LackawannaLackawanna County Newspapers

Scranton Truth Ad, 1901The advertisement at the left is from the American Newspaper Directory, published by Geo. P. Rowell & Co., New York, 1901. The following is information taken from this publication.

Archibald, 5,396 pop., on Delaware & Hudson and New York, Ontario & Western Rds., 15 m. N. of Scranton, the county seat. Coal mining.

Carbondale, 13,536 pop., on Erie, Delaware & Hudson and New York, Ontario & Western Rds. and Lackawanna r., 16 miles N. E. of Scranton. Coal. Dunmore, 12,583 pop., on Erie & Wyoming Valley Rd., 2 m. N. E. of Scranton. Coal mining and silk mills. Elmhurst, 444 pop., on Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Rd., 6 m. E. by S. E. of Scranton. Jermyn: 2,567 pop., on Delaware & Hudson and New York, Ontario & Western Rds., 4 m. S. of Carbondale and 13 N. E. of Scranton. Coal mining. Olyphant: 6,180 pop., on New York, Ontario & Western and Delaware & Hudson Rds., 8 m. N. E. of Scranton. Cigar factories, iron foundry and coal mining. Scranton: 102,026 pop., on Central of New Jersey, Delaware & Hudson, Delaware, Lackawanna & Western and New York, Ontario & Western Rds. and Lackawanna r., 167 m. N. by N. W. of Philadelphia and 146 S. W. of New York City. Iron and steel works and locomotive works and manufactories of mining machinery. A general trade center and depot for anthracite coal.

Transcribed, scanned and provided by Susan W. Pieroth, 2000

Old Lackawanna Newspaper Availability

The fourth estate has a long and varied history in Lackawanna County and it is suprising just how much material is still available, and yet how much has been lost to the ages.  Research by the staff of the Pennsylvania State Library has been condensed to make this list.  Not every date of every paper in the date ranges listed exists, but this short list should give researchers a fair chance at finding something.  Besides the PA State Library, other possible resources include Bloomsburg University, East Stroudsburg University, the Scranton Public Library, and the Lackawanna Historical Society for the more common Scranton papers. Some of these collections may be in private hands and unavailable to the public.

Abington -

Archbald - Carbondale- Dundaff– Dunmore- Elmhurst – Jermyn - Olyphant - Moscow – Scranton –


Transcribed and contributed by Richard M. Reese, 2000

Some Current Lackawanna County Newspapers
The Carbondale News 
Northeastern Pennsylvania News
Northeast Pennsylvania Business Journal - Scranton Monthly
Scranton Times-Tribune
The Villager - Moscow Weekly  

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