Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania, USGenWeb
Rotary Club 101, Scranton, PA

There are 189 portraits with the full name, nickname, birthday (month and day, not year), occupation, and address of each member. This is probably not complete. Members are in alphabetical order.
Album of Scranton Rotary Club Roster
Three sizes of the images
Warren Tampa Acker
William Lewis Acker
John Roe Atherton
Charles Ball
Carl Henry Hooker Bauman
Gaspard d'Andelot Belin
Henry Belin, 3rd
Grant Levi Bell
George Alex Bender
Archibald Parrish Benjamin
Arthur Swallow Biesecker
Henry Frederick Biggam
George Herbert Bingham
Valentine Bliss
Reese Griffen Brooks
Walter Spaulding Buck
Harry Hewitt Bushnell
Stephen Asa Cahoon
Edward Clinton Campbell
Joseph Gerard Casey
Edward Arthur Chittenden
George Arthur Clark
Arthur Willis Close
John Malcolm Cobb, Jr.
Francis Hopkinson Coffin
John Theodore Cokely
James Maurice Collins
Harry Mellville Colman
Leander Hull Conklin
Lawrence Merritt Connell
Winfred MacBain Corbin
Homer Frank Cox
Friend Albert Cross
Eugene Aloysius Cusick
Henry Hiram Dartt
Edward Herbert Davis
Harold Doud
John Trumbull Downing
James Harris Dunham, Jr.
Henry Manning Dunham
Zenas Eldred
Peter Kenneth Emmons
William Daniel Entley
John Evans
Hervey Ray Fister
Andrew Mellick Fine
John P. Forshew
William Frederick Forster
Thomas Francis
Donald James Fulton
Arthur Parcel Gardner
Walter Herbert Gaskill
Raymond Bower Gibbs
Michael Lapolt Goodman
Louis Grass
Philip H. Greff
Ralph Amherst Gregory
Donald Gulick
Clarence Lee Gunderson
William Henry Hagen
Harry Eugene Hall
William Edwin Harding
John Peter Heidenreich
Bernard Heinz
Florence Joseph Helriegel
Charles Murry Hepburn
Walter Liddell Hill
Wallter Liddell Hill, Jr.
John Daly Hinton
George Hire
Melchoir Hay Horn
Frank Hornbaker
John Earl Houck
George Fred Hower
Ira Frank Hoyt
Charles Ridgely Howard Jackson
Ira M. Irving
Byron Hubbard Jackson
William Stower Jermyn
George Byron Jermyn
Thomas D. James
James Theron Johnson, Jr.
Joseph Donald Johnson
Evan Samuel Jones, Jr.
Frank Andrew Kaiser
William Edwin Keller
Willis Alvin Kemmerer
Henry Williston Kingsbury
Harry Rudolph Kinsley
Oscar Kleeman
Henry Alonzo Knapp
Roberet Philip Kreitler
Charlie Leber
Josepoh Sidney Leventhal
Abram J. Levy
Martin David Linder
Gregory Barrett Littell
Frank Anthony Loftus
George Edward MacKnight
Robert Brooks McClave
William Patrick McCrone
Mitchell Derr McMullen
Charles Winton Matthews
Sylvester Guy Megargee
Harold Jefferson Megargel
Eurie Lee Merriman
Harry Trout Miller
Robert Weir Michael
Wayne DeWitt Miller
Robert Kennedy Moore
Russell Davis Morgan
Arthur Eugene Morse
Luthan Belmont Mosher
Francis William Nash
Urbane Alexander Noble
Herbert Murray Nicholas
George Couch Nye
Isaac E. Oppenheim
Ernest Webster Osborn
Cecil Richard Park
Everett Lee Patterson
William James Pattison
Oren Chancy Peck
George Luther Peck
Frederick Joseph Platt
Clarence August Pretzer
John Fordham Quackenbush
William A. Reyburn
Harrison Wright Reichard
Harry Wilson Reinhart
Angus Stuart Reynolds
John Reynolds
Ezra Hoyt Ripple, Jr.
Ernest Konrad Roden
George Fred Royce
Wallace Milo Ruth
Clarence Leonard Ryder
Edward Martin Sawyer
John Scheuer
Stanley Crawford Schooley
Benjamin William Schulte
Anton Schultheis
Charles Ezra Scott
Seth Whitney Shoemaker
John Henry Seeley
William Francis Shean
Cyrus Miller Screiner
Edgar Russell Shourtleff
Harry Atherton Smith
Leon Almon Smith
Frank Silas Smith
Howard J. Snowdon
Edwin Bell Spalding
William Creighton Spohn
Paul Epworth Spragoue
Martin Luther Speck
David Spruks
Levi Gundy Sterner
Francis Oscar Stone
Edgar Sturge
Arthur Clements Twitchell
Leslie Bordman Tyler
John Benham VanCleft
Johnathan Vipond, Jr.
Jonathan Mahew Wainwright
John N. Waldron
Russell Theodore Wall
Malcolm Elmore Walthall
Leo Gregory Walsh
Ralph George Ward
John Craven Wardell
Andrew Beers Warman
Harry Munson Warren
Philip Henry Warren
Laurence Hawley Watres
Louis Arthur Watres
Garfield W. Weaver
Ernest Henry Weeks
Carlos Keeney Weist
Ferdinand Wesel
Merton Henry Wheeler
Major Lee White
William Wilhelm
Edwin Shoup Williams
Tudor Rosser Williams
Robert Young Williams
Herbert Wolf
Theodore Henry Zappert

Scanned and contributed by: Susan White Pieroth July 2018

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