From Portrait and Biographical
Record of Lackawanna
County, Pennsylvania,
Chapman Publishing, 1897. Page 969
This country had its quota of men who enlisted in the Union army during the Civil War and endured all the hardships of forced marches, exposure to weather and on the tented field, besides the greater peril of open engagements with the Confederate forces. In this class of patriotic citizens belongs the name of Mr. Sherman, of Glenburn, who enlisted August 14, 1862, for three years, or until the close of the war. Company B, of which he was a member, was incorporated in the One Hundred and Forty-third Regiment of Pennsylvania Infantry. At the close of the Rebellion he was honorably discharged, June 12, 1865, by reason of General Order No. 77, A. G. O., from headquarters. He took part in the various engagements in which his regiment participated and at Gettysburg was made a prisoner, but was paroled while in the field. For three months he was on detached service, and was afterward mustered out in New York harbor. He is justly proud of the history of his regiment and the honorable part it bore in quelling the Rebellion. The nineteen engagements of the regiment were as follows: Pollock’s Mills, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, South Mountain, Funkstown, Centreville, Thoroughfare Gap, Wilderness, Laurel Hill, Spottsylvania, Bull’s Church, North Anna, Pamunkey River, Cold Harbor, siege of Petersburg, Weldon Railroad, Petersburg, Weldon raid and Hatchie’s Run. He was with the regiment in all these battles except the last, when, after starting out with his comrades, he was sent back by the adjutant, Charley Campbell, because of sickness.
Tracing the genealogy of the Sherman family, we find that Philip Sherman was born in July, 1610, and married Sarah Potter. Their son, Samuel Sherman, was born in February, 1648, and married Martha Tripp, whose birth occurred August 31, 1663. Their descendant, John, born May 25, 1725, had a son, Job Sherman, who was born May 20, 1752, and married Lydia Cundale, born July 7, 1751. Next in line of descent was John Sherman, born May 25, 1786, died September 21, 1870; his wife was Mary Norton of Tiverton, R. I. Their son, John C., was born January 10, 1814, in Rhode Island, and at the age of two years was brought to Pennsylvania, where he married Ruth Phillips, born in this state July 28, 1815. Their children, ten in number, were born as follows: Mary, May 13, 1834, did May 18, 1834; William Norton, born May 13, 1835; Ezra, born December 16, 1837, died May 20, 1840; Jencks, born September 2, 1839, and died June 24, 1840; Christopher Alonzo, born May 17, 1841; Celestia, born May 19, 1843, died July 11, 1879; George, born May 17, 1845; Ruth Ellen, born November 29, 1848, died March 18, 1851; and John C., Jr., born October 5, 1854, died January 10, 1856. The father was a man of energetic and industrious character and great kindness of heart, a consistent believer in the principles of Christianity and the doctrines of the Baptist Church, which he proclaimed from the pulpit. His was a busy and useful life and his death was deeply mourned. He passed away November 27, 1873, at which time he was pastor of Pequa Church in Lancaster County, Pa.
In South Abington Township, this county, Mr. Sherman was born May 17, 1841, a son of J. C. and Ruth (Phillips) Sherman. During his absence in the war, he was cheered by letters from his sweetheart at home, and the year after his return they were married. She was Miss Amanda Brooks, a native of New Jersey, but from four years of age a resident of Carbondale, where she was reared by an aunt. Their marriage, January 8, 1866, was blessed by five children, namely: Charles, who is married and has one child; Albert, who lives in Scranton; Hurley; Arthur and Amy, twins.
From 1865 until 1868 Mr. Sherman worked for his father, after which he spent two years in Newton Township, then returned to South Abington Township (now Glenburn borough), and afterward went to Tunkhannock, where he was engaged at cabinet work for five years, also gave some attention to wagon-making. From that place he came back to the family homestead, where he has since resided. He has served as burgess, justice of the peace and held the (sic) most of the offices in the borough. While in the army he voted for Abraham Lincoln, on the occasion of his second election to the presidency, and since then he has always supported the ticket of the Republican party. His family are connected with the Baptist Church, in which he has held various official positions. He is a pensioner of the war and an active member of the Grand Army Post in Waverly, of which he was the second commander.
From Portrait and Biographical
Record of Lackawanna
County, Pennsylvania,
Chapman Publishing, 1897, page 538
Roscoe B. Sherman. The Career of this gentleman has been one of perseverance and integrity and has been crowned with the success merited by those who steadily pursue their way through life. For some years he has been engaged in the general mercantile business at Waverly and is the proprietor of a store that enjoys the patronage of the people of this section. A man more than ordinarily progressive and public-spirited, in point of general information upon all subjects he stands second to no man o his locality, and invariably gives his support to the enterprises calculated to advance the interests of the people, socially, morally, and financially.
The family of which Mr. Sherman is a member is one of the oldest in this locality. The first of the name to come here was his grandfather, Abner Sherman, a native of Rhode Island, who removed thence to New York and probably settled in Otsego County. After his marriage to Amy Scott, also from Rhode Island, and after the birth of two of their children, he came to Lackawanna County, about 1812, and settled in Abington township, where he cleared a spot in the midst of the wilderness and built a log cabin for his family. As he became better fixed financially, he was enabled to erect a more substantial house and add valuable improvements to his place. In politics he was an old-time Democrat, interested in the progress of public affairs. He died at Waverly.
The father of our subject, Nathan Sherman, was born in Cooperstown, N. Y., August 16, 1809, and was a child when the family came to this county. Here the remainder of his busy life was passed. In 1834 he married Elizabeth Stone, who died leaving two children, Helen and Hamilton. His second marriage, which took place in 1837, united him with Mary A. White, who was born in Sussex County, N. J., in 1813. Her father, James, was born in Sussex County and there spent his entire life, dying at the age of thirty-five years. He married Mercy Rose, daughter of Jacob Rose, a native of Sussex County; after the death of Mr. White, she married a second time, later came to Pennsylvania, and here died at the age of sixty-six years. Of the second marriage of Nathan Sherman, two children were born: Roscoe B., of this sketch, who was born in Abington Township in 1849; and Ida F., who was also born on the old homestead.
As a representative of prominent farmers, Mr. Sherman was held in high regard by the people of Abington Township. The habits of industry and economy which necessity inculcated in his character at an early age assisted him in the accumulation of a valuable property and did him good service throughout his life. He was respected by all who had dealings with him, and his character for honesty was high. His death, which occurred May 16, 1864, was deeply mourned by a host of old-time friends and associates.
The first vote of our subject was cast for General Grant in 1868 and he has since supported Republican men and measures. For many years he has held the position of school director, in which office he has aided in the advancement of the schools of the place. He is gifted with practical tenacity of purpose, and a clear and vigorous mind, and his judgment in business matters is keen and far-seeing.
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