LackawannaLackawanna County News

Scranton Republican, Thursday, Jan 29, 1903

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John E. Jones and family today removed from Duryea to Bellvue, Scranton. Mr. Jones was mine foreman for a number of years at the Hallstead colliery, bur has been transferred to the Bellvue mine. - Pittston Gazette


Minnie A. Clearwater; Walter K. Clearwater  Alimony ordered at $25 per month has not been paid since June.  They were divorced in April 1902.

Florence Gerson; Harry Gerson   Married July 9, 1900 and lived together until Aug 23, 1900, when he deserted her.

John Bartoski; Margaret Bartoski   Married in Binghamton, NY, in 1900 and have lived on the west side since.  She left this past August and is alleged to have engaged in adulterous practices.


The will of Peter Schnell was admitted to probate, naming his wife Catherine Schnell as executor.  A grandson, Philip W. Warnke, will receive $2000 and use of two properties on South Ninth street. when he reaches 25. After death of widow and this grandson, the estate will convey to Anna L. Schnell, a daughter, or her heirs.

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James Philbin, Scranton; Sadie Hall, Scranton
Harry Gard, Pittsburg; Jennie Williams, Peckville
Lewis W. Holp, Scranton; Alice J. Roberts, Scranton
Patrick Crane, Minooka; Anna Gownly, Minooka
Harry M. Rudolph, Scranton; Mary B. Neely, Scranton


LaRose, Gertie M., 23, in Scranton, Jan. 27.  daughter of Mrs. Nelson LaRose, 418 Deacon street.  Funeral Friday at 2:30 P.M., interment in Dunmore cemetery.

Cavanaugh, Thomas, 65, Moscow, Jan. 28 at the home of his son, 608 Mineral street.

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Mrs. Samuel Woolner Jr., of Peoria, IL, is visiting her parents, M/M B. Moses, of Mulberry street.

C. S. McCarty, of Gouldsboro, was struck by a Lackawanna coal train at that place yesterday.  The train was moving slowly and McCarty was not seriously injured.

Peter Coyne, 17, of Moosic, had his right hand badly crushed by getting it caught in a conveyer at the Green Ridge colliery yesterday.  He was taken to Lackawanna hospital, where it was found necessary to amputate three fingers.

New Orleans, LA, Jan. 28 - A large lumber deal was closed today by two Pennsylvania men, H. D. Swarts [Swartz] and J. R. Stephens, whereby the output of nine mills of L. C. Adams & Co. will be delivered to them.


Miss Nellie Cooper is visiting with relatives at Tenefly, NJ.

M/M David Dick are entertaining their daughter their daughter, Mrs. Harry Sweeting.

Mrs. Nettie Lamont is the guest of her brother in Wilkes-Barre.


Miss Sarah Northrup is visiting relatives in New York.

On Sunday last, M/M J. E. Edwards and son, Harold Edwards, visited relatives in Scranton.

Mrs. F. M. Brooks and son Elmer are visiting friends and relatives in Scranton.


James Duffy and Ella May Howley were married at 7 o'clock yesterday morning in St. Peter's cathedral by Stephen H. O'Boyle.  The bride was attended by Margaret Murphy.  The groom was attended by his nephew, Dr. M. L. Duffy.  The bride is a sister of John J. Howley, A. J. Howley, P. F. Howley, and M. T. Howley.

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The home of M/M Miner V. Neely, 218 North Rebecca avenue, was the scene of the wedding of their daughter, Mary Bessie Neely, and Harry Milton Randolph, 309 South Hyde Park avenue.  Rev. Hugh C. McDermott, D.D., pastor of the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church performed the ceremony.  They will dispense with the usual wedding trip and will reside at 309 South Hyde Park avenue.  Mr. Randolph is a well-known tea merchant.

Yesterday afternoon at the parent's home, 431 North Main avenue, funeral services were held for Ruth Jones, 6 month old daughter of M/M Oliver P. Jones, who died Monday.  Rev. D. P. Jones, pastor of the Tabernacle Congregational church officiated and interment in Washburn street cemetery.

Edison Lloyd, 5, son of Reese Lloyd, of the Archbald mine, died yesterday morning.  The funeral will be held from home this
afternoon with interment in Washburn street cemetery.

All that was mortal of Mrs. Mary Blickens, wife of Michael Blickens, 437 North Sixth avenue, was laid to rest in Dunmore cemetery.  The cortege left the house at 2 and proceeded to Zion Lutheran church on Mifflin avenue, where services were held.  p-b Joseph H. Gunster, John T. Howe, George S. Horn. Daniel Breneman, Albert Fetzer, George Bregle.  Flower bearers Conrad Wentzal Jr., Jacob Schlager, and W. E. Warner.  Interment was in Forest Hill cemetery.  She lived in Scranton for 40 years, and is survived by her husband and one son, George Blickens, and several grandchildren.

Miss Mattie Lewis, North Hyde Park avenue, was tendered by her friends recently in honor of her twelfth birthday. [guest list]

Ira Davis, 1712 Washburn street, will leave this morning for Philadelphia, where he will visit his cousin, W. S. Boyd.


The wedding of Mayme Saltry, daughter of Alderman J. F. Saltry of West Market street, and Edward N. Ferguson, Olyphant was solemnized yesterday afternoon in Holy Rosary church.  Miss Saltry was attended by her cousin, Mayme Hoban of Olyphant; Thomas Rogan, Olyphant, was best man.  M/M Ferguson left last night for New York and Pittsburg, where they will reside.

[later note]  Mrs. J. Gillespsie, Pittston, was in attendance at the Saltry-Ferguson nuptials on West Market street yesterday.

William Wallace Williams and Mary Frances Wells, both of this section, were married yesterday morning in the Methodist parsonage on Court street by Rev. George A. Cure.  After the event the happy couple took the 1:30 train for New York city.  Those who attended the ceremony were: Mrs. Amy Mulley Cowles, and daughter Elizabeth Cowles, Misses Minnie Ibells, Jesse Eppling, and Elizabeth Eppling, Mrs. V. E. Eppling and granddaughter Ruth Holdeman; Mrs. Thomas Reed, M/M James Williams, of Carbondale.

The funeral of Benjamin R. Lewis will be held from his residence on North Main avenue this afternoon at 2:30.

The remains of Stephen A. Kearney will be interred from his residence on Keyser avenue this morning.  High mass will be
celebrated at Holy Rosary church.


Theobald Wahlers, 29, the oldest son of borough treasurer August Wahlers, and proprietor of Hotel Harmony on Grove street, died last evening.  He is survived by his wife.  Funeral Saturday with interment in Dunmore cemetery.

The funeral of Thomas Golden will take place this morning from his home on Chestnut street.  A solemn mass will be held in St. Mary's cathedral.  Interment will be in the old Catholic cemetery.

Mabel Haustein of Irving avenue was surprised by a large number of friends last evening in honor of her fourteenth birthday.

Frank Herring of Orangeville, Columbia county, is ill at the home of his sister, Mrs. John Nicols, West Drinker street.


Mrs. Charles Hoen, 33, passed away Tuesday night at her home, 726 Birch street.  She is survived by her husband and the following children: Charles Hoen, Walberto Hoen and Leo Hoen; and two sisters, Mrs. George and Mrs. John Snyder.  The funeral will be held Friday morning with mass at St. Mary's German Catholic church.

The funeral of Margaret Frichbel will be held Friday afternoon from her home, 315 Neptune court.  Interment will be made in Pittston avenue cemetery.

The funeral of William G. Fuchs takes place this afternoon at 2 o'clock.


Charles Edsell, of New York, is visiting his father, M. H. Edsell, of Minooka avenue.

Mrs. Paul Brown, Scranton, is visiting her parents, M/M George H. Pearl on Main street.


(Tunkhannock, Jan. 28)

Edward Fox of New York City has been passing the time at his old home here.  James Fox, John Fox, and Will Fox have all now located in New York.

Major Wendall, about 85, was buried Tuesday of this week at Mehoopany. He died falling four feet of a haystack, breaking his

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Mrs. McDermott of Scranton, and Ella O'Hara of Philadelphia visited the O'Malley residence on Main street on Tuesday.

The funeral of Patrick Creedan occurred yesterday from his home on the west side.  The AOH attended in a body.  Services were conducted in St. Mary's church by Rev. J. J. Morrison with interment in St. Mary's cemetery.  p-b W. J. Doran, Arthur Davidson, James Foy, Michael Farrell, William Kearney and James McHale.

Mary Horn, 2 months, daughter of M/M John Horn of Main street, died yesterday.  Funeral this afternoon with interment in St. Mary's cemetery.

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Will A. Kinney, master mechanic of the NYO&W yard at Mayfield for the past year is to be transferred to Norwich, NY, where the company has a larger plant.  For years he was an engineer on the Scranton division.

Soloman Wedeman died at Fairview on Tuesday.  He was born in North Scranton on Oct. 5, 1818, and was in his 85th year, and was one of the first settlers in this section.  In 1846, he married Mary Ann Herlinger, who survives him.  Deceased for many years lived and farmed in Greenfield.  Sons Charles A. Wedeman, Uniondale, liveryman George F. Wedeman, of this city, daughters Mrs. Emma Taylor, Fairview and Mrs. George Breese, of this city, survive along with his brother, Ebenezer Wedeman, Greenfield, and sister, Mrs. Charles DeWitt, of Fell.   Funeral Friday morning at 11 o'clock from the house.  Burial in the Wedeman cemetery in Greenfield.

Thomas Boland is seriously ill at the home of his sister, Mrs. P. J. Hughes, South Church street.

M/M Edward Ferguson, of Olyphant, who were married in Green Ridge yesterday, spent last evening with M/M John Boland on Dundaff street.  They will leave today fro their honeymoon which will include New York and Boston.

Rev. B. E. O'Byrne, Wilkes-Barre, a former Carbondalian, was calling on friends in town yesterday.


James A. Lewis, the jeweler, has been spending several days at Towanda, visiting his parents.

M/M Edward R. Evans, of Welsh Hill, will leave today on an extended western trip to visit their daughters.


[new correspondent is C. A. Burke.]

The funeral of Mrs. Walter Pforr took place yesterday afternoon from her home on Academy street.  Services at the German Evangelical church at 3 o'clock were conducted by Rev. O. W. Lauxmann.  Interment was made in the Protestant cemetery. p-b Nicholas Miller, James Toolan, William Otto, Henry Beck, Harold White, William Saur. Flower bearers Albert Baltus, Frank Miller, John Hennemuth, Edward Probst.

M/M T. J. Price Jr., Laurel street, are rejoicing over the birth of a daughter.

'Billy' Cawley of Field's Minstrels, called on his cousin, P. H. Clark, Monday.  Mr. Cawley spent last summer here.

Michael Durkin, of South Laurel street, attended the funeral of a relative at Scranton, Wednesday.

A new washery is being constructed at the old Katydid, between Winton and this place.  The owners are Thorne & Kemmerer.

Scranton Republican, Friday, January 30, 1903

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Utica, NY, Jan. 29 - The divorce action of Dr. Joseph R. Broome, of New York City, formerly of Utica, against his wife, Elizabeth C. Broome, now of California, was called before Justice Rogers in the supreme court today.  William R. Banker, a local [Utica] druggist is named as one of the correspondents.  Dr. and Mrs. Broome were married in Scranton, in 1890, and immediately took up residence in this city, where they moved in the most select set, until they separated a year ago.

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The wedding of Jennie M. Williams, daughter of M/M John E. Williams, of Main street, and Harry Gard, Pittston, was held at the home of the bride Wednesday evening.  Rev. F. P. Doty officiated. Ribbon girls were Jennie Bowman and Ruth Pettigrew, the page was Everett Lewis.  Out of town guests present were M/M Charles Bowan and daughter Jennie, Lloyd Cornell, M/M W. D. Lewis, M/M Harry Frease, Rev. F. P. Doty and daughter Edith Doty, Mrs. R. J. Thomas and family, Sadie Gordon, M/M T. J. Gard, G. W> Gard and M/M F. W. Gard, all of Scranton; M/M George Eley and family, M/M James Reed and family, M/M William Morgan and family, Thomas Williams, Annie Laurie, Mrs. Smith and daughter Helen Smith, M/M John McLain, all from Priceburg; Rev. J. M. Coleman and daughter Ruth Coleman, Mrs. Pearson, of Throop; M/M George Douglass, M/M John Pettigrew and family, M/M Harry Metters, Blakely.

Mrs. Llewellyn A. Davis is visiting friends and relatives at Archbald.

Miss Scutt of Jermyn has returned home after spending a few days with M/M Charles Coleman of Academy street.

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John Stanac, Priceburg; Anna Beryac, Priceburg
Andrew Krasackin, Old Forge; Mary Bateumtie, Old Forge
Jacob Sojka, Taylor; Caroline Kuras, Taylor
Charles Trole, Duryea; Anna Lepri, Duryea
Andrew Glayda, Scranton; Mary Farkaly, Scranton


Gard-Williams, at Peckville, Jan. 28, 1903, by Rev. F. P. Doty, Mr. Harry Gard to Miss Jennie Williams, daughter of M/M John E. Williams, Peckville.


McMillan, Mrs. John, New York street, Scranton, Jan. 29.  Funeral private Saturday at 2:30 P.M.

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John C. Highfield, 424 Monroe avenue, died on Monday afternoon while visiting his children in Little Rock, AK, and at Parsons, KS.  His death occurred suddenly from heart failure while making a social call at the office of one of the supreme court judges of the Southern district of Kansas.  He was accompanied on his western trip by Mrs. Highfield.  Born in Chester county, PA, about 70 years ago, he married Rebecca L. Bradford of Brandywine Hundred, DE, who together with three children survive him.  He was united with the Baptist church in West Chester at the age of 14.  During the [civil] war he served his country with honor, and after the close had charge of the disposal of many horses and mules on behalf of the government.  In 1868 he came to Scranton as an employee of the Lackawanna Iron and Coal company, which he served 31 years. Member Penn Avenue Baptist church.  His remains are expected to arrive in the city this afternoon, funeral services Saturday.

Buffalo, NY, Jan. 29 - John Walsh, 17, employed by the Lackawanna Steel company, was killed at work here this afternoon.  The information conveyed to Medical Examiner Danser was that Walsh was killed by grasping a live wire.  Walsh recently came to Buffalo from Scranton and immediately obtained work at Stony Point, boarding near the steel plant.


Catherine H. Laybourn, James W. Laybourn   Desertion.  They were married Dec. 9, 1896 and lived together until about a year ago when he left.

Pittsburg, Jan. 29 -  Mrs. Annie Reese, 47, a native of Scranton, was found dead in Homestead, PA.  Her husband, Jenkin Reese, went to an undertaker's office and said that his wife had committed suicide in Pine alley.  The undertaker accompanied Reese to the house and found several suspicious marks on the remains, especially about the head.  The coroner was notified and Reese was arrested on suspicion of murder.  He is well known in Homestead, where he has resided for the past 15 years.  He is 60 years of age and not long ago served three months in jail for thrusting a red hot poker through his wife's leg.


Yesterday for the first time a trip was made over the "Cannon Ball" railroad between this city and Pittston, and the journey was made in a Lackawanna passenger car drawn by one of the contractor's, John R. Lee, construction locomotives.

The start was made from the Mattes street station at 8 o'clock.  The trip was for the purpose of inspecting the road and in the party were Superintendent C. F. Conn, Chief Engineer Deckert, Traffic Manager B. F. Wyley, Assistant Engineer Jeffreys and Messrs. Huggins and Fitzsimmons of the Westinghouse company.

While the third rail is in place it is not yet available as a source of motive power.  This, however, will be remedied in a few days.  The officials after the inspection expressed themselves as quite satisfied with the work.

A meeting of the stockholders will be held this morning and directors for the ensuing year elected.

[References in previous articles selected for inclusion in these excepts did not reveal the true identity of the 'Cannon Ball' line, so I include this article which leaves no doubt that we are referring to the 'Laurel Line' or Delaware, Lackawanna & Wyoming Valley RR.]


Thomas Cavanaugh, of Moscow, died at the home of his son, John Cavanaugh, 608 Mineral street.  The deceased was 65 and is survived by his wife, two sons and three daughters- John Cavanaugh, James Cavanaugh, Ellen Cavanaugh, Julia Cavanaugh, and Mary Cavanaugh. The funeral will be held Saturday morning from the Mineral street home at 9.  Services will be held at the Cathedral [St. Patrick's], interment at Cathedral cemetery.

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Yesterday afternoon funeral services were held for Edison Lloyd, 5, at his parent's, Reese Lloyd, home near the Archbald mine. Interment was made in Washburn street cemetery.

Mrs. Mary Caveny, Railroad avenue, has received the sad intelligence of the death in Chicago on Tuesday, January 27, of her daughter, Mrs. James Garland.  Deceased is survived by her husband and three children.

Aneurin Jones (Aneurin Vardd) of New York City, is a guest of M/M Will Price, of South Main avenue.  Mr. Jones, who is a celebrated Welsh scholar and bard has been a resident of New York for a number of years and by profession is an architect.  He has reached the four score mark, being about 80 years of age.  He was an intimate friend of the late William Price.  A movement is on foot among the Welsh, both in the country and Wales, to give him a testimonial.

M/M Frank Brooks and son of Glenburn, are guests of M/M A. M. Dershimer of South Main avenue.

Mrs. D. I. Phillips, South Hyde Park avenue, has returned from Wilkes-Barre, where she attended the funeral of her nephew, Frank Jacobs.

James Jenkins and W. T. Jones have gone to Buffalo where they will reside in the future.

Mrs. Evan Davies of South Main avenue, and Mrs. J. Reese of Storrs avenue, attended the funeral of a relative at Minersville.

Mrs. O. Bennett and son, Raymond Bennett, of New Milford have returned home after a pleasant visit with M/M W. H. Fuller of Eynon street.

Mrs. Jonah Evans of Eynon street has returned from Wilkes-Barre where she visited her sister for a few weeks.

A pleasant family reunion was held recently at the home of M/M Isaac Summerhill of North Everett avenue, in honor of Mr. Summerhill's 51st birthday.  Present were M/M David Shaw, M/M David Phillips, Isaac Summerhill, and granddaughter, Mildred A. Shaw.

Mrs. H. M. Randolph, nee Neely, who was married Wednesday evening as reported in these columns, was said to be quite seriously ill at her home, 218 North Rebecca avenue.


The funeral of William G. Fuchs was held yesterday afternoon. Services were held at the house by Rev. J. J. Smith of the Baptist church, and interment was made in the Pittston avenue cemetery.

The funeral of Mrs. Charles Haen will be held this morning with interment at St. Mary's cemetery following mass at the German
Catholic church.

The Misses Nellie Clark and Kittie O'Niell of Honesdale are visiting M/M Joseph Ranke.


Born - to M/M Samuel Oakley, a daughter.
Born - to M/M Michael Foley, Oak street, a baby girl.


Miss Bessie Helpert of Pittston is being entertained by Mrs. George Brink on Pine street.

Prof. E. L. Bovard of North Blakely street will move to Jackson street, West Scranton, in the near future.


Miss Mame Langan, of Philadelphia, has returned home after visiting relatives here.

Rev. A. T. Broderick of Montrose visited his mother, Mrs. Anthony Broderick, Bridge street, yesterday.

Mrs. Joseph Peck of South Main street is ill at the home of her sister in Scranton.

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Katherine Dougherty, Kingston, was united in marriage to John J. Stanton, of the east side, on Wednesday.  The ceremony was performed in the Catholic church at Kingston by Fr. M. E. Lynott.  M/M Stanton will take up their residence on South Main street.


Arthur Davies, son of M/M Joseph Davies, leaves today to visit his sister at the Bloomsburg Normal school.

Miss Mary Lance is a guest of her brother, F. L. Lane, Old Forge.

Mrs. Edward E. Davies of Railroad street is home from a few days visit at the bedside of her sister, Mrs. W. G. Thomas, West Pittston.

John McCarthy, of Greenwood, will be buried tomorrow morning at the Minooka Catholic cemetery.

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Marriage of Helen Morrison, of the south side, and James Schreck, Vandling, was solemnized yesterday afternoon at St. Rose's church. The bride was attended by Elizabeth Bradley, and Cleve Morrison was groomsman.  After a brief wedding tour they will begin housekeeping at Vandling.

"The funeral of Mrs. Sarah A. Colwell was held yesterday afternoon and the large number who attended the obsequies attested to the high esteem in which this venerable pioneer was held by her friends and acquaintances.

Funeral services of a most impressive character were conducted at the home of her son, Fred T. Colwell, 110 Wyoming street, at 1:30, by Rev. H. F. Chafee, pastor of the First M. E. church.  He preached a fitting eulogy of the deceased and referred to her many excellent traits of character.

A quartet consisting of W. D. Evans, Russell M. Shephard, Sadie Miller, and Mrs. H. P. Clark, sang "Rock of Ages" and "Abide With Me".

Several beautiful floral offerings were on the casket, which rested in the front parlor.  Burial was made in Brookside cemetery. The pallbearers were John Steward, T. C. Robinson, A. Alney, P. Butler, D. W. Humphrey and N. Moore.  The following from out of town were present: Mrs. Bone, Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Carter, Mr. Edward Whyte, Mr. Henry Whyte, of Scranton; Mr. G. W. Whyte and Miss E. Dolph, of Honesdale."

Vere Christian, who for several months has resided on Chestnut avenue, and whose wife died last week, has removed to Preston Park to make his home with his deceased wife's parents, M/M Hiram Geer.

Miss Mary Meehan of New York City is spending a few weeks with her mother on Brooklyn street.

Miss Florence Watts of Honesdale is a guest of friends and relatives in this city.

E. A. Wilcox, of Ninevah [NY], is being entertained at the home of his daughter, Mrs. A. S. Lewsley, of High street.

Mrs. E. K. Trickey, of Chicago, who has been visiting her father, Pierce Butler, Canaan street, has gone to Boston, MA, to visit friends.


M/M Robert Roberts of south Main street entertained a number of their friends from Forest City and Vandling on Wednesday evening.

Miss Bell Morton, of north Main street, entertained a number of friends at 5 o'clock tea yesterday. Mrs. Grace Alexander, Pittston, Mrs. Daniel Hessler of Wilkes-Barre, Mrs. Robert Fenner, Wyoming, Mrs. John Morton, Pittston; Mrs. James Morton, Thomas Morton, and Mrs. James Alexander, of this place.

Mrs. Michael McGowan of Vine street died yesterday morning. Deceased had been a resident here 32 years.  She is survived by the following children:  Andrew McGowan, Martin McGowan, and Kate McGowan, of this place; Joseph McGowan, Archbald.  The funeral will take place this afternoon with services at St. Mary's church and interment at St. Mary's cemetery.


Those from here who attended the Ferguson-Saltry wedding were Miss May Ferguson, M/M J. J. Cummings and daughter, Irene Cummings, Misses H. Hoban, Esther Hoban; Thomas Rogan and Frank McLaughlin.

Scranton Republican, Saturday, January 31, 1903

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The family of William Thies, 829 Irving avenue, south side, was shocked to learn in the evening paper [Scranton Times - ed] that Mr. Thies' son had been electrocuted at the Seneca steel plant near Buffalo.  A telegram to General Manager Wehrum at Buffalo brought the equally shocking reply "Your son is in jail."  It was John Walsh who was electrocuted and inquiries developed the fact that Thies is charged with being the originator of the fatal joke.  Walsh, being new, it was thought should be subject to hazing and Thies was selected to develop the method.  A live wire was fastened to the knob of a door which Walsh would pass through.  The jokers were posted on the other side of the door where they would enjoy Walsh's screams for help.  When Walsh came along and took a hold of the door knob, he received such a tremendous shock that he died immediately.  When the door was opened the perpetrators of the joke were thunderstruck to find that their victim was beyond human aid.

Michael Comlisk, 30, a Pole, was caught by a flying belt and drawn into the machinery at the Allis-Chalmers works yesterday.  His arms, legs and several ribs were fractured and he was seriously injured internally.

Joseph Sathion, an Italian, 50, was caught under a roof fall at the Riverside mine.


The will of Peter McDonnell, late of Carbondale, was probated.

The will of Mary Coffin, late of Carbondale, was yesterday probated and letters testamentary were granted to William F. Coffin.

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Louis Bagger & Co., patent attorneys, Washington, DC, report that on last Tuesday John R. Okell has been granted a patent for improvements in machines for packing powdered or granular materials.


Patrick Malone, 36, a professional tramp, and James Graf, 18, were arrested while hiding in a box car on the Moscow switch by Chief Adamson's men on the Lackawanna Railroad.  In a bag they had a quantity of jewelry and other articles.  They refused to tell where they had secured them.   There has been a series of petty thefts recently at Stroudsburg and police there have been notified.

A young girl, scarcely 15 years of age, who gave her name as Stella Jones, but who is believed to be Jessie Pringle, was committed before Alderman Millar last night for larceny of a suit of clothes from Gladys Hayden of 316 Vine street.

Residents of Lincoln Heights will be pleased to learn that on and after Feb. 2, 1903 [Monday], they will have free mail delivery between South Main avenue and West Park avenue, and the City line and Stratford avenue.  The mail will be distributed from the West Side station.

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John Guisiewiska, Scranton; Julia A. Wisneiska, Scranton
Joseph Klembowski, Scranton; Malwina Michil, Scranton
Michael Hondjis, Scranton; Katie Szozupah, Scranton


Ernest Theobald Wahlers of Grove street, Dunmore, son of borough treasurer August Wahlers, died Wednesday morning.   He was born Nov. 21, 1873, in Petersburg.  During the Spanish-American war, he enlisted as a volunteer musician in the Second regiment band, which camped at Raleigh, NC, where he was mustered out after the war.  He went to Philadelphia with his wife, where they lived a little over two years.  On April 1, 1901, he took charge of the Harmony Hotel and Garden.  He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth Wahlers, and his parents, M/M August Wahlers, his sister, Mrs. Alfred Pittack, and his brothers, Fred Wahlers and August C. Wahlers, and his stepbrothers, Charles Barnhardt and Phillip Wagner.  Funeral this afternoon at 2 o'clock.  Services at the Evangelical Lutheran church, Petersburg.  Interment in Dunmore cemetery.


Mrs. Joseph Beck, 28, South Main street, died yesterday morning at the home of her sister, Mrs. John Gardiner, Green Ridge, from cancer.  She was the daughter of M/M William Heckman, Hill street. In addition to her parents and sister, she is survived by another sister, Anna Heckman, her husband and one child.  Funeral Sunday afternoon with services at the German Lutheran church with interment in the Protestant cemetery.

Miss Rebecca McCabe, Philadelphia, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Thomas Collins, Church street.

Miss Lizzie Collins, Scranton, has returned home after visiting with relatives on Pine street.


Anna Bruce, 1, daughter of M/M Alexander Bruce, died yesterday morning. The funeral will take place Sunday afternoon. Interment will be made in Calvary cemetery.

Richard Reynolds, who has been in Butte City, MT., is renewing acquaintances in town for the past few days.


Miss Cora Brezzie, Mountain Valley, visited with relatives in the borough Thursday.

Mrs. Edward E. Davies was hurriedly called again to West Pittston yesterday to the bedside of her sister, Mrs. William G. Thomas, Philadelphia avenue. [address from Pittston news]

Mrs. John Basham, Main street, visited her mother, Mrs. Pickerell, at Lackawanna yesterday.

A farewell reception was tendered Miss Elizabeth Reese previous to her departure for her home in Lansford, PA, by her sister, Mrs. Evan W. Davies, Storrs street.

The funeral of John McCarthy, of Greenwood, will take place this morning.  Mass at St. Joseph's church; interment at Minooka


One of our oldest citizens has passed away - Thomas Chamberlain at the advanced age of 92 years.  The funeral occurred on Thursday at 2 p.m.  He came here about 35 years ago and leaves behind an excellent reputation.


Martin Kelly, Cork Lane, died at Pittston hospital Thursday evening. Deceased was 45 and his survived by his wife and the following children: Mary Kelly, Tillie Kelly, Kate Kelly, William Kelly, Michael Kelly, and Frank Kelly.  The funeral will take place this morning with a mass at St. John's church.  Interment in Market street cemetery.

Mrs. Mary Richardson, wife of Thomas Richardson, Fifth street, West Pittston, died early yesterday.  She is survived by her husband and the following children:  Mrs. James Nicholson, Mrs. Joseph Wilkinson, Mrs. George Williams, Mary Richardson, Robert Richardson, Frank Richardson, and Thomas Richardson.  The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock.  Interment at Wyoming.

Mrs. Joseph Osterhout and daughter of Providence, are guests of Mrs. H. C. Dewey, Parke street.

Rev. N. G. Parke has gone to Florida, where he will be the guest of his sister, Mrs. Sayre.

Word has been received from Minneapolis, MN, about the death of Frank L. Johnson, brother of George Johnson of West Pittston.  At one time he was a resident of this city, being in business with lumber merchant James R. Wear.  He left here in 1871.  A wife, two sons and two daughters survive.


A little boy came to the home of M/M Fred Smith on Tuesday morning of this week.

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[very faded and out of focus]

The home of M/M E. B. Morse, 261 North Hyde Park avenue, was the scene of a party Thursday evening in honor of the former's sister, Mrs. A. D. Carpenter, of Cohoes, NY.   Those present were: M/M Henry Morse, M/M Lewis Morse, M/M Al Morse, M/M Eugene Morse, Art Morse, Edward Morse, and Smith Morse, Cinderella Morse, Mrs. Seiples and Misses Carne Brill (??) and Maude Peters.

The home of M/M L. A. Clark was the scene of a party recently in honor of Miss Lizzie Paul, of Weatherly, PA.  Mrs. Byron Evans assisted.  Those present were: M/M L. A. Clark, M/M Byron Evans, Misses Reba Evans, Alma Cotton, Emma Davis, Addie Lewis, Ada Gleason, Lizzie Paul, of Weatherly, Dinah Lewis, Emma Lewis, Birdella Evans and the Messrs. Jasper Jones, William Gibbs, Aya Griffiths, Thomas Seymour, Archie Evans, Albert Gleason, and Ellsworth Evans.

Albert Williams, 16, son of John Williams, 126 Hennesey court, a driver in the Mount Pleasant Colliery, while at work yesterday stumbled over a rail and in falling fractured and dislocated his left ankle.

Mrs. Charles Rowen, of North Sumner avenue, returned Thursday from Ithaca, NY, where she sojourned for three weeks after attending the funeral of a relative.

Charles Rowen, of North Sumner avenue, returned from Ithaca, where he spent a short time with friends.

Misses Catherine Lonergan and Ann Lonergan, of Elmira, NY, have returned home after a visit with their cousin, Miss Mary McAndrew, Fairview avenue.

The funeral of Mrs. Charles Alleger, mother of Mrs. S. C. Weller, of Jackson street, will be held from the late home in Luzerne this (Saturday) afternoon.

Floyd E. Rosenkrans, Binghamton, who has been visiting relatives on North Hyde Park avenue, has returned home.

M/M N. C. Mayo, Swetland street, are entertaining Mrs. Maud Taulcot, of New Berlin.

Mrs. Frank Harrison and children of Hackensack, NJ, are visiting the former's mother on North Main avenue.

James Cooper, of the US Infantry, is visiting his parents, M/M Charles Cooper, of Bulwer street.  He arrived from Washington, DC.

Mrs. Mary Shaw of Girardsville is a guest of her sister, Mrs. J. J. Roberts, of South Main avenue.

Thomas Reynolds and family of 319 South Decker court, will leave for their native home in Wales in about three weeks.  Mr. Reynolds came here to manage the domestic linen and white goods for Clarke Bros. about two years ago.  He returns for the benefit of his health, which has been falling him for some time.

Mrs. William Dietrich, Stroudsburg, has been visiting Mrs. J. W. Granacher of North Bromley avenue.

Mrs. Florence Williams and Mrs. Samuel Dean, of Brooklyn, NY, have returned home after visiting M/M Charles Buckalew of South Main avenue.


Mrs. Henrietta Flesch died Thursday night at the home of her brother, Robert Schuman, 324 Birch street.  She was 45 and is survived by a son.  The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon. Services will be conducted at the Baptist church and interment in Forest Hill cemetery.

Funeral of Michael McGee will take place Monday morning from his home, 2116 Pittston avenue.  Requiem mass will be sung at ST. John's church and interment will be in Cathedral cemetery.

James Quinn, Buffalo, is spending a few days at the home of his parents on Maple street.


The funeral of Miss Gertie LaRose occurred yesterday from her home on Deacon street.  Interment was made in Dunmore cemetery.  Rev. George C. Cure, pastor of the Providence M. E. church, officiated. p-b Henry Smith, Orin Conner, Howard Coons, Jessie Garahan, Clayton Barrowcliff, Charles Harman.

The funeral of Mrs. John G. McMillan, 317 New York street, will be held from the residence this afternoon.


Charles Flatcher passed away at the county almshouse Wednesday evening last.  Death was caused by old age.  He had been an inmate for several months.  The funeral will take place from the home of David H. Thomas, 322 Putnam street, tomorrow afternoon.  Interment will be made in Dunmore cemetery.

A surprise party was tendered Miss Lida Brady at her home on Capouse avenue Thursday evening in honor of her birthday. [guest list]

Rev. J. J. Lynott, Blossburg, spent yesterday as guest of his parents, West Market street.


The funeral of Thomas Golden took place yesterday morning from his home on Chestnut street.  At 9 o'clock the remains were conveyed to St. Mary's church where mass was celebrated.  After the services the body was interred in the old Catholic cemetery. p-b P. J. Horan, M. J. Healey, Dr. J. B. Garvey, Patrick Doudican.  flower bearers J. J. Healey, M. J. Horan, Thomas O'Donnell, T. P. Letchworth, M. J. Bulger, Frank Cullen.

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Mrs. James O. Heyworth is visiting her sister, Mrs. Clarence B. Sturges.

Dr. F. Whitney Davis, Orange, NJ, visited his mother in this city during the week.

Mrs. Allen Lawrence, Flushing [LI, MY], is a guest of her sister, Mrs. Isaac Post, Clay avenue.

Mrs. David Decker, Garfield avenue, is entertaining Miss Grace Shoemaker, Pittston.

Edward E. Chase, Worcester, MA, is spending Sunday with his mother in this city.

Miss Skinner of New Haven, CT, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank E. Platt.

M/M Adam Skellinger, Whiting, IN, are visiting the former's parents in Hyde Park.

M/M George Pendleton left for Atlanta, GA, during the week and will make their future home there.

Miss Pauline Musselman, of Chester [PA], has returned home after visiting her sister, Miss Mattie Huntsman, of North Main avenue.

Mrs. Rev. E. J. McHenry are visiting relatives in Easton while en route to their new home in West Philadelphia.


Patrolman Marker went to the house of Miss Esther E. Sanders, West Elm street, yesterday morning, and startled the household by calmly asking "Haven't you been robbed?"

Miss Sanders and the others searched their house, the gold watches were gone.  A well filled purse in  a bureau drawer was also missing.  After a family consultation they remembered a stranger who visited on Tuesday and endeavored to sell them some dress goods, displaying samples of silks and satins, but failed to make a sale. While talking, they were called to another part of the house for a few minutes.  In their absence, the agent had ransacked the convenient drawer and departed without the robbery being noticed. Yesterday morning, Bert Roy Herbert, of Philadelphia, entered a Wilkes-Barre pawn shop and attempted to dispose of two gold watches. The suspicions of the clerk were aroused and he notified Wilkes-Barre detectives, who made the arrest.  One watch was engraved "Esther E. Sanders, Xmas 1901;" another had an engraving "S. C., with a locket engraved "C. E. S."  Herbert's identity was established by means of a letter received by him at Scranton from a town in New Jersey.  He was returned to Scranton and place in custody here.

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The Methyr Express reports on the considerable success of Daniel Protherhoe of Milwaukee, WI, a choral conductor and musical teacher. Mr. Protherhoe was a former resident of Scranton

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Christmas Davis, the victim of a stabbing affray at Simpson a few weeks ago at the hands of Christy Mangan, was able to leave the hospital Tuesday.  His recovery was rapid from injuries that had at one time threatened to cause his death.

Among the people from this city who attended the funeral of the late Anthony [they meant Thomas] Golden in Dunmore yesterday were M/M Anthony Duffy, M/M P. A. Duffy, Mrs. Michael Garry and Miss Ella Gilroy.

Dr. G. T. Coffer's father and mother arrived here from Paterson, NJ, yesterday and expect to visit four or five days.

Born, to M/M George Spall, a son.

Martin O'Neill, Brooklyn street, has gone to Pittsburg, where he has secured a position as a machinist in a large factory.

Condy Boyle of Simpson on Wednesday received news of the death of his brother at Phillipsburg, PA.  On Tuesday Daniel Boyle and son Hugh Boyle were killed on the railroad at that place. M/M Boyle and sons Hugh Boyle and Richard Boyle left Thursday for Phillipsburg.

A. J. Tizko, who conducts a restaurant at Simpson, was married to Margaret Crushon, daughter of Councilman and Mrs. Crushon of Dickson City, the early part of the week.


William Henry left Thursday afternoon for Chicago, after spending a month with his family here.


Margaret Lane, 9 months, daughter of M/M Judson Lane, Brook street, died on Thursday morning.  Services were held at the house with interment in the Marcy cemetery.


The funeral of Mrs. Michael McGovern will occur this afternoon from her home on Vine street.

Transcribed and contributed by Richard M. Reese, 2001
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