John MYERS Born June 16, 1823 Died November 10, 1887 Judith, his wife Born January 20, 1825 Died September 25, 1900 Oscar J. MYERS
Rachel MEYERS, wife of Adam
Pulaski MEYERS, Son of Adam and Rachel
Susan M., wife
Herbert MYERS, son of George and
Abigail (?) MYERS
Died August 25, 1878 Aged 1 year, 3 months and 2 days George MYERS
George MYERS
Sarah C. MEYERS, daughter of Adam and Rachel
Chester SLOCUM
Willie H., son of C. B. and D. A. SLOCUM
William A. MYERS
There are a few other unreadable stones. |
Funeral of Mrs. Ortha Slocum
The remains of the late Mrs. Orpha [sic] A. Slocum were laid in their final resting place in the Myers private burial plot in Clark Summit yesterday afternoon. The funeral was held from the family residence on Church avenue, and was very largely attended. The remains reposed in a handsome black casket and were viewed by many who had know Mrs. Slocum during her life.
The services were held at the house and were in charge of Rev. G. A. Cure, of the Providence Methodist Episcopal church, of which the deceased had been a life-long member. He was assisted by Rev. G. A. Reading of the North Main Avenue Baptist church. The former spoke a few words of comfort to the bereaved relatives and the latter offered prayer. During the services a quartette from the Methodist Episcopal church sang "Asleep In Jesus," and "My Jesus As Thou Wilt."
The pall-bearers were: N. C.
Cowles, Jacob Palmer, W.
H. Cooper, Murray Kennedy, Samuel Davis and Joseph Silkman.
Forest Hill Cemetery Database
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