The Scranton Tribune-Republican Friday, August 26, 1910
The twenty-first annual reunion of the Finch family will be held at the home of Clarence Sweet, Factoryville, Pa., Saturday, September 3.
The Scranton Tribune-Republican Tuesday, September 6, 1910
[Editor's note: the bottom of the column and the top of the next column is heavily over printed making transcription difficult.]
Although the day was stormy, the rain falling most of the time, Saturday, September 3, was the date when a goodly number of the relatives and friends of the Finch family assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Sweet, near Wallsville, to hold their annual reunion. Soon after noon when all had arrived a delicious dinner was (in) readiness for them. This feature of the gathering, which is a very important part, was enjoyed by all. Soon after 2 p.m. the president of the organization called to order for the purpose of transacting business. After prayer by J. M. Finch and a song entitled 'Beautiful River of Time', the officers of the present time were continued as follows: president, L. R. Finch; secretary, Mrs. W. H. Treverton; treasurer, Mrs. J. F. Wallace. It had been previously decided there was no program arranged, so the guests devoted the rest of their time to sociability and having a good old fashioned walk. By the majority, this plan in more satisfactory and enjoyable than listening to a musical and literary program. All voted by their actions a successful family reunion with thoughts of another at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Van Etten, near Lanesville on the first Saturday in September, 1911.
Those present were:
FINCH, I. B. | West Abington | |
FINCH, C. E., Mr and Mrs. | West Abington | |
- FINCH, Bertha | daughter | |
- FINCH, Earl | son | |
FINCH, Cora, Miss | West Abington | |
FINCH, J. M. | Dallas (PA) | |
WALLACE, Z. F., Mr and Mrs. | Fleetville | |
- WALLACE, J. Wesley | son | |
CARPENTER, Sarah, Mrs. | Fleetville | |
- CARPENTER, Harry | unknown | |
SWEET, Jeremiah | Fleetville | |
FINCH, George E., Mr and Mrs. | Factoryville | |
- FINCH, Florence | daughter | |
- FINCH, Howard | son | |
AUSTIN, Sarah, Mrs. | Binghamton, NY | |
- AUSTIN, SMITH | son | |
TREVERTON, W. H., Mr and Mrs. | Scranton | |
FINCH, Fleta, Miss | Scranton | |
SWARTZ, Mr and Mrs. | Scranton | |
SWEET, C. J., Mr and Mrs. | Wallsville | |
- SWEET, Diana | daughter | |
- SWEET, Mabel | daughter | |
- SWEET, Norma | daughter | |
- SWEET, Harold | son | |
HOBBS, A. J., Mr and Mrs. | LaPlume | |
TRUESDALE, Nellie, Mrs. | Dalton | |
ROUGHT, Hazel | Fleetville | |
ROUGHT, Cora | Fleetville | |
ROUGHT, Archie | Fleetville | |
SMITH, Miriam, Mrs. | Binghamton, NY | |
VAN ETTEN, George E., Mr and Mrs. | Lenoxville | |
- VAN ETTEN, May | daughter | |
- VAN ETTEN, Lena | daughter | |
BRIGGS, E. J., Mr and Mrs. | Lestershire, NY | |
FINCH, E. N., Mr and Mrs. | Wilkes-Barre | |
- FINCH, Howard | son | |
- FINCH, Lorna | daughter | |
- FINCH, Elizabeth | daughter |
The Scranton Tribune-Republican Friday, August 12, 1910
As the Northern Electric Park, Clark's Summit, Pa., is to be occupied on Wednesday, August 17, the Freeman family reunion will be postponed until the following day, Thursday, August 18.
N. H. Freeman, president
Mrs. Charles Freeman, secretary
The Scranton Tribune-Republican Wednesday August 24, 1910
The fifth annual reunion of the Freeman family which met at Northern Electric park August 18, was a pleasant meeting with a fair attendance and increased interest, the pleasure of meeting those from distant points whom we never had the pleasure of greeting at any other time or place impressing us with the importance of making special efforts to attend these reunions. A committee of three, Marshall Freeman, Henry Carpenter, and George E. Freeman, were appointed to select a more convenient place of meeting and decided to choose the academy grounds at Factoryville and the day the third Wednesday in August, subject to change. H. E. Capwell was retained as a committee to furnish fruit, melons, etc.
Mrs. Charles Freeman, secretary
[ No list was published of those who attended.]
FREEMAN, Charles, Mrs.
FREEMAN, Marshall
FREEMAN, George E.
The Scranton Tribune-Republican Tuesday, August 16, 1910
The Fuller family reunion will be held at Nay Aug Park Thursday, August 25. All relatives and friends are cordially invited. A full lunch basket will be necessary.
The Scranton Tribune-Republican Tuesday, August 30, 1910
The Fuller-Snyder families held their fifth annual reunion at Nay Aug Park on August 25, 1910. A goodly number having congregated and the usual greetings being exchanged, preparations were then made for a most sumptuous repast, which was well patronized.
A general visit followed the dinner. No one seemed to have more to visit about than a few Civil War veterans, who were among the number. In due time the meeting was called to order by the president, A. C. Snyder. Aside from the regular business transactions and reading of reports, the company was highly entertained by two little girls from Green Ridge, Miss Eleanor Kirkpatrick and Miss Harriet Barton, who did themselves much credit by their ability.
Prof. James Fuller, historian of the Fuller family, gave a most interesting account of the Fuller ancestors, who could be traced back to the landing of the Mayflower. A letter of regret from Byron J. Fuller, of Buffalo, N.Y., was read by the secretary. The place of the meeting for next year was not decided upon.
Those present were:
FULLER, James, Mr and Mrs. | South Gibson | |
FULLER, Theodore, Mr and Mrs. | 1518 Wyoming Ave. Scranton | |
FULLER, James, Prof. and Mrs. | 1020 Delaware St. Scranton | |
- FULLER, Ronald | son | |
EVANS, J. D., Mr and Mrs. | 1016 Delaware St. Scranton | |
CONRAD, W. G., Mr and Mrs. | Colfax Ave. Scranton | |
- CONRAD, Ruth | daughter | |
BABCOCK, Henry, Mr and Mrs. | Church Ave. Scranton | |
FOSTER, Mr. | Scranton | |
WALTER, Fred | Scranton | |
- LAIRD, Mrs. | daughter | |
- WALTERS, Lou | son | |
PAYNE, Marin | Scranton | |
HINE, N. F. | Scranton | |
KIRKPATRICK, Eleanor | Green Ridge | |
BARTON, Harriet | Green Ridge | |
SNYDER, A. C., Mr and Mrs. | Lennox | |
- SNYDER, Louella | daughter | |
SNYDER, Gertrude, Mrs. | Factoryville | |
- SNYDER, Dudley | son | |
KEECH, E. W. | Elmhurst | |
KEECH, J. H. | South Gibson | |
ARCHBALD, J. M., Mr and Mrs. | 808 N. Bromley Ave. Scranton | |
- ARCHBALD, Mildred | daughter | |
BECKER, J. J., Mr and Mrs. | 1610 Ridge Row Scranton | |
RANKIN, Roena, Mrs. | Ararat | |
MORGAN, Thomas, Mrs. | (not given) | |
- MORGAN, Ivan | son | |
- MORGAN, Wyland | son | |
- MORGAN, Arlene | daughter | |
- MORGAN, Kerlin | child | |
EMERICK, Fred, Mr and Mrs. | 1744 Capouse Ave. Scranton |
The Scranton Tribune-Republican Friday, July 29, 1910
Celebration Is Held On the
Ninetieth Birthday Anniversary
Of the Father
Three Children Attend
[Separate photos of A. W. Gates and Mrs. A. W. Gates]
A. W. Gates, of Thompson, the father of Dr. L. M. Gates of this city, was ninety years old yesterday. His wife passed her eighty-fourth birthday last Saturday, and yesterday the children and grand children of the couple gathered at their home in a family re-union and double birthday reception.
Mr. and Mrs. Gates are both enjoying splendid health and vied with each other in entertaining their guests yesterday. They talked with their children of the olden times, told them tales of long ago, and provided for them one of the dinners that all have ever remembered as among the bright spots of their childhood and youth.
At the reception, ...
GATES, L. M., Dr. Scranton
- GATES, Edith daughter
GATES, Hugh A., Atty. Wilkes-Barre
BROWNING, J. W., Mr and Mrs. Scranton
- (2 children, names not listed)
For the past twenty years the children of Mr. and Mrs. Gates have assembled yearly at the old homestead on the birthday anniversary of their father or mother. One year the reception is held on July 23, Mrs. Gates's birthday, and the next year the family re-unites on July 28, as yesterday.
Mr. Gates and Mrs. Gates were
born in Jackson, Susquehanna
county. They were married their in December 1846, but shortly
moved to Scott, Wayne county, where they lived until twenty years ago
they moved to their present home in Thompson. During the past
years they have spent the winter months in this city, at the homes of
Gates and Mrs. Browning.
The Scranton Tribune-Republican Thursday, August 25, 1910
Although August 17 dawned dark and cloudy, about twenty-five of the descendants of Lyman and Mary Green assembled at "Knotty Oak" cottage, the pleasant summer home of G. W. Stanton, at Lake Kewanee, for the family picnic. The relatives began to arrive early in the day with well-filled baskets, and when the tables were spread, and when the tables were spread it was evident that enough tempting food had been provided to feed twice twenty-five hungry people. The time passed all too quickly. While some were rowing on the lake, gathering water lilies, others were comfortably seated on the spacious porches relating reminiscences of the past or enjoying selections on the graphaphome.
When the time came to say good-bye each felt that they had spent a day long to be remembered and were loath to leave a spot so charming and near to nature's heart.
Those present were: [No locations given]
GREEN, Gorton W., Mr and Mrs.
STANTON, G. W., Mr and Mrs. GREEN, Lyman, Mr and Mrs. GARDNER, V. R., Mr and Mrs. - GARDNER, Joanna; daughter HELWEG, Dan, Mr and Mrs. - HELWIG, Harry; son GIBBS, George, Mr and Mrs. SEAMANS, Jane, Mrs. - SEAMANS, Lucille; g-daughter VOSBURG, Lydia, Mrs. |
TOWNSEND, Emily, Mrs.
GARDNER, Frank, Mrs. GARDNER, D. D. STANTON, Robert CLARK, Hobert PACKER, Charles GARDNER, Emily, Miss STANTON, Ruth, Miss GREEN, Nellie A., Miss WALKER, Margaret, Miss FISK, Cora, Miss |
The Scranton Tribune-Republican Wednesday August 24, 1910
The third annual reunion of the descendants of Susanna and Clark Greene, of East Greenwich, R. I., was held at the home of Mrs. W. W. Paterson, of La Plume, Pa., Saturday, August 20. At 1 o'clock a sumptuous dinner was served on the lawn, then the merry party enjoyed the next few hours in music, tennis, and visiting. At 4 o'clock the president. S. B. Greene, called the business meeting and elected the following officers: president, S. B. Greene; vice-president, Fred Greene; secretary, Ray Jerauld; treasurer, Albert Baker; committee on arrangements, Mrs. Theodore Stanton, Arthur Greene, and Danule Patterson {sic}. The meeting for 1911 will be held on the third Saturday in August at the home of Fred Greene, of Glenwood. A report was given by Madge Paterson and Mary Greene of their trip to Rhode Island, with pictures and greetings from the friends there.
Those present were: [No locations given]
GREENE, Charles, Mr and Mrs.
STANTON, Theodore, Mr and Mrs. - STANTON, Richard; son BAKER, Albert, Mr and Mrs. - BAKER, Julia; daughter - BAKER, Bevan; son PATERSON, W. W., Mrs. - PATERSON, Madge; daughter - PATERSON, Danule; ? - PATERSON, Jannette; daughter GARDNER, R. J., Mr and Mrs. - GARDNER, Katherine; daughter GREENE, William, Mr and Mrs. - GREENE, Edgar; son - GREENE, Merle; son - GREENE, Arthur; son SNOVER, Lester |
GREENE, Mildred
CAREY, Floyd, Mrs. - CAREY, Loula; daughter GREENE, Layton B., Mr and Mrs. - GREENE, Harold; son - GREENE, Viola; daughter - GREENE, Wellington; son - GREENE, Edgar; son - GREENE, Dorris; daughter TRAVIS, L., Mrs. JERAULD, Ray, Mr and Mrs. - JERAULD, Kenneth; son - JERAULD, George; son GREENE, Mary GREENE, Fred, Mr and Mrs. - GREENE, Lynn; daughter - GREENE, Florence; daughter |
[Relationships were implied by general layout of article.
The Scranton Tribune-Republican Friday, August 12, 1910
The Gumaer family reunion will be held today, Friday, August 12 in George Gumaer's grapevine grove, near Marshbrook.
[No further information was found.]
The Scranton Tribune-Republican Friday, August 12, 1910
The Hafler family reunion will take place at Lake Ariel, August 18.
[No further information was found.]
The Scranton Tribune-Republican Tuesday, July 12, 1910
The first annual reunion of the descendants of Phillip and Christine Harlos was held at the home of Mrs. George Rozelle, in Exeter, Luzerne county, last Thursday. Solos were rendered by Alma Kittle, Helen Barber and Ruth Kirby; recitations by Catherine Harlos; Mrs. Silas Randall and Edward Kittle; violin solos were rendered by Raymond Rozelle, accompanied by Mrs. Charles Getz. Mrs. D. M. Huthmaker acted as chairman of a business meeting at which Henry Harlos was elected president; Mrs. Henry Harlos, vice president; Laura Harlos, secretary; Mrs. Huthmaker, treasurer; Mrs. Silas Randall, program committee; Mrs. Huthmaker, Harry Harlos and Ralph Barber, refreshment committee.
The following were present:
HARLOS, Fred, Mr and Mrs. | Dorranceton | |
HARLOS, Robert, Mr and Mrs. | Dorranceton | |
- HARLOS, Grace | daughter | |
- HARLOS, Byron | son | |
- HARLOS, Thela | daughter | |
- HARLOS, Elmer | son | |
HARLOS, Harry | Dorranceton | |
HARLOS, George | Dorranceton | |
HARLOS, Ira | Dorranceton | |
HARLOS, Phillip | Schultzville | |
- HARLOS, Christine | daughter | |
HARLOS, William, Mr and Mrs. | Schultzville | |
SONSKI, Peter, Mr and Mrs. | Schultzville | |
- SONSKI, Edith | daughter | |
ROZELLE, George, Mrs. | Exeter | |
ROZELLE, Phillip, Mr and Mrs. | West Pittston | |
- ROZELLE, Raymond | son | |
- ROZELLE, Mabel | daughter | |
- ROZELLE, Wertie | ? | |
- ROZELLE, Ruth | daughter | |
- ROZELLE, Philip | son | |
- ROZELLE, George | son | |
BARBER, Ralph, Mr and Mrs. | West Pittston | |
- BARBER, Helen | daughter | |
- BARBER, Margaret | daughter | |
KITTLE, Cora, Mrs. | Wilkes-Barre | |
- KITTLE, Mary | daughter | |
- KITTLE, Edgar | son | |
- KITTLE, Alma | daughter | |
KIRBY, Charles, Mr and Mrs. | West Pittston | |
- KIRBY, Charles | son | |
- KIRBY, Ruth | daughter | |
GETZ, Charles, Mr and Mrs. | West Pittston | |
HARLOS, Samuel, Mr and Mrs. | [unclear] | |
- HARLOS, W. P., Dr. | son | Altoona |
- HARLOS, Ruth | daughter | |
- ARMSTRONG, Edward | son-in-law | Taylor |
- ARMSTRONG, Edward, Mrs. | daughter | |
RANDALL, Silas, Mr and Mrs. | Scranton | |
- RANDALL, Elizabeth | daughter | |
- RANDALL, William | son | |
HARLOS, William, Mr and Mrs. | Bear Creek | |
- HARLOS, Will | son | |
- HARLOS, Ben | son | |
- HARLOS, Henry | son | |
- HARLOS, Arthur | son | |
- HARLOS, Lizzie | daughter | |
WESTCOTT, George, Mr and Mrs. | Moscow | |
- WESTCOTT, Stella | daughter | |
WEB, Dick, Mr and Mrs. | Avoca | |
- WEB, William | son | |
HUTHMAKER, D. M., Mrs. | Ransom | |
- HUTHMAKER, Roy | son | |
HARLOS, Henry, Mr and Mrs. | Taylor | |
- HARLOS, Laura | daughter | |
- HARLOS, Mina | daughter | |
- HARLOS, Harry | son | |
- HARLOS, Catherine | daughter | |
- HARLOS, Ethel | daughter | |
- HARLOS, Raymond | son | |
- HARLOS, Walter | son | |
- HARLOS, Fred | son | |
- HARLOS, Dorothy | daughter | |
- HARLOS, Thelma | daughter | |
BROOKS, William, Mrs. | Green Ridge | |
- BROOKS, Joseph | son | |
BRACE, Olan, Mr and Mrs. | West Pittston | |
- BRACE, Helen | daughter | |
- BRACE, Edna | daughter | |
- BRACE, Russell | son | |
- BRACE, Dorothy | daughter | |
- BRACE, Mabel | daughter |
The Scranton Tribune-Republican Thursday, August 11, 1910
The Harris-Sprague reunion will take place Saturday, August 13, at the home of Mrs. Jane Harris in Wallsville.
[No further information was found.]
The Scranton Tribune-Republican Thursday, September 1, 1910
At the annual reunion of the descendants of Christopher Heller held recently at Wind Gap Park, near Stroudsburg, five children of the late Joseph Heller were present, whose ages aggregate 409 years. They were Jacob Heller, 85 years old; Peter Heller, 84 years old; John Heller, 81 years old; Amos Heller, 79 years old; and Sallie A. Singer, 77 years old, all residents of Monroe county.
[No other lists found for this reunion.]
SINGER, Sallie A.
The Scranton Tribune-Republican Friday, August 12, 1910
The tenth annual reunion of the Hobbs relatives will take place in Arthur Bailey's grove, near Brookside, between Dalton and LaPlume, on Wednesday, August 17.
[No further report was found.]
Scranton Tribune-Republican Friday, July 15, 1910
[Social and Personal column]
There will be a reunion of the Hollenbecks and the Deckers and the Scott descendants at the Hollenbeck school house. near Greenwood Colliery, Wednesday, July 20. The following have been appointed a committee to arrange the event: Charles Hines, corner of Railroad and Elizabeth streets, Pittston; Sylvester Hines, Boroad street, Pittston; Frank Hollenbeck, Pittston; William Godshall, West Scranton; Edward Payne, West Scranton; Charles Hollenbeck, Greenwood; Lewis Hollenbeck, Greenwood; Lafayette Decker, Moosic; Alfred VanLuvander, Moosic; A. A. Hines, Avoca; William Springer, Greenwood; Charles Godshall, Clark's Green; Eyrle Tinkelpaugh, Jr., Greenwood; Trase Selores, Moosic; Benson Davis, Scranton; Harry Godshall, Scranton. The reunion will be held in the grove above the Hollenback school house, near the switch. Persons coming from Scranton will take the Moosic car. The Vosburgs of Clark's Summit are linked to this long chain of descendants. Those coming from Wilkes-Barre will take the Delaware and Hudson for Moosic. Then change to the Scranton street car which passes near the grove. The grove is on the north corner of the Hollenbeck farm. Those from Pittston, West Pittston and Avoca will take the Moosic car. Those who attend are requested to come early and bring plenty to eat and drink.
[The article was not mistyped in transcription, the paper did print Hollenbeck in the announcement and Hollenback in the follow-up, HOLLENBACK is correct.]
Scranton Tribune-Republican Friday, July 22, 1910
The first annual reunion of the Hollenback family took place at Greenwood Wednesday at the David Hollenback homestead, on a part of the tract settled on by the pioneer of the family, Richard Hollenback, shortly after 1800. Although a large part of the original family are located in southeastern New York, there are a large number of descendants of this branch hereabouts and a goodly number were present. The exercises of the day were in charge of Charles Hines of Pittston. Prayer was offered by Lafayette Decker of Moosic, and then Mr. Hines gave a history of the family.
The permanent organization effected was: Mrs. Lewis Hollenback, president; Charles Hollenback, Jr., vice-president; Miss Stella Hollenback, secretary; Alva Hines, treasurer. Valley View Park was selected as the place of next year's meeting.
Those present were:
HOLLENBACK, Charles, Mr. and Mrs. | Greenwood | |
- HOLLENBACK, Charles Jr. | son | |
- HOLLENBACK, Chester | son | |
HOLLENBACK, Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. | Greenwood | |
- HOLLENBACK, Alice | daughter | |
- HOLLENBACK, Stella | daughter | |
- HOLLENBACK, Carrie | daughter | |
- HOLLENBACK, George | son | |
- HOLLENBACK, Benjamin | son | |
- HOLLENBACK, William | son | |
HINES, Charles | Pittston | |
HASTIE, Thomas, Mrs. | Pittston | |
- HASTIE, Charles | son | |
- HASTIE, John | son | |
HINES, Alva | Avoca | |
- HINES, Etta (Shales) | wife | |
- HINES, Lenford | son | |
OSBORNE, T. G., Mr. and Mrs. | Luzerne | |
- OSBORNE, Harold | son | |
- OSBORNE, Annette | daughter | |
- OSBORNE, Eleanor | daughter | |
HINES, G(eorge) W. , Mr. and Mrs. | Wyoming | |
- HINES, Janette | daughter | |
- HINES, Elizabeth | daughter | |
HOLLENBACK, George, Mrs. | Moosic | |
- HOLLENBACK, Lee | ? | |
- HOLLENBACK, Walter | son | |
- HOLLENBACK, Margaret | daughter | |
- HOLLENBACK, Jessie | ? | |
- HOLLENBACK, Ida | daughter | |
- HOLLENBACK, Dorothy | daughter | |
GRINER, Harry, Mrs. | Moosic | |
DECKER, Lafyette | Moosic | |
HOLLENBACK, G. W. Jr., Mrs. | Moosic | |
- HOLLENBACK, Raymond | son | |
SIMPSON, Jerome, Mrs. | Moosic | |
- SIMPSON, Lulu | daughter | |
SELLER, A. T., Mrs. | Moosic | |
- SELLER, Hartman | son | |
- SELLER, Grace | daughter | |
- SELLER, Clesson | son | |
McDERMOTT, Isabel | Moosic | |
HEPNER, Lydia, Mrs. | Scranton | |
HOLLENBACK, Amelia | Scranton | |
GODSHALL, Harry A., Mr and Mrs. | Scranton | |
- GODSHALL, Charles | son | |
GILL, Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. | Scranton | |
- GILL, Margaret | daughter | |
- GILL, Thomas | son | |
- GILL, Gertrude | daughter | |
BRYDEN, William J., Mr and Mrs. | Scranton | |
- BRYDEN, Walter | son | |
- BRYDEN, Edith | daughter | |
- BRYDEN, Hilda | daughter | |
WERTZ, Adeline, Mrs. | Uniondale | |
BROWN, Ephraim, Mr. and Mrs. | Duryea | |
- BROWN, Alice | daughter | |
TURNER, Ralph | [not related, nephew
of Etta Shales Hines] |
Avoca |
The Scranton Tribune-Republican Tuesday, August 9,
and again
The Scranton Tribune-Republican Wednesday, August 17, 1910
The fifth annual reunion of the Hornbaker family will be held at Nay Aug Park, Wednesday, August 17, or the next fair day. Business meeting at 11 o'clock a.m. Following are the officers: president, Joseph W. Hornbaker, Madisonville; vice-president, W. L. Hornbaker, Oxford, N.J.; secretary-treasurer, H. B. Hornbaker, Scranton; assistant secretary, D. W. Hornbaker, Scranton.
The Scranton Tribune-Republican Saturday, August 20, 1910
The fifth annual reunion of the Hornbaker Family Association held at Nay Aug Park, Scranton, Wednesday, August 17, was largely attended, five generations and the following states being represented: Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Indiana, Colorado, Kansas, and Oklahoma.
The business meeting was called to order at 11:30 a.m., by the president, Joseph W. Hornbaker, of Madisonville, Pa. John Bird offered prayer, after which several selections were rendered by the Mitchell quartet, of Scranton. Several interesting communications were received from both eastern and western relatives, and the historian committee is progressing nicely, tracing their ancestry. Interesting addresses were made by several members of the family, after which election of officers was held with the following results: president, W. R. Heberling, of Scranton; vice-president, R. A. Bird, of Madisonville; secretary-treasurer, H. B. Hornbaker, of Scranton; assistant secretary, D. W. Hornbaker, of Scranton.
The following were present or represented by
BIRD, James, Mr and Mrs. | Scranton | |
HEBERLING, W. H. , Mr and Mrs. | Scranton | |
HOCKENBERRY, W. S., Mr and Mrs. | Scranton | |
- HOCKENBERRY, Lizzie | daughter | |
- HOCKENBERRY, Hazel | daughter | |
- HOCKENBERRY, Edith | daughter | |
HOCKENBERRY, W. H., Mrs. | Scranton | |
HORNBAKER, F. W., Mr and Mrs. | Scranton | |
- HORNBAKER, Donald | son | |
HORNBAKER, W. B. , Mr and Mrs. | Scranton | |
HORNBAKER, Peter | Scranton | |
HORNBAKER, Charles W. | Scranton | |
HORNBAKER, John M. | Scranton | |
HORNBAKER, D. W., Mr and Mrs. | Scranton | |
- HORNBAKER, Frances | daughter | |
- HORNBAKER, Harry M. | son | |
HORNBAKER, George W., Mrs. | Scranton | |
- HORNBAKER, Marion | daughter | |
- HORNBAKER, Eleanor | daughter | |
LEE, Sarah, Mrs. | Scranton | |
LONG, Gordon, Master | Scranton | |
MITCHELL, Ira, Mr and Mrs. | Scranton | |
MITCHELL, M. J., Mr and Mrs. | Scranton | |
NOACK, George, Mr and Mrs. | Scranton | |
ROBINSON, Virgie, Mrs. | Scranton | |
SHARP, D. H., Mr and Mrs. | Scranton | |
- SHARP, Lydia | daughter | |
- SHARP, Walter | son | |
- SHARP, Owen | son | |
- SHARP, Gerald | son | |
SMITH, Ruth, Mrs. | Scranton | |
WILLIAMS, J. R., Mr and Mrs. | Scranton | |
YEAGER, Moses, Mr and Mrs. | Scranton | |
WILLIAMS, Norma, Miss | Scranton | |
BIRD, R. A., Mr and Mrs. | Madisonville | |
BIRD, John | Madisonville | |
BIESECKER, Abram, Mrs. | Madisonville | |
BIESECKER, Byron, Mr and Mrs. | Madisonville | |
HORNBAKER, E. E., Mr and Mrs. | Madisonville | |
HORNBAKER, Joseph W., Mr and Mrs. | Madisonville | |
HORNBAKER, Philander, Mr and Mrs. | Madisonville | |
SILFEE, M. G., Mr and Mrs. | Madisonville | |
SILFEE, Willard, Mr and Mrs. | Madisonville | |
YEAGER, William, Mr and Mrs. | Madisonville | |
SILFEE, Muriel, Miss | Madisonville | |
HORNBAKER, Blance, Miss | Madisonville | |
HORNBAKER, Olive, Miss | Madisonville | |
HORNBAKER, Mabel, Miss | Madisonville | |
HORNBAKER, Doris, Miss | Madisonville | |
HORNBAKER, Alice, Miss | Madisonville | |
YEAGER, Lena | Madisonville | |
SILFEE, Charles W., Master | Madisonville | |
HORNBAKER, Floren | Madisonville | |
YEAGER, Oren G. | Madisonville | |
NOACK, Seth, Mr and Mrs. | Moosic | |
NOACK, Irene, Miss | Moosic | |
WESTSCOTT, Walter B. and wife, Polly | Moosic | |
HORNBAKER, S. J., Mr and Mrs. | Moscow | |
BEEMER, O. A. | Binghamton, NY | |
GOLDSMITH, T. J., Mr and Mrs. | Elmira, NY | |
DUNNING, A. C. , Mr and Mrs. | Elmhurst | |
DUNNING, W. C. , Mr and Mrs. | Elmhurst | |
DUNNING, Mary, Miss | Elmhurst | |
HORNBAKER, Joseph S. , Mr and Mrs. | Urbana, IL | |
HORNBAKER, W. O. , Mr and Mrs. | Urbana, IL | |
HORNBAKER, J. W. , Mr and Mrs. | Newton, KS | |
HORNBAKER, Finley, Mr and Mrs. | Darlow, KS | |
HORNBAKER, J. E., Mr and Mrs. | Clifton, CO | |
HORNBAKER, William L., Mr and Mrs. | Oxford, NJ | |
HORNBAKER, Frank, Mr and Mrs. | Stafford, KS |
The Scranton Tribune-Republican Thursday, August 11, 1910
The eleventh annual reunion of the Howe family will be held in the opera house at Nicholson on Thursday, August 18.
The Scranton Tribune-Republican Saturday, August 20, 1910
On August 18, the descendants of Libeas and Mary Howe held their tenth annual reunion in the Operahouse, Nicholson, Pa. After dinner, to which all sat down together, the president, Ransom Rozelle, of Scranton, called for order, and the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Recitations were given by several in a pleasing manner. Officers were elected for the following year, and are: president, Bert D. Stevens, Nicholson; vice-president, Albert Baker, of West Lenox, Pa. Officers and committees appointed secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Bessie Nafus, of Fleetville; historian, Mrs. Madeline Howe Baker, of Erie, Pa.; refreshment committee, Mrs. Louise Capwell, Mrs. Elizabeth Ridgeway, Mrs. Mabel Stevens; entertainment committee, Mrs. Nella Wolfe, Mrs. Dessie Greene; Miss Ina Bailey. The retiring president, on behalf of those present, presented the youngest descendant with a name and two dollars. After spending the rest of the day in visiting and recalling days gone by. all went their several ways to meet again at Brookside, the third Thursday in August, 1911.
The Scranton Tribune-Republican Monday August 22, 1910
The tenth annual reunion of the descendants of Libeas and Mary Howe was held in the opera house at Nicholson Thursday. Ranson {sic}Rozelle of this city presided. Officers were elected for the following year, and are: president, Bert D. Stevens, Nicholson; vice-president, Albert Baker, of West Lenox, Pa. Officers and committees appointed were: secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Bessie Nafus, of Fleetville; historian, Mrs. Madeline Howe Baker, of Erie, Pa.; refreshment committee, Mrs. Louise Capwell, Mrs. Elizabeth Ridgeway, Mrs. Mabel Stevens; entertainment committee, Mrs. Nella Wolfe, Mrs. Dessie Greene, Miss Ina Bailey. The next reunion will be at Brookside, the third Thursday in August, 1911.
[No list of attendees published.]
STEVENS, Bert D. Nicholson BAKER, Albert West Lenox NAFUS, Bessie, Mrs. Fleetville BAKER, Madeline Howe, Mrs. Erie CAPWELL, Louise, Mrs. (not given) |
RIDGEWAY, Elizabeth,
Mrs. (not given)
STEVENS, Mabel, Mrs. (not given) WOLFE, Nella, Mrs. (not given) GREENE, Dessie, Mrs. (not given) BAILEY, Ina, Miss (not given) |
The Scranton Tribune-Republican Friday, August 12, 1910
The eight annual reunion of the Hughes family will be held in Tuttle's grove, Uniondale, August 26.
The Scranton Tribune-Republican Sunday, August 28, 1910 [Carbondale Department]
Hughes Family Reunion
The annual reunion of the Hughes family was held at the Dundaff Hotel Friday. It was the intention to hold the reunion at Crystal lake, but owing to the cold weather, it was decided to hold it at Dundaff.
Those present were:
HUGHES, R. (president) Carbondale
HUGHES, D. E. (vice-president) Scranton |
HUGHES, G. W. (secretary)
BELL, J. R. (treasurer) Carbondale |
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HUGHES, W. R. and family; Carbondale
BELL, J. R. and family;Carbondale ESTABROOK, Albert and family; Carbondale MUNN, M., Mrs.; Carbondale BRUNDAGE, Frank, Mrs. and daughter; Carbondale HUGHES, Thomas R.; Beaver Dam, WI EVANS, David, Mr and Mrs.; Scranton |
EVANS, B. F. and family; Scranton
DECKER, David and family; Scranton MORGAN, W. J. and family; Uniondale TUTTLE, Charles and family; Uniondale TIFFANY, Sarah; Uniondale MORGAN, Albert and daughter; Clifford MORGAN, Isaac; Lestershire, NY |
The next reunion will be held
in this city, August
26, 1911.
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