The Scranton Tribune-Republican Monday, August 15, 1910
The annual reunion of the Osmun and Tingley families was held at the home of W. H. Richardson in Harford, Wednesday, August 10. About sixty relatives and friends from New Milord, Thompson, Kingsley, Washington, DC, Harford and North Harford were present. Tables well loaded with the delicacies were spread on the large barn floor and after all had been served, the following program was rendered: meeting called to order by the president, address of welcome by W. H. Richardson, reading of the minutes of last meeting by the secretary; song "Swanee River"; recitation, W. W. Oakley; song, Hilda Ferner; recitation, Esther Tingley; election of officers and place and date decided upon for the next reunion which was decided to be held at Tingley Lake or vicinity second Wednesday in August; recitation, Florence Constant; short speeches by A. O. Tingley, J. C. Clapper and others; song, "America". The remainder of the day was spent in playing games and visiting after which all departed to their homes, having spent a delightful day, although the weather had been rainy.
[No list of attendees was published. - ed.]
RICHARDSON, W. H.; Harford
The Scranton Tribune-Republican Wednesday, August 31, 1910
On Saturday, August 27, 1910,the twelveth annual reunion of the Wallace family was held at Finn's Hall in Clifford, Pa. The condition of the weather was ideal for an occasion of this kind. The attendance was good and all present seemed to be good natured. At the noon hour an excellent dinner was partaken of as usual, and at 2 p.m., the president, Z. F. Wallace, asked the relations to come to order for the transaction of business and listen to a brief program. After singing a song entitled 'Wayside Blossums', prayer was offered by Wallace Millard.
The following persons were then elected to serve as officers for the ensuing year: president, Z. F. Wallace; vice-president, N. A. Wallace; secretary and treasurer, George E. Van Etten; committee on program, Mrs. Mary Barney and Mrs. Effie Van Etten. The relatives decided to meet at the same place one year later for their annual gathering on the last Saturday in August, 1911. A. F. Hobbs, who was present by invitation, gave a short talk to the friends, closing with the following verses, which are published by request:
Over in North Benton a number of years agoThe entertainment {sic} closed with singing from the Grange Melodies, "The Farmer Feeds Them All". Following is the list of names present: [no locations given]
I knew an aged couple as many of you know,
They managed to work together on the home and on the farm,
As to their reputation, they did the place no harm.As was the common rule in those early pioneer days,
The practice was in harmony with "Teddy" Roosevelt's ways.
They raised a large family of healthy girls and boys,
Who were very much more useful than ornaments or toys.Several are here today who recall the scenes of youth,
The old man's wit and humor, and "her" high regard for truth.
Since these dear and happy days many of course have died,
But we see by this assemblage there was no race suicide.So, as we have come together to mingle for a while,
To shake each others' hands and greet with pleasant smile:
May you enjoy yourself supremely with pride for your populace,
Who are the true descendants of William and Miriam Wallace.
SMITH, T. N., Mr and Mrs.
DEPUE, Esther, Mrs. FELTS, Henrietta, Mrs. HOBBS, Jefferson, Mr and Mrs. COYLE, Etta, Mrs. SMITH, Evelyn COLVIN, Ora SMITH, Ernest, Mrs. HOBBS, A. F., Mr. LEWIS, T. J., Mr and Mrs. HORTON, Stephen - HORTON, Ruth; daughter - HORTON, William; son - HORTON, Harry; son KENNEDY, E. F., Mr and Mrs. BARNEY, Robert MILLARD, Wallace, Mr and Mrs. - MILLARD, Harry; son COLVIN. Addas, Mrs. BURDICK, Alice BURDICK, Libbie, Mrs. - BURDICK, Merle; son - BURDICK, Zella; daughter? - BURDICK, Ronald; son - BURDICK, Newton; son WALLACE, Z. F., Mr and Mrs. - WALLACE, Wesley; son |
ROUGHT, Mr and Mrs.
- ROUGHT, Hazel; daughter - ROUGHT, Coral; daughter - ROUGHT, Archie; son WALLACE, Newton, Mr and Mrs. - WALLACE, Robert; son WALLACE, Wellie, Mr and Mrs. {sic} WELLS, R. J. , Mrs. SWEET, C. J., Mr and Mrs. - SWEET, Mabel; daughter - SWEET, Norma; daughter SMITH, Mira, Mrs. KENNEDY, Helen, Miss WALLACE, Willie, Mr and Mrs. WALLACE, John, Mr and Mrs. WALLACE, Theresa Ann KESSLING, Arthur, Mrs. VAN ETTEN, George, Mr and Mrs. - VAN ETTEN, May; daughter - VAN ETTEN, Lena; daughter STANTON, Polly, Mrs. BARNEY, Harry, Mr and Mrs. PEDDING, S. , Mrs. GREEN, William, Mrs, WELLS, B. F., Mrs. |
The Scranton Tribune-Republican Tuesday, August 9, 1910
The annual reunion of
the Walter family will
be held at Northern Electric park, Clark's Summit, on Wednesday, August
24, 1910. All Walters relatives and friends are invited to
Please pass it along, as no cards will be sent out this year.
Everett Walter, president
L. W. Walter, secretary
[No follow up report was found.]
The Scranton Tribune-Republican Monday August 22, 1910
The seventh annual reunion of the descendants of Henry Welter and wife will be held at Fernbrook park, near Dallas, Pa., on Thursday, August 23. Special cars will be attached to the regular Harvey's Lake car leaving Wilkes-Barre at 9:40 a.m., and Luzerne at 9:50 a.m.
[August 23 was a Tuesday -ed. No further information was found
in this
Scranton paper.]
The Scranton Tribune-Republican Thursday, August 11, 1910
The second reunion of the descendants of John and Elinor Wheeler and James and Anna Goodrich will be held in Clark's Summit on September 5.
The Scranton Tribune-Republican Wednesday, September 7, 1910
Nearly eighty relatives of the Wheeler and Goodrich families assembled at Northern Electric park on Monday, September 5, for their annual reunion. At noon time, they all sat down to a picnic dinner spread upon the tables. After doing justice to the dinner and to themselves, they held a business meeting when the officers for the next year were elected, and it was decided to meet at the same place in 1911 for the annual gathering. Relatives and friends were present from Scranton, Dunmore, Forest City, Mondale, Peckville, Wyoming, Clark's Summit and other points.
[No list of attendees.]
The Scranton Tribune-Republican Wednesday, September 7, 1910
The descendants of Joseph and Hannah Wheeler and their friends to the number of about sixty persons, celebrated Labor Day, Monday, September 5, at Northern Electric park, by holding their annual reunion. They enjoyed the usual picnic dinner and a good social time. The officers elected for the ensuing year are: president, B. E. Wheeler, of Clark's Summit; secretary, Dwight Smith, of Scranton; treasurer, Arthur Wheeler, Clark's Summit. It was agreed that they meet one year later on Labor Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Molyneaux, of Clark's Green, Pa., for the next annual reunion.
[No list of attendees was published.]
WHEELER, B. E.; Clark's Summit
SMITH, Dwight; Scranton
WHEELER, Arthur; Clark's Summit
MOLYNEAUX, John, Mr and Mrs.; Clark's Green
The Scranton Tribune-Republican Wednesday, August 31, 1910
The descendants of
Lucy and Charles Whitman
held their fourth annual reunion on Saturday, August 27, at Nay Aug
Those present were:
WHITMAN, William, Mr and Mrs. | Carbondale | |
- WHITMAN, Ralph | son | |
- WHITMAN, Mildred | daughter | |
- WHITMAN, Frank | son | |
HUDSON, George, Mr and Mrs. | Carbondale | |
HUDSON, Oscar, Mr and Mrs. | Carbondale | |
HUDSON, Eugene, Mrs. | Kansas City | |
KRAMER, William, Mr and Mrs. | Clark's Summit | |
- KRAMER, Dorothy | daughter | |
- KRAMER, Hildred {sic} | daughter | |
WHITMAN, Charles, Mrs. | Clark's Summit | |
- WHITMAN, Ethel | daughter | |
- WHITMAN, Harold | son | |
- WHITMAN, Kenneth | son | |
CRAMER, Clarence, Mr and Mrs. | Dundaff | |
WHITMAN, Albert, Mr and Mrs. | Dundaff | |
- WHITMAN, Bert | son | |
- WHITMAN, Mary | daughter | |
WHITMAN, Harry, Mr and Mrs. | Jermyn | |
LEE, Susan, Mrs. | Jermyn | |
BARHEIGHT, Mr and Mrs. | Carbondale | |
- BARHEIGHT, Russell | son | |
ROGERS, C. C. , Mr and Mrs. | Waymart | |
- ROGERS, Nelson | son | |
- ROGERS, Harold | son | |
PHILO, Albert, Mrs. | Waymart | |
ROUNDS, Hubble | Waymart | |
WILLIAMS, Mr and Mrs. | Carbondale | |
- WILLIAMS, Edith | daughter | |
DECKER, John, Mr and Mrs. | Philadelphia | |
- DECKER, Cora | daughter | |
- DECKER, Lulu | daughter | |
- DECKER, Edith | daughter | |
- DECKER, Howard | son | |
WHITMAN, Logan | Philadelphia |
The Scranton Tribune-Republican Thursday, September 1, 1910 [Editor's note - different list]
The descendants of
Lucy and Charles Whitman
held their fourth annual reunion on Saturday, August 27, at Nay Aug
Those present were:
WHITMAN, William, Mr and Mrs. | Carbondale | |
- WHITMAN, Ralph | son | |
- WHITMAN, Mildred | daughter | |
- WHITMAN, Frank | son | |
WHITMAN, Nelson, Mr and Mrs. | Carbondale | |
- WHITMAN, Leslie | ? | |
WHITMAN, Wilmer, Mr and Mrs. | Carbondale | |
STROUS, Mrs. | Carbondale | |
HUDSON, George, Mr and Mrs. | Carbondale | |
HUDSON, Oscar, Mr and Mrs. | Carbondale | |
FINN, Henry, Mr and Mrs. | Carbondale | |
- FINN, Delsa | daughter | |
- FINN, Homer | son | |
HUDSON, Jean, Mrs. (Eugene) | Kansas City | |
KRAMER, (William), Mr and Mrs. | Clark's Summit | |
- KRAMER, Dorothy | daughter | |
- KRAMER, Hilda | daughter | |
WHITMAN, Charles, Mrs. | Clark's Summit | |
- WHITMAN, Ethel | daughter | |
- WHITMAN, Harold | son | |
- WHITMAN, Kenneth | son | |
CRAMER, Clarence, Mr and Mrs. | Dundaff | |
WHITMAN, Albert, Mr and Mrs. | Dundaff | |
- WHITMAN, Bert | son | |
- WHITMAN, Mary | daughter | |
WHITMAN, Harry, Mr and Mrs. | Jermyn | |
LEE, Susan, Mrs. | Jermyn | |
BARHIGHT {sic}, Mr and Mrs. | Carbondale | |
- BARHIGHT {sic}, Russell | son | |
ROGERS, C. E. {sic} , Mr and Mrs. | Waymart | |
- ROGERS, Nelson | son | |
- ROGERS, Harold | son | |
PHILO, Albert, Mrs. | Waymart | |
ROUNDS, Hubble | Waymart | |
WILLIAMS, Mr and Mrs. | Carbondale | |
- WILLIAMS, Ethel {sic} | daughter | |
DECKER, John, Mr and Mrs. | Philadelphia | |
- DECKER, Cora | daughter | |
- DECKER, Lulu | daughter | |
- DECKER, Edith | daughter | |
- DECKER, Howard | son | |
WHITMAN, Logan | Philadelphia | |
WHITMAN, C. H. , Mrs. | Factoryville | |
- WHITMAN, Hildred {sic} | daughter | |
- WHITMAN, Willard | son | |
WHITMAN, Nallie | Uniondale | |
BURDICK, Neal | Uniondale | |
WILLIAMS, Mary, Miss | Olyphant | |
WILLIAMS, Sarah, Miss | Olyphant | |
WILLIAMS, Josephine, Miss | Olyphant | |
JONES, Margaret, Miss | Olyphant | |
JONES, Elizabeth, Miss | Baltimore |
The Scranton Tribune-Republican Tuesday, August 16, 1910
The descendants of John and Lydia Rutan Williams will hold their annual reunion and basket picnic at Valley View park Thursday, August 18. Assembly at 10 o'clock.
The Scranton Tribune-Republican Wednesday, August 17, 1910
The reunion of the Kern family will take place tomorrow at Valley View park at Inkerman. The members will assemble during the morning and at noon will have a basket dinner in the grove. The business meeting will take place in the afternoon.
The reunion of the Williams family that is closely connected by relationship with the Kern family, will take place at the same park at the same time. Large gatherings always attend the reunions of both the Williams and Kern families.
The Scranton Tribune-Republican Friday, August 19, 1910
The descendants of John and Lydia Rutan Williams held their fourth annual reunion at Valley View park yesterday afternoon. The officers of 1909 were re-elected as follows: A. D. Williams, of Scranton, president; Oscar Van Buskirk, Bald Mount, vice-president; Mrs. Rose Van Buskirk Speece, of Scranton, secretary-treasurer. It was decided to hold the reunion of 1911 at Northern Electric park, Clark's Summit, on the third Thursday of August. Members of the family were present from Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, Pittston and West Pittston, Old Forge, Benton, Factoryville, Berwick, Bald Mount, Preston Park, Kingston, and Ransom.
[No list of attendees, see Kern family reunion text.]
WILLIAMS, A. D.; Scranton
SPEECE, Rose Van Buskirk, Mrs.; Scranton
VAN BUSKIRK, Oscar; Bald Mount
The Scranton Tribune-Republican Thursday August 18, 1910
The Wilmer-Gardner family reunion will be held in Keystone Academy grove on August 26.
[No further information was found.]
The Scranton Tribune-Republican Thursday, August 11, 1910
The descendants and relatives of Joseph and Thirzah Wrigley will meet Thursday, August 18, in the Keystone Academy grove, Factoryville.
[No further report was found.]
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