Surname | First Name | Gender | Age | Birth Year | Birthplace | Death Date | Burial Date | Section | Occupation | Residence | Notes | Source |
Louis | John | m | 59 yr 10 m | 04/--/1832 calc | 02/12/1892 | 02/14/1892 | Scranton, PA | Scr Rep, 02/13/1892 | ||||
Lovering | Anna | f | no date | 01/05/1956 | Town & Travel Dress Shop | 1404 Oram St., Scranton, PA | w/o not married; funeral notice only | Scr Times, 01/03/1956 | ||||
Lovering | Marguerite, Mrs. | f | 98 | 1897 | Scranton, PA | 03/07/1996 | 03/11/1996 | G.4.12c | theater manger, Loews (retired) | 100 Canton Ave., Brooklyn, NY | wid/o Walter B., died 1980; d/o Daniel & Sarah Ransom Phillips | Scr Times, 03/08/1986; grave, 2003 |
Lovering | Mary, Mrs. | f | 88 | MD | 02/19/1946 | 02/21/1946 | 327 Madison Ave., Scranton, PA | wid/o Thomas R., 03/08/1922; d/o Isaac Richards, mine supt., Hudson Coal Co. , Greenwood | Scr Tribune, 02/20/1946 | |||
Lovering | Thomas | m | 01/09/1892 | Grant Ave. nr Jackson St., Scranton, PA | Scr Rep, 01/11/1892 | |||||||
Lovering | Thomas R. | m | 72 | 03/07/1922 | 03/11/1922 | foreman, Greenwood Colliery, Hudson Coal Co. | 640 Clay Ave., Scranton, PA | h/o Mary Richards | Scr Times, 03/08/1922 | |||
Lovering | Walter B. | m | 05/31/1896 | 06/25/1980 | G.4.12d | cpl. US Army, WW 1 | h/o Marguerite Phillips | grave, 2003 | ||||
Lowe | Esther, Mrs. | f | Scranton, PA | 05/26/1972 | 05/30/1972 | 108 Gentilly Dr., Clark's Summit, PA | w/o Rev. Edward C.; d/o John H. & Elizabeth Powell Williams; parents ran Williams' Paint & Wallpaper | Scr Times, 05/27/1972 | ||||
Lowe | Margaret, Mrs. | f | 89 | 06/09/1875 | Scranton, PA | 05/13/1965 | 05/15/1965 | 1030 Snyder Ave., Scranton, PA | wid/o William, 1940; d/o Benjamin & Sarah Noble Bowen | Scr Times, 05/13/1965 | ||
Lowe | William J. | m | Scranton, PA | 11/02/1977 | 11/05/1977 | truck driver, Weimer Co., Elizabeth, NJ (retired) | Midtown Apts., Scranton, PA | h/o Mary Snowdon; s/o William & Margaret Bowen Lowe | Scr Times, 11/02/1977 | |||
Lusby? | Elizabeth J. | f | no date | 12/01/1945 | 414 Depot St., Scranton, PA | funeral notice only | Scr Times, 12/03/1945 | |||||
Lutz | Catherine, Mrs. | f | 09/23/1934 | 09/25/1934 | 2 Charles St., Throop | Scr Rep, 09/25/1934 | ||||||
Lutz | Margaret, Mrs. | f | no date | 11/01/1918 | 1717 Monsey Ave., Scranton, PA | Scr Times, 10/31/1918 | ||||||
Lynch | Ellen, Mrs. | f | 85 | 10/10/1905 | 10/13/1905 | Archbald mines, Taylor, PA | Scr Rep, 10/11/1905 | |||||
Lynn | Jennie, Mrs. | f | 35 | 02/28/1914 | 03/03/1914 | 2645 Jackson St., Scranton, PA | w/o Harry | Scr Rep, 03/02/1914 | ||||
Lynn | Margaret | f | infant | 06/11/1900 | 06/12/1900 | 2403 Jackson St., Scranton, PA | d/o Henry Lynn | Scr Rep, 06/12/1900 | ||||
MacGregor | Margaret, Mrs. | f | Scranton, PA | 03/29/1980 | 03/31/1980 | 14 Hillside Dr., Binghamton, NY | wid/o Raymond, 1970; d/o Thomas & Jane Davis Thomas | Scr Times, 03/29/1980 | ||||
Mackes | Kenneth G. | m | Scranton, PA | 12/19/1972 | 12/21/1972 | Linder Bros. (retired) | 1146 W. Elm St., Scranton, PA | h/o Beatrice Edmondson; s/o Alvin & Elizabeth Evans Mackes | Scr Times, 12/20/1972 | |||
Mackow | Mary, Mrs. | f | 87 | Austria | 05/07/1979 | 05/10/1979 | 146 S. Garfield Ave., Scranton, PA | wid/o Damian, died 02/23/1976; d/o Phillip & Helen Feschiw | Scr Times, 05/08/1979 | |||
Macwith | Mrs. | m | 09/23/1901 | 09/26/1901 | 318 N. Filmore Ave., Scranton, PA | h/o George | Scr Rep, 09/24/1901 | |||||
Madden | Gordon E. | m | Scranton, PA | 02/22/1975 | 02/24/1975 | accountant, International Paper Co., Richamond, VA | 121 N. Everett Ave., Scranton, PA | h/o Eleanor Hagen, died 1955; s/o Harry & Mrs. Gertrude Morelang Madden Kellow; sf - Richard Madden | Scr Times, 02/22/1975 | |||
Maddock | Hopkin | m | 73 | 12/19/1945 | 12/22/1945 | sheet metal worker; prop W. Scr Sheet Metal Works | 1604 Washburn St., Scranton, PA | Scr Times, 12/19/1945 | ||||
Magee | William A. | m | 67 | Scranton, PA | 09/10/1957 | 09/13/1957 | custodian, Dime Bank building | 524 Albion St., Scranton, PA | h/o Jennie Perwein; s/o George & Mary Freeman Magee | Scr Times, 09/11/1957 | ||
Mahady | Josephine Cameron, Mrs. | f | 70 | 03/15/1937 | 03/16/1937 | Scranton, PA | Scr Times, 03/16/1937 | |||||
Mailow | Mary, Mrs. | f | 63 | 08/30/1892 | 09/01/1892 | Hennesy Al., Scranton, PA | aunt of Joseph Hall, timekeeper post ofice | Scr Rep, 08/31/1892 | ||||
Malone | Elizabeth, Mrs. | f | Scranton, PA | 05/14/1984 | 05/16/1984 | RN | 161 S. Sumner Ave., Scranton, PA | wid/o Joseph L., 1966; d/o Bertram W. & Ethel Anderson Deacon | Scr Times, 05/14/1984 | |||
Manley | Warren A. | m | Scranton, PA | 05/07/1984 | 05/10/1984 | Acker Drill Co. | Park Garden Apts., Scranton, PA | h/o Phillys Jones; s/o Kevin C. & Romayne Finn Manley; WW2 vet, Naval Air Corps | Scr Times, 05/07/1984 | |||
Manning | Marjorie, Mrs. | f | Scranton, PA | 12/24/1955 | 12/26/1955 | teacher, Duryea Jr. HS (retired in May) | 244 Main St., Scranton, PA | w/o William; d/o Hugh G. & Mary Ellen Davis | Scr Times, 12/24/1955 | |||
Marchant | John | m | 89 | 02/14/1848 | Pembrokshire, S. Wales | 03/01/1937 | 03/04/1937 | fireman, Hyde Park Colliery (retired); hoisting engineer, 1915 | 1916 Washburn St., Scranton, PA | Scr Times, 03/02/1937 | ||
Marks | Catherine, Mrs. | f | Wales | 02/12/1934 | 02/16/1934 | 2000 Adams Ave., Scranton, PA | Scr Rep, 02/14/1934 | |||||
Markwick | Catherine, Mrs. | f | Scranton, PA | 02/22/1953 | 02/25/1953 | 1415 Academy St., Scranton, PA | w/o William E.; d/o David & Eliza Thomas Hopkins | Scr Times, 02/23/1953 | ||||
Markwick | child | ? | 5 mo | 07/04/1905 | 07/05/1905 | 519 Hampton St., Scranton, PA | d/o Fred Markwick | Scr Rep, 07/05/1905 | ||||
Markwick | Mary E. | f | 1910 | 1927 | G.4.7a | d/o William E. & Catherine Hopkins Markwick | grave, 2003 | |||||
Markwick | William E. | m | 1915 | 1919 | G.4.7a | s/o William E. & Catherine Hopkins Markwick | grave, 2003 | |||||
Markwick | William E. | m | Scranton, PA | 11/25/1957 | 11/28/1957 | inspector, PennDOT, 25 yrs. | 911 Mulberry St., Scranton, PA | h/o Catherine Hopkins, 02/22/1953; s/o William E. & Caroline Fields Markwick | Scr Times, 11/26/1957 | |||
Marlow | Mary, Mrs. | f | no date | 09/01/1892 | Hennessy Alley, West Scranton | funeral notice only | Scr Rep, 09/02/1892 | |||||
Marschell | Mae Marsh, Mrs. | f | Pittston, PA | 07/19/1949 | 07/22/1949 | 708 N. Washington Ave., Scranton, PA | w/o Ralph; d/o William & Jane Steele Bowkley | Scr Times, 07/19/1949 | ||||
Marsh | Hattie, Mrs. | f | 48 | 04/19/1915 | 04/22/1915 | 307 N. Rebecca Ave., Scranton, PA | w/o John | Scr Rep, 04/20/1915 | ||||
Marshall | Margaret | f | 74 | Scranton, PA | 08/20/1947 | 08/23/1947 | cook, Friendship House | 2000 Adams Ave., Scranton, PA | w/o not married; d/o John & Marian Marshall; formerly 530 N. Sumner Ave. | Scr Times, 08/20/1947 | ||
Martin | Elizabeth, Mrs. | f | Scranton, PA | 10/03/1986 | 306 S. Hyde Park Ave., Scranton, PA | wid/o Bert, 1950; d/o Thomas & Sarah Thomas | Scr Times, 10/04/1986 | |||||
Martin | Grace J. | f | 96 | Scranton, PA | 05/09/1990 | 05/11/1990 | Registered Nurse (retired) | N. Sumner Ave., Scranton, PA | w/o not married; d/o Henry & Jane Booth Martin | Scr Times, 05/10/1990 | ||
Maschall | Benjamin | m | 05/1888 - 05/1903 | Civil War | Scr Rep, 05/30/1903 | |||||||
Maschel | Annie W. | f | 90 | Wales | 01/09/1951 | 01/12/1951 | 3633 Birney Ave., Scranton, PA | wid/o Thomas D. | Scr Times, 01/10/1951 | |||
Mason | Mary, Mrs. | f | 75 | 02/20/1914 | 02/24/1914 | 1125 Loomis St., Scranton, PA | Scr Trib-Rep, 02/23/1914 | |||||
Masters | Sabin | m | Greentown (Pike Co.), PA | 03/10/1955 | 03/12/1955 | roadway dept., DL&W rr (retired) | 520 Penn Ave., Scranton, PA | s/o Edward & Mrs. Masters | Scr Times, 03/10/1955 | |||
Mathias | John | m | 3 | 05/03/1909 | 05/06/1909 | 36 Landis St., Scranton, PA | s/o Daniel Mather | Scr Times, 05/04/1909 | ||||
Mattern | Conrad, Jr. | m | 1860 | Frankfort, Germany | 05/07/1921 | 05/10/1921 | dairy business (20 yrs.) | 324 N. Bromley Ave., Scranton, PA | Scr Times, 05/09/1921 | |||
Matteson | Esther | f | 4 | 03/29/1907 | 03/31/1907 | 421 N. Ninth Ave., Scranton, PA | d/o Edward Matteson; father is patrolman | Scr Rep, 04/02/1907 | ||||
Matteson | Hilldus | ? | 2 | 03/31/1907 | 04/01/1907 | 421 N. Ninth Ave., Scranton, PA | d/o Edward Matteson; father is patrolman | Scr Rep, 04/02/1907 | ||||
Matthews | Albert G. | m | 53 | Scranton, PA | 11/11/1957 | 11/15/1957 | 125 N. Sumner Ave., Scranton, PA | h/o Lillian Erickson; s/o William & Ruth Martin Matthews | Scr Times, 11/12/1957 | |||
Matthews | David | m | 2 | 12/01/1908 | 12/03/1908 | 1122 Hampton St., Scranton, PA | s/o David Matthews, patrolman; 2nd death in family in two weeks [Margaret Tudor, 11/19] | Scr Rep, 12/02/1908 | ||||
Matthews | David | m | 2 | 02/06/1919 | 02/08/1919 | 924 Monroe Ave., Dunmore, PA | Scr Rep, 02/08/1919 | |||||
Matthews | David M. | m | 33 | 01/29/1907 | 02/01/1907 | policeman | 627 N. Sumner Ave., Scranton, PA | h/o Margaret | Scr Rep, 01/30/1907 | |||
Matthews | Grace J. | f | Scranton, PA | 05/16/1984 | 05/21/1984 | health nursing consultant, District of Columbia | 547 G. St., SW, Washington, DC | d/o William R. & Ruth Martin Matthews; US Navy, WW2; commander Nurse Corps | Sunday Times, 05/20/1984 | |||
Matthews | Margaret, Mrs. | f | 01/03/1922 | 01/05/1922 | 1122 Hampton St., Scranton, PA | wid/o David M., 01/29/1907 | Scr Times, 01/03/1922 | |||||
Matthews | not given | ? | 5 days | 05/22/1901 | 05/22/1901 | Scranton, PA | d/o William Matthews; funeral notice only | Scr Rep, 05/23/1901 | ||||
Matthews | Ruth, Mrs. | f | England | 05/24/1974 | 05/31/1974 | 817 G. St., SW, Washington, DC | d/o Henry & Jane Vaughn Booth Martin; formerly resided 126 N. Sumner Ave., Scranton | Scr Times, 05/28/1974 | ||||
Matthews | William | m | 74 | 03/04/1922 | 03/08/1922 | 320 N. Rebecca Ave., Scranton, PA | Scr Times, 03/06/1922 | |||||
Matthews | William | m | 43 | 02/13/1944 | 02/16/1944 | Federal Radio Co. | Belleville, NJ | s/o Margaret Matthews; formerly of 114 S. Lincoln Ave., Scranton | Scr Times, 02/14/1944 | |||
Matthews | William | m | Scranton, PA | 11/04/1978 | 11/08/1978 | truck driver, A&P | 1304 Diamond Ave., Scranton, PA | h/o Ann Chernack; s/o David & Nellie Davis Matthews; [photo 11/06] | Scr Times, 11/06/1978 | |||
Mausen | Charlotte, Mrs. | f | 34 | 12/28/1908 | 12/31/1908 | 525 N. Bromley Ave., Scranton, PA | w/o James; d/o Benjamin Edwards | Scr Rep, 12/29/1908 | ||||
Mawson | Mrs. | f | 12/28/1908 | 12/31/1908 | 627 N. Bromley Ave., Scranton, PA | w/o Charles | Scr Rep, 12/30/1908 | |||||
Maxey | Mrs. | f | ? | no date | Scranton, PA | w/o Richard | Scr Rep, 03/02/1886 | |||||
May | Eva Elizabeth, Mrs. | f | 93 | Scranton, PA | 12/05/1986 | 12/09/1986 | Scranton, PA | wid/o Charles N., 01/18/1966; d/o William & Margaret Peters Janes | Scr Times, 12/07/1986 | |||
May | Gwendolyn, Mrs. | f | Scranton, PA | 01/23/1955 | 01/26/1955 | confectionary store | Division St., Scranton, PA | wid/o Michael J., 09/24/1912; d/o Thomas W. & Elizabeth Williams Davies | Scr Times, 01/24/1955 | |||
Mayer | Lavina, Mrs. | f | 71 | 1886 | Scranton, PA | 02/17/1960 | 02/20/1960 | Tilbury Terrace, W. Nanticoke, PA | w/o Samuel; d/o Benjamin & Johanna Evans Stratton | Scr Times, 02/19/1960; Karen Hillman | ||
Mayer | Samuel | m | 1885 | 1968h/o Lavina | Karen Hillman, | |||||||
Mayforth | John | m | before 05/1888 | Civil War | Scr Rep, 05/19/1888 | |||||||
Mayo | Noble C. | m | 69 yrs 11 mo. | Great Bend, PA | 06/28/1909 | 06/30/1909 | merchant | N. Lincoln Ave.cnr. Swetland St., Scranton, PA | h/o yes; s/o Ezekiel & Mrs. Mayo | Scr Rep, 06/29/1909 | ||
McCloskey | Evan | m | Keyser Valley | 01/14/1958 | 01/18/1958 | 841 Mulberry St., Scranton, PA | s/o Frank & Gwen Richards McCloskey | Scr Times, 01/15/1958 | ||||
McConnell | William H. | m | no date | 05/02/1915 | 1438 Elizabeth St., Scranton, PA | Civil War veteran; funeral notice only | Scr Times, 05/03/1915 | |||||
McDermott | Robert, Jr. | m | 35 | 07/08/1961 | 07/11/1961 | Wayne, NJ | h/o Thelma Endress; s/o Robert McDermott, Sr. & Mrs.; US Marines, WW2, Okinawa; died at E. Orange, NJ | Scr Times, 07/10/1961 | ||||
McElhenny | Grace | f | 18 mo | no date | 09/15/1911 | 1305 Eynon St., Scranton, PA | d/o John A. McElhenny; funeral notice only | Scr Truth, 09/14/1911 | ||||
McElhenny | Harold | m | 8 mo | no date | 10/02/1925 | 1228 Eynon St., Scranton, PA | s/o David McElhenny; funeral notice only | Scr Rep, 10/02/1925 | ||||
McElhenny | Jane, Mrs. | f | Scranton, PA | 04/16/1955 | 04/19/1955 | 314 Pear St., Scranton, PA | wid/o David; d/o Thomas R. & Elizabeth Griffiths Phillips | Scr Times, 04/16/1955 | ||||
McElhenny | not given | f | 3 mo | no date | 07/08/1921 | 1307 Eynon St., Scranton, PA | d/o David McElhenny; funeral notice only | Scr Times, 07/08/1921 | ||||
McGraw | David | m | 05/11/1928 | 05/15/1928 | 2425 Durkin Ave., Scranton, PA | Scr Rep, 05/14/1928 | ||||||
McGraw | Elizabeth, Mrs. | f | 02/03/1966 | 1747 Brick Ave., Scranton, PA | wid/o David; d/o John & Mary Jane Morgan Hall | Scr Times, 02/04/1966 | ||||||
McHale | Jennie Davis | f | Scranton, PA | 12/30/1961 | 01/02/1962 | 911 S. Main Ave., Scranton, PA | d/o James T. & Mary Ann Williams Davis | Scr Times, 01/02/1962 | ||||
McKnight | infant child | ? | no date | 07/13/1896 | Scranton, PA | d/o George McKnight | Scr Rep, 07/14/1896 | |||||
Mead | Perlia, Mrs. | f | 75 | 11/03/1917 | 11/04/1917 | Clark's Green | w/o Benjamin | Scr Rep, 11/05/1917 | ||||
Medelis | Walter | m | Lithuania | 03/05/1960 | 03/09/1960 | miner (retired) | 124 S. Rebecca Ave., Scranton, PA | h/o Tessie | Scr Times, 03/07/1960 | |||
Mehlin | George | m | infant | 02/08/1914 | 02/09/1914 | 124 S. Hyde Park Ave., Scranton, PA | s/o John Mehlin | Scr Trib-Rep, 02/09/1914 | ||||
Meisinger | Agnes, Mrs. | f | no date | 02/12/1934 | 212 N. Garfield Ave., Scranton, PA | Scr Rep, 02/13/1934 | ||||||
Meisinger | Frederick C. | m | 54 | Scranton, PA | 12/14/1950 | 12/16/1950 | radio and refrigeration maintenance man | 5033 Copley Rd., Germantown, PA | s/o William & Agnes Franke Meisinger | Scr Times, 12/15/1950 | ||
Meredith | David | m | 07/15/1901 | 07/20/1901 | newspaper carrier | 125 N. Bromley Ave., Scranton, PA | s/o John Meredith; sister {Edith}, 05/11/1901 | Scr Rep, 07/16/1901 | ||||
Meredith | Edith | f | 13 | 05/11/1901 | 05/12/1901 | 125 N. Bromley Ave., Scranton, PA | d/o John Meredith | Scr Rep, 05/11/1901 | ||||
Meredith | Gwendolyn E., Mrs. | f | 93 | Monmouthshire, S. Wales | 12/11/1920 | 12/14/1920 | 921 Pine St., Scranton, PA | Scr Rep, 12/13/1920 | ||||
Meredith | Lizzie | f | 1864 | 1912 | G.3.7 left and 7c | grave, 2003 | ||||||
Messech | Thomas | m | 13 | no date | 06/22/1909 | cnr. Hampton St. & 15th Ave., Scranton, PA | Scr Rep, 06/23/1909 | |||||
Metcalf | Mary, Mrs. | f | 09/18/1915 | 09/22/1915 | Milwaukee Ave., Old Forge, PA | wid/o m1- John R. Edwards; d/o Mr. Thomas | Scr Times, 09/21/1915 | |||||
Metschulop | Florence | f | 4 mo | 06/02/1915 | 06/05/1915 | Newton Road, Scranton, PA | d/o Gatlieb Metschulop | Scr Rep, 06/04/1915 | ||||
Michael | Elizabeth, Mrs. | f | 81 | 01/22/1921 | 01/25/1921 | 708 George St., Scranton, PA | Scr Times, 01/22/1921 | |||||
Mickel | Norman E. | m | Dunmore, PA | 04/09/1960 | 04/13/1960 | carman, Keyser Valley shops, DL&W rr | 419 N. Seventh Ave., Scranton, PA | s/o William & Malvine Everett Mickel | Scr Times, 04/11/1960 | |||
Miles | Anna M., Mrs. | f | Scranton, PA | 12/14/1960 | 12/16/1960 | 225 Railroad Ave., Scranton, PA | w/o Clifford W.; d/o Thomas & Gwen James | Scr Times, 12/14/1960 | ||||
Miles | Hannah Moses | f | 67 | Carbondale, PA | 11/15/1910 | 11/18/1910 | Franklin Ave., Scranton, PA | wid/o John, 1893 | Scr Times, 11/16/1910 | |||
Miles | William C. | m | 71 | Scranton, PA | 09/05/1960 | 09/09/1960 | machinist | 404 E. Market St., Scranton, PA | h/o Clara McLaughlin; s/o Myles & Mary Davis Miles | Scr Times, 09/06/1960 | ||
Millard | Eugene H. | m | no date | 04/16/1915 | 415 Olive St., Scranton, PA | Scr Rep, 04/17/1915 | ||||||
Miller | Fidelle | m | 05/1888 - 05/1903 | Civil War | Scr Rep, 05/30/1903 | |||||||
Miller | George C. | m | 8 mo | 09/16/1901 | 09/18/1901 | Archbald sectionTaylor, PA | s/o William Miller | Scr Rep, 09/17/1901 | ||||
Miller | Guerny | m | 1896 | Allentown, PA | 09/28/1951 | 10/02/1951 | G.2.10a | stationary engineer, CNJ rr, 9 yrs. | 1920 Washburn St., Scranton, PA | h/o Mary Pethrick; s/o John & Rose Coon Miller | Scr Times, 09/29/1951; grave, 2003 | |
Miller | Hannah, Mrs. | f | 87 | 01/09/1876 | Pittston, PA | 12/19/1963 | 12/21/1963 | mailroom, ICS | 2094 N. Main Ave., Scranton, PA | wid/o m1- John Elias Payne, 1948; m2- William J. Miller, 1957; d/o David & Mary Elizabeth Lloyd Reese Davies | Scr Tribune, 12/20/1963 | |
Miller | Helen Irene | f | 5 | 02/27/1907 | 03/02/1907 | 332 N. Lincoln Ave., Scranton, PA | d/o John Miller | Scr Rep, 02/28/1907 | ||||
Miller | John N., Capt. | m | Scranton, PA | 12/12/1914 | 12/14/1914 | DL&W rr shops | 233 N. Lincoln Ave., Scranton, PA | also in Scr Truth, 12/12/1914 | Scr Rep, 12/14/1914 | |||
Miller | Mary | f | 1900 | 1984 | G.2.10b | wid/o Gurney, 09/28/1951; d/o Mr. Pethrick | grave, 2003 | |||||
Miller | Nina, Mrs. | f | no date | 09/08/1917 | S. Sumner Ave., Scranton, PA | Scr Times, 09/08/1917 | ||||||
Miller | Samuel | m | 05/1888 - 05/1903 | Civil War | Scr Rep, 05/30/1903 | |||||||
Miller | Sophia, Mrs. | f | Scranton, PA | 03/16/1975 | 03/19/1975 | 1016 Pittston Ave., Scranton, PA | wid/o John; d/o John & Auguste Goerke Williams | Scr Times, 03/17/1975 | ||||
Miller | William, Mrs. | f | no date | 04/29/1916 | 1412 Lafayette St., Scranton, PA | Scr Times, 04/28/1916 | ||||||
Mills | Roy F. | m | 67 | Scranton, PA | 03/18/1965 | 03/20/1965 | policeman, 30 yrs. (retired 1961) | 601 N. Lincoln Ave., Scranton, PA | h/o Margaret Sayer; s/o William & Barbara Robinson Mills | Scr Times, 03/18/1965 | ||
Mincher | Elizabeth, Mrs. | f | 1853 | England | 10/03/1939 | 10/05/1939 | 524 Electric St., Scranton, PA | wid/o m1- Mr. Price; m2- Mr. Mincher | Scr Times, 10/03/1939; Mary Ann Newton | |||
Mirtz | Margaret, Mrs. | f | Scranton, PA | 02/19/1985 | 02/22/1985 | 324 Caroline Ave., Scranton, PA | wid/o Harold T. C., 11/26/1979; d/o William & Mary Curran Harris | Scr Times, 02/20/1985 | ||||
Miscovich | Stella, Mrs. | f | Ukrania | 12/23/1959 | 12/26/1959 | 620 Foster St., Scranton, PA | w/o Anthony; d/o Anthony & Mary Seroka Levinsky | Scr Times, 12/23/1959 | ||||
Misson | Barnet | m | no date | 11/20/1910 | 1167 Eynon St., Scranton, PA | h/o Sallie Ann, 07/23/1901; funeral notice only | Scr Times, 11/21/1910 | |||||
Misson | Sallie Ann, Mrs. | f | 73 | 07/23/1901 | 07/26/1901 | 1160 Eynon St., Scranton, PA | w/o Barnet | Scr Rep, 07/24/1901 | ||||
Mlincher | Gertrude, Mrs. | f | Scranton, PA | 01/09/1955 | 01/11/1955 | 93 New St., Newark, NJ | w/o Joseph; d/o Evan & Hannah Rees Hopkins | Scr Times, 01/10/1955 | ||||
Mohr | Elizabeth, Mrs. | f | 72 y 11 m 25 d | 11/14/1892 | 11/17/1892 | 346 N. Sumner Ave., Scranton, PA | Scr Rep, 11/16/1892 | |||||
Mohr | Mary | f | no date | 02/02/1893 | 318 N. Bromley Ave., Scranton, PA | d/o Mr. Mohr | Scr Rep, 01/31/1893 | |||||
Monahan | Harold | m | Scranton, PA | 11/13/1984 | 11/15/1984 | GE Co.; PennDOT (retired, 1975) | 908 Eynon St., Scranton, PA | h/o Dorothy Slater Down; s/o Martin & Blodwin Monahan; US Army, WW2 | Scr Times, 11/13/1984 | |||
Monnett | Sadie G. | f | 01/18/1942 | 01/21/1942 | teacher, nurse | Cleveland, OH | w/o William B.; d/o David B. & Mrs. Jones; husband is Ensign, US Navy | Scr Times, 01/20/1942 | ||||
Monroe | Frank | m | no date | 09/23/1931 | 1909 Washburn St., Scranton, PA | funeral notice only | Scr Times, 09/23/1931 | |||||
Moor | Mrs. | f | 78 | 04/09/1844 | Switzerland | 03/10/1922 | 03/13/1922 | 213 N. Van Buren Ave., Scranton, PA | w/o John | Scr Times, 03/11/1922 | ||
Moore | Bertha, Mrs. | f | 86 | Scranton, PA | 12/02/1972 | private | 915 Wood St., Scranton, PA | wid/o George, 02/19/1964; d/o Thomas & Mrs. Norris | Scr Times, 12/02/1972 | |||
Moore | Dorothy, Mrs. | f | Scranton, PA | 05/16/1970 | 05/19/1970 | 524 Newton Rd., Scranton, PA | wid/o William H., 11/--/1969; d/o John H. & Gladys Walters Davis | Scr Times, 05/16/1970 | ||||
Moore | George A. | m | 80 | Wilkes-Barre, PA | 02/19/1964 | 02/24/1964 | Scranton Transit, 50 yrs. (retired) | 2012 Price St., Scranton, PA | h/o Bertha Norris | Scr Times, 02/20/1964 | ||
Moore | Hannah, Mrs. | f | Germany | 10/09/1962 | 10/12/1962 | 137 S. Sherman Ave., Scranton, PA | wid/o Andrew, died 01/19/1947; d/o Frederick & Sophie Baker Richter | Scr Times, 10/10/1962 | ||||
Moore | Mrs. | f | 02/07/1946 | 02/07/1946 | Bloomfield, NJ | w/o Frank; d/o Daniel & Mrs. Janes; mother resides Union St., Taylor; funeral notice only | Scr Tribune, 02/07/1946 | |||||
Moran | Michael | m | 25 | 12/20/1893 | 12/22/1893 | Jackson St., Scranton, PA | s/o Michael Moran; obit appeared 12/21 | Scr Rep, 12/23/1893 | ||||
Morgan | Agnes, Mrs. | f | 42 | Scranton, PA | 07/26/1911 | 07/30/1911 | 1507 Washburn St., Scranton, PA | w/o Thomas D.; d/o William & Mary Wicks Wicks | Scr Rep, 07/27/1911 | |||
Morgan | Albert | m | 1871 | 1875 | G.3.7 right | grave, 2003 | ||||||
Morgan | Albert | m | Scranton, PA | 07/21/1973 | 07/25/1973 | Bohn Aluminum Co., Detroit, MI (retired) | 1310 Preston Pl., Scranton, PA | h/o Sarah Davis; s/o Thomas & Sarah Markwick Morgan | Scr Times, 07/23/1973 | |||
Morgan | Alice R. | f | 92 | 1901 | 1993 | H.19.1 | grave, 1997 | |||||
Morgan | Alvira | f | no date | 12/02/1911 | 316 N. Lincoln Ave., Scranton, PA | funeral notice only | Scr Truth, 12/02/1911 | |||||
Morgan | Ann, Mrs. | f | 03/14/1840 | 11/29/1912 | 12/02/1912 | G.3.7 front and 7a | 128 Grant St., | w/o Rees; daughter died 2 wks ago at WB | Scr Times, 12/03/1912; grave, 2003 | |||
Morgan | Benjamin | m | 19 | 02/18/1911 | 02/21/1911 | DL&W rr, roundhouse | 3 Snyder Ave., Scranton, PA | s/o Benjamin Morgan | Scr Trib-Rep, 02/22/1911 | |||
Morgan | Blodwen | f | 5 | 09/25/1905 | 09/26/1905 | 1410 Dartmouth Ave., Scranton, PA | d/o Harry Morgan | Scr Rep, 09/28/1905 | ||||
Morgan | Cadivor | m | 78 | Wales | 02/08/1946 | 02/11/1946 | 609 N. Main Ave., Scranton, PA | h/o Elizabeth Ann | Scr Tribune, 02/09/1946 | |||
Morgan | Daniel | m | 77 | Wales | 01/21/1909 | 01/24/1909 | 35 Storrs Ave., Scranton, PA | bardic name Dan Bryn Gwynedd | Scr Rep, 01/22/1909 | |||
Morgan | David | m | before 05/1888 | Civil War | Scr Rep, 05/19/1888 | |||||||
Morgan | David. A., Mrs. | f | 77 | 12/05/1913 | 12/09/1913 | 302 N. Filmore Ave., Scranton, PA | w/o David A. | Scr Trib-Rep, 12/09/1913 | ||||
Morgan | Dorothy Ruth | f | 3 | 01/12/1921 | 01/14/1921 | 1025 Snyder Ave., Scranton, PA | d/o James M. Morgan; also in Republican, 01/12/1921 | Scr Times, 01/12/1921 | ||||
Morgan | Edith, Mrs. | f | 76 | Scranton, PA | 07/19/1949 | 07/22/1949 | 2139 N. Main Ave., Scranton, PA | wid/o D. D.; d/o Mr. James | Scr Times, 07/20/1949 | |||
Morgan | Edward | m | 08/22/1905 | 08/25/1905 | miner | Storrs Ave., Scranton, PA | s/o Benjamin Morgan, Snyder Ave. | Scr Rep, 08/23/1905 | ||||
Morgan | Edward E. | m | 72 | Wales | 10/27/1960 | 10/31/1960 | Baldwin Locomotive Works (retired, 7 yrs.) | 7237 Montague Ave., Philadelphia, PA | s/o William B. & Mary Louise Dibbins Morgan; veteran WW1, Purple Heart & Oak Cross | Scr Times, 10/28/1960 | ||
Morgan | Elizabeth A. | f | Scranton, PA | 04/23/1947 | 04/25/1947 | Consolidated Molded Products | 533 Cherry St., Scranton, PA | Scr Tribune, 04/24/1947 | ||||
Morgan | Elizabeth Ann, Mrs. | f | 01/23/1956 | 01/26/1956 | Dalton, PA | wid/o Cadivor, 02/08/1946; died at Clark's Summit | Scr Times, 01/25/1956 | |||||
Morgan | Elizabeth C., Mrs. | f | 48 | no date | 04/21/1937 | Syracuse, NY | funeral notice only | Scr Times, 04/22/1937 | ||||
Morgan | Elizabeth, Mrs. | f | 77 | Wales | 09/24/1915 | 09/27/1915 | 143 S. Lincoln Ave., Scranton, PA | wid/o m1- Mr. Griffiths, m2- John M. Morgan | Scr Times, 09/25/1915 | |||
Morgan | Elizabeth, Mrs. | f | 10/03/1916 | 10/06/1916 | N. Everett Ave., Scranton, PA | w/o John | Scr Rep, 10/04/1916 | |||||
Morgan | Elizabeth, Mrs. | f | 82 | Tamaqua, PA | 11/19/1936 | 11/23/1936 | 1416 Luzerne St., Scranton, PA | wid/o Howell, 1934 | Scr Times, 11/20/1936 | |||
Morgan | Elizabeth, Mrs. | f | Scranton, PA | 01/19/1958 | 01/22/1958 | 1115 Jackson St., Scranton, PA | wid/o m1- Mr. Evans, m2- Eleazer Morgan, 11/03/1940; d/o Thomas & Mrs. Jones | Scr Times, 01/20/1958 | ||||
Morgan | Emily | f | 1873 | 1875 | G.3.7 right | grave, 2003 | ||||||
Morgan | Estell, Mrs. | m | 89 | Ashland, PA | 03/02/1971 | 03/05/1971 | 3313 Conrad St., Philadelphia, PA | h/o John, 1918; s/o David & Mary Powell; formerly of 1137 Division St., Scranton | Scr Times, 03/03/1971 | |||
Morgan | Ethel, Mrs. | f | Scranton, PA | 06/09/1974 | 06/13/1974 | 347 N. Bromley Ave., Scranton, PA | d/o William & Emily Williams; died at Sandy Hook, CT | Scr Times, 06/10/1974 | ||||
Morgan | Eva | f | Scranton, PA | 09/30/1976 | 10/04/1976 | teacher, music W. Scr. Jr. HS (retired) | 2217 N. Main Ave., Scranton, PA | w/o not married; d/o David & Eva Lewis Morgan | Scr Times, 09/30/1976 | |||
Morgan | Evan L. | m | 66 | no date | 02/20/1907 | Scranton, PA | Scr Rep, 02/18/1907 | |||||
Morgan | George | m | 35 | 09/17/1915 | 09/20/1915 | 320½ Fifteenth Ave., Scranton, PA | Scr Times, 09/18/1915 | |||||
Morgan | George | m | 79 | Wales | 07/29/1960 | 08/01/1960 | coal miner (retired) | 371 N. Bromley Ave., Scranton, PA | h/o Mamie Edwards; s/o Thomas & Ann Nichols Morgan | Scr Times, 07/30/1960 | ||
Morgan | Glannant | m | 47 | 1888 | 1935 | H.19.1 | grave, 1997 | |||||
Morgan | Gomer | m | 1875 | 1879 | G.3.7 right | grave, 2003 | ||||||
Morgan | Helen, Mrs. | f | Scranton, PA | 12/02/1970 | 12/05/1970 | Licensed Practial Nurse, Clark's Summit State Hospital (retired, 10 yrs.) | Rose Lane, Matamoras, PA | died at Port Jervis, NY; formerly of 1208 Hampton St. | Scr Times, 12/03/1970 | |||
Morgan | Ira Elwyn | m | 1944 | Scranton, PA | Holly Nelson | |||||||
Morgan | Isaac | m | 65 | 02/11/1906 | Scranton, PA | 06/12/1971 | 06/15/1971 | G.1.3b | assistant auditor, E-L rr (retired) | 593 Upland Dr., Bay Village, OH | h/o Mildred Harwood; s/o Noah & Sophie Sherman Morgan; US Army, WW2 | Scr Times, 06/12/1971; grave, 1997 |
Morgan | John | m | 74 | Wales | 01/25/1892 | 01/27/1892 | School St., Scranton, PA | Scr Rep, 01/27/1892 | ||||
Morgan | John P. | m | 65 | 11/01/1910 | 1211 Eynon St., Scranton, PA | Scr Trib-Rep, 11/02/1910 | ||||||
Morgan | John P. | m | 75 | 09/29/1911 | 10/01/1911 | miner | 533 N. Filmore Ave., Scranton, PA | also appears in Scr Times, 10/02/1911 | Scr Truth, 09/29/1911 | |||
Morgan | John T. | m | 05/03/1917 | 05/06/1917 | Liuetenant, Scranton City Fire Department | 135 S. Lincoln Ave., Scranton, PA | Scr Rep, 05/05/1917 | |||||
Morgan | Katherine, Mrs. | f | Wales | 08/07/1913 | 08/10/1913 | 813 S. Ninth Ave., Scranton, PA | Scr Rep, 08/08/1913 | |||||
Morgan | Kathryn R. | f | 95 | 1898 | 1993 | H.19.1 | Atlantic City, NJ | grave, 1997 | ||||
Morgan | Lavina, Mrs. | f | 45 | 11/30/1911 | 12/02/1911 | 1211 Eynon St., Scranton, PA | Scr Times, 11/30/1911 | |||||
Morgan | Mae | f | 20 | 10/12/1915 | 10/17/1915 | 1814 Washburn St., Scranton, PA | d/o John J. Morgan; brother {William J.}, 04/--/1915 | Scr Times, 10/13/1915 | ||||
Morgan | Margaret, Mrs. | f | 78 | 08/21/1905 | 08/24/1905 | 1414 Fellows St., Scranton, PA | Scr Rep, 08/23/1905 | |||||
Morgan | Margaret, Mrs. | f | 73 | 10/06/1925 | 10/09/1925 | 1010 Acker Ave., Scranton, PA | w/o Lewis | Scr Rep, 10/07/1925 | ||||
Morgan | Margaret, Mrs. | f | Rhymney, Monmouthshire, S. Wales | 10/28/1931 | 719 S. Ninth Ave., Scranton, PA | d/o Mr. Jones | Scr Times, 10/28/1931 | |||||
Morgan | Marta R., Mrs. | f | 63 | 01/14/1909 | 01/18/1909 | 1210 Schlager St., Scranton, PA | w/o Reese D. | Scr Rep, 01/15/1909 | ||||
Morgan | Martha, Mrs. | f | 20 | 10/28/1921 | 10/28/1921 | 1028 Birch St., Scranton, PA | w/o John; d/o Mr. Walter | Scr Times, 10/29/1921 | ||||
Morgan | Mary A. | f | 77 | Wales | 03/21/1940 | 1125 Rock St., Scranton, PA | w/o not married | Scr Times, 03/21/1940 | ||||
Morgan | Mary C. | f | no date | 02/09/1942 | 1212 Price St., Scranton, PA | funeral notice only | Scr Times, 02/07/1942 | |||||
Morgan | Mauriel R. | f | 32 | 1901 | 1933 | grave, 1997 | ||||||
Morgan | Mildred Harwood | f | 79 | 1906 | 1985 | G.1.3c | w/o Isaac | grave, 1997 | ||||
Morgan | Mrs. | f | no date | 09/10/1901 | 1147 Hampton St., Scranton, PA | w/o T. T. | Scr Rep, 09/11/1901 | |||||
Morgan | Mrs. | f | 68 | 10/24/1918 | 10/27/1918 | 1429 Washburn St., Scranton, PA | w/o Joseph [10/26] w/o John [10/25] | Scr Times, 10/26/1918 | ||||
Morgan | not given | ? | 4 mo | 06/15/1905 | 06/16/1905 | 1608 Price St., Scranton, PA | d/o Robert Morgan | Scr Rep, 06/16/1905 | ||||
Morgan | not given | ? | infant | 01/30/1907 | 01/31/1907 | 25 Snyder Ave., Scranton, PA | d/o William D. Morgan | Scr Rep, 01/31/1907 | ||||
Morgan | Pearl, Mrs. | f | 07/31/1971 | 08/03/1971 | 34 Beaumont Pl., Newark, NJ | wid/o John; d/o Mr. Watkins | Sunday Times, 08/01/1971 | |||||
Morgan | Randall | m | Scranton, PA | 09/25/1955 | 09/28/1955 | waiter, Leonard Belvedere Hotel, Syracuse, NY (15 yrs.) | 1102½ Bryn Mawr St., Scranton, PA | s/o George & Margaret Jones Morgan | Scr Times, 09/26/1955 | |||
Morgan | Rees | m | 01/09/1838 | 08/27/1906 | G.3.7 front and 7b | h/o Ann | grave, 2003 | |||||
Morgan | Robert | m | 44 | 11/19/1911 | 11/22/1911 | 313 Evans Ct., Scranton, PA | Scr Truth, 11/20/1911 | |||||
Morgan | Samuel D. | m | before 05/1888 | Civil War | Scr Rep, 05/19/1888 | |||||||
Morgan | Sarah H. | f | 18 | 08/27/1922 | 08/30/1922 | Newton Rd., Scranton, PA | w/o not married; d/o Thomas M. Morgan, 07/--/1922 | Scr Times, 08/28/1922 | ||||
Morgan | Sarah, Mrs. | f | 05/16/1909 | 05/19/1909 | Tripp ParkScranton, PA | Scr Rep, 05/20/1909 | ||||||
Morgan | Thomas | m | no date | 05/20/1897 | 1817 Price St., Scranton, PA | Scr Rep, 05/20/1897 | ||||||
Morgan | Thomas | m | 43 | Scranton, PA | no date | 07/18/1957 | Chevrolet plant | 16 Whittman Pl., Tonowanda, NY | s/o George & Mamie Edwards Morgan; parents reside at 371 N. Bromley Ave. | Scr Times, 07/15/1957 | ||
Morgan | Thomas | m | 65 | Scranton, PA | 01/12/1958 | 01/15/1958 | Hallstead | s/o Thomas & Anna Jones Morgan | Scr Times, 01/13/1958 | |||
Morgan | Thomas J. | m | 82 | 01/04/1925 | 01/07/1925 | 1319 Eynon St., Scranton, PA | Scr Rep, 01/06/1925 | |||||
Morgan | W. Stanley | m | 45 | 1901 | 1946 | H.19.1 | grave, 1997 | |||||
Morgan | Willard | m | 69 | Scranton, PA | 02/09/1965 | 02/12/1965 | city employee, 12 yrs. | R.D.# 1Bell Mountain, Scranton, PA | h/o Emma M.; s/o John & Lydia Jones Morgan | Scr Times, 02/10/1965 | ||
Morgan | William | m | 6 | 08/10/1905 | 08/11/1905 | 35 Snyder Ave., Scranton, PA | s/o William Morgan | Scr Rep, 08/11/1905 | ||||
Morgan | William F. | m | 83 | Pontypool. Wales | 01/07/1955 | 01/10/1955 | Williams Baking Co. (retired) | 324 N. Filmore Ave., Scranton, PA | s/o Frank & Elizabeth Corns Morgan; veteran WW1; 13th regiment | Scr Times, 01/08/1955 | ||
Morgan | William J. | m | 48 | Scranton, PA | 02/23/1914 | 02/23/1914 | 1234 Hampton St., Scranton, PA | Scr Rep, 02/21/1914 | ||||
Morgan | William J. | m | no date | 04/30/1915 | 1814 Washburn St., Scranton, PA | s/o John J. Morgan; funeral notice only | Scr Times, 05/01/1915 | |||||
Morgan | William John | m | 01/09/1909 | 01/12/1909 | fireboss, Continental mine | 1123 Rock St.rear, Scranton, PA | Scr Rep, 01/11/1909 | |||||
Morgan | William L. | m | 05/1888 - 05/1903 | Civil War | Scr Rep, 05/30/1903 | |||||||
Morgan | William Penn | m | 63 | 11/16/1918 | 11/18/1918 | 1521 Jackson St., Scranton, PA | Scr Times, 11/18/1918 |
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