Prominent Men of Scranton (Part 1)

Prominent Men of Scranton, Wilkes Barre and Vicinity,
1906 by Dwight J. Stoddard. "From the press of the Tribune Publishing Co. Scranton, PA".

Amerman, Ralph A.
Amerman, Ralph A.

pg. 121 - "Born Scranton, Pa., May 19, 1884.  Educated Cornell University.  Married Ada May Wrightnour, April 13, 1905.  Realty Owner."
Atherton, John D.
Atherton, John D.

pg 125 - "Born Taylor, Pa., June 3, 1860.  Educated Scranton Public Schools, Wyoming Seminary.  Married Ruth B. Ward, Oct. 10, 1894.  Atherton Bros., General Store, Taylor, Pa."
Atherton, Willard
Atherton, Willard

pg 125 - "Born Taylor, Pa., Nov. 5, 1864.  Educated Scranton Public Schools.  Married Margaret A. Whiteford, Jan. 14, 1902.  Atherton Bros., General Store.  Vice-Pres. and Dir. Taylor Discount and Deposit Bank."
Broadbent, John F.
Broadbent, John F.
pg 121 - "Born Scranton, P.a., Dec 27, 1863.  Educated Public Schools.  Married Kate Tripp, Feb. 9, 1892.  Gen. Agent Liability and Boiler Dept., Penn'a. Casualty Co.  Y.M.C.A. ( Associate).  Scranton Club.  Scranton Bicycle Club.  B.P.O. Elks, 123."
Fuller, Charles Ruthven
Fuller, Charles Ruthven

pg  100 - "Born Wyoming, Pa., Oct. 2, 1849.  Educated Public Schools.  Married Katherine R. Scranton, Feb. 8, 1899.  Chief Clerk International Salt Company.  President Scranton Bicycle Club."
Fuller, Charles
Fuller, Charles

pg 10 - "Born Norwich, Conn., March 1, 1798 -*Nov. 29, 1881.  Educated Montrose, Pa.  Married Maria Scovell, Jan. 8, 1818.  He came to Scranton from Wyoming, Pa., and entered the employ of the Lackawanna Iron and Coal Company, afterwards engaging in the Insurance Business, in which he continued until his death.  Charter Member of the 1st Presby. Church "
Fuller, Edward Charles
Fuller, Edward Charles

pg 11 - "Born Wyoming, PA.,  Feb. 13, 1827 - 1904.  Educated Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, Pa.  Married Helen Ruthven, Jan. 1, 1849.  Druggist.  President Dunmore Cemetery Association.  Treas.  Lacka. Hospital.  City Assessor."
Fuller, Edward Laton
Fuller, Edward Laton

pg 30 - "Born Hawley, Pa., Oct. 10, 1851.  Educated Public Schools.  Married Helen M. Silkman, 1876.  President of International Salt Company of New Jersey, Retsof Mining Company, Genesee, and Wyoming Railroad Company and various other corporations."
John T. Howell. M.D.
John T. Howell
Born Seigfrieds, Pa., Oct. 10, 1850. Educated Weavenville Acad. Married Minnie L. Brandow, June 4, 1890. Physician and Surg. Surg. W.-Barre City Hospital. Mem. Natl, State and Co. Med. Soc.; Lehigh Val. Med. Ass'n, Masonic Order, Westmoreland Club, Y.M.C.A., St. Stephens' Church, Historical Soc.
John Kelly
John Kelly

Page 156: Born Ireland, 1824 - Died April 22, 1905.  Educated Ireland.  Married Ellen Downey, 1851.  Brickmaker. Hotel Keeper. [The * by his name means that he was deceased at the time  the book was published.]

Joseph Frey Gilroy

Joseph Frey Gilroy

There is not any info on an M.J.Gilroy in the book. There is a Joseph Frey Gilroy listed and I have attached the accompanying picture to this note. The book states: "Joseph Frey Gilroy Born Williamsport, Pa., Nov. 3, 1872. Educated Dickinson College and Dickinson School of Law. Married Virginia T. McIntyre, Sept. 4, 1902. Attorney-at-Law."

James J. O'Malley

Born Olyphant, Pa., Nov. 27, 1870. Educated Olyphant High School; School of the Lackawanna. Married Margaret T. Murphy, Nov. 27, 1901. Lawyer.

Michael J. O'Malley

Born Ireland. Educated Public Schools. Married Bridget O'Donnell. Gen. Ins. And Real Estate. Dir. Towanda Silk Mills. Dir. Central Loan and Investment Co.

Moses O'Malley

Born Scranton, Pa., Feb., 1883. Educated St. Thomas College. Silk Manfr. Sec Central Loan and Investment Co. Vice-Pres. Towanda Silk Mills."

Transcriptions and scans by Kathy Janus © 2002, 2003

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