Griffin Grave Yard, Providence, PA

1. Griffin Cemetery at the end of street
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The picture above was taken from Sterling Street where it dead-ends on North Main Avenue, Providence. Across the street, behind all the trees and bushes, is the front of the Griffin Grave Yard. The cemetery that is visible on the left is the Jewish Cemetery. To get to the cemetery from here, turn right on N. Main Avenue and turn left onto LLoyd Street to access the side of cemetery. No other information is available at this time, but would be appreciated and will be added here if provided.

The following is a list of those stones that could be read from the scattered remains. Many of those originally buried here were moved to other cemeteries, such as Forest Hill and Dunmore. If numbered then a picture below corresponds to that inscription.

David Reynolds   12/13/1866,  32 years.
Charles ----   ----
Ann,  daughter   12/11/1918  3 years  7 months  10 days
3. Cyrus,  son of Samuel A.  and  Susana Bennel_ 8/3/1847
William B.,  son of John and Jane Roberts  10/16/1851
William Henry,  son of William and Esther _acewood
10. Mary A.,  wife of A. Bymer  1863
Mary A.    /21/1853  _2 years, 11 months, 14 days
Elizabeth Jones,  daughter ----
7. Sidney Curtis  3/10/1860??  52 years and Jane Hunt, wife
6. Ellen, daughter of Robert and Elizabeth M. Corbin  2/21/1852  4 years and 1 day
Maroni, son of --- Griffin  1/30/1861
Albert Felts  4/19/1851  ??72 years, 10 months, _ days
___ Watson  ----
9. _  Win(ton?)  5/8/1786  3/26/1867 age 81
L.------ 5/21/1810
Joseph M. Knight  5/21/186_
Elizabeth, wife of John Reynolds  12/13/1852  27 years, 3 months, 11 days.

All that remains of the Griffin Burying Ground
2 Margaret?
3 above, 4 to right
6 above
4 5
5 above
7 above
8 above
9 above
10 above
Click on images for a larger view

In 1966 some Boy Scouts cleaned up the cemetery, or what can be identified as such, at which time it was in very bad condition. At that time, there were a few very tall monuments. They are no longer there, even if they had fallen over, remains would still be visible, amongst the brush.

Excerpt from the Scranton Weekly Republican, Thursday, May 4, 1871

City and County, Burial Places of the Lackawanna Valley.

"On a modest knoll by the road side, from Hyde Park to Providence, near Ira Tripps' lies the Griffin grave yard.

None of the quiet beauty which we associate with places we love is found here. The grounds are neatly fenced, and filled with briars and balm of gileads, yet they offer nothing attractive to the eye but a few marble obelisks and graves where----

"The rose Sprung modest on bowed stalks, and better speaks Her graces than the proudest monuments"

....Coal beds are opened around it, and the day is not remote, when, in spite of the most imposing monuments, every grave will be undermined.

Its favorable location on the main thoroughfare between these villages whose needs it has supplied for many years, has hitherto made it popular as one of the burial places of the country. All the Griffins who have lived and died in the valley repose here, besides many others. Additional grounds have been fenced in in the rear, which the Welsh people of Providence are putting to use, instead of selecting new and less turbulent quarters at the Dunmore Cemeteries.

In the edge of a wide pasture lot under some wild cherry trees, a quarter of a mile west of this last named spot, (Main Ave) is the old Brown burial place. Every grave is trodden level with the ground or slightly depressed, every trace of affection is almost annihilated, and every friendly stone but one, long sheltering the graves is fractured or fallen. This is the plain slab over the remains of Jack Whaling.

The odd and very questionable habit of using gardens for sepulchres, had its origin among the staid New Englanders, where it was adopted as a devise to keep boys from stealing peaches and pears in the vicinity at night, by "inventing ghosts." In the lower portion of the village of Providence, is seen such a family enclosure, known as the Van Storch burial place, in a garden directly over the Van Storch Slope. The cheerless undermined character of this enclosure, with the graves within a few feet of the house, is, in a measure, overcome by the neat manner in which the graves of the household are cared or by the relatives."

Photographs, transcriptions, and additional information provided by Ralph W. Robinson, II, and Norma Reese, 2001

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