Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania, USGenWeb

Trinity United Church of Christ, Scranton, PA
History and Original Documents

The address has been listed as both 848 Prospect Avenue (the front view) and 541 Beech Street, Scranton, PA

Click images to enlarge

St. Paul's Evangelical Church existed from 1890 to 1927
The Evangelical Church of Peace existed from 1895 to 1927

In 1928 the two churches merged and became Trinity Evangelical Church. The building at the corner of Beech and Prospect, built by St. Paul's, was used.

In 1935 the name was changed to Trinity Evangelical and Reformed Church after the Evangelical Synod of North America merged with the Reformed Church of the United States.

In 1957 the Evangelical and Reformed Synod and the Congregational Christian Churches merged and became the United Church of Christ. The Scranton church became the Trinity United Church of Christ and remained that until it closed in 2015.

When St. Paul's Evangelical Church was organized on August 7, 1889, it met in the old No. 8 school building (shown at the left). It was on the corner of Cedar Avenue and Maple Street.

For more history use the links to the scanned anniversary booklets below.

At the left is the original configuration of St. Paul's when it was completed at the end of 1890. In the 1930s, after the merger of the two original churches, the building was renovated to it's current configuration (as seen at the top of the page). The parsonage next to the church has been torn down.

Above is the Interior of Trinity United Church of Christ as it looked in 1958, showing the pipe organ. Below is a picture of the interior on the 50th anniversary in 1978, after the organ was removed. Click the images for much larger sizes.

Iglesia Pentecostal Hermanos Unidos En Cristo Inc. now (2020) occupies the building at the corner of Beech Street and Prospect Avenue.

The original ledgers, containing Baptisms, Confirmations, Marriages and Deaths, have been scanned. See link below.

The Evangelical Church of Peace was organized in 1895 and shared St. Paul's church until their building (shown at left) was completed at 510 Prospect Avenue. The cornerstone was laid in December of 1895.

The picture below shows the church building after it was renovated. It's primary use was for the Sunday School, as well as meetings. The building is still there, (used by another organization), as is the Church of Peace parsonage building at the corner of Prospect Avenue and Hickory Street.

The original ledgers, containing Baptisms, Confirmations, Marriages and Deaths, have been scanned. See link below.

Rawlings Estate Picnic, 1955

Click each image to see a larger version. Click HERE to see an even bigger version of the photo. Click HERE to see one image (medium size) that includes the photo with the list of names attached.
Tom Thumb Wedding - Christmas Bazaar, December 1960

Click each image to see a larger version. Click HERE to see an even bigger version of the photo. Click HERE to see one image (medium size) that includes the photo with the list of names attached.
Sunday School Members for the 50th Anniversary of Trinity United Church of Christ, 1978

Click each image to see a larger version. Click HERE to see an even bigger version of the photo. Click HERE to see one image (medium size) that includes the photo with the list of names attached.

For more historic details, pictures of members, as well as the names and pictures of the pastors, view the anniversary booklets linked below.

Albums all have three sizes of each image. The two smaller are for viewing and the largest is for saving. Because pages that had no entries were not scanned, the image number shown at the left of each image page may not match the actual page number. The images you save will have the correct page numbers.

St. Paul's Church
Scans of Complete Silver Anniversary Booklet: 1889-1914
German with English Ads. See later booklets for English information of early material.

Trinity Church
Scans of Complete 25th Anniversary
Booklet: 1928 - 1953 (English)
Scans of Complete 50th Anniversary Booklet: 1928-1978 (English)
Scans of Complete 75th Anniversary Booklet: 1928-2003 (English)

NOTE: These scans are copyrighted. They are provided for your personal genealogy and history research. You may not copy them to another website (links to this page are fine) or publish them in a book or on a CD (or other media) for distribution of any kind.

The following original ledgers are in German. The script writing is not easy to read, but the names and dates are generally clear. The ledgers contain Baptisms, Confirmations, Marriages and Deaths, along with other information.

St. Paul's Evangelical Church Ledger from 1889 to 1902

Scanned St Paul's/Trinity Evangelical Church Ledger from 1889-1930
Pages 1 to 25 contain duplicate Baptisms from the St. Paul's Ledger above.
In some cases the writing is clearer. Check the original for accuracy.
The cemetery is listed with each death.

Scanned Evangelical Church of Peace Ledger from 1895 to 1923
Starting on page 157 is a
1915 history of the church - in English..
In early entries the letter 'T' is not always crossed in the middle of a word.

Scanned Church of Peace / Trinity Church Ledger from 1923 to 1989
The early pages are for the Church of Peace and continued after the merger with Trinity.
This book is in English. Records with birth dates after 1929 are not included.
Death records end at 1987 and include the cemetery. Marriage records end at 1989.

A special thanks to Deb and Wendy Pfurr for providing this material. Text and scans by Susan White Pieroth November 2020.

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