20- Peter Kudsinowski, 28, Greenwood, electrocuted in State
prison at
Trenton, N.J. for murder of New York boy
23- William Gerger, 52, secretary Scranton Aerie of Eagles, died
24- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Oliver, West Elm St., observed golden
wedding Three trucks and garage of Michael Rosato. Sloan Ave, destroyed
by fire; loss $10,000.
25- "White" Christmas enjoyed in Northeastern Pennsylvania
26- Mrs. Bridget Kanapka and daughter resuced as fire destroyed home
in Minooka; loss $18,000.
28- Rev. James A. Moffitt, 78, died at Mercy hospital. Joseph O'Brien,
former district attorney, died at home on Clay Ave.
29- Police and highjackers in gun duel at Taylor,after chase
from Scranton;Wesley Sickler, 28 R.D. Pittston, wounded.
30- Frank J. Jordan, Democrat, named school director of Dunmore, to
succeed Andrew Bryden, resigned in order of court signed by Judge Will
31- William E. Bittenbender, president of Biittenbender (sic), Co,
died. Stephen Marham, Dunmore, killed at Spencer mine.
Neighborhood Events
21- Explosion of gas stove caused $18,000 fire at Hallstead.
24- Fire destroyed home of Ernest Orlanda, Hughestown, loss $10,000.
25- Charles M. Hunt, 28, Avoca, accidentally shot and killed self.
27- Fire sdestroyed Fry factory near South Sterling; loss $50,000.
28- William Joyce, 28, West Pittston, died from mine injuries.
Jacob Barron, Port Griffith,
fatally injured
as sled hits truck.
Joseph Pollard, 18, Fortyfort,
gas station
attendant, shot by bandit
Dec. 27, died. Fred W. Wilkings, 23, confessed to crime.
Accidental death toll
20- George Leber, 40, Dickson City, in a collision between D.
H. train and auto.
21- Edward Walsh, 45, Mulberry St. Struck by auto.
George Ace, 55, So. Lincoln
Ave, struck by
28- Edard I. ( blanked out, but I believe "Golden"), 50, well known
printer, died in fall from ladder.
Local Necrology (Scranton and Lackawanna county, of persons over 75 years of age)
18- Mrs. Ida Scholl, 79, Scranton.
19- Adelaide B. Les, 85, Peckville.
20-Mrs. Frederick Johnson, 79, Scranton
23- Frank H. Stone, 81, Clarks Sumit
25- Antonio Mazza, 78, Dunsmore.
28- Mrs. Emrilia Schimpff....... Scranton (sorry, unreadable.)
29- Walter Wyland, 76, Scran... (ton)
31- John W. Eaton, 77, Scranton
Mrs. Bertha Abrams, Scranton
1- Joseph Collrecci, So. Scranton merchant robbed of $200 by
armed bandits.
2- Home of Bernardino Runco at Throop dynamited. Condito Beornio, West
Lackawanna Ave. and Joseph Babic, 20, Olyphant, killed in mine
4- Scranton poor district spent $578286.38 in 1929, annual report
6- Fred K. Derby sworn in as Scranton mayor; three new county
John J. Owens, district attorney; Thoms McDonnell, recorder of deeds;
A. Schmitt, register of wills, assumed offices. $150,000 fire swept
at 21 Dundaff St. Carbondale; Anna M. Rogers, 17 carried to safety.
7- William A. Austin, 29, Electric St. committed suicide at home. M.J.
McNamara, 55, Dunmore, killed in mine explosion.
8- Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Ives, Snyder Ave. and Mr and Mrs. George
J. Miller, Maple St. observed golden wedding anniversaries.
10- Explosion of fire razed home of Joseph Pignitaro, Dunsmore.
11- Albert L. Watson, sworn in as United States Judge, Middle district.
13- John Bruanich, 46, Old Forge, ended life by shooting.
14- H.C. Wallace, 63, prominent Scranton merchant, died. Mrs. Caroline
K. Hitchcock, 86, widow of Col. F. L. Hitchcock, Civil War veteran and
historian, died.
15- Home of former Director of Public Safety James Arigoni, in West
Scranton, damaged by dynamite.
16- Nazzareno Berardi, 33, boarder at 2130 Farr St. shot to death;
Adolph Gregori, 36,
2101 Farr St, confessed to the killing. Degree of guilt was fixed as
manslaughter and on April 29 he was given suspended sentence.
18- John Booth, 71, Carbondale contractor, died. Two family house at
Childs,owned by Anna Hennigan, destroyed by fire.
19- Blucher Ave. Baptist Church dedicated.
20- Michael Duchak, 41 , Jessup, died from mine injuries.
21- William McAndrew, Jessup, and Harold Van Sickle, and James Churles,
Jermyn, killed in big fall of rock at Jermyn mine, Hudson Coal Co
M. Andrew, Jermyn, trapped in same accident, rescued. Mr and Mrs. P.H.
Salmon, Moosic, married 50 years.
23- Cries of a child saved ten persons from death in fire which
house on Hospiital (sic) St., Carbondale.
24- Dr. W.B. Christian, Capouse Ave., died.
25-Col. Ezra H. Ripple suceeded Milton W. Lowry as Scranton postmaster
26- Family of Alexander Tkatch, Merrifield Ave., had narrow escape
when fire razed store and dwelling. Dr. George C. Brown, Dunmore
died, aged 71.
28- Mr. and Mrs. Owen Mangan and Miss Ella Clark killed in explosion
and fire which destroyed house at 30 Scott St.,Carbondale. Mine cave
to have caused gas fumes to seep into building. Steve Knapp, 17, and
Harcarik, Dunmore, killed in mine accident.
29-Three families had narrow escape when fire destroyed house on Alder
St. owned by Fred Miller.
30- Rev. W. W. Faron of Zamosc, Poland, consecrated bisop of Polish
National church at ceremonies in St. Stanislaus church, So. Scranton
Michael Malia, Dunmore police officer for 25 years, died.
Neighborhood Events
1- Home of Nicholas Chilla, Pittston, wrecked by dynamite
Vincent Sala, 45,
Pittston, burned in
fire Dec 16, 1929 died; two other men lost in blaze.
Mrs. and Mrs. George
H. Warner, Pittston,
observed sixty-fourth anniversary of wedding.
8- Peter Kobish, Clinton Twp. and Lewis Markello,
killed in mine at Forest City.
12- Nicholas Twichia, 52, former Scrantonian, beaten to death near
13- Laurel Inn, Pocono Lake, destroyed by fire; loss $50,000
Bandits dynaminted Glen Alden
Coal Co. pay
car at Warrior Run, killing four men and injuring two others, bur
to get $35,000 pay roll. The dead; Arthur E. Webb, 32, Prescott Ave.,
Martin Burns, 31, Sugar Notch, James Shovlin, 32, Hanover Twp. and
Brezinski, 36, Plymouth. Fred W. Pfaff, 60, Pine St. Scranton had both
legs blown off.
15- Electricity turned on for first time in Clifford, Susquehanna
16- Thomas McManamon suffocated during fire in home at Brownstown.
21- Fire in three story building at Pittston, owned by Richard Walsh,
$50,000 damage.
23- William S. Watts, 54, Hawley merchant committed suicide by
26- Fire destroyed three story building in business district, loss
Accidental death
6- Mrs. Mellie M. Guernsey, 55, Scranton, from injuries
received when
pinned under street car Sept. 12, 1929
10- Mrs. Mary Dougherty, 76 Schlager St., died , result of fall.
15- David Kerarney, 50, Archbald, struck by auto at Archbald.
16- Daniel S Beemer, 81, Mulberry St. Civil war veteran, struck by
auto Jan 14.
18- John Wadika, 40, 601 Third Ave., truck he was cranking, crushed
him in garage.
John Gay, 70, shavertown, in
auto trolley
crash at Scranton
28- Rev. P.E. Lavelle, 63, pastor of St. Joseph's church, minooka,
in auto accident.
Notable deaths outside Lackawanna
18- Sabasnosky, Zigmond, 39, Simpson, by ball (bull? fall?) on
county farm
31- State Highway patrolman, Thomas Lowry, Clarks Summit, in crash
on Sullivan trail
Local Necrology
5- Mrs. Philipena Hemer, 78, Scranton
7- Mrs. Helena Emmerschide, 75, Scranton
Daniel H. O'Keefe, 85,
John Morrell, 76, Scranton
11- Jacob Lewenson, 75, Scranton
12- Samuel Davis, 85, Scranton
Mrs. Ellen Bartholomes, 79,
13- John Dietrich, Sr. 83, Scranton
16- Mrs. Mary L. Kiefer, 80, Scranton
Mrs. Maria Gallagher, 85,
18- John F. Gaffney, 75, Scranton
22- Thomas B. Howe, 80, Scranton
30- George T. Bugden, 81, Carbondale
31- Owen Moran, 81, Scranton
2- Rev. F. A. Fricker, pastor of St.Johns Germain Catholic
church, died.
Michael F. OHoro, Archbald School director, died.
3- Joseph Sparrow, 40, Dickson City, ended life by hanging in borough
Fred Siedler, 59, Carbondale, committed
by hanging.
5- James Moncusco, 19, Carbondale athlete, killed at Gravity Slope
colliery, Archibald.
6- Patrick Gilmartin, 51, No. Irving Ave., died at State hospital.
7- Frank H. Heelright, prominent in mining industry, died.
9- Andrew Sowa, Mineral Ave., died at Hahnemann hospital after mien
2- Mrs. Sarah A. Newcomb, 97, mother of President Judege E.C. Newcomb
Mr and Mrs J.J. Jones, Acker Ave, united
in marriage
60 years ago.
13- William A. Jensen, secretary of Lackawanna Motor Club, died at
Mercy hospital.
Stephen York, 48, Archibald,
killed in mine.
14- Lumber yard of E.S. Ball & Sons, Clarks Summit, destroyed
fire; loss $25,000.
16- W.S. Bloes, 68, prominent Peckville resident, died.
17- Mrs. Anna Fox, 56, and granddaughter, Kathryn Moore, rescued during
fire which caused $15,000 damage to dwelling in Dunsmore.
John J. Davies, West Scranton
druggist for
40 years, died, aged 68.
18- Marcus Fagin, 62, Gibson St. committed suicide.
Hon. William K. Beck, 81,
former State Legislator,
died in West Scranton.
19- Frank Drombucci, 22, Jessup, died from mine injuries.
Thomas H.. Mead, 63, former
paymaster for
Temple Coal Co., died in West Scranton.
20- John J. Boyle, active in affairs of Scranton for 50 years, died.
John L. Lewis, International
president, United
Mine Workers, addressed Central Labor union banquet.
21- Alfred J. Rodway sworn in as Scranton's Superintendent of Police.
22- Mrs and Mrs. Ira Jenkins, Pecksville, observed golden wedding
23- Fire destroyed( unreadable, assume "home of") Richard F Geretti,
Jessup, another blaze damaged home of John Baronski, Dickson City.
Frank Cardimoni, 59, Old Forge,
despondent over
death of daughter, died from self inflicted bullet wound.
25- Dominick Lenei, 35, Moosic, Theodore Fuller and Joseph Babicz,
Olyphant, killed in mine accidents
26- Mr and Mrs. Joseph Williams No. Sumner Ave., observed golden
27- Paul B. Belin, president of Scranton Lace Co., died aged 54.
28- Five hundred attended annual banquet of St. David's society in
Masonic Temple at which Dr. John L. Davis, New York and Attorney Gomer
W. Morgan were speakers.
Neighborhood Events
3- Thomas Walsh, 54, Hughestown, killed in mine
4- Two deaths at Avoca and another at Hughestown, from acute dysentery;
fourth victim, E. J. McAndrew, 52, Avoca borough auditor, died Feb 6.
8- W. S.Houser, West Pittstown, killed in Coxton yards.
10- Mr. and Mrs. John S. Baker, Pittston, observed 58th anniversary
of marriage.
13- Fire at Hazelton caused $100, 000 damage
Charles B. smith, former
Luzerne county register
of wills, died at Pittston.
17- Fire caused $15,000 damage to Swantowski ( unreadable, I think
store D)uryea
John McGarry, 54, Pittston,
hurt in fall,
died at Pittston hospital.
21- Body of Mrs. Gervis Castner, 31, found sawed in two at Avoca home;
her husband 32, arrested as slayer.
John Machack, 50, Moosic,
killed by D &
H trainat Avoca.
25 John Mazur, 24, Avoca, electrocuted, at work in mine
26- John M. Jones, former Luzerne county commissioner, died at
Accidental deaths
2- Mrs. Loretta Diangelis, 33, Old Forge, struck by auto.
5- Mrs. A. E. Lord, 63, von Storeh Ave., result of a fall.
7- Sarah Pfeiffer, 6, Rock St. died from burns.
Mrs. Theresa Scanlon,
Scranton, 50, Linden
St., struck by auto.
9- Thomas Brennan, 25, Jessup, in auto accident at Mayfield; James
McDermott, 23, Jessup, hurt in same crash, died Feb. 11.
12- Joseph S. Sheehan, 21, Carbondale hurt by D. & H. train at
15- James Martin, 63, Moosic, struck by D. & H train.
17- Bert James, 52, Dunmore, from carbon monoxide poisoning in his
Theodore Hemms, 41,
Carbondale, result of
21- Mrs. Peter Rupp, 71, 1930 Price St., by escaping gas; city mine
cave engineers on March 4 reported they could find no evidence of
subsidence near house.
24- Ira Lewis, 57, East Benton, in auto accident on Sturges road.
27- Frank I. Thomas, 72, Olyphant, hit by auto at Blakely corners.
28- Rose Pettinato, 75, Old Forge, result of fall.
Notable deaths outside Lackawanna
25- Dominick Needham, 48, So. Grant Ave., in auto accident near Pittston.
Local Necrology
2- F. Iacavone, 80, Dunmore
7- Mrs. Madeline Dippre, 86, Scranton
Mrs. Mary Scziglinskas, 75,
10- Alfred E. Gibbs, 87, Clarks Summit
18- David Condon, 88, Scranton
19- Martin F. Finlon, 81, Carbondale
21- Mrs. Catherine Powell, 75, Scranton
24- Mrs. Carmella Barber, 79, Archbald
27- Jean Foster Stuart, 87, Scranton
28- John J. Decker, 81, Greenfield Twp.
1- Two armed bandits held up R.G. Fenstermacher on Crown Ave.
and obtained
$2,500 in cash and checks.
2- Monsignor Paul A. Kelly, vicar general of Scranton diocese inducted
into new office of prothonotary apostolic by Bishop Thomas C. O'Reilly.
3- Washington school and home of Michael Jerneko, at Throop, destroyed
by fire; loss $75,000.
4- Oreste Rossero, 19, Dunsmore, fatally hurt at No. 1 mine, Pittston
Ralph commandy, 37, shot to
death in Hess
court home; police blamed Black hand.
5- Nathaniel G. Robertson, Jr. named president of Scranton Lace Co.,
to suceed Paul B. Belin who died February 27.
James T. Langan, brother of
Rev. Dr. Edmund
Langan died, age 68.
6- Jacob J. Lonsdorf, 67, well known So. Side resident died.
Mother Plus, Order of the
Innaculate Heart
of Mary, who served 56 years as a religious, died.
7-Fire destroyed large barn of Felix Radkiewicz, and killed four
loss $30,000.
10- L.N. Wheeler, 58, Scott Twp., committed suicide by shooting.
Thomas Evans, 50, and Frank
Carbolotti, 45,
Old Forge, killed in mine accidents.
Frank Fernandez, 35, Olyphant,
ended life
by shooting.
13- Harry O. Staples, Anthracite coal operator, died at Scranton.
Lackawanna count awarded
contract for thirty
votig machines to cast $32,865.
15- Scranton postoffice building abandoned for temporaty location in
former home of First National Bank, Lackawanna Ave., pending
of new federal building.
17- City Solicitor Robert P. Silverstein, died at Columbia St. home,
aged 40.
State Supreme Court dismissed
appeal of Frank
Clemens in Dunmore burgess flight.
Fire destroyed three-story
building in Olyphant,
owned by N.D. Rosenfeld; loss $130,000.
Silver jubilee St. Patrick's
dinner of Irish-American
Society of Lackawanna county at Hotel Casey, attended by 800;
United States Senator Carowan
Arkansas, and
Bishop Thomas C. Reilly among speakers.
18- Mr and Mrs. James Pittman, No. Irving Ave., observed firthy-third
anniversary of wedding.
23- Fire destroyed home of Dominick Moyer, Carbondale.
Scranton Aerie of Eagles paid
honor to dead
at exercises in Poli theater.
24- Oil and powder houses if Northwest colliery, Temple coal nd Iron
Co., Fell Twp., dynamited.
25- August Novak, 49, Alder St. killed in mine.
26- Lt. commander C. E. Rodendahl, U.S. navy addressed Chamber of
27- Anthony Radzisaukas, Jr., 22, Throop, killed at Pancoast Mine.
Three houses and large barn at
Archbald destroyed
by fire.
28- Thomas Williams, Jr., 22, I.C. S. messender, wounded by bandits
who tried to secure baf containing cash and mail in 700 block of
29- Worthington Scranton named to suceed Col. L.A. Watres as Chamber
of Commerce president.
31- Ralph Russell Sloat, 29, electrocuted at Rockview penetentiary
for murder of John Lowry on Feb. 2, 1929.
Neighborhood events
3- Fire destroyed building at Forest city, owned by Eugene
Cooley, loss
14- Louis Van Buskirk, 36, fatally hut at work for Lackawanna Railroad.
19- Mrs. Charles Long, Wilkes-Barre, named by Governor Fisher as
to represent Pennsylvania at prison congress in Prague,
22- Explosion of oil lamp resulted in destruction of houe of Joseph
Koch, Hartford's pond, Wayne County.
29- Rudoolph Orloski, Jr. 22, Durea, killed at Central mine, Avoca.
Accidental deaths
1- Charles Puchalski, 40, Brook St., struck by auto
9- Michael Murray, 22, HollowAve, in collision between D & H
and auto in Dickson City.
12- William Snyder, 24, 1419 Monsye Ave. in fall from Technical High
School anex.
Mrs. Archangel Perri, 80,
Carbondale, result
of fall.
18- Bernard Russekoff, 4, Quincy AVe., struck by auto.
19- Myer Acerson, 8, Franklin Ave, struck by truck.
Josephine Floyd, Moosic St.,
from auto injuries
24- John Konesky, No. Cameron Ave., Struck by lackawanna railroad
26- Mrs. Anna H. Shepherd, 20, Swetland st. of injuries sustained in
auto crash at Scranton Oct 21, 1929.
27- Gus Sovitski, 21, Wilkes - Barre, of injuries received in
auto crash at Scranton March 18.
28- John Malachowski, 40, Fig St. hit by auto.
29- Clarence H. Snyder, 55, Jackson St. shotgun discharge.
Local Necrology
5- Mrs. Anna M. Pollger, 90, Scranton
6- Mrs. Anna Norton, 86, Scranton
7- Mrs. Minnie Lentes, 77, Scranton
Andrew B. Holmes, 79, Clarks Summit
8- William H Edgett, 77, Carbondale
9- Mrs. Georgia L. Munson, 78, Carbondale
Peter Speicher, 86, jermyn
11- William Jennings, 85, Moosic
12- Mrs. Martha E. Matthews, 77, Scranton
13-Mrs. Harriet F. Carpenter, 75, Sccranton
17- Mrs. Julia Koskey, 77, Scranton
19- James Reid, Sr., 76, Dickson City
22- Thomas Gemmell, 86, Moosic
23- Thomas Jones, 80, Clark Summit
John F. Purcell, 80, Carbondale
Robert W. Johnson, 89, Old Forge
25- Mrs. Christine Burgess, 79, Dunmore
26- John H. Jones, 75, Mooscow (sic)
29- Mrs. Louisa L. Sebring, 84, Scranton GR
Vincenzo Rinaldi, 98, Scranton
31- Rinaldo Lolli, 75, Dunmore
1- Ben Gilbert succeeded A.J. Bailey as captain of Scranton's
Rt. Rev. S. Szpotanski, pastor
S. Mary's Polish
church, Dickson City, robed as monsignore.
2- R.J. Lindsey, Adams Ave. held up and robbed of $1,165 in cash and
3- Mr. And Mrs. Frank E. Greener, Prescott Ave., observed golden
6- Rev. John F. Carroll, assistant priest at St. Rose church,
7- Very Rev. J. V. Hussie, pastor of St. Paul's Church, invested with
robes of monsignore.
8- Thomas Francis remained country (sic) superintendent of schools
at convention of directors.
Dr. John H. Dyer renamed head
of Scranton
schools; salary increased from $6,500 to $7,500.
10- United States navy dirigible, Los Angeles, visited Scranton.
Moses Taylor hospital awarded
diplomas to
17 nurses.
Louis L. Farber, member of
Scranton Fire department
for 25 years, died.
14- John Samka, Taylor, killed at Pyne mine.
15- Ernest Johnson, 22 Throop, killed at Price-Pancoast mine.
18- Rev. Richard Pascoe, retired M.E.church clergyman, died
Hahnemann hospital, aged 76.
William Stocokas, 38, Clarke
St. electrocuted
at Leggett's Creek mine.
21-W. P. Boland sold 1,471 acres of land on Elmhurst boulevard,
intended for city-owned water plant, to Scranton-Spring Brook Water
Dr. N. C. Mackey died at home
in Waverly,
aged 81.
22- Fred V. Hartzell, 56, well known Scranton business man, died.
23- Dr. William A,. Ryan, 44, died at Mercy hospital
Bernard Gaughan, 30, Olyphant,
killed at Grassy
24- Henry McCrea, So. Scranton, Killed at National mine.
25- Annual ball of Scranton police at Col. L.A. Watres armory, attended
by 11,000.
Fred E. Stone, 60, prominent
business man,
died at home on Clay Ave.
Neighborhood Events
5- Mr and Mrs. W.W. Wallace, Clifford, observed 50th wedding
8- Harry Potter, 38, psotmaster at Bushkill, shot and killed self.
Five miners killed when auto and trolley
car crashed
at nanticoke.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Watkins,
Factoryville, celebrated
golden wedding anniversary.
Bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Turoski,
Twp., found in parked car. police said man killed wife, then self.
17- B.W. Sampson, assistant superintendent of Susquehannah county
died at Montrose.
22- Fire, believed started by burglar, caused $6000 damage to home
of Rev. A. D. Behrens, Avoca
23- Mrs. Catherine Doran, 73, West Pittston, died from injuries
in fall.
25- Fire caused $8,000 damage to M.E. church parsonage, Pittston.
29- John Reese, 45, Plymouth, killed when attacked by two men in
Accidental Deaths
5- Thomas Glmartin, 76, Olyphant, struick by auto March 16.
8- David Kitchen, 15, Division St.., in crash between motorcycle and
Dorothy Ornick, 2, Simpson, of
burning sustained
when comb caught fire.
10- Roy O'Boyle, 22, dunmore, in fall from tree.
16- Mrs. Charles Schirra, 57, East Locust St., ill since March 10,
1929, when gas main broke and fumes overcame her.
Sophia Barr, one Elizabeth
Street, scalded
to death.
19- Edward Zwezic, 59, childs, struck by auto.
23- Marion Onesky, 4 West Linden St., of burns received at play.
Miss Blosson Bell, 17, and
Joseph Urban, 18,
both of Olyphant, in auto wreck on Montdale Road.
25- Steve Drast, West Scranton, result of fall.
Outside Lackawanna
6- Miss Kathryn Gilroy, 25, Dunmore, in auto wreck near
11- Mrs. Cora Griffin, 49, clarks Summit of injuries sustained in auto
crash at Elmira, NY
19- Joseph Mirto, Dunmore, struck by auto at Stamford, Conn.
24- Michael McLane, former Scranton resident, at Terre Haute, INd.
of auto injuries
Local Necrology
1- Mrs. Martha Slade, 96, Dalton
3- John Temgowski. 80, Scranton
7- Mrs. Jane Piper, 82, Dunmore
8- George E. Fritchey, 76, Scranton
Mrs. Jacob J. Jones, 81, Scranton
Mrs. Sarah J. Sutton, 81,
10- William Pringle, 79, Scranton
11- Mrs. Daniel Biesecker, 82, Moscow
15- Charles A. Stanton, 76, Olyphant
16- Charles Bush, 76, Scranton
17- Mrs. Minnie Rubel, 75, dickson city
18- Mrs. Peter Price, 76, Scranton
21- Charles A. Lown, 75, Dunmore
22- Mrs. Thomas F. Wells, 75, Scranton
28- Mrs. Mary Bloom,, 85, Scranton
29- Guiseppe Ferrari, 83, Scranton
1- Public Service sommission approved sale of power generation
and distributing
property owned by various Abington railway companies to Abington
Work of razing Scranton
Postoffice started.
2- M. E. Comerford, head of Comerford Amusement Co, sold 54 theatres
in Pennsylvania to Paramount-Publix Corp., for reported sum of
4- Charles HJ. Powell, 46, Taylor borough treasurer, died.
Mr and Mrs. John Wilson,
Snaderson Ave., observed
golden wedding aniversary.
Ground broken for new nurses' residence
of Mercy
hospital, Bishop Thomas C. O'Reilly officiating.
5- R. Jay Ketchem, 51, Carbondale, committed suicide by slashing
Hillside Home hospital, Scranton Poor
awarded diplomas to five nurses.
7- Mercury soared to 90.3 degrees.
Scranton baseball team opened season by
losig to
Wilkes-Barre, 11 to 8, in tenth inning.
9- Two garages, half dozen sheds destroyed and two houses damaged in
No. Scranton fire.
10- Moses Taylor hospital awarded diplomas to 17 nurses.
12- Fire destroyed Gambol building, Olyphant; damage $30,000.
West Side Hospital awarded diplomas to
10 nurses.
Frank T. Flannelly, Dunmore borough
engineer for
12 yars, died.
14- Three families had narrow escape in fire which caused $25,000
to two homes on Luke Ave.
15- William D. Lewis, 74, Carbondale, well known business man, died.
16- Col. Robert M. Vail succeeded John H. Glass as U.S. marshall,
18- Fire distroyed (sic) dweling
..unozzi estate at Jessup; loss $5,000
19- Fire destroyed two-family dwelling in Carbondale, owned by Frank
Cost; loss $12,000.
20- Mercy hospital awarded diplomas to 17 nurses and St. Mary's Keller
Memorial hospital to nine nurses, at exercises in St. Peter's
22- Fire caused $15,000 damage to store and dwelling in Archbald owned
by Kreft estate.
Eucharisic congress of priests
of Scranton
Roman Catholic diocese in Carbondale closed, with Bishop Thomas C.
officiating; 15000 people witness ceremonies.
23- Chief of Police Robert Rogo, Old Forge, taken to Columbia county
jail, Bloomsbirg, to serve year for dry law violation.
24- Edward Bertig, 38, Jackson St. died after drinking poison.
Chauncey H. Derby, widely known
newspaperman, died
at Kingston.
28- Midvally hospital awarded diplomas to eight nurses.
29-Body of Simon Sankoff, 45, West Scranton, found hanging from a tree.
Mrs. Mary S. Hughes 56, No.
Scranton, died
while decorating graves in Washburn St. cemetery.
30- Parade of veterans and exercises in Nay Aug park marked Memorial
Day observance in Scranton; temperature of 56 degrees, lowest in thrity
31- Jon Trotz, 44, No. Scranton, hurt in roof fall at Storrs Mine,
Neighborhood Events
4- Mrs. James Bostock, risked life to save crippled daughter
fire at Pittston
5- Body of Frank McCanna, Jr. Pittston, a suicide, removed from
10-Fire swept over 3,000 acres in Pocono; 100 men trapped for hours
in circle of flames.
14- Gervase Castner, 31, Avoca, sentenced at Wilkes-Barre to serve
10 to 20 years in Eastern penetentiary for murder of wife.
17- Mary Dunleavy, 16, Forest City, fatally injured in auto wreck at
19- Pennsylvania Railroad train carrying Shriners wrecked at Mocanaqua;
engineer and fireman killed, road foreman and 10 passengers hurt.
23- Ernest L. Snyder, fruit grower murdered his daughter, Mrs. Charles
Shepherd, her husband and the couple's son, Ernest, five, and then
himself on farm at Harding.
Fire caused $40,000 damagae to
Pocono Hotel,
26- Ernest Weber and Leon Cassedy sentenced in Luzerne county court
to 6 to
12 years in prison for death of John Reese, Plymouth
31- Cornelius O'Donovan, 27, Pittston, died from mine injuries
Accidental deaths
1- Louis Sardella, 11, Old Forge, by motorcycle
3- Peter Gill, 55, So. Grant Ave. Struck by Lackawanna railroad train.
4- Alice Rizzi, 6, Cedar Ave., struck by auto.
10- John D. Dawson, five, Carbondale, stuck by auto
13- George Begley, 26, and his wife, Anna, 24, and Mrs. Anna Dougher,
25, all of Pittston, in auto wreck on Morgan highway, Scranton
15- William Kuchinski, 19, Dickson City, in auto crash.
24- Mike Klikus, 33, Carbondale, and Stanley Chizuk, 37, White's
and Andrew Zagata, 25, Carbondale Twp. in collision between O.&
train and auto in Simpson.
Ruth Ezerskas, 3, West Market St., hit
by truck.
Donal M. Byers, 32, New York, in auto
wreck near
29- Howard Marion, 20, Archbald, struck by O. & W. train.
30- John McHale, 50, Hillside Home patient, drowned in reservoir of
Local or Former residents killed outside Lackawanna
1- Louis N. Kramer, 72, retired banker and former Scranton merchant, in fall from twelfth floor apartment house in New York.
Local Necrology
1- Mrs. Mary Garvey, 84, Dunmore
4- Mrs. Maria Vaccaro, 77, Dunmore
5- Prof. E.D. Bovard, 81, peckville
7- Mrs. Katherine Coughlin, 95, Jermyn
11- John W. Buckley,. 86, Scranton
12- Francis M. Wagner, 79, Carbondale
18- Exra A. Miller, 80, Walls Corners
21- John Lutz, 92, Scranton
Jacob Stone, 90, Carbondale
24- Jenkin Davis, 75, Taylor
George W. Newcomb, 78,
29- William T.H. Decker, 75, Moscow
1- Degrees granted to 126 young women by Marywood college at
in Strand theater.
3- George Stales, 30, waiter in lunchroon, shot three times. Adam
25, held by police.
David T. Griffith, 54, Co.
Garfield Ave..,
killed at Diamond mine.
4- Bishop Thomas C. Reilly quietly celebrated 32nd anniversayr of
to Roman Catholic preiesthood.
Mrs. Ellen McHale, pioneer
Archbald resident,
died, aged 73.
5- Anthony Zacskaras, 67, West Scranton, killed in mine accident.
6- Harry Reisman, 50, of Reisman Bros., died.
7- Peter Skalaski, West Scranton, won Lackawanna county marble
in tournament conducted by the Scranton Times.
8- George W. Clarke, 60, dropped dead while playing golf at Scranton
Country club.
Class of 83 awarded degrees by
St. Thoms collefe
at exercises in Capitol theater.
Squire James Mangan, Minooka,
died aged 65.
9- Willis A. Bates, 69, Woodlawn Ave. verteran Postoffice emplye, (sic)
found dead in bed.
William Sweeney and Roy
Gilgallon, Scranton,
left on rollerskating trip to Pacific coast.
10- Edward M. Clarke, 61, brother of George W. Clarke, who dropped
dead June 8, died.
First heavy rain and wind
storn of summer
caused damage in Scranton and its vicinity.
Technical High school awarded
diplomas to
156 students.
11- Francis Duffy, 22, Clearview St., died after being shoved
through window of store.
12- Dominick Lepari, Carbondale, and Nicholas Lacianna and John
Philadelphia, given 2 to 4 years in penitentiary for burning home of
Vadoia, Carbondale, on Jan. 2.
13- Burglars escaped with $5,000 in jewels and $200 in cash after
safe of Miners and Mechanics Loan Co.
Ten young men ordained to
Roman Catholic priesthood
at St. Peter's cathedral.
14- Mr and Mrs. Samuel Netherton, Peckville, observed 50th wedding
16- Alderman S. M. Sunders, Carbondale, died.
18- Mrs. Anna Gilroy, 42, Adams Ave., ended life by inhaling gas fumes.
Diplomas awarded 15 nurses by
Scranton State
19- Miss Mary J. McHale, Olyphant school teacher for 57 years, honored
at banquet on retirement.
20- Rev. Clark Callender, pastor of Myrtle St. M.E. church, and the
father of five sons, all of whom are clergymen, died.
Scranton Poor District awarded
contract for
new hospital to cost $576,342.
21- Mrs. Matilda Matufticz, 21, Dickson City, ended life by shooting.
24- Charles W. Harman, assistant superintendent of fires, died.
Mrs. Anna Bradley Thomas,
daughter of late
Humphrey Bradley, died.
25- Jacob Jurilak, 45, Mayfield, ended life by slashing throat.
26- John Boga, 45, Jessup, killed in mine accident.
27- B.B. Hicks, vice-president of Third National bank, died.
Charles Siasny, editor of
Obrana, died at
his desk.
28- Jacob Friedman, Sr. 67,. well known Providence merchant, died.
29- Attorney B. Fenton Tinkham, 60, died.
Mrs. Jhn Blasko and daughter
hurt during fire
which caused $7,000 damage to two buildings in Carbondale.
30- Taylor hospital awarded diploma to 6 nurses.
Rev. Dr. Hugh R. Magill
resigned pastorate
of Dunmore Presbyterian church.
Neighborhood Events
2- Frank Walatkas, 25,Pittston, ended life by shooting.
6- Mrs. Bridget Howigan, prominent Wilkes-Barre resident, died, aged
8- John T. Lawless, 70, tobyhanna, retired lackawanna railroad
Henry B. Zielinski, 38, Duryea, owner of
Beef co., fatally hurt by auto.
13- Walter Boos., Pittston, special officer, kicked in chin at dance,
15- Rev. John J. O'Malley, pastor of St. Ann's church, Toubyanna,
25th anniversary as priest.
16- Fire destroyed Point Breeze Hotel, Harvey's Lake; loss $25,000
18- William Hastie, 77, died at Avoca.
25- Dynamite blast damaged home of Charles Girratano, Pittston.
29- Amedio allatti, 29, and Luigi Giellanelli, 3., Wyoming, drowned
when canoes upset at Lake Winola.
30- Frank Tawza, 45, Luzerne, electrocuted at Rockview penitentiary
for killing Assistant Police Chief Thomas Krokosky Sept. 24, 1929.
Accidental death toll
2- Helen Mack, 12, Hampton St. of auto injuries.
3- Elizabeth Cliff, 8, Winton, struck by O. & W. train
5- Thomas Richards, 78, West Scranton, struck by Lackawanna Railroad
train at Clarks Summit.
12- Mrs. Marion Kersten, 82, Adams Ave. killed by escaping gas fumes
while in bed.
13- Stanley Newhart, 12, inmate t Home for Friendless, in fall from
fire escape.
21- Edward Sabolak., 3, Taylor, struck by Jersey Central
car while saving his dog.
22- Charles Wagner, 61, Dunmore, from auto injuries.
29- Andrew Paukala, 50, Bryn Mawr St., result of fall.
Local/ Former residents killed outside Lackawanna
5- Mrs. Anna Needham Hinckley, 81, South Grant Ave., of
injuries received
in auto accident in which her son Dominick was killed on Sullivan
7- Paul McDonald, 15, Carbondale, drowned at Lake Lodore.
10- Charles Cooper, Adams Ave. in auto crash at Atco, NJ.
11- John Hunish, 21, Old Forge, in auto smashup on Monroe-Carbon
24- Wallace M. Connolly, 26, East Market St. in scaffold crash at
29- Joseph Holod, 25, Pittston Ave., drowned at Lake Sheridan.
John Coyne, 17, Cherry St. drowned at Upper Twin
Wayne county.
Local Necrology
1- Mrs. Jane Blankenburg, 92, Carbondale
Henry S. Reynolds, 76, No.
3- Mrs. Ann Taylor Arnold, 77, Peckville
6- Mrs. Anna Halt, 80, Jessup
11- William Brambo, Sr., 79, Scranton
13- John Zeiss, 81, Scranton
18- John Steenback, 90, Scranton
Mrs. Caroline Schwab, 83,
24- Evan B. Reese, 76, Scranton NS
26- John E. Lewis, 76, Scranton
Mrs. Elizabeth Campbell, 91,
27- Mrs. Amerlia Haas, 78, Scranton
2- William Cox, 28, died at Taylor hospital from mine
3- Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Sisco, East Market St. observed 63rd wedding
4- Holidays passed without fatalities in Scranton or its vicinity.
6- William P. Joyce, real estate operator, died at Moses Taylor
aged 57.
9- Four persons hurt when dynamite wrecked home of Frank Calanni at
10- John Dobobus, cashier of Dickson City National bank, died.
11- Girl cashier of Gold Metal Baking Co., robbed of $270 on So. Side
when on way to bank.
13- Fire destroyed home of Joseph Bernosky, Minooka; loss $5000.
Mr. and Mrs. William M.
Holder, Moscow, observed
50th wedding anniversary.
14- T. R. Thomas and Fred Sevens, veteran city patrolmen, placed on
retired list.
Scranton School board sold
$2,000,000 bond
issue to National City Co., New York; premium of $10,540.
15- Mercury tumbled to 50 degrees for lowest mark on same day in 30
16- Secretary of Labor James J. Davis, addressed Welsh Day gathering
at Rocky Glen.
17- John J. Gilroy, resident of West Scranton for 70 years, died.
18- Harold Manners, prominent realtor, found ill in auto, died at State
19- Huge distillery found in woods near Daleville by federal agents.
20- Fire caused $4000 damage to No. 5 public school, Carbondale.
Cornerstone of Our Lady of
Snows church, Clarks
Summit laid, Bishop Thomas C. O'Reilly officiating.
22- Mrs. Ella Palmer Smith, 75, former school director and tax
of Dalton, died.
Lead engine of Lackawanna
Limited exploded
while eastbound at Lehigh, killing John Lynch, 53, Moosic St., engineer
and Raymond Whitman, 40, Gibson St. fireman.
23- Thieves escaped with jewelry worh $3000 from Scranton
machine Co., window.
Alexander Deresicwicz, 55,
Archbald, died
of mine injuries.
27- Cornerstone of P.M. church, East Market St. laid.
28- Cyrus D. Jones Memorial chapel at Elm Park church, dedicated,
Ernest Richardson officiating.
29- Twenty-nine Gold Star Mothers from Scranton and its vicinity left
Scranton on trip to graves of loved ones in France.
30- Children of city playgrounds presented annual pageant on Courthouse
Nathan John, purchasing agent
for Lackawanna
county, died, aged 45.
William Goldstein sworn in as assistant
W.S. district
attorney, Middle district.
Neighborhood Events
5- Miss Myrtle Smith, 16, Hanover Twp. shot and killed by John
35, boarder at home.
6- William Kelly, 47, Avoca, died at Taylor hospital after fight with
police officers.
7- Three families had narrow escape in $8,000 fire at Pittston.
8- M.J. McCrea, Pittston manager for the Scranton Times, honored at
banquet on his thirtieth anniversary as newspaperman
9- Rogers L. Burnett, former United States district attorney, killed
himself by shooting, at Stroudsburg.
Anthony Angelo, 11, Pittston,
in Laurel Line tracks.
14- Mrs. Amos Gregory, 26, Honesdale, died from gunshot wound.
20- Capt. John T. Ruth, Harvey's Lake police scheif, murdered (near
21- M. B. Breese and W. A. Williams sentenced to serve three to four
years after conviction in Luzerne county graft case.
27- Frank Doran, 48, Avoca, died at Taylor hospital from lockjaw.
30- Two bandits escaped with $600 n holdup of Plymouth restaurant.
Outside Lackawanna
5- Cuthbert Osborne, 26, Dunmore, car hit tree near Danville.
13- George J. Gehrer, 28, West Elm St. injuries received in dive into
Beach Lake.
15- Daniel Gettle, 42, formerly of Carbondale, drowned in creek near
Joseph McCarthy, 55, former Scranton
resident, hit
by auto frame at Plymouth.
27- George Schrank, former Scranton resident, in airplane crash at
Matawan, NJ.
28- John F. O'Malley, formerly of Scranton, victim of heat near
31- Robert S. Harris, 16, 1640 (D?) ickson Ave., drowned at Long
Local Necrology
2- Mrs. Frances t. Vail, 75, Dalton
5- Mrs Mary A. Swarts, 82, Dunmore
7- Alfred W. Price, 88, Scranton
10- Alonzo Price, 76, Scranton
22- Mrs. Ella Palmer Smith, 75, Dalton
23- Mrs. Elizabeth Birkeck, 77, Dickson City
mrs. Harriet C. Moon, 77,
29- Mrs. Mary A. Taylor, 83, Scranton
Elizabeth Widger, 86, Scranton
30- Michael Lynch, 79, Carbondale
1- Rev. Martin J. O'Connor, S.T. D., J.C.D. named
chancellor of
Scranton Roman Catholic diocese.
Edmund B. Lewis succeeded
Peter J. Rosar,
resigned, as Scranton Fire department superintendent.
Rev. Dr. Richard Powell,
pastor of Nebo Congregational
church, Rendham, retired after 56 years in the ministry.
2- E. J. Lynett, editor and publisher of The Scranton Times,host to
employes (sic) at annual outing.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Foote
observed 54th
wedding anniversary.
3- Third hottest day of 1930, mercury soaring to 97 degrees.
Trinity Lutheran Evangelical
church, Clarks
Summit, dedicated.
5-Mrs. Christina Reibel, 526 North Filmore avenue, observed 93rd
Dr. F. F. Price, Carbondale,
died aboard steamship
at Quebec, Canada.
7- Tri-district convention, United Mine Workers, ratified new
to run from Sept. 1, 1930 to April 1, 1936 by vote of 737 to 127.
8- Thousand children from 17 playgrounds paraded in city and presented
circus at Brooks field.
Fire destroyed home of Mariano
Geambetti at
11- Fire in Robinson lumber yeard, Carbondale, caused $15,000 damaage.
Frank P. Noach, 38, found dead
in his store
at Moscow.
12- Max Blume, 63, prominent business man, died at home on Jefferson
Mr and Mrs. William H. Davis,
Olyphant, observed
golden wedding anniversary.
William Drula, 53, No. Dewey
Ave., killed
in mine accident.
13- Coldest August day in 30 years, mercury dropped to 42 degrees.
David Weiss, 43, Clay Ave.
ended life by hanging.
15- Scranton Poor board refused to turn over 1930 tax duplicate to
tax Collector Fred J. Huester.
16- John Van Pelt Quackenbush, 71, founder of Quackenbush warehouse
business, died.
17- Fire destroyed double dweling on No. Cameron Ave., and
damaged adjoining house.
Several tousand attended
annual Irish Day
at Rocky Glen.
18- Two-alarm fire caused $2,000 damage to building at 523 Lackawanna
Alex Budra, 39, McDonogh AVe.,
electrocuted at work
in Von Storch colliery.
20- James J. (Battler) Flynn ousted as high constable of Dunmore in
decree of Judge Will Leach.
Thomas Monterubio, 24, Jessup, killed in
mine explosion.
Three houses destroyed, ten firemen
hurt, during
$20,000 blaze in Dickson City.
Eleven thousand persons
attended Lackawanna
Motor Club barbeque at Lake Ariel.
21- Two hurt, score escaped injury in bus crash on Clarks Summit hill.
Street car men voted to strike
over Carbondale
line situation.
23- Dr. Reed Burns, 86, famous physician and surgeon, died at Glenburn.
Two bandits attacked attendent
at gas station
on Green Ridge street and escaped with $20.
26- New Sacred Heart of Mary parochial school, Jermyn, dedicated with
Bishop Thomas C. O'Reilly officiating.
Leo DeValentino, 35, Jessup, killed in
mine accident.
27- Two properties wrecked, woman hurt and dozen have narrow escape
as serious mine cave occurred in 300 block Luzurne St. Ralph
25, and Willam Williams, 52, caught in slide but are rescued 9 hours
Edward L. Allen, 59, No.
Washington Ave.,
dropped dead in brokerage office.
28- Mayor Derby's honorary commission decided against special bond
issue amounting to $2,000,000.
Manuel Soza, 28, knifed and shot, in
Albright Ave.,
home; Joseph Cosalito, 34, sought after affair.
29- Ralph Massankiel, 25, Decker court, resued from pothole in Luzerne
St., died at Moses Taylor hospital.
30- Mrs. Max Holzman and four children had narrow escape when fire
destroyed house on Reese St.
31- Michael O'Malley, David Reese and thomas D. Davis retired by
Monsignore William P. Kealy
became Pastor
of St. Patrick's church, Olyphant.
Neighborhood Events
2- John Smith, 65, White Milles, WAyne county, fatally hurt in auto
8- Helen McDonald, 15, Avoca, fatally hurt at D. & H. crossing
near Moosic.
Karl Romanauskas, 35, Duryea, drowned in
river, near Ransom
11- Fire in Exeter caused $20,000 damage.
13- George Bazlovich, 38, Dupont, killed and George Vodosky, 48,
fatally hurt in mine accident.
20- Fire destroyed South Montrose Manufacturing Co., plant and
feed mill; loss $200,000.
Patrolman William Lyons, 50,
Pittston, dropped
dead of heart attack.
21- Mrs. Isabelle F. Kirk, wife of Rev. James W. Kirk, ( no, not James
Kirk of Star Trek fame...) Pittston, died.
21- William Collier, 50, Pittston, fatally hurt by train at Binghamton,
26- Mrs. Effie Lewis, former state president of Women's
Spanish War Veterans, died at Waymart, (not Wal-Mart)aged 50.
25- Anthony Attardo, 26, Pittston, electrocuted at No. 14, colliery,
Pittston Co.
26- Fire destroyed Zagurski building, Avoca; damage $5,000.
27- Stroudsburg celebrated 200th anniversary of founding.
Accidental Deaths
2- John Carey, 17, Olyphant, after tumble from bicycle.
5- Michael Suche, 17, Jessup, drowned at Chapman Lake.
8- John Mayock, Penn Ave. struck by O. & W. train.
10- Edard McHale, 25, No. Main Ave. drowned in Glenburn pond.
Roland Turner, 16, Moosic,
accidental discharge
of rifle at Rocky Glen.
Angelo Materizzi, 43, 409 No. Cameron
Ave. Struck
by O.& W. train, Keyser Valley.
12- Patrick Devers, 40, No. Lincoln Ave. hit by fire truck in No. Main
Emmet M. Pugh, Carbondale, killed by O.
& W.
14- Titani Vecchi, 5, Tenth (Ave.?,) struck by truck.
17- Mrs. Mary Thornton, 26, Rundle St., struck by auto.
18- Ralph J. Potter, 32, Dunmore, result of injuries received diving
at Lake Ariel.
23- John McCann, 28, 1455 Dickson Ave., struck by D. & H. train
in Green Ridge.
23- Ralph Massankiel, 25, 300 Decker court, of injuries received when
trapped in cave on Luzerne street Aug. 27.
Lenore Davis, five, Old Forge,
of burns.
Local Necrology
3- John G. Thomas, 77, Taylor
9- Mrs. Amerlia D. Schmeissner, 82, Scranton
10-William Pringle, 79, Scranton
15- C.J. Anderson, 85, Scranton
18- Mrs. Edard J. Davis, 92, Scranton
Mrs. Sarah A. Sweet, 79,
Clarks Summit
19- Charles maddox, 82, Clarks Summit
20- Mrs. Ida C. Mettburg, 75, Taylor
Mrs. Mary Harris, 91, Olyphant
26- Mrs. Adah Shennon, 80, Elmhurst
28- Mrs. Susan Lee, 87, Jermyn
Louis Christ, 76, Scranton
1- Cornerstone of new St. John's Orthodox church, Mayfield,
4- Equipment worth $8,000 and 9,000 gallons of beer seized by federal
agents in abandoned warehouse on Gordon Ave.
5- Joseph Elko, George St., who on July 21 fatally injured his
son, found insane and committed to Farview hospital for criminal
Two bandits robbed A. $ P.
store in Carbondale
and escaped with $80.
6- Richard Williams, 46, Moscow, found dead in Buffalo, N.Y. garage.
8- Joseph Cosolito, 35, Albright Ave., surrendered for wounding Manuel
Soza on Aug. 28.
J.B. Hunt, 80, found dead in barn on
Boulevard Ave.
9- William Galaida, 23, Cornell St., killed in Sloan mine.
10- Two armed bandits rob motorman of trolley car in Green Ridge.
11- Mrs. James Rinaldi, 55, Dunmore, lost while berry picking, found
in mountain at Tobyhanna.
John Mango, Charles Biscontini and John
Old Forge, sentenced to serve from three to six years, in still
case at Reading.
12- Burglars made haul at Simpson subpostoffice and Rosenbluth store.
Josie Langan, prominent Democrat, died
in Jessup.
13- Mr. and Mrs. William F. Fowler, No. Sumner Ave., celebrated golden
wedding anniversary.
15- P.J. Neals, 65, former councilman, died at West Scranton home.
Mrs. William Paynter, Vandling, ended
blife by shooting.
16- Mrs. Margaret Hessinger, 75, funeral director for 40 years, died.
18- Building in No. Scranton, owned by Freas feed mill, destroyed by
fire; loss $5,000.
20- Harry Woolsey, 15, sentenced to life at Morristown, N.J., for
of Anna Miller, Scranton, on July 13.
21- Mrs. Stella Lennon burned in fire which badly damaged her home
in No. Scranton.
22- Fire caused $3,000 damage to home of Angelo Medico, Luke Ave.
23- Thomas A. Ruddy, Scranton, died in cabin at Maplewood.
Seizure of still and materials, worth
$30,000, made
by federal agents at Old Forge.
William R. Webley, 47, Albright Ave.,
killed self
at Mount Pocono.
24- Thomas (Frankie) Nolan, who served 11 years for murder of Michael
O'Connor, killed in fall in New York.
25- Federal agents seized still and equipment worth $50,000 at Throop.
26- Harold Gower, 38, Dartmouth St., killed at Bellevue collery.
Wolf Seidman, 58, Capouse
Ave., died at Rochester,
27- Six men injured when floor of new postoffice building collapsed.
29- House and barn, owned by Jacob Kajarsky on Belol mountain,
by fire.
Adolph Ercola, 32; Robert
Brunelli, 30, and
Marciello Montecelli, 325, all of Old Forge, killed and 4 others hurt
gas explosion at Central mine, Pittston Co., Avoca, Lucerne county.
30- Scranton Electric co., cut rates more than 10 percent.
Neighborhood Events
1- Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Sloan, 40, Pittston, fatally hurt in
auto crash
near Binghamton, NY
2- Francis Chambers, 3, Equinunk, Wayne county, drowned in pool made
by storm.
3- Mrs. Agnes Doble, Pittston, fatally burned.
One dead and nine ill in
typhoid fever outbreak
in Tunkhannock.
11- Lewis Paterson, 80, West Pittston, died from injuries.
14- Marion Dukerich, one, Waymart, killed by auto.
20- Stanley Davis, 48, Forest City, killed on railroad near Sayre.
25- Commissioner Leslie Harrison, Patrick J. Conway, and David M.
Luzerne county, sentenced to one year in jail and fined for misdemeanor
in office.
26- John Kubler, Hanover twp. sentenced to death for shooting to death
Myrtle Smith, 16.
28- Mrs. Lewis S. Wolfe, 23, Dallas, killed and four others hurt when
auto was wrecked in fog.
Accidental Deaths
1- Joseph Dembrosky, 5, 1026 Ravine St., struck by motorcycle
on North
Main Ave.
6- Mrs. Mary Vanskus, 51, Throop, bled to death after falling on glass
jar in home.
8- Mrs. Georgia Wood Clarke, 82, Jefferson Ave., result of a fall.
11- Edward F. Altemose, 72, 184 Brook St., Dunmore, struck by auto.
David Jones, 40, Jessup,
struck by auto wreck
on Montdale road.
12- Edgar P. Mangan, 17, Taylor, fatally hurt by auto.
13- Jacob Cordier, 61, Meadow Ave., in auto wreck on Montdale road.
Mrs. Nora Sullian, 45, South Ninth Ave.,
hit by
auto at Taylor.
14-Martin Murray, 30, Olyphant, struck by O. & W. train.
15- John Topa, 15, Ransom Twp., of wound received while hunting,
18- Henry Baclowski, 9, So. Wyoming Ave., of auto injuries.
William Glynn, 19, Jessup, in
cave of coual
stripping operation.
21- Patrick Kane, 50, of near Crystal Lake, struck by unidentified
motorist on Carbondale-Clifford road.
27- Mrs. Anna Poplawaska, 70,. Covington, struck by auto at Dalesville.
John Nayduck, 34, Meridan St.
hit by auto.
28- Robert Vanston, 7, Meridan St. struck by Lackawanna train sept.
29- John Berchinsky, 46, Winton, hit by O. & W. train at
Outside Lackawanna
1- John Graboski, 68, No. Scranton, died of injuries received
when hit
by motorcycle at Tobyhanna Aug 29.
2- Mrs. Henry Beyea, former Dunmore resident, in collision of train
and auto at Carlisle, PA.
4- John Boyd, 40, 816 West Market St. of burns received at work in
subway, New York.
7- John Clune, 30, Carbondale, hit by derrick cable at Binghamton,
13- Bodies of A.M. Schroeder and Mrs. Lila Salmon, 37, both of
found in wrecked auto at Alford, Susquehanna county.
Local Necrology
1- Harry W. Perry, 84, Madison Twp.
2- Culbert Kellett, 84, Scranton
Mrs. David McCrone, 86, Jermyn
3- Mrs. William Jones, 87, Scranton WS
8- Mrs. Mary Cannon, 97, Scranton
Peter Stenzhorn, 80, Throop
Mrs. Georgia W. Clarke, 92,
9- Mrs. Catherine Morgan, 86, Scranton
10- Mrs Sabina Williams, 80, Scranton
11- Mrs W.E. Reed, 75, Scranton
13- Mrs. Frances Peters, 81, Dunmore
Mrs. Katherine S. Stage, 83,
West Abington
16- Mrs. Ellen Mullen, 90, Jessup
17- Mrs. Mary Bocainski, 85, Scranton
20- Mrs. Mary Powell, 87, Scranton
25- John Schlappi, 77, Taylor
1- Rev. George Michalo, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Michaylo,
ordained to Greek Catholic preiesthood in Rome.
John Lockey, 47, colored, died
at State hospital
after fight; William Rooker, 35, arrested.
5- Rabbi Bernard Heller tendered farewell banquest at madison Avenue
temple, prior to bus leaving to become director of Michigan.
Cornerstone at Holy Ghost
church, Olyphant,
6- Stephen G. Fitch, 59, prominent in politics, died at Clarks Summit.
J. C. Taylor, former county
of schools, died.
7- Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, only man to fly over both North and
South poles, visited Scranton.
8- Pennsylvania Statae Sabbath School association opened convention
in Elm Park church.
9- Mr and Mrs. William Saxie, Blakely, observed golden wedding
John O'Connor, Olyphant tax collector, found
guilty by
jury of embezzlement.
10- John R. James, 59, deputy state secretary of mines, died at
11- Hugh A. Dawson, 46, former representative Second Legistlative
died at Scranton.
E.J. Lynett, editor and
publisher of the Scranton
Times,. honored by Twenty-five year club at banquet on thrity fifth
of ownership of newspaper.
12- Italian-Americans, numbering 1,100, honored memory of Columbus
at banquet.
Michael King, 60, Pittston
Ave., found hanging
from tree, died at State hospital.
13- Scranton Times and Strand theater entertained 550 orphans and
at annual party.
New chapel of Maryknoll
school, Clarks Summit,
built to honor memory of Bishop M.J. Hoban, dedicated
14- Adam Stadinski, 25, Scranton. sentenced by Judge Will Leach to
serve from three and a half to seven years in prison for wounding of
Fire in jewelry store of Lewis
Corr, Penn
Ave., caused $10,000 damage.
17- Cloudburst in Scranton and Lackawanna valley.
19- Cornerstone of new Mercy hospital nurses home laid, Bishop Thomas
C. O'Reilly officiating.
21- First snow flurries of season.
E.J. Lynett, editor and
publisher of The Scranton
Times, honored by Scranton council, 280, Knights of columbus, on his
anniversary as owner of the Times.
William E. Watkins, 64, well
known mining
man, died.
23- Dr. J. C. Reifsnyder, 61, widely known physician, died,
25- James F. Boylan, volunteer fireman for 50 years, died at
27- Police with pulmotor saved life of Helen magis, 14, overcome by
escaping illuminating gas while asleep in house on Marvine Ave.
28- Frank Petuala, River St., died from mine injuries
29- Mines idle as workers celebrated John Mitchell Day.
30- Thieves smashed window of Scranton Talking Machine Co., and escaped
with $2000 loot.
31- Peter Dubic, 34, Nay Aug, died of mine injuries.
Neighborhood Events
1- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Scogliatta, married three weeks, killed
by gas,
at Stroudsburg.
5- Monsignore P.C. Winters, pastor at St. John's church, Pittston,
died after reading mass.
Florence colliery breaker at
Dupont, destroyed
by fire; loss, $175,000.
Mr. and Mrs. William
J. Ferber, Honesdale,
observed golden wedding anniversary.
7- Accidental placing of poison in dinner dessert killed Leonard
50, Roaring Brook Twp., Luzerne county.
9- Josephine Brick, 2, Avoca, died of burns.
Mrs. Thomas H. Graham, 54,
Stroudsburg, former
grand opera singer of international fame, leaped or fell to death in
10- Enrico Martini, 10, Duryea, fatally hurt by auto.
Four miners killed in gas
explosion at Kingston
Coal Co. mine, Edwardsville.
Stephen B. Bennett, former
Pittston postmaster,
died , aged 90.
11- Home of Louis Pozlucney at Dupont, destroyed by fire; lostt $9,000.
12- Pittston Y.M.C. A. observed fiftieth anniversary.
15- Mrs. Hester Gill, Pitston, died at age of 100.
19- New Polish National Chruch, Dupont, dedicated
22- Endowment of $600,000 for maintenance of Angeline Elizabeth Kirby
Memorial Health Center, Wilkes-Barre, provided by F.M. Kirby, a son,
had building erected at cost of $2,000,000.
25- Six armed bandits escaped with $30,000 in silk from mill at East
26- Stephen Kmetz, 23, Dupont, died from mine injuries.
27- Kostik Timinski, Dupont, killed in mine accident.
Accidental Death
1- Patrick McDonald, 35, Potter St., Dunmore, in fall from
Railroad train.
2- Joan Vought, seven, No. Rebecca Ave., of burns.
6- William Lewis, 65, West Locust St., hit by auto.
9- Michael Kaminsky, 21, Dickson City, in auto crash at Peckville
12- Christopher McAvaney, 34, Dorothy St., while digging for coal at
abandoned operation.
15- John H. Harrison, 9, Carbondale, struck by auto.
27- Orlando Incilli, 2, Farr Street, struck by auto on Cedar Ave.
31- Sophie Petrosky, 8, Archbald, hit by D. & H. train.
Outside Lackawanna
11- Arthur Meredith, 54, formerly of Scranton, struck by auto
in New
18- Eugene Logan, 31, West Scranton, drwoned in New York harbor.
23- Gregory Jenkins, 50, and Christopher Ray, 44, both of Scranton,
in collision between Lehigh Valley engine and auto at Pittston.
31- Mrs. Anna Frankhauser, 51, Adams Ave., in auto crash at Plains.
Local Necrology
6- (John) Tamblyn, 78, Scranton
9- (Mrs. Sarah) Hoban, 82, Olyphant
11- Mrs. Sarah Bluestine
13- Mrs. Marie Loughney, 80, jermyn
14- Mrs. Howard E. Decker, 84, Clarks Green
18- Mrs. Clara Van Inwigen Gardner, 79, Dalton
21- Mrs. William Phillips, 81, Jermyn
22- Miss Amanda Twing, 80, Scranton
Mrs. M. Needle, 83, Olyphant
26- Edard h. Williams, 79, Scranton
Samuel W. Haupt, 88, Scranton
27- Mrs. Louis F. Teets, 82, Scranton
28 Mrs. Victoria Szczejanski, 87, Scranton
1- Marshall Keller, prominent business man, died at Dunmore.
5- Huge distillery, camoflaged as home, found in Old Forge by federal
James R. Gleming, 73,
president of J.R. Fleming
& Son Co., Inc. died at Stafford, Pa.
Fire caused $20,000 damage to
Lincoln hall,
No. Main Ave.
6- Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Jnes, Glenburn, observed 50th wedding
W. J. DAvidson, 52,
Carbondale, Hudson Coal
Co., official, died.
Joseph Toolan, 38, Carbondale,
died from mine
8- Anthony Petitte, 21, Dunmore, committed suicide by shooting.
9- Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Wint, Fifth Ave. observed 50th wedding
Yeggs craced safe of Riviera
theater and escaped
with $280.
11- World War veterans observed Armistice Day with ceremonies on
square and banquet in Hotel Casey.
Mr. and Mrs. David Jones,
Carbondale observed
golden wedding anniversary.
Fire destroyed Mills Lumber
Co., planning
mill at Carbondale; damage, $10,000.
13-Miss Katherine Murphy, sister of Thomas F. Murphy, associate editor
of the Times, died.
John Paff, 70, found
asphyxiated in home on
Pittston ave.
14- Monsignor P.J. Boland, appointed pastor of St. John's church,
Joseph Klinczewski, Dickson
City, ended life
by hanging.
17- Reese Williams, Taylor, died from mine injuries.
18- Battalion Chief U.S. Grant Cutler, veteran fire fighter, died,
aged 65.
Fire swept 3-story building in
West Scranton,
owned by Gianacaopoulas Brothers; damage $100,000.
19- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schamberg, West Scranton, wed 50 years ago.
21- Single tax collector law, passed by 1929 legislature, held
as far as applying to collection of Scranton Poor Distict in opinion by
President Judge E. C. Newcomb.
22- Midvalley Community Chest drive resulted in $43,436.31 being
23- Attorney Thomas P. Hoban, 73, brother of late Bishop M. J. Hoban,
Mr. and Mrs. Z. A. Stover,
Grandview St.,
observed 65th wedding anniversary.
24- Mrs. Edgar Sturge, 55, prominent Scranton resident, died.
27- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pekar, Blair Ave., and Mrs and Mrs. William
Graff, Stafford Ave., observed golden wedding anniversary.
"White" Thanksgiving
enjoyed in this
Mrs. Albert B. Eynon,
prominent Scranton resident,
died, aged 79.
28- Marie King hacked to death in Oakford court; Jospeh Kosh, 26, held
by police.
29- Two-alarm fire in Capitol St...... (unreadalbe)..p, Spruce St.,
gave firemen stubborn....tle but caused little damage.
30- Rev. Thomas S. Lewis, 74, retired Welsh Congregational minister,
Neighborhood Events
5- James Tigue, 35, West Pittston, died from injuries when hit
by train.
8- Mxine Parks, 17, Susquehanna, fatally hut in auto wreck at Alford.
14- Fire caused $40,000 damage to two stores and hotel in Wilkes-Barre.
15- John "Tex" Nafus, Plymouth Twp. and "Big Joe" Czechowitz,
sentenced to die in electric chair for dynamiting Glen Alden co. pay
at Warrior Run on Jan. 13.
Perry Sickler, 23, halfback
for Pittston A.C.
died of injuries
Joseph Kokoskey, 26, Avoca,
wounded by bandits
near home.
18- John O. D. Mangan, prominent Pittston merchant, died, aged 54.
21- Herbert Reese, West Pittston, sentenced to year in jail for jury
Ellis Black, Maplewood,
ruptured blood vessel
while coughing and died.
24- George Frew, 26, native of Avoca, ended life by hanging
Jersey City, NJ.
27- John Manganello, 65, West Pitston, killed and six others hurt in
auto wreck on Sullivan trail.
Accidental Deaths
9- Florence Reynolds, 30, Anthony St., hurt in auto wreck on
hill, died at State hospital.
13- Eugene Fugh, 28, hit by Lackawanna train.
14- Mrs. Susan Stone, 96, No. Bromley Ave., result of a fall.
17- Anthony popielarz, 25, Duickson City, in fall down Johnson shaft,
Scranton Coal Co.
27- David Jones, 50, Blakely struck by auto.
30- Rolland Smith, 39, Carbondale, result of fall from locomotive.
Outside Lackawanna
8- Mrs. Adele Skonieczy, 45, formerly of Old Forge, , in auto
at Passaic, NJ
21- George Moser, Frink St., struck by train in Philadelphia.
22- John Blasko, 43, thrrop, struck by belt attached to tractor at
30- Mary "Mother" Jones, over 100 years old, famous labor leader and
idol of coal workers, at Washington.
Local Necrology
2- Horace G. Simpson. 76, Moscow
John E. Baldwin, 83,
Anton Weinschenk, 78, Scranton
3- Mrs. Bridget Lawless, 78, Scranton
4- M.T. Hunstman, 80, Elmhurst
5- Mrs. Olive V. Carpenter, 88, Olyphant
6- E. E. Wells, 76, Scranton
8- Mrs. Bridget Stuart, 82, Scranton
12- Miss Adelaide Watson, 91, Scranton
14- Mrs. Susan Stone, 96, Scranton
17- Mrs. Margaret Jenkins, 82, Scranton
18- Mrs. Mary A. Evans, 88, Scranton
20- J.B. Dennis, 82, Carbondale
Mrs. Mary L. Schmidt, 821,
22- George Bacorn, 82, Scranton
23- Mrs. Clara Anderson, 81, Scranton
Michael Fluhmann, 76, Taylor
24- Mrs. Maggie R. Phelps, 75, Scranton
27- Mrs. Frank Foster, 76, Scranton
30- Emil H. Stuck, 76, Scranton
Hector D. Swick, 76,
3- Olyphant Council named Juctice of Peace T. J. Rogan
collector of
Borough taxes, whereas Court had appoointed John Bosak.
4- Twelve men, posing as federal agents, make away with liquor valued
at $50,000 from house on Prospect avenue, police reported.
John F. Lally, former Winston
chief of police,
committed suicide.
Scranton police saved lives of
two women,
near death from escaping gas in rooming house on Franklin avenue.
Anthony F. Fowler, 73, father of Hon.
David Fowler,
5- Anthony Howley, 17, Gordon Ave., lost leg when hit by auto in South
6- Carl Slivinski, 32, Dickson City, hurt while working for Hudson
Coal Co., died at Mid-Valley Hospital.
7- Scranton Lodge of Elks honored dead at Memorial Services.
9- Three burned in $2,500 fire, caused by grease exploding in home
of B. Zavistoski, Throop.
10- William R. Lewis sworn in as additional law judge by President
Judge E.C. Newcomb.
11- Body of Bennie Vinsky, 40, Throop, a suicide, found beneath Nay
Aug falls bridge.
12- Fire destroyed apartment house owned by Borys estate, and damaged
two other homes in Olyphant; damage $20,000.
13-L.S. Parsons, former Archbald bank cashier, found dead in home from
shotgun wound.
15- Three youths staged daring daylight robbery in front of First
Bank, Jessup, escaping with $1400 payroll of Humbert Coal Co., but were
captured three hours later. The bandits Louis Moncuso, Chris Tomaine,
Taldo, all of Archbald, sentenced following day to serve 10 to 20 years
in penitentiary.
18- George Minich, 38, Cherry St., Julius Wolski, 37, Pear St., and
Thomas Jones, 45, Acker Ave., killed in rock fall at Baker mine, Glen
Coal Co.
19- W. Wheeler Watson, son of Federal Judge Albert L. Watson, Scranton,
and four other young men killed in auto crash at Lewisburg.
21- Dr. Jospeh E. Ratajski, 52, Irving Ave., died
22- Seven persons of two families, at 506 Leggett St., narrowly escaped
death when illuninating gas filled house.
23- Heavy snow storm, 3 inches in city, and 5 to 6 inches in county
24- Snow storm continued with 9.3 inches on ground; heaviest fall
December in 21 yars.
John E. Gibbons, 59, Dunmore
lumber dealer,
25- Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wickizer, newton Rd., observed golden wedding
26- Joseph Gans, 70, fatally burned in glase at 12 West Market St.
30- Dr. T. L. Alexander, Prescott Ave., died.
Fire caused $10,000 damage to
Weinburg warehouse,
West Linden ST.
31- Rufus J. Foster, 74, vice president of Inernational Educational
Publishing Co., died.
Two houses in Dickson City
destroyed by fire,
damge $25,000.
Neighborhood Events
1- Two children of Mr. and Mrs. William Zimm perished as fire
home at Luzerne.
8- Mrs. Mary Lynch, 77, died at Mt. Pocono.
11- H. J. Reese, Pittston, given year at Luzerne County prison on
of embezzlement, started to serve sentence.
14- John Moher, 22, Duryea, fatally hurt by hit and run driver.
15- Sanley Kawicz, 25, Pittston, killed by auto at Fortyfort.
Accidental deaths
4- Frank Candero, 50, So. Washington ave., struck by auto Nov.
8- Mrs. Margaret Galenis, 60, Cayuga St. struck by auto.
11- Mrs. Edard Haines, 24, Madison (twp?) struck by auto
John Susar, 25, Jessup, struck by Erie
Outside Lackawanna
2- Clyde Kranser, formerly of Dunmore, in auto accident at Los
4- Lucano Coccodrilli, 43, Jessup struck by subway train i Brooklyn,
5- E.F. Crelier, 35, hurt in fall at Scranton, NOv 22, died at
Local Necrology
3- Andrew Wandler, 83, Scanton
4- John G. Sander 84, Scranton
Mrs. Sarah Selp, 82, Peckville
5- Mrs. Martha Davis, 78, Scranton
8- A.R. Gould, 82, Scranton
Evan R. Jones, 85, Scranton
9- Mrs. Remi Cadoret, 82, Scranton
12- Mrs. Lucienda Townsend, 91, Scranton
15- Mrs. Catherine G. Young, 77, Dunmore
James F. Curran, 75, Scranton
William Hurd, 97, Dalton
Mrs. Jane Bidwell, 79, Dunmore
16- Mrs. Elizabeth Hick, 78, Scranton
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