Scranton Times Wed Sept 1, 1920
ML (Luzerne co.)
Morgan Sweeney, former city councilman, left no will. Letters of administration granted to widow, Mary E. Sweeney.
Atty. W. F. Boyle named executor of estate of M. D. Donlon, succeeding F. J. McArdel, deceased.
Patrick Sheridan, Bellvue, executix Mary Sheridan, daughter
Paul W. Aten named administrator estate of John W. Bates.
Chapman family held last Wednesday at the community house, Hamlin, PA. Officers elected: President, Alwight Chapman, Hamlin; vice-president H. Chapman, Wilkes-Barre; secretary, Eugene Chapman, Hamlin; treasurer, Mrs. Pearl Fields, Hamlin
Wedding Anniv:
Mr/Mrs. Joseph Ross, Monday evening, 406 Cedar ave, first anniversary
Thursday, September 2, 1920
born: daughter to M/M Thomas P. Kennedy, 1729 Sanderson ave, Mercy Hospital, Sunday.
Mr and Mrs David U. Reese, of Wdna avenue, North Scranton, and their neices, Miss Carrie Evans and Miss Muriel Evans, of Olyphant, have returned from a two weeks' trip through Lake George and Lake Champlain to Montreal. From the latter city they went by boat down the St. Lawrence to Quebec and there visited St. Ann's shrine, one of the places particulary attractive to travelers on reaching that city.
Saturday, September 4, 1920
Jurors listed for weeks of Oct 4 and 11.
Family reunions
Carlton - Hemlock Grove, Greentown
Wallace (22nd) - Clifford
Monday Sept. 6, 1920 (Labor Day)
article on Gravity rr reunion, list of attendees
Ayers family reunion - Northern Electric Park 8/28 Van Campen - Decker family, At Shultzville
Wednesday, Sept. 8, 1920
Twelveth reunion of Richards family.
Estate of Peter Tonetti, contract miner, Old Forge, worth $15,000, left to widow Carolina Tonetti.
Thursday Sept. 9, 1920
Graduates from Nursing School, Mid Valley Hospital, 3 yr training Mildred Brown, Margaret Mackeral, Hazel Griffiths, and Mabel Orme
Friday, Sept. 10, 1920
Scranton woman second place in NY World beauty contest, Mrs. Gelett Burgess, Riverside Drive, NY, formerly Miss Estelle Loomis, daughter of the late F. E. Loomis, attorney.
Fourth annual reunion of Dillworth - McAree family
M/M Auburn of Westerly, RI have returned home after visiting her sister, Mrs. John Morgan, Sadie pl.
Saturday, Sept 11, 1920
Frederick Santee, 13, Wapwallopen, son of Dr. and Mrs. Santee has matriculated for the regular couse in Harvard University. He is youngest ever to enter as candidate for degree. The boy has been unusual since his first day in school, and jhas been able to read foriegn languages almost without study ever since he was six years old.
Prof. Eugene J. Payton, 140 Apple st, Dunmore, has gone to teach at Norte Dame college, IN.
fourth annual reunion of Dillworth - McAree at Gouldsboro
Powell and Williams family at Nay Aug park, Wednesday (past)
annual reunion of Thomas Davis family, North Scranton, at Nay Aug park last Wednesday.
Monday, Sept 13, 1920
divorce actions
William G. Knickerbocker vs Hazel Knickerbocker, she alleges cruelity
Emily Smith vs S. Snow Smith
Spouse support ordered
Mr. & Mrs. James Granahan, Jessup
William Lightner, Bufalo, Mrs. Lydia Lightner, Scranton
William and Jean Hughes, 1736 Wayne ave.
Jessup news
M/M John Hines of Pittston are visiting relatives in town born, a daughter to M/M Orlando Kelly, Moosic st.
daughter born last night to M/M W. F. Rodney, 1229 Diamond ave
William M. Hamlin, public stenographer, who died Sept 2, left estate worth $300. his widow, Jess E. Hamlin named administrator.
Tuesday Sept 14, 1920
Clark's Summit
M/M Volney Park and their two children will move this week to a farm near Binghamton, NY
Dickson City
born, a boy, to M/M Stanley Adamovitch, Sunday, 9/12
M/M Garfield James and daughter of Baltimore, MD; M/M Lewis, and Mrs. Grifiths of Hyde Park, were recent guests of M/M Edward Morgans, Main st.
Mrs. Edward Morgan, Main St., and Mrs. Reese, Hyde Park, left for a visit with relatives at Johnson City.
Mrs. D. V. Ellenberger and children attended the Latham reunion at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. A. Latham in Nicholson on Wednesday (9/8).
birth of a son to M/M Louis "Sailor" Walasky, Pittston ave, Avoca. mother was former Victoria Starich of Simpson
divorce suits, Wayne co.
Sarah B. Dillemuth and Willis R. Dillimuth
Clara M. Robison, Emmet Robinson
Leaphia M. Clark, Andrew J. Clark
Cora Downer, Walter T. Downer
Alice Ulrici, Martin L. Ulrici
Jennie Justin, William Justin, desertion, m 10/18/1890(? could be 1900)
Pittston News
divorce grarted, Clara Jeffrey, 340 Race st, W. Pittston, from George Jeffrey, 910 Wyoming ave, West Pittston, by Judge Woodward, Luzerne co., grounds of desertion. married Pittston, Dec 24, 1909 and resided together at Pittson, Wyoming, and Niagra Falls until July 27, 1916.
Mrs. Maximilian Ramirez and daughter have returned to NY after visiting her parents Judge and Mrs. P. A. O'Boyle, Montgomery ave, W. Pittston
Will filed
will of late John Baker, died April 1919, filed for probate, valued at $ 2000, left to wife, Hattie E. Baker
Wednesday, September 15, 1920
Courthouse news
estate of James F. Dyer, Dunmore, value $4750, was probated to his four sisters, Anna, Mary, Catherine and Margaret. Insurance procedes worth $6200 were also distributed among the four sisters and four nephews.
Adoption permitted. Richard and Mary McHale, W. Scranton, adopting John Foy, Jr., Mary Foy, and Joseph Foy, children of John and Mary Foy. Father has disappeared, and mother consents to their adoption by their grandparents.
Thursday, September 16
Father seeks missing son. John Ventura, Co. K, 316 Infantry, who has not been heard from since Sept 1918, is sought by his father Thomas Ventura, 116 Grant ave, Millville, PA. Red Cross believes the son may be in Scranton.
TAX COLLECTORS, Lackawanna Co.
Abington, Albert JohnsonNews item
Archbald, Thomas McDonnell
Benton, George Gibbs
Blakely, C. L. Schnerr
Carbondale, John M. McAndrew
Clark's Green, Arthur A. Davis
Clark's Summit, L. H. Decker
Clifton, L. E. Kessler
Covington, J. A. Roney
Dalton, R. H. Miller
Dickson City, Thomas Padden
Dunmore, M. J. Dempsey
Elmhurst, J. W. Williams
Roaring Brook, J. W. Williams
Fell, Nicholas Glenn
Glenburn, William A. Buck
Gouldsboro, N. H. Heller
Greenfield, W. J. Bell
Jefferson, George F. Evans
Jermyn. W. J. Toman
Lackawanna, William F. Nuckley
La Plume, Earl Seamons
Lehigh, Elmer Moore
Madison, Samuel Berger
Mayfield, J. F. Lally
Moosic, J. G. Hailstone
Moscow, J. L. Medway
Newton, C. V. Decker
North Abington, A. R. Stone
Old Forge, J. M. Holland
Olyphant, John O'Connor
Ransom, William Zeiss
Scott, George White
South Abington, D. W. Colvin
Spring Brook, J. Williams
Taylor, Thomas W. Jones
Throop, Paul Bright
Vandling, John H. Evans
West Abington, C. E. Finch
Winton, J. M. Hiznay
Mrs. Frank Dodson, formerly of Kingston, PA, has been recorder of Polk county, Iowa, for the past ten years and was a delagete at large to the Republican National convention at Chicago. her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson, formerly of Luzerne, now of Des Moines, Iowa, is now a Republican organizer among the woman voters of her adopted state.
Courthouse notes
will of Mrs. Marie McNulty, late of Dunmore, balance to son Thomas McNulty, executor.
Estate of F. E. Pelton, Moscow, to his widow and at her death to his children, Mrs. Ellen Yravis, and Claie W. Pelton.
Jospeh Prisk named administator, of estate of his late wife, Ellen Prisk, Blakely.
Ann T. Aunger divides her estate anong three nephews and a niece, exector is her brother William Aunger
will of Adam Cook provides taht his grandson Adam Cook, Adam`s father William Cook, and uncle John Cook each get one of his walking canes. Son-in-law James Reid to act as executor.
divorce filed, Edith Crossin, Mayfield, against Harry Crossin for desertion.
Search for missing daughter
Peter Soma, 902 W. Lackawanna, believes his 16 yr old daughter, Badie Soma, may have eloped with Joseph Hashin, 206 N. Ninth ave, a former soldier. Both disappeared on Tuesday and it is beleived that they went to Utica, NY, or Shennandoah, PA. They were last seen at the Laurel Line station, Scranton. [photos and reward offered, 9/17, pg 31]
Mr and Mrs. N. E. Gardner, Cliford, and M/M John Utley celebrated 5oth
Wedding anniversaries on Monday (9/13). They were married in the
same ceremoney. Mrs Gardner is Mr. Utley's sister. The Gardners have
three daughters who were present with their families: M/M Edward Lewis
(Gardiner, Arline, Linda) M/M R. A. Felts , and Mrs. Katherine Knickerbocker
Full guest list.
Marriage License issued in Philadelphia for Helen H. Kane, St. Mary's,
PA, and Daniel Costello, Scranton. There is no Daniel
Costello listed in the city directory.
First annual reunion of the descendants of John Louis and Margaret Louis Luxemberger, at Nay Aug park, last Thursday. [list of attendees]
born to Robert L. Cummings and Ethel Hollister Cummings, of 1409 Linden st, a daughter, Tuesday.
Friday, Sept 17, 1920
John Markle, Hazleton coal operator, nearly killed in financial district explosion in New York city yesterday. Injured included A. B. Jessup, his chief engineer, a former resident of Scranton.
M/M William C. Price entertained the directors of the West Side bank and their wives and employees of the bank at their summer home in Lake Winola recently. Judge and Mrs. H. M. Edwards were the honored guests. Miss Neave catered. Those present were: M/M W. R. Williams, M/M William Matthews, M/M Albert Carson, M/M Alec Bender, M/M A. B. Eynon, M/M Evan Davis, M/M Thomas Evans, M/M D. W. Phillips, Miss Thomas, Miss Phillips, Miss Griffiths, Miss Donnelly, and Miss Harris, Gaylord Thomas, John Durkin, William Keegan, William Griffiths, John Snyder, Paul Eynon, and William C. Price, Jr.
Courthouse news
Will of Kate Dougherty in probate, names the following beneficiaries:
Kate Cannon, Anna Manley, Martin McGinnis, Kathleen
Dougherty, Sarah Lawless, Martin Dougherty, Jr., with the bulk of the
estate to her daughter.
William Riddle, late of Old Forge, to his daughter Clare Belle.
Mrs. Louisa Ott, 1439 N. Main ave., applied for permission to adopt her five yr old grand-daughter, Lillian Kuehner. She has had custody of the child since the mother died when the child was three weeks old.
Scranton Times, Saturday, Sept. 18, 1920
Divorce Actions
Catherine E. Thomas vs Ellsworth E. Thomas, alledged desertion Thomas M. Jones vs Margaret Jones, cruelity
Victor D. Hottenstein and his wife were arrested in Egypt, PA, near Allentown, for trying to defraud a Philadelphia insurance co. of $4000. It was reported a few days ago that he had been killed by being thrown off a train near Scranton.
Will of George Leighton, civil engineer, Glenburn filed. Written Feb 20, 1920, and witnessed by wife, Theresa Leighton.
Van Dyke Piano Manufacturing co. petitioned the court to cease business, incorporated 1903.
Brigadier General James W. McAndrew, president of the War College, former chief of Staff, American Expedionary Force, is the guest of Thomas F. Howley, 416 Elm st., Dunmore. He is visiting with relatives, native of Hawley.
Orphans Court
Judge Sando handed down orders to grant letters of administration in the estates of William Morgan and Mary W. Davis, both of whom died 21 years ago.
Nancy E. Griffin, Blakely, leaves a $7000 estate to be divided among her six children. Executors: Henry K. Griffin (son), Minnie E. Northup (daughter).
born to M/M James F. Staton, Albright ave, a daughter, Monday, 9/13. The mother is the former Juel Mears, Nativity place.
Laurel Line employees hold annual banquet, 43 guests listed.
Monday, September 20, 1920
Reunion of the Zebulon and Polly Ketchum Travis families held a week ago Saturday at the home of M/M Oscar Pickering, Nicholson.
Badie Soma, 16 yr old daughter of Peter Soma, 902 W. Lackawana ave, has returned home. According to her mother, the girl was visiting relatives in Buffalo.
Mrs. Takoohee Saraidarian, and her 11 yr old daughter, who are the only surviving niece and grand niece of Rev. S. V. Bedickian, have arrived in Wayne county from Armenia. The oldest son is in Adana, and another is in Providence, RI, two other sons are missing.
Tuesday, Sept 21, 1920
Sisters seperated 25 years meet.
Mrs. John C. Regan, 1859 Yard ave, Scranton, and Mrs. Leonard Philo, Wilkes-Barre reunite. During all the twenty-five years they have lived within twwenty miles of each other without knowing. They were left as orphans very young at St. Joseph's Foundling home, Scarnton, and both adopted to thier respective cities.
Birthday party held Sunday for two nieces, Mary and Helen McCulloch, by M/M George Barclay, 316 Phelps st.
Farewell reception held by Mrs. Edgar J. Hull, Blakely for her daughter, Mary Hull, who left Saturday for Santa Barbara, CA, where she has accepted a position as teacher of English at the School for Girls.
Mrs. Charles R. Kennedy, celebrated her 70th birthday Saturday at her home surrounded by her husband, children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Dinner was served to the following: M/M Elbert Kennedy, Carney Point, NJ; M/M Elmer Kennedy and son Willard; M/M M. L. Hay, M/M F. L. Barnes, M/M J. D. Day, M/M Francis Kennedy, Archbald, and children Ray and Gladys; M/N VanWert and sosn Kenneth and Ellis; M/M Charles R. Kennedy and sons Harold, Howard, and Willis; Mrs. R. Kennedy, Mrs. Emma Hammond, Scranton; Mrs. Joseph Brown, Wayne county; Mr. F. Sauzimuller, Carbondale; Mrs. Raymond McCale, Archbald; Mrs. John Barnes and son Frank, Blakely; and LaVern Allen and Frank Barnes, both great-grandsons of Mrs. R. Kennedy.
Party recently at the home of M/M Samuel Evans, Eynon st, in honor of his birthday. [list of attendees]
Eight wedding anniversary for Fred W. and Alice Turner Buntz, 2236 Black ave. [list of attendees].
Fifth annual reunion of the Fellman family at Meadow Brook farm, New Britain, Sept 6, home of Harvey H. Fellman.
Second reunion of descendants of John and Marie Richards was held Sept 4 at the home of John Richards, Factoryville.
Twenty-second anniversary, M/M William Schoenfeld, Franklin ave.
"I'm gone, never to return" was the note which greeted John Smith, 208 Fourth ave, when he arrived at home, Sunday evening. It was signed by his wife, John told the police yesterday when he reported the matter. She took all her clothing and $80.
Christine Karmanckle, age 11, made the trip to Trevorton, PA, from Australia alone. She arrived here yesterday (9/20) to met her father, John Karmanckle, whom she had not seenin seven years.
born , a daughter, Sept 19, to M/M Friend Kierstead, Pittsfield, MA.; mother is the Edith Kaufhold, daughter of M/M H. A. Kaufhold, Quincy ave.
born, a daughter to M/M Milton E. Holden, Sept 16, she is formerly Mary Kirkwood, Nativity place.
Miss Ruth Chandler, daughter of M/M C. H. Chandler, Adams ave, has left for Waterbury, T, where she will have charge of the English department, in St. Margaret's school for Girls.
Wednesday, Sept 22, 1920
Trust fund kept for Eugene Shoemaker Labar, NY, ordered to be turned over. Twenty yrs ago it was set up by his father George S. Labar who died in 1901. The estate was then valued at $30,000 and was principally coal royalties owned by the Shoemaker family, Caroline Shoemaker Labar being the mother of George S. Labar.
Photo of new pastor and his bride, pg 12, Rev. Clarence F. Evans, Dunmore Christian church.
Scranton men made 33rd degree Masons in Chicago: Judge H. M. Edwards, Abraham Rarich, and William R. McClave. Other 33rd degree masons in Scranton are David J. Davies, Hon. L. A. Watres, Hon. E. C. Newcomb, W. J. Jefferies, Dr. E. N. Birdsall(?), Arthur Widdowfield, Henry Koehler, Dr. Charles H. Tilton, and Jerome Leverich.
Farewell reception for Grace Brandt who leaves this week for Cleveland, OH.
Hannah R. Klein, N. Irving ave, leaves soon for Oakland, CA.
Thursday, Sept 23, 1920
Miss Marjorie Rankin, daughter of Rev. M. J. Rankin, Clark's Summit, left Monday to resume work as a missonary for seven years in China after spending a furlough year in the US. Miss Ealanor Gibbons, daughter of Rev. W. F. Gibbons, will also sail from Vancover Oct 21 on the Emporess of Asia, her destination being India, also as a Presbyterian missionary.
born yesterday, a son to M/M F. P. Chamoni, 910 Prescott ave.
born this morning, a son to M/M E. A. Calabrese, 320 N. Irving ave.
Friday, Sept 24, 1920
Will of Mrs. Anne T. John, 155 S. Main st, probated this afternoon. John E. John and Martha John, executors. Son Thomas John, daughters Mary A. John, Catherine John Dimmick, and grandson Thomas John mentioned.
Marie Reilly, daughter of M/M David Reilly, Monroe ave, landed in NY Wednesday on the steamship Niagra after spending 14 months in post war work in Europe.
Body of Pvt. Benjamin McLane, son of M/M William McLane, 839 Matthew ave, arrived last evening. He served with the 116th Engineers in France and died there. Funeral Sunday from Myrtle St. M. E. [Headline read M'Lean, which is correct surname]
born to M/M Edward Murphy, Schlager Boulevard, twins, a son and a daughter, yesterday. The daughter died this morning.
Farewell party for M/M William B. Miles, Clark's Summit, who after 8 years will move to a new home north of Pershing.
M/M Charles Farber, 132 Church st, entertained yesterday in honor of the 18th burthday of their daughter Josephine Farber.
Scranton Times, Saturday, Sept 25, 1920
Divorce actions filed
Frances Anglemier vs George Anglemeir, cruel and barborous treatment Elizabeth D. Evans vs Evan Evans, cruel and barborous treatment Esther Miller vs Charles Miller, cruel and barborous treatment
Divorce court will be held Oct 8 by Judge E. C. Newconmb, there are upwards of fifty cases on the list.
L. Brickmier, chief shipping clerk and silk vault keeper at Sauquoit Silk mills, will leave Scranton soon for Brooklyn, NY. He was giving a farewell party yesterday. He came to Scranton from the NY office 7 years ago.
Body of Richard T. Henwood, Jermyn, a soldier of the 316th Infantry, 79th division who died overseas, arrived last night and will be buried tomorrow. He died two years ago of an illness contracted in the trenches.
born Sept 19, a son to John and Helen Hopewell Zuegner.
born,a daughter, yesterday, to Vaughn and Hazel Makender Morgan, Taylor.
Montrose News
Vail Griffis who has been absent seven years in the Phillipines is home to visit his mother, Mrs. LaGrange Griffis.
Monday, September 27, 1920
Article on funeral of Pvt. Benjamin McLean in Dunmore cemetery who died shortly after his arrival in France in 1918.
A boy has arrived at the home of M/M August ("Doc") Huester, 1133 Cedar ave. Uncle is William P. Huester, city clerk.
Two children missing from home in Minooka. Helen Konopka, 9, and Genevieve Konopka, 4, daughters of M/M Thomas Konopka, Davis st disappeared yesterday around noon. A playmate reported that the older child secured two tickets for a street car bound for Sand Banks.
Tuesday, Sept 28, 1920
C. A. Chamberlain of Pittsburgh has been appointed general consulting
electrical engineer for The Delaware & Hudson Coal
company and will have offices in Scranton.
Frank Zeszis, Buffalo, NY, member of the 22nd Infantry, US Army, asks aid in locating family believe to be in Lackawanna co. He tellls of being placed in the Father Baker home for children at Buffalo when about two. He went in under the name of Frank Edwards, but is told that Zeszis is his correct one.
Eleventh birthday party Saturday for Miss Myrtle Tisdel, daughter of M/M Charles Tisdel and the second birthday of Robert Parfret.
M/M Michael Walters, Grove st., entertained in honor of birthay anniversaries
of their daughters Catherine Walters and Evelyn
Walters, Saturday .
Wednesday, Sept 29, 1920
William Atkinson vs Minnie E. Atkinson, desertion.
Twenty-Fifth Wedding anniversary, M/M William K. Thomas, 205 William st., Saturday evening. [list of attendees]
Thursday, September 30, 1920
Charles Clark, Scranton, was named administrator of the estates of his brothers, Edward Clark and Patrick Clark, who disappeared from their homes several years ago and who were officially declared dead by orphan's court here June 28, last.
Florence Ensign wants divorce from Frank Ensign, charging desertion.
Courthouse Notes
Mary Nolan named admistrator of the estate of her husband, Frank Nolan, Carbondale.
Mrs. Margaret Brogan, late of Blakely, creates a $400 trust fund for her grandaughter, and directs property in Olyphant be given to daughter Nellie Brogan and the remainder of the eststae be divided equally among her children, Frank Brogan, Edward Brogan, and Nellie Brogan.
born, a daughter, Monday to M/M Sidney Bliss, Electric st.
born, a daughter, Saturday, to M/M Walter Baas, Rigg st., Dunmore
born, a, son George Griffiths, 3rd, to M/M George Griffiths, Jr, Los angeles, CA. Mr. Griffiths is a grandson of the late R. J. Matthews, a nephew of Mrs. W. H. Storrs and the Misses Matthews, of Quincy ave.
Youthful bride, granted permission to take vacation from school for honeymoon and then is required to return. Jane Lameo, 13, daughter of M/M Joseph Lameo, 220 Linden st, has left schhol to be married, State law requires that no child can withdraw before the age of 14 or the completion of sixth grade.
Scranton Times, September 1920 Continued
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