Bungalow Park, Scranton, PA, 1912

Click image for a larger version. Click here for one that is twice as large.

Above is an approximately 12" by 16" advertisement of an auction to be held Saturday, August 10, 1912 at Connell's Park. Apparently these are the 176 lots that did not previously using the flier shown below. Crown and Stone Avenues don't seem to exist on today's Google map.

Click image below for a larger version. Click here for one that is twice as large.

Above is the map side of the 10" by 10 1/2" flier advertising Bungalow Park. Unlike the auction, the agent was local. This map is upside down (Winfield and Pittston Avenues are north west of Prospect. This is a different section from the properties shown in the auction map above.

Click image below for a larger version. Click here for one that is twice as large.

This side of the flier provides the most information, including prices and lot sizes. "Bungalow Park is located on the site of the old William Connell farm, and is bounded by Winfield Avenue on the West, Crown Avenue on the East, Connell Street on the North and Grove Street on the South."

Google satellite map of the Connell Street area of Scranton today

Scanned, transcribed and contributed by Susan White Pieroth 2010
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