LackawannaLackawanna County News

The Scranton Republican, Sunday Morning, November 1, 1885



Assault Upon a Woman.

John Ambacher, of Taylorville, was held in $200 bail before Alderman Roesler yesterday morning, charged with assaulting Annie Danner, a married woman of the same place. The hearing developed that they engaged in a neighborly quarrel, which terminated in Ambacher’s aiming a terrific blow at Mrs. Danner, which hurt her so severely that she determined to make him suffer for it.


Two Mine Accidents.

Two mine accidents were reported to Mine Inspector Blewitt yesterday, both having taken place at the Mount Pleasant colliery in this city. James Vanton, an English miner, aged 42, married, with four children, who lives at 113 Everett-street, was painfully injured about the ankle while mining out loose coal.

Thomas Murphy, an American driver boy, aged 16, who loves with his parents at 230 Stone-street, was slightly crushed about the hips between the side and a car which left the rails.





Guardians of the Ballot Appointed by Judge Archbald in Court Yesterday.

At the instance of T. F. Penman, Chairman of the Republican County Committee, in court yesterday afternoon Judge Archbald appointed overseers of Tuesday’s election as follows:

Archbald, 1st ward Geo. P. Probsi Mr. Welsh
Archbald, 2d ward T. P. Cosgrove John Kearney
Archbald, 3d ward Frank Summers  
Benton John P. Seamans  
Blakely, 1st ward S. W. Arnold  
Blakely, 2d ward W. E. Ward  
Carbondale township—
N. E. dist. John C. Davis Luke White
N. W. dist. Geo. Moses Thos. Quinn
1st ward, 1st dis. Dr. Oltman Pat McQuade
1st ward, 2d dis. Jos. S. Kirkbride J. F. Gallagher
1st ward, 3d dis. Jas. T. Faulkner Dennis Finnigan
2d ward, 1st dis. T. B. Vangorder Hugh Boland
2d ward, 2d dis. Chris. B. Smith T. J. Kilpatrick
2d ward, 3d dis. Ichael Duffy Thomas Scott
3d ward, 1st dis. George Smith John Van Beck
3d ward, 2d dis. Wm. Jones B. A. Kelly
3d ward, 3d dis.   Martin Finlon
4th ward, 1st dis. Samuel Reid Thos Flannery
4th ward, 2d dis. Michael Lannon Thos. Boylan
4th ward, 3d dis.   John Atkinson
Dickson City—
1st ward Wm. Morgan John McCawley
2nd ward   Thos Hanahoo
1st ward John McMillan John Mitchell
2nd ward, 1st dist. John Jackway John Black
2nd ward 2nd dist. Chas. Hennupp John Morrow
3rd ward, 1st dist. E. Krotzer Mich’l McGowan
3rd ward, 2nd dist. Col Finch Patrick Glynn
4th ward Bryan Brady Mich’l Hanoghan
5th ward J. G. Brower Patrick Golden
6th ward Wm. Warfel Wm. Simpson
Fell Sam’l Williams  
Glenburn J. C. Northup  
Glenwood Jno. W. Griffiths Jno. Grady
Greenfield O. P. Wedeman Ward Wedeman
Jefferson P. D. Rhodes  
Jermyn H. D. Swick Thos. McDermott
Lackawanna, N. D. John Francis D. J. Gilbarey
Lackawanna, N. E. D. John Fern Patrick Gibbons
Lackawanna, S. D. Thos. Hopkins Stephen Judge
Lackawanna, E. D. Edward Harris J. Dunn
Lackawanna, W. D. O. D. Laflin P. Samon
La Plume R. H. Holgate  
Madison F. B. Moss  
Newton John Hice  
North Abington Chas. Brigg  
Old Forge, 1st dist. Eugene Repp John Fallon
Old Forge, 2d dist.   John Lally
Olyphant, 1st dist. Mon. Carpenter P. H. Gilgallon
Olyphant, 2d ward Jas. Pettegrew John Carpenter
Olyphant, 3d ward M. D. Carpenter Thos. Donnelly
Ransom Eli Brown  
Roaring Brook C. W. Rhodes  
Scott W. B. Hierlihy A. Carpenter
[1st ] ward  L. N. Roberts Daniel Silkman
[2nd ward, 1] st dist. A. D. Lord Patrick Holmes
  Christian Seward  
  ….es Barrett James O’Malley
    James Carden

Brackets [ ] mean paper is missing and information guessed.



The Clover Club, of Hyde Park, composed of some of the best young men on the West Side, and their lady friends were very elegantly entertained by their genial president, Mr. Fred Hall, at his splendid home, on Price-street, Thursday evening, it being the first of a series of sociables that the club proposed giving to their lady friends this winter. Among those present were the Misses Carrie Asher, Tillie Reid, Mira Harrison, Lillie Serflew, Lizzie and Maggie Bristol, Nellie Evan, Lizzie Williams, Ada Hall, Katie Flora, Emma Martz, and others and Messrs. Snyder, Daniels, Jones, Woodling, Brutzman, Healey, Jenkins, Campbell, and others. The president and the club spared no pains to make the first social a success in every way.

The Scranton Republican, Thursday Morning, November 5, 1885


Dr. Barrett, yesterday, moved into his new building on Spruce-street.

Mr. Thos. Parrott, son and Mr. Sweet shot twenty rabbits in the vicinity of Jones’ Lake yesterday.

The Might Society, of the Hyde Park M. E. church, held a social at the home of Mrs. John Williams, on Tenth-street, last evening.

Peter Moran, of Ashantee Heights, says that he was attacked by footpads while returning to his home after hearing the election returns on Tuesday night, and stripped of his coat, hat, shoes and five dollars in money.


A Terrific Explosion.

A terrific explosion of gas occurred at the Central mine yesterday afternoon by which three men were badly burned. Patrick White, John Hogan and one other. Particulars of the affair could not be learned.


A Cigarmaker Hurt.

John Semiman, a cigarmaker who says his home is in Binghamton, while climbing over a train of cars in the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western yard yesterday morning, fell between the bumpers of the cars and was badly squeezed. He was taken to the hospital, where it was ascertained that his injuries are not dangerous.


County Sunday-School Association

At the meeting of the executive committee of the Lackawanna County Sunday-school Association held in the Y. M. C. A. rooms Monday afternoon it was decided to hold the semi-annual convention in Providence next June, and the following gentlemen were appointed a committee of arrangements: B. W. Miller, chairman; Rev. G. E. Guild and Jones, Mrs. Kennedy and Henwood.

A Sunday-school Institute will be held in Taylorville at an early date. Rev. A. J. VanCleft is chairman of the Committee on Institutes.


Eisteddfod Notes.

The following named gentlemen have been selected as vice presidents: Hon. John Handley, Hon. L. A. Watres, J. J. Albright, W. T. Smith, John G. Noakes, A. B. Stevens, J. C. Platt, Hon. Geo. Sanderson, E. W. Weston, of Scranton; Hon. M. B. Williams, Gwilym M. Williams, of Wilkes-Barre; Percy R. Pyne, of New York; Daniel Edwards, of Kingston; W. G. Payne and Hon. Payne Pettebone, of Wyoming; John O. Hughes, of Philadelphia.

The several committees are hard at work preparing for the eisteddfod. Hon. Samuel Slone, President of the D., L. & W. R. R. Co., has kindly consented to preside at one of the meetings….


The Y. M. C. A. Building

The undersigned, to whom as Trustees has been committed the work of erecting a building for the Young Men’s Christian Association would beg leave to submit the following statement to the public:

After most careful and deliberate examination of a large number of plans, we have selected one that we believe meets all the requirements. It will give to the association, as well as the young men of our city, without distinction of race or religion, many advantages they have long needed. Aside from the apartments necessary for the strictly religious work of the society, the place provides for a large and complete gymnasium, hot, cold and swimming baths, a few lodging rooms for young men, large hall for entertainments, lectures, etc., fine library-room and many other features, the usefulness of which will not be confined to members alone. The four commodious stores on the ground floor, with rent of gymnasium, closets, etc., will largely support the association permanently,…

William Connell,         Thomas Moore,
James Blair,                W. R. Storrs,
H. M. Boies,               E. B. Sturges,
J. C. Platt,                         Trustees.

Scranton, Pa., Nov. 3, 1885



Messrs. R. D. Schimpff and Oscar Ludwig left for New York on business yesterday morning.

The genial and handsome Democratic ex-candidate for Clerk of the Courts, Attorney Patrick, was seen yesterday morning making rapid strides for the D. L. & W. depot. As he had a gun with him, it is supposed he has taken to the woods.



The Scranton Republican, Friday Morning, November 6, 1885

Woman’s Curiosity.

Allentown, Pa., Nov. 5.—Mrs. Catherine Trump, postmistress a the village of Corning, has been arrested charged with opening letters out of curiosity, and reading them for the purpose of keeping herself posted in regard to the business secrets of her neighbors and the love affairs of the young people of the community. She admitted her guilt.


The following notice appeared in The Republican yesterday morning, and caused considerable comment throughout the city:

"Rev. David Spencer will deliver a ‘talk with young men’ in the Penn-Avenue Baptist church, next Sunday evening. Only gentlemen will be present."

We have received several communications, more or less severely criticising the proposition of Dr. Spencer, as being ill-advised, sensational and as "encroaching too much on the domain of the lecturer on topics that forbid the presence of ladies." We have deemed it best to withhold these communications, believing that the writers misapprehend the motives and purposes of Dr. Spencer.



Yesterday’s Republican contained a communication addressed to the citizens of Scranton by the Trustees of the Young Men’s Christian Association, in behalf of the work entrusted to their hands in the erection of the new building on Wyoming-avenue. The trustees find that to make this building what it should be in order to serve the greatest possible good in the community, more money is needed than has yet been provided for. In short, the trustees will require an additional $20,000 to fully carry out the plans they have in view…."


The Agricultural Society.

At a recent meeting of the Lackawanna Agricultural Society officers were elected as follows: President, Joseph J. Jermyn; Directors, Wm. Haggerty, H. H. Colvin, Geo. S. Throop, Wm. Bloom, Geo. C. Courtright, J. M. Rhodes, D. M. Jones, Frank H. Jermyn, L. R. Fowler and M. H. Dale. The directors will meet at two o’clock to-morrow afternoon to elect a secretary and treasurer.


Assaulting His Wife.

Herman Bachman, of Hyde Park, was before Alderman Roesler, yesterday morning, on a charge of brutally assaulting his wife, Mary, on Tuesday last. It developed that Bachman while under the effects of liquor knocked his wife down, kicked and dragged her about the house and otherwise maltreated her. The Alderman held the man in $300 bail for his appearance at next term, Henry Lithner becoming his surety.


The Victims Die.

Patrick White, who was burned by an explosion of gas at the Central mine on Wednesday, died yesterday from his injuries at his home on Luzerne-street. He was sixty years of age and leaves a wife and family. He will be buried tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o’clock.

John Hogan, aged sixty years, who was injured by the same explosion which burned White so fearfully, lingered until 10 o’clock last evening when he expired. He lived with a wife and five children in the Sixth ward. His funeral will take place Sunday afternoon.


The Bradley-Evans Nuptials.

The marriage of Mr. John Bradley to Miss Lizzie Evans, daughter of Reese T. Evans, was solemnized last evening by Rev. Dr. Spencer, at the home of the parents of the bride in Hyde Park. A large number of invited friends were present and the affair was a social event of much importance on the West Side. The presents were very numerous and some of them of costly and very beautiful design. Mr. Bradley is a well known young gentleman, who for many years has been connected with the Sunday Free Press. His young wife is one of the most popular young society ladies on the West Side. The young couple whose nuptials were solemnized under such auspicious circumstances have the well wishes of a host of friends. They go to housekeeping at once in a newly furnished home on Hyde Park-avenue.






Eisteddfod Notes.

An omission occurred in yesterday’s list of Vice Presidents, which is now corrected. The list should have included the following additional names: W. T. Smith, esq., of Wilkes-Barre; B. G. Clarke, esq., of New York City; W. R. Williams, esq., of Schuylkill Falls, Philadelphia, and Col. Ira Tripp and James J. Blair, esq., of this city.


Counting the Votes.

The official count of the votes cast in Lackawanna county last Tuesday, was commenced in the Court-house at 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon before Judge Archbald, who summoned s his assistants the following gentlemen: Reading clerks, John T. Howe and T. F. McCourt; recording clerks, Henry A. Knapp and C. Comegys; file clerks, W. M. Lathrope and J. J. Maghran….


Court Minutes.

Quarter Sessions—Com. Vs. James O’Donnell, surety of the peace; Mary O’Donnell, prox.: Defendant discharged and prosecutrix to pay costs.

Common Pleas—Perry vs. Perry: Referred to H. A. Knapp as examiner and master. Orphans’ Court—Habeas corpus for Able R. Thompkins, aged sixteen years and Elmer E. Tompkins, aged nineteen years, detained by Lydia Ann Ruland, returnable November 14.


FERN—In Hyde Par, November 4, 1885, to Mr. And Mrs. Eugene Fern, a son.



COSTON—The funeral of Grace Coston will be held at her residence, 120 Meridian-street, Hyde Park, this afternoon at 2 o’clock. Interment at Forest Hill.

The Scranton Republican, Saturday Morning, November 7, 1885


The wrestling match between Bennie Jones and Samuel Taylor will take place at Washington Hall to-night.

William J. Keipler, who was taken suddenly ill at the Court-house last Wednesday, is the latest admission at the hospital.

The veterans of the 143d will meet at old Camp Luzerne to-day and expect to have a big time. The address will be delivered by M. D. Roche, esq., of this city.

About twenty West Side property owners have given bail before Alderman Kelly on charges of maintaining public nuisances in the shape of insufficient drains.

The funeral of Patrick White will take place this afternoon at two o’clock from his late residence No. 521 Luzerne-street. Interment in Hyde Park Catholic cemetery.

The following deaths were reported yesterday: Joseph Welsh, of the Seventh ward; Barbara Well, of Cedar-avenue; Honora Cusick of the Fourth ward; Helen Launderi, Providence.

Police Officer M. J. Walsh and Special Officer J. W. Clarke, have been held in $300 bail each by Alderman Post, charged with assault and battery on C. F. Quinn, of Wilkes-Barre. Also with unlawful arrest and imprisonment in the Station-house.

Peter Wendlein, of the Tenth ward, while returning to his home last Sunday night fell into an excavation near the residence of E. N. Willard, and sustained injuries from which it is thought he cannot recover. Drs. Gates and Wehlau are attending him.

A man named Gaffney, employed setting up telegraph poles at Carbondale for the Postal Telegraph Company, was run into by a train of gravity cars yesterday morning. His hip was broken in three places and he sustained other injuries from which it is thought he cannot recover.

One of the cases which the District Attorney has marked down for the Quarter Sessions next week is that of the Commonwealth vs. James Brink, nuisance, W. M. Finn, prosecutor. This is the celebrated glandered horse case, but as Mr. Brink now rests in his grave, it is evident that this question will no longer disturb him.

The funeral services of Frank Houser, the fireman killed on the D. L. & W. R. R. at Port Murray, N. J., were attended Thursday by a number of friends from this city and Binghamton. The Rev. Thomas Tyack, of Water Gap (where the serves were held), and Secretary Arthur Lucas, of the Railroad Department Y. M. C. A., of this city, officiated. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved family, and especially for the aged father, who is confined to his bed by sickness. The young man was only 20 years and 8 months.




A Miner Killed.

A miner, named Michael Dougherty, whose home is at Pleasant Valley, wa killed yesterday by a fall of rock at the Pennsylvania Coal Company mines at Mudtown, Old Forge.


Scrantonian Injured at Carbondale.

Thomas Jannigan, of Scranton, while shifting cars about 7:15 this morning in the D. & H. yards, got down between a couple of cars to take the cross-iron out. The cars came together breaking his leg and injuring his back. He was carried to John Scott’s house near by and Dr. Bailey was sent for. The doctor thinks the injuries are not series.—Carbondale Leader.


Thomas Heffron was before the Mayor yesterday morning charged with stealing dry goods, blankets, etc., from in front of the store of Thomas Moore, on lower Lackawanna-avenue. It seems that Heffron made an effort to ship the goods to a friend in New Jersey, but was detected by the police, who captured the articles, the ownership of which was soon established. Proof against Heffron was very stron, and in default of $500 bail, he committed to answer at next term.


The Count Not Complete.

In court yesterday morning the objection to the returns from one district of the Twelfth ward was withdrawn and the count was proceeded with. Mr. Comegys and Mr. Knapp were kept busy all of yesterday adding up the returns, and at six o’clock last evening their work was still incomplete. The official footings will be announced to-day.

Judge Archbald directed that his assistants be paid as follows: H. A. Knapp, $20; C. Comegys, $20; J. T. Howe, $10; T. F. McCourt, $10; W. M. Lathrop, $10; T. J. Maghran, $10; T. F. Penman, for preparing the return books, $10.


Donation Day at the Home

It is proposed to have donation day at the Home for the Friendless, this year, more attractive than ever. The ladies of the board will be present through the entire day, to receive friends and donations. The ladies will take great pleasure in serving coffee and sandwiches to gentlemen in the evening, free of charge. The children will be present early in the evening to sing, and the ladies will do all in their power to make the evening pleasant and to give their friends an opportunity to see for themselves what is being done in this institution so nobly supported by our citizens. The day which has been agreed upon is Friday evening, Nov. 13. If that evening be stormy, then the following (Saturday) evening will be selected for the donations and the reception.


October Donations to the Home.

Mrs. Jas. Blair, Coursen & Clemons, Mrs. William Marple, Mr. M. B. Dean, Mrs. A. H. Sherrard, Mr. Wm. Conrad, Mrs. H. Hoyt, Mr. A. Nichol, Mr. A. H. Coleman, Mr. E. E. Hill, Mr. H. H. Colvin, Mrs. W. W. Wolf, Mrs. Ira Tripe, Mr. R. B. Sherman, Mrs. Nichol, St. Luke’s Guild, Mrs. J. A. Scranton, Mrs. W. H. Perkins, Mrs. J. J. Albright, Mrs. Walter L. Matthews, Mr. John Morel, Mrs. D. Clemons, Mrs. Deltey, Mrs. C. F. Matttes, Mrs. H. Belin, Mrs. Ambrose Mulloy, Mrs. George Griffin, Mrs. Thos. Moore, Mrs. A. A. Cardinal, Mr. Joseph Carr, M. S. A. Brightman, Mrs. Joseph H. Scranton, Mrs. Schadt, Mr. S. G. Kerr, Mrs. Hampton Coursen, Mrs. L. B. Powell, St. Luke’s Harvest Home, Mr. Geo. Cordey, Mrs. Cronthamel, Mrs. H. E. Whyte, Mrs. E. G. Judd, National Baking Company, Mrs. R. A. Wyat, Mrs. Geo. Fisher, Miss May Puge, Miss L. Birch, Mrs. C. L. Stephens, Baptist Sociable, Mrs. George Birdsall, Mrs. Langstaff, Mrs. J. E. McAndrews, Mrs. Y---, Mrs. J. L. Vannort, Mrs. Geo. B. Thompson, Mrs. Simon Rice, Mr. M. Mead, Mr. John Highfield, Mrs. Jas. P. Dickson, Mrs. R. Henwood, Mr. Thos. Torrey, Mrs. Trock, Mrs. Jas. Garney.

Flour from the following: Mrs. H. M. Bois, Mrs. C. P. Matthews, Beedle & Steel, Mrs. Samuel Hines, one barrel each.

Desserts from the following ladies: Mrs. A. Hendricks, Mrs. W. W. Winton, Mrs. A. G. Gilmore, Mrs. Jas. Archbald.

Medicine from Thomas Barrowman. Dr. Hand in attendance.



The Board of Health Hold a Session and Transact Important Business.

The Scranton Board of Health held a regular meeting yesterday afternoon with Mayor Beamish, Mr. Pughe, Mr. Duhigg and Mr. Quinnan present.

A bill of Mr. VanDyke, of $1.50, for burying animals, was approved.

Mr. Quinnan and Dr. O’Malley, a committee appointed to examine the apparatus of L. D. Carpenter, who made application for license as a scavenger, reported that after a thorough examination, they pronounced Mr. Carpenter’s appliciances better than any other now in use in this city. The licence was therefore ordered granted.

The monthly report of Secretary Duhigg was presented as follows:

Marriages 27; births 83; deaths 80. A more general report is as follows: By violence 5; measles 1; diphtheria 2; membraneous croup 3; typhoid pneumonia 2; typhoid fever 4; fever 1; diarrheal diseases 12; inanition 4; phthisis pulmonalis 4; pneumonia 5; marasmus 2; hydrocephalus 1; meningiti 3; convulsions 2; brain and nervous system 2; hepatitis 1; enteritis 6; Bright’s disease 1; surgical operation 1; still born 2; cholera infantum 8; debility 4. The small-pox question was called up, and all agreed that every one should be at once vaccinated, and especially the children attending our public schools. How to make this vaccination thorough and compulsory was the paramount question.

Mr. Pughe moved that the Mayor, in conjunction with the Health Officer, call a meetingo of all interested in the small-pox question, local physicians and citizens, to discuss plans to be adopted in order to insure a general vaccination. This prevailed.

A motion prevailed that John Lilly be notified to at once abate nuisance about his home in Hyde Park, of which his neighbors loudly complain. The Health Officer and the Sanitary Officer were instructed to take immediate action.

The following was adopted, having been presented by Mr. Pughe:

Resolved, That the Select and Common Councils of the city of Scranton be and they are herby urgently requested to extend the ordinance fro the prevention of the spread of contagious diseases to include diphtheria, scarlet fever, measles, whooping cough, typhoid fever and typhus fever, as well as small-pox and cholera…

Fatal Accident at Hawley.

Hawley, Pa., Nov. 3—Yesterday afternoon John Snyder, a carpenter of this place became drunk, and fell from the steps in front of the Hawley Glass Company’s store to the stone walk. He was taken up insensible, carried to Seidlers Hotel, medicalaid was summoned and on examination it was found that the skull was fractured. At about midnight he died.

Snyder was a good carpenter and had but recently returned to Hawley from Dunmore where he had been at work at his trade during the summer.



Regular Meeting of the Scranton Poor Directors Yesterday Afternoon.

The Scranton Poor Board held a regular meeting yesterday afternoon with President Jones in the Chair and Messrs Stewart, Rockwell, Murphy, Williams, Davis and Flynn present. The minutes of a previous meeting were approved.

Catherine McGinlye who lives near the Hampton whose son, a miner, was killed on the L. & B. road some weeks ago, said that she is not able to work and anther son is disabled and is without nourishment. The poor woman said that her husband some years ago was killed by cars, as was her son. She has six children, all young. A little boy of hers is at work, but earns little. She was on motion of Mr. Steward, allowed four dollars per month for two months.

Mrs. Catherine Walsh, a deft woman whose husband has spent much time recently in jail for assault and battery and for desertion, and who has no means of support, was introduced by a letter from a well know citizen who commended her to the good graces of the Board. She has one small child from which she will not part. She would rather beg, she said, than go to the farm. On motion Mr. Murphy, she was allowed three dollars per month. She said she sometimes does work but cannot always get it.

Mrs. Anthony Hart, whose husband was killed by cars one months ago, and who has four small children, was referred to Director Rockwell with power to act.

Mrs. Wm. T. Morgan, of Jackson-street, who buried her husband this week, and who has six children, the oldest of which is twelve years of age, and is working in a breaker, made application for help. The case was referred to Director Williams with power to act.

Mrs. Catharine Shea, of Hyde Park, a widow with four children, the oldest of which is fourteen years of age, said she as a room for which but little rent is charged but cannot get sufficient work to support herself. She was allowed $3.50 per month.

Mrs. John Ferguson, who at the last meeting had been granted permission to go to the Farm and did not do so because her friends are helping her, made application for outside relief. She has three small children, the oldest of which is five years of age. She was, on motion, allowed three dollars per month for the present. The woman stated that her husband, who deserted her, she understands has enlisted in the United States army.

Mrs. Michael Malia, a fragile looking young woman whose husband was killed on the D. L. & W. Road near the Nay-Aug tunnel three weeks ago, and who has one small child, said she did not want to go to the farm and did not ask for relief for more than two months. She was allowed two dollars per month for two months.

Mrs. Mary Sanders, of Hyde Park, a widow with five children, who has property and some money on interest, was denied help and her case was dismissed.

James Cosgrove, who said his home "is pretty well all over Scranton," but mainly in the Sixth ward, and who is an umbrella mender, was granted permission to go to the farm, where he spent last winter.

The report of Superintendent Beemer, for October, shows the following: Admitted 8, 5 sane, 3 insane; discharged 14, 12 sane, 2 insane; number remaining, 160, male 90, females 70, sane 101, insane 59.

Joseph O’Brien, esq., representing Wm. Hennessy, a former school tax collector, against whom the board has had an execution issued for an amount still due, asked that the board arrange a date for a meeting for a settlement. Thursday, Nov. 19, at three o’clock, was agreed upon.

Mr. Stewart stated that he learned from The Republican that the house of George Fanning in the Tenth ward has been destroyed by fire. Now, Fanning himself is at the hospital and his wife at the farm, both charges on the Poor District. Mr. Stewart said that he had received an anonymous letter stating that the goods were removed from the house before it was destroyed. There was insurance on the building and he understands Fanning’s son is trying to get it. He suggested that the Board instruct its attorney to collect the insurance, which was done.

The delegation to the State convention of Poor Directors at Philadelphia, reported a very interesting meeting and a full attendance from all parts of the State. Mr. Rockwell said he had no difficulty in inducing them to hold the next annual meeting in this city. He spoke at some length regarding particulars of the visit.

Dr. Lackey followed Mr. Rockwell, discussing briefly several important questions. After the physicians had submitted their reports the board adjourned.


Laying a Corner Stone.

On Sunday, November 15, Right Rev. Bishop O’Hara will lay the corner stone of the new Polish Catholic church, to be erected on Prospect-street, in this city…

Rev. A. Snigurski, Polish Missionary.



Miss Anna Jones and Miss Amy Nye, of Wyoming county, are guests of Miss Hanna Nye, at U. V. Mace’s.

Mrs. M. Taylor and Mrs. D. B. Morgan attended Missionary meeting at Carbondale, yesterday.

Rev. J. B. Sweet is improving slowly from an attack of throat disease.

William Catteral is engaged at the Hosie breaker.

The Scranton Republican, Sunday Morning, November 8, 1885



The Explosion at the Central.

Patrick White, one of the victims of the explosion at the Central mine, was buried yesterday, and Hogan, the other victim, will be buried today. Coroner Dean deems an investigation necessary, and has summoned the following jury, which will meet at the arbitration room at the Court-house next Thursday evening: W. S. Williams, C. P. Jones, Jos. Grogan, P. P. Smith, [missing letter] H. Young and A. H. Sickler.


Married at Bloomsburg.

E. D. Hughes, of Scranton, and Miss Em-[missing] Snyder [first letter is missing – S guessed at for searching] were married at Bloomsburg, Pa., on ?5, at the residence of the bride, by the Rev. S. R. Bridenbaugh. Soon after the ceremony, and after receiving the congratulations of the friends who were present, Mr. Hughes and his bride took the late train for his home in Scranton, where a very pleasant reception awaited them, and where appropriate festivities and a most cordial greeting contributed to make it an occasion of great pleasantness and good cheer.





One of the most enjoyable weddings of the season took place last Thursday at the residence of Mr. George B. Knight, in West Pittston, the parties immediately interested being Miss Fannie B. Knight, of Waverly, and Mr. George W. Sweitzer, of Harrisonville, Missouri. A large company, made up of invited guests from West Pittston, Scranton, Waverly, Clark’s Green and Plymouth, was present to witness the ceremony, which took place at one o’clock. After the congratulations were over, a very fine dinner was prepared and fully enjoyed by all present. There were a great many presents, of a valuable and useful character, among them being a deed for a large farm in Missouri and a check for five hundred dollars, both from the bridegrooms’ father. Mr. And Mrs. Sweitzer will start in a few days for their new home in the West, followed by the best wishes of their many friends.


Rink Racket.

There will be a one-hour race at the Lackawanna Rink to-morrow evening between P. Burns, runner, Charles Harriman, walker, and Ezra Fern, skater, Fern to cover the distance made by Harriman and Burns together.



The Latest Happenings at the Corners—Preparing for the Spring Campaign.


Justus Debating Society.

Justus, Nov. 6.—At the regular meeting of the society, Thursday evening last, the question chosen a the session was discussed, and decided in the negative. Miss Eva Stanton favored the audience with an excellent recitation, followed by a well-delivered select reading by Mr. M. W. Adams, after which A. A. Vosburg made a few remarks. The question, "Resolved, that capital punishment is justifiable" was chosen for discussion at the meeting next Thursday evening.


Dunning Dots.

Dunning, Nov. 7.—The Compton House has changed hands. Mr. C. D. Vail is now its proprietor. Mr. R. H. Compton will be retained as the general manager. Mr. Vail expects to run a fine livery in connection wit the hotel.

The store of A. A. Eaton was broken open on Sunday evening by a Hungarian who was landed in the county jail on Monday morning.

M. H. Snyder has sold his property to Mr. John Ferris, of Peckville, and contemplates going West in the spring.

Col. and Mrs. Shoemaker will start on their annual trip for their Florida home in a few days.

John G. Finch voted at Dunning on Tuesday. He cast his first vote in the year 1814.

J. M. Rhodes is about to erect another dwelling house on Railroad-street.

J. Knickerbocker has built a very fine office near the Dl L. & W. depot.


Special Religious Services To-Day.

Providence Baptist chapel—Pastor Spencer will preach at 3:45 p. m.

Penn-avenue Baptist church—Pastor Spencer will preach at 10:30 a. m. on "The Royal Family," and at 7:30 p. m. on "True Manfulness."

Adams-avenue M. E. church—The Pastor Rev. L. C. Muller will occupy the pulpit in the morning and evening. Sunday-school and Bible lesson at 2 p. m.

African M. E. church—Congregation and Pastor Rev. W. H. Pride will hold their services in the R. R. Y. M. C. A. hall. Preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.

Dunmore Christian church—Services will be held by Elder Wm. Lane in the morning at 10:30, and in the evening at 7 o’clock he will take to the young people.

Park Place Methodist Episcopal church—A sermon on "Jesus the Carpenter," will be preached to workingmen. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7 p. m. J. A. Faulkner, pastor.

Providence M. E. church—Pastor VanCleft will preach in the morning on "The Importance of Little Things," and in the evening on "Jonah Running Away from Duty."

Holy Trinity church (English Lutheran)—Services in the chapel, corner of Adams-avenue and Mulberry-street, at 10:30 a. m. No evening service. Sunday-school at noon. Rev. M. L. Zweizig, pastor.

St. Luke’s church—Twenty-third Sunday after Trinity: 8 a. m. Holy Communion, 10:30 a. m. morning prayer and sermon, 7:30 p. m. evening prayer and sermon, 2 p. m. Rector’s Bible class and Sunday-school.

R. R. Y. M. C. A.—The meeting of the Young Men’s Christian Association and Railroad department for to-morrow will be special song and prayer services, the occasion being the day of prayer throughout the world. Everyone welcome.

Grace Church—Services: Morning prayer and sermon 10:30, Sunday-school and pastor’s Bible class 12 o’clock, evening prayer and sermon 7:30. At the evening service Rev. Mr. Redles will preach especially to young men, but all, both young and old will be welcome. Subject for the morning "The Choice of Moses."

Jackson-street Baptist church—Rev. N. C. Naylor will preach on the interests of the Y. M. C. A., and will observe the week of prayer for young men. Service every evening during the week, except Saturday. Special services at 2 p. m., being an observance of Bible day exercises. Baptism in the morning after the sermon.

Plymouth Congregational church, Jackson-street, between Main and Hyde Park-avenue—Commencement of the Young Men’s Week. Secretary Lucas, of the R. R. Y. M. C. A., will address the congregation at 10:30. In the evening the pastor will deliver a talk to the young on "Indecision." Gospel Hymns complete, used. The orchestra will accompany the singing. All young men are especially invited.


Death in Plainville.

William Evans, a well-known market gardener, of Plains, died on Friday at the age of 84 years, of dropsy, and after a long illness. He was associated in the produce business with his sons Henry and John, and for twenty years they have supplied a large patronage in this valley. Daniel W. Evans, foreman of the Red Ash colliery, is a son, and so is Contractor David W. Evans, of Pittston. He has three sons and a daughter in Wales, making seven sons and a daughter, all living and doing for themselves. The deceased was known as a strong temperance man for the past thirty years. The funeral services will be conducted in the Welsh Congregational Church, at Pittston, on Monday, and the interment will be made in the Odd Fellows’ cemetery there. The remains will leave the home at Plainsville at 1:30 p. m.



The Trouble at the Elmwood Colliery—Threats of a Strike.

The river is four feet above low-water mark.

The Water-street bridge is undergoing a coat of paint at the hands of Joel Brenton. A force of half a dozen hands is at work.

Rommel’s sauer kraut machine is in active operation daily, and five hundred barrels will be the crop. It is sold to a Philadelphia dealer.

The year’s harvest of crops on Rommel’s farm includes 13 acres of celery, 1,500 bushels of turnips now in the market, 50 barrels of carrots, a half acre of parsley, a half acre of beets, 500 barrels of spinach and rale for immediate market, 1,250 barrels of the same for a later market. The Rommel farm supplies most of the early vegetables for this market.

The Black Diamond Hook and Ladder Company received its truck Friday, and made a parade of the equipment in the afternoon….

There is trouble at the Elmwood colliery, known lately as the Florence colliery, owned by C. P. Matthews and others of Scranton. According to the statement of a committee of miners working in the shaft, about five months ago, we will say the 10th of June, Superintendent Austin Moore made a proposition to the miners that they suffer a reduction of five cents per car in their pay on account of the exigencies in which the company found itself placed. With the promise that the rebate would be paid back, with five cents additional when the company could afford it, the miners willingly complied with the request. Two, three, four and months passed without an indication on the part of the superintendent to comply with his own proposition. The miners regarded this five cent rebate on a car in the light of a loan to the company, as the superintendent put it, and expected it to be paid back.

Transcribed and provided by Susan W. Pieroth, 2000
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