Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania, USGenWeb
Scranton Lace Factory Workers

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Jean McNamara provided this photograph (July 2008) with the information that Clarence Niles Hudson, foreman, is in the front row with bow tie (marked with a number 1). The exact date is not known, other that it is before 1928. The Scranton Lace Factory opened in 1890 & closed in 2002.

Janice McClintock believes her grandfather, Walter J. PRYOR (1890-1969), is the third man from the left in the front row in this photo (sitting with his hands on his knees - marked with a number 2). He worked for Scranton Lace from the time he was 12 years old until his retirement, 64 years later.

If you know the names of others, please contact me.

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