Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania, USGenWeb
Scranton Lithographing Company

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Lori Morris provided this photograph (July 2009) with the information that it is an undated photo of the Scranton Lithographing Company. George Becker (Lori's great grandfather) was owner, president/general manager. In the 1942-43 Scranton Directory, it said it was located at 1014 Monsey Avenue.

Also working there were, per the 1942-43 directory:
George Becker, Jr, son, secretary
Harrison Becker, son
Helen Becker, daughter
Julius F. Scheibel, vice president
Leo G. Walsh, vice president
Harrison Reichard, treasurer

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This photo, taken in 1907, is of 5 employees of the Scranton Lithographing Company. The following information is from the 1907 Polk Scranton Directory.  In 1907, page 764 of the Polk Scranton Directory said that the business was at 220-224 Spruce.
Julius Scheibel (could not find listing)
George Becker (pg 153, 1907 Scranton Directory: Becker, George, lithogr, h 1406 Schlager)
Hal Reichard (pg 711, 1907 Polk Directory: Reichard Harrison, W, treas, Scranton Lithographing Co, h 1208 Linden
Leo Liedtke (pg 533 of 1907 Polk Scranton Directory: Liedtke, Leon L, pres Scranton Lithographing Co, h 815 Columbia)
Stanley Brader (pg. 177 of 1907 Scranton Directory: Brader, Stanley E., sec Scranton Lithographing Co, r 1190 Albright av)
Provided by Lori Morris, August 2012

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