County, Pennsylvania, USGenWeb
Lackawanna County, PA, Naturalizations, 1851 to 1905
Below are the four Excel spreadsheets of the indexes for Lackawanna County Naturalizations 1851 to 1905.
The database contains columns for: Name; Country of Origin; Date; Reel #; File #. Sheets 2 and 3 are blank.
Section One: A to E
Section Two: F to K
Section Three: L to P
Section Four: Q to Z
The set of links below is the same as above, but opens in an older versions of Excel, and the files are larger.
If you have a newer Excel use the first set of links. Don't download both.
Section One: A to E
Section Two: F to K
Section Three: L to P
Section Four: Q to Z
If you want a hard copy of a certificate, contact Ed
Stancheski at with all the
information from the database. He's in the Office of the Clerk of
Judicial Records in the Lackawanna County Office Building. There
is a charge per page.
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County PAGenWeb Home Page
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made available free to the public for non-commercial purposes by the
Lackawanna County, PAGenWeb Project.