Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania, USGenWeb

 St. Lukes Church Men who served, Scranton, PA 1918

Men who served from St. Lukes Church, Scranton, 1918
Click on the image for a black and white version

This was purchased on an eBay auction by Susan Pieroth, who provided the images. As you can see, the picture is not in good condition. Every effort was made to improve the image.

Below is the key to the names that appear below each picture.Key to names

1. Wm. Moronde 9. Frank C. Palmer 17. Nathaniel G. Robertson
2. Christopher F. Scit?? 10. Allen G. Osborne 18 Joseph M. & Wm. M. Kelley
3. Jonathan M. Wainwright, M.D. 11. Robt. V. White, M.D. 19. Harry & Clarence Warner
600% Enlargement of the left side
600% Enlargement of the right side

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