LackawannaLackawanna County News

Scranton Republican, Thursday, July 11, 1889

Neighboring counties -

Susquehanna-  Mrs. Eliza Ann CASE, widow of the late Orson Case, of Hop Bottom, died, June 23, 1889, aged eighty-three years and eight moths.  She and her husband were the first settlers in Hop Bottom, and from the time of settlement till death, lived in the same place.  Mrs. Case leaves nine children (one died two years ago), 33 grandchildren and seven great grandchildren.  She was a kind, true-hearted woman, and a member of the M. E. church for over forty years.  As her life passed away she found great comfort in the gospel as it shed its light brighter and brighter.  It seems sad to bid goodbye to those who walk with us ..from or childhood, yet, when one like this sister departs, it is sweet for those left behind to remember the many acts of kindness, the words of sympathy and the rejoicing when we rejoiced, and it takes away the sting of death when we come to die, if our lives are made better by the influences left behind by those who live in our memories by the deeds they have done.  Services were conducted by Rev. O. R. Beardsley, of the Universalist church.

City and county -

Joseph BUTLER, of Olyphant, a laborer employed at Jermyn's breaker, Priceburg, was killed Tuesday by being run over by a trip of loaded coal cars.

Mr. Richard PEARCE and family, of Easton, are visiting at Mr. J. K. SMITH's, on Church avenue.

Mrs. A. NEHLER has returned to Carlsbadt, NJ, after a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. SCHELLHASE, Green Ridge.

Mrs. J. SHIER, of Fifth avenue, accompanied by her brother, Mr. Edward L. WILLIAMS, left yesterday morning for Ocean Grove.

A. Hampton COURSEN and his brother-in-law, John W. WHEATLEY, of Americus, GA, will sail in the SIERRA Saturday morning for Europe.

Rev. Alexander D. DECKER and wife, of Tioga, NY, and Miss Helen YOUNG, of Round Grove, IL, are the guests of Mrs. W. A. PEARSON, on Quincy avenue.

At Register Hopkins's office yesterday, the following letters of administration were granted:

The estate of William H. REES, of Dickson City, to Mary Rees, widow.

The estate of Fred BIERI, of Ransom township, to Marianna Bieri, widow.

The estate of John Henry JACOBS, late of the city of Scranton, to Mrs. Elizabeth JACOBS.

The Phil Sheridan Rifle Corps is now fully organized, and within a month will be equipped with a handsome uniform and breech-loading Springfield rifles.  On August 17 they will give a picnic at Central Park Garden.  W. H. BURKE is Captain; James O'HARA, First Lieutenant, and E. J. QUINNAN, Second Lieutenant.  There are forty-five members besides the officers.  The corps drills every Friday night.

Grand Ball at Winola House, Lake Winola, on Saturday evening, July 13, which will be the first of a series to be given every Saturday evening during the season.  Music by Leonard's Orchestra.

Parties leaving Scranton on 4:28 p.m. train, DL&W, make close connection on Lehigh Valley and arrive at Lake at 6:20 p.m., via Falls.

A gang of carpenters will leave for Lake Ariel this morning for the purpose of erecting the cooking departments of the companies and making tables for the dining rooms.  The tents arrived at the lake from Harrisburg yesterday, and will be erected immediately upon arrival of the Thirteenth to-morrow morning.  All the staff officers will ride over to camp Col. H. M. BOLES on horseback, leaving this city to-morrow morning at 5 o'clock.

The remains of the late Rev. P. T. ROCHE arrived at Archbald from Boston yesterday, and were accompanied by his sister and brother, [and] Mr. CUMMINGS, a relative who lives in Boston.  Rev. Fathers Moylan and McAndrews, of Scranton; Lally, of Olyphant; Shanley, of Archbald; Fathers Millane and McHugh, of Scranton; Whealen and Nealon, of Hyde Park; Ruddy, of Erie; Noon, of Philadelphia; Brehoney, of Manayunk; Crane, of Pleasant Valley; Hoban, of Ashley; Kernan, of Parsons; Green, of Minooka; Coffey, of Carbondale and Walsh, of Olyphant.

The funeral will take place in Archbald this morning at 9 o'clock, when a solemn high mass of requiem will be sung in St. Thomas's church.

The first and cheapest excursion to Lake Ariel while the regiment is in camp, will be run by the Penn Avenue Baptist Sunday school.  Adults' tickets 75 cents; children 35 cents.

There will be no excursion this summer that will afford a better opportunity for the select and fastidious people of Scranton than the one starting from the Bridge street depot at 8:15 next Saturday morning, going via Carbondale over the mountains by the famous Gravity road to Fairview.  The excursion is under the management of Camp 175, P.O.S. of A. [Patriotic Order of Sons of America -ed.] which will make it as pleasant for the excursionists as possible, and will allow no gambling, target shooting, ball-throwing or the like on the grounds, which have been fitted up in excellent condition.

No beer or other intoxicants will be sold on the ground, ad as far as lies in the power of P.O.S. of A., and the railroad officials, nothing whatever will be permitted to detract from the day's enjoyment.

The Botany Class in Society

Having lunched on Lehigh Pond the botany class acquired a taste for fresh water bodies and yesterday decided to make a square meal of them.  Take Lake Henry as an entree and digest Moosic Lake for dessert.  Mr. George B. SMITH generously placed the accommodations of the road at the disposal of the class, and conductors had orders to stop the train anywhere the Professor saw a rare plant.  Such devotion to science is rare of itself and deserves a stop to record it.  Mr. WIlliam CONNELL met the party at Maplewood depot.  It was a pretty sight to see the little flotilla of gaily painted boats with bright crews making its way over the bosom of the lake, which trilled at pleasure at the spectacle.  Arrived at Lawrence cottage, the summer house of Mr. Connell, the party met the genial owner of these broad acres, Mr. H. O. SILKMAN, Messrs. William T. SMITH, Henry BELIN, Jr., Charles WELLS, esq., James CONNELL, James McANULTY, E. J. DIMMICK, and Miss Grace SPRAGUE.  An hour or two was spent on the lake and then the Congo Prince, who does honors of the kitchen, blew a blast on the horn that brought all to the shore. Lunch was served on the broad piazza overlooking the lake, and was disposed of with a vigor that showed the strength of appetites born in the clear mountain air.  After dinner Col. J. A. PRICE was elected toastmaster, but he was obliged to shorten his remarks in order that all present have the pleasure of listening to Mrs. Dr. FREY's talk on the development of the back bone of a bait fish.

Mr. WIlliam Connell welcomed his guests in a few hearty emphatic words.  Messrs. Smith, Belin, Green, Wells and others spoke briefly.  Prof. Dudley explained some of the finds of the morning.

Miss Lizzie HARRIS in a most innocent and artless manner pronounced a few simple Welsh words for the amusement of Prof. DUDLEY.  One of the names reached from here to San Francisco and Miss Harris is not through pronouncing it yet, indeed she was obliged to come back to Scranton on an early train to find the other end of it.

The floating islands at Maplewood are on a strike, one of them has been chained fast in the middle of the lake, the others follow the wind when it bloweth where it listeth.  Nobody wants an island up there.  They won't take them as gifts and they say that when the alarm is sounded in the night "The islands are coming" the cottagers stop not for pants and stay not for shoes but hasten to the shore armed with pike poles and boat hooks to shove the unwelcome guests away.

Among the plants found were the water shield, a few white pond lilies, a myrtle-leaved willow, not known before in this part of the State, the larger blue skull cap, also new, three species of bladderwort, the two species of cranberry, found at Lehigh pond in great abundance, the leather leaf, the pale laurel, only found heretofore at Lehigh pond, three orchids, the coral root grass pink, pogonia, marsh cingue foil, two sedges and a pond weed new to the list.  The wild swamp roses were very abundant and handsome.

The guests unanimously passed a vote of thanks to Mr. William Connell for the very handsome and courteous manner in which they had been treated.  The noon train stopped at a country cross-road a mile east of Wimmer's Summit, where carriages were waiting to take the ladies to Moosic Lake.  The gentlemen walked. It was said to be "Oh, only two miles."  Afterwards the distance was lengthened to three, then three and a half, four, four and a half, five.

Then they stopped asking, they were in the woods and there was no one to ask but Mr. GREEN was ahead with a pedometer in one pocket, a compass in the other, and a barometer in his hand.  He knew, so it was all right.  At Moosic Lake the party was hospitably entertained by Mrs. GRIER, of Danville.

Among the flowers found were a St. Johnswort and a ledge, new to the list.  The golden club, the only station known in the list.  The fly poison, cranberries, moss, pink and pogonia again abundant. The rare lesser club moss found near Lehigh Pond was also found here.  A green fringed orchid was found by the road side by Mr. E. T. REAVES.

The descent from the lake was made in three wagons, three on a seat.  Mr. Green's pedometer made the distance four miles, Barometer elevation, 1,950 feet.  The party spent the time waiting for the train at the cross-roads in settling with one of the members for the wagons.  Binomial theorems and quadratic equations were employed, and the amount each was to pay was finally figured out on the back on an excursion ticket by the member in question behind a house.  It was a remarkably jolly trip, but the class have ow had enough of a water diet, and Friday will get down to business with a "conglomerate" on Bald Mount at noon Friday.  Today the class meet at the school of the Lackawanna at 9 o'clock.  Friday night Prof. Dudley lectures on insectiverous plants at the Board of Trade rooms.

The Coroner's jury to inquire into the death of James McGAEDY, who it will be remembered, met his death in a mysterious manner on the evening of the 12th of June last, held a meeting at the Court-house last evening.  The jury had held three meetings previous to that of last evening without arriving at any conclusion. [condensed]

The musical public is indebted to Rev. Dr. Williams of the First Welsh Baptist church of the West Side, for the opportunity of hearing Prof. TAFT of New York last evening.  Before he played a dozen bars it became apparent to the audience that they were in the presence of no ordinary organist, but were listening to an altogether phenomenal one. .... Other numbers on the programme were song by the choir under direction of Prof. MASON and were beautifully rendered; solos by Moses MORGAN, David MILES, and Howell DAVIES. [condensed]

Several of the members of the Scranton Bicycle Club are making arrangements for a tour with wheels, leaving Scranton about the 10th of August. The idea of the tour is to travel in company for the social features and to give the wheelmen of Scranton and vicinity one of the best bicycle trips ever offered at small expense.  It is proposed to ride only on the good roads and train the poorer ones.  It is expected that train service will be two cents per mile, wheels free.

     The routes offered are the following:

Scranton (Club House) [to] New Milford, 40 miles, Bingham, 22 miles, Norwich, 42 miles, Utica, 53 miles, Trenton Falls, 17 miles. Train to Utica, 17 miles, Richfield Springs, 36 miles, Cooperstown, 13 miles, Stamford, 40 miles, Catskills, 41 miles, Kaaterskill Hotel; night.  [options of ] [1a] Catskill-on-Hudson, 12 miles, Hudson, 7 miles, Great Barrington, 30 miles, Springfield, 40 miles; or [1b] Pittsfield, 25 miles, down Berkshire Valley, train to Springfield; then combining to Hartford 30 miles, New Haven 40 miles, New York 25 miles.

Or, [2] from Catskill-on-Hudson to Poughkeepsie, 38 miles, West Point, 27 miles.  Train to Tarrytown, 25 miles. New York, 25 miles.

Or, [3] from Poughkeepsie to Newburg, 15 miles, Port Jervis, 50 miles, Water Gap, 37 miles.

[The return] from New York - train to Newark, 8 miles; through Oranges to Morristown, 20 miles, Delaware Water Gap, 47 miles.  Train to Scranton.

An idea of he number of fine buildings going up in this region may be gained by a visit to the office of Architect John R. Duckworth.  Mr. DUCKWORTH's most noteworthy piece of work on hand are his plans for a new building for the Ransom Poor District for which bids will be received on Monday next. ... Mr. Duckworth has completed plans for a handsome house for Mr. D. W. SWAN on Clay avenue.  The first story will be brick with the interior finished in hardwood and colored plastering.  There will be a large staircase hall finished in oak.  Plains are also complete for Mr. Ed JERMYN's house on Jefferson avenue.  This will be three stories in height, the first and second being of brick.  Among the rooms will be a den furnished in California Redwood.  The house is designed in modern Queen Anne style with a large octagon tower on the south corner.

There is on exhibition a plan for the handsome house of Charles SCHLAGER, now nearly completed at the corner of Clay avenue ad Mulberry street, also three stories in height with Laurel Run red stone on the first floor.  The parlor will be finished in sycamore wood, the siting room in cherry and walnut, the library in cherry, ad the dinning room ad main reception room in oak.  One of the more attractive features will be the hallway with a large open stairway. The building is provided with a fine billiard room, children's play room, hot and cold water in every room, and will be heated with hot water, the first instance of that kind in the city.  [condensed]

West Side -

The Hyde Park, Central and Archbald mines are to be worked four days per week hereafter.

The funeral of Rev. Isaac K. LEOS (sic), the father of Dr. J. B. LOES, of South Main avenue, was held at Bethlehem on Tuesday.

The Dr. Parry Glee Society will enter the competition for the prize for top male choirs at the eisteddfod to take place at Utica on New Year's Day.

Mrs. W. H. HULL and son Arthur, of South Main avenue, left for a two months' visit to her former home at White Mills, NY, yesterday morning.

The Republicans of the Fifteenth ward will hold a caucus on Saturday afternoon next for the purpose of nominating a candidate to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the late Thomas R. EVANS. The present candidates for the office are Joe D. LEWIS and Titus EVANS.

Taylorville -

Miss Kitty RYAN left for her summer home in Dalton, PA, to spend the summer vacation, yesterday.

Dr. E. A. STURGE, of California, who was visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. P. COOPER, for a week past, with his wife sailed from New York yesterday for Germany, to remain one year in Berlin and Munich to complete his studies.  The doctor spent six years in Siam doing missionary work and attending to the physical ailments of the people.

Taylorville boys have the alley ball craze quite bad and have been indulging themselves in hard exercise during the warm weather of the past week in the rear of the Post-office.  Lumber has arrived on the ground and an alley is to be erected un the rear of the YOUNGBLOOT (sic) hotel.

Permission has been granted for the erection of a ball-alley on the company's land between the Youngbloot hotel and the railroad, provided no beer is drank on the premises and no Sunday ball be played.

A clam-bake at David GRIFFITH's hotel will be the attraction to-morrow afternoon and evening.

A Card

We desire to extend our heartfelt thanks to all our neighbors, clergy and friends, who so kindly assisted us during our late bereavement.  We are under obligations to several whose names we do not know and we take this means of making sincere acknowledgment.

 Frederic NOTHACKER and family, Scranton, July 10, '89.

Luzerne County -

Wilkes-Barre- Amos SHORTZ, of Kingston, has removed to his new home in Dorranceton.

Miss Mamie MAURER, of South Main avenue (sic) is entertaining her friend, Miss Louise RAPP, of Weisport.

Marriage licenses were granted yesterday to Michael BRENNAN and Susan McGOWAN, of Kingston; and Anthony MARIA and Lizzie ANGORALA, of Hazleton.

Policeman Condy McGROARTY it seems has been traveling a beat not laid down by the Chief as evidenced by his marriage to Miss Annie CORD, of Scranton.

Coroner MAHON is to be commended for his untiring zeal in working up evidence in the GLYNN poisoning case.  A most damaging link in the chain of evidence against [Edward] GLYNN and his wife is the discovery of poison [arsenic] in the remains of Mrs. Bridget GLYNN [mother] by Dr. Leffma, of Philadelphia.

[Article detailing these events is actually found on editorial page and in Pittston news.  Also killed by arsenic poisoning were his father, Michael GLYNN, a year earlier and lately his mother-in-law, Mrs. Mary CRAIGEN, of Scranton. Also under mysterious circumstances were a miner named DUNN who boarded, and the first husband of the accused Mrs. Glynn, named HALPIN - ed.]


George ABBOTT, a twelve-year-old son of ex-Burgess William ABBOTT, of this place, narrowing escaped drowning yesterday afternoon in the Susquehanna near the DL&W railroad bridge.  James McCANNA, a youth of seventeen years, standing upon the bank, noticing the boys' struggles, plunged in to his rescue.  The boy fastened himself upon him so that both were in danger of drowning. Harry DENNISON quickly secured a boat and rescued both boys in front of John D. GREEN's residence.

Anthony NORCOVITCH, employed at Toubill's foundry had several fingers smashed in machinery yesterday.

A. R. MEAD, an employee at Rommell's paper mill, had his right leg broken in the machinery.

Miss Eva MOORE, of Kansas City, is a guest of her brother, Dr. MOORE, of this place.


Andrew GREGG, a popular young man, has left town leaving some of our business men i the lurch.  He has been of late in the employ of C. Y. WREN's insurance agency.  He is the son of Gen. GREGG, of Washington, and was First Sergeant of Co. I.

Mr. J. CAREY, aged 52, an old and respected citizen, died at his residence on Girard avenue Saturday afternoon very suddenly.  He leaves a wife and four children.  He was a veteran of the late [Civil] war.

Scranton Republican, Friday, July 12, 1889

City and County-

The William Connell Hose Company are making extensive preparations for their excursion to Lake Ariel on the 17th inst. The Germania band orchestra will furnish music for the occasion. The congregation of the Presbyterian church of Dunmore, will run to-morrow an excursion to Lake Ariel.  Train leaves Scranton at 8:40 a.m., and Dunmore at 8:50 a.m. Thursday next is to be the gala day of the encampment of the Thirteenth Regiment.  On that day Gov. BEAVER and staff, together with many prominent military men, will be present and inspect the regiment.  The same day Lackawana Commandery 37, P.O.S.of A., and Scranton Council 197, Jr. O.U.A.M., will run a excursion to the above names place.  Bauer's orchestra of eight pieces will furnish the music for dancing, and other features incident to the day at Lake Ariel will make the occassion a pleasnat one. Refreshments can be had on the grounds.  The prices of tickets has been placed within the reach of all; 85 cents for adults and 45 cents for children. Trains will leave Washington avenue atation of E&WV RR at 8:30.

A boy named JONES, 14 years of age, of Providence, was trying a pony upon the track at the Driving Park Wednesday evening. The pony collided with a cow, the boy was thrown, and sustained a broken collar bone.

Mrs. W. A. WHITE, of New York, is visiting Mrs. Charles HAYDEN on Wyoming avenue.

Mr. W. H. WEEKS and daughter Edith, of Hazleton, were visiting relatives in this city yesterday.

Mrs. D. P. HAMLIN and Miss Gertrude Hamlin, of Syracuse, are visiting Mrs. G. A. CLEARWATER on Green Ridge street.

Mr. Alvah BROWN, of Newfield, NY, who was visiting his daughter, Mrs. H. L. HALLSTEAD, left for home yesterday.

Mrs. Col. J. H. HORTON and daughter Lucy, of Buffalo, are being entertained at the residence of L. M. HORTON, on Jefferson avenue.

Mr. A. D. SPENCER has purchased a naptha launch and placed it upon the bosom of Lake Ariel.  Mr. Spencer and family will summer at this resort.

Mr. Josiah T. EVANS, Mine Inspector of Western Pennsylvania, is in the city, the guest of Mr. David D. Jones, of the Patagonia Hotel.  Mr. Evans reports the loss of his wife and  two children, who were swept away in the late flood at Johnstown.

It is said that the new Ontario, Carbondale and Scranton Railroad will connect with the Jersey Central road at Scranton, and recieve passengers at the Jersey Central depot.  The new company also expects to make connections with the DL&W road at the Diamond branch for a few trains - Carbondale Leader. [The railroad was built and operated as the NY,O&W until 1957 as described -ed.]

Edward R. MERRY, of Chicago, superintentent of the American Long Distance Telephone Company, has been in the city during the past few days with the view of locating a branch office in this city.  The object of the company is to put in a telephone by which ready communication may be had with Philadelphia, New York, Boston, etc.

A loud explosion at the Scranton Steel Works caused some excitement in that portion of the city yesterday.  It being feared that a boiler explosion occurred.  It was found upon investigation that when the bottom dropped from one of the crucibles it fell into a pool of water, causing a loud report which was heard for miles. No damage resulted.

Through her attorney, T. J. DUGGAN, Mrs. Annie GALLINA yesterday filed in the office of the Prothonotary papers bring suit for $5,000 damagaes against the People's Railway Company of this city.  It will be remembered that John, a five-year-old son of Mrs. Gallina, was run over by an electric car in Sandy Banks two or three months ago and injured so severely that he died in a few days.

Jacob HENRY and son were before Alderman Roesler yesterday on a charge of assualt and battery, preferred by Julius FATZGAR, a resident of Newton.  The assult occurred about two weeks ago and Fetzgar had a warrent for the assest of the two Henrys a few days ago, and Constable BELL served the same yesterday.  Henry and his son were each held in $200 bail.

Two small children were found wandering the streets in the vicinity of the Erie and Wyoming [Valley] depot [N. Washington ave, now Cooper's restaurant-ed] last evening by Edward MCGUIRE and taken to the station house.  One of the children said his name was REESE, and that he lived in Hyde Park.  The parents of the children were notified and later in the eveing appeared at the station house and took them home.

[Business Notice]

Porch and lawn chairs 89c each.
10 dozen kitchen chairs, $2.25 per set.
Antique oak and walnut sideboards, $15.
Parlor suits only $25.00
Center tables from 75c, upwards.
Bedroom suits only $18.00.
Refrigerators, large size, $7.50
These are only a few samples.  We have besides a lot of mattresses, easels, mouldings, brackets, window shades, and a variety of other useful and ornamental articles, all of which we are slaughtering to get rid of them. SCRANTON NOVELTY COMPANY, 111 Penn avenue

The Blakely Lawn Tennis Club held a tournament Wednesday afternoon.  ABout twenty of the members of the Carbondale Tennis Club were in attendance, besides a number of persons from other places.  The games were playe don the grounds of the Blakely club, and were warmly contested.  ... The players repaired to the residence of S. M. Callender, where refreshments were served and a very enjoyable evening was spent.  The Carbondale people returned home on a late train on the D&H road.  [condensed.] names mentioned:


Mr. J. P. JONES introducted the following [resolution in Scranton City Commom Council], which was adopted:
"Resolved: That from and after the 31st of July, 1889, the lighting of the streets with naptha lights shall be discontinued. Immediately upon approval of this resolution the City Clerk shall mail a certified copy therof to the Penn Globe Gas Light Company." [condensed]

West Side -

Jonathan T. HARRIS. of Eynon street, has accepted a position as drug clerk in the stor of J. J. DAVIS, and began his duties yesterday morning.

John REYNOLDS, barber, left with his entire outfit, including barber chair and other tonsorial implements, for Lake Ariel yesterday afternoon, where he will be engaged during the Thirteenth Regiment encampment.

The young people of Plymouth [Congregational, Hyde Park] church are making extensive preparations for their excursion to Lake Ariel on the 19th instant.  Tickets which are being rapidly disposed of indicate a large number of attendents.  There have already been sold between five and six hundred.

The vast campus in the vicinity of Bellvue, the property of the Lackawanna Iron and Coal company, locally known as the "Bellvue base ball grounds," will be the scene of unusal sport to-morrow evening, the occassion being a foot race and an exciting game of quoit pitching by two young men of equal ability in that sport.  As the later game is entirely novel and scientific it will doubtlessly draw an immense crowd.  The contestants in the running race will be Mr. Ophie BOWEN and William POWELL, both of Bellvue.  The distance to be run is one hundred yards, Mr. Powell to recieve a two yards start.  The stakes are $25 a side.  The quoit match will be contested by Messrs. John RICHARDS and David REESE for a purse of $25 a side.  The matches will commence between the hours of six and seven o'clock.

It is announced that Miss Sarah A. GRIFFITHS of South Main avenue, Bellvue, a teacher at the Fourth-ward school, will united in the bonds of matrimony to Mr. Moses MORGANS, of the same place, a vocalist who has often appeared in concerts and other musical events in this city, on Monday next.  The ceremony will occur at the home of the bride, Rev. J. T. MORRIS, pastor of the Welsh C. M. church, of which Miss Griffiths has been the organist for three years, officiating.

Born -

SWEDE - In Scranton, July 9, 1889, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Swede, of Decker's Alley, a son.
BARTON - In Dunmore, July 10, 1889, to Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Barton, a daughter.

Married -

CULLEN - HARDWICK - In Scranton, July 10, 1889, by Rev. H. C. Swentzel, Mr. John Cullen to Miss Bessie Hardwick, both of Scranton.

Luzerne County -

Wilkes-Barre -

Miss Polly Rees, of Plymouth is visiting city friends.

Plymouth township will have nine months school this year and the term begins August 19th.

Samuel HOAGENBAG is laid up with a broken leg, the result of an accident while engaged in setting curb-stone.

The soldier boys [go] into camp at Tunkhannock on Saturday. The advance guard depart for the site of camping to-day.

The Dorrancetown school board have elected Andrew ELLSWORTH, of Kingston, and Miss SNYDER as teachers for the coming year.

The flats farmers suffered considerable loss by the storm of Wednesday afternoon, the grain and the grass being flattened to the earth.

Marriage licenses were granted to John THOMAS and Maggie WILLIAMS of Wilkes-Barre; Samuel ATWELL and Margaret RIDLER, of Pleasant Valley; Owen HUGHES and G. Bach, of WIlkes-Barre.

Some idea as to the amount of business transacted by the Collector of Internal Revenue in this district may be had in the fact that durning his four years in office Collector Staples collected $1,070,673.27.

The new Collector of Internal Reveue, Mr. [T. Frank] PENMAN, of Scranton, took posession of the office yesterday. Ex-Collector STAPLES returns to his former home in Stroudsburg.

The Ashley School Board have elected the following teachers:

A. W. MOSS, principal; J. R. HOYT, assistanat principal; Mrs. DOLPH, Miss GUINIP, Miss McCORMICK, Miss LAITY, Miss CLINTON, Miss McDONNELL, Miss JOHNSON, and Miss TRESCOTT.

The storm of Wednesday afternoon proved a veritable cyclone at Parsons and Miners' Mills.  The suddenness of the swoop prevented people from making ready for it even if they had anticipated so severe a visitation.  The storm surged in upon this vicinity with a violence never before known here, tearing down telephone wires so that news could not be received until yesterday morning.  The downpour was so heavy that roofs heretofore impervious to rain allowed the water to flow in to the destruction of plastering and the damage of furniture.  The winows of Michael ATHEY's hotel were broken by the force of the tempest and carpets and bedding were soaked.  Cellars filled up in the lower located houses, the orchard of the farm occupied by John GALLAGER and owned by L. D. SHOEMAKER was broken down and uprooted.  Harry BROWN's barber shop was relieved of its windows, a fine maple tree in front of Frank MEHAN's house was hustled off and blown into the street, the carriage house at WADDELL's mines was demolished and three wagons were crushed, while a stable in which Tom HURLEY had taken refuge with a horse and wagon was overturned and carried a hundred feet, man and horse escaping almost by miracle.  The head house at WADDELL's was so shaken that the men employed there abandoned it and the breaker boys, who do not affright easily, were panic-stricken lest the building should be destroyed.  Horses tied along the streets were with some difficulty kept from tearing away and T. F. QUIGLEY's spirited store team, caught in the storm, became so frightened that their driver was unable to manage them and they dashed away, stopping only when the wagon had been overturned and well-nigh demolished.  The horses fortunately escaped with but slight injury.

People of the town say that never in their recollection has the place been so visited with such a heavy storm, and it required some time with a force of men before the roads in the vicinity were made passible.  P. J. RUDDY, a teacher in the school at Miners' Mills was caught in the storm while rambling in the woods nearby, and says that a tree near which he stood was struck by lightening, cleaving it from top to base, the electric fluid giving him a slight shock as it was dissipated in the surrounding earth.  The umbrella which he had with him was caught up by the wind and found lodgement in a pine tree close at hand.  It may be easily inferred that he reached home somewhat damp.

W. W. VINCENT`s residence at Ashley was set on fire by the lightning of the (late) storm.  The hose company turned out promptly ad quenced the flames so that little damage resulted.  Mr. Vincent and family were at Wyoming Camp ground at the time.

[condensed article about the financial problems of the base ball club]  It has come to this:  We have a good team.  It has done good work.  There is a chance of leading the league and capturing the pennant at wind-up.  Is there pride enough among the influential citizens to continue to help maintain the club, and will people at large take enough interest in this most wholsome and commendable of out-door sports to materiall aid and encourage by their presence at the games?  If so, then the club will play out the season.  If not, then the "Coal Barons" will succumb by reason of an impoverish treasury.  [They were one game back of first place as a result of not playing on Wednesday because of the storm. -ed]

R. P. LOWERY, of Miner's Mills, who has achieved no enviable reputation in various parts of Lackawanna county, his former place of residence, is in trouble that may cost him something before he gets through with it.  Mention was made in these columns some days ago of an escapade of his with a domestic in his employ who kept house for him since his wife died.  At the time he was arrested for having betrayed the affection of the young girl in question but on his agreeing before Squire MOORE to marry her, proceedings were stopped.  He, however, did not live up to his promise, and Constable GAVIGAN is looking after him with another warrent.  S. A. DANN, of Scranton, also has a hold on LOWERY for fraud.  When Lowery's wife died he wanted to borrow money from Dann to defray the expenses of burial.  He said that he would give as security for repayment a carriage then at the wagonmaker's.  Upon these terms the loan was granted.  As things stand, if Lowery is capyured they will make it exceedingly interesting for him.

William RAMSEY, of Miner's Mills, fire boss at the old Mill Creek colliery, was badly burned about the head and body by an explosion of gas yesterday.  A Polander at work in the same mine was also badly burned.  Ramsey was taken home and the Polander was sent to the hospital.  Both men will recover.

John TREBOSKI was badly hurt by a fall of roof in the Keystone mine on Wednesday night about nine o'clock.  He will recover.

Nanticoke - The Nanticoke school board have appointed teachers as follows:  Principal, Mrs. Jennie C. COOK, salary $60 per month, with Misses DITTY and DOUGLASS assistants.  The other teachers appointed are: Hanover building, Mr. BROWER; Honeypot building, S. E. DODSON; East Main street school, Miss Agnes V. BATTLE and Miss Annie GILLIGAN; West Mai street building, William L. WILLIAMS, Misses Mary CORGAN, Florence B. McKEE, Annie MAGEE, Mollie SARBER, Marian RACE; Centennial building, Misses Teresa PRESSEL, Mary DAVIS, Marie ANDERSON, Mary OPLINGER, Annie BRADER, Ella McGANN, Mary COX, Lillie POWELL, Maggie LIND, and Ida LUBRECHT.

Scranton Republican, Saturday, July 13, 1889

Scientific news -

An ingenious French inventor has produced a self-acting apparatus.  A 50-centime piece dropped in the slot of the machine sets in motion the necessary series of operations, the exposure being given after due warning upon one of four dials indicating the progress of the work, and within five minutes a picture is turned out.

The Lehigh Valley Railroad has sent  a swarm of prospectors into Schuylkill county to investigate the new coal lands that were bought in the vicinity of Minersville.  They are going all through the region, making a thorough examination of the geological formation, and selecting the most prominent sites for sinking shafts and erecting breakers.  Already two mines have been located, one on the BULLOCK tract, about three miles from Pottsville, and the other on the YORK farm, near Minersville.  There are 400 acres in the Bullock tract, and the Lehigh Valley paid $462 an acre, and experts say the land was cheap.  The York farm tract has been examined by Heber S. THOMPSON, engineer of the GIRARD estate, who has made a very favorable report of its value.

Altogether there are forty-six tracts in the Lehigh Valley's territory and it is believed that coal will be found on all.  Geologists say the red ash veins will probably be reached first and the white ash veins will be found beneath and that all veins will be thinner than is the rule in other parts of the county.  It is declared, however, that an abundance of coal will be found there and that there is room for ten or a dozen large collieries that can produce 200 cars of coal apiece.  This would mean a yearly production of about 2,000,000 tons, all of which will go to market over the Lehigh Valley Railroad.  - Philadelphia Inquirer

Neighboring Counties -

Susquehanna - Mr. and Mrs. Elmer SMITH have been visiting at the home of Mr. David SMITH.

Miss Belle McCOLLUM goes to Sherburne, NY, Thursday to visit Miss MERCHANT.

Mrs. Fred WARD and little son Bert, of Scranton, are guests of Mrs. Charles WARD.

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen TRUMBULL are at their farm in Franklin, PA.

Mrs. George OSTRANDER and Mrs. BIRDSALL, of Binghamton, are at John HAYDEN's.

Mrs. Daniel HAGER goes to New York to-day for an extended visit among relatives and friends.

Mrs. Ella GRINNELL of Hopbottom visited Mrs. VAN BUSKIRK during the third and fourth of July.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward RAYMOND of Nicholson with their bright little daughter Beth, spent a few days last week at Mr. Mart HAYDEN's.

A celebration in commemoration of the passing of the Fifteenth amendment will be held by the colored people of this county on the first of August.  Jubilee singing, an oration and other exercises will be the order of the day.  Rev. Mr. CHRISTIAN of Montrose was in town a few days ago interesting the citizens of New Milford in the movement.

Mrs. MITCHELL, sister of Mrs. William F. HALSTEAD, of Scranton, is dangerously ill at the residence of her son Charles.

A remembrance of Aaron BURR is recounted on page 4 with comments by a cousin, Rev. William E. PARK of Gloversville, NY, a descendant of Burr's grandfather, Johnathan EDWARDS.

City and County-

The water will be shut off from Hyde Park tomorrow from eight to eleven a.m.

The trainmen of the DL&W Company will be paid to-day.

In the estate of the late William W. REESE of Dickson City, letters of administration have been granted May REESE.

In the estate of John C. O'DONNELL, late of Scranton, letters of administration were yesterday granted George D. TAYLOR.

The work of paving Vine street, between Washington and Jefferson avenues with sheet asphalt, was commenced yesterday.

The two shafts of Simpson & Watkins at Wyoming, which are being sunk by the pneumatic process, are ow down about 70 feet and work is being pushed on the freezing.

Samuel COMPTON, an Italian living in Carbondale, has been received at the county jail.  Compton was arrested in the "Pioneer City" for parading the streets brandishing a revolver.

John WAHL has taken a new departure by embarking in the photograph business in company with Ralph SNYDER, an excellent workman of experience.  Their rooms are at 419 Lackawanna avenue.

Miss Veina GRAY, of Philadelphia, is visiting Miss Florence SEYBOLT. Mr. GOULD, of Philadelphia, was a guest at the Seybolt residence yesterday.

Mrs. S. G. BARKER and Mrs. William H. TAYLOR returned from Atlantic City yesterday.

Mrs. W. G. HESSLER and daughter Hazel are spending a week at Lake WInola.

Misses Grace, Jennie, Edith and May HULL of Blakely, are spending a few weeks at Crystal Lake.

Mrs. S. BOLTON and daughter, Miss Lelia, of Carbondale, are visiting Mrs. William M. WILSON, Green Ridge.

A. J. COLBORN, Jr., esq., has been appointed Deputy Clerk of the U.S. Circuit and District Courts, Western district Pennsylvania, and U.S. Commissioner in place of Major PENMAN, [who] resigned.  Office room 6, REPUBLICAN Building.

John JAMASKI, a Hungarian who has been working but a few days at the Sloan mines, was killed yesterday morning by a fall of top coal.  Jameski (sic) was thirty-five years old and boarded on Prospect avenue.

The boiler makers employed by the Dickson Manufacturing Company have served notice that they will quit work next Monday unless the reduction of wages made a few months ago be restored.  As the company is unable to do this, there is every probability that the boiler makers will take a vacation.

Ex-City Treasurer P. C. MORAN of Carbondale, died at his residence in that city at half past eleven o'clock Thursday evening. He had been sick for about six weeks, but the ailment was not considered dangerous, and his death was quite unexpected.  The deceased had figured in Carbondale politics for the last twenty-five years, and on several occasions sought recognition at the county level.

Charles PAKORNEY was before Alderman Roesler yesterday afternoon on a charge of assault and battery with intent to commit rape, preferred by Mrs. Joseph SIGOSA.  Pakorney is a Hungarian residing near the Archbald mine, and committed the crime on the 29th of June.  The alderman held him in $500 bail for his appearance at the next term of court.

The Thirteenth in Camp  [condensed and rewritten]

Favored by most delightful weather, the proud Thirteenth Regiment yesterday pitched it tents upon a grassey hillside at Lake Ariel for its ten day's encampment.

The city companies, A B C and D and the field and staff, assembled at the City Guard Armory at 8 yesterday morning and at 8:20, under the escort of the Regimental Drum Corps, marched to the Erie station on Washington avenue.  Companies G of Factoryville and H and I of Providence had already assembled at the depot. The train, drawn by two huge steam engineers steamed from the station at 8:50. The trip was not without incident, a slight mishap occurred at the high trestle near no. 6 where a connection on the air pipes broke.  The brakes set so rapidly that the cars came to a stand with a jar, frightening many of the passengers who feared a serious accident occurred.  The ten coaches pulled into the station at Lake Ariel at 10:45. After their arrival they formed in columns, and headed by the drum corps, proceeded to the camping grounds, a distance of nearly three miles, arriving at 11:05, after which they broke ranks and began to pitch their tents.  There are 207 tents consisting of 23 wall tents, four hospital tents, and 180 A tents for the men.

The grounds are on a knoll on the southeastern side of the lake within 20o feet of the water.  The strength of the combined companies were 451 men with 48 to 63 men in each company. Names mentioned: Col. Ezra H. RIPPLE, Adjutant W. S. MILLAR, Ex-Adjutant E. J. DIMMICK, Sgt. A. P. BEDFORD, Capt. E. E. CHASE (Co. A), Capt. William KELLOW (B), Capt. C. MOHR (C), Capt. M. BARNARD (D), Lt. PROPER, Lt. Col. COURSEN, Quartermaster John P. ALBRO, Lt. McASKIE (G) and Lt. Harry REYNOLDS (G).

The camp is located upon the farm of Mr. James J. LAWLER and is directly opposite the old Lake House.  The little steamer upon the lake carries passengers from the hotels and station to the camp and back again.

Testimony printed from the Coroner's hearing into the death of Charles SHAFER.

The newly appointed Board of Mine Examiners met completing the drawing up of forms of registry, blanks and certificates. Three sub-districts were decided upon.  Forest City, Carbondale, Mayville, Archbald, Jermyn and Winton will constitute the first sub-district; Henry COLLINS, Daniel McMYNE, and Thomas JAY (Jermyn, treasurer) are the examiners. Olyphant, Priceville, Dunmore and Providence are the second sub-district with examiners Michael GILROY (Archbald, president), John G. HUMPHREYS, and George FREY.  The third district will composed of the remained of the city of Scranton and all other points not in the other two sub-districts.  William D. MORRIS, Miles GIBBONS, and W. P. GRIFFITHS (Taylorville, secretary) are the examiners.

FLESH EATING PLANTS  [That Botany class again]

There's a stone walk all the way up Bald Mount, but in laying it not enough attention was paid to the leveling of the stones and many of them have their edges turned up greatly to the detriment of ladies' shoes.  The owners of the property, however, will doubtless see that this thrilling matter is attended to now that their attention has been called to it.  Mention might be made of some slight irregularities in the roadway by one disposed to be hypercritical, but the members of the Summer School of Botany would not notice such things in their pursuit of science, as long as the ground beneath their feet was firm and not quaking bog.

Some of the members started early yesterday morning, so early that they visited Taylorville, Newton, and other points before commencing the serious work of the assent.  The day was delightful, General Humidity was away on a trip to the sea shore and a pleasant breeze from the northwest rocked the tops of the pines and cooled the Botanists as they toiled upward.  Some thoughtfully carried water, others sugar, others lemon, so there was no [?].

While huckleberries were abundant only a few rare specimens were found.  Portentously Tridentata found no where else in the state was abundant along the rocky cliff.  Spleenwort Montanum, the little fern found at Mocanaqua, was found all along the cracks in the conglomerate ledge.  Prof. DUDLEY was disappointed in the mountain. The view indeed was beautiful but the flora poor.  The canoe birch is found on the top, a fact which may be of interest to the Scranton Rowing Association ow that it is really going to own a boat house.

At the Board of Trade rooms in the evening, Prof. Dudley spoke of insectiverous plants.  Illustrating his subject with a umber of live specimens.  The plants are not only carnivorous, but omnivorous, since the draw nourishment not only from the air, water, and ground as other plants, but, in addition will also draw nourishment from raw meat as well if fed to them in sufficiently small quantities.  They usually feed upon insects since the butcher doesn't often call and the flies do.  They have a fly trap, but no butcher block.  To catch the flies in their traps they have a little honey sac inside, and the way in is guarded by some long hairs. It's very easy to go in but very hard to come out.  It's like the Cut oF Canso - "for three that come out, there's  nine that go in."
After the plant "catches its hare" be it insect, worm, salamander or what not, It proceeds to marinate its meal with a sort of gastric juice to digest it.  The plant recognizes the fact that it is easier to catch flies with treacle than vinegar, but having allured it inside with sweet, proceeds to make it up by a dose of sour.  This is the way pitcher plants work.  The sundews proceed in another way. It uses its drop as a mirror, attracts the insect by its vanity, and while it is admiring itself the plant quickly surrounds in with a cheavaux de friz of sharp points upon which the poor mosquito is impaled, and its juices sucked out as it sucks the juice of a bald-heated man.  Summer tourists whose lives have been made miserable by mosquitos on the Jersey coast, will do well hereafter to provide themselves with an assortment of healthy sundews.  They can be obtained in marshy places upon Mount Pocono.

Darwin found out that the plants digested the food by using colors in the water of the cup that found its way into the cells of the plant.  The little Bladderworts found at Lake Henry also devour insects by enticing them into one of its innumerable bladders or sac.  The Venus Fly trap, found native only on the sandy plains of North Carolina, is a celebrated insectiverous plant, its leaves are provided with a hinge in the middle and points outside.  It baits its trap with homey.  When an insect lights on one of its pints the leaf will close almost like a steel trap and the insect is a goner.

Darwin, having found the plant would digest beefsteak, tried it with chalk, but the plant refused to even try to eat it.  When the plant was deprived of its meat dinner it did not produce many seeds, therefore it is supposed that this flesh diet is useful in making seeds.

At the close of the lecture Col. PRICE spoke of the work of the institute and its determination to go on with the summer school. He spoke in warm terms of Prof. Dudley's work and the gratification it had given Scranton to have him here and the appreciation of his work.

The class meats this morning at the School of the Lackawanna at nine o'clock.  To-day closes a two weeks' series which has been of great value to those who have had the pleasure of enjoying them.

West Side -

Mr. Henry S. MORGANS, of Hyde Park avenue, has accepted a position as fireman at the Suburban electrical plant at Green Ridge.

Mr. John E. BISHOP, formerly of this side, now of Boston, is visiting his former Hyde Park friends. He is registered at Fairchild's Hotel.

Mrs. Mary HUGHES, of New York, is visiting the family of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. JONES, on Hampton street.

Born -

STANTON - In Factoryville, July 8, 1889, to Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Stanton, a son.

TRANSUE - In Factoryville, July 9, 1889, to Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Transue, a son.

Died -

CALL - At Clark's Summit, on Thursday, July 11, Robert C. Call, aged 81 years, 5 months and 20 days.

The presentation of medals from the YMCA games held at the Driving park on the 22nd of June, occurred at the rooms of the YMCA last evening.  Col. H. M. BOLES made the presentation address.
One Hundred yards dash - James BLAIR, John MURPHY
Fifty yards dash       - Dorrance FULLER
Running broad jump     - John MURPHY, Herbert HARDING
Throwing base ball     - Charles GELBERT
Quarter mile run       - Herbert L. HARDING, J. C. SCHROEDER
Bicycle race, junior   - Claude WALKER. A. L. WATSON
75 yards hurdle race   - John MURPHY, Charles GELBERT
Half mile bicycle race - James BLAIR, Walter GUNSTER
Running high jump      - Herbert HARDING, Burt BLOOM
Three-legged race      - John MURPHY and James BLAIR,
                                - Charles GELBERT and Harry THOMAS
Fifty yards dash, sr.  - John MURPHY, James BLAIR
Running broad jump, jr. - George KOCH
Tug of war              - John MURPHY, M. S. BISBEE, Robert PAGE and Harry THOMAS

Luzerne County -

Wilkes-Barre - Mrs. C. E. LELAND, of Portland, OR, is visiting her brother, Fred WISHART, in this city.

There will be a camp meeting in a grove on Brewery Hill under the auspices of the Sheridan street P.M. church.

The WIlkes-Barre paper mill will soon begin the manufacture of a much finer grade of paper than has heretofore been made.

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander DICK who have been taking a European wedding trip are now upon the ocean homeward bound.

James BUCHANAN, formerly of the People's tore this city, now of Binghamton, returned home yesterday after a week's visit with friends here.

James T. SHAUGHNESSY and Agnes G. CAIRUS, of Wilkes-Barre; and W. H. FRAILEY and Mary BREAHM. of Jeansville, were granted licenses to marry yesterday.

Owen L. HUGHES, a former resident of this city, died at Hunlock's Creek Thursday night.  The funeral will take place from his son's residence in South Wilkes-Barre to-day at 2 p.m.

Mrs. A. SEIBEL and daughter, Mrs. E. A. NIVEN and children, Mrs. Frank DeMUN and daughter, and Mrs. W. S. CHAMBERLAIN and son visited at Mr. Fred HAHRIS, Scranton, on Thursday.

S. L. HARTER, secretary of the YMCA at Johnstown, a survivor of the flood is at his home in Berwick.

The funeral of Peter SHEIDEL, who died at his home on South Washington street Thursday afternoon will take place this afternoon at two o'clock.  Interment in the German Catholic cemetery.

Misses Maria and Kate McNUTT, Anna LEVAN, and Hannah RUBIN of the Third district teachers have gone to Martha's Vineyard to pursue a course in methods of teaching and for recreation.

Patrick GOLDEN, of Pleasant Valley, and Robert HESLOP, of Parsons, wrestled for a purse of $100 a side and the gate receipts at parsons, Thursday night, Cumberland style.  Heslop floored his antagonist three times in succession and captured the boodle and laurels.

Jacob GABEL was brought before the Mayor yesterday for shying stones and other missiles at Hartman's saloon on Northampton street the night before.  The culprit was let off on the plea of "first offense" although he didn't attempt to prove an alibi.

The Mayor has been asked by Mrs. Mary SIMMONS of Scranton for information regarding the whereabouts of Miss Annie NEWCOMB, who disappeared from her home in Scranton a year ago. [condensed]

Mrs. L. W. DINTINGER, of this city, has received a pension from the government of $ 13 per month, the back pension amounting to $1,400.  Her claim for pension was on account of the death of her husband from disease contracted while in the army.  Mrs. Dintinger was for some years a compositor in the printing offices of this city.

A big black dog recently went to the Intelligencer office, applied for, accepted, and showed a determination to hold a position under a desk there until he has a good snooze.  It took the Mayor, Chief of Police, Officer PHILLIPS, and Watchman KLEIN with canes, clubs, and a lasso to remove the intruder, after which he was given over to High Constable BAUER, who put him in the pound.  The dog bore evidence of rough usage, was unprovided with a silver collar and license to get mad and scatter hydrophobia if he wanted to, and is evidently without friends in the city.  TONEY felt sorry for the poor beast and may use him as a nucleus for the establishment of an orphan's home and house of correction for homeless and incorrigible canines.

The dead body of a Hungarian, probably thirty-five years of age, was seen by a REPUBLICAN representative lying in the weeds near the old ice house at Duck Pond yesterday afternoon.  He was in his working clothes and nobody could be found who knew him or laid claim to the body.  Although the reporter tried to find out how he came to be lying there, or the cause of his death, nothing could be ascertained, few being able to understand English, and those who did being extremely reticent.  The probability is the man died of heat or of some suddenly brutal form of disease in one of the nearby Hungarian houses, and his friends, not willing to defray the expense of burial had placed him there and were waiting the movements of the poor authorities who must care for the interment of unknowns.  Not long ago a man of this nationality was brought home dead at Luzerne and his wife disowned him to avoid burial expenses, and it is very likely the Duck Pond case is of a similar nature.

Scranton Republican, Monday, July 15, 1889

Buffalo, NY - James E. FARRELL, the absconding postmaster of Starrucca, PA, who has been staying at Fort Erie, Ontario, lately, was lured to Buffalo to-day by Joseph DALTON and taken into a station-house on pretense that it was a saloon, where he was arrested.  Farrell had robbed the post-office of $400 in stamps and swindled his friends and members of the C. M. B. A. [Catholic Mens' Benevolent Association ?] branch, of which he was treasurer, out of $6,000 more.  Dalton was one of those who had been swindled.

Neighboring Counties -

Wyoming -

Nicholson - Mrs. GAGE and son, of Brooklyn, NY, are spending the summer with Mrs. G`s sister, Mrs. Wickliffe WILLIAMS.

Mrs. Sue WILLIAMS and granddaughter of Brooklyn, NY, are visiting in town.

Walter P. KELLOG and family, of Syracuse, NY, are visiting Mrs. K's mother, Mrs. F. P. GROW, at Glenwood.

City and County -

Matthew BARRETT, of Carbondale, died Saturday, aged 71 years.  The deceased was an uncle of James Barrett, of Carbondale, and M. L. Barrett, of this city.  Funeral will be attended to-day at 3:30 p.m.

William HOPPLE was before Alderman Roesler on Saturday, charged with assaulting, knocking down and robbing of $25, Alexander SMITH of Green Ridge, while he was on his way home on the night of June 27.  Hopple escaped at the time, but was finally run done by Detective REED.

Miss Bell OKELL, of Philadelphia, is visiting her uncle, Mr. George OKELL.

Mr. E. T. SWEET has been appointed stamp agent in place of Miss Shaefer, resigned, and will take charge of the office to-day.

Captain BURKE, of Sheridan's Rifles, has appointed the following non-commissioned officers: First sergeant, J. C. VAUGHN; second sergeant, Robert A. SCOTT; third sergeant, William DAWSON; fourth sergeant, James O'NEILL; fifth sergeant, John HAWKS; first corporal, Thomas CONNERY; second P. G. BIGLIN; third, James QUINNAN; fourth, Thomas McGOULDRICK; fifth, John MAGUIRE; sixth, William B. LAFFERTY; seventh, P. J. GRIMES; eighth, Denis McDADE.

William H. MORGANS, son of William Penn MORGANS, of Rebecca avenue, was accidentally shot on Saturday.  He in the company with other boys went to Gammon's Hill, near Boone Hill, to witness a game of ball which was to take place between two amateur clubs.  When they found that the lot on which the game was to be played was deserted and no game was to occur, they sat down and during a conversation, he was accidentally shot in the leg and severely injured.  He was able to walk home by the assistance of his associates.  It is not known how he came to be injured, but it is stated that it must have been a wayward shot fired from a revolver in the hands of some unknown person.  Such is the statement of the boy.  Dr. WILLIAMS is attending him.

The people of Providence were especially pleased to receive an unexpected call from their mail carriers on Fourth of July morning. This is one of the most important improvements in mail service inaugurated by Postmaster Jones. [condensed, from Providence Register.]

About two o'clock yesterday afternoon Samuel ALTEMUS of Moosic and Edward H. SCHILLING of Philadelphia, started out for a trip through Taylorville, Pittston and Old Forge.  They reached Old Forge and there made their first stop.  After transacting their business they untied the horses and Mr. Schilling sprang into the carriage, but before Mr. Altemus could do likewise, the horses for some unaccountable reason started off on a dead run.  Mr. Schilling jumped out and was uninjured.  The horses after a run of about one hundred yards attempted to make a turn, but it was too short and the one forced the other against a broke fence, the top rail of which caught the one horse in the breast forcing its way over three feet into the animal's body, causing instant death, smashing the buggy, tearing the harness and bringing the other horse to a short stop.

Considerable article on the Thirteenth Regiment at camp, including religious services.  Names mentioned - Kate Crossin O'BRIEN, Mrs. William ROCKWELL, Rees WATKINS, Rev. Dr. LOGAN, chaplain.  Capt. George H. WHITNEY (Co. E), Lieut. Walter McNICHOLAS (I), Lieut. CORWIN (H), Captain Joseph Duggan (I), Lieut. Curtis W. Rogers (H), Lieut. Fred W. STILLWELL (A), Rob CANABY, W. S. GOULD, Albert L. HARDING (D), A. A. Brown (G), Sgt. SCISM, Sgt. ROEBLING, and Sgt. RAUB.  Joseph MATHIAS, a private with Company B, while engaged in the daily drill last Friday evening, was overcome with heat.  He was placed in charge of the hospital physicians, who brought him around all right again and yesterday he was on duty.

Without action by Councils and without the purchase of a single acre of ground, Nay Aug Falls has become the public park of the city.  The truth of this is established every Sunday, the Crosstown Railway ....carrying thousands to the resort.  ... Already picnic parties, with lunch baskets, visit the falls for the day ad hold high carnival on the rocks. [condensed]

West Side -

The marriage of Miss Sarah A. GRIFFITHS, and Mr. Moses MORGAN, both of Bellvue, will be solemnized this evening at the home of the bride on South Main avenue.  The nuptial knot will be tied by Rev. J. T. Morris.

Daniel MORGAN and sister, Miss Mary MORGAN, of WIlkes-Barre, formerly residents here, were visiting their sister, Mrs. J. H. Phillips, on Washburn street yesterday.

Among the soldiers who are encamping at Lake Ariel is Master Eugene H. FELLOWS, of Sumner avenue, who accompanied his father. This is the third year of camp life for the youthful soldier and he enjoys it as much as those who are honored by having charge of the artillery.

Miss MAry POWELL, who has been employed at the DL&W station in Bath, NY, for about a month, returned to her home on Saturday.

The funeral of Mrs. Evan JENKINS, whose death occurred on Saturday, will be attended this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Services will be held at her late home on Hampton street, Rev. D. P. Jones, officiating.

Miss Sophie SHIELDS, of Nova Scotia, is visiting at her uncle J. L. DAVIS, on Lincoln avenue.

David ROBERTS, of Jersey City, NJ, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Ann DAVIS, of Eynon street.

Mrs. H. H. BAMFORD, of South Main avenue, left on Friday for Plymouth, where she will visit her sister, Mrs. FAULKNER, who is about to left for her home in West Virginia.

Mrs. L. DAVIS, of Keene, NH, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. D. W. DAVIS on North Main avenue.

Walter BRIGGS, esquire, has opened an office for the practice of law with James W. OAKFORD, on Wyoming avenue.

Miss Nettie WILLIAMS, daughter of William O. WILLIAMS, inside foreman at the Hampton mine, has been appointed organist at the Welsh C. M. Church, Bellvue [Bethania].

Thomas BENJAMIN, of Omaha, NE, a former resident of this city, is visiting at his home in Bellvue.

Miss Rachel THRO, of Elmira, NY, is visiting her brothers, James and John THRO, of South Main avenue.

Luzerne County -

Wilkes-Barre - Miss Elizabeth M. DICKSON, aged 77 years, died on Friday last.  Funeral this morning at 11 o'clock.

John TOOLE, a car runner, was run over by a car in the Henry colliery, Port Bowkley, and had one leg broken.

Ten passenger coaches and two freight cars conveyed the Ninth Regiment and band together with camp equipments and supplies to Tunkhannock Saturday morning.  The soldier boys ere this are snugly ensconced in their transient quarters which are known as Camp G. Murray Reynolds.

Wyoming Camp Ground -

Dr. J. W. KESLER of Honesdale, spent Thursday and Friday with his mother, Mrs. L. C. KESLER, at her cottage on Grand avenue.

The Wyoming Camp News is the name of a new weekly paper now printed in the interest of the association,  Editor, W. J. KEATLEY, manager, W. J. LEWIS, publisher, A. A. HOLBROOK.

Transcribed and contributed by Richard M. Reese, 2001
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