Saar | Alice | 1m 11d | Scranton | 3/26/1903 | Convulsions | F | |
Saar | Helen Anna | 2y | Scranton | 10/21/1918 | Intestinal | F | |
Saar | Infant | 4/25/1906 | Scranton | 4/25/1906 | Stillbirth | ||
Saar | Louisa | 4m 17d | Scranton | 8/14/1908 | Cholera infantum | F | |
Sabatella | Carmella | 1m 21d | Dunmore, PA | 9/6/1920 | Pneumonia | F | |
Salsman / Solsman | Leona | 9m | Scranton | 8/31/1902 | Whooping cough | F | |
Sample | Robert James | not given | Scranton | Dec 1920? | Pneumonia | M | |
Sampson | Katie | 6y 6m | Scranton | 1/29/1899 | Convulsions | F | |
Sampson | Thomas | 32y | 10/27/1918 | Shot | M | ||
Samson | Catherine | 56y | 5/8/1926 | Angina pectoris | F | ||
Samson | Hattie D | 5m | Scranton | 9/26/1895 | Diarrhea | F | |
Sanders | Benjamin S | 2/2/1824 | Brooklyn, PA | 7/14/1903 | Stomach cancer | M | Parents born in Brooklyn, PA. |
Sanders | Gertrude A | 10m 16d | Scranton | 7/16/1903 | Meningitis | F | |
Sanders | Helen L | 40y 7m 28d | 11/5/1885 | Consumption | F | ||
Sanders | Mary | 8/29/1893 | Scranton | 8/29/1893 | Premature | F | |
Sands | Emil | 7m | Scranton | 9/18/1922 | Arterio colitis | M | |
Sangwin | Arthur | 11y | 8/6/1875 | Killed In Rolling Mill | M | ||
Sangwin | Richard | 63y 10m | Cornwall, England | 3/18/1887 | Apoplexy | M | |
Santee | Helen M | 1y 3m | Scranton | 4/23/1912 | Pneumonia | F | |
Santee | Lloyd E | 6 or 6y 3m 5d | Scranton | 6/20/1897 | Diptheria | M | |
Santee | Pauline E | 1y 3m | Scranton | 4/11/1914 | Meninigitis | F | |
Sargeant | Margaret | 5m | Scranton | 9/12/1913 | Gastric enteritis | F | |
Sargent | Mary | 5m | Scranton | 3/24/1912 | Pneumonia | F | |
Sargent / Sarget | Charles | 17or 20y | not given | 3/5/1904 | Struck by train | M | |
Sarkery | Joseph | 30y | 7/10/1884 | Murder- Skl. Frac. | M | ||
Sarr | Herman, Jr. | 1m 16d | Scranton | 4/10/1899 | Heart failure | M | |
Satka/Y / Satko | George | 40y | Hungary | 7/10/1884 | Frac. base of brain - Injured In Mt Pleasant Mine- Scr | M | |
Sauer | Louis | 80y | 7/17/1917 | Nephritis | M | ||
Sauer | Philipine | 71y | Germany | 2/4/1910 | Womb cancer | F | |
Saum | Charles | 1y 10m | 1/28/1878 | Dropsy | M | ||
Saunders | Elizabeth E | 37y | Scranton | 6/26/1913 | Aortic insuff. | F | |
Saunders | Emma | 17y 3m 21d | Mount Riga, Dutchess Co., NY | 1/30/1888 | Consumption | F | |
Saxton | Clyde | 46y | 10/17/1923 | Cancer | M | ||
Sayer | Abbie | 4 hours | Scranton | 10/20/1905 | Premature | F | |
Sayer | Matthew | 1hour | Scranton | 10/20/1905 | Premature | M | |
Scales | Andrew | 63y | 6/6/1923 | Pneumonia | M | ||
Scambler | Infant | 1/14/1900 | Scranton | 1/14/1900 | Stillbirth | ||
Scanks | Chauncey | 2m | Scranton | 7/24/1921 | Diarrhea | M | |
Schadt | Infant | 3/10/1911 | Scranton | 3/10/1911 | Stillbirth | F | |
Schadt / Shott | Berthold | 42y | Germany | 7/27/1904 | TB | M | |
Schaepa | Mary Lucy | 8m | Scranton | 8/3/1915 | Cer. spinal epidemic | F | |
Schafer | Philip, Jr. | 30y | 10/25/1928 | Myocarditis | M | ||
Schafer / Schaffer | Helen | 16y | Scranton | 1/12/1912 | TB | F | |
Schaffer | Alvin | 3 or 4m | Scranton | 1/6/1915 | not given | M | |
Schall | Elizabeth Dise | 71y 11m | Penna. | 3/6/1914 | Heart failure | F | |
Schank | Charles R | 5y | Scranton | 10/20/1915 | Diptheria | M | |
Schank | William | 1y 3m 12d | Scranton | 8/23/1906 | not given | M | |
Schanz | John W | 2m | Scranton | 10/10/1886 | Inanition | M | |
Schanz / Schantz | Walter A | 2y 18d | Brooklyn, NY | 5/6/1890 | Pneumonia | M | |
Schauer | Anna | 63y | Germany | 8/26/1915 | Uterine cancer | F | |
Schaughnessy | Ella C | 37y | Penna. | 10/16/1913 | Meningitis | F | |
Schedrick | Robert | 36y | 7/20/1911 | TB | M | ||
Schell | Mary E | 45y | Tower City, PA | 4/21/1891 | Cancer | F | |
Scheops | Amelia | 28y | Germany | 11/19/1911 | Flu | F | |
Scheuneman | Edward | 70y | 7/20/1920 | Arterio sclerosis | M | ||
Scheuneman | Herman E | 1m | Scranton | 9/23/1918 | Bronchitis | M | |
Schillenger | Carl O. | 17y | 1/28/1931 | Emyhalitis | M | ||
Schillinger | Barbara | 70y | Germany | 10/24/1918 | Pneumonia | F | |
Schillinger | Elmer Frederick | 9d | Scranton | 4/20/1917 | Measles | M | |
Schistel | Nicholas | 30y | not known | 1/28/1889 | Boiler explosion | M | |
Schlager | Arthur | 4y | 1871 | not given | M | ||
Schlager | child of Charles | 9/27/1876 | 9/27/1876 | Premature | |||
Schlager | Emma D | 4y 4m | Scranton | 6/28/1888 | Bowel inflam. | F | |
Schlager | Infant | 11/9/1888 | Scranton | 11/9/1888 | Stillbirth | ||
Schlager | Mary | 24y 3m 30d | 12/11/1876 | Consumption | F | ||
Schlasser | Helena | 7m 2d | Scranton | 12/23/1892 | Gastritis | F | |
Schlentz | Adolph | 60y 1m 4d | Mecklenburg, Germany | 1/2/1891 | Gastric cancer | M | |
Schlentz | Dorothea | 65y 4m 8d | Germany | 6/8/1904 | not given | F | |
Schlenz | Helen Emma | 10m 15d | Scranton | 8/10/1899 | Cholera infantum | F | |
Schleser / Schloasser | Frederick | 1y 4m 6 or 10d | Scranton | 12/8/1895 | Scalded | M | son of John & Annie |
Schlosser | Martha A | 2m 19d | Scranton | 7/11/1899 | Convulsions | F | |
Schmidt | Andrew | 23y | Russia | 11/16/1913 | Mine accident | M | |
Schmidt | Edma May | 4y | 3/31/1926 | Heart disease | F | ||
Schmidt | Emilie / Emily | 2y or 1y 6m 27d | not given | 4/3/1907 | Diptheria | F | |
Schmidt | Herman William | 42y 1m 11d | Scranton | 2/24/1910 | Org. heart disease | M | |
Schmidt | John L | 21y | Philadelphia, PA | 8/12/1898 | Nephritis | M | |
Schmidt | Margaretha | 62y-born 1850 | Germany | 6/9/1913 | Cancer | F | |
Schmidt / Smith | John | 58y 3m | Germany | 7/4/1890 | Consumption | M | |
Schmitt / Schmidt | John Charles, Rev. | 77y-born 1852 | Germany | 12/13/1929 | Stomach cancer | M | |
Schneider | Jacob | 49 or 49y 11m 12d | Germany | 1/14/1896 | Pneumonia | M | |
Schneider | Rosaland | 1m 10d | Scranton | 7/30/1901 | Cholera infantum | F | |
Schneider | Susie | 54y | Austria | 9/25/1915 | Apoplexy | F | |
Schnider | Lizzie M | 32y | 11/18/1874 | Consumption | F | ||
Schnurr | David | 74y | 10/11/1927 | Nephritis | M | ||
Schoen | Emma | 22m 14d | Scranton | 4/11/1887 | Pneumonia | F | |
Schoeps | Emil | 51y | Germany | 2/28/1931 | Asthma & anemia | M | |
Schoeps | Fritz | 32y 3m 7d | 4/10/1916 | TB | M | ||
Schoesche | Adam | 41y 10m 4d | 9/2/1916 | Hit by train | M | ||
Schoeshe | Donald | 1y | Scranton | 6/20/1910 | Pneumonia | M | |
Scholla | Emma | 40y 8m 18d | Germany | 2/19/1902 | Internal hemorrhage | F | |
Scholla | Emma | 40y 8m 18d | Germany | 1902/2/19/1902 | Internal hemorr. | F | |
Scholla | Theodore | 55y | 12/20/1914 | Saw mill accident | M | ||
Schommer | Robert | 70y | 12/9/1926 | TB | M | ||
Schoner | Jane | 30y | not given | 8/16/1908 | Laparatoy | F | |
Schoonover | Amanda | 45y | Germany | 10/24/1914 | not given | F | |
Schoonover | Edwin | 2/23/1852 | Waymart, PA | 6/26/1901 | Murdered- stabbed | M | father of Lydia |
Schrader | John J | 53y | New Jersey | 2/26/1912 | Chr. valvulitis | M | |
Schrader / Schroeder | Ellen | 53y | Carbon Co., PA | 1/7/1910 | Valv. heart dis. | F | |
Schrader / Schroeder | Ida May | 21y | Scranton | 5/24/1904 | Phthisis | F | |
Schroeder | Elizabeth | 20y 8m | Scranton | 9/26/1906 | TB | F | |
Schrunker | Jane | 22y | 2/24/1886 | Gartutes | F | ||
Schuler | Arthur W | 6m | Scranton | 3/10/1894 | Convulsions | M | |
Schuler | Catherine | 52y | 11/27/1880 | Paralysis | F | ||
Schuler | Emma M | 46y 11m 29d | Penna | 3/19/1899 | Cancer | F | |
Schuler | Infant | 10/30/1908 | Scranton | 10/30/1908 | Stillbirth | ||
Schuler | Infant | 7/4/1929 | Scranton | 7/4/1929 | Stillbirth | F | |
Schuler | Isabella M | 7weeks | Scranton | 10/16/1889 | Marasmus | F | |
Schuler | Sybila | 10y 11m 20d | Scranton | 10/20/1896 | Diptheria | F | |
Schuman | Fred, Sr. | 68y-born 1849 | 7/18/1918 | Apoplexy | M | ||
Schuman | Gottlieb | 84y 9m 5d | not given | 12/11/1908 | Apoplexy | M | |
Schumann | Augusta / Augustine | 66y-born 1854 | 7/30/1920 | Cancer | F | ||
Schummerman (Cheu) | Edena/Edna L. | Infant | Scranton | 8/ /1912 | Enteritis | F | Obit spelled Cheuneman |
Schusky | Anson | 40y | Guppose, Germany | 3/23/1891 | Strangulation | M | |
Schwald | Ernest Frederick, Jr. | 4m 7d | Scranton | 6/6/1899 | Meningitis | M | son of Ernest Frederick & Anna |
Schwarzwalder | Catherine | 46y | Switzerland | 3/24/1889 | Hydropericarditis | F | |
Schweir | Mathias Gabriel | 1y 10m 10d | 9/12/1876 | Bowel & Lung inflam. | M | ||
Schweitzer | Philip | 85y | Alsace Lorraine, Germany | 2/18/1927 | Epithelonia of face | M | |
Scott | Cephas | 65y-born 1847 | 1/15/1911 | Heart disease | M | ||
Scott | Charlotte | 58y | 4/8/1920 | Diabetes | F | ||
Scott | Infant of Cephas | 2m 1week | 7/29/1884 | Inanition | |||
Scott | James | 68y | England | 11/25/1901 | Peritonitis-stomach ulcer | M | |
Scott | John | 26y 9m 24d | England | 10/3/1889 | Drowned | M | |
Scott | Mary | 62y 8m 24d | England | 12/17/1899 | Stomach cancer | F | |
Scott | Mathew / Martin | Rec-35, Obit-32y | 9/20/1923 | Dilation of heart | M | ||
Scott | Matthew (Walter) | 35y | not given | 9/20/1923 | Heart dilation | M | |
Scott | Thomas | 40y | not given | 3/17/1904 | Toxemia | M | |
Scott | Verna | 4m | Scranton | 10/19/1898 | Meningitis | F | |
Scragg | Lillian | 42y | Penna | 2/12/1918 | Heart block | F | |
Scull | William H | 33y | 12/4/1881 | Accident | M | ||
Scull | William Hellings | 7 or 9y 7??? | 5/14/1883 | Diptheria | M | ||
Seagraves | Mary | 79y | 1/18/1885 | Paralysis | F | ||
Seal | Edward | 52y | 4/25/1913 | Pneumonia | M | ||
Seamans | Infant | 5/29/1902 | Scranton | 5/29/1902 | Stillbirth | ||
Searfoss | Roland W | 2y 8m 15d | Penna. | 7/27/1908 | TB | M | |
Seccomda | Caroline | 77y | not given | 5/3/1908 | Apoplexy | F | |
Sellnaw / Sellno | Mary | 35y | Sunbury, PA | 12/3/1898 | Nervous prostration | F | |
Sellnow | Arthur H | 68y | 12/15/1931 | Suffocation | M | ||
Sellors | Michael | 43y | Germany | 11/29/1896 | Phthisis | M | |
Selner | Frank | 1y 9m 22d | Scranton | 4/1/1891 | Membr. croup | M | |
Selner | Harry | 22m | Scranton | 3/18/1887 | Phthisis | M | |
Senberg | Albert E | 7m | Scranton | 7/15/1894 | Cholera infantum | M | |
Senberg | Elizabeth A | 42y | Wales | 9/10/1912 | Heart dilation | F | |
Senn | Catherine | 68y-born 1851 | 5/18/1919 | Heart dilation | F | ||
Senn | John | 63y 4m 15d | Germany | 6/17/1907 | Killed on Erie RR | M | |
Senn | Katherine | 68y- born 1851 | not given | 5/18/1919 | Heart dilation | F | |
Senn | Mina | 4y 9m 23d | Scranton | 8/25/1888 | Cerebrolin | F | |
Sergent | Elias | 58y | Penna | 4/14/1915 | Consumption | M | |
Setzer | Alvin R | 39y | Scranton | 11/7/1899 | Asphyxia | M | |
Setzer | Infant | 1 hour | Scranton | 4/19/1896 | Convulsions | ||
Seward | Della V | 21y | Penna | 11/24/1906 | not given | F | |
Seward | Elsie | 2y 3m | 4/21/1878 | Diptheria | F | ||
Seward | Mary A | 68y | 6/3/1917 | Heart disease | F | ||
Sewell | Mary E | 1y 7m 20d | Scranton | 2/3/1890 | Flu | F | |
Seyler | Ruth | 9y 2m 19d | Brooklyn, NY | 7/22/1903 | Meningitis | F | daughter of HA & Harriet |
Shafer | Charlotte | 8m 28d | Scranton | 9/13/1888 | Whooping cough | F | |
Shafer | Robert O. | 6m | Bridgeport, Conn. | 9/21/1890 | Meningitis | M | |
Shaffer | Charles | 46y 7m 2d | Willington, Conn. | 7/4/1889 | Skull fracture | M | |
Shaffer | Rachel F | 67y | Monticello, NY | 6/27/1929 | Apoplexy | F | |
Shambaugh | Infant | 4/10/1905 | Scranton | 4/10/1905 | Stillbirth | ||
Sharp | Elsie | 1y 2m 16d | Scranton | 6/29/1865 | not given | F | |
Shawger | Bertha | 30y | Penns. | 2/23/1914 | Nephritis | F | |
Shedrick | Jennie | 36y | N.Carolina | 5/4/1910 | TB | F | |
Sheets | Rebecca | 63 or 64y | Belvidere, NJ | 11/11/1894 | Nephritis | F | |
Sheffield | William | 28y | not given | 7/2/1902 | Typhoid fever | M | |
Shelp | Albert | 6m 6d | Scranton | 7/15/1894 | Cholera infantum | M | |
Shelp | Mary | 8m | White Mills, PA | 3/23/1891 | Bronchitis | F | |
Shelton | James P | 55y | 11/17/1884 | Cancer | M | ||
Shelton | William Henry | 11y | 11/4/1875 | Bilious fever | M | ||
Shenneman | Bernard AC | 1m 27d | Scranton | 4/20/1914 | Bronchitis | M | |
Shields | Baby | 8 hours | Scranton | 9/4/1902 | Infantile ????? | ||
Shields | Charles | 18y | not known | 8/14/1889 | Nephritis | M | |
Shields | Lillian | 3m 21d | Scranton | 7/6/1901 | Cholera infantum | F | |
Shimer | E. | 60y | not given | 12/4/1905 | Apoplexy | F | |
Shimer | Jacob | 59y | not given | 3/2/1906 | Cancer | M | |
Shimer | Robert Irving | 3m | Scranton | 6/24/1920 | Intes. obstruc. | M | |
Shipman | Mary | 75y 5m 23d | 2/10/1885 | Gastritis | F | ||
Shipton | Mary E | 32y | England | 4/2/1901 | not given | F | |
Shipton | Nettie | 5m | Scranton | 7/4/1896 | Cholera infantum | F | |
Shively | not sure | 2 days | 2/4/1873 | Premature birth | |||
Short | Hattie | 10m 17d | Scranton | 1/25/1863 | not given | F | |
Short | James | 71y | England | 1/19/1908 | not given | M | |
Short | James, Jr. | 22y 3m 20d | 4/9/1885 | Killed BY Coal Fall | M | ||
Short | Martha | 52y 8m 13d | Northumberland, England | 3/3/1890 | Brights disease | F | |
Short | Robert | 1m 11d | Scranton | 5/20/1866 | not given | M | |
Shoup | Edwin, Jr. | 17m | 7/17/1885 | Measles | M | ||
Shultz | Peter, Jr. | 4y | 3/12/1922 | Burns | M | ||
Sickler | Arnold C | 1y 4m | Carbondale, PA | 10/11/1917 | Pneumonia | M | |
Sickler | Bert | 29y | Scranton | 2/26/1906 | not given | M | |
Sickler | Infant | 7/17/1913 | Scranton | 7/17/1913 | Stillbirth | M | |
Sikofsky | Mary | 77y | Germany | 11/6/1915 | Cerebral hemorr. | F | |
Sillsbie | Martha | 74y | Scranton | 5/2/1902 | General debility | F | |
Silvi | Amelia | 3y | Plainsville | 11/28/1910 | Burns | F | |
Silvi | Rosie | 9m 5d | Old Forge, PA | 3/6/1915 | Convulsions | F | |
Silvio | Irene | not given | 10/11/1918 | Pneumonia | F | ||
Simmons | Carrie | 53y | 5/10/1927 | Auto accident | F | ||
Simms | George Edgar | 11 days | Scranton | 7/29/1896 | Marasmus | M | |
Simon | Mike | 11m | Scranton | 3/2/1913 | Gastro enteritis | M | |
Simons | Addie | 4y or 4y 1m | not given | not given | F | MF 7 | |
Simons | Freddie | 8m 20d | not given | not given | M | MF 7 | |
Simons | Nettie | 21y 5m 15d | not known | 1/7/1888 | Typhoid fever | F | |
Simons | Steven, Jr. | 4y | Scranton | 2/27/1914 | Gastro enteritis | M | |
Simons | Willie | 9m 14d | not given | not given | M | MF 7 | |
Simonson | Della | 5y 10m 12d | Scranton | 6/25/1899 | Diptheria | F | |
Simonson | Henry / Harry O | 22y or 22y 6m 3d | Pike Co., PA | 2/26/1895 | Pneumonia | M | |
Simonson | Mary J | 21y 4m 20d | Washington Township, Pike Co., PA | 1/31/1896 | Phthisis pulm. | F | |
Simpkins | Mildred L | 4y | 11/7/1919 | Scarlet fever | F | ||
Simpson | Annie E | 72y | not given | 3/27/1915 | Pneumonia | F | |
Simpson | Annie E | 72y | 3/27/1915 | Pneumonia | F | ||
Simpson | Infant | 3/25/1909 | Scranton | 3/25/1909 | Stillbirth | M | |
Simpson | John T | 67y 2m 16d | Hamburg, Buck County, PA | 10/27/1900 | Pleursey | M | |
Simpson | Rowland | 20y | England | 12/13/1912 | Acc.shooting | M | |
Simpson | Thomas H | 65y | Pottsville, PA | 12/5/1898 | Apoplexy | M | |
Simpson | William | 21y | Scotland | 6/6/1911 | Pithisis pulmon. | M | |
Simrell | Charles | 72y | 2/2/1920 | Rheumatism | M | ||
Simrell | Charles | 72y-born 1847 | 2/2/1920 | Rheumatism | M | ||
Simrell | Frances L | 68y-born 1854 | 12/20/1921 | not given | F | ||
Simrell | Ida H | 1m | Scranton | 1/21/1895 | Convulsions | F | |
Simrell | Infant | 5/14/1913 | Scranton | 5/14/1913 | Stillbirth | M | |
Simrell | Sterling | 56y | 8/29/1928 | Aortic regurg. | M | ||
Sims | Hosey | 48y | Atlanta, GA. | 2/4/1909 | TB | M | |
Since | John | 32y | Hungary | 7/10/1890 | Heart failure | M | |
Singer | Archie | 17y | Scranton | 11/3/1912 | Mastoiditis | M | |
Singer | Robert | 6m 5d | Scranton | 10/15/1912 | Meningitis | M | |
Singleton | Frank | 49y | not given | 7/19/1903 | not given | M | |
Sissenberger | Peter A | 3y 6m 15d | 11/15/1884 | Diptheria | M | Moved To Lutheran Cem., NY | |
Skipper | Charles M | 22y | Scranton | 10/4/1918 | Pneumonia | M | |
Skipper | Elizabeth | 68y | 2/8/1927 | Nephritis | F | ||
Skipper | Emma | 10m | Scranton | 8/4/1893 | Diarrhea & teething | F | |
Skipper | Fred | 2m 27d | Scranton | 8/1/1891 | Diarrhea | M | |
Skipper | Frederick | 30y 2m 16d | Hingham Norfolk Eng | 6/17/1889 | Gas burns | M | |
Skipper | Hannah M | 11m 27d | Brotton, Yorkshire north of England | 8/9/1888 | Cholera morbus | F | |
Skipper | William | 72y | 4/3/1927 | Arterio scler.- asthmacosis | M | ||
Slack | Elizabeth | 69y | Penna | 6/27/1918 | Myocarditis | F | |
Slack | William | 9m 13d | 1/1/1885 | Meningitis | M | ||
Sloat | Florilla D | 72y | not given | 11/18/1914 | Nephritis | F | |
Sloat | Florilla D | 72y | 11/18/1914 | Nephritis | F | ||
Sloat | Stephen W(?) | 71y | not given | 1/30/1908 | Kidney, heart & stomach trouble | M | |
Slutter | Infant | 2/26/1912 | Scranton | 2/26/1912 | Stillbirth | F |
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