Above: Entrance at the end of Watson Street. Commonly called Stratford Street Cemetery. Stratford was renamed Rundle St., Hyde Park. |
Richard Evans sent a letter to the editor of the Scranton Times. At left is the what was published on May 19, 2005. Above: The street sign at the intersection of Sloan Street and Amherst Park. Sloan is the northern boundary. |
Haven Horace, Pennsylvania World War I, July 23, 1892 to Aug 8, 19? | Potachnick |
Margaret, Wife of Schlar?? | John Jones 1856 - 1901 |
pages are the only ones showing owners of plots in some sections. Click
the three images below to expand. Sorry, but better images are not
available. Sister of Jim Evans Gwylm Jones Mrs. Gwen Jones Dodge |
Forest Hill Cemetery Database
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