly aroused, but remembering the recent experience on Pocono, some of them thought it was raining still up there and resolved to wait for the trip on Wednesday to Moosic Lake.  A goodly number got off at Gouldsboro, however, and made inquiries for cars on the tramway running to the mills near the pond.  Schedule time on the tramway was "By guess or by gum" where you guessed you'd get there and by gum you didn't.  So a two-seated carryall was chartered for the ladies and the gentlemen walked.      The pond is a small one surrounded by a large spognum [peat -ed] bog.  It is one of the finest places in the State to study Arctic Flora driven southward before the great glacier ages ago.  Arrived at its shores, Prof. Dudley saw a long-leaved sun dew.  Utterly regardless of the water he made two long strides ad scooped it out; then turned back to show the ladies the difference between it ad the round-leaved.  As they stood listening to him they suddenly became aware of the fact that the water was pouring in over the tops of their shoes.  There was a simultaneous screeching and the Professor was left standing with no audience.  The look of disgust that spread over his face was one of the studies of the day.  But after that the ladies accepted wet feet as a matter of course.

Among the plants found on the tip which are not included in the present list of the Institute were a beautiful white-fringed orchis found by Burt CLEARWATER; the horned bladdernut, two species of carex of the sedge family, one not known south of Wayne county hitherto.  Among the rare or interesting plants were the lesser mistletoe, a parasite of the black spruce, specimens of which are to be sent to Prof. Porter of Lafayette, Dr. Britton of Columbia College, ad Mr. C. E. Smith, of Philadelphia, for the Academy of Natural Sciences' the dwarf cranberry, the smaller club moss, found by Willie PECK, who also found a handsome double pitcher plant flower; the sun dews, two species, the long leaved (rare); the grass pink, and the pagonia two orchids were abundant.  The pale laurel, lahador tea, larradia or leather leaf and wild calla were among the characteristic plants.

To-day the class meets at 9 o'clock.  This evening Prof. Dudley will deliver a lecture in the Board of Trade rooms on the native trees of the valley.  An interesting subject to which all who are interested will be welcome.

Wednesday the class will accept the invitation of Mr. William CONNELL to take lunch with him at his cottage at Maplewood, visiting Moosic Lake in the afternoon.


Preparations are under way at the City Guard Armory for the annual encampment at Lake Ariel of the Thirteenth Regiment which commences Friday.  The regiment expects to move to the encampment promptly at 8:45 on Friday morning.  The baggage of companies A., B, C, and D, the field and staff, and of Bauer's Band  (25 pieces) will be taken to the Armory by Thursday noon and will be loaded that day.

The carpenters who are going to camp to construct floors, etc. will leave either Wednesday or Thursday mornings by 8:45 train.

Liberal requisition has been made for blank cartridges, so that there will be firing at the skirmish drills instead of the dull click of the locks, which always proves so monotonous.

The regiment has been tendered the use of the cannon by Lieut. Ezra S. Griffin Post for morning and evening guns.

Direct mail facilities have been secured after considerable trouble.  There will be two mails to and from camp each day.

Taylorville -

Miss Cora LEYSHON, of Pittston, was a visitor at the residence of M. M. WILLIAMS over Sunday.

Morgan J. JONES, son of John G. JONES, sustained a fracture of the arm on Sunday evening by a fall.

Anthony NEWCOMB, a boy, was injured at the Archbald mines yesterday afternoon by being slightly crushed.  His injuries are not considered of a dangerous nature.  He was taken to his home by an ambulance.

Miss Hattie TAYLOR, of Scranton, was a visitor at the residence of Mr. I. B. FELTS the past three days.

The Lehigh Valley Company's surveyors spent the greater part of last week in this vicinity and there is some hope that the contemplated road may touch this place or pass through it.

Thursday will be pay day at the DL&W colliers in this neighborhood.

The new store building of Ebenezer DRAKE, of Old Forge, is nearing completion, the store room is ready, and Mr. Martin STARK will move into it on the 20th inst.  Mr. Stark is still postmaster at Old Forge.

Mr. F. R. COYNE took first prize, $10, at the free-for-all game of alley ball at E. J. Fallon's alley on July 4th.

Ransom -

Mr. and Mrs. F. P. RICHARDS spent several days last week at Eaton, Wyoming county, with Mr. and Mrs. TISHBAUGH, sister of Mrs. Richards.

Mrs. A. S. HARTMAN and little daughter of Peckville, have been spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. NEYHART.

Miss Blance OSBORNE, of Kingston, spent a few days last week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. NEYHART.

Rev. S. J. SHURTESS, of Benton, Columbia county, former pastor here fifteen years ago, assisted Rev. Moore and Rev. C. J. Dick at the grove meeting which opened Friday and closed on Sunday.

West Side -

Miss Sarah GRIFFITHS, of Bellvue, a teacher in one of our public schools, after efficient services as organist at the Welsh C. M. church of Bellvue for the past three years, has resigned.

Daniel BURKE, aged four and one half years, a son of Patrick Burke, of Edwards alley, while trying to climb a post of the piazza attached to the residence of his parents last evening, fell to the ground, a distance of ten feet, and severely injured his head.  Dr. TREVERTON was summoned and rendered assistance in relieving the pain of the boy.

A team belonging to John FARR ran away on North Main avenue yesterday afternoon, but was caught after a light spring wagon, standing in front of Phillip's music store, was run into and slightly damaged.

Clark's Summit -

Mrs. FRACE of Easton is visiting her son, W. S. FRACE.

Miss Carrie Dymond of Lockville is visiting Mr. L. DATESMAN's.

Miss Lydia PERKINS is receiving instruction in music from Carl SCHIMPFF of Scranton.

Mr. J. W. CLARK and Mr. and Mrs. COX of Scranton were guests of Mr. W. S. Rogers recently.

Miss Ella CARMODY, an estimable and much respected young lady of lark's Summit, was buried on Saturday.

Mrs. S. F. SINGER, of Clark's Summit, who has been trying for several years to get along with one arm, has supplied the deficiency with one of the artificial kind.

Dr. B. F. EVANS and Attorney H. N. PATRICK started to go riding on Sunday, when the doctor's horse ran away, throwing them both out and cutting the doctor badly about the face and head.  Mr. Patrick escaped with slight bruises.

Mr. Preston E. NORTHUP has returned to Washington, DC.

BORN - KNAUSS - In Scranton, July 7, 1889, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Knauss, a son.


NAPE - LEWIS  In Moscow, July 6, 1889, by Rev. A. C. Olver, Mr. John Nape, of Scranton, to Miss Eva Lewis, of Dunning.

DOWNING - WILSON  In Elmira, NY, July 4, 1889, by Rev. C. C. Wilbur.   Mr. F. Will Downing to Miss Fannie Irene Wilson, both of Scranton.

CROSS - WAYMAN  In Scranton, July 7, 1889, by Rev. David Spencer, D.D., Mr. Thomas W. Cross, of Pike county, to Miss Eliza J. Wayman, of Newfoundland, PA.


CAFFREY - In this city yesterday, July 8, 1889, John, son of Hugh and Bridget Caffrey, aged one year.  Funeral this (Tuesday) afternoon at half-past three o'clock, from the residence on River street.

HEBLICH - In Scranton, July 7, 1889, Fred., son of Adam and Mary Heblich, aged 30 years.  Funeral on Tuesday at 2 p.m. from residence of parents, 735 Monroe avenue.  Services at the Lutheran church, Adams avenue.

MILLER - In Scranton, July 6, 1889, John F., son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Miller, Jr., aged 1 year, 10 months, and 20 days. Funeral Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, from 450 Willow street.

WELSH - In Scranton, July 7, 1889, John W. Welsh, aged 69 years.   Funeral from late residence to-day at 10 a.m. Lancaster papers please copy.

Luzerne County -

Richard RING, of Parrish street, died suddenly Sunday afternoon.  A severe cramp was the cause.

William X. MORRIS, of Sherman street, has gone gold-digging. California is the Eldorado of his dreams.

Edwin H. MOORE, brother of Dr. Moore, who died on Friday night was buried yesterday afternoon.  The P.O.S. of A. were in attendance.

Mis Lua CONOVER, Derr Brothers' private stenographer, left yesterday for a two weeks' visit to Mrs. EVANS, wife of the pastor of Christ church at Lebanon, PA.

The recent squeeze at the Murray shaft has opened up some strong gas feeders and at the opening now some 26,000 cubic feet pours through every minute.  It is probable that work will not resume there for two months.

Valentine KRAFT, the well-known baker, died on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, from a complication of diseases.  He leaves a wife and three sons.  The funeral takes place this morning at 9 o'clock from the residence, corner of Market and Fell streets. Interment in the German Catholic cemetery.

Louis TRSCH, president of the United German Societies of this city [W-B], made the welcome speech to the arriving Societies at the hall yesterday.  He has worked hard for the last three or four months in the interest of the "Saengerfest" and much credit is due him.

Richard DAVIS was killed by a fall of top coal in the Wyoming colliery, operated by the Lehigh Valley company at Port Boukley, yesterday.  He leaves a widow in the old country.  He was 28 years of age.

The school board of Miner's Mills held a meeting last night and elected the following teachers:  Theron G. OSBORNE, principal; P. J. RUDDY and Misses Mary A. McGILL and Kate McLAUGHLIN, assistants.  The principal's wages were fixed at $75 per month, and the others $50 per month each.

Parsons - July 9 [8th - Ed.]

News reached here this afternoon of the death at Boston of Rev. Father ROACH (sic), formerly of this place, but later parish priest at Archbald, Lackawanna county.  Father Roach came here in 1882, remaining until 1887, having in the meantime erected a handsome church and parochial residence.  He was greatly beloved, not only by his own congregation, but by all who knew him.  This town is grief-stricken at the news of his death.

Father ROACH was ordained at Scranton in 1873 and was graduated at Georgetown, DC.  He was forty-five years of age, and in one so young in years and rich in the love and respect of his people, the Church suffers an imparable loss.


John L. Sullivan retains world boxing championship after going 75 rounds (2 hrs 18 min) in the ring against Kilrain at Richmond, MS.

Some 2.7 million dollars have been collected to provide relief of the flood suffers at Johnstown.

Scranton Republican, Wednesday, July 10, 1889

Elsewhere -

Naturalists and others are becoming considerably alarmed over the prospect of the early extermination of the kangaroo.

City and county -

Andrew NYE, an inmate of the Hillside Home, died yesterday afternoon of sunstroke, age 83.

A five-year-old daughter of James W. VAIL, of Court street, fell from a porch on Monday evening and broke her arm.  Dr. Tiffany reduced the fracture.

Albert H. POWERS, aged 81 years, died yesterday afternoon. He was the father of L. D. and A. D. Powers, of Cedar avenue.  His remains will be taken to Phoenixville for interment.

Robert ROBERTS, contractor, of Bellvue Heights, and four of his employees will leave in a few days for Seattle, Washington Territory, where they have a large number of contracts to fulfill.

Mr. S. WERTHEIMER, formerly of Scranton, now of Philadelphia, is visiting Mr. SImon Rice.

Miss Della EVANS, and niece, Miss Irene KANN, are visiting Mrs. Owen JAMES in Philadelphia.

Miss Sallie FAUST, of West Pittston, who has been visiting Miss Sallie SEWARD, on Mill street the past week, returned home yesterday.

Mr. Charles J. POWELL left yesterday afternoon for Penn Yan [NY], where he and his wife and family, who are already there, will remain a month.

Mr. Thomas ROBERTS, a student at the Yale Theological Seminary, is i the city, the guest of his brother, Rev. Peter ROBERTS, of Jackson street.

A large umber of persons in this city will regret to hear that Rev. J. E. PRICE of the Adams Avenue Methodist Episcopal church has accepted a call to the St. James church, corner of Madison avenue and One Hundred Twenty-Sixth street, New York.  He will commence his new labors on the first of November.

Dr. Price came to the Adams Avenue M. E. Church from Elizabeth, NJ in April, 1886. [Condensed]

There will very shortly be called a meeting of all the members of the Board of Control to proceed to No. 1 school, corner of Washington avenue and Vine St, and consider plans which have for some time been under way to remodel and rebuild the structure.

Saturday afternoon and evening, Mrs. K. E. BLACKINGTON gave a piano recital and party to her class of younger pupils at her residence, 123 South Main street, Hyde Park. ..... Among those present were the Misses Maud POWERS, Mary Jane DAVIS, Annie MORGAN, Mamie ROSAL, Helen MOTT, Carrie PRICE, and Master Ray MORGAN and others. [condensed]

Freight Car Thieves

Monday night in Carbondale a car containing flour for the Weston Mill Company was broken open and a quantity of the breadstuff stolen.  The "Carbondale Leader" says: Officer MUNN traced the stolen property to a house of Pike street occupied by a woman named VAN HORN.  On the way he met Anthony McDERMOTT, a chap well known to the police.  Tony's garments were sprinkled with flour, and as the officer knew that the chap was not in the milling business he concluded to arrest on suspicion.  Having lodged McDermott in the cooler he called Officer MORAN to his assistance and proceeded to the home of the Widow VAN HORN.  In the door and upon the steps traces of the flour could be seen and the room looked as it had been hastily swept.  The widow denied all knowledge of the affair, but the officer was convinced that she was not telling the truth so he invited her to walk up to the alderman's office.

McDermott was taken from the jail and made some admissions which served to fasten the crime upon him and another well known "bum".  The alderman made out commitment papers and McDermott will spend the summer months at the county jail.  His companion in crime will be taken in this evening and the town will be rid of two of its constitutionally tired citizens.  The woman was allowed to go, after the Squire warned her that the business in which she was engaged was unlawful, and if she continued to harbor such characters she must expect to suffer with them the penalty for violating the law.

West Side -

Miss Lizzie EDWARDS, of West Bangor, having completed a six months' study in piano-forte under the instruction of Prof. PROTHERHOE, returned home yesterday morning.

Mr. Daniel DAVIS, of Indiana, who has been visiting Postmaster D. M. JONES, has returned home.

French stained glass for the new rear windows of the Welsh Baptist church on South Main avenue, are being placed in their proper positions.  They are the gift of Mrs. Benjamin HUGHES, whose name in full is cut therefore in neat and conspicuous letters.  They are ten in number and will cost $200.  At the time of the recital to be held there this evening by Prof. TAFT, of Brooklyn, NY, they will be erected and can be seen for the first time.

Miss Ruth HATTIN, of Kingston, who was visiting Miss Sadie DAVIS on Eynon street for a few days, returned home yesterday afternoon.

Amasa -

Mrs. P. A. CLARK, of Iowa, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Thomas RULAND, of this place.

Mr. John MULLINEX and Miss Mamie CATOR were united in marriage on the 3rd of July.

Mrs. Andrew BRAJIE is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ruth CORDNER.


SMITH - MADDOX  In Columbia, NJ, July 4, 1889, by Rev. Anizi L. Smith, Mr. Allen F. Smith to Miss Myrtle Bell Maddox, both of Dunmore, PA.

GRONER - KUNZMAN  In Columbia, NJ, July 6, 1889, by Rev. Anizi L. Smith, Mr. William C. Gronzer, of Johnsonville, PA, to Miss Louisa Kunzman, of Newark, NJ.


POWERS - In Scranton, July 9, 1889, Albert H. Powers, aged 81 years.  Funeral services at the residence of his son, L. D. Powers, 474 Cedar avenue, at 10:30 Wednesday morning.  Remains will be taken on the 12:10 D&H train for interment at Phoenixville, PA, on Thursday.

Luzerne County -


Paul WALES, late of Pittston, is the new operator at the Postal Telegraph office.

Charley BAUER, of the "Leader" composing rooms, has ripe peaches in his garden.  This is for the benefit of the small boy who exists near Charley's home.

Marriage licenses were granted to Hugh KENNEDY, of Luzerne, and Anna FLEMMING, of Plymouth; M. DURKIN, of Parsons, and Nora TIMLIN, of Plainsville.

Applications for teacher's positions in the First District were received from Matthew BECK, Stella GALLAGHER, John A. KINNY, Ida C. LUBRECK and Lou W. POTTER.  Miss PERKINS application for increase of salary was also referred.

T. J. McCONNON, principal, reported receipts of the commencement exercises $65.52.

P. E. FLOOD, agent for the Cleveland School Furniture company, was present with a sample desk. [condensed]


As the class gets further into the subject it seems that the moment on touches Botany it responds with a lot of hard names.  It's no wonder the average reporter gets sun dem for sundew or any other remarkable twist.  For over an hour yesterday morning the Professor wrote undistinguishable names on the blackboard,  and then picking up an ordinary buttercup asked the class to analyze it, remembering all the long names he had been giving them.  The class, however, hunted the rascal down triumphantly through series, class orders, genera, tribes, and species, coming out with the plant as a tall buttercup, Ranunculus Aeris, named by Linneaus himself.

At the evening meeting in the Board of Trade rooms, Prof. DUDLEY took up the subject of Native trees of the Valley, illustrating by charts the different divisions unto which trees are separated.  It did seem odd to find that the apple, plum and cherry all belonged to the rose family, that the pepperidge is first cousin to the dogwood.  The sassafras is a laurel, and the laurel is a heath.  The cucumber and the tulip are distinct trees, although closely allied.

Sections of the wood about 1/100 of an inch thick were shown.  They showed the grain of the wood very clearly and distinctly.  They are being made by R. B. HOUGH, a son of a former Commissioner of Forestry, and are of greta beauty and use.

One of the trees that should be found in this locality, on the river bottoms, is the box elder, or ash-leaved maple, and any one knowing of its whereabouts is requested to notify the REPUBLICAN, so that it may be discovered forthwith.  It is known in Wayne county, but not so far in Lackawanna, and it isn't proposed to let little Wayne get ahead of us on the subject of trees.  But, geologically, Wayne county is closely allied to [New] York state, and consequently the flora of that county is different from that of the carboniferous age of Lackawanna.  Rock areas are of great importance in the distribution of plants, and this valley produces some trees not generally found in New York.  As an instance of glacial action, the hickory was mentioned, found generally in eastern America and eastern Asia, and nowhere else, the trees being forced by the glaciers into localities favorable to their growth. The great plains have as much effect in the distribution of species as mountain chains.  The water birch is a characteristic tree of the Lackawanna valley, being very abundant here.  The scrub pine is about its northern limit in the lower part of the valley, while the tamarack is near its southern limit about Lehigh pond.

The future of the forests in this vicinity is not pleasant to contemplate, since they will soon disappear, and yet the mountains are unfit for little else than the raising of trees.  With the disappearance of the woods, the water supply will diminish and the mountains will become more and more barren.  It is a question which every city will do well to contemplate, since its water supply concerns every citizen.  The Professor's remark that every city should also have a park in which to plant and care for the native trees of its vicinity, was greeted with an applause that shows how dear this subject is to all.

The class leaves this morning via the Erie and Wyoming Railroad at 8:45 instead of 7:25 as heretofore announced.  At Maplewood the party will lunch with Mr. William CONNELL, leaving there at 1:16 for Moore's Lake.  The train will stop at Paupack where teams will meet the party to convey the ladies to the lake. The train reaching there at 7:53 will stop at the same place to take the party up on its return.

Thursday class exercises at the school of the Lackawanna at 9 o'clock.  Friday the class goes to Bald Mount.  Friday evening Prof. Dudley will lecture on insectiverous plants at the Board of Trade rooms at 8 o'clock.


Transcribed and contributed by Richard M. Reese, 2001
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