County, Pennsylvania, USGenWeb
High School
April 1915
Click image to enlarge
Cover and interior illustrations by Gerald
"Jerry" Costello.
Gerald “Jerry” Costello was a student at Central in 1915 and did all of the
artwork for the April edition of the student publication, Impressions:
the cover, six section headings and two footers - nine
illustrations in total.
He illustrated other covers, including one for Presidents’ Day in March
1915 that was praised in The Scranton Republican:
“The current issue of the Central High School
Impressions just reached my desk. It is without a doubt the best number
ever published by Central High School students and is a credit to the
school. On the cover is a sketch of George Washington and Abraham
Lincoln from the pen of Gerald Costello, one of the most promising
sketch artists in this city.”
of the 1915 Impressions
Images are available in three sizes. Pages 7 and 8 are
Scans and text contributed by Thomas W. Costello,
February 2016
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