Ruane Newspaper Articles - Page 1

The Scranton Tribune, Wednesday, August 18, 1897 (page 7)

Miss Ruddy Injured

Large Piece of Class Fell From the Sixth Story of a Building and Struck Her on the Head.

A thirty-five foot square pane of plate glass fell from Its frame in the front of the sixth floor of the Kennedy & Carter building, 121 Washington avenue, yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock and crashed down to the sidewalk seriously injuring Miss Bessie Judge, of New York, and Inflicting painful cuts on Charles and Margaret Ruane, of Luzerne Street, with whom Miss Judge is visiting.

The three young people were walking leisurely along the avenue viewing the decorations when the accident occurred. When in front of the upper side of the building which is being renovated for occupancy by Hill & Connell, Mr. Judge heard a crashing sound above him and without losing any time in looking above pushed his sister towards the street and reached for Miss Judge to drag her out of harm's way.

Before this could be done, however, broken glass showered down upon them and Miss Judge fell on the edge of the sidewalk with blood spurting from a terrible gash in her head. A large fragment of the glass had struck edgewise on top of her head indicting a cut four Inches long on the right hand side and severing the temporal artery. A corner of the same piece caught in the young man's coat ripping it out, painfully cutting his little finger. Another piece struck Miss Ruane on the knee causing a painful wound.

Two of Foote and Shears' clerks, who were standing in front of the building at the time and who witnessed the accident hurried to Miss Judge's assistance and carried her into the vacant store room. Drs. Hellner, Burnett and McGrath attended her there and after stepping the (low of blood and sewing up the wound had her removed to the Lackawanna hospital. She was still unconscious at a late hour last evening but the symptoms gave the attending physicians hope that she would pull through all right. She Is 17 years of age and a large, strongly built girl, which is everything in her favor.

At 1 o'clock this morning the hospital physicians reported that Miss Ruddy's condition is extremely critical. The young lady has not recovered consciousness since the accident and it is feared that the worst may happen before many hours. The long period of unconsciousness adds to the probability that the brain Is injured.

The window from which the glass fell had a secondary frame which permitted it to be swung open on a pivot. Plasterers who were at work on that floor yesterday had opened the window in order to cool the room and ignorant of the danger, one of them, later, threw open a corresponding window in the rear of the building. The draft thus created caused the front window to slam and break the glass, thereby loosening the pane from its frame and causing it to drop to the street. Contact with telegraph wires and other obstructions broke the glass into smaller pieces as it was falling. Owe largo piece, however, found its way past the obstructions and it was this that struck Miss Judge. It smashed into a hundred fragments when it landed on the sidewalk. Miss Judge was to have returned home this morning. A farewell party in her honor was arranged by her cousin, Miss Ruane, for last night.

The Scranton Tribune, Thursday, June 16, 1898 (page 6)

Michael J. Ruane, of Cayuga Street, and Miss Margaret Saltry, of West Market Street, were married In Holy Rosary church by Rev J. J. O'Toole. Miss H. Saltry was brides-maid and Martin Coleman best man. A reception followed at the home of the parents. After their bridal tour; Mr. and Mrs. Ruane will reside on West Market Street.

The Scranton Tribune, Saturday, July 16, 1898 (page 8)


A two-story dwelling house owned by Mrs. Margaret Ruane, of School Street, was burned to the ground at 1.30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The origin of the fire is unknown. All the personal belongings of the family, including the household effects, were totally destroyed. There is no insurance.

The Scranton Tribune, Wednesday, September 19, 1900 (page 8)

Patrick Ruane, of Pittston Avenue, while working at the Scranton Axle Works yesterday, had his left hand badly squeezed. He caught it under an axle on which he was working.

The Scranton Tribune, Friday, January 24, 1902 (page 6)

Thomas Ruane, of Keyser Avenue, sustained a painful fracture of the right leg recently. Mr. Ruane was returning to his home when he stepped and fell on the icy walks.

The Scranton Tribune, Friday, April 18, 1902 (page 8)

The funeral of Patrick, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ruane, of Fulton Street, took place from his late residence yesterday afternoon. Services were held at the Holy Rosary Church. Interment was in the Cathedral Cemetery. The pall bearers were chosen from among his playmates.

The Scranton Tribune, Saturday, October 14, 1899 (page 8)


Andrew Ruane, driver boss in the Von Starch slope had his head and face badly cut and one foot smashed by a fall of rock yesterday morning. A physician was called and attended the wounds after which Ruane was removed to his home on Sumner Avenue in the mine ambulance.

The Scranton Tribune, Wednesday, January 3, 1900 (page 6)

COMMITTED TO JAIL. – Alderman Storr yesterday afternoon committed to the county jail Anthony Ruane, charged with assault and battery.

The Scranton Tribune, Thursday morning, May 27, 1897 (page 8)

Anthony Ruane of Cedar Avenue is on the sick list.

The Scranton Tribune, Friday, September 14, 1899 (page 5)


The funeral of P. F. Mullen, who was killed in the wreck on the Lackawanna Road, took place yesterday afternoon from his late home on North Main Avenue. High mass was celebrated at the Holy Rosary church. A largo concourse, of his friends and relatives attended. The floral tributes were, many and beautiful. The Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, of which order he was a faithful member, had charge of the funeral. After the services the remains were laid at rest in the Cathedral cemetery. The pallbearers were: Messrs. M. J. Leonard, Thomas Mulherlin, Anthony Ruane, Michael Gilbride, Michael Finnerty and Harry Conkling.

The Scranton Tribune, Saturday, June 24, 1899 (page 8)


The funeral of the late James Ruane held yesterday from the home of his mother a very pathetic case.

From the home of his mother on Cedar Avenue, Mrs. Bridget Ruane, the funeral of the late James Ruane took place yesterday afternoon.

One of the many pathetic features at the funeral was the arrival of Joseph and Patrick Ruane, brothers to the deceased man, who arrived yesterday afternoon at 3:25 from Omaha, Neb, where they went to attend the funeral of their other brother, Thomas Ruane, assistant chief of the fire department of that city. When the train arrived at the local station a party of friends met the brothers and imparted to them the news of their other brother's death.

The funeral of James was delayed in hopes that they might reach the city in time for the funeral. Services over the remains of James were held In St. John's church on Fig Street. Rev. E. J. Melley, rector of the church, officiated. In his remarks he referred feelingly to the affliction the family was called upon to bear. To the life of the deceased young man he paid a glowing tribute.

At the close of the services the remains were borne to St. Mary's cemetery at Dunmore and laid to rest In the family plot. The pall-bearers were: Thomas and Patrick Ruane, James Connery, John O'Malley, John J. Ruddy and James Murray.

The Scranton Tribune, Wednesday, April 16, 1902 (page 3)


MARTIN PATRICK Ruane, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ruane, of 1620 Fulton Street, died yesterday morning, after a few days' Illness. The deceased was 16 years of age, and at the time of his death was a pupil at No. 25 School. The funeral arrangements will be announced later.

The Scranton Tribune, Friday, July 27, 1900 (page 6)


The funeral of Mrs. Andrew Ruane will take place this morning at 9:50 o'clock from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Anthony Barrett, of Parnell Street. The remains will be conveyed to the Holy Rosary Church, where Rev. J. J. O'Toole will conduct services. Interment will be made in the Cathedral Cemetery.

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