Scranton Times Wed Sept 1, 1920
Alice O'Neill, 1302 Albright ave, and Edward McLane, 420 Green Ridge st, were married Aug 25 at St. Paul's church, Rev. P. C. Winters Miss Anna McLane and Martin Kelley attendants. Will reside in Green Ridge after return from Philadelphia and Atlantic City.
Marriage: Esther Newells and William B. Snyder, Boston, MA and formerly of Scranton, Aug 21. Daughter of M/M Adam Newells, formerly of Acker ave.; son of M/M B. J. Snyder, graduate of Central HS, connected with Boston publishing business
Marriage: Marion Pusey, Blakely to Albert Lewsley, son of M/M Charles I. Lewsley, Carbondale. Ceremony at home of bride, tomorrow evening 8 o'clock, Rev. W. L. Steeves, Carbondale
Thursday, September 2, 1920
Evelyn Mae Oakley, daughter of M/M W. D. Oakley, Clarks Summit to George Rought, yesterday, at home of bride, Rev. M. E. Martin, Clark's Summit ME; attendants Grace Rought, sister of groom; Earl S. Oakley, Pittsburgh, brother of bride. wedding trip to Thousand Islands
Miss Clara Semons, daughter of M/M C. H. Semons, Larch st, and Nelson Kellogg, Detroit, MI, Monday at Church of Good Shepherd, Rev. Wm B. Beach. bridesmaid Miss Gertrude Semons, Ernest Seamons, best man; honeymoon in Buffalo and Niagra Falls, will reside in Detroit
Anna Sauko, daughter of M.M Michael Sauko, rear 418 Monroe ave, and John Kozak, Monsey ave, Tuesday, St. John's Greek Catholic church, Bellvue, Rev. Paul Stavrovsky, bridesmaid Miss Anna Yevics. Bestman Al Macinsky. Will reside on Monroe ave after return from Philadelphia, Cape May and Atlantic City.
Monday, Aug 23, Charlotte Ryan, daughter of Mrs. Nellie E. Ryan, 426 Madison ave, Scranton to Normal Lynch, son of John Lynch, Edna ave, Scranton, Episcopal residence, Wyoming Ave, Rev. MArtin C. King.
Eunice Mullen daughter of M/M Thomas Mullen, Watson ave, and Freman Gower, Monday at St. Ann's church by Rev. Fr. Julius. Attending Miss Loretta Mullen, sister, and William Knight. Honeymoon trip to Altantic City, reside in Nativity section
Anna Snyder, daughter of M/M Jacob Snyder, 520 So. Irving ave to Frederick Sutton, son of Dr. and Mrs. B. S. Sutton, 1250 Watson ave, at St. Mary's church, yesterday, attended by Miss Katherine Snyder, sister, and Jerome Kelly. Honeymoon trip to Buffalo.
Elizabeth McDonough, daughter of M/M Thomas H. McDonough, 732 Moosic st, and Joseph F. Halloran, West Locust st, yesterday at Nativity church, S. Scranton, Rev. J. J. Loughran, attendants Miss Ethel Halloran, sister, and Thomas H. McDonough, brother. Honeymoon trip to New York, Bradley Beach and Avon-by-the-Sea.
Elsie M. FInch, only daughter of Mrs. Augusta Finch, 804 1/2 West Locust and Floyd L. Wood, son of Harry S. Wood, 312 1/2 Twelveth ave, West Park M. E., Rev. F. P. Doty, will return to home at 804 1/2 W. locust after visiting points of interest in NY state.
Marriage of Nellie M. Miles, Pittsburgh, formerly of Scranton,
to Benjamin
F. Phillips, Green Ridge, in Scranton, August 24. They will
at 1214 Schlager blvd., She is soloist at Church of Ascension,
for several years. Mr. Phillips is with the
duPont Powder Company, Scranton.
Friday, September 3, 1920
Invitations issued for wedding of Mildred Conrad, daughter of M/M Otto Richard Contad, 824 Sunset sr, to Cornelius Breck Comegys Sept 21 at GR Presbyterian church.
Announce marriage of Harriet Tolan, daughter of M/M Daniel Tolan, 626 Deacon st, to Franis Weir, Philadelphia, on Sept 21 at St. Paul's, Green Ridge
Marriage of Miss Marian Pusey, Blakely (daughter of M/M L. E. Pusey) last evening to Albert Lewsley, son of M/M Charles Lewsley, Carbondale, at bride`s home by Rev. John Stevens. Attendants were two flower girls, Dorothy Petersen, niece of the bride and Margaret Ward, cousin of the groom.
Saturday, 9/4/1920
Rita Seifert, Seibecker ave and William J. Crampel, N.
Scranton, this
morning at St. Mary's ch, River st, Rev. Peter Christ, attendants Mary
Seifert, sister of bride, and Howard Hamm, will reside at 1015 East Elm
st after trip to Buffalo and Canada
[photo, social page Sept 7]
Linda Holleran, Cedar ave, and James Dunlavey, Birney ave, at St. Joseph's ch today, Rev. P. E. Lavelle, attendants Laura Morgan, Birney ave, and Thomas Spellman, Pittston ave., grooom works for Scranton Electric Co.
Louise White, Grand Rapids, WI, and H. S. Feehley, Scranton, in Grand Rapids, WI, 8/31. After wedding trip to Atlantic City, they will reside at 1354 Capouse ave., groom employed assistant chief clerk, DL&W car service department
Myrtle Belles, daughter of M/M L. W. Belles, 2128 N. Washington ave, to george S. Burdick, East market st., today at Suburban Presbyterian (GR), Rev L. R. Foster, reside at 220 Harrison, groom works for Hudson Coal company and was a commissioned Lieutenant in France, WW1
Showers for upcoming weddings: Helen A. Schmidt to Fred W. Schuman Mary Edwards, 1216 Sadie place to Philip Powell, Taylor
Monday 9/6/1920 (Labor Day)
Marriage of Claudia Waters, daughter of M/M William Waters, Clark`s Summit and Charles E. Lapha, Powell st, Scranton, Friday, Rev. W. Fallis Hunter, Clark's Summit ME
Leilia Tressler, Lake Ariel and Gerdal Spencer, Scranton, Thirsday at home of Eugene Tressler, Sanderson ave, by Rev Owen L. Buck, Avoca (Bethel) M. E.
Mollie Friedman, daughter of M/M Henry Friedman, 516 Emmet st, and William Mittleman, Dunmore, yesterday at residence of Rabbi J. R. Stein, Wilkes-Barre, wedding trip to Atlantic City and Philadelphia, will reside at 909 Monroe ave, Scranton bride was employee of Greenfield & Gross, groom with Mittleman Bros, Dunmore
Madaline Phillips, Hemlock st, and John Reddington, Sanderson ave, Saturday at St. Mary's church, South Scranton, Rev. Fr. Myers, wedding breakfast at bride's sister, Mrs. Peter Kuhn, left for NY and Syracuse, will reside in Chadwick, NY
Tuesday Sept 7, 1920
Waren Diebler, Sunbury, PA, and Louise Thiel, Mt. Carmel, Saturday, by Rev. John A. Bender, St. Mark's Lutheran, West Scranton, She is daughter of Mrs. Caroline Thiel, formerly of Washburn st. They will reside in Sunbury
Elta Decker, daughter of M/M George Decker, 717 Poplar st, Sta., Sept. 4, 1920, to William Blauth, 729 Poplar, at residence of Rev. F. P. Doty, Monroe Ave., They will reside in NY
Helen Schmidt, daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Schmidt, 207 Stafford ave, to Fred W. Schuman, deputy city treasurer, Birch st., wedding Sept 9 at home of bride, Hickory St Baptist, Rev. W. G. Leinbach will officiate.
(Article in So. Scranton news), bridal shower by sister Emma Schmidt, Mrs. Elizabeth Schmidt, Mrs. Theodore Bauchman, Adelle Sweeney, Jule Tillman, Mildred Snyder, Henrietta Schuman, Henriettta Bauschman, Louise, Helen, and Eslie Schuman, Sadie Douglas, M/M Harold Powell, Otto Schmidt, Roland Bauschman, John Quinn, Livingston Douglas, and Fred W,. Schuman
Beatrice Keegan and Martin J. Ryan, both of Binghamton, NY, married yesterday at St. Paul`s church, Binghamton, by Rev. P. C. Winters of Scranton, uncle of the bride. Madeline White and William Langan attendants. Wedding trip to Atlantic City, will reside in Johnson City, NY
Alma D. Eley, Montdale, and Alton P. Krevel, Cedars, PA, married Saturday at Elm Park M. E., by Rev. F. P. Doty
Eugenie Beaumont Elliott, daughter of Major and Mrs Charles Pinckney Elliott, Wilkes-Barre, and Dr. Frederick Hamilton Linthicum, Baltimore, MD., Saturday, at residence of Andre Beaumont, Wilkes-Barre, uncle of the bride. Rev. Charles Roche of Baltimore oficiated. attendants; Evelyn Voshell, Baltimore, Mrs. Reyburn Watres, Scranton, sister of bride, Mrs. Griswold Wheeler, New York, Margaret Linthicum , Charlotte, NC, sister of the groom, and Mrs Yale Stevens, Brooklyn, NY. flower girl Ellen Hancock Lance, ribbons carried by cousins Elsie Beaumont and Ruth Wheeler. Best man Harry R. Slack, Baltimore, ushers Dr. Mont Reid, Dr. Leo Brady, Dr. W. M. Brayles, all of Johs Hopkins Hospital. After wedding trip through Canada, they will reside in Los Angeles, CA
Lucie H. Alexander, daughter of Dr. and Mrs T. L. Alexander, 726 Prescott ave, and Frederick Philip Flauchaus, of New York, this afternoon at the home of the bride, Rev. Dr. W. C. Alexander, Nashville, TN, cousin of the bride, officiating. bride'smaid Miss Norris Alexander, Fayetteville, NC. John V. Dyer of New York, Herbert Hiorns, Scranton and Wallace Gomperts, New York, attendants. Will reside in NY after trip to Pacific Coast. Bride has taught at NY School for deaf last four years, violinist, He is private secreatrt to the v-p of the NY Central railroad, served eighteen monthd with the first arny coprs overseas. Out of town guests listed.
Elsie Acker, daughter of Mrs. William Wrigley, So. Main Ave., and Floyd Ehrhardt, tomorrow at Simpson M. E., Mrs. Charles Acker, N. Main ave, will entertain at tea this afternoon.
Bridal shower for Helen Evans, will marry Elmer Schoen: guests Mrs. Harold Phillips, Mrs. Thomas Williams, Mrs. Earl Clover, Mrs. Walter Justin, Mrs. Walter Ralison, Mrs. Willard Swartz, Mrs. Herbert Kiolb, of Wilkes-Barre; Grace Evans, Florence Williams, and Lou Emma Cornell, of Council Bluffs, IA
Rev. and Mrs. Julius Hamborzky, 1069 Meade ave, 40th Wedding anniv, yesterday, attending Rev. and Mrs. Paul F. B. Hamborzky and family, New Brunswick, NJ; Rev. and Mrs L. S. Hamborzky and family of Peekskill, NY; Dr. and Mrs. E. J. Hamborzky and family, of Farrell, PA; M/M Albert Hamborzky, and family, Youngstown, OH; M/M George Hamborzky, Scranton; Deputy Attorney General and Mrs. A. H. Hamborzky and family, Indianapolis, IN; and Miss Ruth McLauglin, Millersville, PA.
Wednesday, 9/8/1920
Prenuptial festivites for Helen Bower and Saron Warman anounced
Announced marriage of Laura Elizabeth Adams, daughter of Mrs. Jacob Gress Adams, Lebanon, to John Robert Bryden, son of John R. Bryden, Hotel Plaza, NY, formerly of Scranton, Sept 4, Rev. F. P. Houghton, chaplain 103rd engineers, Glenburn (PA) officiated, Philip Bryden, Plainfield, best man. couple will arrive Nov 1 at 1660 Wyoming ave to reside.
Mary Cotter, Greenwood, and James Swift, 505 S. Webster ave, married August 31, St. Joseph's church, Minooka; attendants Victoria Halpin, Greenwood, and Philip Blandin, Scrantion. will reside on Webster ave.
Catherine M. Hazleton, John J. Grimm, both of Greentown, PA, yesterday, at residence of Rev. F. P. Doty.
Elsie Acker, daughter of M/M William Wrigley, S. Main ave, to Floyd Ehrhardt, Green Ridge, today, at Simpson M. E., Rev. O. L. Severson.
Mrs. T. N. Gibson, Lackawanna ave, Olyphant, announces mariage of her sister Mary C. Gallagher, to Robert T. Payton, Dunmore, Sept 22, at St. Patrick's, Olyphant
Sadie M. Golden, daughter of M/M John Golden, 1716 Linden st, to Joseph J. O'Malley, So. Scranton, at St. Peter's cathedral, Sept 28
Pearl Elizabeth Matthews, Church st, Dunmore, daughter of M/M Thomas Matthews, to Lloyd S. Cassell, Philadelphia, was Captain 311th machine gun battalion, 79th division in France.
mailing department, ICS, gave a dinner in honor of Miss Mollie Gallagher, who is aproaching marriage.
Thursday 9/9/1920
Anna C. Parks, and John James Walsh, St. Paul's church, Green Ridge, Rev. P. C. Winters; bride's maid Elizabeth Quinn, wedding super at Robert Parkes, brother of the bride. Trip to NY and Atlantic City, after which they will reside in South Scranton.
Harvey James Butler, son of M/M James Butler, 608 Prescott, Dunmore, at Newark, NJ, to Charlotte Naomi Armstrong, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. B. E. Armstrong of Newark. They will be at home after Sept. 12th at Nyack-on-the-Hudson, where Mr. Butler will attend school at the Missionary Institute.
Dorothy Carmichael, daughter of M/M E. E. Carmichael, 1220 Short ave., Scranton, employed at Woman's Institute and Peter J. Moritz, Buffalo, NY, employed by Chevrolet Co., yesterday at St. Joseph`s Foundling Home chapel, by Rev. Paul J. Kelly, secretary to Bishop Hoban. They will reside in Scranton a short time after which they expect to make their home in Buffalo.
Laura Smythe Boone, daughter of M/M C. C. Boone, Hazleton, and Herbert A. Schwartz, Hazleton, secretary Red Cross 2 yrs, at Union Chapel, Lake Carey, Sept 4. Rev. Albert Clattenburgh, St. Peter's Episcopal, Hazleton, officiated. Maid of honor Ella Boone; matron Mrs. George Beehler, Scranton, sisters of bride. Also Misses Lois Dick, Emilie Celiax, Hazleton; Helen Derhimer, Tunkhannock. Seth Beatty, Wilkes-Barre, ushers; George Boone (brother), Robert Swartz (brother), Douglas Weepert, New Haven, CT; Robert Quinn, Hazleton. Bride's parents have cottage at Lake Carey. After a trip to the Pocono's they will reside in NY City, where Mr. Swartz is a chemist.
Evelyn C. Harrity, Carter apartments, and Christopher Gardier, S. Main Ave., yesterday at At. Peter's Cathedral. Rev. A. J. Brennan.
Mae M. Walsh, daughter of Mrs. Mary Walsh, Minooka, amd William H. Jones, formerly of Scranton, at Pensacola, FL, early in the week, at St. Michael's rectory, Rev. Fr. Cullen. Mr. Jones is assistant manager to his brother John Jones in the Saenger Amuesment company and the Isis and Bonita theatre's. They will make their home on West Garden. Miss Walsh is niece of Atty James Powell, Minooka. Mrs. John Jones, his wife, and father-in-law Martin Jones, Sr, escorted Miss Walsh on her trip from Scranton to Pensacola.
Josephine Arendish, West Hazleton, and George Murdock, Cranberry, PA, Sept 6, at St. Joseph's church, Rev. Leo Kroner. attendants Agnes Bartel, Hazleton, Andrew Gasper, Scranton, cousin of the bride. They will reside on N. Fifth st, W. Hazleton.
Annabelle White, daughter of Mrs. Margaret White, 1418 Hollow ave, and James J. Ratchford, Newark, NJ, Tuesday, Holy Rosary church, Rev. T. C. White, Pittston, uncle of the bride. Helen McGuire and Robert May attendants. Wedding trip to NY, they will reside in Newark.
Helen C. Langan, 1014 Luzerne St., student services ICS, and
John Mulherin,
Minooka, salesman Thomas F. Leonard co., in
St. Patrick's Cathedral, yesterday, Rev. Michael Durkin; Mary
bridesmaid, William Burke, Minooka, best man, cousin of groom.
Margaret Gibbons and Joseph Walsh, both of Scranton, last night, at St. Patrick's by Rev. Michael Durkin; attendants Florence Madden, Joseph Harington. They will reside in West Scranton.
Helen A. Schmidt and Fred W. Schuman, today, at home of bride's mother, 207 Stafford ave.
Friday, Sept. 10, 1920
Court approves adoption:
Mrs Bridget Murphy, Archabald, adopted Alice Murphy and Bridget Murphy, her grandchildren, deserted by their parents.
Mr and Mrs. Anthony Kaminski have adopted Annie Nush. These children were inmates at St. Joseph's Foundling Home.
Mary Dale, daughter of M/M H. G. dale, Quincy ave; George Mott, Clay ave, Oct 16
Marjorie Odell, daughter of Dr and Mrs Joseph H Odell, Wilmington, DE; to Thomas Garrett Bradford, Wilmington
Gwen Saunders, Reese st., Robert Jones, Wayne ave, Wednesday
at First
Christian church, N. Main ave, Rev. Howard W. King.
attendants Miss H. Saunders, Handle Rolls. They will live
with his mother at 2022 Wayne ave.
Alma Rosar, daughter of M/M J. G. Rosar, Birch st, to Jack Pendel, PPittston ave, Wednesday at St. Mary's, Rev. John <eyers; attendants Edna Rosar (sister) and Howard Rosar.
Ruth Adams, S. Rebecca ave, to Louis Forgend, N. Lincoln ave, to be Sept 16 at St. Patrick's, attendants Hortensee Kurtz and Harry J. Adams
M/M S. Segal, Penn avenue announce the engagement of their daughter, Hilda Segal, to Emannuel M. Selder, of Newark, NJ
Saturday, Sept 11, 1920
Wedding reception given by M/M John Lynch, 2023 Edna ave, in honor of Norman Lynch's marriage to Charlotte Ryan, daughter of Mrs. Mary Ryan, 426 Madison, Aug 23 in St. Thomas College chapel by Rev. Martin King. attendants were Eleanor Gibney, cousin of the bride, and Gerald Lynch, brother of groom. The newlyweds will be home tomorrow at 426 Madison ave.
Mary Edwards, Sadie pl, and Philip Powell, Taylor, Wednesday at home of Rev. T. T. Richards, S. Main ave; attendants were Beatrice Morgan and George Morris. They will reside at 1216 Sadie place.
Hon and Mrs. M. F. Sando, Quincy ave, left to attend the marriage of their son, Francis Blair Sando, to Marguerite Fox, daughter of M/M William Gregory Fox, Brooklyn, NY, which will take place at the Fox summer home, Sterling Forest, NJ, Sept 13.
Cora Tisdel, daughter of Ethel Tisdel, Cedar ave, and William Aston, son of Mrs. William Aston, N. Scranton, at St. John's Episcopal chapel, Glenburn, Rev. F. P. Houghton. attendasnts Edith Tisdel (sister) and James Aston (brother), they will reside at 1019 Cedar ave.
Helda Keiper, daughter of M/M J. Keiper, N. Irving ave, and Karl S. Eroh, Hazleton, Wednesday (9/15) at Petersburg Presbyterian, Rev. O. H. Dietrich
Helen Haddon, daughter of Mrs. Samuel Haddon, W. Drinker st, Dunmore, and Albert Kreis, N. Bromley ave, Sept 15, at St. Mary's Dunmore. attendants Hannah Gately and Jospeh Kreis (brother).
Monday, Sept 13, 1920
Clark's Summit news
marriage of Otis Gavitt and Irma Franklin, on Wednesday last (9/8) at ME by Rev. W. Fallis Hunter
marriage of Dr. H. G. Coulter, and Norma Yetter by Rev. William McNally, Presbyterian ch, at home of M/M J. S. Depew
wedding of Atty. Thomas A. Donohoe, Scranton , to Helen Casey, Saundersville, MA, on Wednesday (9/15). Dr. John P. Donohoe, Clare E. Donohoe, J. Dermid Nallin and Joseph J. Nallin left this morning to attend.
marriage of Elizabeth Buckly, Philadelphia, to Edward John Knighton, Olyphant, Arch St. Presbyterian, Philadelphia, Aug 18, by Rev. Dr. J. Stockton Roddy. Attendants were Bahia Hajjar (Syria, missonary in NY) Marion Wadsworth (Meridan, CT) attendants, reception at sister of bride, M/M J. Simmons, Irving ave, Philadelphia. He is son of M/M E. J. Knighton, 527 E. Scott st. Olyphant.
Tuesday Sept 14, 1920
marriage announcement for Mary Cole, daughter of Richard Cole, and John Sullivan, Carbondale to take place Sept 29 at Sacred heart church by Rev. John W. Healey
marriage of Margaret E. Daniels and Harry P. Ransom, both of Washington st, Carbondale, today at Berean Baptist church by Rev. W. L. Steeves. Bessie Collins, bridesmaid, James Carey, best man. reception breakfast at bride's sister, Mrs. William Jacobs (with whom she lived) will reside on Terrace st after return from trip to Baltimore. She is daughter of M/M Louis Daniels of Wales, and he the son of M/M George Ransom.
Wednesday, September 15, 1920
marriage of Thomas L. Burke, Hornell, NY, nephew of Mrs. A. A. Kearney, 1315 N. Washington ave., to Irene Lattimer, hatwards Geath, Sussex, England, in England
marriage of Thomas A. Donohoe to Helen M. Casey, former teacher in Dunmore, now of Saundersville, MA, at the church of St. James, by Rev. Anthony Dwyer., organist was Miss Gertrude Sullivan, cousin of bride, attended by sister Irene C. Casey. Best man was Joseph J. Nallin, Scranton, nephew of groom. They will reside in Scranton after Oct 2.
Wedding of Emma Hurley, daughter of M/M Daniel Hurley, Linden st, and Dr. P. J. O'Dea, 169 S. Main ave, this morning at 6, at St. Peter's Cathedral by Rev. Dr. A. J. brennan, attended by her sister Veronica Hurley, and Dr. Herold O'Dea, brother of groom. Wedding trip to Boston, return Oct 1, to reside at 169 S. Main ave. She has been supervisor at Mercy hospital for more than two years.
engagement of Norma Collins, N. Hyde Park ave, to Henry Carpenter, Green Ridge announced, dinner held by Mrs. Brownwen J. Holgate, 321 Irving ave.
Prenuptual events in honor of Louise E. Hartman, Capouse ave, and Oswald W. Lowe who will marry next week, listed.
marriage of Elizabeth Parrott, youngest daughter of M/M George P. Parrott, 712 McKenna ct, and Edward Y. Sayre, Jr., DL&W car shops, yesterday evening at 9 by WIlliam O'Donnell, Green Ridge Evangelical Lutheran church. Attendants were Frances Terwilliger and William Davis.
Anna G. MacDonald, daughter of William MacDonald, florist, Moosic, and Kenneth Graham, Avoca, were married yesterday moring at the parsonage of the Green Ridge Presbyterian church, Rev. A. J. Weisley. After a wedding trip to Niagra Falls, they will reside in Moosic.
John Dunn, 331 Tenth ave, announces marriage of son John Dunn,, Jr., to Lillian Roerig, 1570 North Washington ave, tomorrow at St. Paul's.
Anne Pleasure, Newark, NJ, and Frank Golka, Reynolds ave, married this morning in the Polish Catholic church, Newark. Attendants Nellie Stralka, Newark, and Stve Demetrician, Reynolds ave., were also married immediately after. Both couples will reside in Newark.
Helen Hadden, daughter of Mrs. Samuel Hadden, W. Drinker st., and Albert Kreis, N. Bromley ave, son of M/M Louis Kreis, married this morning at St. MAry's, Dunmore, by Rev. G. J. Jeffrey. Attendants were Hannah Gately and Joseph Kreis. They will reside on W. Drinker st, she is a former school teaher in Dunmore, and he conductas a jewelry store on W. Drinker st.
Helen Evans, daughter of M/M H. T. Evans, N. Hyde Park ave,
Elmer Schoen, Jackson st, at the parsonage of Plymouth
Congregational church this morning with Rev. E. B. Hart,
A weeding trip to NY and the Hudson river, after which they will reside
on Thirteenth st.
Helen G. Lord, daughter of M/M W. E. Lord, 721 N. Bronley, and Arthur R. Powell, married yesterday at Simpson. M. E., Rev. W. S. Crandall.
State news notes
Laceyville, PA. When Miss Helen France boarded a train here last week the belief of her relatives was that she was going to West Chester Normal school. Bur she had her own plans, and a couple of days later word was received the she had become the bride of W. Carter, of Meshoppen.
Thursday, September 16 1920
Caroline Schwald, Pittston ave, and Ernest Reip, Utica, NY, amrried at Grace Lutheran church by Rev. F. V. Christ, yesterday. Margaret Getz, cousin of bride, and Carl Getz attendants. Guests were M/M Carl Schwald and son Edgar; M/M Eugene Getz, Carl, Margaret, Roy and Frederick Getz; Mrs. Katherine Getz, M/M Philip Schwald, Utica, NY, and M/M Robert Herb.
Helen Barney Bower, daughter of M/M A. V. Bower, N. Washington ave, is to marry Saron Warman, son of M/M A. B. Warman, Clay ave, today, in the front drawing room of the bride's home by Rev. Joseph F. Berry, Bishop, Methodist Episcopal church, Philadelphia. Attending is her sister, Mrs. John Bell, Englewood, NJ and Gatherine Warman, sister of groom. Earl Rice of Scranton is best man. [additional article on supper-dance held in theri honor]
Autumn wedding of Hilda Keiper, daughter of M/M J. Keiper, N. Irving ave, and Paul S. Eroh, Hazleton, at Petersburg Presbyterian, by Rev. O. H. Dietrich. Bertha Stender, bridesmaid, Floyd Hower, best man. They will honeymoon in Atlantic City and live with bride's parents upon their return.
Mabel Irene Beck, daughetr of Mrs. Mary Beck, N. Washington ave, and Hayden J. Shaw, son of M/M William Shaw, Wayne ave, were married last night at the parsonage of Rev. A. J. Weisley, Green Ridge Presbyterian. Mae Esther Gordon and Harry Gordan attendants. They will reside at 1303 N. Washington. A wedding super was served, present were Mrs. Mary Beck, Mrs. Catherine Hughes, M/M William Shaw, M/M Herbert Beck, M/M J. F. Winfield, M/M George Schrank, M/M C. Schweitzer, M/M F. E. Bell, Mollie Keller, Boston; Katherine Loomis, Louise Priem, and Willard Beck, Walter Priem, Elwood Gordon and Benson R. Anderson, of Springfield, MA.
Lilliam Roerig, daughter of M/M Frank Roerig, 1370 N. Washington ave, married this afternoon to John Dunn, Jr., son of John Dunn, 331 Tenth ave, at St. Paul`s church, Rev. P. C. Winters officiating. Attendants are Helen Dunn, sister of groom, and Stephen Joyce. After a honeymoon trip to Syracuse and Rochester, they will reside on N. Washington ave.
Ruth Naomi Adams, S. Rebecca ave., and Louis J. Forgeng, N. Lincoln ave., married this morning, at St. Patrick's church by Rev. Eugene Boyle. Attendants were Hortense Kurtz and Henry J. Adams, brother of the bride. Wedding trip to Philadelphia and Atlantic City; they will reside on N. Lincoln ave.
James W. Allen, Dalton, and Mrs. Rose Cole, Dalton, were married Sept 15, by R. C. Burch, at the home of M/M John Green, 2450 brighton ave. They were attended by M/M Charles Mitteer, Dalton.
marriage of Dr. A. Ernest Shafer, Hazleton, and Veda Lenora Lueder, Wilkes-Barre, last evening, at the home of the bride's mother. Rev. William J. Day. Luzerne, oficiated. Attendants were Clara M. Leuder, sister of the bride, and William E. Bachman, Hazleton. Later the young couple came to Scarnton and left this morning by motor for a tour of NY state. They will reside at 45 S. Laurel St., Hazleton, after Oct. 1. Dr. Shafer is a native of Fairview and served with the 79th division in France.
Friday, Sept 17, 1920
Married Tuesday, John H. Fitzpatrick, formerly of W. Scranton, and Elsie +uchem, in St. Colman's church, Cleveland, OH. Rev. R. R. Fitzpatrick of St. Mary's Wilkes-Barre officated. Attendants Helen Howard, Cleveland and Leo J. Fitzpatrick, Akron, OH. Mrs J. J. Fitzpatrick, mother of the groom attended, accompanied by her daughter Beatrice, Philadelphia. Mr. Fitzpatrick is manager of Todd & Co., Cleveland.
Margaret Wright, daughter of Mrs. WIlliam Gruener Wright, Harrison ave., married Gerald Tuttle, Boulevard ave., Wednesday (9/15) in Wilkes-Barre, Rev. P. N. Wohlson officiating. Emily Lowrie and Roy Penbridge, Scranton, attended. They are at home at 531 Prescott ave.
Elmer Oliver and L. Jene Burns, Sept 14, by Rev. C. Evans, Christian Church, Dunmore. They will honeymoon in Colorado with relatives and friends, including M/M Lon F. Allen, postmaster in Littleton. Mrs. Allen is the former Minnie Freeman of Monsey ave, Scranton. The couple will be at home, 111 Bloom st, Dunmore after October 11.
George Wesley Weiland, Jr, 1744 Wyoming ave, married Wednesday, Laura May Ranson, daughter of M/M William E. Ransom. Orange, NJ, at the summer home of the bride in Westfield, NJ. Rev. Thomas Walker, rector Grace church, Orange officiated. Mrs. Wilson C. Rich, East Orabge, formerly Tessie Weiland, Scranton, and sister of the groom was one of four bridesmaids. Stanley Weiland, best man, Wilson C. Rich and William H. Waddington, b-l of the groom, were ushers. They will reside in Erie, PA. family members from Scranton who attended were Florence, Veda, and Hilda Weiland, Floyd and Lee Weiland.
Wedding of Henrietta Winn, daughter of M/M Thomas Winn, 407 Willow ave, Altoona, and Raymond C. Hodges, Pittsburgh, son of M/M J. A. Hodges, Scranton, solomonized at St. Luke's Episcopal church, Altoona, Sept 3, by Rev. Dr. George R. Bishop.
Helen Garney Bower, daughter of M/M A. V. Bower, N. Washington ave., and Saron Beers Warman, son of M/M A. B. Warman, Clay ave., yesterday at the Bower residence. Bishop Joseph Berry, of the Methodist Episcopal chuch, Philadelphia, presided. After a trip to the White Mountains, they will reside after Nov. 1, at 36 W. Union St., Wilkes-Barre. Bride's grandfather was the late {J. W. Garvey}. Mr. Warman is engaged in the automobile business in Wilkes-Barre.
Scranton Times, Saturday, Sept. 18, 1920
Edna Hendrickson, Sanderson ave, entertained Marion Von Haur, of Wheeler ave, who is approaching marriage to L. S. Whippen of E. Orange, NJ.
Joseph Lally, Washington, DC, formerly of Scranton, and Cecilia Winters, Green Ridge, were married 8/23, at St. Mary's church, South Scranton, by Msgr. P. C. Christ. Attendants were Martha Winters (sister of bride) and William Kilkullen. They will reside in Washington following their honeymoon trip to NY, Philadelphia and Boston.
Engagement of Florence Kilcullen, 329 Taylor ave, to Atty. William F. Columbus, federal department of justice, New York City, is announced. Miss Kilcullen's brother is Atty. P. E. Kilcullen, Scranton.
Theresa Eastman, daughter of M/M Daniel Eastman, S. Scranton, and Louis H. Rinsland, Webster ave, were married in St. Paul's church, Binghamton, NY, Sept 13, by Rev. A. J. Comerford.
Caroline M. Foley, daughter of Mrs. Bertha Foley, Factoryville, and Benjamin R. Feldman, U.S. Marines, pvt., married Thursday in Philadelphia. After Oct 15, they will reside at 624 East st., Washington, DC. They will spend their honeymoon as guests of the bride's grandparents, M/M Horace Seamans, Factoryville. Mrs. Feldman is a typist in the war risk insurance bureau.
Marion Von Maur, daughter of M/M George S. Von Maur, Wheeler ave, and L. S. Whippen, E. Orange, NJ, were married today by Rev. Frank Whippen, Kingston, NH, father of the groom. They will reside in Glen Ridge, NJ.
Ann O'Connor, daughter of M/M Thomas F. O'Connor, Cayuga st., married James R. Caffrey, Newark, NJ, today at Holy Rosary church. MAry Louise Clark and Dr. John Caffrey, Newark, attended. They will reside in Newark after a trip to the Massachuttes coast. The bride has been a principal in Scranton city schools for a number of years, Mr. Caffrey is connected with the government employment bureau.
Weddings scheduled next week:
Harriet Tolan, daughter of M/M Daniel Tolan, Deacon st., to Francis Weir, Philadelphia, Tuesday at St. Paul's
Mildred Conrad, daughter of M/M Otto Richard Conrad, Sunset st, to Cornelius Breck Comegys, Tuesday, Green Ridge Presbyterian
Mary C. Gallagher, daughter of Mrs. T. M. Gallagher, Olyphant to Robert T. Payton, Dunmore, Wednesday, St. Partick's, Olyphant
Louis E. Hartman, Capouse ave, and Oswald W. Lowe, Scranton, Wednesday
Carleton Alexander Connell, son of Mrs. J. L. Connell, Vine st, and Lydia Marcy Taggart, daughter of M/M Clarence E. Williams, Short Hills, NJ, Saturday at Christ church, Short Hills.
Monday, September 20, 1920
Engagement of Sarah B. Schmucker, 1021 Sunset st, daughter of M/M N. J. Schmucker, to Dr. Hugh R. Burns, Hazleton, PA.
Marriage of Ethel C. McClintock, daughter of M/M T. B. McClintock, Electric st, to Mark H. Berryman, will be Thursday at the Green Ridge Baptist church. Attending will be her sister, Mrs. Davis J. Day, Bessie Berryman, and Alice Palmer. Harry Berryman, brother, Harry Dippre, and Warren Davies.
Tuesday, Sept 21, 1920
Anouncement with photo of Helen M. Mullen, on her marriage to Daniel J. Griffin, 737 Quincy ave.which took place June 10. She is daughter of Mrs. Catherine Mullen, 1211 Bryn Mawr st. Ceremony was performed by Rev. Julius Boyd at St. Ann's monestary with the attendants being Lucy Mullen (sister) and Frank McNulty. She is a secretary, and he is a cashier for Schmidt & Deery, brokers, ahaving served in Dunkirk, Belgium, and France. Brother of Gene Griffin and nephew of A. J. and P. J. Casey.
Marriage of Frank J. Sando and Mary L. Farley, today, at St. John's Catholic, Waymart, by Rev. Matthew Boland. Attendants were Rose Sando (sister) and Peter Hope. Mr Sando is an assistant foreman at Quackenbush warehouse, they will reside in Green Ridge after a honeymoon trip to Buffalo and Niagra Falls.
Nellie Richards, Scranton, and Steward Bartow, Westmoor, PA
yesterday at Elm Park by Rev F. P. Doty. They will
reside in Westmoor.
Marriage this evening of Mildred Conrad and Conrelius Breck Comegys.
Harriet Tolan, daughter of M/M Daniel Tolan, Deacon st, became the bride of Francis Weir of Philadelphia this morning, St. Paul`s church, Green Ridge, Rev. P. C. Winters. Attendants were Esther Roche and Joseph Gallagher. They will reside in Philadelphia where Mr Weir is connected with the Kolb Baking company.
Della Sweeney and John J. Alvater, staff sargeant of the
second Cavalry,
Fort Riley, KS, formerly of Scranton, married Sept 8, in
Sacred Heart church, Plains, by Rev. Fr. O'Malley. Attendants
were Helen Murray and John o'Grady. They will honeymoon in NY
Atlantic city and stay until Nov 1 in Scranton. The bride was
several years an employee of the Lehigh Valley Coal company.
M/M Leon Baker were guest of honor at a shower given recently by Mrs. William E. Baker, Capouse ave, who were recently married in NY, she was Margaret Francois, E. Market st.
Miss August Schroeder, daughter of M/M Thomas Dunn, Elm street, and Howard McGeehan, son of M/M George McGeehan, Mill st, married today at the home of the bride by Rev. J. S. Crompton, Dunmore M. E. Attendants wree Grace McGeehan (sister), and Ellis Schroeder (brother). They will honeymoon in Buffalo, Niagra Falls, Abany and New York and upon return reside on Elm st. The bride was employed by the stores department of the Erie railroad, the groom is employed by the DL&W.
Wedding this morning in Nativity church of Mary McMullen daughter of Michael McMullen, 614 Crown ave, and William Gerrity, son of Mrs. Mary Garrity, 112 S. Irving ave, performed by Rev. William Flynn. Attendants were Edgar Gerrity (brother) and Marjorie McMullen (sister). The honeymoon trip will include Albany, Niagra Falls, and NY City. After Oct 10, they will be at home in Lorraine, OH, where Mr. Gerrity holds a responsible position.
Marriage of Mary Gallager, daughter of Mrs. T. M. Gallagher,
and Robert Payton, Dunmore, tomorrow morning, at St.
Patrick's church, Olyphant by Rev. Fr. Murphy. Attending will
be Mollie Fadden, Philadelphia, and Frank Clark,
Dunmore. Ushers
will be Edward Gallagher and William McDonald.
M/M A. Rothstein, New York, announce the marriage of their daughter Louise Rothstein, to Samuel Leventhal of Scranton, June 18, in New York.
Anthony Cook, Wilkes-Barre, saw service with an American unit in Italy and also made love to Eleanora Guintine, an Italian nurse. The young woman came here last week and on Saturday, Mr. Cook took her to the courthouse and went away with a marriage license.
Wednesday, Sept 22, 1920
Photo and article on Wedding of Mrs. Cornelius Breck Comegys, pg 7.
Wedding of Alice Connery, 637 Moosic st, to Leigh Frantz in Church of the Nativity by Rev. Dr. J. J. Loughran. Attendants Loretta Wren, Edward A. Howley. She had been book keeper for Scranton Distributing, the groom is a member of the firm of the Hallstead Manufacturing co, Hallstead, PA. The will honeymoon in Philadelphia and Atlantic City, and will return to 632 Moosic st.
Photo of new pastor and his bride, pg 12, Rev. Clarence F. Evans, Dunmore Christian church.
Helen B. Whiting, daughter of G. B. Whiting, Summit, NJ, and Carl S. Ranking, son of Rev and Mrs. J. J. Rankin, Gravel Pond, married Friday, at the home of the bride. Attendants were Mildred Whiting (sister) and Harold Crosdale, NY. They will reside in Washington, DC, where the bride works for Brown university. Mr. Rankin works for the state highway department and served several months in France with an engineering corps. Rev and Mrs. Rankin, daughters Marjorie and Frances and M/M Donald Ranklin attended.
M/M William Hess, Adams ave, announce the approaching marriage of their daughter, Adeline M. Heess, to G. F. Lytle, of Detroit, MI.
Lucy Kennedy, daughter of Mrs. Martin Kennedy, 1322 Adams ave, and Miles Kelleher, S. Irving ave, married today in St. Paul's church by Rev. P. C. Winters. Attendants were Helen Kennedy (Sister) and Jack Kelleher (brother). They left for NY, Boston and Atlantic City and will return to 32 S. Irving ave.
Married at Sacred Heart church, Duryea, today, Genevieve Hall, Duryea, and John McTigue, Pittston, by Rev. Cyrus Stieb. Attendants were Nellie Quinn, Scranton, and Martin McHale, Pittston.
Margaret L. Gallagher, Jessup, and J. M. Wallace, Pittston, today at St. James church, Jessup by Rev. J. M. Smoulter. Mary Quinn, Moosic, and Frank Sheridan, Olyphant attended. Wedding trip to Baltimore and Washington. They will reside in Pittsburgh where Mr. Wallace is president of the Mercer Gas and Coal company. She has taught in Jessup high school two years.
M/M John W. Lloyd, 2043 Margaret ave, announce the marriage of their daughter, Cora Dorothy Lloyd, to John M. Wells, 1312 Marion st. The wedding took place Sept 18 in Syracuse, NY by Rev. William Bauer.
Mary Watterson and Alan Gilpin wre married today in St. Philomens's, Hawley. Attendants were Mary Barrett, Green Ridge, and Joseph Healey, Dunmore.
Invitations issued for Sept 29th wedding of Sarah Elizabeth Thomas, only daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas, 439 Stevens st, Camden, NJ, to L. D. Van Horn. Maid of honor will be Augusta Bevan, Scranton; matron Mrs. Edward Thomas, maids Pearl Van Horn, Philadelphia (sister), and Minnie McGennis, Scranton. Best man John Thomas, ushers William and Edward Thomas, and Dr, Arthur Monninger, Baltimore, MD.
Margaret Patrick, daughter of M/M M. Patrick, Hazleton, and Walter J. Kasmarch, son of M/M Kasmarch, 1402 Dorothy st, to be married this evening at the Polish National Catholic church.
Invitations issued for wedding of Ida M. Hollister, daughter of M/M B. S. Hollister, Linden st., to T. Kingsley Broadhead, Delaware Water Gap, to take place Oct 5, at the Immanuel Baptist church.
Kathryn Margaret Schiebel, daughter of M/M W. H. Scheibel, 629 Bates st, has selected Oct 5 as the date for her marriage to John Philip Beischer.
Louise Hartman, daughter of M/M Philip Hartman, 1534 Capouse ave. and Oswald W. Lowe, Green Ridge, married this morning by Rev. A. J. Weisley at the Green Ridge Presbyterian church. Attendants Myrtle M. Jones, Philip J. Hartman (brother), flower girl Loiuse Evans. Upon their return from NY and Philadelphia, they will live at 716 Birch st.
Mollie Gallagher, daughter of Mrs. T. M. Gallagher, Olyphant, and Robert T. Payton, Bloome st, Dunmore, married this monring at St. Patrick's church, Olyphant by Rev. Dr. Murphy. Ushers William McDonald, Dunmore, E. R. Gallagher (brother), maid of honor, Mollie Fadden, Philadelphia, an best man Frank Clarke, Dunmore. Wedding trip to Washington. She has been in cahrge of the ICS mailing department for four years and Mr. Payton is employed by the Scranton Railway co.
Lucile Battenburg, daughter of M/M Charles C. Battenburg, Prescott ave, became the bride of Philip Frederick Zitzelman, son of M/M Theodore F. Zitzleman, N. Irving ave, in a home wedding. Rev. Fred C. Christ, Grace Luteran, performed the ceremony. She is connected eith the educational services department, ICS and elm Park church. Mr. Zitzelman is employed in the offices of the Bell Telephone company, and served in the recent war.
Employes of the Scranton Railway company entertained in honor of Sadie Golden, soon to marry Joseph O'Malley; Justina McAndrew and Terrence Foley, and Edward Hartman who last week married Edna Castles. [list of employees attending].
Thursday, Sept 23, 1920
Photo of Ethel C. McClintock to marry Mark H. Berryman, pg 5.
Audley Tietz, daughter of M/m Fred Tietz, S. Sumner ave, became the bride of Karl Hagen, son of Mrs. Herman Hagen, Capouse ave, yesterday in the rectory of St. Mary's German Catholic church, S. Scranton. Rev Peter Christ officiated. Attendants were Alma Hagen and William Meissner. They will honeymoon in Philadelphia and Atlantic City and reside on Clay ave. Mr Hagen is employed by Hagen Lumber, his wife works for the Woman's Institute.
Announcement of the marriage of Mrs. Alice M. Steier, and Herman Godfrey, both of Scranton, in the Little Church Around the Corner, New York City, by Rev. Cleveland, rector, on Sept 21. They were attended by M/M Warren Smith of Jersey City. They will reside at 431 Taylor ave.
Helen Doyle, 539 Hickory st, and Thomas F. Nealon, Philadelphia, formerly of Beech st, married Tuesday, at Nativity by Rev. W. J. Flynn. Attendants Marie Lynn and Patrick Harrity. Upon return from wedding trip to Buffalo, Detroit, and Canada, they will reside in Philadelphia, where Mr. Nealon is associated with Stone & Webster.
Margaret Patrick, daughter of Mrs. M. Patrick, Hazleton, and Walter J. Kazmarek, son of M/M John Kazmarek, Dorothy st, married last night at the Polish Nation Catholic church by Bishop Hodur. They will reside on Adams ave, he is a salesman for Abington Dairy.
Ruth Lewis, 1810 Von Storch ave, and William Wells, 2821 N. Main ave, married yesterday at the P. M. parsonage by Rev. R. W. WIlson. Celia Hollendike and Arthur Brown attendants. The honeymoon trip is to NY and Port Jervis, they will reside at 1810 Von Storch.
Friday, Sept 24, 1920
Complementary to Josephine Tellysh, whose marriage to Joseph Zell, is to take place Sept 28, was given by the accounting department of the Hudson Coal company.
Margarte A. Schroeder, daughter of M/M E. A. Schroeder, New York, and W. Howard MacPherson, son of Mrs. L. A. MacPherson, 1318 Linden st, Scranton, were married in the rectory of St. Thomas church, Brooklyn, NY, Thursday. Attendants Beatrice MacPherson (sister) and C. Raymond Schroeder (brother). Wedding trip to Bermuda.
Lydia Hiltz, Maple st, bride of Daniel Irion, beech st, Wednesday at the home of the bride, Rev. E. Gysin, German M. E., officiated. Attendants were Lydiia Irion (sister) and Charles Moessner. Honeymoon in Buffalo and Niagra Falls, they will reside at 735 Maple st.
Kathryn Gertrude Siglin became the bride of Walter H. Moran, Green Ridge, Wednesday in St. Patrick's church. Rev. J. J. Heffron, Honesdale, uncle of the bride, celebrated the mass. Attendants Lillian Moran (sister) and Gerald Moran (brother). Wedding breakfast provided by sister of groom, Mrs. Charles Eckenrode, 828 N. Main ave and husband. Extended trip to Philadelphia, Washington and NY. Mrs Moran is an employee of Hagen & Walter Co., groom is with the Scranton Police force. They will reside at 806 Grandview ave.
Marriage of Pauline Feinburg, Wilkes-Barre, to William Pinsker, former general secretary of the YMCA at Wilkes-Barre, at the home of the bride last evening. Chief Rabbi Isidor Davidson officiated. Upon return from New England, they will reside in NY. Mr. Pinsker is a member of the firm Planned Publicity Service there.
Ethel McClintock, daughter of M/M Thomas R. McClintock, Electric st, became bride of Mark H. Berryman, Green Ridge, yesterday at Green Ridge Baptist church, Rev. C. Montgomery Angle officiating. Attendants were her sister, Mrs. D. J. Day, Betsy Berryman (sister), Alice Palmer, Harry Berryman, Warren Davies and Harry Dippre. Mother of groom Mrs. Edith Berryman. Mr Berryman is employed by H. J. Heinz co. [out of town guests listed]
Marriage of Joseph A. Donnelly, son of M/M Daniel Donnelly, Cork Lane, and Stella H. Crooks, daughter of M/M Harry Crooks, Pittston, Wednesday at St. John's church, Pittston by Rev Fr. Murray. Attendants Marie Donnelly (sister), J. Earl Keating. They will reside on Carroll st after a wedding tour of the New England states and Canada. For the past four years, she has worked at Krise's garage, and he is employed by the Lehigh Valley rr.
[Possible related article on prank pulled by co-workers appeared a day earlier in whichj the co-workers came from Duryea in a car with red flags and were arrested by the police for being communists.]
Mrs. Rose K. Redington and George P. Keller, both of Wilkes-Barre, married Wednesday morning in St. James church, Jessup. Rev. John C. Keller of Hartford City, IN, brother of the groom, assisted Rev. J. M. Smoulter, cousin of the bride. The attendants were M/M Peter Forve, Mrs. Forve a sister of the bride. Following a tour of the New England states, they will reside at 219 S. Washington st, Wilkes-Barre. Bride is daughter of {Joseph Schappert, Mary Schappert}, Nanticoke. The groom is in the insurance business with the Theis agency, and was located at Camp taylor, KY, during the war.
Verna Griffiths, daughter of M/M Hugh Griffiths, Main st, Binghamton, NY, formerly of Scranton, and William Nesbitt, Scranton, married yesterday, at the home of Rev. W. F. Davis. pastor of the Memorial Baptist church.
Helen E. Stage and Henry R. June, both of Dalton, married at the home of Rev. F. P. Doty, 522 Quincy ave, yesterday.
Roy A. Gardner, son of A. D. Gardner, and Edna Wademan. daughter of Mrs. Bertha Wademan, both of Factoryville, married Wednesday, at the Factoryville M. E. church, by Rev. W. A. Alger.
M/M Louis Reed, 7 Kruegermann pl, announce the engagement of their daughter Rose Reed, to Al C. Licht, Pittsburgh.
Rozelia Belden, daughter of Mrs. Charles Gilbert Belden, of NY and Syracuse, to Frederick Rowland Hazard, son of Mrs. Frederick R. Hazard, Syracuse, Sept 20, in May Memorial church, Syracuse by Rev. John H. Applebee. Attendants Nina Dean Jenny, NY, Katherine Hazard, Helen W. Kernan, Jane Sage White, MArion Strong White, Cordelia Button, of Cazenovia; Lucy Benjamin, New York. Betty Jenny, NY, flower girl, Earl Hammond Walker, NY, best man, ushers Thomas Pierpont Hazard, Peace Dale, RI, Melvin E. Sawin, Elmer G. McDowell, and Raymond L. Smith, NY, and Paul B. Metcalf, Providence, RI. They will reside in Amherstberg after Nov 1 where Mr Hazard is connected to the Solvay Process company. Mrs. Hazard is a cousin of J. J. Belden, Webster ave, Scranton.
M/M Andrew V. Kozak, Wilkes-Barre, announce the engagement of their daughter, Scholastica B. Kozak, to Stephen Bologa, Wilkes-Barre. The wedding will be in early October.
Pending marriage of Nettie Simons, Duryea, to Thomas Donovan,
Miss Simons is an employee of the Finley company,
Scranton Times, Saturday, Sept 25, 1920
Mildred M. Conway, daughter of Mrs. Marie Conway, Warren st, and Andrew T. Moran, Olyphant, were married Wednesday in St. Mary's Church by Rev. J. W. Gibson. Attendants were Beatrice Conway (sister) and Gerald Twadle.
Announcement is made by M/M P. F. Duffy of the marriage of their daughter Elizabeth Duffy, Price st, to William F. McDonald, NY, formerly of Carbondale at St. Mary's church, Brooklyn, NY on Sept. 21.
Evelyn Annette Evans, daughter of M/M Edward Evans, S. Main ave, became the bride of Alvan G. Jones, Archbald st, Thursday at the residence at Rev. T. T. Richards, of the Welsh Baptist church. They will reside at 1207 Watson ave. He is foreman of the Scranton Electrotype company, she was employed by the Fist National Bank as a stenographer.
Loretta Elizabeth Heim, daughter of Peter Heim, 200 Scott st, Wilkes-Barre, and Bertrand J. Loftus, Scranton, were married at the Nativity church, Sept 15, ny Rev. J. Holleran of Providence. Attendants were Helen D. Callahan and William P. McCrone.
Mrs. Henry M. Semple, Woodstock, VT, announces the approaching marriage of her daughter Katherine Adams Semple, to Brenton Crane Pomeroy, of Pittsfield, MA, son of Theodore L. Pomeroy, Greenwich, CT. Miss Semple is a sister of Mrs. Edwin Euston, and a niece of Mrs. Willaim T. Smith, Scranton.
Monday, September 27, 1920
Mary Catherine Moon and Marshall Noble, both of Carbondale, married Saturday by Rev. F. P. Doty, Elm Park M. E., will reside in Carbondale.
List of pre-nuptual events in advance of wedding of Edna Hendrickson to Rollin William Phillips is scheduled for Oct 14.
Second article: M/M Forest Frank Hendrickson, Sanderson ave, issue invitations to marriage of their daughter, Edna Louis Hendrickson, to Rollin William Phillips, Hyde Park ave. The wedding to take place Oct 13 at Asbury M. E. church. Mildred Hendrickson (sister), maid of honor; Evelyn Hendrickson (sister), Marion Hendrickson (sister), Arline Fenstermacher, Scranton, and Melba Schoenberger, Pottsville bridesmaids. Elinor Hendrickson flower girl. Attending Mr. Phillips as best man, his brother Robert Phillips. Ushers Edwin Partridge, Lorenz Zeidler, Donald Butterly and Thomas Kennedy.
Tuesday, Sept 28, 1920
Edna Isabelle Blair, Middletown, OH, and John Chester Melville, formerly of Milwaukee, WI, and now of Scranton, married Saturday at the pasonage of Bethania Welsh Presbyterian by Rev. D. Wynne Rees [corrected] M/M Harley D. Ormes attendants, Miss Lucile Fabiola Ormes held the rings. They will reside in Scranton.
M/M L. E. Ehrhardt, 504 Harrison av, announce the marriage of their daughter Lydia Ehrhardt, to William T. Davis, son of M/M David D. Davis, Clarke st, Avoca. M/M Davis were married July 31 by Rev. Albert Clarke, Myrtle St M. E. and will reside on Main st., Avoca.
Mrs. John Carroll and sister Miss Lyle May, entertained at the
home on Dorothy st in honor of Sadie Golden who marries
Joseph O'Malley tomorrow. [list of attendees]
October Weddings on the social horizon: Mary Dale, daughter of M/M H. G. Dale, Quincy ave, to George Sherman Mott Jr, son of George Mott, Clay ave. Oct 16th, St. Luke's.
Invitations issued by Mrs. Mary Schoch MacKelvay, Bloomsburg, for the marriage of her daughter, Margaret MacKelvay, to James May Jessup, son of M/M William H. Jessup, Scranton, Oct 16, St. Paul's, Bloomsburg.
Complementary shower given at home of Mrs. R. C. Parker, Wyoming ave, to Dora Manners, Moosic, who is to marry Frank R. Gould, Clay ave, Oct. 2.
Wednesday, Sept 29, 1920
Sadie M. Golden, daughter of M/M P. H. Golden, Linden st., and Joseph O'Malley, S. Scranton, married this morning in St. Peter's cathedral by Rev. Joseph Golden, Wellsboro, cousin of the bride. Sadie Cullen and James O'Malley (brother) were the attendants. They will reside on Linden st after returning from a trip to Washington.
Ella Johnstone Crawley, Chicago, and George W. Burch, son of M/M H. H. Burch, Scranton, married Saturday at the home of the bride's uncle, William Sperry, Crawford, NJ. Rev. Kenneth Martin, rector of the Trinity Episcopal church officiated. Attendants Virginia Sherry, Crawford, NJ, and T. C. Joseph, Scranton. Upon their return from a trip around the world, they will reside in NY City where Mr. Burch is in business as an importer and exporter.
Margaret McDonald, daughter of Mrs. Catherine McDonald, Taylor ave, Dunmore, and Joseph McDonald, Avoca, were married this morning in St. Mary's church, Dunmore, by Rev. William J. Heffernon, Winnipeg, Canada, cousin of the bride. Attendants Beatrice Schoefeld, Minooka, and James Kirby, Avoca. They will reside with the bride's mother upon their return from NY, Altantic City and Boston.
M/M A. Reidenbach, 1419 Pine st, announce the approaching marriage of their daughetr, Edna Reidenbach, to Lawrence H. Setzer, 387 Harrison ave, which will take place Oct. 12 at the bride's parents.
Sarah Elizabeth Thomas, daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas, Camden, NJ, and L. D. Van Horn, Philadelphia, will be married this evening at the home of the bride. Attendants: Augusta Bevan, Scranton (maid), Mrs. Edward Thomas (matron), Pearl Van Horn, Philadelphia, Minnie McGinnis, Scranton; John Thomas (best) William Thomas, Edward Thomas, Dr. Arthur Manninger, Baltimore, MD (ushers). Robert Thomas, Philadelphia, ring bearer. After the reception they leave for a tour of the mid-west. Sarah formerly resided at 2611 N. Main ave, and was employed by the ICS until a few years ago. [List of attendees from Scranton]
Samuel Williamson, Putnam st, announces the approaching marriage of his daughter, Kathryn Williamson, to John Bannon, Adams ave., to take place Oct. 28.
Complementary to Harriet L. Curven, daughter of M/M C. H. Curven, Fisk st, who will marry Belden H. Eaton, Olive st, Oct 2. [list]
Anna C. White, daughter of Mrs. Catherine White, 135 Shoemaker ave, Dunmore, married today, William Foley, S. Scranton, at St. Mary's, Dunmore, in a ceremoney performed by Rev. W. J. Gibson. Ursula Banks and Frederick Foley (brother) attendants. They will honeymoon in NY and upon return reside with the bride's mother.
Thursday, September 30, 1920
Youthful bride, granted permission to take vacation from school for honeymoon and then is required to return. Jane Lameo, 13, daughter of M/M Joseph Lameo, 220 Linden st, has left schhol to be married, State law requires that no child can withdraw before the age of 14 or the completion of sixth grade.
Katherine C. Barrett, Forty-Fort, PA, became the bride of Joseph Kaffe, Scranton, yesterday in Holy Name church, Forty-Fort in a mass celebrated by Rev. M. J. Fleming. Attendants Agnes Gallagher and M. V. Gerrity. They will be home to friends after Nov. 1, at 1508 Cedar ave., he is an employee of David Spruks company.
Kathryn Hennigan, Kingston, and James O'Brien, Detroit, MI,
yesterday at St. Ignatius, Kingston, by Rev. M. E. Lynott.
Attendants were Katherine O'Brien (sister) and Patrick Green,
Following this wedding, the attendants were married at St. Mary's,
by Rev. Raymond Fitzpatrick.
Complentary to Una Van Fleet, Dalton, whose marriage to George W. Corey, will take place next month, was a dinner-party by her co-workers of the freight claim department, DL&W. [list of attendees]
Marjorie Clark, daughter of M/M Warren Clark, Pleasant st, Peckville, and Clarence Searles, Peckville, married at the residence of Rev. O. L. Severson, Green Ridge (M. E.) yesterday. Attendants Ruth Tompkins, Jermyn, and Harold A. Searles (brother). They will reside in Kingston after Nov. 1.
Bridal shower for Mrs. Ellison McNeal, Elmira, NY. She is former Edna Engle, daughter of M/M Stanford Engle, Union ave. [list of attendees]
Invitations issued for wedding of Ophelia Bassett, 7719 Fourteenth ave, Brooklyn, NY and Ralph H. Given, E. Orange, NJ, to take place Thursday Oct 12, in the Park ave Methodist Episcopal church, E. Orange, NJ. Miss Bassett is a former resident of Scranton.
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