Surname |
Forename |
Date of Birth |
Date of Death |
Notes |
John S. |
6 February 1886 |
Aged 55 years. Information was taken from the |
Germany |
Scranton |
Board of Health of the City of Scranton Death |
Certificate No. 2685. Remains were later removed |
to Forest Hill. |
Maria Catharina FOHRER |
4 February 1830 |
16 July 1907 |
Wife of Johann Gottfried SAILER, Sr. Daughter of |
(or VOHRER) |
George & Elizabeth STOHL FOHRER. Information |
was taken from Pennsylvania Death Certificate No. |
70108. Remains were later removed to Forest Hill. |
Charles J. |
3 March 1861 |
31 July 1890 |
Aged 29 years. Information was taken from the |
Scranton |
Scranton |
records of Christ Lutheran Church, Page 410 and |
the Board of Health of the City of Scranotn Death |
Certificate No. 92. |
Carl |
11 May 1846 |
28 February 1898 |
Son of Dan. & Caroline KNOFF SAIEWICZ. |
Goerlitz, Preussen |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the records of Zion+E398 |
Lutheran Church, Pages 580-581. Name on stone |
in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Adam |
8 February 1878 |
6 May 1892 |
Son of Carl SAJEWITZ. Mother not named. |
Marienwerder, |
Information was taken from the records of Zion+E289 |
Preussen |
Lutheran Church, Pages 568-569. Name on stone |
in Dunmore Cemetery. |
August |
14 September 1880 |
27 March 1885 |
Son of Carl & Mina BALASCH SAJEWITZ. |
Marienwerder, |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the records of Zion |
Preussen |
Lutheran Church, Pages 542-543. Name on stone |
in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Anna |
8 March 1882 |
23 April 1886 |
Daughter of Joh. & Rosine LECHSOW SCHAEFER. |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information taken from the records of Zion Lutheran |
Church, Pages 546-547. Name on stone in Dunmore |
Cemetery. |
Charles |
20 August 1868 |
16 December 1870 |
Son of Joh. & Rosine LECHSOW SCHAEFER. |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information taken from the records of Zion Lutheran |
Church, Pages 412-413. Name on stone in Dunmore |
Cemetery. |
Marie |
22 April 1861 |
16 October 1872 |
Son of Joh. & Rosine LECHSOW SCHAEFER. |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information taken from the records of Zion Lutheran |
Church, Pages 416-417. Name on stone in Dunmore |
#NAME? |
Herman Carl |
20 October 1868 |
29 October 1870 |
Son of Herman & Kath. REIDENBACH |
Scranton |
Scranton |
SCHAEFER. Inforamtion taken from the records of |
Zion Lutheran Church, Pages 412-413. |
Frederick |
19 June 1906 |
13 August 1906 |
Son of Philip & Madeline NICKEL SCHAFER. |
or |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information taken from Christ Lutheran |
Church records, Page 432 and Pennsylvania Death |
Certificate No. 78390.. |
Madeline Maria |
16 July 1902 |
08 August 1902 |
Son of Philip & Madeline SCHAFER. Information |
Scranton |
(church records) |
was taken from the records of Christ Lutheran Church, |
09 August 1902 |
Page 428, and Board of Health of the City of |
(death certificate) |
Scranton Death Certificate No. 32129 |
Scranton |
Margarete |
06 July 1907 |
27 July 1907 |
Daughter of Philip & Madeline NICKEL SCHAFER. |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information taken from records of Christ Lutheran |
Church , Page 433 and Pennsylvania Death |
Certificate No. 70213. |
Church records |
Wilhelm |
22 June 1899 |
21 September 1899 |
Son of Philip & Magdalena SCHefAFER. |
Information taken from the records of Christ Lutheran |
Church, Page 425 and Board of Health of the City of |
Scranton Death Certificate No. 26307. |
3 September 1830 |
23 November 1901 |
Daughter of Peter & Elizabeth REIDENBACH. |
Birkenfeld, |
Information taken from the records of Zion Lutheran |
Oldenfeld, |
Church, Pages 586-587. Name on stone in Dunmore |
Rheinland-Pfalz |
Cemetery. |
Adelina |
19 January 1887 |
Aged 21 years. Parents' names not listed. Information |
Scranton |
was taken from the Board of Health of the City of |
Scranton Death Certificate No. 3771 |
Anna Alice Caroline |
05 February 1905 |
21 June 1905 |
Daughter of Friedrich & Caroline SCHELL. |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the records of Zion |
Lutheran Church, Pages 598-599 and the City of |
Scranton Board of Health Death Certificate No. |
34072. Name on stone in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Friedrich |
17 April 1907 |
16 July 1907 |
Son of Frederick & Caroline SCHNELL SCHELL |
or |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the records of Zion+E1145 |
Frederick |
Lutheran Church and Pennsylvnaia Death Certificate |
No. 70126. Name on stone in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Ottilie |
2 April 1892 |
25 July 1892 |
Son of Frederick & Caroline SCHNELL SCHELL |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the records of Zion |
Lutheran Church, Pages 568-569. Name on stone |
in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Burt |
16 December 1894 |
Aged 1 year. Son of Louise & Hannah SCHEMOCK |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the Board of Health of the |
City of Scranton Death Certificate No. 17912 |
Carl Wilhelm |
9 November 1885 |
26 May 1889 |
Son of Erdmann & Wilhelmine MARGARET |
Scranton |
Scranton |
SCHEUNEMANN. Information was taken from the |
records of Zion Lutheran Church, Pages 558-559. |
Name on stone in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Catherine |
6 August 1887 |
Aged 52 years. Parents' names not listed. Information |
Scranton |
was taken from the Board of Health of the City of |
Scranton Death Certificate No. 4080. |
Martin |
14 August 1885 |
Aged 25 years. Parents' names not listed. Information |
Dunkirk, New York |
Scranton |
taken from the Board of Health of the City of Scranton |
Death Certificate No. 2257. |
Caroline Marg. |
8 December 1873 |
12 February 1878 |
Daughter of Christ. & Kath WURZ |
Scranton |
Scranton |
SCHLOTTERBECK. Information was taken from |
the records of Zion Lutheran Church, Pages 428-429. |
Name on stone in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Georg Wilh. |
25 February 1880 |
4 November 1880 |
Son of Christ. & Kath. WURZ SCHLOTTERBECk |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the records of Zion+E1521 |
Lutheran Church, Pages 528-529. Name on stone |
in Dunmore Cemetery |
Lorenz |
17 March 1889 |
20 July 1889 |
Son of Philipp & Louise BRIEL SCHLUDE. |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the records of Zion |
Lurtheran Church, Pages 558-559. Naem on stone |
in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Friedr. Matine. Doroth. |
23 May 1824 |
15 January 1890 |
Daughter of Joh. Mich. & Soph. Elisab. VENZKER |
Scranotn |
PRIEBE. Informaton was taken from the records of |
Zion Lutheran Church, Pages 560-561. Name on |
stone in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Infant Male |
28 August 1885 |
Aged 1 year. Son of John SCHMIDT. Information |
Scranton |
Scranton |
was taken from the Board of Health of the City of |
Scranton Death Certificate No. 2292. |
Otto |
6 December 1890 |
Aged 2 years, 4 months. Son of Frederick & Minnie |
Scranton |
Schmidt. Informaiton was taken from the Board of |
Health of the City of Scranton Death Certificate |
No. 10043. |
Joh. |
30 March 1884 |
10 December 1887 |
Son of Mathias & Mary SCHNECK. Information |
Germany |
Scranton |
was taken from the Board of Health of the City of |
Scranton Death Certificate No. 5311 |
Infant Male |
25 January 1890 |
30 January 1890 |
Son of Paul & Helena SCHNEIDER. Information |
Scranton |
Scranton |
was taken from the Board of Health of the City of |
Scranton Death Certificate No. 8650. |
S. |
14 August 1891 |
Aged 3 weeks. Daughter of John SCHNEIDER. |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the Board of Health of the |
City of Scranton Death Certificate No. 11036. |
Elisabethe |
16 April 1801 |
29 March 1889 |
Wife of Christoph SCHNELL. Daughter of J. |
Grohlsheim, |
Scranton |
LEONHARDT. Information was taken from the |
Hesse-Darmstadt |
records of Zion Lutheran Church, Pages 558-559. |
Name on stone in Dunmoe Cemetery. |
Eva |
16 March 1879 |
16 March 1883 |
Daughter of Heinr. & Eva SCHLOEPPI SCHNELL. |
or |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the records of Zion |
Lutheran Church, Pages 534-535. |
Heinrich |
28 February 1872 |
11 March 1872 |
Son of Heinr. & Eva SCHLOEPPI SCHNELL. |
Scranton |
Scratnon |
Information was taken from the records of Zion |
Lutheran Church, Pages 414-415. Name on stone in |
Dunmore Cemetery. |
Isabella |
5 December 1880 |
29 November 1889 |
Daughter of Heinr. & Eva SCHLOEPPI SCHNELL. |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the records of Zion |
Lutheran Church, Pages 560-561. Name on stone in |
Dunmore Cemetery. |
Phillip |
7 November 1874 |
4 February 1875 |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Infroamtion was taken from the records of Zion |
Lutheran Church, Pages 422-423. Name on stone |
in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Susanne |
8 May 1873 |
11 September 1873 |
Son of Heinr. & Eva SCHLOEPPI SCHNELL. |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the records of Zion |
Lutheran Church, Pages 420-421. |
Ottilie |
2 April 1892 |
25 July 1892 |
Daughter of Friedr. & Carol. SCHNELL. Information |
Scranton |
Scranton |
was taken from the records of Zion+E130 Lutheran |
Church, Pages 568-569. |
Wilhelmina |
18 September 1828 |
16 August 1900 |
Parents' names not listed. Information was taken from |
Scranton |
the records of Christ Lutheran Church, Page 426 and |
Board of Health of the City of Scranton Death |
Certificate No. 28375 |
Elisabeth |
31 January 1850 |
19 November 1939 |
Aged 89 years. Daughter of John & Susanna RAHN |
Germany |
Dunmore |
SORLNER. Information was taken from |
Pennsylvania Death Certificate No. 98595. Name |
on stone in Dunmore Cemetery |
Gustav Emil |
1 December 1884 |
28 August 1885 |
Son of Theodor & Emma BOETCHER SCHOLLA. |
or |
Scranton |
(church records) |
Information was taken from the records of Zion+E541 |
24 August 1885 |
:Lutheran Church, Pages 544-545, and Board of |
(death certificate) |
Health of the City of Scranton Death Certificate |
Scranton |
No. 2388 |
Carol. Adolph. |
16 March 1874 |
31 Agusut 1875 |
Daughter of Franz & Caroline MUCH |
Gustavine |
SCHOENROCK. Information was taken from the |
records of Zion Lutheran Church, Pages 424-425. |
Name on stone in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Theresa HUELS |
18 October 1864 |
10 January 1892 |
Wife of Hermann SCHOENROCK (m. 29 |
Scranton |
Scranton |
September 1885). Parents' names not listed. |
Information taken from the records of Zion Lutheran |
Church, Pages 566-567. Name on stone in Dunmore |
Cemetery |
Frank |
24 October 1887 |
27 August 1888 |
Daughter of Hermann & Tessy HUELZ |
Scranton |
Scranton |
SCHOENROCK. Informatrion taken from the |
records of Zion Lutheran Church, Pages 554-555. |
Name on stone in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Infant Male |
9 January 1892 |
9 January 1892 |
Stillborn. Son of Herman & Tessy HUELZ |
Scranton |
Scranton |
SCHOENROCK. Inforamtion was taken from the |
Board of Health of the City of Scranton Death |
Certificate No. 3102 |
Infant Male |
9 January 1892 |
9 January 1892 |
Stillborn. Son of Herman & Tessy HUELZ |
Scranton |
Scranton |
SCHOENROCK. Inforamtion was taken from the |
Board of Health of the City of Scranton Death |
Certificate No. 11599. |
Albert |
29 January 1892 |
17 December 1894 |
Son of Ouise & Johanne DOERGE SCHOENROCK. |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information taken from the records of Zion Lutheran |
Church, Pages 575-575. Name on stone in Dunmore |
Cemetery |
Wilhelmina |
3 March 1898 |
15 June 1898 |
Daughter of Charles & Marie NOTHACKER |
Scranton |
Scranton |
SCHRADER. The information was taken from the |
records of Christ Lutheran Church, Page 423+E1126 |
and the Board of Health of the City of Scranton |
Death certificate No. 23898. |
Georg |
14 January 1868 |
6 May 1873 |
Son of Wm. & Marg. MUELLER SCHRENNER. |
Information was taken from the records of Zion |
Lutheran Church, Pages 418-419. Name on stone |
in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Wiliie |
19 May 1894 |
14 May 1897 |
Son of Charles & Maria NOTHACKER |
Scranton |
Scranton |
SCHROEDER. Information was taken from the |
records of Zion Lutheran Church, Pages 578-579. |
Name on stone in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Edith |
June 1905 |
13 November 1905 |
Daughter of Robert SCHUMMER. Information was |
Scramton |
Scranton |
talen from the Board of Health of the City of Scranton |
Death Certificate No. 34958. |
Julius |
6 February 1845 |
1 October 1871 |
Son of Heinrich & Philippine GERHARDT SCHUNK. |
Traben, |
Scranton |
Information taken from the records of Zion Lutheran |
Rheinland-Pfalz |
Church, Pages 414-415. Name on stone in Dunmore |
Cemetery. |
Joh. Adam |
2 October 1875 |
27 July 1876 |
Son of Joh. A. & Christine SCHWAEMLE. |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the records of Zion |
Lutheran Church, Pages 425-427. Name on stone |
in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Ewald |
1834 |
28 July 1872 |
Husband of Wilhelmine JANKE SELLNOW (m. 21 |
Wangerin, Pomerania |
Scranton |
August 1861). Son of Ernst & Friedrike LESCH |
SELLNOW, Information taken from the records of |
Zion Lutheran Church, Pages 416-417. Name on |
stone in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Louise |
3 May 1845 |
2 Sepetmber 1890 |
Wife of Barton SENDBERG. Parent's names not |
New Brunswick, |
Scranton |
listed. Information was taken from the records of |
New Jersey |
Zion Lutheran Church, Pages 562-563. Name on |
stone in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Elizabeth |
17 July 1837 |
8 March 1895 |
Parents' names not listed. Information was taken from |
Germany |
Scranton |
the Board of Health of the City of Scranton Death |
Certificate No. 18288 |
Edward Ellsworth |
2 February 1886 |
13 May 1887 |
Son of Ellworth SLOAT. Information was taken from |
Scranton |
Scranton |
the Board of Health of the City of Scranton Death |
Certificate No. 4201 |
Frances |
24 April 1887 |
27 November 1890 |
Daughter of Frederick & Minnie SMITH. Information |
Scranton |
Scranton |
was taken from the Board of Health of the City of |
Scranton Death Certificate No. 9995. |
Lillian Blanche |
15 January 1886 |
12 January 1887 |
Age 11 months and 28 days. Information was taken |
from the church records of Holy Trinity E847Lutheran |
Church, Page 345. Name on stone in Dunmore |
Cemetery |
Mabel (FRITCH) |
4 December 1884 |
22 July 1889 |
Information was taken from the records of Holy Trinity |
Lutheran Church, Page 347. Name on stone in |
Dunmore Cemetery. |
Robert B. |
3 January 1895 |
Aged 21 months. Parents' names not listed. |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the Board of Health of the |
City of Scranton Death Certificate No. 18003. |
William F. |
July 1893 |
Age 7 days. Date of burial was 18 July 1893. |
Information was taken from the records of Holy Trinity |
Lutheran Church. Page 350. Name on stone in |
Dunmore Cemetery |
Christian Adam |
3 June 1822 |
30 April 1883 |
Husband of Kath Henriette STAERKEL. Son of |
Usingen, Nassau |
Scranton |
Christian Conrad & Margarethe THOMAS |
SOELLNER. Infomration was taken from the records |
of Zion Lutheran Church, Pages 536-537. Name on |
stone in Dunmore Cemetery |
Kath. Henriette |
25 January 1823 |
14 December 1881 |
Wife of Christian SOELLNER. Daughter of Heinrich |
Wehrheim, Nassau |
Scranton |
& Kath. LINK STAERKEL. Information was taken |
from the records of Zion+E1632 Lutheran Church, Pages |
532-533. Name on stone in Dunmore Cemeterr. |
George |
4 November 1849 |
1 October 1871 |
Husband of Henriette DIPPEL SOELLNER (m. 5 |
Honesdale, Wayne |
Scranton |
March 1871). Son of Christian & Henriette |
County |
STAERKEL SOELLNER. Information taken from |
the records of Zion Lutheran Church, Pages 414-415. |
Name on stone in Dunmore Cemetery. |
George Christian |
9 May 1885 |
28 October 1889 |
Son of Fr. & Mary KAUCHER SOELLNER. |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the records of Zion |
Lutheran Church, Pages 560-561. Name on stone |
in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Georg |
14 January 1868 |
6 May 1873 |
Son of Wm. & Marg. MUELLER SOHREMSER. |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information taken from the records of Zion Lutheran |
Church, Pages 418-419. |
Harry |
21 June 1889 |
Aged 8 years. Son of George & Anna SOMERS. |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the Board of Health of the |
City of Scranton Death Certificate No. 7643. |
Christian |
25 June 1860 |
8 October 1897 |
Husband of Christine HAAS SPATHELF. Son of |
Wolfach, |
Scranton |
Christoph & Anna Maria HOLZER SPATHELF. |
Baden-Wurttemberg. |
Information was taken from the records of Zion |
Lutheran Church, Pages 580-581. Name on stone |
in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Gustave Adolph |
2 April 1896 |
06 July 1906 |
Son of Christian & Christine HAAS SPATHELF. |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the records of Zion+E908 |
Lutheran Church, Pages 604-605 and Pennsylvania |
Death Certificate No. 69353. Name of stone in |
Dunmore Cemetery. |
Otto |
30 December 1861 |
11 January 1889 |
Son of Gustav SPINDLER. Information was taken |
Gompertshausen, |
Scranton |
from the recordss of Zion E269Lutheran Church |
Mecklenburg- |
Pages 556-557. Name on stone in Dunmore |
Schwerin |
Cemetery. |
Infant Male |
22 October 1889 |
23 October 1889 |
Parents' names not listed. Information was taken from |
Scranton |
Scranton |
the Board of Health of the City of Scranton Death |
Certificate No. 11289. |
John |
6 May 1858 |
30 May 1886 |
Husband of Louise TAUBERT STAHL(m.21 |
Honesdale, Wayne |
Scranton |
October 1872). Son of Joseph & Marg. BADAM |
County |
STAHL. Informaiton taken from the records of Zion |
Lutheran Church, Pages 546-547. Name on stone |
in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Ludwig |
24 August 1874 |
2 January 1876 |
Son of Michael & Ther. WIMMER STANGL. |
Paterson, |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the records of Zion |
New Jersey |
Lutheran Church, Pages 424-425. Name on stone |
in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Minnie |
21 March 1889 |
Aged 12 years. Daughter of Conrad & Margarethe |
Scranton |
STAUB. Information was taken from the Board |
of Health of the City of Scranton Death Certificate |
No. 7263 |
John |
14 March 1833 |
13 December 1909 |
Husband of Elizabeth VOHRER STAUDT. Son of |
Koblenz, Preussen |
(church records) |
John & Katharine GEARHARDT STAUDT. |
12 December 1909 |
Information was taken from the records of Zion |
(death certificate) |
Lutheran Church, Pages 617-617 and Pennsylvania |
Scranton |
Death Certificate No. 115335. |
Joseph |
21 August 1888 |
3 November 1890 |
Son of Joh. & Elisab. VOHRER STAUDT. |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the records of Zion |
Lutheran Church, Pages 562-563. |
Wilhelm |
8 March 1873 |
22 November 1890 |
Son of Joh. & Elisab. VOHRER STAUDT. |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the records of Zion |
Lutheran Church, Pages 562-563. Name on stone |
in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Justine Elisabeth |
16 September 1803 |
28 September 1872 |
Wife of Wilhelm STEEG (m. 7 December no year). |
Strueth, Nassau |
Information taken from the records of Zion Lutheran |
Church, Pages 418-419. Name on stone in Dunmore |
Cemetery |
Anton |
14 May 1831 |
15 February 1891 |
Son of Wm. & Justine E. NEFFENDORF STEEG. |
Strueth, Nassau |
Scranton |
Information taken from the records of Zion Lutheran |
Church, Pages 564-565. Name on stone in Dunmore |
Cemetery. |
Louisa A. |
2 Sepetmber 1890 |
Aged 45 years, 3 months. Parents' names not listed. |
New Brunswick, |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the Board of Health of the |
New Jersey |
City of Scranton Death Certificate No. 9655. |
Frank |
3 May 1894 |
25 November 1894 |
Son of Abram & Julia STEINMETZ. Information |
Scranton |
Scranton |
was taken from the Board of Health of the City of |
Scranton Death Certificate No. 17819. |
Howard A. |
10 May 1884 |
30 April 1887 |
Son of Abram & Julia STEINMETZ. Information |
Scranton |
Scranton |
was taken from the Board of Health of the City of |
Scranton Death Certificate No. 4162. |
Ena Meta |
3 March 1885 |
11 August 1889 |
Daughter of Leopold & Amalie EHLEBEN STEPAT |
Russisch-Polen |
Scranton |
Information taken from the records of Zion Lutheran |
Church, Pages 558-559. Name on stone in Dunmore |
Cemetery. |
Johann Heinrich |
17 March 1824 |
17 June 1891 |
Husband of Sarah KNORR STOEBNER (m. 5 April |
Nienhagen, |
Scranton |
1857). Son of Joh. H. & M. Kath. Elise GERWIG |
Hannover |
STOEBNER. Information was taken from the records |
of Zion Lutheran Church, Pages 564-565. |
Name on stone in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Heinr. Wm. |
9 April 1895 |
20 May 1895 |
Son of George & Carol. KLINGLER STOEBER |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information taken from the records of Zion Lutheran |
Church, Pages 574-575. |
Jacob |
9 February 1871 |
5 April 1871 |
Son of Henry & Elise SCHAEFER STOEBER. |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information taken from the records of Zion Lutheran |
Church, Pages 412-413. Name on stone in Dunmore |
Cemetery. |
Christian |
27 April 1889 |
Aged 45 years, 9 days. Parents' names not listed |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the Board of Health of |
the City of Scranton Death Certificate No. 7427. |
Infant Female |
20 May 1910 |
21 May 1910 |
Daughter of Otto & Marie STENZHORN STURM. |
The records of Zion Lutheran Church, Pages 616-617. |
list her burial as Washington Ave. Cemetery with a |
question mark. Pennsylvania Death Certificate No. |
50688 list her burial in Dunmore Cemetery. Her name |
is on the stone in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Wilhelm |
26 May 1852 |
03 January 1905 |
Son of Felix & Franziska STURM. Information |
Baden-Wurttemberg |
Hilside Home, |
taken from the records of Zion A53Luthean Church, |
Newton Township |
Pages 596-597 and the City of Scranton Board of |
02 January 1905 |
Health Death Certificate No. 33087. Name on stone |
(death certificate) |
in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Fr. Ed. |
12 November 1894 |
12 July 1895 |
Son of Ludw. & Marie HAAS STURM. Information |
Scranton |
Scranton |
was taken from the records of Zion Lutheran Church, |
Pages 574-575. Name on stone in Dunmore |
Cemetery. |
Joseph |
22 May 1830 |
24 January 1896 |
Son of Martin & Anna SAUER SULZ. Information |
Moessngen, |
Scranton. |
was taken from the records of Zion Lutheran Church, |
Baden-Wurttemberg |
Pages 576-577. Name on stone in Dunmore |
Cemetery. |
Friedrich |
20 November 1838 |
29 June 1892 |
Husband of Lizzie SCHMIDT SURKAMP |
Rheine, Westpfalia |
(m. 20 June 1864). Parents' names not listed |
Information taken from the records of Zion Lutheran |
Church, Pages 568-569. |
Elisab. SCHMIDT |
Wife of Friedrich SURKAMP (m. 20 June 1864) |
Parents' names not listed. Information was taken from |
the records of Zion E19Lutheran Church, Pages |
574-575 |
John |
8 June 1885 |
Aged 23 years. Parents' names not listed. Information |
Scranton |
was taken from the Board of Health of the City of |
Scranton Death Certificate No. 2081. |
Julia |
September 1873 |
Burial was September 22, 1873. Informateion was taken from the records of St. Luke's Episcopal Church. |
Dorothea |
24 May 1867 |
30 May 1894 |
Daughter of unknown THUM & Johanna GOURGI |
Nuerfingen, |
Scranton |
THUM. Information was taken from the records of |
Baden-Wurttemberg |
Zion Lutheran Church, Pages 572-573. Name on |
stone in Dunmore Cemetery. |
C. A. G. |
28 February 1905 |
17 April 1889 |
Aged 2 years, 9 months. Parents' names not listed |
England |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the Board of Health of the |
City of Scranton Death Certificate No. 7392. |
Louis |
3 April 1889 |
Aged 7 months. Parents' names not listed. |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the Board of Health of the |
City of Scranton Death Certificate No. 7328 |
Johann |
16 May 1850 |
13 April 1890 |
Husband of Minnie SZARGUN URBUTEIT. |
Ostpreussen |
Scranton |
Son of Christoph. & Wilhelmine STRUPATH |
taken from the records of Zion E830Lutheran Church, |
Pages 560-561. Name on stone in Dunmore |
Cemetery. |
Mina |
2 September 1880 |
5 December 1887 |
Daughter of Christoph & Amalie BORGANT |
Ostpreussen |
Scranton |
URBIETEIT. Information was taken from the records |
of Zion Lutheran Church, Pages 552-553. |
Name on stone in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Katharine STOEHR |
Messkirch, |
06 April 1905 |
Aged 36 years. Wife of Christian VALZ. Daughter |
Baden-Wurttemberg |
Scranton |
of Franz & Caroline STOEHR. Information was |
taken from the records of Zion Lutheran Church, |
Pages 598-599 and the City of Scranton Board of |
Health Death Certificate No. 33622. Name on stone |
in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Clara |
6 December 1873 |
21 January 1874 |
Daughter of Charles & Friedericke FRANK VETTER. |
Information was taken from the records of Zion+E1113 |
Lutheran Church, Pages 420-421. Name on stone |
in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Jacob |
7 May 1880 |
Aged 46 years. Parents' names not listed. Information |
Scranton |
was taken from the Board of Health of the City of |
Scranton Death Certificate No. 747. |
Fred |
6 August 1894 |
Aged 1 week. Parents' names not listed. Information |
Scranton |
was taken from the Board of Health of the City of |
Scranton Death Certificate No. 17387. |
John |
10 February 1889 |
Aged 4 years, 4 months. Son of John & Maria |
Scranton |
WAGNER. Information was taken from the Board |
of Health of the City of Scranton Death Certificate |
No. 7086. |
Mary |
20 November 1894 |
Aged 32 years. Daughter of John WAGNER. |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the Board of Health of the |
City of Scranton Death Certificate No. 17797. |
William |
30 July 1894 |
6 August 1894 |
Son of Fritz & Pauline FROSTEL WAGNER. |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the records of Zion |
Lutheran Church, Pages 572-573 |
Eveline Lilian |
02 October 1904 |
23 January 1905 |
Daughter of Michael & Anne SULZ WALTER. |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the records of Zion |
(church records) |
Lutheran Church, Pages 596-597 and the City of |
24 January 1905 |
Scranton Board of Health Death Certificate No. |
(death certificate) |
33209. Name on stone in Dunmore Cemetery. |
29 November 1864 |
26 November 1904 |
Wife of Jacob WARNER. Daughter of Phillip & |
Scranton |
Christine RIEHL WARNER. Information was taken |
(church records) |
from the records of Zion Lutheran Church, |
27 November 1904 |
Pages 596-597 and the City of Scranton Board of |
(death certificate) |
Health Death Certificate No. 32904. Name on stone |
in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Johann Caspar |
13 June 1839 |
16 February 1872 |
Husband of Kath HAAS WEBER (m. 20 May 1870) |
Aalen, |
Scranton |
Son of Leonhard & Kath. WEBER. Information |
Baden-Wurttemberg |
taken from the records of Zion Lutheran Church. |
Pages 414-415.E967 |
Caroline |
25 August 1870 |
30 March 1875 |
Daughter of John & Carol. WIESEL WEIMS. |
Information was taken from the records of Zion |
Lutheran Church, Pages 422-423. Name on stone |
in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Charles |
20 April 1895 |
Aged 25 years. Parents' names not listed. Information |
Switzerland |
Scranton |
was taken from the Board of Health of the City of |
Scranton Death Certificate No. 18496 |
Albert V. |
26 September 1887 |
22 October 1889 |
Son of John V. & Margar. FORSKER |
Scranton |
Scranton |
WEISSENFLUE. Information was taken from the |
records of Zion Lutheran Church, Pages 560-561. |
Name on stone in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Edward |
12 September 1891 |
31 January 1892 |
Son of John & Margar. FORSKER VON |
WEISSENFLUE. Information was taken from the |
records of Zion Lutheran Church, Pages |
566-567. Name on stone in Dunmore Cemetery. |
n Dunmore Cemetery. |
Arnold V. |
26 June 1891 |
Aged 23 years, 7 months. Parents; names not listed. |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the Board of Health of the |
City of Scranton Death Certificate No. 10868. |
Emilie Wilh. |
23 August 1872 |
10 March 1875 |
Daughter of A. & Emma NOLL WEISSENFLUE. |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the records of Zions |
Lutheran Church, Pages 422-423. Name on stone |
n Dunmore Cemetery. |
Ida Elisab. |
23 August 880 |
18 February 1881 |
Daughter of Andr. & Anna NOLL WEISSENFLUE. |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information taken from the records of Zion Lutheran |
Church, Pages 528-529. Name on stone in Dunmore |
Cemetery. |
Margarethe |
3 October 1870 |
3 November 1871 |
Daughter of Andr. & Anna NOLL WEISSENFLUE. |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information taken from the records of Zion Lutheran |
Church, Pages 414-415. Name on stone in Dunmore |
Cemetery. |
Infant Male |
5 February 1894 |
5 February 1894 |
Stillborn. Son of Jacob & Mary WARNER. |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the Board of Health of the |
City of Scranton Death Certificate No. 16566. |
Friedrich |
16 August 1853 |
16 November 1885 |
Husband of Henriette PHILLIPS (m. 14 December |
Seibelsdord, Bayern |
Scranton |
1878). Son of Conrad & Elisab. HOFFMAN |
WICKEL. Information was taken from the records of |
Zion Lutheran Church, Pages 544-545. Name |
on stone in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Maria WEBER |
16 June 1849 |
30 April 1887 |
Wife of Gottlieb Wm. WIEDEMEYER (m. 25 July |
Sachsenheim, |
Scranton |
1875). Daughter of Gottl. & Rosine HOFMEISTER |
Baden-Wurttemberg |
WEBER. Information was taken from the records |
of Zion Lutheran Church, Pages 550-551. Name on |
stone in Dunmore Cemetery. |
William Walther |
9 June 1886 |
22 March 1887 |
Son of Walter & Louise RUEHL WIELAND. |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information taken from the records of Zion Lutheran |
Church, Pages 550-551. Name on stone in Dunmore |
Cemetery. |
Anna. Kath |
11 August 1870 |
18 August 1871 |
Daughter of Anna WIESEL and unknown father. |
Information was taken from the records of Zion |
Lutheran Church, Pages 414-415. Name on stone in |
Dunmore Cemetery. |
Christian |
5 September 1822 |
30 April 1901 |
Parent's names not listed. Information was taken from |
Dalton |
the records of Zion Lutheran Church, Pages 584-585. |
Name on stone in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Elisabethe FISCH |
12 September 1828 |
13 January 1890 |
Wife of Christ. WIESEL (m. 1851). Daughter of |
Daniel & Elisab. STUMM FISCH. Information was |
taken from the records of Zion+E1253 Lutheran Church |
Pages 560-561. Name on stone in Dunmore |
Cemetery. |
Jacob |
12 September 1891 |
7 March 1894 |
Son of Georg & Rosamunde WILD WIESEL. |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information taken from the records of Zion Lutheran |
Church, Pages 572-573. Name on stone in Dunmore |
Cemetery. |
Josephine E. |
1 December 1881 |
18 May 1885 |
Daughter of John & Josephing PFAFF WILLIAMS |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information taken from the records of Zion Lutheran |
Church, Pages 542-543, Name on stone in |
Dunmore Cemetery. |
Paul |
28 April 1862 |
26 April 1915 |
Son of Gustave & Lena KRAUSE WINKLER. |
Hirschfeld, |
(church records) |
Information was taken from the records of Zion |
Rheinland-Pfalz |
27 April 1915 |
Lutheran Church, Pages 634-635 and Pennsylvania |
(death certificate) |
Death Certificate No. 39454. Name on stone in |
Dunmore Cemetery. |
Carl Theodor |
16 July 1874 |
15 April 1881 |
Daughter of Georg & Anna STEEG WINTERSTEIN. |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information taken from the records of Zion Lutheran |
Church, Pages 530-531, Name on stone in Dunmore |
Cemetery. |
Louise |
25 March 1865 |
27 October 1870 |
Daughter of Georg & Anna STEEG WINTERSTEIN. |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information taken from the records of Zion Lutheran |
Church, Pages 412-413, Name on stone in Dunmore |
Cemetery. |
Wilhelm |
8 May 1868 |
6 January 1875 |
Son of Georg & Anna STEEG WINTERSTEIN. |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the records of Zion |
Lutheran Church, Pages 422-423. Name on stone |
in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Paul |
1 December 1882 |
18 May 1886 |
Son of August & Fredericke WITT. Information was |
Germany |
Scranton |
taken from the Board of Health of the City of Scranton |
Death Certificate No. 3006 |
Martha Wilhelmine |
18 May 1896 |
21 April 1897 |
Daughter of Julius & Barbara BODEMER WITTMER. |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the records of Zion |
Lutheran Church, Pages 578-579. Name on stone |
in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Christina |
30 November 1888 |
Aged about 31 years. Parents' names not listed. |
Germany |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the Board of Health of the |
City of Scranton Death Certificate No. 6865. |
Lena Bertha |
21 May 1888 |
Aged 2 months. Daughter of Christian & A. |
Scranton |
WOEHRLE. Information was taken from the Board |
of Health of the City of Scranton Death Certificate |
No. 5952 |
William |
1885 |
17 September 1885 |
Aged 4 weeks. Daughter of Christian & A. |
Scranton |
Scranton |
WOEHRLE. Information was taken from the Board |
of Health of the City of Scranton Death Certificate |
No. 9351. |
Marie |
1 August 1883 |
Aged 7 months. Daughter of Jacob WOEHRLE. |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the Board of Health of the |
City of Scranton Death Certificate No. 345. |
John |
13 April 1890 |
Aged 31 years. Parents' names not listed. Information |
Scranton |
was taken from the Board of Health of the City of |
Scranton Death Certificate No. 8954 |
Carl |
10 September 1886 |
21 February 1887 |
Son of Carl & Wilhelmina SAUER WOLF. |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the records of Zion |
Lutheran Church, Pages 548-549. Name on stone |
in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Ludwig |
1889 |
13 April 1890 |
Son of Carl & Wilhelmina SAUER WOLF. |
Information was taken from the records of Zion |
Lutheran Church, Pages 560-561. Name on stone |
in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Wilhelmine |
14 November 1887 |
28 April 1888 |
Daughter of Carl & Wilhelmina SAUER WOLF. |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the records of Zion |
Lutheran Church, Pages 554-555. Name on stone |
in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Clara Margar. |
5 December 1884 |
11 June 1885 |
Son of John & Emma JUNG WOLF. Information |
Scranton |
Scranton |
was taken from the records of Zion Lutheran Church, |
Pages 542-543. Name on stone in Dunmore |
Cemetery |
Harry Edw. |
10 September 1883 |
8 June 1885 |
Son of John & Emma JUNG WOLF. Information |
Scranton |
Scranton |
was taken from the records of Zion Lutheran |
Church, Pages 542-543. |
Howard |
2 February 1872 |
21 July 1895 |
Son of John & Emma JUNG WOLF. Information |
Scranton |
Scranton |
was taken from the Board of Health of the City of |
Scranton Death Certificate No. 18871 |
Infant Female |
23 June 1888 |
Aged 6 months. Daughter of John & Emma JUNG |
Scranton |
WOLF. Information was taken from the Board of |
Health of the City of Scranton Death Certificate |
No. 6068. |
Infant Male |
15 February 1891 |
6 March 1891 |
Son of John & Emma JUNG WOLF. Information |
Scranton |
Scranton |
was taken from the Board of Health of the City of |
Scranton Death Certificate No. 10371. |
Infant Male |
8 April 1894 |
8 April 1894 |
Premature Son of John & Emma JUNG WOLF, |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the Board of Health of the |
City of Scranton Death Certificate No. 13631. |
Wilbur Chas. |
03 March 1905 |
27 February 1890 |
Aged 9 months. Son of John & Emma JUNG WOLF. |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the Board of Health of the |
City of Scranton Death Certificate No. |
No. 8761. |
Charley |
28 February 1905 |
26 October 1886 |
Aged 6 weeks. Parents' names not listed. |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the Board of Health of the |
City of Scranton Death Certificate No. 3531. The |
surname on the death certificate is spelled |
IXLANDER. Upon checking in the 1886 Webb's |
Scranton City Directory it was found that there was |
a XYLANDER family living at the same address. |
Gustav |
12 February 1864 |
11 May 1910 |
Parents names not listed. Information was taken |
Scranton |
from the records of Zion Lutheran Church, Pages |
616-617 and Pennsylvania Death Certificate |
No. 50629. |
Clara |
1 November 1882 |
Aged 4 weeks. Daughter of Jacob YOUNG. |
Scranton |
Information was taken from the Board of Health of the |
City of Scranton Death Certificate No. 853. |
John L. |
15 January 1828 |
23 January 1892 |
Husband of Anna Maria BECHTOLD ZEIDLER |
Selb, Bayern |
Scranton |
(m. 8 February 1857). Son of Joh. Oswald & Anna |
Marg. Kath. HUERNBORG ZEIDLER. Inforamtion |
was taken from the records of Zion Lutheran Church, |
Pages 566-567. Name on stone in Dunmore |
Cemetery |
Maria Margar. |
23 September 1888 |
15 July 1890 |
Daughter of Friedrich & Marie WENGART |
Scranton |
Scranton |
ZIEGLER. Information was taken from the records |
of Zion Lutheran Church, Pages 562-563. Name on |
stone in Dunmore Cemetery |
Carl Friedrich |
1 May 1885 |
1 May 1885 |
Son of Christ. Fried. Im. & Louise EiSELE |
Scranton |
Scranton |
ZIZELMAN. Information was taken from the records |
of Zion Lutheran Church, Pages 542-543. Name on |
stone in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Friedrich |
8 August 1882 |
8 August 1882 |
Son of Christ. Fried. Im. & Louise EiSELE |
Scranton |
Scranton |
ZIZELMAN. Information was taken from the records |
of Zion Lutheran Church, Pages 534-535. Name on |
stone in Dunmore Cemetery. |
Rudolph |
1887 |
14 February 1891 |
Aged 3 years, 9 1/2 months. Son of Richard & Julia |
Scranton |
Scranton |
ZULEGER. Information was taken from the Board |
of Health of the City of Scranton Death Certificate |
No. 10310. |
Clara Katharine |
6 January 1871 |
25 September 1872 |
Daughter or Casper & Maria FASSHAUER |
Scranton |
Scranton |
ZWALD. Information taken from the records of Zion |
Lutheran Church, Pages 418-419. |
Theresia |
25 July 1882 |
17 July 1883 |
Daughter of Joh. & Theresia SCHREIBER ZWICK. |
Scranton |
Scranton |
Information taken from the records of Zion Lutheran |
Church, Pages 536-537. Name on stone in Dunmore |
Cemetery. |
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