1 - Receptions at rooms of Y.M.C.A
Y.W.C.A. The Bachelors hold their second annual social at the Wyoming.
Between 2,000 and 3,000 people afflicted with the "Grip." The new
school building at Wyoming dedicated with appropriate ceremonies.
2 - Dr. Ralph A. Squires dies, aged
64. The
Yale Alumni Association of Northeastern Pennsylvania holds its seventh
annual banquet at the Arcade hall. The Lake House at Lake Cary burned.
Two hundred feet of the D., L. & W. track at Plymouth caves in.
3 - The New York Philharmonic Club
first of a series of subscription concerts at Academy of Music. New
school building in the third district of Wilkes-Barre dedicated.
6 - Eliezer D. Jenkins declared
Recorder of Deeds and John H. Thomas Clerk of the Courts, by the Judges
in the contested election cases. Yale Glee and Banjo Club gives concert
in Academy of Music.
7 - Connell & Sons' hardware
T.G. Smith's confectionery, Penn avenue, damaged by fire and water.
Lewis, Reilly & Davies' shoe store, Wyoming avenue, damaged by
8 - John H. Thomas assumes the
duties of
Clerk of the Courts. Stephen Coslin falls from the porch of the Dunmore
hotel and killed. Order of Court filed dividing the Ninth ward into two
voting precincts.
9 - Caledonians tender a banquet to
Balmoral Choir at the Westminster Hotel.
10 - Preston Kidney run over and
killed by
cars at Cliff street crossing.
11 - Horace E. Hand lectures before
Y.M.C.A. on "Curiosities of the Law." Bernard Helfrich killed, Jersey
Central road.
12 - Seven buildings destroyed by
fire at
Luzerne Borough.
13 - Miss Kate Connerton struck by
train at
Dodgetown crossing and killed.
14 - J. W. Guernsey's music store and
McComb's printing office damaged by fire and water. New school building
Wilkes-Barre dedicated with appropriate ceremonies.
15 - Gas and Water Company lay first
on Meadow brook line. A cold wave strikes the city.
16 - Benj. Walbren and man named
assaulted and robbed in the Fourteenth ward. William Gilhooly's house,
North End, blown over by gale; family escapes uninjured.
18 - Master Workman Powderly arrested
gives bail in the Callaghan conspiracy case.
20 - Thirty person injured in a
church riot at Plymouth.
21 - The city enjoined from
proceeding with
construction of Elm street bridge. Mrs. J. J. Albright dies.
24 - Caledonian Club celebrates the
anniversary of Robert Burns' birth at the Forest House. Sixth annual
meeting of Union ex-prisoners at Ezra Griffin Post rooms.
27 - The heirs of the late Joseph J.
Albright present to the city, through Board of Trade, for public
library purposes, the old homestead, corner of Washington avenue and
Vine street, and Jos. J Albright, Jr, to erect a building theron at a
cost of $75,000. Patrick Keefe killed by a train of cars at Pittston
30 - Scranton Lodge of Elks hold
session and Celveland's minstrels attend in a body.
31 - The Myrtle Social and Literary
gives a ball in Turner hall.
1 - Five men killed and others
injured by
explosion at Nottingham mine at Plymouth.
3 - One hundred citizens of Newark,
N. J.,
visit this city to inspect the electric railway system.
4 - Four persons burned to death in a
shanty on Moosic mountain. Judge Connolly reprimands and discharges a
jury for bringing in a verdict against the evidence and law.
5 - James Arnold convicted of robbing
Richard Mills in Carbondale.
7 - T. V. Powderly brings suit
against Hon.
Edward Callaghan, Scottdale, for libel. Agnes Boland convicted in court
as a common scold.
8 - Paul Hydo, the slayer of Jacob
sentenced to ten years and three months in penitentiary.
10 - Hook and Ladder Company holds
annual ball. Preliminary injunction continued against the Arcade
11 - John J. Van Nort, Boston store,
victim of a clever forgery of check on B.E. Leonard for $65.
13 - Municipal building loan of city
awarded to the Jarvis-Conklin Mortgage Trust Company.
14 - Charles S. Miller's house, near
Dalton, destroyed by fire.
15 - Friedlander's millinery and
book stores, Lackawanna avenue, damaged by fire and water. John Evans
and Daniel Jones badly burned by explosion in Manville mine.
16 - Remodelled M.E. Church, Main
17 - The ordinance for placing the
municipal bonds found to be defective. Fred Wells falls down shaft at
Forest City and killed.
18 - Father Hussy, Carbondale, wins
gold chalice at Catholic fair.
20 - James Gilbert, the "Arcade
marries Miss Gwenllym Williams in the Armory.
21 - New two-cent postage stamps put
sale. Locomotive Firemen's ball at Turner Hall. Princeton Alumni
Association banquets at Arcade. Lafayette Alumni banquets at Valley
House, Wilkes-Barre.
23 - Dr. Williams preaches to
Sons of America and Patriotic Daughters of Liberty.
24 - City officials of Reading, PA.,
this city to inspect electric lights and railways. First social
reception at R. R. Y. M. C. A. rooms by Ladies' Auxiliary.
25 - David R. Jones' house,
destroyed by fire.
26 - Martin Starrow instantly killed
explosion at L. I. & C. Company's ore mines. New bond ordinance
approved by joint councilmanic building committee. Death of Betsey
Griffin, born 1810.
27 - Blacksmith shop of A.R. Gould
collapses. Luzerne W. C. T. U. convention held at Wyoming.
28 - $11,000 subscribed for the
free library at mass meeting at Academy of Music.
There are more than 3,000 women in this country who are
practicing medicine, whose income is said to range from $5,000 to
$20,000 a year.
It is estimated that more than 20,000,000 cigars are
manufactured every day in the United States alone, and this enormous
number requires in the neighbourhood of 420,000 boxes for their
keeping. As a result, there are over 200 factories in the country
turning these boxes out. The wood of which these boxes are made comes
from Mexico, Central America and the West Indies. The manufacturers buy
the wood in large, heavy logs, and cut it up to suit themselves. Some
of the cheaper grades of boxes are made from poplar cut in the west,
which is afterwards stained to imitate the real cedar. But the only
real good wood for the purpose is the cedar which comes from the
countries named.
3 - Twenty-three remonstrances filed
against granting liquor licenses to certain parties. Judge Archbald
hands down formal opinion in Cusick-Gallagher contested election case.
United States District Court convenes. Cymrodorion Society banquets at
the Wyoming. Eight person imprisoned and burned to death in South
Wilkes-Barre shaft.
4 - Anthony O'Malley fatally injured
falling from a Providence street car. Rev. Wilson, Philadelphia,
lectures in M. E. Church on "Switzerland in Autumn."
5 - James Leonard and Thomas Owens
frightfully injured by mine explosion, Plymouth. Six inches of snow
falls, first sleighing of the winter.
6 - Meeting of ministers and citizens
inaugurate plans for relief of distress among the poor. All Souls'
Chapel, Pine street, dedicated. Wm. Connell & Co. donate to
city 15 acres on South Side for public park. Michael Malia falls 400
feet at Cayuga shaft and is killed.
7 - Benjamin Clark's house at Benton
destroyed by fire.
8 - Store of Central Relief
opens in Burr building, Washington avenue. James Clark run over by a
Kingston street car and killed. Jack Carter and Jack Heffron fight 24
rounds at Miner's Mills and latter wins.
10 - Mrs. Martin Quinn struck by a
train on
the Bloomsburg road and killed. Electric station indicator put on fast
express D., L. & W.
11 - Republican City Committee
presents a
flag to Nineteenth ward for greatest per centage of Republican gain
over Presidential election. Two hundred people furnished relief at
central store. John B. Pettebone suicides at Wilkes-Barre by shooting.
13 - The Royal Arcanum banquets over
Morgan's drug store. Jerry Shea killed on Central Railroad N. J.
14 - Patrick Pidgeon killed in D.
H. yard, Carbondale.
15 - Two persons killed and five
injured by
boiler explosion at Northwest colliery, Carbondale. Amos Sutliff
suicides at West Nanticoke.
17 - St. Patrick's day celebrated by
parades in this city, Wilkes-Barre, Pittston and Carbondale.
18 - Trophies presented to Ninth
Wilkes-Barre Armory.
19 - Thomas Bevan killed and several
injured by explosion at Midvale Colliery.
23 - The body of John Gallagher, who
mysteriously disappeared Feb. 18, found in river at Moosic. Frank Adams
accidentally shot by a companion at Wilkes-Barre.
24 - Joseph A. Thomas cut his through
a razor at Dalton. Mrs. Barbara Davan arrested for secreting her babe
in the woods. Mrs. Anna McCormick and child run down by a careless
driver on Lackawanna avenue. Rev. J. Edward Close dies aged 41,
25 - Wolf Johnson taken to Eastern
Penitentiary. Long distance telephone put in operation at Wilkes-Barre.
26 - Cornell students visit city on
a tour
of inspection. H. R. Madison elected chief engineer. A peck of
counterfeit coin unearthed on South Side. The houses of John Foley and
John Condy, Maple street, burned.
27 - Long distance telephone
29 - Several inches of snow falls.
30 - Mrs. Carey's eating house,
street, cleaned out by fire and water.
31 - Lackawanna Lodge, I.O.O.F.,
reception, 350 present.
It is said that during the twenty years from 1867 to
1887, 6
per cent of all the county records in the United States were destroyed
by fire.
A German statistician who has secured accurate dates
concerning the use of cosmetics throughout the civilized world
estimates that the money which American women pay for cosmetics would
pay for the painting of thirty-seven houses at an expense of $75 a
The banner orange-growing town in Southern California is
Riverside, and it is, perhaps, the richest town in the country, if its
average wealth has been correctly estimated. Of 500 persons 266 are
assessed for more than $4,000 each, which represents $12,000 of value.
1 - Members of the old Councils
banquet at
Hanley's restaurant.
2 - Rudolph Schwartz attempts
Three men killed and several injured at No. 4 slope, Susquehanna Coal
Company. John Pryor shoots and kills Hugh Graham at Duryea.
4 - Edward Dolph dies.
5 - Petition to incorporate Moscow as
borough refused by the grand jury. Fire breaks out in South
Wilkes-Barre shaft.
6 - Elaborate decorations city
churches and
special music.
7 - The new city officers inducted
8 - The Lackawanna bar Association
its annual banquet at Wyoming House. Severe electric, rain and hail
9 - William Jurisch's house, North
burned. G. A. R. hall at Wilkes-Barre dedicated. Death of Mrs. John
10 - John Stewart dies. Snow falls to
depth of several inches. Board of Trade holds annual banquet at the
12 - John Stewart and wife buried and
daughter, Mrs. Stevens, dies.
13 - One thousand people visit
14 - Rev. W. P. Taylor ordained to
priesthood by Bishop Rulison. People's Street Railway purchase South
Side line.
15 - The bill for Scranton federal
passes U. S. Senate. George Kennan lectures in Academy of Music on
Convict Life in Siberia. Company E's fair opens at Honesdale.
16 - Memorial services in Adams
avenue M.
E. Church in memory of Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart and daughter.
18 - Hon. Lewis Pughe elected
President of
the Poor Board.
19 - John E. Murphy killed in mine at
Plymouth, and Litz Allescosky commits suicide.
21 - Papers filed to restrain D.
H. from proceeding with new depot on Lackawanna avenue. Presbytery of
Lackawanna meets in First Church. Hitchner's bakery, Pittston, burned.
22 - State Board of Poor
Commissioners meet
at the Wyoming House. Retail Merchants' Protective Association of
Pennsylvania convenes in Raub's hall. John Dacy killed by falling down
Continental shaft. John Freizer murdered by unknown parties at
23 - Banquet of Grocers' State
at the Wyoming. Hon. Albert Friffin and Walter T. Mills debate "The
Political Duty of Temperance Men" at Academy of Music. Presbytery of
Lackawanna vote for revision of Confession of Faith, 56 - 27.
24 - Presentation of badges to
members of
Thirteenth Regiment in Armory. Banquet at Bicycle Club house.
25 - Organ recital at Second
Church by Samuel P. Warren, New York. Doll entertainment at Adams
avenue M. E. Church.
26 - President Harrison signs the
public building bill.
27 - Mrs. Bridget O'Boyle falls from
bridge and is killed.
28 - Y. M. C. A. anniversary address
Walter C. Douglas, Philadelphia.
29 - Work commenced on the Main
asphalt pavement. W. J. Schubmehl, of Olyphant Gazette, acquitted of
charge of libel.
30 - John Yonowski crushed under a
train of
cars at steel works.
The postal savings banks in Japan, which for several
received little or no attention from the people, have become a great
success. They were established in 1875, but at the end of that year had
only $15,320 on deposit. In 1882, however, it was amounted to
$1,058,000, and in 1889 to $20,450,000.
Over 6,000,000 letters are sent to the dead letter
Large deposits of phosphates have been discovered in
near the Florida boundary.
Alaska has been the largest gold mine in the world. It
lighted by electricity, and is worked day and night.
1 - Kemble, insurance agent,
acquitted of
charge of perjury preferred by Dr. O'Malley.
2 - Emma Huch Opera company in Faust,
Academy. F. Hagen has hand taken off by circular saw.
3 - Mrs. Annie Williams suicides by
"rough on rats".
4 - Lane & O'Hara's
5 - Frankel's comic opera Ujiji given
Academy. Court refuses city's motion for preliminary injunction
restraining D. & H. C. Co. proceeding with new depot building.
6 - Supt. G. W. Phillips re-elected
superintendent of public schools. N. S. Davis re-elected county
superintendent, receiving 88 votes and Prof. Taylor 87. A son of
Charles Kossmann drowned in barrel of water. Prof. T. B. Harrison
elected superintendent of schools in Luzerne.
7 - Twenty buildings consumed by fire
between Swetland and Eighth streets; loss $163,000. M D. Osterhout dies
suddenly in Florida. John Territy jailed for murder of John Freizer at
Olyphant, April 22.
8 - Chas. Kuhlman and Morris Posner
arrested for burglary. Farewell reception to J. Arlington Specer at
Bicycle Club house. John Fiske lectures at Academy for Public Library
9 - Gilmore's band and choir of Welsh
Baptist Church gives matinee and evening concert at Academy.
10 - William Millett killed by powder
explosion at Consumers' powder mill.
11 - Rev. T. C. Edwards, D. D.,
preaches in Academy of Music.
12 - Fourteen buildings destroyed by
at Ashley.
13 - Edward Collins killed at D., L.
& W. car shops. Nicholson post office robbers, Wm. Casterline,
Ernest Titmas and Allan Sprague, arrested.
15 - The Democratic Central Club
rooms 421 Lackawanna avenue. Nineteen men entombed and killed by
explosion in Wilkes-Barre Coal Company's mine at Ashley.
16 - Three Italians killed in a culm
at Olyphant. Seventy-five Masons from Binghamton visit Union Lodge.
17 - Two men killed by explosion at
19 - T. V. Powderly acquitted of
charge of
conspiracy preferred by Edward Callahan, Scottdale. Name of station
changed from Dunning to Elmhurst. State Convention of Red Men meets in
Music Hall. Severe rain and electric storm. John Black of Dunmore dies.
20 - Parade of Red Men over seven
long. Culverts washed away and trains delayed on D., L. & W.
Arthur Davis drowned at Edwardsville. House of Macher Burns,
Providence, damaged by lightning.
21 - Waddell's mine flooded and
eleven men
imprisoned for several hours. Young Fleck of Tunkhannock falls down
stairs in Pittston and killed. Catholic Diocesan Union meets in
22 - A number of places in Peckville
25 - Memorial day services at M. E.
Providence. Mrs. Kimler, Moosic, drowned at Pittston.
26 - Greek George and Peter Romalow
on horseback at the Armory and Greek George wins. Twenty-one persons
engaged in cock-fighting near Pittston, arrested and fined $10 each.
27 - John Eagan, aged 7, drowned in
Lackawanna river.
28 - Benjamin Jones killed by the
cars at
29 - Stewart Lee struck by a
locomotive and
killed. Flag raised on No. 33 school with appropriate exercises.
Reception of welcome to Rev. Mr. Partridge, Penn avenue Baptist Church.
30 - Decoration Day observed by
parade in
the afternoon and entertainment in the evening.
31 - Park Committee select the site
for a
park in the Twentieth ward.
Germany has 19.476 post offices, and England 17,587,
France has but 9,346.
One hundred and fifty million corkscrews are made yearly
1 - Remains of Johnny Hagan, drowned
river at Sand Banks, found at Pittston.
2 - W. R. Jones seriously injured in
4 - Severe rain, hail, wind and
storm. Worthy Grand Lodge A. P. A. of America meets in Raub's hall.
5 - Michael McCue's house, No. 6,
struck by
lightning and burned. Joseph Meyers' house and barn, Bald Mount, torn
to pieces by storm. Barn Pennsylvania Coal Company, Hughestown, burned.
Capt. Paul Boyton, the famous swimmer, entertains 500 people at Lake
6 - Chief Wade and Attorney Soper
in a fisticuff. Two buildings damaged by fire, Madison and Jefferson
avenue, by electric wires. No. 12 school house struck by lightning.
8 - Frank Auer, 65, Oxford street,
by hanging. Excursions from this city and Dunmore to re-union of
Locomotive Engineers, Wilkes-Barre.
9 - Dr. Gibbons' horses run away and
demolish the carriage. Crystal Hose Company celebrates its seventeenth
anniversary. Nay-Aug Hose Company removes to new quarters on Spruce
street. Paul Bumbach burned to death in fire, Wilkes-Barre.
10 - The houses of Joseph H. Gunster,
Samuel Hines and C.J. Powell, entered by burglars. Mamie Quinlan struck
by a train at the silk mill and killed. Russy Capwell shot by Larry
Post, Lake Winola.
11 - W. P. Buswell, Ill., robbed of
and other articles, D. L. & W depot. A large party of coal men
from New York and Philadelphia banquet at the Wyoming. Morgan Lewis
killed by lightning near Olyphant.
12 - Albert Repp's house, Mill
damaged by lightning. Urbane Bulton, Springville, takes strychnine and
13 - Owen McAloon, Glenburn, dies
sitting in a chair. Allen Barr killed at Von Storch mines.
15 - Floral Sunday observed by a
number of
churches. Wm. Connell & Co.'s round house and two engines
17 - Victor Koch's horse defeats
Durr's in half-mile race at Driving Park.
18 - Part of coal men from Baltimore
this city.
19 - Harry Howe dies, aged 23.
Street Railway commence laying track on Linden street. Phoenix Hose
Company picnics at Wahler's Grove. Suburban Park opened for season by
Bauer's band.
21 - John Territy sentenced to
for ten years for murdering Mike Freizer, Olyphant. John Theil crushed
to death, Hyde Park mine. George Matey shoots and kills Peter Rudamish,
Forest City. Corner-stone M. E. Church, Germyn, laid.
22 - Bertha Kelder, aged 13, falls
cliff at Nay-Aug falls and instantly killed. George W. Moss convicted
of wife murder at Wilkes-Barre.
23 - Charter granted for Pennsylvania
Midland Railroad Company.
24 - Michael Gary run over and killed
cars near Dunmore. Alonzo Hedglin killed on railroad, Waymart.
Commencement of St. Cecilia's Academy. Hugh Monahan convicted of
manslaughter in killing Thomas Geraghty.
25 - St. Patrick's fourth annual
commencement. George Hicks, aged fourteen, drowned at Plymouth. Samuel
Gregory killed in mines.
26 - Senator Watres given a reception
return from Harrisburg in honor of his nomination as Lieutenant
Governor. Corner stone of Jackson street Baptist Church laid. Samuel
Hicks drowned at Wilkes-Barre.
27 - Fourteenth annual commencement
exercises Scranton High School in Academy of Music.
28 - Blanche Evans attempts to shoot
William J. Evans in Higgins & Co.'s store, Wilkes-Barre.
A novel flower has been discovered at the Isthmus of
Tehuantepec. This floral chameleon has the power of changing its colors
during the day. In the morning it is white, when the sun is at its
zenith it is red, and at night it is blue. Only at noon does it give
out any perfume.
1 - Mt. Pleasant Coal Co.'s barn
burned -
loss $8,000.
2 - Democratic state Convention meets
Academy of Music, Robert E. Pattison nominated for Governor and
Chauncey F. Black for Lieut.-Governor; C. H. Smith's house, Tenth
street, robbed of money and jewelry.
3 - B. Galland fails for $50,000.
4 - 4,000 people attend Caledonian
Driving Park, balloon ascent and parachute descent by Mr. Williams;
Geo. C. Green falls from wagon at Factoryville and killed; South Side
celebrates with parade; great parade at Wilkes-Barre and Carbondale.
7 - Poor Board holds its first
meeting at
the Home. Caroline Gaerliz falls from cherry tree, Petersburg, and
killed; Judge Archbald appoints Mrs. Frances B. Swan a poor director to
succeed John Stewart; three houses burned at Olyphant.
8 - 98 degrees in the shade; a young
cyclone struck the city about 11 at night; several persons postrated by
the heat; fire in Bill Robb's restaurant; Dr. W. Donne's drug store,
Providence, burned and Barney Clark's house damaged; Wm. D. Robert run
over and killed by cars at Waverly.
11 - Edward F. Blewitt elected City
12 - Thomas S. Davis' dead body found
in a
small creek in Keiser Valley; Mrs. Marshall Henry bitten by a
rattlesnake and dies in a few hours.
13 - Mrs. Ellis Stribo, Olyphant,
burned by explosion of kerosene lamp; two houses burned at Maltby.
15 - Several buildings struck by
and damaged; Plymouth damaged $50,000 by storm.
16 - Arnold Corey's barn in Abington
destroyed by lightning.
17 - The barn of Wm. Shennan, Scott,
by lightning and destroyed.
18 - Smith caught in gearing of
Dickson works, and killed; Michael Gibbons run over by a train at
Miner's Mills and killed.
19 - Thirteenth regiment leaves for
Hartranft, Mt. Gretna; Emerson Waters killed in Johnson's mine.
21 - The German Saengerfest opened
torchlight procession and public meeting on the Federal postoffice
plot; Ontario, Carbondale and Scranton road opened to passenger
22 - City Solicitor Burns gives
that Ed. F. Blewitt's election as City Engineer is void; afternoon and
evening concerts of German Saengerfest, Academy of Music.
23 - Maloney & Co.'s oil
destroyed by fire; Saengerfest excursion to Farview; John Calizia has
his head cut off by cars at Green Ridge.
25 - Henry Smith has four fingers cut
by a shaving machine, Keller's carriage works.
26 - Thirteenth regiment returns home
Mt. Gretna.
29 - Over 500 persons go on the
Association excursion to Hancock over Ontario and Western.
31 - The thermometer registers 96 in
Altogether in the world there are about 500,000,000
of Buddha. In France alone there are 30,000.
Great Britain has 1,421,389 horses - that is 4 horses
cultivated acre. England alone has 1,091,041; Scotland, 189,205.
Turkish engineers say that the river Euphrates might be
navigable the year round by an expenditure of $100,000.
Beef loses 25 per cent of its weight when baked.
1 - Boy named Blackwell drowned in
river at Plymouth.
2 - D., L. & W put on a
3 - Corner stone new Catholic church,
Paul, laid with imposing ceremonies.
5 - State Convention, Sons of St.
meets in Raub's Hall; Pasco and Arthur Granville killed by the cars at
Nay-Aug; Patrick and William Riley killed on the Ontario, Carbondale
and Scranton.
6 - Sons of St. George banquet at the
7 - P. F. Ryan's house, Orchard
burned; Sons of St. George picnic at Lake Ariel; excursion of 600 from
Walton, NY, visit this city.
9 - Peter Lovan shot and killed by
Murray near Hancock.
10 - Patrick Fadgens fatally shoots
11 - Mrs. Frederick Wilharm killed by
passenger train at Nay-Aug.
13 - Del Foote's horse "Jules Mann"
Dr. Hill's "Charley Hill" half mile, Driving Park.
14 - Bauer's band runs an excursion
to Lake
Ariel ; J. B. Van Bergen married to Mrs. Mary H. Watt.
16 - James Phillips, Carbondale,
struck by
a train on the D. & H. at Green Ridge, and killed.
18 - Two burglars steal the safe from
hotel at Bull's Head; the large breaker of D., L & W at Central
Mine burned, loss $150,000; eleven men and fifty mules in mine have a
narrow escape from death.
19 - A terrible cyclone strikes
Wilkes-Barre at 5:45pm, 400 buildings wrecked, 17 persons killed or
died within a short time; 200 more or less injured, property loss half
million dollars.
22 - Houses unroofed and trees blown
by storm, Carbondale.
24 - Corner stone of new convent and
parochial school, South Side, laid by Bishop O'Hara - 3,000 present;
African M. E. church holds bush meetings at Driving Park; Wm. McConnell
commences a series of talks on temperance in R. R. Y. M. C. A. hall.
25 - William Williamson, New York,
has a
leg cut off by a train of cars at Vine street; the Saengerfest of
united singing societies of South Side opens.
26 - D. Scott Shoemaker, night clerk
Forest House, blows his brains out with a revolver in the Wyoming House
bar room; Edward L. Smyth, who eloped with Miss Rose Warner, arrested
in Rochester, and returned to this city on a charge of embezzlement and
bigamy; Saengerfest holds two concerts on South Side; Joseph Stevens
falls down shaft at Mayville and killed.
28 - An excursion numbering 500 from
Hancock, NY, visits this city; Owen Cusick's Stevie trots a mile in
2:19 at Hartford, Conn.
29 - The postoffice at Plymouth
30 - The L. I. & C. Co. take
possession of the Fairlawn colliery; Scranton police team defeats
Wilkes-Barre team in a tug of war match at Caledonian games, Luzerne
31 - Jewish synagogue, Linden street,
rededicated; J. W. Brock dies.
Hints for Business Men
Look to your credits, but look out when your credit is
Have an eye to all that may damage by neglect.
Get into an old firm rather than establish a new one.
Have a general extended knowledge of all things in which
When you buy, take care, when you sell, take quadruple
Marry early a good wife; but a poor one may be better
Better be upright with poverty than wicked with plenty.
Don't depend upon your own lungs alone; use the lungs of
Never regret what is irretrievably lost.
1 - The United States Court convenes,
Acheson upon the bench; Labor Day observed in Wilkes-Barre by parade
and picnic at Mountain Park.
2 - Train on the New York, Ontario
Western knocked from track by cow at Mayville; Mrs. Grier's hotel
wrecked and Wm. Lyons killed.
3 - Wm. Hughes fatally injured and
Jones seriously at Sand Bank crossing by a train, horse killed and
wagon demolished; H. B. Rockwell dies, 72; eighty-third anniversary of
Abington Baptist association at Waverly.
5 - William Talfero (colored) falls
tank of boiling asphalt and seriously burned; fifty-seventh annual
session Pennsylvania Christian Conference held in Providence.
7 - Slight fire in the Burr block;
Bolckenkamp whirled to death by the big engine at the blast furnace;
Harvest Home festival at Trinity Lutheran church.
8 - Hook and Ladder company opens
their new
house with a royal entertainment.
9 - Fire Department have finest
since their organization; Geo. W. Moss sentenced to death by Judge Rice
for wife murder.
10 - Melita Commandery, Knights
new officers installed, banquet at the Wyoming.
12 - Alex Hay robbed of a watch while
asleep in his shop; Mrs. Baltzar Gorman killed by a train on Lehigh
Valley, Wilkes-Barre
13 - John Gladdy, Chas. Olmstead and
a boy
killed by fall of trestling at Duryea; Order of Railway Conductors hold
union meeting in Academy of Music.
15 - D. W. Swan dies suddenly.
16 - Joseph Ludka and Wadeck Salewski
killed at Bellevue Breaker.
17 - Mrs. Bridget O'Mahoney drowned
in a
pool at Peckville.
18 - The body of Thomas Carmody, who
been missing for some days, found in the Lackawanna river; reception
given to the Thirteenth regiment rifle team on their arrival from Mt.
20 - Edward Sunday's store and
and house of John Westphal, Willow street, burned; Anthony Jennings,
James Sullivan, Lawrence Casey, Edward Buttson, killed by explosion,
Hollenback breaker, Wilkes-Barre.
21 - Postoffice and station at
robbed of money and stamps; Patrick Lavelle crushed to death by cars at
22 - Lackawanna County Agricultural
opens; Mrs. Wm. Bell and two daughters of Peckville, injured in a
runaway, Washington avenue; Joseph Pace and Martin Flynn killed on
railroad near Pittston.
24 - Walter Swartz, of Dalton, killed
the D., L. & W. road.
25 - One hudred and forty-eight men
26 - Two hundred men receive their
naturalization papers.
28 - Anthony Barrett's house on
street destroyed by fire.
30 - Ex-Sheriff Lewis appointed
manager of the New York, Susquehanna and Western R. R. Co., at
Meshoppen; Thos. Henry shoots Leslie Kellogg and John Lord, producing
serious injury.
Wedding Celebrations
The wedding celebrations occur as follows. Three days,
sixty days, vinegar; 1st anniversary, iron; 5th anniversary, wooden;
10th anniversary, tin; 15th anniversary, crystal; 20th anniversary,
china; 25th anniversary, silver; 30th anniversary, cotton; 35th
anniversary, linen; 40th anniversary, woollen; 45th anniversary, silk;
50th anniversary, golden; 75th anniversary, diamond.
Go into business on your own money and rather too late
too early in life.
2 - Electric City Lodge K. of P. was
instituted at Mannerchor Hall, Washburn street.
3 - In the breach of promise case of
Husaboe vs. Rev. Peter Roberts, the jury returns verdict of $3,000 in
favour of the plaintiff.
5 - Mrs. Jacob Shaffer seriously
in a runaway accident on Washington avenue.
6 - Joseph Rees suffocated by gas at
Johnson's office at Breaker; James Reilley killed on the track at
7 - Michal Swift drops dead, Dunmore;
C. L. Weisswasser installed pastor of the Hickory street Presbyterian
8 - Chas. Armstrong was killed and
other men frightfully burned by explosion of gas Kingston Coal Co.
mine, Plymouth; great parade of Junion American Protestant Association
at Wilkes-barre, Grand Lodge.
9 - Miners at Bull Head colliery
strike for
increase of ten cents a car; Co. D wins the Colonel's trophy; commence
paving Main street, Carbondale.
10 - C. D. Winters & Co.'s
store in
Jermyn robbed of watches, chains and other valuable articles; 100th
anniversary of the birth of Father Mathew celebrated in Hyde Park,
6,000 men in line, streets decorated.
11 - Fred. Weichel, Sr., dies
13 - Catherine Walters convicted in
on the charge of being a common scold.
14 - Simon Clark, aged 70, falls dead
St. James hotel; Lutheran Ministerium opens in church, Adams avenue;
Geo. W. Phillips appointed County Detective, Luzerne.
15 -Sixteenth annual session of the
Pennsylvania Women's Christian Temperance Union, opened in Academy of
Music, 400 delegates; Knights Templar parade at Wilkes-Barre;
ex-Governor Pattison and party invade Luzerne county on election tour;
meeting of Woman's Presbyterial at Wilkes-Barre.
16 - Ex-Governor Pattison and Chauncy
Black and party given reception by Democrats, meeting in Armory.
16 - Senator Delamater and party
with great enthusiasm by the people through Lackawanna valley, great
reception, parade and immense meeting at Armory, fireworks; John W.
Davis was shot and instantly killed by police officer William Weathers
at Pittston.
20 - Anthony Scanlon, jr., appointed
detective, the first made under the act in Lackawanna county; Executive
Committee Wayne-Lackawanna Pomona Grange meets at Forest House; Rev. C.
C. McLean, Adams avenue M. E. Church, resigns; Sanford Woolbaugh's boy
drowned in Lackawanna river, Dodgetown; conference of Republican
contest for Senator, Wayne-Susquehanna district with friends here,
conference at Forest House.
22 - Mrs. Bridget Moran and Mrs.
Hennigan convicted as common scolds; corner stone of St. David's
Episcopal church laid, West Side; 50 members Lackawanna Council, Royal
Arcanum, visit Archbald Lodge; Plainsville Water Company incorporated;
Frederick W. Klinges drowned, Wilkes-Barre.
23 - Donation Day at the Home; ground
broken for the government building.
26 - Thomas Bourke, Sand Banks,
suicide by cutting throat; Andre Peditok mortally wounded in a fight,
struck in head with axe during quarrel.
28 -Big Republican rally in Mears'
Hall; H.
M. Dale, Major Everett Warren, Hon. Chas. H. Litchman, A. J. Colborn;
Justus Von Storch dies aged 66; 17th anniversary entertainment Robert
Burns lodge.
29 - The printers hold their annual
ball at
Turner Hall; Women's Foreign Missionary Society convenes Franklin M E.
church, Wilkes-Barre.
30 - Councils appoint Wm. Connell,
Robinson and W. T. Smith committee to arbitrate with D. & H. in
reference to parapet wall, Lackawanna bridge; the Slocum chapel in
Exeter borough dedicated.
31 - Ground staked out for the
Memorial building; prizes awarded to Y. M. C. A. gymnasts; Republican
rally, torchlight parade at Taylorville.
1 - John Barrett, Archbald, awarded
damages against New York, Ontario and Western railroad for land taken
by company.
3 - Camp 8, Sons of Veterans, give
visiting Colonel of Pennsylvania division a reception.
4 - William Kennedy killed by cars at
5 - Collision on Ontario, Carbondale
Scranton railroad at Mayfield, Chas. Finnegan and a man named Burke
6 - Church Coal Company's breaker
Democrats jubilate over victory.
8 - St. Mary's German Catholic church
closed with net receipts of $7,000.
10 - Thomas Kerns, conductor, and Wm.
Smith, engineer, arrested for causing fatal accident on the N.Y., Ont.
& S. R. R.; Arthur Reynold, Elmhurst, run over and fatally
injured by the cars.
12 - William Hughes defeats James
Evans in
foot race at Driving Park; John Pryor convicted of manslaughter at
13 - Five buildings destroyed by fire
14 - Luzerne and Lackawanna Christian
Enveavor Union meets in semi-annual convention Penn avenue Baptist
church; Perseverance Club banquets at the Westminster.
16 - Anthony Battle dangerously
wounds Wm.
Boyle with flobert rifle; John Matosofki falls down stairs and breaks
his neck.
17 - Judge Gunster refuses a new
trial to
Rev. Peter Roberts in breach of promise case brought by Miss Annie
Husaboe, damages awarded $3,000; Strauss' Vienna orchestra gives to
concerts in Academy of Music.
19 - Seven houses burned at
Nanticoke; John
Beaumont killed in the mines at Wilkes-Barre.
20 - Thomas Maroney crushed to death
by the
cars, D., L. & W. yard.
21 - Mary Swedelski burned to death
Dodgetown; Patrick O'Horo crushed to death Pennsylvania road,
Wilkes-Barre; Moses H. Burgunder and J. D. Mishler lease Academy of
Music for a number of years.
22 - Rev. Peter Roberts surrendered
by his
bondsmen and committed to jail.
23 - Catholic church at Nicholson
by fire; Fannie Van Gorder makes an unsuccessful attempt at suicide by
24 - Music Hall opens under new
Wm. J. Thomas has leg broken in Continental mine; Judge Archbald
decides Decoration Day as a legal holiday in regard to legal
proceeding, as on papers due or presented to banks.
25 - Fairview House and store at Mt.
destroyed by fire.
26 - John Hansen killed at L. I.
C. Co. mills.
27 - Thanksgiving observed by general
suspension of business, and servies at the churches; Robert Davis run
over and killed by cars at Mt. Pleasant and James Y. Murphy killed in
Connell's mine.
29 - Patrick Harden suicides by
John Duffy killed at the L. I. & C. Co. mills
30 - Thirty-fourth annual meeting of
Lackawanna Bible Society at Second Presbyterian church.
For Cracked Lips
Early in the autumn the winds cause fissures or cracks
in the
lips that are not only extremely unpleasant to look upon, but are
exquisitely painful, and by touching them with your tongue you
intensify the pain very much. Go to the drug store and say you want
citron cream. Apply this with your fingers, or a soft linen cloth, and
the cooling and healing result that will follow will convince you that
even in medicine sometimes old things are best.
1 - The jury in the Flood-Cummings
after being out six days, fail to agree, standing 11 to 1, both parties
agreed to accept verdict of the 11 men; first real snow storm of the
season; thermometer 7 degrees below zero.
2 - Thomas Kerns, conductor on the
and Western railroad convicted of neglect of duty in causing the fatal
accident near Carbondale; James Casey killed at steel works.
3 - Richard Beers falls dead in court
at Honesdale.
4 - James McLaughlin has arm crushed
cars; Michael Barrett found guilty of cutting off a horse's tongue.
5 - East span of Lackawanna avenue
condemned as unsafe; Joseph Williams killed in Diamond mine.
7 - The interior of Simpson M. E.
burned - loss, 29,000; Matthews Bros. drug store damaged by fire and
8 - St. Paul's church fair opens in
Hall; several inches of snow fall; opening reception of new rooms of Y.
W. M. C. A., 205 Washington avenue.
10 - Henry M. Stanley, the African
explorer, lectures at the Academy of Music.
12 - John McCoy, Wm. Reese, Michael
Gallagher and Lot Ludwig injured by explosion of gas, Diamond mine.
14 - Michael McCormick has both legs
crushed below the knees in attempting to board moving train D., L.
& W. yard.
15 - The Adamowski quartet gives
Academy of Music; Teachers' institute of Luzerne county opens.
16 - John Loftus run over and killed
cars on Ontario & Western, near Jermyn.
17 - Wilson Moon kicked by a mule and
killed at Manville shaft; five shafts affected by a cave in at Parsons;
severe storm of rain, snow, blast and sleet, the worst for years.
18 - Orchard Preserving works
destroyed by
fire, and Hook and Ladder house damaged.
20 - Rev. Peter Roberts released from
under insolvent law; Edward Lewsley has hand taken off by cars, at
Green Ridge.
21 - St. Paul's church, Green Ridge,
22 - Fourth annual banquet of
County New England society held at the Bicycle club house.
23 - J. J. Brink's house, D. L.
W. barn at Elmhurst, destroyed by fire.
25 - Services held at most of
churches -
cold and excellent sleighing.
26 - From seven to eight inches of
fall; street car traffic suspended; the Pirie novelty store, Penn
avenue and Centre street, damaged by fire.
27 - Fairlawn store, at Pine Brook,
by fire.
28 - Confirmation administered to
hundred children, St. Patrick's Catholic church.
29 - Lackawanna Camping Club's
Concert and
Social; David Paterson, for 40 years a resident of Scranton, died, aged
60 years; Attorney Comegys retires from District Attorney's office.
30 - Public presentation of Grand
memorial volumes to Griffin and Monies posts at Academy of Music;
closing entertainment of the Fairlawn mission lecture course, with
lecture by Rev. C. C. McLean on "The New South" and the "American
31 - First annual ball of the Hyde
Pleasure Club at Mears Hall.
Cure for Neuralgia
A friend who suffered horrible pains from neuralgia,
of a physician in Germany who invariably cured the disease, went to him
and was permanently cured after a short sojourn. The doctor gave him
the remedy, which was nothing but a poultice and tea made of the common
field thistle. The leaves are macerated and used as a poultice to the
parts affected, while a small quantity of the same is boiled down to
the proportion of a quart to a pint and a small wineglassful drank
before each meal.