LackawannaLackawanna County News

The following were in the Morning Republican, July 7th and 8th, 1871

Friday, July 7, 1871

QUARTERS - LOWE  On the 4th inst, by Rev J.G. Eckman, George Quarters of Scranton to Miss Mary Lowe of Great Bend.
WAGNER - SWINGLE In South Canaan, Wayne County July 4th by Rev H.G. Hannah, Mr Charles Wagner to Miss Barbara A. Swingle both of South Canaan.

OLMSTEAD  In Dunnings, July 1st, Daniel Olmstead, aged 58 years.

DILLER  In this city, yesterday evening, Mrs. Diller, wife of H. G. Diller, aged 48 years, 10 months, and 22 days.  Funeral on Saturday at 3 o'clock.

Saturday, July 8, 1871

A little boy named William NORTON, brother to Mr M. Norton of this city, was run over by a coal train on the ?? & B RR in Bellvue yesterday morning and sustained injuries which resulted in his death at one o'clock in the afternoon.

A fireman named NYE employed on the Lehigh and Lackawanna division of the L & S RR was run over and killed yesterday morning by the engine on which he was employed.

Transcribed and provided by Karen Hillman, 2001

The following were in the Scranton Republican, Monday August 8, 1881


   Mr. Thomas R. PHILLIPS was married on Saturday evening at his home in Bellevue to Miss Beils BEACH, a niece of Mr. B.G. MORGAN, by Rev. Thomas PHILLIPS, of Plymouth, uncle to the bridegroom. The ceremony was impressively performed in the presence of a number of relatives and guests, who, after congratulations, enjoyed themselves as usual on such joyous occasions. The happy couple have the hearty good wishes of hosts of friends in and about Hyde Park.


       The Republican Committee of the Eighth Representative District met at the Harrison House Carbondale, on Saturday afternoon. The following members were present: Hon. J.B. VanBERGEN, Washington BURR, John SCURRY, James WILLIAMS, E.D. WINTERS and Ed HIMRED. Mr. VanBERGEN called the meeting to order and stated the object of the meeting. On motion Mr. James WILLIAMS was unanimously chosen delegate to the State convention.


      Dave KELLY, an old blister, well and unfavorably know to the police, is once more in the toils, this time for seriously beating a German in the Eleventh Ward. KELLY was badly under spirituous influence, and imagining himself a Frenchman was determined to settle the Franco Prussian war over again. The police brought him to the lockup. On his way over he made more noise than a boiler factory, and attracted a great crowd of children who followed him to the station house. His case will be attended to this morning.

Transcribed and provided by Bob Nugent, 2000

From the Scranton Weekly Republican March 11, 1885


Transcribed and provided by Susan Carter White Pieroth

From the Scranton Republican, June 28, 1902


Last evening the commencement exercises of St. John's Parochial School were held in the basement of the new chuch. The stage was beautifully decorated in purple and white, the colors of the class of 1902.

The programme rendered during this evening was very entertaining and numbers deserving of special mention were the pantomine, "Lead, Kindly Light," by the senior and junior classes, the operetta, "Grandma's birthday," and the club drill by the boys of the School.

The following young ladies received diplomas:  Bridget B. MAHON, Katherine T. MAHON, Anna C. LANGAN, Katheryn L HANDLEY, Cecilia M. KENNEDY, Barbara J. NEALON, Kathryn V. LANGAN,  Sara A. WALSH, Katherine J. MANNING.

The class motto was "Virtue, the safest defense."  Rev. E. J. Melley addressed the graduates.

Transcribed and provided by Neal Moran

The following were in the Tribune-Republican on Thursday, 9 February 1911, page 11.


  1. DANVERS-KAISER--In Wilkes-Barre, Jan 10, 1911, Ivor DANVERS and Mayme KAISER, both of Scranton
  2. O'MALLEY-DERRIG--In Dunmore, Feb 8. 1911, by Rev. M. D. Donlan, Thomas F. O'MALLEY and Miss Mary L. DERRIG, both of Dunmore
Marriage Licenses:
  1. John SATEA (?)-Jessup               Margaret F. MCDONNELL--Jessup
  2. John RUANE--Scranton              Florence ORMSTON--Jermyn

Transcribed and provided by Tom Price, 2000

That Summerless Year.

Editor The Tribune-Republican.

Dear Sir--I am sending you the enclosed clipping from an old scrap book of my mother's in connection with the inquiry of Frank P. Woodward some time ago for information concerning the year without a summer.

"Allen R. Lesser, of Moselem, Berks county, possesses a newspaper printed in 1816, which in referring to an unusual spell of cold weather, says; 'In 1815 snow fell in November, but December was a mild month. The following January was quite mild, in fact, the sun shone nearly every day. March, however, was cold and stormy, April and May produced lots of ice, and all the blossoms were killed by the frost. The corn crop was a failure, and farmers used to build fires in their fields in which they worked to keep warm. In June there was more snow and ice, the harvest was a total failure and farmers were much discouraged. As rye was blooming snow fell six inches deep. Some farmers took ropes and lines and stripped the snow. Where it was not molested by stripping off the snow and the blossoms not destroyed, it produced some grain. Where it was stripped, however, there was no harvest. August was raw and chilly and the following two months were warm and pleasant. Corn sold at $4.50 and $5 a bushel. It was known as a year without a summer.'"

Mrs. E. E. Miller.
Falls, Pa., April 6, 1912.

Transcribed and provided by Susan W. Pieroth, 2000

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